Welcome to Roanapur!

On a lonely peninsula sitting between a wild tropical jungle and a foreboding pitch black sea, sailors sometimes spot a mysterious light amidst a fog so thick you could taste the salt on it. Therein lies the mysterious and dangerous crime city of Roanapur. Known well for its reputation as a haven for the worlds most dangerous criminals and organized crime groups. Recently, emerging superhuman beings known as contractors who have no country or organization willing to sponsor them have also found safety within Roanapur's walls. The smarter of these contractors manage to eke out an existence by using their superhuman abilities to commit assassinations or other underhanded jobs to make a living. If they're lucky, they gain sponsorship from the organizations they work for and thus a fair sum of money and track-covering for their services.

You've managed to wander into the city one day, coming across the famous warning bridge. Every day they change the bodies hanging from the nooses on the side opposite the city; telling all who approach what awaits them should they wander in carelessly. Those who have a cushy job or a loving family waiting for them back home should turn away now. Those with nothing left to lose except the will to live, we welcome you. The danger is ever-present; but for those with the skills, the smarts, the instincts and the willpower to survive a never-ending party with the worlds biggest melting-pot of social misfits awaits you.