Welcome to Gaia! ::

Which new type should be introduced first? (this is just for a main type the subtypes within them will be decided by staff)

Were-people (as in Werewolves, werecats, and anything similar) 0.16666666666667 16.7% [ 6 ]
Vampires 0.083333333333333 8.3% [ 3 ]
Ghosts (ex: Banshees and the like) 0.22222222222222 22.2% [ 8 ]
Taurs 0.11111111111111 11.1% [ 4 ]
All of them!!!!!!!! 0.27777777777778 27.8% [ 10 ]
Pollwhore~ 0.13888888888889 13.9% [ 5 ]
Total Votes:[ 36 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 327 328 329 > >> >>> »|

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Welcome to Digital Deity.

What /is/ Digital Deity? It’s an active shop where you can buy the likes of Angels, Demons, Fairies, Elves, and Dragons… That sort of thing, with a catch, though. They are all anthropomorphic, resembling humans more than the mythical creature they are.

1.You are here
5.The Species
6.The Stages
7.Information on Souls and Bringing the Deities to Life
9.Prices and Purchasing Information, Roleplaying Information and Payment Plan Information
11.Hiring Info

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So people know what the art style looks like. ^^

Please read Species, Elements, and the Purchasing info before sending ANY forms to the Mule =D Thank you~
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1. Asu's word is law
2. Obey Gaia TOS
3. Respect is a must
4. This is an open minded shop, no flaming
5. Literacy is lovely, chatspeak/l33t is not
6. Roleplaying of Deity's is REQUIRED, otherwise they'll be taken away.
7. Don't whine at me because I turned you down because I don't feel that your roleplaying level is quite where I'd like it to be...
8. Don't beg
9. D< READ THE FRIGGIN' POSTS. If there is no FS going on, DO NOT SEND the FS form to .A.s.u.r.i., for she will go "WTF?" and stare at the screen before politely telling you you screwed up.

Rules are subject to change on any whim of Asu.
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A long time ago, people stopped believing in creatures like angels and demons, fairies and elves, and even dragons. Eventually, they passed into extinction, leaving behind their souls inside items. The items don’t change at all, but there is something alluring about them now. Occasionally, a child is born without a soul, Digital Deity Academy seeks out these children and takes them in, for if you give one of these items to one of the soulless children living at the Digital Deity Academy, and they’ll come to life, adopting the attributes of the soul that was inside the item. Whatever the attributes may be. Occasionally two or more souls will occupy an item, thus giving the child two souls.
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Name - Owner - Item - Stage - Gender - Image

Males - 13, Females - 8


Lucifer - .A.s.u.r.i. - Soul of a Moon Child - Teen - Male - [x]
Crystal - L3RB - Crystal Orb - Child - Female - [x]
Reihalia - Seiaeka - Ashes of a Saint - Child - Female - [x]
Dante - Narudai - Red Rose Petals - Child - Male - [x]
Sakata - Lord.Zexion - ??? - Child - Male - [x]


Set - Mizu_Taji - Silver Ankh - Teen - Male [x]
Daniel - Velorius - Dragon Motif Pendant - Teen - Male - [x]
Elli - .A.s.u.r.i. - Rose Dress-Up Doll - Child - Female - [x]


Elaine - Nenia Vomyr - Purple Spiked Wristband - Teen - Female - [x]
Mutsuki - Goddess Mickayla - Butterfly Pendant - Child - Female - [x]


Arian - Nagaman7 - Basketball sized round stone - Teen - Male - [x]
Darius - Petite Colette - Dry Ice - Teen - Male - [x]
Merk - Nagaman7 - Trident - Child - Male - [x]


Xue - Chaotic Souls - Death Penalty (Gun from Dirge of Cerberus) - Teen - Male - [x]
Black Rose - Goddess Mickayla - Wilted Rose - Teen - Female - [x]
Theodoric - Velorious - Emerald - Child - Male - [x]
Henry - Goddess Mickayla - Fire Orb - Child - Male - [x]


Kihaku - .A.s.u.r.i. - Cherry Blossom - Teen - Male - [x]
Mai - Mizu_Taji - Mad Hatter Top Hat - Teen - Female - [x]
Ah-Hin - Meredy - Assorted Hairpins - Child - Female - [x]
Kalvin - L3RB - ??? - Child - Male - [x]
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Angels aren’t always nice, as you’ll see from the variety of Angels in the shop. Some have more than one soul, and the extra soul isn’t always nice. In the Angel category, there are regular angels, arch angels, and fallen angels. The difference is in rarity and how many powers they can posses. Regular angels are not very rare; they can have up to ten powers, and have a small possibility of having more than one soul. Arch Angels are the rarest of the Angels; they can have up to 20 powers, and are most likely to have more than one soul. Fallen Angels are the second rarest of the angels, they can have 15 powers, and are somewhere in the middle between not having two souls and having two souls.


