When one has lived a good life they cross the celestial arch into heaven. The Arch is gateway from the mortal world to the after life. But, for those of us who have lived a life of death and destruction, even for the good, the Arch has fallen, and we know not if we will be allowed to pass through the gateway. Dispite that we carry on, we continue to fight for the greater good of this world even if our entry into heaven will not be granted. We are the Fallen Arch Clan.

This is the Fallen Arch Clan, FAC for short. We are warriors of the old code working to protect Gaia and be the best warriors we can be. We fight so others do not have to, to avoid death in war and struggle. The FAC is a family of warriors who protect each other and always aid each other in battle. Of course we have our usual tournaments and battles with rps here or there. We are respectful and follow the rules of rping including no god modding. THE FAC ARE WARRIORS WHO REPRESENT THE GOOD.

I'm Rave Matthias, I lead the FAC. Aeroknight and Kaizer Rahrin are my seconds in command.

Things to do in the FAC. Join a squad, this is very important to our growth and events. We need more people in squads. The FAC is big on fun things, we've had several dances, tournaments, avi contests, and other strange things of the sort. But you'll only get to see if you come check it out.

This is the Fallen Arch Clan, like it or not, we're here to stay.

Wanna join?

I want a paragraph on why you would like to be a member and what would make you a good member. If you were sent here by another member, please let me know who recommended you. I also want an example of your role playing. No one liners.

After your accepted, fill this out in the members registation page:

Name: (Gaia account)
RP name:
Location RP:
Element: (element: earth fire wind water poison lightning plants ice void dark light shadow holy unknown)
Class: (race and class, class is like warrior, samurai, lord, knight tec...)
Alignment: (good/evil/changing life)
Age RP:
Weapon used: (weapon type and name)
Special attack: Name and a description