Welcome to Gaia! ::

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.::Table of Contents::.
Welcome to Doom
The Summary
List of Fools
How to Join
The New Crew
Character Locator
Profiles & Stuff


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Well, welcome and such to the ultimate “Invader Zim” RP of complicated insanity. Although this RP started as a small gathering of dedicated fans to the best show to ever air on television, it has grown and developed into something that I love with an undying passion. Since those early days, we’ve lost a few people, but now have several custom races in the works, developing planets and histories for those races, tons of awesome custom characters, and a deep and foreboding plotline that has yet to reveal its true colors. Even the title has gone through a few changes over time and the one that I’ve decided to stick with for now is something of a reflection of the plot up to this point. Anyhow, I’m ranting again, aren’t I? Well, due to the sheer amount of information we’ve amassed during the past year or so, I’ve created a small site to make all of that info, such as character profiles, summaries, racial texts, and other valuable bits of data, easier to access. Below is a link to “The Underground Databanks”, so feel free to visit it and such:

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Anyhow, just to let you know, I’m not really accepting too many new people into the RP, but I might make an exception if you can prove to me that you’re a true “Invader Zim” fan and have a good, solid profile for your character. Reason for this would be that I’ve had a couple of incidents in the past with a certain RPers who thought they had the right to completely overtake the RP and destroy the plotline in the process, so… you can say that I’m a little more cautious now. Nevertheless, if you can respect a hidden plotline and are a good, literate RPer, don’t hesitate to send me a PM if you’re interested in joining. Custom characters whose race happens to be something other than Irken are always considered! Well, below are a few rules just to avoid any little misunderstandings or such, but I’m a pretty laid-back person so don’t worry too much:

1:: Kill the plot, feel the hurt. (my biggest peeve in the universe is a bugger who spoils the ending to a good story; openly butcher
____the plot and you’ll be banned for good)

2:: Be literate, yay! (you don’t have to be a grammar nazi, but try to aim for good spelling skills and plenty of description stuffs)
3:: No bullshits. (basically, no god-moding, flaming, or any other nonsense that is just plain mean and a sorry waste of posting space)
4:: Disappear and I’ll cry. (if you really, really, really have to go away for a while, please say something about it if you can)
5:: The more, the merrier. (if you have an awesome idea for a new character or race, don’t hesitate to tell me about it through PM)
6:: Have fun, dammit! (although we do have more than a few drama surges every once in a while, good humor is always loved)

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Below is a sort of summary that will include the biggest events and try to give newcomers a feel for the general direction of the RP. Just keep in mind that all of this is set in a time period of its very own and has little to do with anything from the true timeline of the show, excepting huge events in original Irken history, such as Operation Impending Doom I, Operation Impending Doom II, and Horrible Painful Overload Day. Everything else is custom made and part of a growing plotline that will, one day, reach its explosive climax. Anyhow, stuff is listed from newest to oldest and such:

-:: Meanwhile, as XEZ is held-up in the Medic Wing by a very concerned Trov, Drone goes about completing Black’s orders to capture the Human boy, Dib, before anymore interruptions occur. So, as Xir is preoccupied with searching the pantry for sodas and Lira has her attention fixed away from the Kitchen exit, Drone silently enters the area, brutally whacks Dib over the head just as Xir returns, and quickly flees the Kitchens. Xir drops the sodas in his arms and immediately gives chase to the cloaked kidnapper, Lira following the broad-shouldered Irken as fast as her Human legs would allow. As Drone continues to run towards the nearest elevator platform, Xir draws his bladed spider-legs and hurriedly catches up with him just as he enters the elevator, driving one of the four crimson blades deep into Drone’s shoulder and drawing back a second blade to plunge through the Irken’s middle. But, before Xir could strike the finishing blow, Drone drew a small firearm and shot Xir through the upper half of his leg before the doors of the elevator closed, the force of the shot blowing the large Irken back by a few paces. Having been notified of the Human boy’s capture by Drone, XEZ smartly activated the clocking tech installed inside of his pak and slipped out of the Medic Wing to meet Drone in the Docking Bay, stumbling upon Larz, Zim, and Parie as he headed down the stairs from the Command Bay, decidedly deactivating the cloaking tech for added effect while her threatened Larz. While the black-eyed clone aimed a small laser squarely between the green-clad Irken’s eyes, Zim took advantage of the little strength he had left to relay an urgent warning to Tak. On receiving the relay, Tak tells Kree and they both quickly hurry off in the direction of the Command Bay, Trov and Lard Nar not far behind them as the two Vortian brothers both make a speedy side-trip to the Armory. Deciding that his main priority was to get to the Docking Bay to rendezvous with Drone, XEZ turns on a heel and reenters the Command Bay, only to be faced with a snarling Korou seconds before Tak, Kree, Trov, and Lard Nar hurried into the scene. After a tense conversation of sorts, XEZ quickly draws from his pak a series of four, prehensile wires tipped with vicious blades, quickly hacks the firearm in Trov’s hands in half, and darts back down the stairs towards the Docking Bay, smartly snatching the weakened Zim from the floor as he passed him. Tak and the others instantly give chase to the clone as Trov stays behind, having been effectively dumbstruck by the unexpected attack on his weapon. Then, as 665XEZ skids into the Docking Bay and quickly uses Zim as a hostage to hold-off the crewmembers’ assault, a large Wolvarian pod comes crashing through the protective hatch of the Docking Bay in an explosion of scrapmetal, greatly distracting XEZ by the suddenness of it all and noisily running over Xir as the large Irken limped out of the nearby elevator shaft, its crushing weight painfully pinning his lower half to the floor. Taking advantage of the distraction caused by the pod, Tak promptly orders MIMI to attack XEZ as she hurries over to Zim, pulling him into a tight embrace while her SIR mercilessly mauled the black-eyed clone. Soon discovering the fact that XEZ lacks the ability to die, she sees to it that MIMI promptly takes the Underground clone to the empty utility room located between the Kitchens and the Armory for further questioning once he regenerates enough of his organs, flesh, and fluids to speak.
-:: Once the real Zim had been securely stashed inside of the Storerooms and shortly after takeoff, several crewmembers notice certain oddities in Zim’s usual personality, namely Tak and the skilled Vortian Medic, Trov. The imposter tries his best to counter the growing suspicions, but, when a particularly small member of the crew, Parie, eavesdrops on his and Drone’s conversation before springing to action and then losing strength, 665XEZ quickly takes advantage of the little blob’s weakness and stuffs him into the sack with the sedated Zim. The hours pass and, as Parie slowly recovers from his sudden drop in energy, he promptly sets on trying to remove the bulky adapter that was attached to the Zim’s pak, which was redirecting all outgoing and incoming signals and draining most of his energy as long as it remained connected. After much effort, Parie finally succeeds in removing the adapter and cause a sharp electrical surge that knocks him unconscious, deactivates the Underground locking mechanism on the neck of the sack, and literally fries the language sector of Zim’s pak.
-:: Meanwhile, back on the backwater planet of Earth, Zim and Tak hear about the Xzechnar invasion of Irk through a Galactic News broadcast and decide that, regardless of Zim’s current hatred towards the now overthrown Red and Purple, it was their duty as Irkens to somehow go to the defense of their Empire. And so, using a large Command Ship built by the Irken-Human crossbreed, Zib, Zim, Tak, and all the others leave Earth behind and set course for Irk. Currently, the decided plan of attack involves an inconspicuous infiltration of Xzechnar transports and a bit of investigation concerning the newly crowned Tallest, Tallest Black. On the way to Irk, certain complications arise and Zim and the others are forced to stop on Blorch to refuel. Although, being as they are lacking the four million or so monies to actually pay for the fuel, Zim decides that they have no choice but to leave the planet without paying and accidentally destroy sector five of the parking structure planet during takeoff. Shortly after that, a sudden power surge caused by Larz and Centurion’s infiltration of Vortian databases, charbroils the lighting system and cripples both the ship’s four turrets and shields system, forcing them to seek out repairs on the Shiktic moon, Iktic. Although, once they are discovered to be, in fact, Irkens, the entire Shiktic base goes on the offensive and they are compelled to make a hasty retreat without paying for the expensive repairs and upgrades, oblivious to the fact that the real Zim has been replaced by an imposter… an Underground clone by the name of 665XEZ.
-:: Then, as the end of the third wave of conflict grows near and faith in Red and Purple’s leading abilities wavers, the leader of a secret faction of Irkens known as the “Underground” makes her appearance and forces the Xzechnar forces back with little difficulty, claiming that she alone can deliver the Empire from the hungry jaws of Zrah Torkar and the Xzechnar. Her name is Black and she has her sights set on one thing… to rule on high as Tallest for all time. Although it still remains unknown to the Irken public in general, a deadly alliance involving both Tallest Black and Zrah Torkar is secretly being maintained throughout the bloody conflict of the war.
-:: The Xzechnar forces arrive moments after the Massive returns to its exclusive hanger on Irk and Red and Purple are faced with preparing the Irken troops for battle against the blood-thirsty Xzechnar. Despite this, Zrah Torkar contacts the two Tallests a second time to deliver a final ultimatum to the Irken leaders before launching the first wave of battle. And so, dawns the start of a bloody series of losing battles against the Xzechnar scourge known collectively as the “Xzechnar Wars II”.
-:: Shortly afterwards, a terrible enemy rises from the murky depths of the past to confront the Irken Empire and its two leaders, Tallest Red and Purple. The head of the Xzechnar-zrah on The Forbidden, Zrah Torkar, contacts Red and Purple directly after prying the Massive’s coordinates from a long-standing ally to the Irken Empire, Wolvaria, demanding that he be supplied with shipments of advanced technologies. But, when Red and Purple send shipments of remote-controlled explosives instead of the weapons Torkar asked for, negotiations turn hostile and the Irken home planet of Irk is under the threat of a Xzechnar invasion.
-:: After years of effort and failed plans for world domination, Zim is told the truth of his mission by the Tallests themselves and disappears from the focus of the Empire for some time.

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Below is the list of people who are banned from this RP for one of many different reasons. It’s actually pretty pathetic if you manage to get on this list, since I’m fairly patient and such with most people, so feel very ashamed. Fellow RP members, if any one of you spots a post made by someone on this list that is after the date of banning, feel free to report them. Have a nice day!
*Be aware that the times me lists are in Californian time and such.

-: rlimbaugheib [[10-02-06 at 2:20 PM]]
-: megalan [[10-23-06 at 7:00 PM]]
-: Miki Ishikawa [[12-05-06 at 7:06 PM]]

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If you really, really want to join in on this epic, little adventure, please read the following forms and fill in the information neatly and such before PMing it to me. I’ll read it and tell you if you’ve been admitted or not. To prove that you’ve read everything up to this point, type “spoothead” into the subject of your character profile PM with every letter capitalized.

-: Name (your character’s name; be original)
-: Race (Irken, Human, Vortian, etc.)
-: Class (any ranks or titles your character has; usually applies to non-Human races)
-: Personality (your character’s personality; be descriptive)
-: Appearance (a picture or description of your character; make the description descriptive)
-: Pak Status (only for Irken characters: defective, unstable, stable, or something else)
-: AI unit (artificial intelligence unit: yes or no and state what it is)
-: Bio (a description of your character’s past or things like that)

[b]-: Name:[/b]
[b]-: Race:[/b]
[b]-: Class:[/b]
[b]-: Personality:[/b]
[b]-: Appearance:[/b]
[b]-: Pak Status:[/b]
[b]-: AI unit:[/b]
[b]-: Bio:[/b]

For AI units:
-: Name (the unit’s name)
-: Model (old, new, custom, or something else; for SIR units, GIR is an old model)
-: Appearance (a picture or description of the unit)
-: Personality (the unit’s personality)

[b]-: Name:[/b]
[b]-: Model:[/b]
[b]-: Appearance:[/b]
[b]-: Personality:[/b]

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Below is a sort of crew roster for every character currently part of the RP and such. The entries below are organized into two sections, “Original Cast” and “Custom Characters”, and the linked headshot image above each of latter will take you to that character’s profile back on the site if its been transferred, so go ahead and check those out if you’re interested in joining. All custom AI units are controlled by the same person that controls their masters and are either assigned to Corridor Patrol, Ship Repair, or both.

.::Original Cast::.

-: Name: Zim
-: Crew Position: Commander
-: Skill Level: Decent
-: Controlled By: Zim_of_Irk

-: Name: GIR
-: Crew Position: Ship Repair
-: Skill Level: Mediocre
-: Controlled By: SilverWindShadow

-: Name: Tak
-: Crew Position: Training Level
-: Skill Level: Trained
-: Controlled By: ZimmyDoom

-: Name: MIMI
-: Crew Position: Corridor Patrol
-: Skill Level: Expert
-: Controlled By: ZimmyDoom

-: Name: Dib
-: Crew Position: Databanks / Ship Maintenance
-: Skill Level: Expert / Average
-: Controlled By: Dib51 / demi_wolf_stef

-: Name: Gaz
-: Crew Position: Storerooms
-: Skill Level: Expert
-: Controlled By: Into_the_Red

-: Name: Prof. Membrane
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: Apoc_Relapse

-: Name: Skoodge
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: SilverWindShadow

-: Name: Lard Nar
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: ZimmyDoom


-: Name: Tallest Red
-: Controlled By: Zim_of_Irk

-: Name: Tallest Purple
-: Controlled By: Bdg333

.::Custom Characters::.

