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1. Intro
2. Story
3. Characters (Plus OC)
4. Jobs
5. Maps
6. Rules
7. Tape
1. Intro
Hello and welcome to (what seems like) the first Trickster RP ever to reach Gaia!!! =3 I'm glad to give you some animal butt-kicking action! X3 Naruto RPs aren't good on my side, so that's why I made another RP to pass the time! X3
Trickster is an online MMORPG. It's pretty much rated as a kid game, but it's very poppular with anime lovers who just want to have fun, like me! =3 It can be a hassle to play with (especially if you're talking to someone over MSN), but it's extremely fun! =3 (If you need a new friend, my account is AkaiNeko (or redworld)! Add me anytime! ^^)
If you need to learn more about Trickster (or if you wan to DL the game!!! <3), the link is at the top of the second paragraph. Or what I call a paragraph... ^^;;
2. Story
Akai was standing on the edge of a dock at the Oops Wharf. A chilling wind came as she looked across the water. Her tail blew along and so did her skirt. She looked down and saw a reflection of herself in the water, almost like a mirror. Her long red hair of course swaying along with her tail. The bells on the back of her skirt blew along as well, ringing. Though huge, the bells weren't as heavy as many people thought. She stared into her reflection. The only word that came out of her mouth was "Hmm..."
A bunny-like girl came behind Akai. Akai's ear twitched and she kept gazing in her reflection. "You're late...Kiiro..." she said. Her voice wasn't as friendly as it used to be. Kiiro gasped and took a step back. "W...Well I'm here..." she whimpered. "That's all that matters..."
A boy with a scaley tail and wings coming from his head walked silently, also behind Akai. "And you're almost as late as her... Aoi..." she said, a small hiss excaping from her mouth. Aoi stood there with a cold expression on his face. He was always like this, usually never to say a word, but this time, he said, "Spill it. Why did you bring us here so late at night?"
Akai turned around, a fanging grin. "I've decided... to go to the Vampire School..." she said. "And I'll never see you weaklings again... there's something there... something about my keepers (she calls her parents "keepers" wink and I don't need your help..." Aoi stayed quiet. Kiiro's eyes grew wide. "B...But Akai...!" she gasped. "You're the one who made us prosper...! The one that stole from others to give to us! It means... so much to us...!"
Akai continued as if she didn't hear Kiiro. "And after I become wiser and stronger," she continued, "I'll go to the rose garden to continue both of my researches. I will be rich. I'll find out what happened to my keepers! And if you come in my way..." She then took out a knife and put it up to her own neck and made a motion of cutting it swiftly. "This will happen to you!"
Aoi had no emotion. Kiiro gasped again, putting her boxing gloves which were on her hands up to her face. "P...P...Please don't do so...!" she whined. "Very good then..." Akai said. She put her knife away and left to the path of the Vampire School without a word...

In a nutshell, Akai left her now former teammates and they want her back. Well, Kiiro does. I dunno about Aoi. Can they, even you, get her back?
3. Characters
Here are the NPCs on Trickster you can play. (Click their names to see their picture, of course from the Trickster website)
Angeline- (Open)
The leader of “7-Princess Club,” she ran away to find treasure in Caballa Island. She is 2 years older than her classmates thus she is often called Big Sister by her peers. She is stronger than she looks but tried to hide her true strength when she is in front of guys. Her goal is to hook up with a high-level Trickster and use him to help achieve her goal. She wears hyena costume.

Card Girl (You can name her if you want to)- (open)
Card girl is also a member of “7-Princess Club.” She works at the item shop’s magic section and is very interested at the cards in Caballa Island.
She wears a red cape and carries around an item basket. She also dons
hyena costume like Rosemary.

Cochma- (Open)
An exemplary student with a pendulant in one hand and a peculiar smile on his face, Kokuma has excellent senses and can detect the presence of objects underground and identify what they are. He is the designated Sence Type Skill Master in Caballa Island.

Don Giovanni- (Open)
As Vice President of Megalo Company and a step-brother of Don Cavalier,
he is a young, handsome, and very talented person. He always wears
an Elvis-like costume and a mask to create a mysterious aura.
He never doubted his status as the sole heir-apparent to his brother’s
fortune, but is soon furious about the fact that nothing is guaranteed for him.

Item Girl (Like with Card Girl, you can name her if you wan to)- (Open)
Also a member of the infamous “7-Princess Club,” she is another student who quit school to look for the hidden treasure. She works at the item shop as a part time clerk because she spent all her money.
She wears a red cape and carries around an item basket. She also dons hyena costume like Rosemary.

Louis- (Open)
Her wardrobe and muscular body suggests that she is no ordinary person. An expert in numerous martial arts including Taekwondo, Judo, and Fencing, she has never lost to anyone. She is very proud of the fact that she was voted the most feared fighter among all the fighters out there. She is the designated Power type Skill Master and you can learn them from her.

