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Introduction to Yuki Yanagi All Boys School!

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Well, this is my second attempt at my Yuki Yanagi RP which I started sometime last year. It actually got quite active for a while then I went and spoiled it all by loosing my muse and stuff and I kind of regret letting it die… so it lives again! But this time it will be better, I’ll be adding a few new random things as we go along like clubs and things.

The School .:. [.x.]

The Lake .:. [.x.]

The Dorm Rooms .:.
[.x.] < I don't really like the colors of the beds and stuff but the layout is similar so change the look as much as you want. I like this victorian style setting ^.^

Yahoo//: Teh_Evil_Zombie_Sheep@Yahoo.com
MSN//: Sheep_Own_You@Hotmail.com
E-Mail//: megedd04@aol.com

OOC Board.

[.Introduction.] [.Story.] [.Rules.] [.Subjects.] [.Characters.] [.Character Profiles Base.] [.Others.] [.Updates.] [.Banners.] [.Black/White Lists.] [.Dorms.] [.Reserved.]
Story & Setting Thread.

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Welcome _____, you have been invited by the Headmaster of Yuki Yanagi All-Boys School for the Gifted. Here you will meet others very much like you with special abilities or powers as well as learn more about your kind and abilities. We have chosen you as we find you have the intelligence on the abilities to be a part of our School. We hope to see you soon Master _____.

The setting is in a large School set in the middle of a large Forest/Mountain area in Japan. The school was built by several foreigners (One from brazil, one from France, one from Germany and two from China, there was also someone who came from Japan itself.) who all possessed magic of some sort and stills stands today for different races of boys to go to. It is protected with a few spells that keep the people who are not welcomed out and the people who don’t have some sort of magic inside them cannot even see it. However the people that can are invited either because someone noticed they had powers or their parents went to the school. We start a few days before the school term starts. People have started to arrive to get settled in and are meeting their new classmates and such.

It’s not just magic these children are possessed with, there are vampires, werewolves, angels, demons and many other ‘mythical’ beings all come here to escape the watchful eyes of the humans and learn just how to use their powers to their will.

I was bored so I decided that I should write just a little more about the school so people can RP knowing that they are doing everything within the schools ‘thingy’.

Right some History.

As I said above, the school was founded by Six original people from different areas of the world.

The Brazilian’s name was Iara Jacir, or Jacir as he was known to everyone was a knight serving the king at the time and he was the one who decided that he would be the one to bring out the talents in these gifted children himself. Like many who were born at the time he was called a ‘demon’ or a monster because he had the ability to wield two or the four main elements (Fire and wind) and was hunted down by many and he was eventually forced to flee from his homelands and abandon his placement beside his majesty. Once released he started to travel around the lands in search of a reason for his living and somehow he stumbled upon many people like himself who were shunned by humanity just because they were different. It wasn’t until he found his first partner that he thought about making the plans to build the new place for people.

It was the French man who became acquainted with Jacir many years later and became his first ‘partner’. Like Jacir, Blaisdell Dariel was also one of these ‘gifted people’ and had traveled over to Brazil to meet the one who had became famous among those who were gifted at ‘The Flame’. Blaisdell was a water user himself and like Jacir had a very well known name in his homeland for services to his king. His family was also of the nobler French bloodline but he felt separated from his family because he was the only one who had inherited this gift. He was very persistent and eventually managed to persuade Jacir that it was better for them to use their powers for the good of their kind, not wasted them on useless things or be burnt for having them.

They had not spread the word of their plans any further and confided in each other, wondering what steps they should make next. After many months of thinking and testing they decided that Brazil was not a suitable place for the school and they must expand their search to other countries to find a suitable place for their plans to finally be put to use. They took a ship to Germany along with a few of their close friends and that is where they met Mehmet Vaast who was a wealthy businessman with plenty of land. He was not gifted himself and laughed in their faces but his son, also called Mehmet Vaast, took interest in the idea despite being human. He offered the men some land for their work but after looking at the area Jacir decided that the place was too plain for him much to Vaast’s disappointment and they told him that this was not the place they were looking for after all. Before leaving Blaisdell invited Vaast to come with them because he had certain qualities that neither him nor Jacir themselves possessed. He agreed.

The three men then set off towards China which took them much longer than expected because of bad weather conditions but finally they got there. The problem here was that none of them could speak Chinese, not even Blaisdell who ad successfully managed to learn Brazilian, German, Japanese, English as well as his own language over the years that he had lived. Jacir got frustrated and told them that this journey was pointless and Vaast was near his limits too. He didn’t have as long as them to look for a place to build their dreams as his short human life-span restricted him on what he could do but Blaisdell knew there was something about this place and had fallen in love with it’s people and culture. He wanted to build their sanctuary here but because of the other two they had to look elsewhere. They still had a few days before they set sail again and they needed to get some supplies for the boat so along with two of the crew they set off into the towns to buy their supplies. They set off in different ways and agreed that they would meet back there when they were ready and like they were told to, they met up there with all their supplies… well, three of them did anyway. The two men from the ship had not come back yet and they were growing both worried and impatient. They had to go look for them in case something had happened to them. Blaisdell and Jacir went together and Vaast went off on his own which was pretty stupid of him considering he had hardly any way of communicating with them if he was in trouble but being the youngest and most naïve one out of the three he decided he could look after himself.

Vaast was alone in the middle of an unknown country. Dangerous people walked by with their swords jingling in their sheaths as they walked by, prostitutes lured in some men and worst of all, he couldn’t even speak Chinese so communication was impossible. Vaast walked through the large town and gazed into doorways to see if he might just see some sign of his shipmates or his friends but he failed miserably at finding anything and eventually had to admit defeat as it got darker. He was heading back to the meeting spot when two young boys emerged from the darkness and blocked the pathway in front of them. They looked human enough but there was something dark and mysterious he didn’t like about them. He tried to explain to the two figures that he couldn’t speak Chinese but as they got closer he noticed something interesting about them. They had the same faces! How weird… twins were very rare to see as usually one of them or sometimes both of them died during birth but these two looked like mirror images. It made poor Vaast lost for words while they looked at each other and spoke quickly in their language. The one on the right grinned mischievously then asked his name… but Vaast could understand everything he was saying (Ok, the accent was strange but he was indeed speaking German.) and Vaast replied with his surname, Vaast, and they seemed to hear what he was saying too. The one who had asked his name had somehow managed to get even closer to him while he was in his state of shock and was now standing beside him. He could feel his cold breath against his neck but he couldn’t move. This was his first encounter with a vampire.

Thankfully, Jacir was on his way back too when he passed the boys. At first he thought Vaast was just playing around with some boys but with his sharp eye he could see the pearly white canines of the one making the advances away to pierce Vaast’s neck. Jacir saved the day by jumping in and pushing away the vampire from Vaast before he was bitten. The vampire was not amused and neither was his brother that he had been shoved off of his dinner but he seemed to calm down a little after sensing the newcomer’s ‘waves’ (Pulse really… his blood is more heated and runs more quickly than normal humans. Some pure-blooded vampires have the ability to sense these waves if they have lived long enough.) and was vary interested in Jacir and why he was like that. Jacir told him that people like him shouldn’t know. The quieter twin then replied coldly ‘who are you to judge monster?’ and Jacir learnt of his mistake. He judged these people for what they were, like he had been judged for so many years. Out of nowhere, Blaisdell appeared and was watching them with a smile on his face. He then asked them to come with them and build the dream much to the surprise of Jacir, Vaast and the boys. He then went on to explain about their dream and why they were doing it, he told them that if they wanted to build a new life with them then it’s ok with him. Even when Jacir tried to stop it Blaisdell told him it was only right… as a sort of apology. Jacir and Vaast had to accept it and the Twin’s decision as well. At first they didn’t want to but they did warm up to the idea in the end and left along with them to their final destination. Japan.

So we have Two elementalists, Two vampires and a human arriving at what would become one of the greatest countries in Japan with nothing but what they had on their boat and in their heads to guide them. Blaisdell had no problems talking with the people there and often would strike up conversations with the locals. The women didn’t seem to mind having a couple of handsome young foreigners visiting either and the men seemed fine with it too even if they were quite jealous of all the female attention being drawn to these strange boys. Their appearance made quite a stir and eventually a human King decided that he must meet these people for himself, which he did in time. He liked them very much and began an especially strong bond with Jacir whom he later made his supervisor but the time came when they had to tell the King about themselves and where they came from. At first the King was pretty apprehensive but he got used to the idea and even gave them land to build their castle on.

During the time the castle was being built they were assisted by a young Anthro/Kitsune who had great knowledge of buildings and land. He helped them with the design and the outlay of the grounds and everything else. He may not have been there at the start but he played a large part in the actual building of the castle and is known as a founder because of that.

It took many years for the castle to finally be built and in this time their Human friend, Vaast, died a natural death at the age of sixty. He had two children with a princess (The youngest of the King’s daughters) and they grew up well into fine young ladies. Though he never did se the completion of the castle, Blaisdell said that his name would be known as a founder because he was there with them until his end.

[.Introduction.] [.Story.] [.Rules.] [.Subjects.] [.Characters.] [.Character Profiles Base.] [.Others.] [.Updates.] [.Banners.] [.Black/White Lists.] [.Reserved.] [.Reserved.]
The Rules Of the School.

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+ Keep it PG-13, We will have No Cybering in this RP! If you must, take it to the PMs.
+ Cursing is allowed but don’t use it in every sentence.
+ I am the Goddess/God (I’m male at heart <3)
+ Romance is encouraged!
+ I like Females RPing Males as well as Females. If you don’t like Girls playing guys or Guys playing girls then please leave now.
+ Be literate. Everyone makes spelling mistakes, but no chat-speak or **, okay? You know better than that.
+ Please post at least four lines per post. I understand Writers block and if you are unlucky enough to get it just say so.
+ If you get two Warnings from me then you are automatically Black Listed
+ Profiles MUST be posted in the OOC Thread!
+ No instant love. It’s annoying. Sure you can think their cute and stuff but no ‘Oh I love you so much! And we’re only a page in!’
+ Put 'I'm a courgette.' Somewhere in your Profile to prove you have read the Rules.
+ Wow you actually got to here? At least you haven’t given up.
+ My word is law. If I say get lost then you get lost.
+ Lastly, You must use the Profile layout for your application.

[.Introduction.] [.Story.] [.Rules.] [.Subjects.] [.Characters.] [.Character Profiles Base.] [.Others.] [.Updates.] [.Banners.] [.Black/White Lists.] [.Reserved.] [.Reserved.]
Classes & Subjects

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You must take at least Six Subjects. Japanese is essential, You much choose one Science (Biology, Chemistry or Physics.), One Art (Art, Drama, Music…) and one Basic Learning Subject (History, Modern Studies or Geography.) PSE Is also neccissary too.


English – Reading, Writing, Speech
French – Reading, Writing, Speech
Japanese - Reading, Writing, Speech
Home Economics – Cooking, Sewing
Potions – Essential for any being studying Magic
Music – Private lessons available.
Physical Education
Modern Studies

Elements – Water, Fire, Earth, Sky
History of Magic – Ancient forms of Magic, Great Magic Users
Magical Studies – How to use some forms of Magic (Charms, Chants ect.) *Does not include Elemental Magic*

Subject Teachers.

English + ~*Elliot, Henry*~ (Agathangelos, Frodo Sub)
French + ~*No Teacher*~
PSE (Personal and Social Ed) ~*Lii-Ire *~
Japanese + ~*Watanabe, Krystof*~
Biology + ~*No Teacher*~
Physics + ~*No Teacher*~
Chemistry + ~*No Teacher*~
Home Economics + ~*No Teacher*~
Potions + ~*Trevor Darcy*~
Art + ~*Andreus Delwick*~
Music + ~*Watanabe, Krystof*~
Physical Education + ~*No Teacher*~
History + ~*Trevor Darcy*~
Geography + ~*No Teacher*~
Modern Studies + ~*No Teacher*~
Drama + ~*Andreus Delwick*~

Elemental Arts + ~*No Teacher*~
History of Magic + ~*Agathangelos, Frodo*~
Magical Studies + ~*Habitus*~

Nurse + ~*Nami Yuhi*~


The Classes without a Teacher means that you can just play the teachers as NPC’s for now. Just put that you have a subsitute..



