Hi folks,

Thanks for coming to the forums! This post will develop over time, so bear with us for the first few days as we start getting it into shape.

Game Info
This thread has some answers to basic Backyard Monsters questions.
This thread has some answers to basic Resort World questions. Also check out the FAQ button near the top of the game.
We will have info and forums for Mahjongg Dimensions shortly! You can play the game here.

Having trouble loading the game?

If you are having trouble with a game not loading, there are several things we suggest you try:
- Try another browser(Chrome or Firefox are ideal).
- Refresh the web page.
- Restart your browser and ensure that all other windows are closed.
- Restart your computer.
- Update your Flash player.
- Update your browser.
- See if you have a firewall on your computer that would prevent the game from loading.
- Clear your browser cookies and cache.
- Try loading the game from a different computer.

Having some other problem?
Log a bug to us via the Help button located just above the game. If you don't even get the Help button to load, then please log a bug in the main Gaia Bug forums.

Although I try to keep up on the forum threads where people ask me questions, it's almost impossible for me to read and respond to everything - so the Help button is your friend!

Will there be more games from Viximo?
Yes. smile

