In this literate role play, you are an inhabitant of a city where the barriers that separate the living from the spirit world have been broken. It is often dark, very cloudy, sometimes raining, and always cold...

The city is in disarray. Every building, every street, every corner- ANYTHING that even casts a shadow- is HAUNTED! There are monster infestations of all kinds. Perhaps you are a ghostbuster or a hunter cleaning up the city. You could easily be an innocent soul minding your own business. Maybe you're a spook too... whether you know it or not!

In your join request, please include a reason why you wish to join, a sample of your writing or role playing, and a rephrasing of one of the rules listed below.

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1. Create thread in profile section, post profile for character, wait for approval by Captain or Vice Captain before posting.

2. Absolutely no MODDING. You may not control another person's character. Only your own, please. No all-powerful characters with too many abilities to lord over other characters.

3. Fights are allowed and even encouraged, within reason (do not provoke the unwilling), but no killing without first being granted consent by the character's user.

4. The following is the attitude towards romances: rated PG-13 rambunctiousness is okay but the minute it gets hardcore--- even with censors--- forget it. Time skip. Graphic nudity is not allowed!

5. CENSOR ALL CUSS WORDS with asterisks or symbols. Blatant profanity isn't screen friendly--- I want to avoid awkward O.T.S. reader situations.

6. No text towers. Please if you quote, edit out their post or compact it to include only the last important line.

7. NO ONE LINERS of text font size bigger than 10, especially one liners that are only dialogue. Show and tell, don't just tell.

8. BE ACTIVE, if you are going to be away for a while or something notify the guild in the vacation thread. If you are in the middle of an RP thread-- make an exit-- or PM those involved.

9. (I will be lax about this). Do not use large images that eat a chunk of the screen when you include them in your post. Try to find a small or medium sized image to use.

10. If you violate the rules three times I will immediately ban you. However, if the gravity of the offense is great then even if it was a one time transgression I will ban hammer you. Don't be hatin' --- I merely have to protect the guild from trolls.


Our sister guilds:
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Creatures of sea and water folklore attend a school centered in a small beach community.

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Cowboys and werewolves in desert RP loosely based on the monster and man concepts of Beowulf.