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-: Name: XEZ (665XEZ)
-: Crew Position: Imposter Commander
-: Skill Level: Mediocre
-: Controlled By: Zim_of_Irk

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-: Name: Zib
-: Crew Position: Ship Maintenance
-: Skill Level: Expert
-: Controlled By: Zim_of_Irk

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-: Name: Kree
-: Crew Position: Ship Maintenance
-: Skill Level: Average
-: Controlled By: LTHM

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-: Name: Larz Irie
-: Crew Position: Databanks
-: Skill Level: Expert
-: Controlled By: Kaguro Mitazuki

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-: Name: Lira
-: Crew Position: Databanks
-: Skill Level: Average
-: Controlled By: dragonprincess13

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-: Name: Trov
-: Crew Position: Medic Wing
-: Skill Level: Expert
-: Controlled By: demi_wolf_stef

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-: Name: Wolfeh
-: Crew Position: Medic Wing
-: Skill Level: Mediocre
-: Controlled By: Demi_Wolf_AK

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-: Name: Minnie
-: Crew Position: Medic Wing
-: Skill Level: Average
-: Controlled By: Invader Spleen

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-: Name: Rei
-: Crew Position: Kitchens
-: Skill Level: Expert
-: Controlled By: ZimmyDoom

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-: Name: Xir
-: Crew Position: Training Level
-: Skill Level: Expert
-: Controlled By: Zim_of_Irk

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-: Name: Mel
-: Crew Position: Training Level
-: Skill Level: Expert
-: Controlled By: LTHM

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-: Name: Kay
-: Crew Position: Training Level
-: Skill Level: Trained
-: Controlled By: akkito

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-: Name: Korou
-: Crew Position: Training Level
-: Skill Level: Trained
-: Controlled By: Demi_Wolf_AK

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-: Name: Crim
-: Crew Position: Armory
-: Skill Level: Trained
-: Controlled By: dragonprincess13

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-: Name: Skye
-: Crew Position: Storerooms
-: Skill Level: Mediocre
-: Controlled By: ZimmyDoom

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-: Name: Enord (Drone)
-: Crew Position: Databanks
-: Skill Level: Expert
-: Controlled By: demi_wolf_stef

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-: Name: Bartholomew
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: Zim_of_Irk

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-: Name: Taen Orr
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: Zim_of_Irk

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-: Name: Hri
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: LTHM

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-: Name: Centurion
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: Zim_of_Irk

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-: Name: Senn
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: demi_wolf_stef

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-: Name: Pyro
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: Zim_of_Irk

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-: Name: Zephyth
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: Invader Spleen

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-: Name: Snarf
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: LTHM

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-: Name: Kikkc
-: Crew Position: ???
-: Skill Level: ???
-: Controlled By: akkito


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-: Name: Figaro
-: Controlled By: Zim_of_Irk

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-: Name: Journey
-: Controlled By: demi_wolf_stef

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-: Name: Amp
-: Controlled By: Darth Abiha Vast

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-: Name: Voozint
-: Controlled By: Ownederd

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-: Name: Tallest Black
-: Controlled By: demi_wolf_stef

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-: Name: Zrah Torkar
-: Controlled By: Zim_of_Irk

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To end all of the confusion about who’s where and stuff, here’s a list of where all of the characters currently are. The names of Irkens are in green, AI units in cyan, important adult peoples in red, Vortians in blue, Humans in orange, crossbreed characters in olive, and all other races in indigo. It's all organized alphabetically and locations are updated every few days.
(updated 07-04, really early)

-: Bartholomew: Command Ship, Sleeping Quarters; resting or asleep
-: Centurion: Command Ship, Databanks; talking with Kirok, helping Jaie
-: Dib: Irk, Underground Experimental Chambers
-: D-OMEGA: Command Ship, Medic Wing
-: D-RAGNAROK: Command Ship, Medic Wing
-: D-RAUGH: Command Ship, Medic Wing
-: Drone: Irk, Underground Experimental Chambers
-: Figaro: Command Ship, Docking Bay
-: Hri: Command Ship, Medic Wing
-: Ikarata: INACTIVE
-: Jaie: Command Ship, Databanks; with Centurion
-: Journey: Command Ship, Docking Bay; in need of medical attention
-: Kay: Command Ship, Armory; with Zib
-: Kikkc: Command Ship, Armory; with Kay
-: Kirok: Command Ship, Databanks; speaking with Centurion
-: Korou: Command Ship, Medic Wing; resting while remaining onguard
-: Kree: Command Ship, Medic Wing; intent on going elsewhere
-: Lard Nar: Command Ship, Command Bay; piloting the ship
-: Larz Irie: Command Ship, Medic Wing
-: Lorial: Command Ship, Docking Bay; helping with repairs on the destroyed security hatch
-: Mel: Command Ship, ???
-: MEW: Command Ship, Docking Bay; temporarily deactivated
-: MIMI: Command Ship, Medic Wing; watching over Zim until Tak's return
-: Minnie: INACTIVE
-: MO: Command Ship, ???
-: Parie: Command Ship, Medic Wing; with Larz
-: Pyro: Command Ship, Medic Wing; unwell
-: RAWR: Command Ship, Docking Bay; temporarily deactivated
-: Rei: Command Ship, Medic Wing; with the smeets
-: Senn: Command Ship, Medic Wing; worried about Pyro
-: SiSU: Command Ship, Docking Bay; temporarily deactivated
-: Skoodge: Command Ship, Medic Wing; napping out of sight
-: Skye: Command Ship, Medic Wing; causing trouble
-: Snarf: Command Ship, Medic Wing; playing with Skye
-: Tak: Command Ship; taking care of things until Zim's energy levels return to normal
-: Taen Orr: Command Ship, Medic Wing; unconscious
-: Tallest Black: Irk, Underground Expermental Chambers
-: Tallest Purple: Darck, Darck-Core
-: Tallest Red: Darck, Darck-Core
-: Trov: Command Ship, Medic Wing; taking care of Pyro
-: Voozint: Command Ship, Sleeping Quarters; trying to get some relaxation
-: Wolfeh: Command Ship, Docking Bay; sitting on top of Fig
-: Xir: Command Ship, Medic Wing; unconscious
-: Zephyth: INACTIVE
-: Zib: Command Ship, Armory; with Kay and Kikkc
-: Zim: Command Ship, Medic Wing; sleep mode
-: Zrah Torkar: Irk, Xzechnar Royal Transport; readying his next transmission to Black
-: 665XEZ: Command Ship, Spare Utility Room; unresponsive for the most part

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Well, here is where I’ll be putting all of the character profiles that have yet to be transferred onto the site and such. If you know the name of a character and want to read up on their bio and other info, just use Ctrl+F to find them easier.

-: Name: Xir (Zim_of_Irk)
-: Race: Irken
-: Class: Wanted Criminal
-: Personality: He is best buddies with Dib and worst enemies with Zim. He and Zim tend to fight a lot, their battles usually taking place in Dib's house. He usually keeps to himself, quiet and expressionless. The only time he shows any sort of emotion is when he's around Dib, or Ani. If you mention anything about the Irken Empire, or threaten the Earth, Xir has a tendancy to just snap. When he does, his eyes turn a very dark shade of red, almost black, and he becomes extremely violent. When he enters this state of mind, Dib and Ani are the only ones that can calm Xir down, but on rare occasions, not even they can stop Xir from hurting someone. He also has a strange obsession with death, that can really scare those around him.
-: Appearance:
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-: Status: Defective
-: SIR unit: Yes
-: Bio: Xir hates the Tallest and the Irken Empire, specifically the Irken Machine that governs most things within the Empire. He believes that the system that is the Irken Machine is cruel and unfeeling, which it is. Xir is considered to be a serious criminal on Irk, responsible for the deaths of over fifty Irkens. He fled Irk after getting word of a far-off planet that the Empire considered useless due to its unusual amount of water, Earth. Xir now lives across the street from Dib's house and goes to Skool with him as is normal.
-: Crew Position: Training

-: Name: RAWR (Zim_of_Irk)
-: Model: Old
-: Appearance:
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-: Personality: He is somewhat of a smart-aleck, saying exceptionally rude comments every now and then. RAWR believes himself to be the smartest SIR unit in the universe and violently discredits anyone who thinks otherwise. He possesses a unique link to the Massive's stores of information, giving him and Xir access to the profiles and history of every Irken Invader that has ever served the Empire, as well as any Irken defective enough to be of any real importance, even Zim.


-: Name: Rei (ZimmyDoom)
-: Race: Irken
-: Class: Invader
-: Personality: Very sweet most of the time, but if angered she's almost as dangerous as Xir. Has a deep dislike for Gaz.
-: Appearance:
User Image
-: Status: Stable
-: SIR unit: Yes
-: Bio: Rei was sent to Earth by the Tallest in order to help Zim with his mission. She's a much better strategist than Zim and most of her ideas are rather good ones. Rumor is that she has a crush on Zim, but having been trained as an Invader, she tries her best to hide her true feelings under normal circumstances.
-: Crew Position: Kitchen

-: Name: MEW (ZimmyDoom)
-: Model: New
-: Appearance:
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Looks like most normal SIR units, but with green eyes and parts. She wears a black cat disguise.
-: Personality: Has the same temperament as her master.


-: Name: Zib (Zib_Membrane - Zim_of_Irk)
-: Race: Irken-Human crossbreed
-: Personality: He's very happy-go-lucky most of the time, but tends to cry a lot for little things; especially if Zim or Dib are hurt in any way. He hates getting lost or being left alone, so he tends to panic whenever it does happen.
-: Appearance:
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-: Bio: He is the result of a curious experiment carried out by Dib when he was trying to create a clone of Zim, but with a different personality. After the lab experienced a major meltdown during the separation of the Pak Chip (the thing that binds the Irken personality in the pak to the Irken's DNA) and instead of doing what Dib told it to, it combined 50% of Dib's DNA with 50% of Zim's DNA. Zib has the intelligence of a inventing genius, but most of his creations end up being extremely destructive. He lives with Dib and Gaz, but spends as much time as he can with Zim. Zib also has a knack for accessing a rare kindness in Zim. He calls Dib his big brother, but rarely calls Zim anything other than "Zim." He needs to eats Peeps in order to survive, so his sweater is infused with a Peep Generator that has a DNA Identification System that only lets Zib pull out the Peeps.
-: Crew Position: Ship Maintenance


-: Name: Wolfeh (Demi_Wolf_AK)
-: Race: Wolvarian
-: Class: Commoner; Wolvarian Princess; Prisoner of Irk
-: Personality: Wolfeh is a very kind-hearted individual, but she can be very headstrong at times. She often enjoys playing little tricks on Zim for fun, such as transforming into her wolf form, hiding around corners, and then pouncing on him as he passes. Overall, Wolfeh loves life and takes every opportunity she gets to enjoy it. Many dub her as reckless and wild, but that is only to be expected from a Wolvarian.
-: Appearance:
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-: Bio: Wolfeh is the daughter of Queen Azure, the ruler of her home planet of Wolvaria. For a time, she accepted her destiny as the next to rule, but as soon as her mother began to fall ill, Wolfeh desperately tried to escape her royal fate. She begged her mother to allow her free range, saying that to be a good Queen, she should be allowed to discover how life is like for a commoner. Queen Azure, being ill and only wanting the best for her daughter, granted Wolfeh her request. She then donned the clothes of a commoner and ventured out of the palace, in hopes of escaping that royal life forever. During Wolfeh's life as a commoner, Wolvaria was invaded by the cruel inhabitants of nearby planet called the Xzechnar. Within days, the lizard-like Xzechnar had taken control of the royal palace and killed the sickly Queen Azure. Wolfeh, afraid for her own life, hid among the frightened people and waited for a time when she could escape Wolvaria. That time came when she had come across a small male Xzechnar by the name of Kurou. He befriended Wolfeh almost immediately, being an outcast even among his own kind for being so weak and useless. He was able to smuggle her out of Wolvaria's atmosphere on his Xzechnarian Trading Ship. Wolfeh eventually convinced Kurou to take her to the planet Irk, in hopes of asking the Irken Empire for assistance. Of coarse, her requests were simply brushed aside and both she and Korou have been imprisoned on the Irken Command Ship, the Massive, as prisoners of war, should the Irken Empire ever decide to conquer Wolvaria for themselves.
-: Crew Position: Medic


-: Name: Skye (ZimmyDoom)
-: Race: Irken
-: Class: Invader
-: Personality: Skye is inclined to behave as though she does not care about or understand anything that might be happening around her. She is very loud and considered to be horribly obnoxious by just about anyone she encounters. She likes to always have her way, and if she doesn’t, she will still try to turn the situation around to suit her preferences. Skye constantly endeavors to keep herself entertained, even if it is at the expense of others.
-: Appearance:
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-: Status: Defective
-: SIR unit: No
-: Bio: Ever since she was a smeet, Skye has had questionable intelligence. After leaving Irk, she eventually managed to pass the exams on Devastus, and then traveled into space to explore beyond the known galaxies. She enjoys being in the company of other Irkens, although they don’t always enjoy being around her, due to her unpredictable behavior. Skye often performs pranks for her own amusement and usually makes Zim the target of these pranks.
-: Crew Position: Storeroom


-: Name: Trov (demi_wolf_stef)
-: Race: Vortian
-: Class: Vortian Resistance Commander; Medic; Prisoner Transport
-: Personality: He was once the most powerful, most respected, and feared Vortian in all the universe, but after a certain accident during one of his strikes against Irken oppression on Vort, Trov had lost nearly all recollection of his past. It also had a lasting affect on his attention span, shortening it to that of a defective, low-ranking Irken service drone. As of now, Trov is still brave, courageous, and quick on his feet, except for the occasional distraction. He prides himself on being a leader, although he doesn't quite remember why.
-: Appearance:
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-: Bio: For four long years, Trov led a powerful resistance against the Irken Empire on his home planet of Vort. He had succeeded in freeing at least one fourth of the planet before a terrible accident happened to occur. During an uprising mission, Trov had taken a direct hit smack in the middle of his forehead with an enemy weapon, causing him to loose nearly all recollection of his past, as well as drastically shortening his attention span. The resistance on Vort died with its leader, and in no longer than a week, all traces of the resistance had been eliminated by Irken forces. Trov now serves as a skilled Medic to the Irken troops, as well as a Prisoner Transport Pilot, transporting prisoners captured on the Massive to Vort's high-security prisons whenever needed.
-: Crew Position: Medic


