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We're so glad you're here! Helina and Sineag are your hosts, if you have any questions, feel free to PM us or make a thread here!

At ART CONVERSATIONS, you will find great conversation with great people. Now, you may be asking: "What is up with the title...? What does it mean?" Well, at ART CONVERSATIONS, you communicate with, well, art! Instead of text, you post images! You can post images of just your handwriting--if you're REALLY lazy--or your can post images of yourself/character speaking! It's great fun!

Artists of all levels can join--it's a learning experience as well as good way to pass time. Just keep in mind, if you don't have an easy way posting your art through posts, it may not be a good idea to join this guild.

Oftentimes, this guild hits some dry spots. You know, with inactivity and gaps between posts. But don't let that deter you! As artists, we have inspiration that can hit us suddenly and leave us just as quickly. Also, we're all busy people, going to school, working the daily grind, living the dream life. You know, all that jazz that is real life.

So, don't be afraid! Dive in and have some fun.


Helina & Sineag