Basketball Team -
Soccer Team - Sky Luke, Shimizu Seiji, Reikiro Takaro, Momiji Takatori, LaPointe Armand

Gymnastics Team –
Swimming Team - Akasawa Haruko, Sky Luke, Reikiro Takaro
Lacrosse Team –
Equestrian Club –

Hobby related clubs

Tea Ceremony Club – Akasawa Haruko
Go Club – Qing Tianshi
Japanese Fencing Club – Shimizu Seiji, Tai Mogami
Chinese Medicine Club –
School Newspaper (Also known as the Journalism Club) – Sahi Nikaru
Chinese Martial Arts Club – Akasawa Haruko, Qing Tianshi, Qing Tianqi, Isame Leander, Reikiro Takaro,
Fortune-Telling Club –
Flower Arrangement Club – Akasawa Haruko

Game Clubs

Manga Club – Shimizu Seiji, Fredrickson Sebastion, Reikiro Takaro

School Subject Clubs

Art Club - Akasawa Haruko, Qing Tianshi, Qing Tianqi, Tai Mogami, Reikiro Takaro,
Library Club –
Philosophy Club –
Library Club – Isame Leander, Tai Mogami
Cooking Club -
Bio Engineering Club -
Astronomy Club – Kibou Akari
Drama Club - Aniat Jacque, Reikiro Takaro, Murakami Kiyoshi

Magic Club - Qing Tianshi, Qing Tianqi, Kibou Akari, Murakami Kiyoshi


[.Introduction.] [.Story.] [.Rules.] [.Subjects.] [.Characters.] [.Character Profiles Base.] [.Others.] [.Updates.] [.Banners.] [.Black/White Lists.] [.Dorms.] [.Reserved.][/align
Character Application Thread.

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Gaian Name: Seritama
Character Name: Toyo Akira
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Breed: werewolf
Appearance: human
Personality: Toyo has a habbit of drawing people towards him, even though he doesn't truely like many people. That's just his attitude, people generally like him, even if he doesn't feel the same way. He is a little over confident at times though, thinking he is the head of the pack. At the end of the day though, he's still just the runt of the litter. He's fine around girls, seeing as he doen't like them the way most guys do, infact he prefers males over females. Around guys he likes he tends to be shy and the odd time will scamper away if he feels intimidated.

He's grown quite fond of his small capability of wielding the elements, and likes to show it off when he can. Even if he normally does when their's a higher elementalist around. All in all, Toyo's pretty much just your basic guy, very fond of the things he likes, and hates the things he dislikes.
Likes: Hunting, dogs, night, the moon, reading, candy.
Dislikes: Cats, swimming, alcohol, vegetables.
Habits: Toyo always seems to have a stash of sweets where ever he goes. You'll find him almost every where with a sucker or a stick of gum in his mouth. When he's nervouse he tends to chew on his finger nail, he doesn't bite them, he just chews.
Strengths: Overly agile for a normal human being, maybe because he's a werewolf, he also runs alot in his spare time to keep up his speed. He seems to draw other people towards him. He has a keen sense of smell, able to tell almost all the ingerdients in any food that crosses his nose. He's quite easily able to ignore his surrounding if need be.
Weaknesses: Incapable of passing up candy. Isn't very good at hiding his emotions. Falls over almost imediatly after being scratched behind the ear (as a wolf that is). He is a poor swimer.
Sexuality: Bi
Bio: Ever since he was little, the other boys in his clan would make fun of his size. Yes, he was and still is the runt of the litter. Even the girls would make fun of him, causing him to stray from them. Now though, he can out match any of his fellow pack members in speed and brains. he supposes it's because of all the extra time he had for reading and running, being shunned by his brotheren. His parents didn't care much for having a child, so they didn't care much for him. Infact his dad left his mom when he found out she was pregnant. His mom attempted to kill herself by drowning, though he ended up saving her and almost drowning himself, he doesn't really like to be near large amounts of water anymore.
Classes: Japanese - writing
English - reading
art- art
Science - biology
Clubs n/a
Dorm# 2

Gaian Name: [ rawr. imadino. ]
Character Name: Umino Oriko
Age: Seventeen.
Sex: Tch. You’re not worthy enough to touch this.
Breed: Human.
Appearance: [x]
Personality: Oriko is too cocky for his own good. That, by itself, could sum him up pretty good, but then there would be no fun, ne?

Upon looking at him, he looks innocent and nice enough, correct? Of course, that’s how it starts. He gives you the impression that he’s just a sweet little innocent kid trying to make it in this word, before he turns around and bites your head off. Unless, you-somehow- manage to peek his interest enough for him not to rip your head off.

Now, after knowing him for a while, you’d swear he was bipolar. He isn’t, he just can switch moods easily, not caring who gets confused in the process. One moment he can be screaming his head off at some poor innocent victim, the next he could be offering you to by cheesecake with him.

It takes a lot to make him truly happy, since he’s a pessimistic person, I mean, he’s pessimistic to the fullest. Even if he’s not trying to-which he usually isn’t-he can ruin a good moment. But, if you some how manage to make him happy, you’ve got yourself a new guard dog. He’s very protect of what’s his-’his’ being a lover, friends, pets, or items. Yeah, that’s how it works in his mind.

Oriko is horrible when it comes to conflict. He always feels as if he has to prove himself, thus leading to confliction. That and they fact that he’s so over competitive. He doesn’t take loosing too well-actually, he doesn’t take winning too well either because when he does, he rubs it in the loser’s face.

Now, he does have his mellow days. Where he isn’t a complete b***h. He’s actually pleasant to be around on those days, and might even take that time to apologize. Might, that’s only if he thinks he went to far, or something was really his fault that he’d blamed someone else for-but both of these are extremely rare. He’s usually has to be convince by a friend or such anyways.
-Cuddling; No matter how much he denies it.
-Talking; But only one on one, or in really small groups of really good friends.
-Writing; Though he’ll never tell.
-Violin; He’ll never admit this either.
-Artwork admiring.
-Stupidity; triggers b***h mode.
-Cats; Boring.
-All sweets that aren’t Cheesecake and Applejacks.
-Loud people; triggers b***h mode.
-People who talk too much; triggers b***h mode
-Bad conversationalist; triggers b***h mode
-People who can’t speak what they’re thinking; triggers b***h mode.
-And much more.
-Looks in ever mirror/window he sees.
-Doodling on all of his papers.
-He can talk his way out of just about any situation.
-Very good writing skills; won’t admit it however.
-Good cooking skills as well; also won’t admit.
-Picking up on foreign languages
-His Vanity
-His over-competitiveness
Sexuality: Homosexual.
Bio: Coming soon.
-Music; Piano
-Art; Painting
-Japanese; Speech
-Science; Biology
Japanese Fencing Club

&&W A R N I N G;;

If you’re easily offended by a character talking rudely to/about your character, DON’T interact with Oriko, k?
I don’t feel like going through all the pointless drama.

Gaian Name: soul_less_human
Character Name: Dober Malik
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Breed: Fallen demon part angel part beast. [I'm giving a good reason for the parts, dun worry]
Appearance: [x]
Personality: Two words. Totally unpredictable. Usually weak and rather fragile . He'll snap in an insant and turn from his usual hesitant and scared form to a merderous headstrong killer. Just don;t get him mad. There's a reason he's scared of people. When he was young, and he fell accidentally, people treated him very meanly. Ever since he can't acually speak fluently no matter how hard he tries.

He's usually quite hesitant and afraid. He'll obediently follow orders, terrified of being hurt or punished. Pretty much the average sissy. Though he can snap, and when he does... let's say not many poeple live through it.
Likes: Tranquility, peace, being alone and kind people.
Dislikes: War , chaos, pain and mean people.
Habits: Cowering, obeying and guarding himself against people.
Knows more about animals than most people
Is a vet when it comes to animal injuries
Isn't afraid to stick up for peopel when he cares for them
Is a great friend once you get to know him
His first impressions are hugely twisted from the acual sane impression
He snaps and attacks people ever so often, he manages to egt himself under control before anyone truely gets hurt
Is insane
Cowery and Afraid
Sexuality: He'll repeatedly say his straight, though he's a gay
Bio: When he was oyung, about the age of 6, he fell from ehaven. Why? He doesn;t know. He wanted to see what was under the clouds, soemthing pushed him, and he fell...

Upon awakening, he was in chains. His procious wings were tried together roughly. He was to be travelling on a circus as a freak show. He himself refused to allow it to happen. he was repeatedly punished, and was unallowed to speak unless ordered by the ringleader. he was forced to fly from one end of the stage to the other, doing midair tricks.

Strangely, there he met a demon. This demon[named Drako] promised him to be free, but he had to wear a demonic necklace that was custom made from the demon. The angel nodded wore the necklace, and everything went dark...

When he snapped to his sensed, people were dead.. and.. there was blood on his hands. Giving out a yrlp of pain, he found out what the demonic necklace truely did. It ate away at his soul. It chipped away at it, replacing it with a dark, almost beastly bloodlust. He sought help, and found a young elf preist called Zephys. He was eventually purified of the horrible curse set upon him, but his soul could never be given back to its whole form. Instead, Zephys assigned him to a school where he may gain happiness and learn to be friendly with others.
Classes: English-writing
History of Magic-Ancient forms of magic
Clubs None. He's afraid of people.
Dorm# 5

Gaian Name: Hu_Die
Character Name: Qing Tianshi (Chingu Tenshi)
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Breed: Fallen Angel a.k.a. Magical Human
Appearance: [x]
Personality: At first, he seems the quiet, studious type. He is rather unobtrusive, silent, and gives short answers to questions with potentially long answers. He takes his schoolwork seriously and often is found immersed in a book or his silver laptop. He’s also very secretive, rarely uttering a word about his own or another person’s private matters. Some might call him brooding or cold. Other times, however, such as when he is with friends or feels the urge to be, he is active and fun-loving. The downside to this side of him is that, with it, comes an enormous ego, untarnishable pride, and a bit of sadism. In either mode, he is very loyal, evident through his constant protectiveness of his younger twin brother, Tianqi. He’s usually apathetic leaning towards optimistic and calmly clear-headed.
Likes: Computers, Animals, Dogs, Birds, Reading, Writing, Piano, Beef, White, Dark Colors, Challenges, Go, God, and the Night
Dislikes: People who upset Tianqi, garishly bright colors, blood, violence, atheists, the visual arts
Habits: He often pushes his glasses up on his nose with his middle finger as they are always slipping down and, when he is trying to think about something and temporarily not using them, he will put one end in his mouth rather than pushing them on top of his head or in a pocket. He often puts things such as pens in his mouth, as well, while trying to think. He does not chew on them, though.
Strengths: He is strong and sturdy, rarely becomes depressed, loyal, and honest.
Weaknesses: He’d do anything for Tianqi and also any animals. He is extremely sensitive in the soft spot in the middle of his clavicle, above where the bone dips in, that sets off certain hormones. Once aroused he has a one-track mind.
Sexuality: Bisexual, more comfortable around females but more attracted to males
Bio: He only remembers his time serving under God as like a dream, though he knows it was real, and everything is remembered in Chinese. His family, the Qing family, has always been one of the closest to Shang Di, God, and he was destined prior to his birth to be the “Angel of Angels,” the reason for his name. In heaven, each angel has a name corresponding to their job. His job was to help Shang Di oversee and otherwise take care of the angels’ problems. This made him lower in ranking only to the Angel of Heaven and the Sky and Shang Di himself. The reason he was raised to this ranking was because, not too long before his birth, the previous angel with the name Tian Shi had been murdered while visiting the earth in the form of a phoenix. The new Tian Shi lived well in heaven and was well-loved in his position. As a reward for his hard work, Shang Di gave Tian Shi the beautiful female Angel of Humans, Ren, to be his betrothed. Tian Shi thanked Shang Di but treated Ren more as a sister than a fiancée. Ren loved him dearly and thought nothing of it until she noticed a strange pattern in Tian Shi’s social life. Tian Shi and the Angel of Weather, Tian Qi, were twin brothers but seemed even closer than siblings. After confronting Tian Shi about the way he treated her and getting no real response, she confronted Tian Qi. As Tian Qi was a childish angel with a bad disposition, he gave her no real response other than a few jeers along the lines of “What would you do if I told you he and I are lovers?” This added direct anger to Ren’s jealousy of Tian Qi and she immediately went to Shang Di to accuse Tian Qi of seducing Tian Shi. Her plan backfired, however, and, while Tian Qi was found guilty, Tian Shi was also punished for allowing Tian Qi to continue. Both were given the ultimate punishment—banishment from heaven—and sent to live on earth as mortals. After constant begging by Ren, their forms on earth were those of two humans and the two kept their original bodies, though Tian Shi no longer possessed the ability to grow wings. After stepping through the gate to the human realm, Tian Shi found himself lying on an empty street under the torrential rain of a Japanese summer. Lying beside him was Tian Qi. Heaven had arranged it so that they appeared to have lived in Japan their entire lives and each even possessed their own name card, though their names had been altered to be written in katakana. An angel, most likely Ren, wired a bit of money to their separate banking accounts in a process the two couldn’t care less about that was supposedly from their parents overseas. For two years they lived together in Japan as “students studying abroad” without talking much at all about their time in heaven. Tianshi’s eyesight became bad due to his constant fascination with computers. After the first two years had passed, Tianshi was used to his existence as a human and it seemed that Tianqi had finally accepted it as well. It was then that they received the invitation to the Yuki Yanagi All-Boys School for the Gifted. Having grown tired of having to hide their abilities, the two decided to attend. If they didn’t like the place, Tianshi reasoned, they could always just leave.
Classes: Japanese, Biology, History, Music, Art, Potions, Magical Studies
Clubs Go, Art, Chinese Martial Arts, Magic
Dorm# 8