Now all demons are not evil, alright? Some are good; they’re just born that way. Just like angels, they too may have a second soul that may or may not be malevolent. There are three types of demon, regular demons, angelic demons, and malevolent demons. Regular demons hold the same status as regular angels. Common, 10 powers, and a small possibility of having more than one soul. Angelic Demons are like Fallen Angels, 15 powers, slightly rarer, more likely to have a second soul than Regular Demons… Malevolent Demons are the rarest, they are bent on causing pain to others, they are like Arch Angels, 20 powers, and most likely to have a second soul.


Fairies are not always the happy little folk that flit around the forest playing tricks on people. And they aren’t always small, either. There are three types of fairies. Regular Fairies, High Fairies, and Mini Fairies. Regular fairies have 10 powers, they are usually 4’0” to 5’2” tall, they are pretty common, and almost never have a second soul. High Fairies are very rare, they are about the same size as Regular fairies, perhaps a bit taller; they have 20 powers, and have about as much chance of getting a second soul as an Angelic Demon or Fallen Angel. Mini Fairies are anywhere from 2’0” to 4’0” tall, they are about as rare as an Angelic Demon or Fallen Angel. They have 15 powers, and have the same chance of getting a second soul as a Regular Demon or Angel.


Elves here aren’t always those little happy people that make toys. That’s a pretty cliché image of elves that needs to go away, anyway. There are three types of elves, Mini Elves, High Elves, and Regular Elves. Mini Elves are about the size of a Regular Fairy, have 10 powers and have a pretty good chance of getting a second soul. Regular Elves are as all as a High Fairy, 15 powers, same chance of getting a second soul as Mini Elves. High Elves are very rare, 20 powers, they are about 5’6” to 7’2” tall; they are very likely to have a second soul.


Dragons… Ahh, Dragons. Dragons are whatever anyone wants them to be. They’re very adaptable to situations; after all, they have to be. There are three types of dragons. Regular Dragons, Soul Dragons, and Void Dragons. This time, Void Dragons are the most common type of dragon, they have 10 powers, and have absolutely no chance of having a second soul. They are almost soulless themselves, after all. Regular Dragons are a little rarer, but not by much. They have 15 powers and have a small chance of getting a second soul. Soul Dragons are the rarest, 25 powers, and are always born with a second soul. In extremely rare cases, they might even have three.

Ningyou are dolls, yes, dolls. Dolls that had power, after all, they were alive! There are three types of dolls… China Dolls, Marionettes, and Jointed Dolls. China Dolls are the most common, although the Ningyou species is extremely rare. They have up to 5 powers, and may have up to 3 souls living in them. Marionettes are less common than China Dolls; they can have up to 10 powers, and 4 souls. Jointed Dolls are the rarest, mostly because when they were around if any of them were caught moving, they were burned. They can have up to 6 different souls living inside them, and can have 15 powers.

On rare occasions another type of pet will be available.
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Child  Teen  Adult  Elder  Deity*

*Deity is reserved for very active members.

Your Deity is very naïve and innocent. He/She may or may not know about a second soul, if he/she has one. Crushes (NOT SERIOUS) may happen here and there, but its just one of those little kid crushes that almost everyone gets. They have maybe one or two powers at this stage, nothing too powerful, though.

Your Deity is either under your control or rebelling against you. Hormones are raging which means mood swings like crazy. At this stage, real crushes or maybe even love can develop. If he/she has a second soul, it’s made itself known by now. They have about five powers now, gaining strength slowly… They may or may not have reached their full height.

Finally the hormonal mood swings are over. Your Deity is more mature or perhaps as childish as ever, depending on the personality. They might even consider getting married or something at this stage, but you never know. They have 9 powers now, they can deal a lot of damage or repair a lot of damage depending on the creature. They have reached their full height.