-: Name: Tallest Black / Black (demi_wolf_stef)
-: Race: Irken
-: Class: Leader of the "Underground" (a.k.a. The Black Irkens); Almighty Tallest
-: Personality: Black has a determination the size of a planet and a very vengeful personality. But otherwise she is reserved and calm. Her wit is sharp and her tongue is honey-smooth. She never jumps right into a plan or a conclusion without thinking about it for a while, with exceptions being in certain and rare situations. She doesn't care much about having prisoners or afflicting torture. What she cares about is universal conquest and, more importantly, power. And what Black wants, Black gets--especially when it is concerning revenge onto those who did her wrong.
-: Appearance:
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She has blacker than black eyes, sickly, light green skin, and her uniform and pak are pure black with only some parts of the uniform being gray. She is one foot taller than Red and Purple.
-: Status: Unstable
-: SIR unit: ???
-: Bio: Black was sure to be the next Almighty Tallest due to her extreme height, with Red, Purple, Miyuki, and Spork all being shorter than she. Due to her unusual black eyes and sickly, light green skin, her fellow tall Irkens considered her unfit to rule and that they, Red, Purple, Miyuki, and Spork, were all better example of Irken perfection than Black. So, together, they conspired against her and set up a reconnaissance mission that was to be led to planet Darck in hopes of establishing trade with the dark and secretive Wrim. Red, Purple, Miyuki, Spork, and Black herself, were all to be present at the negotiations and so it provided the perfect opportunity to dispose of Black by some freak accident or such. So, under mysterious circumstances, the transport had veered off course and, instead of arriving at Blorch, it plummeted down through the stormy atmosphere of none other than The Forbidden. Miyuki had been the only one out of the four to have actually considered the conspiracy a mistake in the end, but the other three had pleaded her and pressured her into proceeding with it, and, after much disagreement, she went along with the plan. Red, Purple, Miyuki, and Spork managed an escape, but Black, the next in line for the title of Almighty Tallest, did not. Upon the arrival to Irk, the four survivors declared Black dead and Miyuki was crowned as Tallest. But somehow, under impossible circumstances, Black survived The Forbidden and struck up a deal with the a powerful member of the Lower Draconic Council of the Xzechnar, Lord Torkar. If he helped her escape, she would help him when the time was right. Torkar agreed and had Black escorted back to Irk in a ship that was the most advanced of its sort on The Forbidden. When she secretly arrived, Black then gathered a few loyal followers and they built a base underneath the crust of the capital city of Irk. There, the resistance, calling themselves 'The Black Irkens' or 'The Underground,' studied and tested several technologies for countless years to form advanced and powerful weapons and technology far beyond that of the Irken Empire. They did this by combining technologies of the Vortians, Irkens, Wolvarians, and even Xzechnar. Over the decades, and through the chaotic demise of Miyuki and Spork, Black continued to build up her own secret Empire right under the antennae of the very people that tried to kill her. All of her followers have made their eyes black, like Black herself, by some strange and unknown means that only a select few followers and Black herself know. Some of her followers are actually clones of particularly well-known individuals within, or beyond, the Irken Empire.


-: Name: 665XEZ
-: Race: Irken
-: Class: Experimental Underground Clone
-: Personality: XEZ is an extremely morbid, rather cynical, and, sometimes, insanely hyper individual. He loves songs with catchy lyrics and enjoys dancing to them as they play over and over again in his head, sometimes going as far as to sing the words to various songs aloud for everyone else to hear. XEZ isn’t afraid of death or pain, actually, he desperately awaits the day he will be given the chance to die once and for all, but, after Tallest Black’s most recent reprogramming of his pak, XEZ can no longer allow his own death or consciously do something that will endanger his current mission. His body and actions are under the complete and utter control of Tallest Black, forbidding him from even walking towards an specific place or doing a certain thing with a single order. Despite being reduced to a mere puppet, XEZ still has complete control over his mouth and what he says, but knows that if he ever would use that small freedom to rebel against Black he would lose it as well. In short, XEZ is what Zim would’ve been if he had never gotten away with all of those lucky breaks of his and had been permanently enrolled in the IDR before, during, and after Operation Impending Doom I. He knows he is quite insane and couldn’t care less, knowing that there is no clinic in the universe advanced enough to treat and fix his problems. XEZ tends to burst out into uncontrollable laughter whenever he lays eyes on a person in a white lab coat, his right eye twitching insanely as he laughs.
-: Appearance:
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-: Pak Status: Permanently Altered / Highly Defective
-: SIR unit: No
-: Bio: In the early years of the Underground, Tallest Black's most loyal follower, Drone, managed to secure a sample of Irken DNA from an Irken imprisoned within the IDR to be used in genetic experimentation for a project codenamed by the Underground as Project Invincible. This DNA just happened to belong to an Irken by the name of Zim, who was established as defective a couple of months before the initiation of Operation Impending Doom I and was currently undergoing Second Level Correction. His pak still labeled as an Invader, he was later released from the IDR to assist in the series of invasions and serve the Irken Empire, which eventually led to the utter failure of the entire operation before it even left the Irken home planet. Drone brought this DNA back to the Underground and managed to successfully clone a copy of this Irken. This clone was then fitted with a stolen pak and was slowly fed all of the experiences and hardships of his original counterpart through the hacking of Irk's CMSS, or Central Memory Storage System, located within The Core, which contains a complete and continuously updating profile on every pak-wearing Irken ever hatched from the Hatching Facilities. Using advanced experimental processes, Drone, along with a few others, changed this clone's eyes to mark him as one of the Underground. X-Experiment Z was then later named 555XEZ, being as he was the five-hundred and fifty-fifth clone experiment carried out by Underground personnel. XEZ then was submitted to the most horrible of tortures in order to develop some superior form of bodily regeneration for the Irkens of the Underground and thus fulfill the goal of Project Invincible. During these experiments, XEZ often died and was re-cloned countless times until the process seemed to be perfect, but, after a freak malfunction involving the sudden implosion and unexplained reconstruction of XEZ's pak, all work was lost and the project had to be abandoned. From that point on it was discovered that if XEZ's body, or his even his pak, were ever destroyed, he could regenerate either within a few days, even hours, of his supposed death and manage to retain any memories or experiences from his past life, including a complete account of his own multiple deaths. Tallest Black then decided to use XEZ for her own gain and sent him out into the outside world to perform various suicidal missions. Little did she know that along with his bizarre capabilities, XEZ also possessed an extremely high level of independence and a thirst to obey his own will. Black tried multiple times to reprogram his pak so that he would remain under her complete control, but every attempt ended in failure. She eventually decided that XEZ's memories were to be altered so that he would be a much darker version of his original, Zim, with a will that existed solely to serve her. Black did this by sorting out all of Zim's fortunes and modifying the outcomes so that the results would be a lot less lucky, even morbidly painful, and feeding the resulting memories into XEZ's pak, forcing a personality reformat to take place. After the reformat, Tallest Black continued to use XEZ for extremely dangerous assignments and missions, knowing that now her invincible weapon was under her complete control once and for all.


-: Name: Zephyth (tallest-purple - Invader Spleen)
-: Race: Irken
-: Class: Smeet
-: Personality: Although she is very sweet and kindhearted, Zephyth has a certain obsession for cleaning, often snapping from time to time and scrubbing furiously at anything she deems filthy with an oversized toothbrush, which she has with her at all times. Other than her fixation with cleaning, Zephyth is also prone to screaming shrilly whenever a chaotic or dangerous situation arises. Her screams tend to be extremely high-pitched and sound as if there is not one smeet screeching, but two.
-: Appearance:
User Image
-: Status: Defective
-: SIR unit: DRA unit
-: Bio: Zephyth was born within the underground hatching facilities on Irk, but, after a few weeks of training, she somehow managed to escape to the planet's surface, where she then had a run in with a pair of germ-seeing goggles. Ever since then, although the goggles are nowhere to be found, Zephyth has been possessed by a desperate need to clean everything that she thinks is filthy. One day, while she was meandering around the Irken capital, she happened to spot a trade ship that was absolutely covered in dirt and grime and, driven by her maddening obsession, climbed aboard it to try and cleanse it of its filth. After its business was done, the ship promptly took off and returned to Blorch, taking the Zephyth with it. Scared and disoriented beyond anything she's ever felt before, the little smeet has been running about the planet's surface in a panic ever since climbing off of the ship that had taken her to it.
-: Crew Position: ???

-: Name: D-WINYA (tallest-purple - Invader Spleen)
-: Model: Serpentine 3000
-: Appearance:
User Image
-: Personality: Very kind and whimsical, D-WINYA spotted Zephyth aboard the ship that had stolen her away from Irk and has since then followed her about with the intent of making the smeet her master. She is extremely fast for a DRA unit and can fire a bolt of golden electricity from her mouth, which can alter its frequency to deactivate various kinds of machinery, even other DRA units. Has a tendency to make those around her extremely relaxed and drowsy with the scent of cherry blossoms she has about her.


-: Name: Senn
-: Race: Irken-Vortian crossbreed
-: Class: Smeet
-: Personality: Senn has a deep hatred for his parents and hates other parents in general, no matter the race or who's parents. Despite his irrational hatred, however, he tends to be a friendly person and fun to be around with. He also loves to make sardonic jokes. His favorite thing to do, though, is to get drunk and sing his heart out. Generally he likes to sing, hum, or whistle at any random time. When he gets drunk, though, his songs are often about how much he hates his parents. He also seems to have two imaginary friends named Indecision and Confidence. He talks to them often and leaves people wondering if there's something mentally wrong with him. But most often he is found with his blue DRA unit, D-RAUGH.
-: Appearance:
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-: SIR unit: DRA unit
-: Bio: Senn is a two-year-old natural-born between a Vortian mother and an Irken father. He ages like a smeet but will be grow to the average height of a Vortian. He and his parents traveled to many alien planets, continuously running and hiding from both Irken and Vortian authorities. During a stay on Blorch, they were ambushed, given away by the locals even through they took great care not to make their identities obvious. Senn's parents hid him secretly, promising they'll return after they got rid of the authorities. Hours had turned into days as he waited for their return. But they never came back. After two days of hiding and slow starvation, he finally decided to look for his parents. He stole a cloak that is actually quite large on him to hide his identity as an Irken-Vortian crossbreed and searched for the place he and his parents had landed on the planet. But he found no ship and dreaded deeply that it has been claimed by someone else and his parents captured to be sent to the Vort Prisons. As days passed of aimless wandering, he finally learned, unfortunately, of the truth about what happened to his parents. He had been listening to much gossip, and one of the main topics was him, as well as th
-( I would like to RP as GIR, if that's ok. xd )-
-( I would like to RP as GIR, if that's ok. xd )-
~((No! I wanted gir gonk ))~
-( *Eye-lasers* All your GIR are belong to me! )-
-( I'm already dancin' like a monkey! It's GIRtastic! )-
~((Sits on chair at table,pounding fork and knife like crazy waiting for waffles))~
-( Ha! Zim eats waffles! GIR just makes 'em. )-
~((*dances in a weird looking doggy costume* Haha mrgreen ))~
And for anyone that really, really wants to contact me or whatever, here's my current deviantART.