Gaian Name: Hu_Die
Character Name: Qing Tianqi <tian chi> (Chingu Tenchi)
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Breed: Fallen Angel a.k.a. Magical Human
Appearance: [x]
Personality: He’s very childish, selfish, and easily angered, especially when put on the defensive, or easily joyful, especially when given something. Some might call him catty as he is prone to making snide remarks. He’s rarely anything but pessimistic. Strangely enough, he enjoys company and friends. He tries to be loyal but might say or do things without thinking when feeling strong emotions. As he cares little for schoolwork, he usually procrastinates and has Tianshi help him. Sometimes, in his quieter moments, he is very depressed and submissive. This usually only happens when he is either very dejected or scared. He will deny such events ever occur if asked.
Likes: Chocolate, Cute Things, Dragons, the Visual Arts, Sports, White, Black, Red, Gifts, Easy Things, Weather of any type and Winter.
Dislikes: God, Big Dogs, Complicated Situations, Females, Annoying People, Stupid People, and people who think they’re better than him.
Habits: He is always holding something, be it his clothes, a pen, or someone else, unless playing a sport where holding something is detrimental to his performance. When he has to sit still, he always plays with whatever it is he’s holding.
Strengths: Because he’s cute, most people overlook his childish personality or think it’s cute, which draws friends to him. He can be very stubborn and usually the donkey will give in first. He’s quick, flexible, and agile as well.
Weaknesses: He can’t sit still for too long, except when doing art. If someone says that doing something will be fun, they won’t need much more of an argument to convince him. Good gifts are also very effective. As might be obvious by his looks, he’s rather fragile and not too strong. He’s rather dependent on Tianshi.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Bio: While he can clearly remember everything that happened in Heaven, he doesn’t like to talk about it. Chinese was apparently the most used language in his area growing up. His family, the Qing family, has always been one of the closest to Shang Di, God, and he was destined prior to his birth to be the “Angel of Weather,” the reason for his name. In heaven, each angel has a name corresponding to their job. His job was to take care of all official matters of weather and make sure the weather angels below him were alright and did their jobs. Taking care of dragons was also in his jurisdiction. The reason he was raised to this ranking was because the previous holder of the name Tian Qi fell in love with some mortal on earth and abandoned heaven, seemingly trying to romanticize the angel-human couple to be much like the Weaver Girl and Cowherd. The new Tian Qi lived a life either extremely boring or extremely exciting. Half of his time was spend snoring over and procrastinating on paperwork and the other half was spent out in the field to oversee proper amounts of rain, etc. While he worked, Tian Shi, his twin brother and superior, would sometimes come to visit and look over how he did. The two were very close and Tian Shi always made Tian Qi happy, even while having to do paperwork. In his free time, Tian Qi would often hand around Tian Shi. When Tian Shi became betrothed to the female Angel of Humans, Ren, Tian Qi became jealous and played up his relationship with Tian Shi even more in her presence. More often than before, he would ask Tian Shi if he loved him. Tian Shi would always answer, “Of course. You’re my brother.” This satisfied Tian Qi because he knew they were closer than any of the other brother angels in heaven. When Ren finally confronted him about his relationship with Tian Shi, he replied with something along the lines of “What would you do if I told you he and I are lovers?” He didn’t know the answer was that Ren would tell on him to Shang Di. He was extremely angered and vowed never to forgive her. Both he and Tian Shi were given the ultimate punishment—banishment from heaven—and sent to live on earth as mortals. Ren persuaded Shang Di to make their mortal forms on earth those of two humans and the two kept their original bodies, but Tian Qi was convinced this was so that she could have the power to give him bad luck his entire, short, human life. After stepping through the gate to the human realm, Tian Qi found being woken up by Tian Shi. They had landed themselves somewhere on an empty street under the torrential rain of a Japanese summer. Heaven had arranged it so that they appeared to have lived in Japan their entire lives and each even possessed their own name card, though their names had been altered to be written in katakana. An angel, he couldn’t care less whom, wired a bit of money to their separate banking accounts as their parents overseas. He believes Ren had a part in it because it was too little to live comfortably on. For two years Tianshi and Tianqi lived together in Japan as “students studying abroad” without talking much at all about their time in heaven. Tianqi decided that heaven was the worst place to be, anyway, and so it needn’t be talked about. Still, he was very upset for being kicked out and tries in vain to sprout the wings he was promised to get in two years prior to being kicked out so he can return. One of his worst experiences in the human realm was being attacked by a large dog. Tianshi saved him, of course, but the encounter scarred him for life. After the first two years had passed, Tianqi had still not accepted his existence on earth despite the fact that both he and his brother had gotten used to the restrictions and processes. It was then that they received the invitation to the Yuki Yanagi All-Boys School for the Gifted. Having grown tired of having to hide their abilities, the two decided to attend. Perhaps getting closer to interesting people, Tianqi figured, would make his short time visiting the human realm interesting and he might even find some dragons he knew.
Classes: Japanese, Biology, History, Music, Art, Potions, Magical Studies
Clubs Go, Art, Chinese Martial Arts, Magic
Dorm# 8


Gaian Name: [ 1ooo Paper Cranes` ]
Character Name: Watanabe, Krystof
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Breed: Vampire/neko
Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Personality: Krystof is aloof and independant. He has a strange affinity for cats and soft objects. There isn't anything particularly deep about him. Krystof is simple and doesn't like to overcomplicate situations. His beliefs are also simple. He is a Buddhist and believes that Karma is the universe's way of settling the score. Krystof has a degree in music and Japanese, but he prefers playing music more than anything else. When everything else has abandoned him, he knows he can always count on his trumpet.
Likes: Cigarettes, cats, coffee, blood, trumpets, music.
Dislikes: No smoking areas, dogs, quiet places.
Habits: Krystof's worst habits are smoking and coffee. It's gotten to be quite a problem, since he gets quite cranky without them in the morning.
Strengths: He's a fast learner and fairly independant. Krystof also has a great ear for music and he can handle himself well in a fight.
Weaknesses: Unfortunetly, Krystof is heavily dependant on his cigarettes to bring happiness. He's prone to getting colds often.
Sexuality: Who knows? Probably bi.
Bio: Krystof is Polish&Japanese. His father was a relic of feudal Japan, being a vampire and all. His mother was the daughter of a Polish trader. She stayed in Japan to be with his father. Krystof spent a few years training in his father's martial arts school but decided to become a musician at the age of 14. He started playing the trumpet in a prestigious arts school. However, there he found more than just education; the students were often involved in drugs, alcohol, and sex. He managed to graduate early and studied in a music college so he could get degrees in Japanese and music. Krystof has three main passions: his trumpet, cigarettes, and coffee. Perhaps he'll meet someone that can change all that, but if not, he's content with what he has.
Classes: Japanese, Music
Dorm# Any dorm. :] Four, or something. Since I'm a courgette, it doesn't really matter.

Gaian Name: dah fuzzinator of dewm!
Character Name: Agathangelos, Frodo
Age: 27.
Sex: Male.
Breed: Nephilim. (Half-human, half angel)
Appearance: Here
Frodo is a little tall, standing at 6'4 with a strange body frame and wide shoulders exaggerating his build. (The wide shoulders part is due to his thin angel wing covering his left shoulder. He has another one, it isn't viewable to a regular human eye or a being from a lower plain of existance) His skin is a light tan, being a little oily at times.
He has a large mop of black hair, randomly chopped in the front to resemble a mop at the most. His bangs are chopped straight across his eyebrows very neatly, occaisionally accented with pomade at the root. His eyes are a medium brown color, being a little sleek in shape. This is accented by thick eyebrows.
When he isn't teaching, he likes casual, loose clothing. Mostly carpenter's pants, sleeveless t-shirts, the occaisional bracelet and a decent, larger-than-him shawl.
Personality: Frodo is naturally quiet and reserved to everyone he isn't familiar with. He, in all honesty, is very pacifistic. He hates confrontation and force a large majority of the time. He generally keeps to himself in a social situtation. This is a exception for when the conversation revolves around him.
When he likes someone, he generally remains loyal to the person. Mostly by doing small favors for the person. He has a strange habit of not forgetting anything at all.
On the bad side, He is shy, socially odd, mildly obsessive-complusive and tends to leave strange impressions on people.
Likes: Giant shawls, nice people, Sweet wine, Papayas, languege jokes.
Dislikes: Things done without meaning, Guns, His eyes needing glasses and Snakes of any sort.
Habits: Wearing a giant poncho all the time, Grabbing his poncho out of worry, Kleptomaniac episodes.
Strengths: Considerate, Knows a lot about music, zoning out annoying people and knitting.
Weaknesses: Fairly shy, socially awkward, very gluttonous, Moderate klepto and nervous around religious paraphernalia.
Sexuality: Undecided. Potentially bisexual?
Bio: Frodo was born in Cuba to a Cuban mother and a fallen angel Biological father. His mother at the time, however, was too young to raise her child well. She tried her hardest to raise Frodo with the upmost sense of normalicy. This even lead for her to become a Catholic.

However when Frodo was 5, his mother developed a blood clot in her brain and died suddenly, forcing Frodo to grow up with the American missionary of the missionary church. This lead to frodo having a strange (Albeit, humorous) Cuban/Minnesotan accent when he talks.

Sometime after he turned 14, he began to build up a library of old books outside of the town in a old exucution building. He then began learning about anchient magic off all forms. When a local gang tried to take away potential members for their group, he decided to gather his old books and move to Japan, hoping to teach english. He instead got a job teaching history of magic. Lo and behold, here he is at Yuki Yanagi.
Classes: History of magic, occaisional subsitute for english.
Dorm# Building 2, dorm 2.

Gaian Name: Andreus Delwick.
Character Name: Andreus Delwick. xD
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Breed: Vampire
Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Personality: Aesthetic, pensive, and wayward, Andreus is a pleasant man to be around. While not exactly stoic, he does have serious qualities, which get in the way of his social life a bit. He does not like conflict, and will go to great lengths to avoid it. If he must face it, he will always approach it from the perspective of his feelings. In conflict situations, Andreus places little importance on who is right and who is wrong. He focuses on the way that the conflict makes him feel, and indeed doesn't really care whether or not he's right. He doesn't want to feel badly. This trait sometimes makes him appear irrational and illogical in certain situations. On the other hand, he makes a very good mediator, and is typically good solving other people's conflicts, because he intuitively understands people's perspectives and feelings, and genuinely wants to help them.
His challenge to others is to seek peace before launching out a verbal attack. Andreus is the middle of the road kind of guy - neither being right nor wrong, and always trying to help both sides of an argument. When he feels one is in danger, Andreus' warrioresque side pops out like a shield. He stands by them like a cover against the rain, taking care of their well-being and guarding them with his life. Valiant, maybe, but not a hero.
Generally thoughtful and considerate, he is a good listener and puts people at ease. Although he may be reserved in expressing emotion, he has a dark side which takes control whenever he is irritated.
Likes: Painting, sketching, men, gothic apparel, walking in the rain
Dislikes: Little girls, women, anyone who hates art, computers, video games
Habits: Smoking, running fingers through his hair, being too considerate.
Strengths: Art, understanding people's feelings, writing, teaching.
Weaknesses: Young boys, spiders, things that smell bad, churches.
Sexuality: Homosexual.
Bio: Andreus's memory of his childhood is very vivid - from the beginning from when he was married to the start of his arthood. At the tender age of twelve he was betrothed to a young girl named Olivia, whom his parents had chosen for him to marry long before he was born. The marriage lasted about seven years before Andreus called it quits, coming to terms with his sexuality. During his adolescent years, he took up the hobby of painting young men dressed in Victorian garb, and became well known around the urban parts of his city. Wanting to get the most out of art, he decided to start teaching as many people as he could about his techniques, tactics, and power over the brush. Later in life, towards his current age, he went searching for schools to participate in, and that's when he found ---, a place where he could express himself fully without having to worry about being judged. It wasn't long after that in which he was attacked downtown and bitten by his ex-wife, who happened to become a vampire years after their marriage had broken up. Now, being a recently made vampire, Andreus is simply trying to get by.
Classes: Art, Drama
Dorm# 6

Gaian Name: Void Stone
Character Name: Trevor Darcy
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Breed: Human
Appearance: Trevor is very small and young looking; he could easily be mistaken for a student if it wasn’t for his clothing and demeanor. He’s short, about 5’4”, and has a very slender build. His delicate facial features also add to the appearance of youth.

