The war between demons and angels has been happening since the beginning of time and space. The scales have been balanced and were suppose to stay that way. Till the demon held a giant siege. No time to prepare heaven was burned and crashed in hours. In order to save the angel race, god sent angels of the elements to earth to grow strong and find each other before the demons do. The demons took the blood of the angels and made demons of elements too. The angels are now awake and on the search, But who will find who first.

The story takes place in the country of Nero in the year 2105. The cities in the country are City of Chrono, City of towers, Academy city and genesis city. The capitol is genesis city, known for its beauty and weird tower in the middle of the city. The tower has been there before the tower. No amount of study has unlocked its secrets. City of chrono or city of time was named after the open land and big clock tower. The clock tower is so high is can see past the mountains and part of the tower in genesis. City of towers has many skyscrapers and shops. Every where are huge shops. But some say ruins of a city are under this city. Academy city a giant city or school. Students can be sent her to learn from the best.

We have a setting and year. All we need now are the characters. Will you save your race and earth or destory and kill all. Only you can tell as this story takes place. Will you be apart of it?

Angels of element
angel of fire-
angel of water-
angel of wind- unforgiven blade
angel of earth-
angel of dark-
angel of light-
angel of ice-
angel of crystal- Angel of Hollowness
angel of metal-
angel of beast-
angel of lightning-

Demon of elements
demon of fire- lillycat
demon of water-
demon of wind-
demon of earth-
demon of dark-
demon of light-
demon of ice-
demon of crystal-
demon of metal-
demon of beast-
demon of lightning- ShadowHunter