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*Continued from first post

-: Name: Bartimaeus Bikkir Borrag Bartholomew II (Zim_of_Irk)
-: Race: Trken
-: Class: Repairman, Avid Gambler, Deathmatch Racer, Pak Technician, Ex-IDR Staffer, Escaped Vortian Weapons Scientist, War Strategist, Master Capsule Tech Crafter, Historian, Necroguise Expert, Neogi Specialist
-: Personality: Bartimaeus Bikkir Borrag Bartholomew, or Bartholomew for short, is something of a jack-of-all-trades, having over ten titles to his name. He is very proud at times and considers himself to be of royal blood, claiming to have direct descent from the very first Irken to ever rule as Tallest, who he firmly believes was Bartimaeus Bikkir Borrag Bartholomew I. Although he can be a doomsayer in the most tense of times, Bartholomew is a fairly helpful individual that offers his diverse services to anyone who asks him, provided that they offer him a good deal of monies in exchange. If there’s one thing that gets under Bartholomew’s skin and drives him out of his mind, it’s when anyone, no matter the race, manages to butcher his name over and over again without apology, sometimes going as far as trying to strangle the very life out of them when he finally snaps. When this does happen, it can take at least a day for Bartholomew to fully recover from his insane burst of rage.
-: Appearance:
User Image
-: AI unit: Yes; SHLOONK unit
-: Bio: Bartholomew was born a natural-born Irken long before the reign of Tallest Miyuki and entertained himself during his years of smeethood by repairing broken things his father would bring back from the junkyard. The years passed and Bartholomew soon took up a job as a Repairman, fixing ships as they came in and gambling with his friends in his spare time, eventually becoming known amongst the others as The Gambler. It wasn’t long before he grew bored of the same thing day in and day out and bought a broken down Voot Cruiser from a willing passerby, managing to make it flight-worthy in a single day. Bartholomew then bid his mother and father goodbye and set off away from Irk, heading to Colliseus to see what sort of job offers he could scrounge up. Once there, he was confronted by a shady Vortian in a dark brown cloak who told him about a new, deadly sport called the Deathmatch Races. The Vortian explained that the races were held every five galactic days at the newly constructed stadium next to the old Speeder Racetracks, hinting that the winner was sure to become very rich very quickly, if they were lucky. Curious, Bartholomew asked the cloaked Vortian how he could become a part of the next Deathmatch Race, saying that he was in search of a job. The Vortian sniggered and led Bartholomew to the stadium, telling him to buy a ticket at the last booth to the right tomorrow and tell the ticket salesman that Old Gray Horns sent him. Then the Vortian left, disappearing in a nearby crowd and leaving Bartholomew feeling rather confused and uncertain. He waited near the stadium and gambled with the occasional passerby to earn himself enough monies to buy the ticket that would get him into the Deathmatch Race tomorrow. The following day, Bartholomew approached the booth and bought a ticket from the Vortian that loomed behind the glass, telling him that Old Gray Horns had sent him. The Vortian gave something of a startled blink and quickly got to his feet, urging Bartholomew into the booth and through a secret passage built into the floor of the booth. He asked Bartholomew if he had ever seen a Deathmatch Race before now and if he had any idea how to pilot a Holo-Zoomer. Bartholomew answered no to both and the Vortian violently shoved him into a small room with a few others that Old Gray Horns had recruited for the race. There, the Vortian from the booth explained the workings of the Deathmatch Race and demonstrated how to operate the new, extremely fast Holo-Zoomers that were used with a full-scale model of the vehicle. The Deathmatch Race was a sport in which the winners became famous and the losers ceased to exist. Being something of a thrill-seeker, Bartholomew caught on very quickly, being the first to receive his standard equipment from the Vortian. From that day forward, he has participated in over fifty-two races, cheating death every time and earning himself the title of Deathmatch Racer. It wasn’t long before Bartholomew was given the chance to race against the infamous Crash Brokenhorn, a Vortian racer that had won over three hundred races by sending each and every one of his opponents spiraling to their deaths on the track. The race was an intense one and Bartholomew was inches to the finish line when Crash caught up with him and slammed his Holo-Zoomer into Bartholomew’s, sending the Irken hurtling into a pillar. Bartholomew managed to survive the fiery impact, but was crippled for life in his right leg, ending his career as a Deathmatch Racer forever. He then left the stadium and bought himself a custom Spittle Runner, loading its cargo hold with his belongings and a few supplies before setting off in search of a new life once again. By this time, Tallest Corp had come into power and started the mass introduction of the pak as the Irken way of the future, building the huge underground Hatching Facilities and promoting the thought of a perfect society through cloning of Irken genes. So, Bartholomew traveled back to Irk to take up a position as a Pak Technician under the eccentric eyes of Tallest Corp. He kept up this position for several years until the Irken Machine was well on its way to completion and left Irk once again, feeling that things were beginning to grow tense between the natural-born Irkens and the ones who had been born of the seemingly perfect Irken Machine. It was then that Tallest Miyuki overthrew Tallest Corp and that the IDR facility was constructed on the desolate planet of Spek. Seeing this as a new job offer to take advantage of, Bartholomew traveled to Spek and applied as an IDR Staffer, administering Chemical Correction to the floods of Irken defectives being shipped to the facility. Years passed and he eventually grew tired of being a Staffer, finding the job a bit too depressing to his liking. Bartholomew quit his job at the IDR facility and took off once again, this time to Vort, where he applied as a Vortian Weapons Scientist. During his time there, Bartholomew made several improvements to both Voot Cruisers and Spittle Runners and even helped in sketching of a few of the schematics for a huge flag ship that Prisoner 777 eventually used to create the Massive. His employment on Vort proved to be second longest to his career as a Deathmatch Racer, but, when Tallest Spork came into power and ordered the complete and total extermination of all natural-born Irkens, Bartholomew was imprisoned on Vort as a slave to the Irken Empire. He eventually managed to escape with several other Vortian prisoners and joined the fleeing convoy of natural-born Irkens in his Spittle Runner, but, when the remaining Irkens had finally found a primitive and untouched planet to call their own and began landing the convoy, Bartholomew’s Spittle Runner was smashed beneath the crushing weight of a transport as it surged forward. For three days, he had been pinned under the wreckage of his ship, screaming for help for hours and hours. When the transport was finally moved and Bartholomew’s ship was found, the Irkens present, who had already began to be infected by the spores of Thrivara, dragged him to the settlement and nursed him back to health. From that day onwards, Bartholomew has never been the same, remembering nothing of his past except for all of the titles he received from here and there. Years passed and it wasn’t long before the spores had mutated the genes of every natural-born Irken that had landed on Thrivara, causing brownish spots to appear on their skin and faces and their antennae to bend in odd angles. Even their blood was altered by the infection, making it thicker and lighter-colored than that of normal Irkens. Some even discovered that, if injured, the blood would emit a puff of foul-smelling, lavender spores into the air. It was then that the infected Irkens realized that they were no longer Irken at all, but a race of their own, deciding to call themselves the Trkens in respect to the name of the planet that had, in a way, created them. During this time, Bartholomew soon became involved in the defensive measures against the Neogi as the invasions began, proving himself to be a skilled advisor and earning himself the title of a War Strategist. Bartholomew also helped in the advancement of the Trken Capsule Tech, creating countless ways to use the small things to improve Trken life, adding yet another title to his name. Over the years, he also began his career as a Historian and Necroguise Expert, using the dead corpses of other creatures or races and transforming them into a wearable disguise to use whenever the need arose. Using his one-of-a-kind Neogi disguise, Bartholomew was able to sneak into the nest of a nearby colony and study them in great detail, using a machine to operate the many limbs and long neck of his disguise at once, quickly becoming an expert on the dangerously hostile race. Bartholomew continues to travel from place to place at times, but feels best at home on Thrivara.

-: Name: Noobixfloobitz
-: Model: Standard
-: Appearance: (in progress...)
-: Personality: Very random and annoying to the extreme, Noobixfloobitz speaks in a way almost identical to Earth's net-speak. He understands everything others say to him, but is incapable of saying anything intelligent himself.


-: Name: Taen Orr
-: Race: Vortian
-: Class: Genius Robotics Scientist
-: Personality: Having been responsible for creating the first prototypes of SIR and SHLOONK unit, Taen is a genius amongst Vortian Scientists. He can be very high-strung at times and seem unapproachable, but is actually rather kind and inquisitive at heart. Despite his intelligence, Taen is constantly plagued by a faulty immune system, acid reflux disease, and severe allergies. Due to this, he tends to avoid people as much as possible, preferring to be around AI units or android-like races just so he can avoid contracting a disease. Taen also has a certain problem with people looming over and around him, trying to keep at least a three foot radius of personal bubble around him at all times. If put under a lot of pressure by others or feels trapped, Taen has a tendency to snap and scream whole sentences in pig-latin until he either faints or forces himself into utter exhaustion.
-: Appearance:
User Image
Taen is of average height and extremely thin build, with his horns being rather on the thick side. His eyes are bright yellow in color while his skin is a very pale, almost sickly, shade of blue, and a single, pointed fang pokes out from under his top lip. He wears a long, white coat with short, cuffed sleeves that is free of any sort of decoration, black gloves, and standard black pants. Under his lab coat, Taen wears a tight-fitting, long-sleeved shirt that is yellow and black in color, along with a pair of yellow and black goggles, which usually rest on his forehead, with the biohazard symbol printed on each lens in dark yellow.
When in his Spleeb disguise, Taen has dark green skin, yellow eyes, and wears a standard Spleeb uniform, along with his yellow and black goggles. The bottom pair of arms tend to move along with the top pair and never indepenently.
-: AI unit: Yes; DRA unit
-: Bio: Born under the reign of Tallest Zar, Taen has devoted his life to the progress of AI technology. He alone was responsible for the very first prototypes of SIR and SHLOONK unit, as well as the planning and creation of the lesser-known DRA units in his recent years. During his training, the lab in which Taen was working was assigned to find a cure to a strand of galactic flu that had recently broken out in a cluster of snack factories on Irk, but, in no less than a week, the virus had mutated and escaped into the lab, infecting every Scientist present and throwing a whole fifth of the planet into strict quarantine. Taen had been working on improving the functions of the latest model of SHLOONK unit when the accident took place and, after years of suffering, became the sole survivor of the lethal infection. Ever since, Taen has been plagued by all sorts of diseases. Then, Operation Impending Doom II came into play and Vort was invaded and enslaved into the Irken Empire as a top-notch Military Research Prison. Taen managed to escape with the help of his DRA unit, D-OMEGA, before the Irken Planetary Conversion Team had even arrived on Vort, fleeing to Sploobleep, the swampy home planet of the Spleebs, and blending into their society using a realism hologram system built into his goggles.

-: Name: D-OMEGA
-: Model: Superior-9000
-: Appearance:
User Image
D-OMEGA is a gargantuan dragon of a DRA unit that is built like a Quadruped-3000 model, but with a pair of fully articulated wings that can be folded against the sides of his body. He is silver and gold in color and has a modified LCD screen with a single, iridescent eye that changes color according to his mood. Unlike most DRA units, D-OMEGA has a long, flexible tail that ends in a sharp, golden point, which can morph into different sorts of weapons at will. His jaws are also fitted with a high-caliber cannon that can fire mass blasts of golden, plasma-like energy that can melt through any metal and erupt with immense force, but the huge amount of energy needed for operating the cannon makes using the weapon costly.
When in disguise, D-OMEGA uses a realism hologram system to take on the appearance of a large panda-like beast, the Gwarg-marr, that is native to the swamplands of Sploobleep. His fur is grayish-green in color with the black markings of a panda and two, large fangs, like those of a saber-toothed tiger, jut out of his top jaw. He also has a pair of large, demonic wings that are black in color and striped with dark green sprouting from his back, as well as a thick, scaly tail that is also black with dark green stripes. His eyes are red and tend to glow in dim light.
-: Personality: D-OMEGA is obedient, extremely protective of Taen, and capable of translating nearly every known language in the universe into Common. Although he tends to growl and roar like other DRA units, D-OMEGA also has the ability to speak using a system similar to that of SIR units, his voice usually having a low, mechanical tone to it that doesn’t have much emotion or feeling in it. His mouth simply opens and a speaker in the back of his mouth projects the voice. Having been with Taen ever since after the lab accident, D-OMEGA is used to his master’s common illness, automatically taking the responsibility of caring for Taen until he recovers. D-OMEGA also has a habit of fetching food for his master just to make sure the sickly Vortian keeps his strength up.


-: Name: Amp
-: Race: Vortian
-: Class: Test Subject (escaped)
-: Personality: Although she can be very suspicious of those around her, Amp is actually quite friendly once her nerves have been calmed and she is convinced that she is in no immediate danger. Despite her terrible fear of others, she has a liking for young aliens, such as smeets, but tends to be rather obsessive. Amp adores the color orange and also has a serious fascination with Orange ‘Splodey sodas, often becoming very hyper after downing a can or two.
-: Appearance: [LINK]
-: AI unit: No
-: Bio: After being used as a test subject for some of the most painful of Irken projects, Amp has come to believe that everyone she encounters is a potential enemy, certain that anyone who comes within six feet of her is out to get her and drag her back, screaming, to her prison cell on Vort. Ever since she escaped from her imprisonment on Vort, Amp has been stealing aboard countless ships and using escape pods to travel from one planet to another, not really caring exactly where she would end up. It was during on of her brief stays on Blorch that she discovered an unopened can of Orange ‘Splodey and, being rather thirsty at the moment, drank it down in an instant. Finding the bubbling sensation and flavor of the drink to be irresistible, Amp uncovered an intense happiness that was lost to her ever since her home planet had fallen under Irken control. Ever since, she has been completely infatuated with the color of her fizzy source of happiness, orange, becoming extremely giddy or obsessive whenever she lays eyes on it.


-: Name: Voozint
-: Race: Irken-Vortian Crossbreed
-: Class: Computer Specialist
-: Personality: Although he has been diagnosed with autism, Voozint is pro-social and rather friendly most of the time. He loves to cook and eat food, which has led him to some obesity over time and made him very tall for his age, not at all timid about sharing his cooking with others if they’re hungry. Voozint also will never pass the chance to get his hands on a few bottles of Irken Grog and usually gets drunk whenever such a chance presents itself, but doesn’t really hold a preference for any particular drink as long as it doesn’t have water in it. Despite the fact that he is easy to befriend by most and rarely loses his temper, when he does, Voozint will be a bit anti-social for a while until he feels better. He is strongly opposed against the Irken Empire.
-: Appearance: Rather tall for his age, Voozint has mid-sized, gray Vortian horns and an Irken build, as well as the red eyes of an Irken. He wears dark green cargo shorts with a plain, light gray t-shirt, white-gray sneakers, and matching socks. He also had a dark green backpack that he uses to carry around his Vortian laptop with him at all times, as well as some Rylorren dogtags that hang around his neck on a thin metal chain.
-: AI Unit: No
-: Bio: Voozint’s father, an Irken Scientist, was one of the few to have personally dealt with Tallest Zar whenever new advancements were made through the Vortian-Irken Developments Treaty, and his mother, a Vortian Politician and leader of the Intergalactic Democratic Association, often played a part in advising Zar in how to maintain relations with Wolvaria and other peaceful races; the two had met during an important meeting with the Tallest concerning what approach to take with Wolvaria’s rapidly advancing technologies and, after spending some time together, decided to relocate to Vort. It was here that they raised their first and only son, an Irken-Vortian crossbreed whom they named Voozint. He quickly took an interest in computers and grew-up in relative safety, at least until Tallest Spork came to power and ordered the initiation of project CEONBI and, with it, the complete and total eradication of all natural-born Irkens, as well as those that were responsible for giving them life in the first place. Knowing that they would be doomed to death if they remained on Vort any longer, Voozint’s parents hijacked a Vortian merchant vessel and immediately fled for their lives with their son, the Irken authorities hot on their trail. Luckily, Voozint’s father had already plotted a course for a little-known planet located in the inner tracks of the F450 System within the Theta Galaxy and, as they passed within the limits of the Xzechnar dominion, the Irken authorities were given orders to abandon pursuit. Soon after throwing off the authorities, they finally reached the planet of Rylorren and, with it, safety from the Irken Empire. Being a member of the Intergalactic Democratic Association, the Republic of Rylorren freely accepted Voozint and his parents as members of their society for several years to come, but, as Voozint grew older, he also grew very curious of what really was happening beyond the deserts he had come to know as home. So, having already learned to fly at an early age with a modified Voot Cruiser his father had built for him, the Irken-Vortian crossbreed took off to see what had become of the Irken Empire he had grown to despise, as well as the planet his parents were forced to flee long ago, Vort.
-( You've left me with no choice! I challenge you to a closed RP duel; anything within TOS goes; choose your character! )-
~((Umm...my number is seven blaugh ))~
::Invader Zim RP::
(continued from the tenth post)