His skin is extremely pale due to lack of sunlight, making him appear rather unhealthy. His eyes are a very light blue, and they have an icy, severe look to them. He is never without a pair of his black framed glasses. His hair is long, black, and straight, held in a tight ponytail that reaches the middle of his back.

Trevor wears almost the same thing everyday: a black suit with a black vest and tie. If he is feeling festive, the vest or tie may be maroon, navy, or dark green. His clothing is always perfectly clean.

Personality: Trevor Darcy acts exactly how he looks: cold, formal, serious, and severe. His work is his life. Anything else has to wait, whether it is a student’s sensitive feelings or his own health. He values logical, rational thought, and cold calculation. No one has ever seen him truly lose his temper, cry, or laugh, though occasionally a smirk or snarl will leak out

His inability to relax and have fun, combined with his tendency to consider all other people lazy, makes it hard for him to interact with others, if not impossible. He is a terrible pessimist. Despite these failings, however, Trevor is a good man who honestly wants to help his students learn. He is always available for after class tutoring and can truly teach great things to those who are willing to try.

Likes: Quiet classes, animals, organization, solitude
Dislikes: Disobedient or lazy students, loud and annoying noises,

User ImageGaian Name: Syssie`!
Character Name: Nuniye(Noon-ee-eh) Bescaye(Beh-z-kah-ee)
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Breed: Human
Appearance: Image to the left. He likes to wear ties and buttoned up shirts. He likes to look sophisticated. He keeps his hair down and a little messy, but stylish.
Personality: Well since he can't speak or hear, he's very quite. He doesn't like to bother people, so he keeps his distance from others unless they confront him first. Only then will he bother to make an effort to communicate. When "talking" with someone he's very open and sounds cheery. Since he hasn't been able to talk to anyone for years! He kind, gentle and very smart. He likes to learn new things, and have fun with other people. Easy to get along with, but doesn't do well in group activities. Too many thoughts to sort out. But a small group of three is fine. Even though he's quite all the time his thoughts seem to scream out with enthusiasm and optimism. He seems to smile only when "talking" with someone, but when alone he always looks so troubled. His thoughts are deep, and profound. He daydreams quite often, since it has been his only entertainment since the day he was born.
Likes: Painting, and playing music! Even though he can't hear it, he can hear the music in his head. And painting is a way to express his emotions freely, unlike other people who have the ability to speak. Reading books. He likes gardens and beautiful kitchens where he can cook amazing meals. Smell of flowers, and sweet perfumes.
Dislikes: People who's thoughts are loud, and disconcerting. And conflicting, as in someone with two different personas or egos. Violence.
Habits: Taking a peek into people's thoughts. He's a little nosy when he's anxious or nervous.
Strengths: Telepathy. The ability to communicate with people through their thoughts. He learned this ability on his own, since he was born a deaf-mute! He then learned to use his mental abilities to move objects, or will something to his benefit.
Weaknesses: He's frail, and physically weak. Doesn't make friends all that well.
Sexuality: Homosexual.
Bio: Is an only child with neglectful parents! He's had to do things on his own since he was very small. Even though his parents knew he was a deaf-mute, they could careless. They both thought that he was worthless since he was born like that. Nuniye had a nanny though, that cared for him like her own son. But she never stuck around.. She died in an accident a few years ago. He's still a little touchy about the subject of his caretaker.. But no one ever really knew her so that subject rarely came up. So now he's been doing things on his own for years.. He developed his telepathy one day when he was only 7 years of age. His parents never knew that he was able to talk, in a way. He didn't feel like they needed to know this about him. So whenever his parents were ever around he just kept quite like always, but listened to their thoughts. Listening to them he realized that he will never be able to love his parents. They hated him for being this way, and thought of getting rid of him one day. Nuniye then decided to leave them. So he ran away from home and went looking for Yuki Yanagi School for Gifted Boys, because he knew he might be accepted in this school for who he was.. And for what he can do. So he applied and was accepted. Before he ran away though, Nuniye left a short a message as possible for his parents. He knew they wouldn't bother looking for him even if the message he left, miraculously, made them realise that he was worht something after all.
Classes: Japanese(writing), Science(Physics), Music, Modern Studies.
Clubs: School Newspaper(Journalism), Fortune-Telling, Philosophy
Dorm#: 6

User Image
Gaian Name: !S.h o k o r a C.a n d y
Character Name: Kanno, Ren
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Breed: Human and tiny part bunny.
Appearance: Ren's around 5'9. He has many many different coloured contacts, and may wear bunny ears from time to time.
His clothing range is rather vast, but he never wears shorts.
Personality: Ren loves to shop. I guess you can call him vain,
superficial, but he's a pretty nice person, distant sometimes, but still nice. He pretty much likes anyone, as long as they don't hate him first.

He gets emotional sometimes, and hates himself for it.
Ren's also a very... un-violent person, but he smokes from time to time,
he's trying to quit.
Ren loves being praised,
but he's rather quiet around new people.
And if he doesn't like you, he wouldn't say anything, because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
&&;;May act hyper if starved or sugar deprived.
Likes: Making clothing, Sexpot Revenge, reading, candy, accessories, cooking, Kirii(bunny!), children, Visual Kei, Music influenced art, swings, make-up, ribbon, lace, chains, morbid things, cute things, pink, black, white, gray.
Dislikes: Glomping, ignorant people, babies, unhygienic things, roller coasters, men with hair past their shoulders, being called a girl.
Habits: EBAY, lying, always carries band-aids and cell phone, drawing on himself, fiddling with things.
Strengths: Friendly, independent(Well, as long as he has some money in his pocket, he is.) cleaannn, caring.
Weaknesses: Darkness, vanity, hard to keep promises, arguing, colourful things.
Sexuality: Bi-sexual~
Bio: Ren was born in Japan but raised in Canada. Both his parents are Japanese but act like they're the ones that were raised in Canada.
Ren has a twin sister named Rene, and she currently lives in the UK with her boyfriend. Ren and Rene are very close, and used to do almost everything together when they were kids.
Ren has the ability to read the minds of the person that makes physical contact with him. He can also run very fast and jump really high. (If he wants to, of course.) Ren should have had a little brother, but he had died from the flu. He never talks about him.
Ren knows how to play the guitar and is pretty good at making his own clothing.
Classes: Japanese, English, Chemistry, Art, History, PSE, Physical Education
Clubs: Soccer, Fortune telling.
Dorm#:Building 2, #9

I'm a courgette.

I'm lookin' that up.
Character Skeleton

User Image


[b]Gaian Name:[/b] (Obvious.)
[b]Character Name:[/b] (Last then First)
[b]Age:[/b] (Ages 14 to 19)
[b]Sex:[/b] (Male Obviously.)
[b]Breed:[/b] (Angel, vampire, elf, neko, human..)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Anime Pictures or detailed descriptions only!)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Please make at least two paragraphs? It’s only like, 10 sentences and it’s boring when people say ‘Doesn’t make friends easily’. It’s so common!)
[b]Likes:[/b] (Here you can just list like Potato-chips, Reading, Drawing etc.)
[b]Dislikes:[/b] (Same as the likes. List what they dislike.)
[b]Habits:[/b] (Do they have something that they seem to do all the time? Twiddle their fingers? Pick their noses? Eww…)
[b]Strengths:[/b] ( Maybe they are fast? Maybe they are social people and make friends easily? List at least four.)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Weaknesses are like strengths. Everyone as them. Please list Four.)
[b]Sexuality:[/b] (Bi or Homo? This is a Yaoi/Shounen-ai RP.)
[b]Position?:[/b] (Seme/Uke/Seke)
[b]Bio:[/b] (Make as detailed as possible. This is one of the most detailed parts of your RP forms.)
[b]Classes:[/b] (List them here.)
[b]Dorm#[/b] (Dorm 1 to 10. You can share with another student.)


[b]Gaian Name:[/b] (Obvious.)
[b]Character Name:[/b] (Last then First)
[b]Age:[/b] (Ages 21 and above))
[b]Sex:[/b] (Male Obviously.)
[b]Breed:[/b] (Angel, vampire, elf, neko, human…)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Anime Pictures or detailed descriptions only!)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Please make at least two paragraphs? It’s only like, 10 sentences and it’s boring when people say ‘Doesn’t make friends easily’. It’s so common!)
[b]Likes:[/b] (Here you can just list like Potato-chips, Reading, Drawing etc.)
[b]Dislikes:[/b] (Same as the likes. List what they dislike.)
[b]Habits:[/b] (Do they have something that they seem to do all the time? Twiddle their fingers?)
[b]Strengths:[/b] ( Maybe they are fast? Maybe they are social people and make friends easily? List at least four.)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Weaknesses are like strengths. Everyone as them. Please list Four.)
[b]Sexuality:[/b] (Bi or Homo? This is a Yaoi RP.)
Position?: (Seme/Uke/Seke)
[b]Bio:[/b] (Make as detailed as possible. This is one of the most detailed parts of your RP forms.)
[b]Classes:[/b] (What Classes do you teach? Maximum 3)
[b]Dorm#[/b] (Dorm 1 to 10. You can share with another Teacher or on your own.)

[.Introduction.] [.Story.] [.Rules.] [.Subjects.] [.Characters.] [.Character Profiles Base.] [.Others.] [.Updates.] [.Banners.] [.Black/White Lists.] [.Dorms.] [.Reserved.]
Other Profiles.

User Image

Furu is a small black cat whose family has lived in the school for many, many years. Though technically she is not a human she is still respected like a teacher and is also referred to as ‘sensei’ or just Furu-san. She is a feisty feline with a lot of opinions of her own [did I mention she could speak?] and she helps take care of an watch the students as they roam the school. Occasionally she will even take over if a teacher is off. One of Darius’s closest friends.

[.Introduction.] [.Story.] [.Rules.] [.Subjects.] [.Characters.] [.Character Profiles Base.] [.Others.] [.Updates.] [.Banners.] [.Black/White Lists.] [.Dorms.] [.Reserved.]
Updates & Information.

User Image

21st September 2006: Still setting up the RP, Will be done by Tonight ^_^.
28th September 2006: Yay! We have a few people! The RP also started today (Well, officially.).
1st October 2006: Newly added Dorms! (1st Reserve spot.) Go check out who you chose to buddy with. If you want a Dorm change just PM me or say in the OOC thred.
2nd October 2006: I just noticed there are TWO bisexuals here! Yay. Most of the Shounen-ai/Yaoi RP's I go in have about a million.
3rd October 2006: We have 7 Students and 2 Teachers! We need more Teachers or the Teachers we do play right now might have to double their classes or something... I don't mind really. Students are love! I'm really hoping to get TWINS on here soon and I'm sorta thinking about making pre-mades but I don't know. We will discuss it in the OOC Thread.

31st January 2007: I’m opening this rp again! On a different thread though… This one!

7th April 2007: Wow, major updating needed! I changed a bit on the profile application for sexual position (what's your favorite? XD) meaning seme/uke or whatever. I'm also making small plot twists and whatnot. I need some ideas first, we need more drama! Affairs, forbidden loves, getting caught doing naughty things and of course MAN SEXORZ!
I wish I had reserved more posts... Oh well, I'll update more later.

8th April 2007: Just cleaned out some of theprofiles to make way for more <3
April 23 2007: I'm adding two more rooms to each buildings so new folk can join ^_~

[.Introduction.] [.Story.] [.Rules.] [.Subjects.] [.Characters.] [.Character Profiles Base.] [.Others.] [.Updates.] [.Banners.] [.Black/White Lists.] [.Dorms.] [.Reserved.]
Banners & Personalised Pictures.

