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___ Gaia Theatre Company ___

This guild is dedicated to all things theatrical, including discussion, performance, knowledge, and passion for the arts.

One of the most wonderful things that mankind has ever participated is the art of storytelling. It passes the knowledge of one generation to the next in a comprehensible way, and entertains at the same time.

Theatre was developed to fulfill the ancient human need for empathy, by relating the tales of Ages past, and teaching essential lessons.

The art of stage performance provides an insight into the human condition, and the way in which we all interact. I hope you enjoy the role that the Gaia Theatre Company has to play in the drama of mankind.

---GTC managers

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P.S. If you want to donate gold to this guild for future productions, please do not use the donate button. Send donations by trade to the Guild mule account The Theatre Company if you are so generous as to be our patrons! Thank you!