::Series of Events::
This will be a summary of sorts, so that I can avoid having to fill in everything at once when having to tell what happened and such. The events will be listed from newest to oldest and I'll update the list once every few days. ^^
(last updated 6-22, afternoon)

-: Pyro gets a little freaked by Senn's sudden hyperness, but decides that it's none of his business and goes with Miki to the Kitchens with Zephyth in tow.
-: During all of this, Senn is exploring the Command Bay when he takes a vial of clear liquid from D-RAUGH and drinks it, becoming hyper and drunk and running off with his DRA unit to explore the rest of the ship.
-: Pyro then explains to Zephyth what yakitori is and tells her to follow him to the Kitchens if she wants some.
-: Pyro and Senn share a snicker and Miki come roller blading into the Command Bay, introducing herself to Zephyth and informs Pyro and Senn that the yakitori is ready if they want some more.
-: Centurion denies everything that Senn says and storms off towards the Rest Station, MO blinding the other smeets with a flash of light before following his master.
-: Senn calls Centurion a nosy brat and says that he'll wait for the day Centurion sees how useless parents are, saying that they will abandon him in the end.
-: Pyro hears Centurion and the both exchange insults, with Senn getting involved after having his fill of Centurion referring to Pyro as being jealous of him having parents.
-: Just then, Centurion and MO enter the Command Bay and he decides to comment on Pyro's comment of how the mint would burn his tongue off.
-: After managing to get over the heavy taste of mint in his mouth, Pyro introduces himself and his new friend Senn.
-: After a thorough cleaning, Zephyth finally releases Pyro and introduces herself, ignoring Pyro's comments about her being crazy.
-: Pyro screams and struggles to get free of Zephyth and her scrubbing, but to no prevail.
-: Zephyth senses that Pyro is covered in germs and soon attacks him with an oversized toothbrush of sorts covered with a soapy, lemony-fresh cleaning paste.
-: As Zephyth enters, Senn and Pyro gather the courage to leave the first level corridor and come upon her as well.
-: Zephyth attacks Lard Nar with cleaner before making her way into the ship, her DRA unit, D-WINYA, on her heels.
-: Meanwhile, back on the Command Ship, Lard Nar has left to ready his ship for departure and happens to have an encounter with a yellow-eyed smeet obsessed with cleaning, Zephyth.
-: Zim then assures Tak that they will find a place where they would both have all the time in the universe and where Centurion can grow up in peace as soon as this war has come to an end.
-: Once Centurion had left, Tak congradulates Zim on how he handled the situation and goes on to speak about how both he and herself don't have enough tome to spend with one another.
-: Centurion agrees and his father soon sets him down on the floor beside MO, quickly hugging Tak and running off to the Rest Station as his father had commanded.
-: Zim agrees with this and also tells Centurion that he will speak with Pyro about the matter later, saying that he should stay away from the strange-eyed smeet until then.
-: Centurion hesitantly tells his father what happened and Tak tells him that he shouldn't have wanted to force Pyro's friendship anyways.
-: After a while, Zim begins whistling along to a well-known Irken march and manages to calm Centurion down that way, soon questioning the smeet afterwards.
-: Once there, Zim continues to try and calm his son's tears, but with little success.
-: Zim thanks Miki for her information and Tak soon convinces him to take an elevator up to the Sleeping Quarters where it would be much quieter and they could try to calm Centurion down enough to find out exactly what happened.
-: As Tak and Zim try to calm Centurion's tears, Miki comes along and tells Zim of the occurance between Centurion, Pyro, and the suppossed Wrim.
-: Stunned by this, Zim quickly scoops Centurion into his arms and desperately tries to comfort him, but fails miserably.
-: Meanwhile, Centurion soon runs directly into Zim and Tak, crying louder than ever before.
-: Curious, the little Xzechnar ventures towards her and asks why she is there, noting that she is Xzechnar like himself.
-: Korou then makes his way back to the ship and soon spots another Xzechnar, Ikarata, hiding in some nearby bushes.
-: The little Xzechnar then binds the two Irkens together with some thick wire and quickly drags them off of the ship, eventually hurling them into the cargo hold of a Reiykhan ship.
-: Meanwhile, Korou is busy terrifiying the wits out of the two drones until they have both been rendered unconscious.
-: Pyro then continues to hurl insults at Centurion and the latter is eventually forced into tears, running as fast as he can away from Pyro and Senn, MO on his heels.
-: Centurion nods and commands MO to release Senn.
-: As the fight drags on, Senn calms down and interrupts the two quarreling smeets, demanding to be let out.
-: Seeing Senn's condition, Pyro smacks Centurion across the back of his head again and the two smeets get into a huge fight consisting of Pyro hurling insult after insult at Centurion.
-: Senn is huddled in a corner of the cage, crying as he holds onto the wing of his deactivated DRA unit, fearing the worst.
-: MO promptly catches up to Senn and swallows him up, skidding to a stop and looking to his master as he and Pyro skidded to a stop beside him.
-: Centurion then follows Pyro with a certain grudge against the strange-eyed smeet.
-: Pyro sees this and smacks Centurion across the back of his head before insulting him and giving chase to MO.
-: MO obeys and transforms into a large, mechanoid cat with a cage for a stomach and gives chase to Senn.
-: Centurion, rather confused by everything, soon gets to his feet and, thinking that Senn is a theif, orders MO after him.
-: Senn realizes that his hood has fallen down to reveal his true identisty as a Vortian-Irken crossbreed and soon runs for his life once again.
-: As Senn keeps running, Centurion steps out of the Data Banks and Senn runs headlong into him, sending both himself and Centurion crashing to the floor of the corridor.
-: Pyro quickly gives chase to Senn, yelling that there might be more Xzechnar onboard.
-: Senn hears this and runs for his life, running back the way he and Pyro had come.
-: Pyro, having heard all of this racket, decided to peek into the Command Bay to confirm his fears, telling Senn that there's an armed Xzechnar onboard.
-: Korou, seeing that one of the drones is escaping, bounds after him and promtly knocks him senseless with the flat of his tail, also managing to cause the remaining drone to faint after driving his weapon millimeters from his face.
-: The drones panic and begin screaming and wailing in terror, the skinnier of the two attempting an escape as the stocky drone screams about how there aren't any monies, but a Xzechnar instead.
-: Just then, Korou bursts into the Command Bay and gives off a stunning display of infamous rage that would send even the bravest of Irkens running for their lives.
-: The computer confirms that everything is according to plan and Zim then awaits the signal of the little Xzechnar's arrival to the Command Bay.
-: Zim agrees and then mentions how he has plans for shaping up the crew into something to be proud and refers to the Training Level finally getting the use it deserves, also checking wth the computer on the location of Korou.
-: Tak says that she feels the same and reminds him that what they are doing is not for Black, but for the good of Irk as a whole.
-: Back in the corridor, Zim finally convinces Tak to stop dragging him and apologizes for all of the chaos that had taken place earlier. He then also tells her that he's not at all comfortable with this Tallest Black being at the head of the empire and mentions diferent things that could hamper their plans to land on Irk.
-: He soon finds what he's looking for and dons the armor and items, quickly heading for the Command Bay as soon as he is appropiately equipped.
-: Meanwhile, MIMI and Korou arrive at the Armory and Korou begins searching through the contents of the room for some armor and a befitting weapon.
-: Senn agrees and Pyro promptly takes the Wrim by the hand and leads him out of the Docking Bay, heading for the Command Bay.
-: Pyro feels that this isn't right and gets to his feet as he watches the Wrim leave, telling him that he wants him to stay and how the people on the ship are different from the people of Blorch and other places, asking Senn to at least check out the ship before deciding to leave or not.
-: Senn the holds a small sardonic comment with Pyro before getting to his feet and scooping the shutdown D-RAUGH into his arms, thanking Miki for the food and hesitantly starting to leave.
-: Meanwhile, back in the Docking Bay, the battle has come to an end with both DRA units having sustained severe damage, D-RAUGH being the victor.
-: Zim stumbled after Tak as she walked at a pace much faster than his own, telling the computer to inform Lard Nar that that the repairs are expected to be finished within the next ten minutes and trying to convince Tak that this plan of his is foolproof.
-: Tak, having finally had enough of Zim's unintentional loitering, marches over to the Irken, pulls him to his feet by the hood of his vest, and promptly takes firm hold of one of his hands, telling him that they are going to the Command Bay and practically dragging Zim after her without further hesitation.
-: Zim, who had finally managed to calm down from Korou's playful snapping, leapt at least a foot into the air when the Xzechnar roared, landing on his rear soon afterwards and watching Korou follow MIMI out of the Rest Station and out of sight.
-: Korou then makes his way to the exit of the Rest Station and suddenly lets loose a loud roar that sends several Resisty members running for their lives, proving his confidence in his ability to scare people.
-: Zim, growing progressively more nervous, tells Tak to have MIMI lead Korou to the Armory, flinching when the the little Xzechnar snaps his jaws millimeters from one of his antennae.
-: As Zim speaks to him, Korou manages to get very close to the Irken and spook him quite a bit without real intention, agreeing to the plan and telling Zim that he doesn't know where this Armory place is.
-: Meanwhile, back in the Rest Station, Zim tells Korou of his plan and instructs the Xzechnar to go to the Armory.
-: The two then sit down and eat while watching the two DRA units battle.
-: Pyro soon decides that D-RAGNAROK can fight on his own and walks over to Miki, eagerly asking for some of the Yakitori and motioning for the Wrim to join him.
-: Just then, as D-RAGNAROK fires the first attack and D-RAUGH evades it, Miki returns with a plate loaded with steaming Yakitori, narrowly avoiding an oncoming jet of flame and she skidded to a stop.
-: As Miki leaves, Senn decides to accept Pyro's challenge and the heated battle begins with the two DRA units stepping forward to begin the confrontation.
-: Miki agrees and soon leaves for the Kitchens once again, bidding her temporary goodbyes to Senn in French.
-: Pyro also tells Miki that he's challenged Senn and D-RAUGH to a DRA battle and asks her if she could bring the food to the Docking Bay when it's finished.
-: Just then, Miki arrives on roller skates and informs Pyro that the Yakitori is almost finished and introdues herself to Senn as Pyro introduces him to her.
-: Feeling something of a sense of rivalry, Pyro soon summons his own DRA unit, D-RAGNAROK, to the Docking Bay and introduces him as well, challenging Senn and D-RAUGH to a DRA battle shortly afterward.
-: Senn then introduces his DRA unit to Pyro and tells the smeet that his name is D-RAUGH.
-: Xeon sayas that he is and continues to quietly watch his surroundings, noting the level of activity in the other parts of the ship.
-: Pyro introduces himself as well and soon asks Xeon if he is Human, somewhat startled by the cyborg's peculiar eyes.
-: Curious, he asks who they all are and the Wrim eventually complies to reveal his name, which turns out to be Senn.
-: As he explores, Pyro hears voices coming from the Docking Bay and decides to investigate, soon coming in contact with the Wrim, his blue DRA unit, and Xeon.
-: Pyro then starts his wandering and investigates all of the rooms along the right corridor of the second level, soon taking an elevator down to the first level and exploring everything there as well.
-: The little smeet soon gets somewhat bored and tells Miki that he'll be wandering around the ship for a while until the food is ready.
-: During all of this, Pyro had been with Miki in the Kitchens as she prepared the Yakitori she had mentioned to him earlier.
-: The Wrim soon begins to get nervous and the DRA unit responds by growling and preparing to pounce at the slightest sign of outward hostility towards his master.
-: Xeon thanks the two for their help and promptly begins analyzing the two with his strange eyes, telling the Wrim that his genetic make-up doesn't match that of a Wrim, but something unknown to him.
-: After much tugging and pulling at the back of Xeon's brown trenchcoat, the Wrim and his DRA unit manage to free the cyborg from the ship.
-: The Wrim eventually sees Xeon for himself and offers to help the cyborg out of his tight situation, ordering him DRA unit to force open the front windshield of the Voot Runner.
-: Meanwhile, a small Wrim with a blue, quadruped DRA unit stumble upon the Docking bay and the latter discovers that there is someone hiding within an overturned Voot Runner.
-: Zim tells Lard Nar that they will be leaving as soon as the fuel situation is settled and the damage to the Docking Bay airlock is repaired, also relaying to Tak his plan for getting them off of Blorch without forking over the 2,000,000 monies they don't have.
-: Lard Nar soon arrives again and asks Zim how soon will they depart from Blorch.
-: Zim, glad to have the book finally free of his mouth, looks to Wolfeh and soon tells the Xzechnar that he had nothing to do with whatever just happened to her, also ordering Trov to take Wolfeh off to the Medic Wing with a word of thanks from himself.
-: As soon as the job is finished, Wolfeh goes faint and collapses from energy loss, falling from the couch and landing on the Rest Station floor with a thud, concerning Korou quite a bit.
-: Eventually, using her race's strange ability to speak things into being, she succeeds in engulfing the book in strange flame, thus removing it from Zim's mouth.
-: Wolfeh then climbs onto the couch beside Zim and tells him to remain calm, pressing the fingertips of one hand to the rough pages of the book and speaking lines of words in her native tongue.
-: Tak agrees and commands MIMI to withdraw, scooting over some to make room for Wolfeh.
-: Wolfeh then says that she can help with the situation and Zim motions to Tak to let the Wolvarian do what she must to remove the blasted thing from his mouth.
-: Just then, Wolfeh and Korou arrive at the Rest Station and push past Zyone, Rei, and Trov to see what all the commotion is about, spotting Zim's predicament and laughing a bit.