User Image

User Image - by Seritama

[.Introduction.] [.Story.] [.Rules.] [.Subjects.] [.Characters.] [.Character Profiles Base.] [.Others.] [.Updates.] [.Banners.] [.Black/White Lists.] [.Dorms.] [.Reserved.]
Black & White List.

User Image

Black List.

People who are n00by, Go against the Rules and Annoy me.

White List.

Seritama for making a cool banner for the RP!
`Derek... She's the second admin, she helps me accept and look after the thread.

Perseus Isame because he donated me 6000 gold and I luff him for it <3 Now I can get my Were Tail.

dah fuzzinator of dewm! - Awesome. She's my right hand... girl? Or man. Or something like that anyway. She helps me keep this RP going! Respect her dernitt! >w<

[.Introduction.] [.Story.] [.Rules.] [.Subjects.] [.Characters.] [.Character Profiles Base.] [.Others.] [.Updates.] [.Banners.] [.Black/White Lists.] [.Dorms.] [.Reserved.]

User Image

Dorm 1: Taranus, Anextiomarus
Dorm 2: Toyo, Akira / Sahi Nikaru
Dorm 3: Isame, Leander
Dorm 4: Watanabe, Krystof
Dorm 5: Tabian, Elliot / Dober Malik
Dorm 6: Andreus Delwick / Hyuutan Daemeon
Dorm 7: Trevor Darcy /
Dorm 8: Qing Tianqi / Qing Tianshi
Dorm 9: Elliot, Henry /
Dorm 10: Blaisdell Darius / Mibu
Dorm 11:
Dorm 12:

Building 2.

Dorm 1: Umino Oriko / Shimizu Seiji
Dorm 2: Agathangelos, Frodo /
Dorm 3: Fredrickson, Sebastion /
Dorm 4: Reikiro Takaro / Momiji Takatori
Dorm 5: Shiko Zephys /
Dorm 6: Nami Yuhi / Lii-Ire
Dorm 7: Kibou Akari / Sunzuki Tashkutta
Dorm 8: Cadencer Michael / Slythor
Dorm 9: Kanno, Ren / Belmonte, Anderson
Dorm 10: Twilight, Kaylen /
Dorm 11:
Dorm 12: Reserved.

[.Introduction.] [.Story.] [.Rules.] [.Subjects.] [.Characters.] [.Character Profiles Base.] [.Others.] [.Updates.] [.Banners.] [.Black/White Lists.] [.Dorms.] [.Reserved.]
More Profiles.

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Gaian Name: [ Love Cookie ]
Character Name: Blaisdell Darius
Age: Death age 19 (Actual age is about 213)
Sex: Male <3
Breed: Shinigami/Death God/Soul Reaper
Appearance: Hair of soft blonde and eyes of dark chocolate brown, he is like the Romeo that never was. His skin is pale and milky-white with a face as innocent as a Childs. His face is not sharp like that of a fully grown man but he gives off the teenager look with a smooth, hairless chin and skin that has no blemishes whatsoever. He does have one small freckle just below the corner of his right eye but that is really the only thing that stands out about his face other than his sharp brown eyes.

He is only half Japanese. The other half is of French linage, he has a striking resemblance to the French man who helped to found the school with his blonde hair and dark eyes. This is because his genes run all the way back to the man himself and he just somehow got the looks from all that time back. The personality is quite different though.

His clothing style… strange. He likes to wear a lot of either yellow and black or white and blue. Normally, he wears a black waistcoat and a long-sleeved yellow shirt underneath. On his bottom half it is almost always black pants and shoes that fit him to perfection. He will sometimes wear a black bowler hat when he wants to but that is only when he is in a good mood. Glasses? Well, he has them but hardly wear s them. They are no-rimmed glasses with silver-legs and a thin lens. When he was alive he wore contacts but after he died he just gave up on them.

So he is Medium-heights, Average weight and a rather small yet athletic build. He has still managed to maintain his nineteen-year old body after all this time. How lucky!

He has a short fawn’s tail and very small antlers on the top of his head, these are usually covered by his hat though, that is why it’s always at an angle.

Personality: With a sweet yet spicy personality, Darius’s personality is easily confused at times. His difficult personality makes him a good liar, a goof ally but not so good of a friend. He is not exactly loyal or kind; actually he is pretty much the opposite. He goes with whoever gives him the best deal at the time and that is that. He likes to get the job done and will stop at nothing to achieve what he wants. He is however a very skilled and organized person, that is why he was chosen to watch over the school instead of his two older brothers. Unlike them, he can control his emotions and keeps them in check at all times. His judiciousness and serenity are his strong points and being stubborn and recklessness are his bad points.

Darius is a smooth talker. Most of his personality is made up to be focused around his work but out of his business he can be quite different if he wanted to be. A strange taste in food he has and he liked to space out at times. Anything sweet he will eat without hesitation but he doesn’t like jellybabies because he feels like a cannibal. You will always see him with either pocky, a lollipop or a cigarette in his mouth. He says he wants to stop, that’s why he always eats sweets but in reality he is just kidding himself.

He really needs a kick to make his softer personality to show.

Likes: Reading, Teasing, Work, Laughing at people, Sex, Drawing, Manga
Dislikes: Really tall people, Spicy foods, Everything being too loud or too quiet, Babies, Baldness
Habits: Eating loads of sweets, Smoking, Raising hand to mouth in a smoking movement
Strengths: Strong minded, Good judgment, Good taste, Easy to talk to
Weaknesses: Big-headed, Stubborn, Un-cooperative, Sometimes mean
Sexuality: Bi-Secksual baby!
Bio: Like his father before him, Blaisdell Darius became the Headmaster of the School after waiting many years to achieve it. He was born into the wealthy family of Blaisdell, and if you recognize the name it was because Darius happened to be the Great, Great, Great Nephew of Blaisdell Darien who came to Japan with the founders of Yuki Yanagi. This obviously got the Blaisdell a high name in the Magical word much to his family’s delight. So Darius was brought up the rich kid who wasn’t allowed to speak to commoners.

Darius had two older brothers before him, they were much older than him and since they were all born human and equal they were all constantly battling for a better position with their father. Darius was the youngest out of them by fourteen human years to the middle son whom he got on fairly well with but he was a further fifteen years younger than his eldest brother who didn’t like him very much because he had a different mother from him and his other brother. After Darius’s bother’s mother died his father re-married to a young Japanese girl then they had Darius. They were a happy family after that.

When Darius was fourteen his mother was suddenly diagnosed with Leukemia and died in Hospital during treatment. The true competitive nature of his brothers cam out after this and with the wife gone it meant that they all had a chance at getting their father’s large fortune after he died. The eldest believed that he should have it because he was the oldest and most able to look after it, the middle brother had all the qualifications needed to manage the school and gain profits… then there was Darius who had a dead mother, not even out of school and without a good deed to his name. The eldest brother was chosen to look after the school after the father passed away.

This did not bother Darius too much but the fact that everything was happening to him all at once was making him feel more and more claustrophobic and trapped in this world he didn’t believe to be true. He started to get depressed with it all and was failing at everything he was doing… His middle-brother came to ask him what was wrong an once he explained how he was feeling the middle-brother understood and offered to help him. In time he got over his depression and started to move forward again. He even met a girl he liked and she liked him back. It was all going good until his brothers found out about the relationship.

The eldest wasn’t really caring because it wouldn’t affect what was happening after their father died but the middle-brother didn’t think that Darius was old enough to be in a relationship yet and told him to wait until he was ready to get married. Blinded by love Darius told him that hid feelings for the girl were true and he couldn’t stop it. The middle-brother was quite shocked at his reply and they had a falling out.

Later that night, the middle-brother called Darius into a spare room, telling him that he was supposed to meet his love there. The middle-brother then called the girlfriend into the room beforehand and made a pass at her. Walking in at the wrong time just ruined Darius’s life… what he saw was his love and his brother ‘doing stuff’ together when they knew that he was coming. He couldn’t think properly… he ran out of the room and into the stabled where he tacked up his fine chestnut mare and darted away. This was the worst betrayal… he didn’t want to live anymore.

So he killed himself. After finding a suitable spot, he removed the bridal and reins from his horse and hung himself from a large tree. It was a maid who found him as she traveled from work after her two-day leave the next morning. She alerted the people there and his funeral was held a few days later. No-one knew the cause of death so it was treated just like suicide.

What’s more is what happened next. Before Darius died, his Father had left him the school in his will and had died that morning. So the school belonged to a dead-man without a will. The school was given to the eldest son like it was originally was going to be but like every other human his life soon came to an end, same with the middle-brother. The will remained though and so did Darius’s soul.

After you commit suicide you do not simply float into heaven like a normal soul would. You have to be punished for dying to early… the punishment was to become a Soul Reaper or a Shinigami as they were known in Japan. This was his curse. So he came back to everyone’s surprise and was even allowed to run the school while being a full Shinigami.

His curse is that he is not allowed to trust anyone again. He has forgotten how to trust.

Classes: None, I’m headmaster! Yay me!
Dorm# Undecided.

Gaian Name: [ Love Cookie ]
Character Name: Nami Yuhi
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Breed: Half Anthro/Inu
Appearance: With his long light-brown hair and baby blue eyes he is more often mistaken as a flat chested girl wearing boy’s clothing. It doesn’t help that he seems to have a very feminine touch to his whole body and face as well as a very high voice for a male it just means that he is looked onto as either an uke… or a girl. He is quite pale and thin with no real marks or features that stick out much other than a small freckle at the side of his right eye. Underneath his clothes however there is one or two smaller things that are noticeable if you are lucky enough to get close enough to see them. On his back above his tailbone there is a small black star-shaped tattoo which he got when he was younger in attempt to make himself a little more macho but it seems all it got him was a slagging from the boys. The other is situated on his left shoulder blade where there is a small slash/scar he got when he was younger.

He has small pointed doggy-ears on his head instead of normal ears and a small brown tail to match but other than that he isn’t distinguishable from any other humans or wizards. His lower and upper canine teeth are also quite a bit pointier that humans though but not larger or too noticeable unless you look closely or he gives you a toothy smile…. Also, just to be different, he has his tongue pierced once with a silver bar which he never takes out. He would not advise it to any of his students, he thought it hurt!

Hair – His hair is long and thin and reaches roughly down to the bottom of his back above his tail but it is always tied up neatly in a low ponytail to keep it out of his work. He has a long fringe too that reaches just past where his ears would have been if he were human and it curls slightly near the end. His roots are quite darker than the rest of his mousy hair but soon grow lighter as they get longer… this is the same with his tail fur and well, any other hair he might have XD.

Eyes – Like I said before, he has baby-blue eyes that are wide and energetic, even when he is over-worked or stressed. These are like portholes into his soul, you can always tell when he is upset or stressed because his eyes always seem to go a slightly darker shade of blue than they usually are.

Clothing – Can usually be seen in a white lab coat or in black formal wear. He likes to wear warm colors such as brown or black but occasionally the cold colors can be seen hugging his petite body. He is particularly fond of his blue, green, white and gray scarf that he wears in cold weather. His clothes when he is working depends on what weather it is or what he is feeling like but it is often just black or brown trousers with a blac or white shirt under a red jumper.

Scent - Anything warm. Fruity smells are a favorite.

Personality: Motherly would be a rather weird way to describe him but he is often referred to as the ‘motherly’ type by both the staff and student. He is the nagging wife to the teachers and the motherly or sisterly type to the students who need a shoulder to cry on. He deals with counseling for troubled students, medical injuries and obviously body examinations and health checks so nothing is either too embarrassing or too cheesy to speak to him about. He is calm and considerate and listens to others problems and puts them before his own. He is a quick learner and generally a smart person and is not afraid to show it, he yearns for wisdom and can be found sniffing around the library in his free time.

Though he may seem the perfect character on the outside and has no flaws what-so-ever, he does have his little problems. He lacks in confidence most of the time when speaking to new people or is put in uncomfortable situations. He likes to think of himself as a rock but his trouble is putting his own problems after those of his students and colleagues. He likes to, as people say, bury his head in the ground and hope everything just passes by in its own time but often that is the case. Easy to crack under pressure and overreacts too much, that is him.