Miranda Watty & Mirabo Watty Miranda- (Open) Mirabo- (Open)
These twin sisters are the chief anchors of TBN Nightly News.
They may not make the 50 most beautiful people list, but their enthusiasm, charm, and narrative skills more than make up for them and makes the twin the best anchor combo in Caballa Island. They can be distinguished by their hairstyle as Miranda, the older one, has an updo while the younger one, Mirabo, lets her hair down. They are both dressed up as parrots to reflect what they do.

Nadia- (Open)
She is a very attractive person with long, free-flowing hair.
She is a well-trained compounder who specializes in various accessories
and jewelries. While she enjoys simple accessories,
her works are known and loved for fancy and unique designs.

Paul- (Open)
He gives out strong impression with peculiar style and his dark skin and platinum-white hair. While his looks suggest a great compounder, he is only a beginner who is only at the level of potion-mixing.

Rosemary- (Open)
The leader of “7-Princess Club,” she ran away to find treasure in Caballa Island. She is 2 years older than her classmates thus she is often called Big Sister by her peers. She is stronger than she looks but tried to hide her true strength when she is in front of guys. Her goal is to hook up with a high-level Trickster and use him to help achieve her goal. She wears hyena costume.

Sephira- (Open)
There is no mistaking her as anything other than a magician.
She looks the part with her hat, cape, and cat on her shoulder,
magic wand and the crystal ball. She is the designated Magic type Skill Master who teaches Magic Skills in Caballa Island.

Tiphreth- (Open)
She is the most popular racing girl in the world who enjoys wearing
revealing clothes and a body to match them. She came to Caballa Island in a request by Megalo Company to become the designated Charming Type Master of the Island.

Vida- (Open)
She is a ghost NPC who is known to appear at nighttime in Aquarius. She once was one of the most feared pirates who ruled the Pacific Ocean. But she was betrayed by her lover and lost her life. The rumor has it that the reason she was betrayed was a piece of map. She has kept her silence to fuel the fire, but the truth will be revealed, someday.

Andrew (Found on bottom left corner)- (Open)
(From here on, it'll be my explaining of the characters!) Andrew is a cute and smart gentleman who stays inside the Guild Management Office (kinda like here on Gaia!). He doesn't leave unless need be.

Edgar- (Open)
This guy puts the PWN in PWNSOME. He's the owner of the Guild Management Office and he is a very nice man. Like Andrew, he won't leave unless need be, but you can say he's a pretty PWNSOME man! XD

Yuri- (Open)
This adorable girl is the owner of the Monster Guild. Don't let her cuteness fool you because she can tear you apart in a heartbeat if you make her angry.

Bunny Maid and her assistant Bunny Maid- (Open) Assistant (you can name her what you like)- (Open)
Bunny Maid is a soft girl with a happy personality. Whatever you do to anger her, she won't be angry. She can teleport you to a place, if you need. Her assistant is a different story. If you anger her, she'll start yelling and maybe even attack. Other than that, she is almost as happy as Bunny Maid.

Now here are the other characters you can be. You can pick any one, make them any gender:

You don't have to get a pic if you want to change the gender, but if you want to be another animal, you MUST get a pic. My OCs won't be put on here (because I already tried to edit Akai on my banner, but I failed, so I left her hair blonde. >< Besides, I dunno what to make Aoi and Kiiro look like. X_X), but yours will. Here's a list of what I want for your OC, even if you want to be the animals above:
Gaia name:
Job: (You dun have to be any of the jobs mentioned in the next post, just ideas)
Reason for coming to the island:
Pic: (If you dun want to be any on the mentioned animals above)

Gaia name: Rurrytheblind
Name: Kaiagla (Kai for short)
Age: 16
Job: Magician
Race: Raccoon
Hair color: Silver
Eyes: Grey with black cracks going down the middle of them
Clothes: a dark blue trademark jacket, jeans, shades, and blues knuckles
Bio: Through training since he was young he broke the Raccoon mold by learning to cast magic, and assuming shaman as his job. He was shunned from both societies, and obtained skills via underground links to Sephia. Eventually, he got a job advancement in secret with Louie by paying a large sum of money to him. He took the Dark pact, and continues to get his skills underground. Often, the raccoon society attempts to assassinate him, but because of his build, he has High Mana and Evasion, meaning he is aloof and dodges the attempts, but has been critically injured before.
4. Jobs
Here are jobs your character can be (Yes, even the NPCs!!! No pics, Sorry... D: )
Card Master
5. Maps
These are explinations of the world around the island with an example of what it looks like (of course, the pics of Trickster!)

