στρατόπεδο ήμισυ αίματος

ψεζςσπε. The technical term for a person born from a mortal and a Greek God is a Demigod. You are here because your mother or father (whichever one you have not met) is a Greek God. You have powers unlike any other mortal alive...you just don't know it yet. There is no place safe on heaven or earth for you now. The only hope of surviving is staying in this camp. This is who you are...


For many years, the Half-Bloods have lived in peace. Or, what they would call peace. But that didn't last for long. The remaining Titans of the earth sought revenge. Revenge for their fallen family members defeated by the Gods and the demigods. However, that generation has past. The Titans War is over. The Great Prophecy has passed. But the Titans revenge have not.

Recently, Titans have been mating with mortals creating Demititans. Somehow, they've escaped their cages but their power is destroyed. All they can do is leave it up to their sons and daughters to fight their battles for them. These Demititans are going disguised to Camp Half-Blood as unclaimed demigods and acting as spies. The Demigods do not know that these mysterious unclaimed demigods are actually demititans.

These evil Titan Half-Bloods have been kidnapping the demigods to anger the gods. Some demititans are stationed at Camp Half Blood spying. Others are placed at a place called Camp Carnage, keeping watching on the newly imprisoned demigods. Throughout the past weeks, many Half-Bloods have disappeared. Some are still alive, some are dead, and some have switched sides to the dark side. The Gods, however, are unaware of the new children of the Titan gods. They are blaming each other for the disappearances of their children and a new war is rising up.

Now, it's up the demigods of Camp Half-Blood to set things right before it's too late.

New Allys or New enemy's?
The Romans and Greeks(Graecus) have always been at each other.
Rumor has been heard that there is a Camp...but not for Greeks, but Roman children of the Gods. Somewhere in California.(where no wise dimi-greek god would dare go)
Is it true, will they stir up more trouble and fight against the Greeks again. Or with the help of gods and dimi-gods well they be allys against the Titans.

~open and accepting~