Likes: Cookies, Lollypops, Orchids, Roses, Ramen, Reading, Movies, Romance Novels, Fantasy, Humans, Older Guys, Pink, Yellow, Classical Music, Dark Hair or really Light Hair, Honey, Sweets, Smelly Things (Nice smelly things, like bath-balls) and puppies.
Dislikes: Rats, Cats, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Petunias, Marigold, Cheese, Clingy People, Demanding Partners, Indigo or Purple, Reality Novels, Pop Music, Toast, Bad Smells and Kittens.
Habits: None that really stick out… does like hugs though.
Strengths: Calm, Cooperative, Sweet, Honest, Quiet
Weaknesses: Overactive, Likes to Nag, Sometimes Snappy, Shy, Quite Demanding
Sexuality: Homosexual
Bio: Born into the ‘human world’ from a human mother and a Demon father, as he was known. Went to private school from the age of eleven after endless taunting from his schoolmates and excelled in most subjects in high school. Everything was fine until he reached the age of fourteen when he attempted to rebel out by getting various body-parts pierced or tattooed, drinking and smoking and doing all these stupid things a fourteen year old child shouldn’t have been doing. It wasn’t until he was beaten up for the first time when he was sixteen did he start to wizen up a bit and settle down with schoolwork. He got rid of most of his piercings but the tattoos couldn’t be removed (Tattoos he calls them though he only has one. He counts his other body marks as tattoos as they are permanent) and he just left them as they were.

He decided to be a doctor like his mother as he didn’t have a clue what his father did for a living but later decided the pressure of working in a hospital when you were someone like him caused too much trouble for the human council and soon people would become suspicious so he enrolled in this school as a nurse/doctor when he passed university at nineteen.
Classes: None, He’s a nurse.
Dorm# 6

User Image(gaian name) ~ Sora ~ Aoi ~
(character name) Shimizu Seiji
(age) 18
(sex) Male
(breed) Dhampir
(appearance) Seiji has this neo-gothic aura about him. He's been called emo, but he hardly goes around bursting into tears and slicing his skin open. Thanks to his vampire father his skin is as pale as paper and nearly flawless. Which essentially means its hard for him to scar, though he can get hurt and cut and scraped, etc. He just heals quickly and very well compared to humans. He has a lean/slim athletic build and reaches a height of 5'10". Not too short, not too tall. He is of Japanese heritage of course and has their characteristics. He has the almond shaped eyes that are as dark as night with short black brows perched above them.
Seiji's hair is thick mop on his head the color of coal, sort of layered and messy. He has quite a few piercings; two labret or through his lower lip, three in each lobe, one in the cartiledge of his right ear, one tongue, and one navel. Seiji typically wears a lot of black or dark colors as far as clothing goes. Bondage pants and long sleeved and high necked shirts tend to be his favorite attire. The pants often form-fitting and the shirts a little more loose. He always though wears these pair of all black slip vans, his fave pair of shoes thats been with him through many good times and bad. Also might find Seiji in a little bit of eye-liner, he thinks he looks sexy.

(personality) Ah, Seiji, not someone to mess with. He'll bite back. If he's annoyed and some dumbass bothers the s**t out of him, he'll give them s**t with a sharp tongue and witty words to leave them speechless. He often gets the feeling he's surrounded by idiots because he sees so many cases around him. Seiji usually has a bad attitude towards most people and it takes awhile to get on his good side, not that he's completely anti-social or anything. Though he isn't one for large crowds, he'd rather just hang with one or two poeple he can fully trust. Seiji is a smart-alic and has the occasional bad habit of talking back to people that including teachers.
Seiji comes off either stoic or annoyed or pissed off. He's actually a laid-back kind of guy and so he can be a little lazy or unmotivated, which is ironic considering he does both Japanese Fencing and Soccer. He is athletic, just never in a rush to get anywhere. Might find him napping in class or in the library or outside under some shade with his head phones on sending music to his ears. He's not a morning person and so really grumpy then. He takes his music especially seriously as well as his sports when conducting them he goes from this laid-back a*****e to a force not to be reckon with. Seiji could also care less what other thought of him, he's very independent and follows his own beat. He never lets his peers influence him and makes his own judgements and decisions. He can be a little aloof though and intimidating.

(likes) Music, Manga, Fencing, Soccer, Cranberries, Sushi, Horror Films, Strawberry Pocky, Green Tea, Italian Food, the Internet, Afternoon Naps, and Cats.
(dislikes) Ignorant People, Really Sweet Things, Vampires [something he can't help; genetics], Dogs, Hypocrisy, Reality TV, and anything else that annoys the hell out of him.
(habits) A common habit of Seiji's is clicking his tongue piercing against his teeth, he sometimes doesn't know he's doing it. He always carries his headphones with him either around his neck or on with the music blaring into his ears. Another one involving piercings is chewing on his lower lip and fiddling with the metal there.
(strengths) His music talent especially the violin, excellent athleticism, fast learning, and heightened senses.
(weaknesses) Coffee and energy drinks, Cigarettes, Overpowering will to kill Vampires [he's managed to control himself most of the time], Laziness/unmotivation, and Blessed water or objects.
(sexuality) Bisexual
(bio) Dhampir's occur when born to a vampire Father and a human mother. They are often skilled in killing vampires and often it becomes their trade once they grow up. Seiji has never really wanted that. He was born in Nagoya, Japan, on September 8th to a Miss Hitomi Shimizu. His father had been a sort of fling for his mother, an incubus that had seduced her one night. She ended up pregnant with him. Hitomi probably would have never regretted it had she lived after childbirth. Seiji ended up with his Uncle Shiro who raised him till now. Uncle Shiro was also a sort of grumpy guy and perhaps some of that rubbed off on him. They say environment is what shapes one's personality and who they are.
As a Dhampir, he has all of a Vampire's powers but none of their weaknesses to blood or sunlight or stakes through the heart, however he still is not immune to holy water or blessed objects. When he touches either steam or smoke rises from his flesh and it burns and stings. He's fast and agile with heightened senses and some telepathic abilities [there is a shapeshifting power he has yet to unlock]. He never really honed some of these skills because he fought off the urges for sometime to use his powers against his Vampiric cousins. His Uncle had been fisherman in Tokyo and so he never really had anyone to explain things to him of what he was. He had to do some research on his own. While doing so, he discovered this school and applied immediately. Seiji has been playing the violin since he was eight and just recently started guitar. Music is a main part of his life and always comes first above all things.

Music [violin & guitar]
History of Magic
Magical Studies

(clubs) Soccer Team, Japanese Fencing, & Manga.
(dorm#) Dorm 1 - Building 2

I'm a courgette. xD
Gaian Name: Persues Isame
Character Name: Isame, Leander
Age: 15
Sex: Male, obviously. -__-
Breed: Angel
Appearance: [ Click me! ^_^ ]
Personality: Leander is just a happy and cheerful soul. He isn't a person who you call a klutz, but his head is always among the clouds and thus is easily caught off guard during that time. Leander is pretty atheltic, the sport he excels the most at is badminton. Though Leander is fiendishly cunning, a few people have been able to pull his strings with great or little effort. He's always sweet to most people, though if you get him angry enough, he'll hold a grudge for quite some time. What Leander lacks in height, he makes up for in energy. Don't underestimate him because he's shorter than the average teenager, as he's quite strong due to martial arts lessons from his grandfather.
Note: Leander hyperventilates when oranges are near.
Likes: He enjoys eating citrus fruits and apples most of the time. Leander reads a wide variety of books, likes animes and listening to almost any kind of music.
Dislikes: Leander doesn't have many pet peeves but number one on his list is racism and cruelty to animals or other humans people.
Habits: Leander has a bad habit of biting his fingernails when he's nervous, how most people find out he's nervous, and he always seems to carry some sweets somewhere on his clothing.
Strengths: Leander is pretty agile due to the small wings he keeps hidden inside his clothing, has pretty good hearing, which is like supernatural hearing if comapred to a nearly deaf person, but you probably knew that. Leander is a very great friend and loyal to whom he trusts.
Weaknesses: Leander.. does not like clowns. They just freak the living hell out of him. Leander is very sensitive, so if he is poked in the flesh between the ribcage and his waist, he'll go hit ground pretty hard.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Bio: Leander was born into a world where "normal" civilians could not breathe fire, or summon a mighty beast, unlike most childrens' fantasy books. His mother was human, and his father was a fallen angel. They were one of the richest couples in the country, but did not spend their money on Leander for "first-class education". Instead, they sent him to slightly wealthy schools, which he excelled at most topics. When Leander turned fifteen years of age, he was sent to Yuki Yanagi, since his father had found out about the school at the same time as his birth date.
Classes: Japanese, Physics, Music, Geography, Magical Studies and Home Economics.
Clubs: Chinese Martial Arts, and Library club.
Dorm# Number Three.

Gaian Name: dah fuzzinator of dewm!
Character Name: Fredrickson, Sebastion
Age: 14.
Sex: *Checks pants* Male.
Breed: Human.
Appearance: The crab, sebastion!
Personality: Sebastion is generally quiet and broody all the time. He generally keeps his anger very subdued, much to the point of him mooing holding in his anger. The feeling of him being a little angry all the time is due to his Psychotic episodes.

In a relationship he is incredibly attached and heavily dedicated towards a person. This doesn't help for long-lasting relationships, As his relationships are rarely actually for the long-term. He is also somewhat judgemental, crazy, a bit jealous and strangely flexible.

On a positive side, though, He is observant, Calm when he has his medication, pretty happy-go-lucky and sweet to people he is truly close with. Oh, and he is very good with tranlating Japanese phrases to english.

Likes: Pretty art, Violent anime, Cows, Anime involving psychology as a sub-plot. (Like Elfen Lied)
Dislikes: Sudden change, talkative people, crazy people, Happy Anime series.
Habits: Twitching when he is craving a cigarette, his ears twitching violently when he senses paranormal activity, giggling evilly at utterly random times, randomly including Japanese phrases into conversation and Mooing when he feels bored or really pissed off.
Strengths: Sensing paranormal activity, Befriending people easily, amusing people, A strone sense of loyalty, a great sense of style, a natural grasp on Japanese.
Weaknesses: A little emotionally disturbed, has humorously low opinion of self, Easily moved to paranoia, hates graveyards, short tempered and silly. Also hates crabs of any sort.
Sexuality: Bi~shexual
Bio: Sebastion was born to a regular, run of the mill, upper-middle glass family. Which included a Intelligent older sister with spina bifida, a Adopted black brother, a sweet, lovable mum with autism and a sweet, artistic, autistic dad with a odd side of the family.

Sometime after he turned 13, he went on a field trip to a Famous graveyard in england for fun. For some odd reason, he kept sensing something odd about the graveyard. He wandered away from the class, mostly sticking to famous person tombs to smoke a cigarette. When he came back about five minutes later, he found his entire class slaughtered by a laughing, demented maniac in the graveyard. The maniac, however, was still standing in front of them, a pair of dark wings appearing on his back. The maniac, "Flew away" and left Sebastion a giant axe used to murder his classmates. He was let go when they didn't find enough hard evidence for him to have murdered his classmates, though.

His mother, sensing something wrong with him after the curious incident, decided to send Sebastion to a psychologist. They learned that Sebastion could easily sense paranormal activity with ease and he had Post tramatic stress disorder from the strange incident.

They found a great job in japan, close to Sapporo and heard of Yuki Yanagi academy for Gifted boys. (Which they mistook Yuki Yunagi as a genius school for boys only) Sebastion, however, began to felt very pertubed when he sensed something odd with the idea of a gifted boy's school. Lo and behold, Sebastion is stuck in School with his brother and sister attending another school entirely, His parents working there arshes off in Sapporo while he is forced to enjoy anti-psychotic medicine on a daily basis. Oh, and he is now addicted to twisted and very sadistic Anime. Hurray!

History of magic. (Appointed by father)
Modern studies.

Clubs Manga Club.
Dorm# Building 2, Dorm 3

Classes: English, Art, Music, Elements, Magical Studies, Japanese and Drama.
Clubs Soccer, Swimming, Japanese Fencing, Chinese Martial Arts, Manga, Art and Drama.
Dorm# Building 2, Dorm 4

Gaian Name: soul_less_human
Character Name: Shiko Zephys
Age: 24
Sex: This is a yaoi roleplay, and me character's a girl /sarcasm/ I'M A GUY
Breed: Elf
Appearance: [Please Ignore the Kidnapped List. I do not Kidnap people.]
Personality: He has a range of personality. Usually, he's shy, but observant. He notices things others overlook. He has an air of kind knowlege about him. And if you ask, yes, he has a large amount on knowlege. He prefers to follow his own path and guide others. Other times, he is happy being the follower. He is very humble despite him being a teacher, and being easily repected.