They are generally wise, and very powerful. They may have shrunk a bit now, but that depends on if they are healthy. They have all 10 powers now, the last one being the strongest or perhaps the weakest of their abilities, one that defines something about them.

Not much is known about this stage… They are immortal, they have returned to the best state of their lives. Whether that is a teen or an adult, but they still have all adult privileges. This stage does not use the old teen or adult lines, the Deity stage will have its own unique lines.
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About Multiple Souls…

Having multiple souls is like having multiple personalities, only there are two people living inside one body.

Bringing your Deity to life…

You have to give your Deity an item for them to get a soul, you know. This item WILL affect the powers your Deity can have. For instance, a Deity with a Flamethrower can’t go around using water powers. It just doesn’t make sense. So make sure you have some powers in mind when you think up your item.
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The list of Elements

Holy (Mainly for Angels)
Darkness (Mainly for Demons)
Ice (No water ability)
Water (Water comes with a SMALL amount of Ice abilities)
Lightening (Deals with electricity, no, wind does not affect this...)
Earth (Mostly dirt ‘n rocks…)
Wood (Trees, plants, that sort of thing. No dirt power... Think Chinese element Wood.)
Celestial* (Space-y things, gravity... leaving your body for awhile as just a bare soul, taking over someone elses body... That sort of thing.)

Occasionally because of multiple souls, a Deity will have two elements. Usually favoring one over the other, though.

Ningyou that have more than two souls only get two elements, or perhaps have a random power from an element that isn't theirs, but only one.

DO NOT EVER list two elements unless I specifically tell you that your deity has a second soul. UNLESS you are filling out a custom form and PLAN ON HAVING extra souls. >>;

*Celestial is only for Uncommon and Rare Deities.

Generally the most common of the pets are sold in Flat Sales, but occasionally a rarer type is sold.

Regular, Void, China: 7k
Fallen, Angelic, Regular, Mini, Marionette: 10k
High, Arch, Malevolent, Soul, Jointed: 15k

Send all trades to .A.s.u.r.i. please! I am almost NEVER on the mule account!



SEND ALL FORMS TO .A.s.u.r.i.!! I am almost NEVER on the shop mule account.

Custom pets… (Send a CUSTOM form if there is no FS or event going on. =D)

So you want a custom Deity? Or you really want one but no FS or event is going on? All righty.

Reincarnation Deity- 20-25k depending on difficulty. (This doesn't have to be a previous character or pet, its anything. If you do use a previous character/pet, the Deity /may/ start remembering some things from its past life.)

So you had a character or a pet from a shop that you really want to turn into a Deity? All right! Fill out this form-

Player| (you or a friend if your buying for a friend)
Name| (Deity)
Appearance| (A picture would be absolutely lovely, but a good description is great, too. =3)
Desired colors| (If the colors you want are different from the picture, or if you just provided a desc.)
Desired stage| (Everything but Deity. These DO grow, though.)
Item| (can be anything that isn't already used. Read the Members post to see which items are used.)
Elements| (Do not list two unless you plan to have more than one soul)
Roleplay Sample| (If you are not quite at the level I wish to have, I will politely have to decline. Sorry! NOTE: IF YOU are buying for a friend, I need THEIR roleplay sample, otherwise I have to turn you down.)

Cosplay Deity- 30-50k depending on difficulty

So you like a character from an anime, a manga or something else? Well, depending on what it is, you can have your deity look like them!

Player|(you or a friend)
Name| (Deity)
Picture of Cosplay*| (I can't do it if you don't have a picture. Preferably a good picture, I may ask for others if I can't see things well enough.)
Stage| (These do not grow, Deity stage is not an option.)
Elements| (Only list two if you plan on having two or more souls)
Item| (Can be anything that isn't already used. Look at the Members post to see which items are already used.)
Roleplay Example| (If your not quite at the level I'd like, I will have to politely decline. Sorry! NOTE: IF you are buying for a friend, I need THEIR roleplay sample, otherwise I'll have to to turn you down.)

*Asu sucks at drawing weapons, armor, and detailed things. Sorry guys! I'll do my best, though. D:



To purchase a Deity from a flat sale, you must reply to a prompt. =3 NEVER send this form to .A.s.u.r.i. if there isn't an FS going on.


