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This is an art freebie guild were people can request, draw, and receive art of characters and avatars that are generally considered more difficult and rarely drawn in the Art Freebies forum.

xxxxxxxx[x] This includes, but is not limited to:
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] Furry / Anthro
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] Animals
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] Robotic / Mecha
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] Armor
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] Monsters
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] Aliens
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] Extremely Muscled
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] Very old or young
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] Cluttered or Extremely Detailed

How to Join

xxxxxxxx[x] When sending a request to join, please give a reason.
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] Artists must be interested in drawing more than 'simple' requests
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] Requestors must have ocs/avis that will give artists enough of a challenge
xxxxxxxxxxxxx[x] You can be both Artist and Requestor
xxxxxxxx[x] Requests to join will be accepted by staff and you will be allowed to post in the forums.