Not only is he humble, but he;s obedient too. Unless he sees soemthing wrong with an order, he shall do it. He's also quite peace loving and prefers to negotiate rather than fight. He is also polite, but when angered [like the entire class is being hell] he'll use his rather /powerful/ magic to make things peaceful again.
Likes: He loves nature. He loves peace. He likes the night.
Dislikes: He dislikes sin, loud noises and spicy foods.
Habits: He fiddles with his staff, that he keeps with him all the time. It enhances his magic further and it can be quite a powerful weapon to smack a kid way out of line.
1. Knows how to dicipline well.
2.Has a unique way of teaching his subject =D
3. Easily forgiving people, though not without a slight use of dicipline.
4.Does not judge people based on things they cannot change, but judges peopel on their actions.
1. Gets easily offended when people outright attack his beliefs.
2.When angered, please GET THE HELL OUTTA THE WAY! Or do you want to become toast?
3. Really, really doesn't like blood. It terrifies him.
4. Is also terrified of pain, but he won't show it untill his dying breath.
Sexuality: Straight? So is spaghetti, 'till you heat it up.
His childhood? He had a nromal childhood in a nomadic village. Eventually he was introduced to the Holy One though a vision though a seizure he had, suddenly losing consiousness and falling hard. When he woke up, he no longer had a family to travel with. Instead, he travelled on his own, having more visions, and he was taught his magic , and he grew up with the Holy One holding his hand every step of the way.

He is a travelling preist. Thouh, when magic dies out, he could no longer spead teachings. So,he adopted the 'catholic' titel though throroughly still believeing in the Holy One. During one of his strolls, he came upon Malik, whom was just a sobbing, scarred boy. He took the angel in, and sought a way to at least stop the necklace from eating the boy's soul. He did, with a sacrifice. Now hi himself has his own psycopathic problems, as he had to sacrifice some of his soul to dormantize the necklace.

He sent the boy away, before recieving a letter himself, being invited to be a teacher. Delighted to finally be able to exersice his magic in public once more, instead of practising silently, he made arrangements to have his identity dissapear as he took a plane to the school.
Classes: Biology and Elemental Magic.
Dorm# Errr... Building #2, Dorm# 1

Gaian Name: Lilium-Irae
Character Name: Lii-Ire
Age: 21 in appearance.
Sex: "Ah think I gots a p***s! Soo...I'mma woman?" Male.
Breed: Voidwalker/Voidling.
Appearance: Okay. So, take a model's body. Now we'll put some piercings on it. Say, navel, the nipples, snake eyes lip, three in the tongue, two in the left eyebrow, and ears all the way up. Alright. Point those ears like the Night Elves on World of Warcraft. There ya go. Lengthen the hands to longer than his skull by a few inches and add some inch long glassy claws. Some knee length pure white hair dyed random neon colours, perverse neon-orange-flecked silver eyes, and full pouty bloody-crimson lips. Oh, don't forget the milky clear layer of skin that feels like those super squishy pen grippies over tiny scaled silver and gold with circles like a Blue Ringed Octopus and you have about what he looks like. Last trivia would be stitches and surgical staples around all joints, webbed hands, and fangs. Wears tight leather pants flared at the bottoms, fishnet shirts, and Goth boots. Makeup, art stuff, and anything else he can, don his skin for fun. In female form it's the same only a curvy, hourglass woman's body. Aprox. Last time Photographed. (He has the same Eye Scanner that Habitus does)
Also has wings like Raziel from Sour Reaver: Legacy of Kain. Here for Vid. And a tongue like Orochimaru’s from Naruto, only it’s thinner, sleeker, and kind of rough like a cat’s but not too much so.
Personality: Loves to hit on others. This boy is very open about sex and similar topics. He’d silly and random at times, but sadly suffers from depression and hears voices. Wait that is isn’t the sad part. The sad part is that he thinks it normal. He also has problems with violent thoughts usually including seriously maiming others, innards and eating of said, lots and lots of blood. Lii no idea of morally wrong or right, and because of it has been banned from countries for eating people and killing the ones that really, really pissed him off. He likes to draw and make dolls/puppets that end up being his friends. He’s extremely strange and sometimes awkward to be around because of his insanity; he doesn’t seem to notice or if he does doesn’t care of others discomfort.
Flesh and blood.
Kitties and doggies. Well, animals in general.
Anime/Manga/Video games.
Glowsticks. ~Drools, stupified~ "Preciousssss...."
The idea of Love. He doesn’t believe it exists as people use it.
Laws/Absolute Authority.
Animal cruelty. It triggers kill mode.
Purists. “We’re all goin’ to Hell anyways, dumbasses. Might as well live it up and let loose.”
Plays with piercings.
Plays with his hair.
Puts right thumb nail in his mouth. Doesn’t bite it, just has it in between his teeth.
Can change sex. “Ehhh, p***s sounds funnier than v****a. Thus I am man! Mostly anyways.”
Expert belly dancer. He’ll dance for you if you ask.
Great at art and martial arts.
Has different modes that alter body.
Shadow, Metal, and All-Self-Cell Manipulation. (His body only, unless it's like a stray piece of flesh that doesn't belong to anyone. Then he can play with it.)
Apparently, great in bed. Something about flexibility.
Can heal/pacify most all wounds. Only on others though.
Blood and sex lust. Horribly.
A hottie.
Anime/Manga/Video Games.
Computers/internet. “Ohhh, baby! Huminah, Huminah, Huminah…” ~Drools~
RPGs. “Muaha! My b***h pawns your bitches, sucker!”
Scientists without sexual intent. They scare him…oddly enough.
Sexuality: Bi
Bio: He lived. End. (Kidding!) Lii had been a normal Voidwalker. Just doin’ what he felt like in the midst of Demon World when so freaky dudes in white coats jumped him! Just trying to find a good place to crap and then Bam! humans in your face and then black. Of course he doesn’t remember this much. His earliest memories are of waking up in pain and inside a tank. The poor boy was an experiment! His body had been altered to make the perfect weapon. This place happens to be the very same place Habitus had been taken to. While this was happening he was a she and known as Lilium. Weeell, she liked being a he better and just used her ability of controlling every single cell in her body and turned male. Lii had done this in the first year of the 65 he was left to be contained in his tank.
He was released by the same American soldiers that freed Insanus’est and Habitus, only Lii had turned back to Lilium for that time. As soon as U.S.A broke off contact Lilium was Lii again. About a week ago he got a letter fron Yuki Yanagi School as offer to teach. He was soo down for that. Now, here he is. “’Ello, poppets. Let’s have some fun shall we?”
Sex Education.
Helps with Nurse.
Dorm# Dun care.

Character Name: Momiji Takatori. [Momo for short.]

Age: 16

Sex: Male.

Breed: Half Demon.

Appearance: User Image
Personality: Momiji, or Momo, is very determined, a little shy, studious, and a complete clutz. He is very playful, around people that he has gotten to know, or feels comfortable with, and is what some people like to call "Jail Bait". His looks have gotten him into situations, jobs, and problems, but he has a very optimistic attitude towards going to Yuki Yanagi.

Momo is very active, and a bit lazy at times, but he also has a strange obsession with sweets. Things don't come to him easy; for example, he will need to study very hard in order to pass a test. Momiji can be distant at times, and needs to often be distracted in order to prevent him from thinking about his past, and letting his mind wander.

Despite the cute outer shell, Momiji also has a demon form. His demon form possess unspeakable powers, and if transformed, he can cause chaos. His demon form is kept in, by three power limiters along his right ear rim. One or two can be taken off, in order to make him stronger, but to stay on the safe side, they are usually kept on at all times.

Likes: Drawing, People, Kittens, Sugar, Cookies, Bondage, Friends, Hugs, Soccer, School, Dancing, and shopping.
Dislikes: Rain, Being Insulted, Fighting.

Habits: Biting nails, and sneezing when he's nervous.

Strengths: Extremely quick runner, good eye-hand coordination, Able to talk his way out of most problems, and is very good at cooking.

Weaknesses: Afraid of the dark, Afraid of being by himself, Afraid of spiders, and afraid of things from his past.

Sexuality: Homosexual.

Bio: Momiji Takatori was born into a family, consisting of a mother, a half brother, and a father, who was also a demon. He was a child of taboo, and was constantly ridiculed for it dailing, in his past. It is a rare sight, and is frowned upon to see a taboo child, but he can be recognized as one, due to his crimson hair, and crimson eyes. Many people stay away from him, because they are aware that he has a demon form, and assume that he could snap at any moment, when really, he has it under control, most of the time.

When he was 10, he was taken away from his family, and put into jail, due to his origins. After going through hell in that prison for 4 years, he was released, and had nothing to go home to. He was told that his parents, and his brother were killed, and from age 14, needed to make a living on his own. With a lost hope, Momiji took up prostitution, wanting to get enough money, in order to enroll into Yuki Yanagi, school for gifted boys. By age 16, he had enough cash to travel to the school as well as enroll, a little late, but enrolled, none the less.

He had a tough past that constantly causes him to have break downs, and often distracts him from everyday things, making him out to be extremely clumsy. He plasters on fake smiles, most of the time, trying to hide what eats away at him inside. He hopes to start over, at Yuki Yanagi, and hopes to be accepted, despite his taboo looks and origin.


Science- Biology.
Art- Drawing.
English- Writing.
Basic Learning Subject- History.
Physical Education.

Clubs Soccer.

Dorm# Building 2. Dorm 4.

Gaian Name: AnimeDragonofFire
Character Name: Kibou, Akari
Age: 16
Sex: Male! Unbelievable I know!
Breed: half angel, half demon
Appearance: Akari
Personality: Akari’s always been a rather reserved boy, he’d been an outcast in the town that he grew up in and never managed to make friends anywhere. So he remained as a loner, reading books all day long instead of finding people to be friends with. Now he feels like he’s simply boring, and often uses that as an excuse to stay inside.
He does get lonely easily, though it might not seem like it, he does like to talk to people and get to know them. Akari is very affectionate for animals, as well as towards anything he loves. When he gets upset however, he lashes out at anyone and everyone, much to his dismay once he’s calmed down.
Likes: Reading, silence, being able to trust someone, warmth, summer.
Dislikes: Coffee, smokers, jocks, animal cruelty, being cold, being alone.
Habits: He fiddles with his hair when he's uncomfortable and stares out into space occasionally.
Strengths: He's willing to stand his ground against someone, puts his heart and soul in someone he grows attached to, one of those people that takes in about any stray animal he sees, holds onto and cherishes something that he comes to love.
Weaknesses: Doesn't interact with people well, prefers to stay locked up in his room with a book than go find friends, doesn't come to trust people easily, runs away from things he can't deal with well.
Sexuality: Bi
Bio: Akari never knew his father, his mom having unexpectedly becoming pregnant. In their small town of angels, the fact that he was half demon made everyone hate him from the moment he was born. Because of this he stayed inside with his books while his mother worked almost all day. He’d been bullied at school, and after school or anywhere he went. Eventually they moved to a bigger city, and life for Akari improved slightly. They still didn’t have much money and lived in a tiny apartment but less people knew him and for that he was glad. His mom got a slightly better job, and for awhile they were pretty happy, though Akari still never managed to make any friends. Going to a bigger school Akari was seen as the quiet nerdy type, and soon everyone was harassing him.
On a day much like every other Akari was sitting in his first period class, attempting to ignore the people around him. Half way through the period there was a call for him to go up to the office, and soon the whole class was making up stories about what he’d done. When he arrived at the office however, there was a policeman standing there with one of the guidance councilors, to tell him that his mom had died in a car accident. Within the week he was sent off to his aunt’s house, who had seen the invitation for Yuki Yanagi that Akari’s mom had kept hidden from him, and shortly after he was enrolled.
History of Magic
Clubs: Magic club, astronomy club
Dorm# 6, building 1