-: Zim, having left his drunken state of mind, sees this as somewhat dangerous and continues to try to remove the book on his own.
-: Tak then commands MIMI to remove the book and the SIR unit obeys, drawing all sorts of sharp and hazardous devices from her compartments and approaching Zim.
-: Zim does as Tak says, trying with all his might to get the book free of his mouth, but only ending up at the same conclusion as before.
-: Tak, her annoyance rising, tells Zim to try harder and summons MIMI to the Rest Station to have her remove the book by force if necessary.
-: As Tak progressively becomes angrier with Zim's behavior, he proptly begins trying to remove the book from his mouth, only to discover that its stuck and cannot be budged.
-: Lard Nar then hurries off to inform his own crew of the change of plans .
-: Centurion then goes over to Lard Nar, who just arrived at the scene, and tells him that he can join, saying that he had heard his mother and father talking about the matter a while ago.
-: Zim's singing is so utterly horrible that Centurion, who had been sitting in a remote corner of the Rest Station all the while, can't stand it anymore and marches over to his father, wedging a large book into Zim's mouth to stop the screeching song that was eminating from it.
-: Zim then ends up breaking into a drunken song that has something to do with how much he loves cream soda and how he wants one more bottle of the stuff.
-: Zyone soon arrives at the Rest Station and observes what is going on with a calculating eye, storing all of this information for later use.
-: Tak is even more irritated by this behavior and decides that Zim will stay seated in the Rest Station until he finds his sense or until the effect of the cream soda wears off.
-: Zim recalls the fuel situation and declares to Tak that they will go to the Command Bay and do fueling things, only to fall flat on his face and rant on about how the carpet sees that he fell, as well as asking where his second bottle of cream soda went.
-: Tak soon reminds Zim that they have business to take care of in the Command Bay and urges him to snap out of this cream soda nonsense and act rationally.
-: Zib tells Zim that he can't have another bottle and Zim continues to ask for one, resulting in Tak starting to lose her nerve with the Irken and sending Zib running from the Rest Station after snapping under the growing conflict.
-: Tak scorns Zim for doing so and shoots Zib a glare that meant not to give Zim any more of the intoxicating stuff.
-: With a few moments, the cream soda manages to calm Zim down significantly while keeping him stable enough to be considered still sober, but, as soon as he finishes up the bottle, Zim demands for another.
-: The little crossbreed soon rummages through his sweater pocket and pulls out a bottle of orange-brown liquid, promptly snapping open the cap and stuffing the neck of the bottle into Zim's mouth.
-: Zib finally arrives at the Rest Station to find Zim in a horrible state of panic and Tak trying to calm him down without much success.
-: In the Medic Wing, Trov struggles to tidy up things and discovers that the greenish-white liquid had been wasted in the chaos of the projectile soy sauce packet incident, also managing to move Xir from the Medic Wing floor to an empty bed.
-: Meanwhile, in the Command Bay, Zib finally comes to once again and sense that Zim is in a panic, promptly heading off in the direction of the Rest Station to see what he could do to help.
-: There, Zim only continues to shiver and mumble things concerning the horrible huggings of Xir, not relaxing in the slightest.
-: Tak struggles to keep herself from falling by using her spider-legs and soon decides to take Zim to the Rest Station until he calms down.
-: After several minutes, Zim finally gathered enough courage to peek out from under the bed at the now unconscious Xir, but, when the large Irken gave a slight twitch, Zim leapt out from under the bed and wrapped both his arms and legs around Tak's shoulders and middle, trembling without end.
-: After this, Tak slowly makes her way over to Zim and demands that he gets out from under the bed, becoming even more frustrated when the Irken began babbling nonsense to her in a language only he understood.
-: The packet then made its way towards Xir and nailed him right in the center of his forehead, causing him to drop both Skye and Crim and collapse to the Medic Wing floor in an unconscious heap.
-: It bounces off of the walls and increases in speed, shattering any vials that happened to be on the counter and sending their contents spraying everywhere.
-: After pinging around the Command Bay and knocking Zib senseless once again, the packet rockets down the left corridor and makes its way to the Medic Wing.
-: Miki does the heimleich on the little smeet, which then causes the packet to rocket out of Pyro's mouth at such a speed that it resembles more of a bullet than a packet made of plastic.
-: Meanwhile, near the Kitchens, Pyro chokes on a packet of soy sauce that was given to him by Miki after hearing out a story about 'warm fuzzies' and 'cold pricklys'.
-: Within a minute or two, Xir's spinning begins to slow and the heavily built Irken begins to waver from here to there, unintentionally nearing Zim and causing him to scream out in terror and dive under the nearest bed, shivering like mad.
-: Tak then tries to calm Zim down, but to no prevail.
-: Xir soon decides to hug Skye and Crim instead and sweeps them both off of their feet and into his powerful arms, soon going into a maddening spin that lasts longer than it should.
-: After an incredibly long time of struggling like a rabid animal, clawing, biting, and flailing with his spider-legs, Zim finally squeezes free and darts to the far corner of the Medic Wing, huddling there and muttering things about fuzzies, hugs, and happy Xirs.
-: At that moment, Skye arrives and starts laughing her head off at the chaos of Xir and his hugging fest.
-: Shortly later, she arrives at the Medic Wing and gets hugged by Crim, immediately demanding to be released.
-: Meanwhile, Tak gets tired of waiting for Zim and decides to go see what is taking the Irken so long.
-: Zim freaks out and desperately tries to escape this freakishly happy Xir, screaming at a tone so high-pitched that it could easily shatter glass.
-: Just then, Zim arrives and demands to know what is going on, only to be frozen in pure horror as Xir wraps his arms around him and starts hugging him.
-: Meanwhile, back in the Medic Wing, Xir finally releases Dib and takes to skipping around the Medic Wing while singing along to the tune he used previously in his random love song to Crim.
-: Zim then decides that something requires his attention in the Medic Wing and marches off in that direction, relaying to Tak to keep the service drones occupied until he returns.
-: Zib arrives in the Command Bay moments later and starts screaming to Zim something about H-Viruses, abandoning ship, and running for your lives before letting out a high-pitched squeal of terror and fainting.
-: Xir then skips off to give Dib a hug and scares to Human half to death, causing Zib to run from the Medic Wing in pure terror.
-: Zib squeals in terror and takes to hiding under Dib's bed, relaying to Zim an urgent warning that literally makes no sense at all.
-: Xir then goes on a hugging fest and squeezes the life out of Trov, scaring anyone unfortunate enough to be watching clear out of their wits.
-: Back in the Training Level, Xir sings a random love song to Crim and skips about the place happily, soon taking her by the hand and dragging her in the direction of the Medic Wing.
-: Meanwhile, the fuel situation in the Command Bay rages on and on as Tak soon discovers the exact value of the fuel and Zim desperately tries to convince the drones to lower their pice, which has now maxed out at 3,000,000 monies.
-: Xir and Crim are then absorbed into a giddy happiness that seems all the more frightening with every passing second, both telling one another that they love each other.
-: Meanwhile, back in the Training Level, both Crim and Xir are engulfed by the spores and the the hologram fades; the computer announcing that they both failed the mission.
-: Minnie explains the situation and she, Zib, and Dib get into a random conversation about dragons, dreams, and space.
-: Zib soon arrives in the Medic Wing to see Dib laying on one of the beds and asks him what happened.
-: Pyro soon follows Miki out of the Medic Wing and in the direction of the Kitchens, talking with her along the way.
-: D-RAGNAROK obeys and runs off in the direction of the Rest Station, having located Centurion's pak ID via his special identification programs installed in the LCD screen of his eyes.
-: Miki offers Pyro to have something cooked up for him in the Kitchens and Pyro cautiously agrees, commanding D-RAGNAROK to go and play with Centurion until he signals him again.
-: The object turns out to be a bi-pedal, red DRA unit belonging to Pyro and the strange-eyed smeet explains so, also showing off D-RAGNAROK's obedience to everyone else in the Medic Wing.
-: Then, as Pyro finishes up the last of his chips, a flurry of red zooms into the Medic Wings and crashes headlong into Dib, slamming him into the far wall.
-: Meanwhile, Centurion sets his mind to getting revenge on Pyro for being so mean to him and runs off with MO to the Rest Station to put together some devious plan of vengence.
-: Within minutes, they both become intoxicated with the euphoria-inducing spores and are slowly sucked into the pit of pinkness.
-: Suddenly, a landslide of sorts causes both Xir and Crim to fall into the pit of spores and they soon find themselves floundering in the stuff.
-: Xir then climbs onto level ground and begins to tend to his wound, Crim providing bandages and the sort from her pouch.
-: Xir struggles to stop himself from getting dragged to his death and Crim soon comes and drives her laserblade into the back of the creature's head, causing it to retreat into its pool of spores.
-: He soon discovers that the thing that had been dragging him actually belonged to a creature that lives in a pit filled with pink spores.
-: Xir suddenly is attacked by a barbed vine of sorts which then drags him off into the thick brush of the shroom forest, losing both of his laserblades in the process.
-: After slaying the Manticore that had snuck up on them, Crim then tells Xir that they'll try a different way after seeing his reaction to the floating bridge of crumbling rubble.
-: During all of this, Crim and Xir are undergoing some training in the Training Level of the ship, which is taking place in the bizarre shroom forests of Trk.
-: Seeing that he is haveing troubles with opening a bag of chips, Centurion leaps to the other bed and soon gets into a large argument with the other smeet, which results with him running from the Medic in tears after Pyro refused to accept his offer of friendship.
-: Centurion soon sees that Tak is conscious again and runs over to greet her, soon noticing that the other smeet, Pyro, is awake as well.
-: Back in the Medic Wing, Tak comes to and informs Trov that she'll be leaving to go see if Zim needs any help.
-: He then starts a lengthy argument with the stockier of the two drones, soon discovering the price to be 1,000,000 monies in total.
-: Zib soon arrives and is told by Zim to go check on the fuel tanks to see if the two drones even filled them to capacity as they claimed.
-: Meanwhile, Zim encounters the two service drones in the Command Bay and asks them for the cost of the fuel, positively stunned when he discovers the price.
-: Zib eventually convinces Skye to keep her pranks on Zim a bit less harmful and offers in exchange to build her fun little gadgets, as well as train with her and Shwiggles in the Training Level every now and then. After this, he runs off in the direction of the Command Bay to inform Zim of the good news.
-: Meanwhile, back on Irk, the battle between the Irkens and the Xzechnar rages on and the latter begins to drive the Irkens back towards the capital, thus securing the next phase in conspired plan.
-: During their conversation, Zim edges into consciousness and pushes himself to function, despite the effects of the overdose, and goes off to the Command Bay to address the fuel situation, leaving Centurion with Dib.
-: He then asks Skye if he can speak with her alone for a moment and both Zib and Skye exit the Medic Wing.
-: Zib figures that Zyone can join and asks Rei to give him a tour of the ship.
-: Skye then asks who is second-in-command and Zib decides that he would be if Tak wasn't able to.
-: Zyone asks if he could speak to the Commander and Trov informs him that both Zim and Tak are incapacitated and in no condition to talk.
-: Trov informs her to try and keep things down and gets insulted by Shwigs, ending with the Vortian becoming rather upset and Shwiggles leaving the Medic Wing to wander elsewhere.
-: Just then, Skye, along with Shwiggles and Zyone, come to the Medic Wing and she announces that she is the "Storeroom Goddess" and that Zyone is interested in joining the growing crew of Irkens.
-: Dib explains what they were talking about and Zib tries to use his genious mind to figure out a solution.
-: Just then, Zib arrives and joins the others, his cheek sore from the pain relayed to him from his Human half-brother.
-: Rei, Dib, and Minnie then sit down and try to come out with a way to convince Skye to stop these painful pranks on Zim and Tak.
-: Centurion plays around with them with a while before Dib takes them back and scolds the little smeet for taking his only means of being able to see.
-: Rei comforts Centurion and then hands the little smeet to Dib, in which he manages to snatch away Dib's glasses.
-: Dib calms and Rei apologizes for hitting him, suggesting that he should say his sorries to Centurion for attacking his father in such a way.
-: Dib continues to fight to get free and resume his assault on Zim, which ends in Rei actually punching the Human so hard that he's thrown to Medic Wing Floor.
-: A quarrel of sorts breaks out between Rei and Dib that ends in Rei slapping Dib across the face.
-: Rei commands MEW to restrain Dib and, together with Trov, they manage to pull Dib away from Zim.
-: Centurion sees all of this and breaks into tears once again.
-: Trov panics and tries to pull Dib away from Zim, crying for help.
-: Just then, Dib arrives at the Medic Wing and practically attacks Zim, demanding thet the sickly Irken wakes up and explains to him why the hell he's sick all the time.
-: BIR then drags the unconscious Irken to the Kitchen and forces him to drink cream soda.
-: Zyone freaks and runs for it, eventually tripping over his own labcoat and landing hard on the gravel, passing out moments later.
-: Moments later, BIR runs at Zyone while screaming an indian warcry.
-: Meanwhile, outside of the Command ship, BIR is running around insanely while screaming nonsense about fishies and notice Zyone nearby.
-: Rei comforts him and Centurion stops his frightened tears, listening as Rei explains that everything will be well.
-: Centurion sees that his mother has fallen ill and starts crying in worried confusion and fear.