MEGALOPOLIS- Megalopolis is located in the center of Caballa Island. Don Cavalier has put in the most effort in creating this area as it has many amenities such as shops, banks, guild centers as well as a well-decorated plaza. Megalopolis is the center of all activities in Caballa Island and where people mingle and gather around.

DESERT BEACH- The name Desert Beach comes from its enormous amount of sand creating a feeling of an actual desert. Another special feature of this area is colorful seashells and unique architectures crafted out of sand and seashells. The main village in the Desert Beach is called “Paradise” and it accommodates few shops, monster guild, and a public bath. Two different dungeons exist underneath the Desert Beach. One is an underground dungeon that connects to Aquarius Village of Ghost Blue Region, and the other dungeon leads to the inside of the Pyramid that is located in the Desert Beach. Monsters in both dungeons are stronger than the monsters in Desert Beach.

GHOST BLUE- Ghost Blue is an underwater area located just in front of Desert Beach shore. Before Caballa Island popped out, this area was known as the “Devil’s Zone” as number of mysterious shipwrecks occurred in the area. However, all shipwrecking stopped after Caballa Island appeared. The name Ghost Blue comes from all the ghosts that were supposedly witnessed when the Caballa Island was being developed. There is a small village called “Aquarius” in Ghost Blue. While it has the usual spots such as shop, monster guild, and a submarine-shaped tavern, a temple will catch your eyes. This temple is built to console many ghosts in the area and you need to be careful not to disturb the service. Another attraction in Aquarius is a tower called “Enlighten Observatory” where legend has it that if you confess your love here, your wish is granted. Therefore, the supervisor is always on duty to stop the young ones who want to declare their love. Aquarius is connected to the Nora Sewage where fierce monster called Nora Clan resides. Through this sewage you can reach much deeper abyss.

CABALLA RELICS- This area is called Caballa Relics because of the vast number of relics and ruins that are found in the area.
Because of the variety of cultures that are represented in the relics found, it is believed that these are the evidence of the ancient civilization of Caballa Island. That is one of the reasons this area is popular among archeologists as well as treasure hunters. Azteca in Caballa Relics is a mysterious and magnificent place that has the remains of ancient civilization. Monster Guild is located inside of the pyramid monument, and a couple of shops are located in the corner of the village. The point of interest in the village of Azteca is a public sauna called Azteca Sauna and it uses the old sauna ruin itself. The dungeon in this area is located underneath the relics and it is called Underground Monument Dungeon. It can be entered through the cracks in the field.

SWAMP AREA- Deep dark water, number of water lily all around, trees with its roots deep in the water..all these are the reasons that make the Swamp Area one of the more dangerous areas in Caballa Island.
Located Southwest from Caballa Relics, this area looks and feels like a deserted, remote place. The village of “Carbigal” of the Swamp Area has a special myth that has been passed down the generations. The word Carbigal means holy swamp and the village is named it to commemorate an Animal-god that came down to plug up the swamp holes. There is a three-story shop, monster guild, tea house, and a small temple to honor the Animal-god. Carbigal is known to have bigger than average female population and it is because of the handsome priest attending the temple. The southern part of Carbigal leads to the Swamp Dungeon. With large number of trees and plants providing a good breeding ground, there are ample numbers of monsters living in this area. One similarity shared among the monsters in the Swamp Dungeon is the size as they are all big.

OOPS WHARF- Oops Wharf is located at the west shore of Caballa Island. This is a pretty quiet place and the reason for the lack of activity can be traced back to a place called “Phantom School” right behind the wharf. There are rumors that the school is haunted by ghosts and that drove people away from the wharf as well. However, the wharf, and the Phantom School is becoming increasingly popular as more adventures show up at Caballa Island.

TECHICHI VOLCANO- Techichi Volcano is located in front of Tabasco Volcano. The whole place is covered with volcanic ash and smoke. The most treasured jewel in Trickster, “Harkon” is buried near the volcano and is visited by many for a chance to dig up the treasure. While there is no town in the Techichi Volcano, there is a small cabin called “Tango Cabin” which is named after the cabin owners’ cat and the place is popular among the cat owners.

TABASCO VOLCANO- Tabasco Volcano is located in the middle of Caballa Island. The name comes from the hot flavor contained in its gas and air nearby. Hot lava fills the cracked, dry land and strong heat doesn’t allow much plantation growth except for one kind of tree. They are pepper trees and they serve as main diet for Spicy Dragons, possibly the strongest monster in Caballa Island. It is believed that the hot flavor of Tabasco Volcano comes from spiciness of the pepper trees. Furthermore, it is the home to the strongest monster in Caballa Island.