Gaian Name: Kiyoshi Murakami
Character Name: Murakami, Kiyoshi "Kiyo"
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Breed: Angel
Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. [Click it for full view!]
Personality: Flirtacious, out-going, and an all around happy guy, Kiyo is bundles of fun. He loves causing mischief, mostly for teachers, and would rather slack off or go have fun than sit in a classroom all day. He is, however, also quite posessive. When he likes someone, even if they don't like him back, he will forsake all others and go after his 'target' with utmost persistance. He's a complete party boy as well, daring and careless. He's generally kind to everyone, and often playful, unless someone happens to be after the same cute guy he wants. Only then does he turn posessive and choose to play dirty. All in all, he's fun loving, happy, and a complete romantic.
Likes: Coffee, flirting, dancing, and just hanging out.
Dislikes: Being bored, violence, having to do too much work. He also really hates being inside too long.
Habits: His obnoxious, persistant stalking of cute guys. ((the boy's hopeless, really))
Strengths: He's got lots of charisma, and quite a way with words. Not to mention he's persistant...
Weaknesses: Darkness, of the evil sort, frightens him. He's also afraid of small spaces. The feeling of being trapped makes him ill.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Bio: Kiyo grew up in an environment that was lacking in love and attention, which explains his need to both give and receive both. He was raised by humans, who kept his wings hidden, so it wasn't until shortly before he came to the school that he was able to teach himself to fly. It is because of this, being forced to hide who he truly was, that he is so out-going. He's proud of himself, and values himself, even if no one else does. He knows nothing about his true parents except that they were angels, and often wonders, when he is alone, why it was that they abandoned him, and often comes to the conclusion that they didn't love him. It's only when he's completely alone that he's brave enough to show any signs of sadness.
Classes: Art, Music, Drama, Potions, Elemental arts, Magical Studies.
Clubs Drama Club, Magic Club
Dorm# 10

Gaian Name: Perseus Isame
Character Name: Cadencer Michael
Age: Sixteen.
Sex: Male, obviously.
Breed: ¾ Incubus, ¼ Human.
Appearance: [ Mikey! ^^ ]
Personality: Contrary to his grim abilities, Michael is usually energetic and upbeat. When he's in an especially good mood, he becomes quite the chatterbox, though he gets sullen when his race is brought up, mostly because people expect him to be "evil". Because he's been stereotyped his entire life, he can be a bit withdrawn when it comes to talking about himself, and things that truly upset Mikey will send him flying into a nearly uncontrollable rage. He's quite bright, a kind of natural eccentric scholar, but is a bit of a procrastinator and never does work that isn't due very soon; this doesn't seem to stop him from jokingly bragging about all his abilities and knowledge. He's a talented pianist, and if he's in a poor mood, he'll retreat to the music rooms for a few hours to rehearse. He is fond of quiet places and nature, and loves to cook.
Likes: Quiet places, cooking, cute guys, nature, and music.
Dislikes: Arrogance, crowded places, litter, and many other pet peeves soon to be listed.
Habits: He runs a hand through his hair occasionally, and looks down to the floor/ground when deep in thought.
Strengths: Michael usually makes new friends by socializing or just innocently, and playfully, teasing someone.
He can run pretty fast, pity he's not in Cross Country or Track.
Mikey is probably one of the most fun and energetics people you always want to be around and he'll stand up for what cherishes/loves.
Weaknesses: Cute guys, sweets, freaky looking clowns and Freddy.
Freddy probably scares him because someone mashed the stuffing-less raccoon onto a scanner and sent it to Michael's laptop.
Sexuality: Homosexual.
Bio: Michael would have lived a fairly normal childhood, if he had not been born to a succubus and a human, purely because his mother could not keep her hands off one of her victims, it was unexpected but love bloomed that evening. Mikey was brought to this world. His birth parents gave him the loving attention any child should receive, and a decent home which sheltered him from the hazards of the four seasons. They had labeled their son as a blessing, for his persistence on living life to the fullest, academically, captured their undying, parental affection. At the age of nine, he became his middle school’s source of popularity. Hard-working, a polite deportment, intellectually sociable if the situation demands it. Then again, Michael did not feel comfortable living among pure blood humans that often questioned his existence.
Classes: Japanese, Physics, Music, Geography, Magical Studies and Home Economics.
Clubs Drama Club, Cooking club.
Dorm# Building Two, dorm number eight.

Character Name: -he has no last name- Slythor
Age: 14
Sex: Umm...-checks peice of cloth- I'm a guy...
Breed: Naga
Appearance: User Image
Personality: He's usually quite shy and gets flustered often. He is quiet, so even hsi shouts seem like normal talking. He was born that way, acually. He was never humbled, he just always was. He hates violence, and enjoyes snuggling against warm people when he gets cold... as he can;t regulate his body temperature as easily. He is tolerant of pretty much anything, and will take pretty much anything. He's an all around peaceful guy untill he's cornered or feels threatened... Then it's a ' DON'T ******** TOUCH ME YOU b*****d!!!' moment for him.
Likes: Nature, snuggling up to warm people and tasty treats [like mice]
Dislikes: Violence and being threatened.
Habits: His tail tip liked tp flick. That or he likes to play with his tail.
Strengths: He is poisonous. When he gets mad, he'll bit your neck so hard you'll die in a few seconds. He can legally not wear a shirt [omfg] But msot fabrics his skin will react badly to it. His tail is a great weapon if he ever needs to defend himself and he is immune to most poisons.
Weaknesses: He has a real phobia for darkness. Like.. in the room darkness. He's used to moonlight and stars and such. He is easily flustered, and he has a weakness for nice treats. He would do anything for one.
Sexuality: Acually, he states he's a straight snake and he doesn't slither that way. Partly because his human parents were strict christians.
Bio: His mother and father were cincidentally killed easrly in his life, when he was just a cute little baby. He was taken in by humans, and was taught how to live the human ways of peace and happiness. Though then one day came his 14th birthday, a male naga came to him with a notice that he was invited to a school that would be able to controll his untapped magic ability. but what magic ability? He didn't know any. But then again, weird things have been hapening when he was little... So.. he managed to travelhere through a luggage compartment.
Japanese - Reading, Writing, Speech
History of Magic
Magical Studies

Clubs None...
Dorm# Dorm 2, room... 8.

Gaian Name: acashner08
Character Name: Sunzuki Tashkutta (Sun)
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
A studier. Fickle like the wind, from moment he is placid and dazed, when in another instant he is lucid and sharp. There is a constant air of mystery about him, like he never tells you everything there is to tell, though he holds some secret that will not pass. It is also his trait to be flirtatious almost to the point of whoredom. This would be unbearable if it wasn’t for the fact that he is charming and witty, sly and keen, always after the types that can catch his puns. Nothing turns him on more than someone who can form good banter.
Likes: Literature and modern politics, cooking and good food, writing, sports of all kinds…
Dislikes: Stupid people. Honestly. (So yes, a bit arrogant…)
Habits: Playing with his hair.
-Poweful and sharp, unrelenting and a leader
-Creative and an optimist for the most part
-Nonchalant in almost every circumstance that involves more than one person
-A tendency to get his heart broken
-Good wine, he’s a bit of the drinker
Sexuality: Bi, strictly
Sun was raised in a good family and led, in the most general understanding, a wonderful life. His dress and attitude reflect his urbanite lifestyle. Always busy. Always doing something or starting something. The rest of his life remains somewhat a mystery to many. He's never shy from answering a question--even the private ones--but he doesn't spout off random facts and tidbits from his life. More so, his time all over the world at various instances in his existence have prompted him to have a very global view. Did I say wonderful life? Wonderful until—His parents were k

Gaian Name: Ja[X]oN
Character Name: Arterwrightix, Kael
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Breed: Half Fairy, Half Unknown (See Below, It’s A Good Explanation)

Appearance : User Image

Something you can’t see in this image – Kael has a pair of antennas similar to those of a butterfly’s. He keeps these hidden from view frequently, by styling his hair as seen above.

Personality: Easy-going yet discreet. Makes friends effortlessly. On the other hand, enjoys privacy and independence. Likes to get away from it all, and be alone from time to time. Both to contemplate the meaning of life, and to enjoy himself. Needs space, so escapes to beautiful hideaways. Not a loner. At peace with himself and the world. Appreciates life and what this world has to offer.

Comes to grips with himself and his environment more frequently and thoroughly than do most people. Detests superficiality. Would rather be alone than to have to suffer through small talk. Relationships with friends are highly intensive.

Very sensitive person. Refuse to view things from only a sober, rational standpoint. What his feelings tell him are just as important to him. Feels it is important to have dreams in life. Rejects people who scorn romanticism and are only guided by rationality. Refuses to let anything confine the rich variety of his moods and emotions.

Likes: Drawing. Music. Having conversations. Meeting new people. Reading. Video-Games. Mythology. Personology. Astrology. Mexican Food. His Drawings Being Praised. Feeling Appreciated/Needed. Waking up early, just to start the day first, in a calm, contentful way, as the sun rises. When others depend on him.

Dislikes: People who pretend to be something they’re not. Clichés. Judging others. Close minded people. Misguided ignorance. Lies/Lying, even though he’s exceptional at it. Bullies/Bullying. When people try too hard, overall. These sorts of things.

Habits: Procrastination. Forgetfulness. Finger biting.
Strengths: Creativity. Drive. Grasping difficult thoughts/ideas. Expert conversationalist. Comedy. Social situations in general. Loyalty.
Weaknesses: Gets attached to people easily. Sensitive. Cares a lot for what others think of him. When burned enough, gets extremely vengeful. Gets depressed somewhat easily, not frequently.
Sexuality: Gay. Realized only two short years ago.

Bio: On June fourth, years ago, sometime shortly after dawn I believe it was, a handsome, dirty-blonde haired boy was born to a couple just shy of seventeen. He was brought into the world, wrapped up warmly in his own pair of sun-kissed fairy wings. Oh what a brilliant yellow they were, nearly glowing with light... The only thing that broke the color’s span was droplet sized dots of cerulean. Eight on either side of his wings, none the same size. The boy’s beaming eyes matched the color of those drops, I remember that moment vividly. When I glimpsed my firstborn grandson, and later holding him in my weary arms, showing him off to all the “aw-in” nurses.

Kael. That’s what they chose to name him. Kael Arterwrightix. Luckily my wife Halli and I convinced my daughter Lyn, his mother, to keep our family’s surname long enough for it to be passed on to the boy. Ah’... Lyn. She was a soft, nurturing soul, with a stunning beauty to match. She was always so sickly though... Well, I suppose not always, there was a time, up until she was about twelve, that she was just as healthy as her brothers and sisters. Now that I think of it, that was when she first met that god for saken spawn. I always thought that was why she grew... tired. Because that monster got his hooks in her and sapped away her spirit. Ugh, I always felt guilty for never ending that cruel, self destructive demon when I first laid eyes on him. Although, I did my best to run him off. A few times actually. Never worked out though, the thing was like a cockroach, always coming back to bite you in the arse when the lights went off.

Knowing that thing was what waited for Kael when he came home was one of the reasons why we volunteered to take care of him. I said it would only be as long as it took for them to get situated. Which I thought, as much as I hate to say it, would never happen, considering... the only thing “Dewarum” knew how to do was to leech from others. He was totally incapable of handling anything on his own. I wasn’t going to let even one single thing happen that would push Kael into his “father’s” footsteps. There was no way I could watch that happen to my grandson, he was precious to me. So, on his third birthday, after years of thought, Halli and I gathered whatever was left of our personal breed’s abilities, along with any ritualistic know-how we had, and preformed a ceremony to squelch the darker half of his personality to come. It worked out, a little to well. Apparently, the kid had a strong spirit, and had resisted more of his father’s creation traits than I or Halli had expected. Therefore, when the apparently over potent spell came to be cast, not only did it squelch the demo

[Huzzah, first rp post! =^^=]
Takuro Reijirou shape shifter, wizard and spoiled brat. He stepped out of the slick black limo which his parents had rented for him. Ohh how they loved and pampered their only child, he was a gift sent from heaven in their words. They would give him the moon if he asked for it. The limo was like candy to him.

He placed his wrist against his fore-head, shielding his eyes. It was a bright, sunny day-the luminous rays reflected off of his rectangular rimmed glasses. "Damn sun." He muttered under his breath. "Your bags sir," the driver handed him his luggage. Paid a bow of respect and drove off.
Takuro glanced at his watch; he still needed to august it to the new time zone. He had been traveling Europe with his family not so long ago, and had not gone around to set his watch yet. He took his hand off of his fore-head; he now positioned it on the handle of his rolling suit case. (I forgot what it was called.)
He entered the school, his footsteps echoed. He took out a sheet of paper, "Dorm #2" he read.
He watched as the bright yellow cab screeched by, barely allowing him to grab his bag out of the trunk. "You'de think he was creeped out by something" The fact that the cab driver wasn't able to see the school didn't cross his mined. Toyo just saw a beautiful place to get away from his pack and his mom before him. Unlike the cab driver who saw bare land and wondered why exactly a teenage boy would have a overly large duffle bag and going to stay there.

Rummeging through his pocket, he pulled out a crumpled piece of pper that held his information on it. His classes were all aligned in a nice straight row, and his dorm number placed neatly below them, "Dorm number two eh?" Shoving his paper back into his pocket in exchange for a lolipop, he happily placed it in his mouth and began his way up to the school.

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