-: Wolfeh arrives at the Medic Wing and Trov addresses the situation, transferring Zim onto a bed and giving both him and Tak some clay pills to help with lessening the poisoning.
-: Dib heeds this and quickly runs off to find Zim for Zib's sake.
-: Meanwhile, in the Docking Bay, Zib begins to feel the effects of Zim's illness and tells Dib that something is terribly wrong with his Irken half-brother.
-: Xir is something of humored by this and tells the now unconscious smeet that it can be his to keep. He then stays where he is and remains silent.
-: The smeet likes that name, telling Xir this before he falls unconscious once again.
-: Xir tells the smeet that he dropped it and calls him a little pyro-manic.
-: The little smeet than notices Xir and asks the sullen Irken where his lighter went, his tone very weak.
-: During all of this, the little smeet wakes up and Xir decides to see if he's okay, feeling somewhat responsible for what happened to him.
-: Wolfeh arrives and helps take Zim back to the Medic Wing, Centurion going with her.
-: Shwiggles eventually injects Zim's pak with a liquid that helps stop the convultions and MO transform into a stretcher.
-: Centurion sees his father fall and runs over to him, begging Skye and Shwigs to help him.
-: Zim storms over to the Storeroom and narrowly avoids Private as he runs off, soon becoming rather dizzy and collapsing onto the floor in front of the Storerooms from med overdose, experiencing violent convulsions.
-: Zim is infuriated at this and decides to settle the matter himself, ignoring the fact that he was in just a bad a state as Tak.
-: Rei hears this and mentions that Skye was the one who had stolen all of those medicines from the Medic Wing cabinets.
-: Trov examines Tak and determines that she has some sort of massive poisoning of sorts.
-: Zim soon arrives at the Medic Wing and tells Trov of Tak's recent condition, ordering him to tend to her as soon as possible.
-: Zim follows and decides that she should go to the Medic Wing, escorting her in that direction no matter Tak's opinion.
-: As Tak began to speak to the drones, she soon feels sick and leaves the Command Bay in a hurry, regurgitating just outside of the Exit Ramp.
-: Meanwhile, in the Command Bay, the two drones return to inform Zim that they had finished with their work.
-: Having forgotten all about the Smeet Ray, Centurion then decides to go and show Shwigs Private's new ability, ordering MO to follow.
-: Private then speaks Common to tell Centurion that he doesn't know and causes Centurion to go hystercal over the fact that he had answered in Common.
-: Centurion wakes and asks Private if he knows what happened to the Smeet Ray.
-: MIMI arrives and takes control of the situation, trying to revive the unconscious smeet via his pak.
-: Private digs him out of the pile of books and takes back the Smeet Ray, storing it in his pak before trying to wake up Centurion.
-: The impact buried both Centurion and MO, knocking him unconscious as well.
-: Meanwhile, Centurion manages to catch up to Private and swipes back the Smeet Ray, only to crash into the book-lined wall of the Rest Station when MO was unable to slow his rate of speed.
-: Eventually, his strength waver and Zim loses his balance for no apparant reason, but he catches himself and dismisses both Shwigs and Skye, unable to continue his argument.
-: Zim goes ballistic and and continues to enforce his command, Shwigs refusing to obey once again.
-: He then loses it and gives Shwiggles the order to go and bring back Private, but Shwigs refuses to obey, using Zim's height as a reason not to.
-: After Centurion and MO disappear from view, Zim begins to have flashes of the worst, but is snapped out of them by Shwigs.
-: Centurion boards it and quickly gives chase to Private, going against Zim's better judgement.
-: MO obeys and turns into a slick-looking, silver and blue hoverboard.
-: Centurion sees this and orders MO to transform into something fast he can use to chase down Private and get back the Smeet Ray.
-: He then runs off with the ray, laughing in an insane way.
-: Private, having used his screaming as a distraction, hurries over to Zim and manages to steal back the Smeet Ray, shooting both Skye and Shwiggles and retuning them back to normal.
-: His patience soon goes thin and he booms to the two smeets to "STFU" in a voice loud enough to be considered a .2 earthquake.
-: Then, Centurion arrives and is frozen in place by the barrage of sound.
-: The sound of their combined screams is soo high-pitched and deafening that Zim and the others can barely hear one another as they try to solve the situation.
-: Private soon arrives at the Command Bay and joins Shwigs' in his screeching screaming.
-: Rei tries to comfort him but fails, Shwigs' screams becoming even louder.
-: Shwigs and Skye had been having an argument about who was going to be Tallest in their little game when Shwiggles burst into tears and began wailing loudly.
-: Meanwhile, Private explodes into a fit of insanity and runs for the Command Bay, Centurion and MO following him out of confusion and curiousity.
-: He compliments her and they both agree that it is time to initiate "phase 2" of their plans.
-: Meanwhile, after her speech, Black returns to the Underground and contacts Lord Torkar.
-: Xir eventually decides to watch Korou, Wolfeh, and Trov from a distance, too sullen and bothered to speak.
-: Korou spots Trov further down the cooridor and calls out to him, telling him that the little smeet is hurt, causing the Vortian to rush towards Wolfeh and take care of the smeet's wounds.
-: Wolfeh sees the state the smeet is in and decides to take things into her own hands, running to the Medic Wing as fast as she could.
-: He and Crim then start taking him to the Medic Wing when Wolfeh and Korou manage to run into them.
-: Meanwhile, Xir finally manages to stop the little smeet with his spider-legs and smothers him in his black t-shirt to suffocate the fire, soon realizing the large gash the sharpened blade of his spider-legs carved into the little smeets middle.
-: RAWR find the two and take the Smeet Ray away from Skye, storing it away and taunting them both.
-: Shwiggles and Skye, who had been smeetified during the rampage, go to the Sleeping Quarters and Skye gets the chance to shoot Shwigs, turning him into a smeet.
-: Back in the Command Bay, Zim and Tak are slowly becoming to act a lot more smeetish as Lard Nar deploys his commander experience to search out the Smeet Ray, as well as Skye and Shwigs.
-: Xir tries to calm the smeet and stop his panic so that he can put him out, but fails.
-: Within moments, the little smeet accidentally lights himself on fire and is entirely engulfed in flame, dropping the lighter and running around in circles.
-: He soon notices the little smeet's intense staring and decides to give the lighter to him, now deciding to watch him instead of the lighter flame itself.
-: Xir, bored and becoming more sullen with each passing second, decides to take out his lighter in hopes of clearing his mind for a bit.
-: Meanwhile, Xir and Crim return to the Docking Bay to find the little, strange-eyed smeet and Skoodge.
-: Having heard all the commotion, Centurion stops his lesson with Private and decides to investigate, commanding MO to transform into a large, heavily built Xzechnar.
-: During this, Shwiggles began a confrontation with Tak that abruptly ended in Shwigs deploying his Smeet Ray and turning both Zim and Tak into smeets before running off with Skye to wreak havoc.
-: Uncertain, Zim investigates and takes a sample of the stuff, relaying to Tak that it seemed safe.
-: The drones go about their jobs and Zim and Tak return to the Command Bay to find Shwiggles with Skye sitting atop his shoulders, the previous holding two bowls full of a strange and colorful concoction.
-: Meanwhile, Zim and Tak struggle to deal with two particularly stupid drones who answered their urgent request for service, in which Zim managed to dismantle the service tower within a few seconds.
-: Wolfeh eventually manages to calm him down and they start back to the command ship, unaware that they are being watched by an unseen device that had followed them ever since Zim's command ship's departure from Earth.
-: They both see Black's broadcast and are troubled by it, Korou infuriated by it.
-: Meanwhile, Wolfeh and Korou were venturing about outside in rather primitive disguises of cloaks made from rough cloth found in the Storage Rooms.
-: After delivering the bought supplies to the Medic Wing, Trov then decides he should go check on Wolfeh and Korou, inviting Rei and Lard Nar along with him, saying that the Resisty leader could get a tour of the ship in the meantime.
-: Back on Blorch, Trov, Rei, and Lard Nar, after recognizing Trov as his long-lost older brother, report to the command ship and persuade Lard Nar to set his mind on speaking with Zim as soon as possible.
-: Red then decides that their only hope after supplies run short would be to go to Darck and beg the Wrim to harbor them until this war is over and they can figure waht to do about Black.
-: Meanwhile, on the far away Planet of Broken Glass, Red and Purple amanage to view Black's powerful speech via the screen in their Voot and soon discover that she has already changed the Lock-Out codes for all Irk facilities and programs.
-: As the broadcast comes to an end, Zim and Tak exchange worries and decide that they now have to reach Irk as soon as physically possible.
-: Dib and Larz take the unconscious Zib to the Medic Wing during the broadcast and try to revive him.
-: Now, Black is about to speak and the whole planet is held speechless by the sudden, and very shocking, news.
-: Zib faints from seeing so much blood.
-: Then, outside and on every screen on Blorch, a broadcast from the Intergalactic New plays, giving footage of the bloody coming of the Xzechnar War II, as well as the appearance of Black.
-: Trov, of course, doesn't recognize Lard Nar and asks for his name.
-: Lard Nar, curious as to why a Vortian and Irken were cooperating with one another, decided to follow Rei and Trov, eventually recognizing the latter as his older brother.
-: Meanwhile, Trov and Rei make their way to a Medic Supplies Store and purchase three-hundred monies worth of medicines and solutions.
-: Zib convinces Dib that he's alright with it and Dib decides that he wasn't thinking logically, only protectively, and both he and Zib make their way back to Larz.
-: Larz then mentions to them that he needs help with some exeriments, but Dib refuses once Larz mentions Zib in his plans, dragging him away.
-: Larz then, upon hearing Dib's voice, floats into the Snack Bar and uses his position as High Advisor to scare off the offenders and save Zib and Dib from an unnecessary experience.
-: The Irkens joke and tease about Zib and eventually trip the crossbreed, angering Dib to the point of facing the confrontation.
-: They try to buy some snacks with Earth money, but only get ridiculed by the cashier, as well as a nearby group of Irkens.
-: Dib and Zib wander into a Snack Bar and instantly become the focus of attention for the Bar's customers.
-: Meanwhile, Dib finds Zib and comforts him before offering to take the crossbreed to see the new stuff Blorch has to offer.
-: The smeet shows a certain fondness towards Xir, which ends up freaking out the sullen Irken just a bit.
-: Meanwhile, Xir decides that he wants to go check on his Voot with Crim and end up running into Skoodge and the little, strange-eyed smeet.
-: Zim and Tak then leave to go attend to the fuel.
-: Minnie says that she knows quite a bit and Zim assigns her the position, also telling her to go see whatever it was that Skoodge wanted him for.
-: Zim then looks Minnie over and finally decides she can join, asking her if she's any good with Medic things.
-: Xir then arrives at the Command Bay with Minnie in tow, telling Zim that she wants to join his motley crew before stalking back the way he had come with Crim.
-: Meanwhile, Trov returns and both he and Rei go off to restock on medicines.
-: Skoodge decides to leave Miki with IIR and takes the smeet onboard, asking Zim to report to the Docking Bay over the intercom.
-: Skoodge is about to try and escort Miki to the Medic Wing when IIR shows up and informs his master that he has advadced medical abilities as well.
-: Miki wakes and talks to the little smeet, noting that he has no name.
-: Private agrees and the two smeets go to the Rest Station.
-: During the long conversation, Centurion continues to talk with Private, eventually offering the other smeet to go to the Rest Station and teach him how to speak Common.
-: Zim decides to assign Shwigs as a Mission Coordinator and Scenario Evalulator.
-: Zim agrees and starts questioning Shwigs to see what area of operations would fit him best.
-: Meanwhile, Zim succeeds in convincing Shwigs and Tak suggests that Zim places the Sergeant as soon as possible.
-: The little smeet notices Miki splayed out on the ground and starts poking her unconscious body with with spider-legs, wondering if she's alright.
-: At first, he declines, but Skoodge's persistence eventually leads to the convincing of the nameless smeet and they both board the ship again.
-: Meanwhile, Skoodge scolds the little smeet before offering him to join the crew.
-: Xir sees that she's Irken and starts to lose it, having to go through a small battle against himself in order to get his emotions under control.
-: Xir gets supiscious and ends up scaring Minnie into a run, but she slips on GIR's applesauce and accidentally deactivates her disguise.
-: Minnie sneaks onto the ship and accidentally runs into Xir and Crim.
-: Dib hears his cries and tries to find him, but is also swallowed up by the crowd of aliens.
-: Zib follows him, but ends up getting lost in a large crowd. Beginning to panic when he realizes that he doesn't have the slightest where he is.
-: Dib, during all of this, is running about the large parking lot snapping pictures of everything, ignorant of the stares he's getting by the other aliens.
-: Centurion meets Private and starts talking to him, being the first time he has ever encountered another smeet before.
-: Zim and Shwigs then have a long conversation, which eventually ends with Zim trying to persuade Shwiggles to join his small crew.
-: The Reiykhan, slightly satisfied, then stalks away, unaware that he had been tricked once again out of his monies by the witty, little smeet.
-: Meanwhile, Skoodge manages to persuade the little smeet to return the the monies to the Reiykhan and the little smeet does.
-: Skye eventually manages to squirm free of MO, who had restrained her, and runs off screaming words of revenge, all of them directed to Zim. She arrives at the Storerooms and hides among the boxes there, munching on a Snickers bar and planning her next attack.
-: Shwigs then returns Wolfeh and Korou to normal and puts the Smeet Ray safely back into his pak.
-: Zim asks if there's a way to reverse the effects of the Smeet Ray and hands it back to Shwigs when he confirms that there is.
-: Meanwhile, Xir awakens and leaves the Medic Wing with Crim, thanking Rei for her care.
-: Shwigs soon arrives and asks for the return of his weapon.
-: During the attack, Skye drops the Smeet Ray and Zim picks it up, examining it suspisciously.