SNOW HILL- Caballa Island, located right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, would be the last place on Earth to expect snow.
But there is one area in the island where the norm does not apply and it’s called Snow Hill. This place is covered with thick ice and snows every day. Don Cavalier has put in the most effort in creating Snow Hill as the snow is created using 24 hour snow maker. Snow Hill is known to be the most romantic place because of some surprise guests you can bump into, such as Santa Clause and his elves. Blue Ice Dungeon has almost as many dangerous monsters as Tabasco Volcano.

ROSE GARDEN- Rose-Garden is a nice enough place for picnic even the external appearance looks like decorated neatly.
You could be easily got lost by the maze of street. Vincecto Monster has an obsession about the beautiful roses in the garden, so you should be always caution to keep off from the monster. The garden is abloom with roses, and there is some mysterious place people called as a secret garden of Rosetta, also there is a sad legend about a castle what is a complete ruin by Queen Odynnea’s a curse. The castle of Rose-Garden which is completed ruin, people start called it as Vampcastle dungeon. In the course of time the place turns to be the base of vampire monster.
6. Rules
You thought I forgot about the rules, didn't you? XD Nope! And now I live to tell them! Here they are:
1. NO HATERS!!! I'll even eat the haters if they do more than say that Trickster sucks and stuff!!! >_<
2. PG-13. Blood is ok, but don't put any sex scenes!
3. For your OC, you can pick any character. When I say any character, I mean you can pick from your favorite anime. I don't care if you have Kiba as your OC! Just as long as he's wearing a dog costume or whatever. XD
4. Speaking of Kiba in a dog costume, that reminds me. YOUR CHARACTER MUST BE IN AN ANIMAL COSTUME!!! The rules of the island clearly state that the only way in the island is to have an animal costume. Simple as that. If your OC's pic doesn't have an animal costume, it's fine. Just say which animal they are and pretend they're dressed up like it.
5. If you RP here, you must stay here. Meaning I don't want you to RP for a few weeks and go away without telling us! Tell us first.
6. This RP wasn't expecting to be a yaoi one, but if you want to introduce yaoi in it, it's alright by me. ^^
7. Have lots of super butt-kicking PWNSOME fun!!! =3
7. Tape
OMG!!! IT'S THE SUPER DUPER AWESOME PREEEEEEEETY TAPE!!!!!!! And I'm gunna cut it!!! X3 *has a butter knife* YAY!!! This'll be awesome! *trips over a rock and falls flat on her face* Oww! ;_; *looks up* Well at least the tape is cut... ^^;; Come on people and RP in the first Trickster RP ever to hit Gaia!!! =3

Wealthy Nerd

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"Oops Wharf....It may be dilapidated, but at least there aren't any dragons or raccoons running around out here...Other than me." Kaigala muttered to himself. He never liked to break the silence because that always led to creepy sounds echoing about the dock. After listening for a bit, he swore he heard a conversation. He thought he would check it out, because when people took the chance out here, they often wandered into the Vampire School. Seeing a dragon among the three in the talk, he was reluctant, but at the mention of the Vampire School, he needed to act. Emerging from behind a stack of crates he said "So you want to stop your friend? I might be able to help, but we have to go now." He said no more, and started after the girl who had left, leaving the choice to the other two.
((For now on, I'm gunna write in their colors so you dun get confused. XD))

The wind blew again. Kiiro's and Aoi's long hairs followed with it, but of course, staying in their place. Kiiro looked at the new person and blinked. "Wh...Who are you...?" she said with a little bit of sadness in her expression since Akai left.
Aoi just stood there, staring at the new person. He looked at him, up and down. He blinked and smirked at the same time. 'Yeah... how is he going to stop her as she gets stronger by the moment? We have to do the same, but it seems impossible...' he thought to himself as he kept staring at the raccoon.

Wealthy Nerd

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"I'm sorry, but my name is of no consequence right now. If you want to help her....stop her from the corruption that is the Vampire School, I suggest you follow me. I've seen to many lose theirselves to the way of the School." He said stopping.
This time, Aoi said something, which doesn't happen alot. "And how do you know how to stop her?" he asked. "She's very strong and she won't let anyone pass her easily."
"That's right..." Kiiro said in a soft voice. "She helped us become very wealthy and... We don't need much anymore... But we do need her... we're not as strong as her..."
Aoi glared at Kiiro, but she didn't notice. 'We don't really need her...' he thought in his head. Yes, he had a hidden crush for this girl. She was a kindhearted person, shy at times, but a fighter. Aoi couldn't really place on what he liked about her... but it was that... something about her...

Wealthy Nerd

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"If you don't trust my powers, Then tell me you don't want my help, But I have ways of working that you would never suspect of my kind." He said simply, hoping for a deep thought to come from the two.
'Ways of working...?' Aoi thought to himself, poundering to himself weather to take him along or not.
But as for Kiiro, she already has answered the question for him. "Well... I guess you can come... if you know how to get her back..." she said.

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