Awhile ago you had come into posession of an interesting, alluring item. A few weeks later, you received a call from a so-called Digital Deity Academy. They requested you to come to the Academy for a meeting about said item. Deciding that you would infact, go to this Academy, you discover the helpless, soulless children. You decide to adopt one, because they had called you here in the first place to do that. You are now sitting at a desk, filling out adoption papers, the child is sitting in a corner. It is up to you how the child reacts to the item, because every soul(s) is(are) different. (Note: The item does not always disappear. Sometimes it stays and the soul is simply leeched from it. =D Just giving ideas.)

Fill out this form along with your prompt reply:

Name| (The Deity)
Species| (Don't just say "Dragon", tell me which one it is, because there may be more than one "Dragon" being sold. o.o)
Element| (I will let you know if your Deity has more than one soul)
ONE desired physical feature| (Nothing complicated, 'kay? Like, cat ears or something. Dragons will naturally have horns, wings and maybe even a tail, fairies will have wings, elves will have LONG ears, angels have feathery wings, demons have leathery wings. Ningyou look human, but appearances change depending on item.)

Send all prompts to .A.s.u.r.i. or you will be ignored. o.o;

NOTE: I may not accept your prompt because I don't feel your roleplaying level is quite where I'd like it too be.


Auctions are usually only for the rarer types of Deities, like.... Jointed Ningyou, for an example. The starting bid will always be 10k.



I might hold an event where anyone can participate and the prize would be a Deity! It will be announced whether its common, uncommon or rare at the start of the event. =3

Current Events:

None. D: Asu is trying to think of one.


Role playing…

Role playing these pets is REQUIRED. You cannot own a Digital Deity if you aren’t going to role play! D: Its how the shop stays alive after all. If you own a Deity and are gone for three months without explanation, your Deity will be sold to someone else. D:

Payment Plans...

I will accept a payment plan from people if they can't pay for one the instant they want to buy it... HOWEVER, this doesn't mean you can let them rot away in your signature, because I will just keep what you've given me and take your deity away. >:0

Payment plans so far are basically you pay me what you can at the moment, and I keep track of what you've paid here in this post. DO NOT send me odd amounts like, 5,257g or something... Things like 5k or maybe 200g work. Only things with "0" in it... I suck and can't cope with odd amounts. XD;

People currently on a Payment Plan:

Nagaman7 - 7.5k owed

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So your Deity’s want a baby? How lovely!

Deities breed by selecting items that represent themselves, or items that they like, first. The two must then go somewhere where they won’t be disturbed, and neither will the items. Then they set the items down somewhere special and, if at all possible, near the desired element for the child. They are awaiting a soul to enter one of the items, because this shall be the soul of the child. After the soul has entered one of the items, the other is no longer needed. It can be given as a gift, or just kept by the parent that chose it. The new soul will be given to a child, and that child will take on the attributes of the soul that entered the item. Depending on the item, multiple souls may enter it.

Slots for breeding…


About getting a child with Lightening, Holy or Darkness elements…

To get a child with a Lightening element, you only need to set the item near something that generates or uses electricity. Though you need to specify the item so the soul knows not to enter the object that uses/generates electricity. As for Holy, find a place that is very bright and preferably quiet, otherwise the child might take on the attributes of the ground the item was placed on. To avoid this, place a cloth under the item. As for Darkness, find a dark, maybe even slightly damp place and put the item there. It needs to be pretty quiet; otherwise the child may take on the water powers from the dampness. There isn’t a way to protect from that mishap, so make sure you find a quiet place.
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Asu is searching for people to help out with DDA.

Probably a certist since she sucks at it and the kidlets and owners deserve better certs. XD;;; (The cert is fine, Asu just can't cert. O__o )

I'm not sure what else, though. Feel free to send a PM if you are interested in being something. This does NOT mean I will automatically hire you, I will have to think about it.
-insert banner here-


Ohman, Digital Deity Academy is like, sister shops with Chaos~Unity and Metamorphosis Academy (Metamorphosis Adoption Center) I just need to get the linky-banner things!

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1. Metamorphosis Academy - Sister shop, and a lot of inspiration. =D
2. Meredy (Mere) - Awesome friend and making the cert. =D
3. Chaotic Souls (Chao) - Awesome friend, owner of Alchemy of the Heart, Brush Strokes, AND being on the support team. =D
4. Seiaeka (Sei) - Owner of the B/C support guild, owner of Chaos~Unity, awesome friend, and being on the support team. =D
5. Eiji_San (Eiji) - Awesome friend, made the banners~!

if I left you out, tell me. D:

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