-: Korou then latches onto one of Skye's antennae as Wolfeh arrives and clamps her jaws onto her rump and thrashes.
-: Korou had pounced on Skye at that exact moment and recieved the shot instead, getting turning into a younger version of himself too.
-: Eventually, Skye fires at Zim as he protects Tak, but he reflets the shot back at her using a reflective shield conjured up with his outspread spider-legs.
-: Wolfeh, Korou, and Shwigs soon give chase to her.
-: Mad with power, Skye then runs for the Command Bay, still in posession on the Smeet Ray.
-: Skye fires the Smeet Ray at Wolfeh and turns her into a younger version of herself.
-: Wolfeh snaps, and decides enough is enough, turning into her wolf form and charging at Skye.
-: Meanwhile, Skye has taken Shwig's Smeet Ray and refuses to give it back, determined to use it on somebody before getting it taken away from her.
-: Skoodge tries to calm the Reiykhan when he arrives and finds out that the little smeet not only stole monies from the alien, but a loved weapon as well.
-: The smeet happens to be running away from a very angry Reiykhan (lobster-man) and uses Skoodge as a shield with the latter comes near.
-: After the fight, Skoodge decides to leave and explore Blorch, soon running into a small smeet with a pair differently colored eyes.
-: They both talk and Zim finally gives in to her words and drops his whole act of emotionlessness.
-: He then walks off and Tak follows him.
-: Zim then gives everyone the okay to leave and do whatever, saying that they must all return in the next few hours.
-: Eventually, Shwigs restrains him and Zim calms down, taking on an air of complete lack of emotion.
-: Zim and Zib then arrive, shortly followed by Tak, and when Zim sees the large commoent on his shortness, he looses it completely and attacks Skye.
-: Soon after that, Skoodge arrives and sees the graffiti, tears forming in his eyes when he reads over the part directed at him.
-: Korou, under the approval of Wolfeh, then reveals himself to Skye and Shwigs and proceeds to talk to them, trying to find out why they're acting the way they are.
-: Zim and Zib soon charge from the Medic Wing to find out what's going on; Tak closely following.
-: Korou and Wolfeh watch all of this and she eventually decides that it must be brought to an end.
-: Shwigs complies and both he and Skye cover the walls in all manner of rude sayings; Miki joining them shortly and adding her own, more positive, graffiti in various languages.
-: Shwigs introduces himself and Private and Skye proceeds to cause mischief by involving Shwigs in spray-painting the Command Bay.
-: Skye is the first to react to the explosion and runs to the Docking Bay to go check it out.
-: As Minnie, Lard Nar, and the smeet order their food, Shwiggles' ship crashes into the Docking Bay of Zim's command ship, causing all sorts of racket.
-: He hesitates, but decides to take advantage of this kindness, having not eaten in quite a while.
-: The smeet refuses and starts to walk away, but stops when Minnie offers to buy him something to eat at a nearby restauraunt.
-: Eventually, the little smeet apologizes and Lard Nar offers to take him under his wing.
-: Lard Nar talks to her and gets his utility belt stolen by a small smeet with a gray and red eye.
-: Minnie sees the strange ship land and hurries away in a Vortian disguise, soon running into Lard Nar.
-: Once everything is activated once again, they land on Blorch and Zim calls a meeting in the Medic Wing.
-: IIR gives Zib a sample of his highly powerful experimental fuel and the crossbreed uses it on the empty gas tanks.
-: Zim agrees, being as he made the little robot for Centurion in the first place, and watches the two play while he waits for Zib to return.
-: Centurion then discovers MO, who had rolled out from under the central command chair, and begs Zim to let him keep him.
-: Zim then has Zib go and try to restore fuel to the thrusters and sends IIR along with him.
-: After Zim manages to deactivate Xir's pak, Crim drags him up to the Medic Wing and stays with him.
-: Crim then talks to Xir about his past and Xir struggles to remember, managing to grasp at a few things before his pak sparks and he's thrown into a world of pain.
-: Soon after this, the power returns and all three return to the Docking Bay after Zim discovered them and finds out what happened, noting that cream soda is being stored on the ship somewhere.
-: While he's knocked out, Xir has flashbacks from his past and wakes up in extreme pain when they reach their climax.
-: Xir gets extremely drunk and throws a concert by singing along to Green Day songs. Skoodge crashes first, then Xir, and finally Crim; all three completely intoxicated. IIR having recorded Xir's concert.
-: As the temperature continues to drop, Xir comes out with a way to stop themselves from dying from hypothermia. He ventures to the Kitchens in the pitch darkness, using RAWR as a flashlight, and finds a good amount of cream soda and root beer stored away in the Kitchen pantry. He then takes the two cases back to the Rest Station and presents them to Crim, reluctantly opening one of the cream soda bottles and downing it.
-: During this, Crim and Xir recover from the effects of Hyper-Speed and huddle together, trying to keep warm.
-: Zim agrees and sends MIMI to go activate the back-up generator.
-: Zib offers Zim two ways to fix the situation: try to activate the back-up generator, or try to get communications online if the first option fails.
-: The temperature then begins to drop rapidly and within minutes everyone is freezing cold.
-: Given the command, Larz checks to see if they reached their destination and confirms that they are floating just out of the gravitational field of Blorch.
-: When everyone comes to their senses, the power is completely gone and the crew finds themselves in complete darkness.
-: As Zim activates Hyper-Speed, everyone is thrown back into various things and the command ship speeds on its way to Blorch, thus draining the ship of all its remaining power in the process.
-: Zim, having had enough of waiting, decided to activate Hyper-Speed even though Crim and Xir are missing.
-: MIMI then drags Skye back to the Command Bay and continues to keep her watch on Centurion.
-: Skye begs the Xzechnar to stop, but Korou only takes it one step further to grap her by the back of her uniform and shake her relentlessly in his jaws until he was sure he had terrified the Irken enough.
-: As soon as MIMI drags Skye down to Korou, he understands the meaning of it and puts on a great display of reptillian ferocity and feigns several attacks on her.
-: Zim eventually has enough of Skye's taunting and has her sent to the Docking Bay as a playmate for the Xzechnar as punishment.
-: Skye decides to take the time to annoy Zim while they all wait for the stragglers, showing little to no respect to him at all.
-: During this, Zim is impatiently waiting for Crim and Xir to answer his summon, determined to have everyone present before activating Hyper-Speed.
-: After Xir recovers from his loss of energy, he starts talking with Crim. The both of them exchanging stories of their past; with Xir unable to recoolect the vast majority of his.
-: Crim, who was wandering around the ship, comes upon Xir in the Rest Station and tries to get him to go to the Command Bay like Zim ordered, but Xir only gets ticked of by this and starts to lose it. Only calming down when Crim refers to her own hatred for the Irken Empire.
-: Zim, slightly shaken by Zib's explanation, decides that they have no other choice and summons all crew members to the Command Bay.
-: As Zib returns, he tell Zim all about the Hper-Speed function of the ship and how to activte it, being careful to include all of the bad stuff that can happen if something would go wrong.
-: Shortly after that, Xir awakens and decides to get some time to himself in the Rest Station, feeling a little more anti-social than usual.
-: Once Zim wakes up and resumes command, Zib goes with Tak to the Training Level so that he can teach her how to work it. They then go through a trial training mission that takes place in the rundown Slums of Irk, in which they encounter swarms of blood-sucking Spiltchz and a dull-witted Squeeglesplorch.
-: Dib then stays by Xir's side until he awakes.
-: Dib does and Zib, who was in the Medic Wing earlier, manages to restart Xir's pak so that it can support him again.
-: Larz, seeing the obvious friendship between Xir and Dib, decides that Dib should be the one to take Xir to the Medic Wing.
-: Larz finds him a bit later and bring the unconscious Xir down to the Command Bay, where Dib catches sight of him.
-: Xir gives chase to her, but arrives too late. He then loses it and ends up breaking his bind with Ani, thus causing his pak to shoot forth sparks and shutdown.
-: Shortly after this, Ani tells Xir that she can't be part of Zim's little rescue mission and deserts, departing for Earth.
-: Tallest Black is irritated by their escape, but otherwise ignores it, seeing as he place as Tallest was already assured.
-: Red and Purple, along with their six Loyal Ones, flee to the Planet of Broken Glass while Black discovers Purple's ingenius hologram of themselves.
-: Black then makes her way to Red and Purple's quarters and forces entry, unaware that the two Tallests had already escaped via a secret passage.
-: Torkar retreats his troops and Tallest Black secures her position as the new Tallest with the enthusiasm of the Irken people.
-: The Irken people are overwhelmed by this show of power and cheer her on as Black and her people, the black-eyed Irkens of the Underground, charge at the coming Xzechnar.
-: Tallest Black then feigns an attack on Torkar's forces by using the Underground's prized ships, the Battle Chargers.
-: Tallest Black, leader of the Underground, contacts Lord Torkar and they discuss the terms of an agreement they forged long ago. He will continue to feign all out war on the capital city, while Black secures her position as Tallest by making her appearance and proving to the uncertain Irken people that she will save them from the terrible Xzechnar.
-: Once Korou is transported back to the Docking Bay, the voyage continues with Tak in command until Zim recovers from his near-death experience with the Xzechnar.
-: Wolfeh takes Zim and Trov to the Medic Wing and treats them there, leaving Korou to Ani and Miki.
-: Due to pain and hunger Korou goes berzerk and ends up going on a rampage throughout the ship. In short, the Xzechnar almost eats Tak, badly injures Trov, and scares the living daylights out of Zim. Zib eventually manages to tranquilize Korou in the end, thus saving us all.
-: During the voyage, Wolfeh and Trov go to check on Korou and find the Xzechnar pinned under a Voot Runner with the ship's sharp wing imbedded in his right rear leg.
-: Once the ship is finally clear of Earth's atmosphere, Tak informs Zim of the massive fuel loss and he decides that it would be best if they tried to refuel on Blorch before heading for their final destination, Irk.
-: During takeoff, Zim has a difficult time controlling the Command Ship and wastes a heck of a lot of fuel on the way out of Earth's atmosphere.
-: Then, once everyone returns, Zim assigns each person to their post. As well as chooses the first shift to man the Command Bay: Kree, Rei, Skoodge, Dib, Zib, and Art (Zib had to be replaced by Tak after he had to go activate things).
-: Wolfeh then helps sneak Korou on board and tells him to hide in the Docking Bay as well.
-: After Zib finishes his explanation, he then calls Zim over and begins quizzing him on the controls, telling everyone else that they have half an hour to gather up any belongings the wish to bring along.
-: During this time, Xeon sneaks aboard the ship and hides in one of the empty Voot Runners in the Docking Bay.
-: Everyone then boards the command ship and Zib gives a brief verbal tour of the location of everything.
-: After much persuasion, Zim agrees to lead this mission to liberate Irk from the jaws of Lord Torkar and his vicious warriors.
-: He then reveals the hidden hanger and the fleet that is hidden within, complete with a command ship.
-: Zib hesitates, but decides that it is time to reveal Zim's Christmas present, leading everyone to the city junkyard.
-: As soon as everyone is present, Zim tells Zib about the Xzechnar's declaration of war and asks the crossbreed if whatever he has been working on for the past month or so can help with some sort of resistance against the Xzechnar invasion of Irk.
-: Zim, Tak, Kree, and Art all saw the broadcast of the coming war and decide that the news must be spread among their number, spreading out to tell the others to meet at Dib's house.
-: Over the next three days, things on Irk begin to turn for the worst in the battle with the Xzechnar and, after Lord Torkar becomes infuriated by the fooling antics of Red and Purple concerning a weapon trade agreement, it transforms into an all-out war and the Xzechnar prepare to invade Irk.
-: Zim and Tak then rush him home, clothe him, and name him Centurion. The name being of Zim's choosing.
-: Using blood samples from both Zim and Tak, Zib manages to create a rare blue-eyed smeet.
-: Zib agrees and secretly takes them to his house while Prof. Membrane is away.
-: They then ask Zib about using the DNA-Combinations Machine in Prof. Membrane's labs to create their smeet.
-: Zim and Tak decide that it would be a good idea if they could actually have a smeet of their own and work on crafting a pak for it using Zim's Duplications Machine and combining personality traits from both of their own paks.
-: IIR crashes to Earth on the beach that Trov, Wolfeh, and Korou call home and Skoodge discovers the rocky casing that IIR is sealed within.
-: Wolfeh goes on a rampage through the city and ends up getting scolded by Tak for her lack of caution when she breaks into the skool and scares the daylights out of the students there.
-: Wolfeh, Trov, and Korou crash to Earth.
-: Zim and Tak visit the Earth mall and end up binding in the rain.
-: Kree doesn't take lightly to being rejected by Zim in this way and swears to make Zim pay for this in a slow, painful way.
-: Zim chooses Tak over Kree out of worry that such a relationship with the latter would result in the destruction of that rare friendship he had managed to draw out of Kree.
-: The following day, at skool, Kree and Tak quarrel over which one of them should get to bind with Zim.
-: Zim reprograms the ROBO-Parents.
-: During one of their wanderings, Zim acquires himself a new outfit to replace his old uniform.
-: Zim starts to spend more and more of his time around Tak, thus angering Kree to some extent.
-: She soon finds out from Zim himself and her fury is somewhat calmed.
-: Tak's Spittle Runner Pod crashes back to Earth and she tries to claim her revenge on Zim, oblivious to the fact that he has no mission any longer.
-: Zim discovers that his mission is a lie directly from the Tallests themselves.


-::Continued on the 3rd post of the 2nd page::-
-( I want to fight! FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT!...but go ahead and ask. )-

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