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                                            When Connor agreed to let Eric drive them home, he was pleased he didn’t have to argue with him. Right now he did not want to argue with either one of them. He didn’t need to have Connor lecture him to know that he needed to be very careful with his car. Eric knew how much Connor loved his car and that if he did anything to harm it, it would be his head on a platter. When he saw the girl taking pictures of Connor and Jason ranting, Eric knew they had to get out of there now. After getting the keys from Connor, Eric hopped into the driver’s seat and waited for everyone else to get in. As he sat behind the wheel, he became a little nervous. He was a good driver and knew he had to be careful on the drive home, but what he worried about was other drivers. Right now all of Connor’s rage was geared towards that Russell guy; he didn’t want any of it on him. So once everyone was in the car, Eric drove off being very cautious of everyone around.

                                            The drive to Connor’s seemed painfully long to Eric. Once he pulled into the drive way and turned the car off, he handed the keys back to Connor, thankful that the ride home was uneventful. “Let’s get inside before anyone else sees you two,” Eric said to Jason and Connor. There could be paparazzi waiting in the bushes for all he knew. It always seemed like they were everywhere. Even when you thought you were alone, there they were snapping pictures of you. In times like this when he had to be serious, Eric was usually quiet. He couldn’t be his normal chipper and crazy self, so instead he mostly kept quiet. But when it was time to have fun, you could believe he was the craziest one of them all. Eric turned to Nathan who had also been very quiet during this whole thing. He, along with Eric, were able to not be mentioned in any of Russell’s stories tonight. “I guess we lucked out tonight. One of the perks of being unknown I suppose,” Eric said to Nathan. Ever since the group took a hiatus, he hadn’t heard much about Nathan, which Eric didn’t know was a good thing or a bad thing. But seeing what Connor and Jason were going through right now, he was thinking it was more of a good thing.

Tipsy Hunter

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xxxBillie laughed a little. "How could it be entertaining, I didn't even get the chance to dance naked on the bar for you." She gave Toni a little touche head nod when he said Sophie and Jason had their significant others. "I suppose. And Collet has Tink and my sister. It's Alex who went home alone. I hope he's ok.." She shook her head and decided to worry about him when she needed. If he go in trouble, someone would text or call her, for now no news was good news. She scooted over and rested her head on Toni's shoulder again and pouted. "Do you need to go home and pack instead of dinner? I can keep you company if you want." She hated the fact that it was only Sophie and herself who saw him off. Her parents had dropped Selena off at the airport when she'd gone for school and internship and her mother had bawled her eyes out. God knew what they were gonna be like when Billie actually moved out! At least Selena still came home. But that wasn't the only reason she'd offered to keep him company. Billie was a little drunk, single and horny. Maybe she could give him a nice farewell.


xxxConnor was out of the car before Eric even shut it off. He turned to catch the keys but instead of heading for the door he went for the bushes. There were two paparazzi sitting there, waiting for him. Connor was stronger than his slim frame looked, he grabbed one then the other by the collar of their jackets and yanked them out of hiding. He shoved them, hard, hiding a wince as the movement irritated his old injury and causing one to fall on his a**. He glared at them, not raising his voice at all. He clenched his fists and pointed at them. "You're trespassing and I have the right to defend myself. I'll give you one ******** warning because I like this shirt and I don't feel like getting your blood on it, get the ******** off my lawn or I will force you out." Whether it was the rage in his eyes, the obvious control he was losing in his accented voice or the fact that Jason looked just as angry and the paparazzi weren't sure if he wouldn't join in, the pair took off, one brave enough to snap a few pictures of Connor and Jason as he went.

xxxOnly once he'd watched the leeches leave his property did Connor go and unlock his door and head inside. "Make yourselves at home, Nathan if you still want to play that song you know where the piano is. I'll be right back." And he headed for his sunroom. He'd left his weed out there. He lit the half-joint he'd smoked earlier and came back inside , inhaling deeply, and headed for the kitchen. There he grabbed a few beers, an expensive bottle of whiskey he'd bought in Ireland and had had for a few years and some glasses. Then he came back to the music room. He poured himself a glass and downed it, something he'd never do with this bottle if he was in a less angry place. "Much better." He took another hit from his joint and looked at the guys. "Anyone want some?" He meant the joint as well as the alcohol. He knew Jason would turn the weed down, well who knew the mood he was in, but he couldn't remember if Eric and Nathan had grown out of the weed.

((I'm so glad the pictures of that house doesn't show the driveway or the front of the house, so we can pretend there are bushes in the front. Also, if either of you want to create a little more drama, feel free to say another paparazzi snuck onto the property.))

Billie's outfit.
Connor's outfit.
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                                      Antonio Philip De Luca
                                      Call me Toni

                                      Toni gave a small shrug. Alex was going to do what he wanted. No body could tell him what to do. He was at that age. So was Toni but Toni chose not to party so much. "My car's at your house." He leaned forward and gave her address to the driver. Leaning back he gave a small sigh. "I'd love to have some company." He smiled. "Sorry, I'm ruining dinner." He gave a small frown. He wasn't the type to cancel plans and it felt like that was what he was doing. Toni had always been the one to follow through with plans. "Maybe we can get midnight breakfast." He smiled. Breakfast at midnight was always his favorite.

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"Hey there Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all"

Nathan laughed slightly to Eric and then nodded. "Never thought I would say this, but I do enjoy the perks of being in the background sometimes." After a while of hearing all about the Thayer's on his tv, Nathan had just decided to turn his tv off. It was weird not seeing himself up there on the screen. But after tonight, he began to think he might have been the lucky one.

Nathan figured it was better to just let Connor blow off his steam and smoke a joint or two. But both Nathan and Jason knew not to let Connor get to carried away, so they would be keeping an eye on him for sure. "I'm alright man, gotta teach tomorrow, that s**t keeps me out till at least two. But i'm down to play that song." Nathan was particularly proud of it and walked over to the piano. He sat at first and started to play something slow and melodic. But then he stopped abrubtly and looked over to the guys, smirk on his face. Nathan hopped up to his feet and pushed the bench away, playing the song he wrote with enthusiasm.

"Oh it's what you do to me. "

What Nathan's Wearing

Tipsy Hunter

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User ImagexxxBillie smiled when Toni said she could keep him company and shook her head when he said he ruined dinner. "Don't worry, you can just take me somewhere extra nice when you get back." When he suggested breakfast she laughed. "That sounds pretty perfect right now." It didn't take long to get to her house, only a couple blocks away from Tink's and a few houses down from the Thayers. She payed for half the cab ride, knowing Toni won't let her pay for the whole thing but feeling like she should put something in. She started heading up her drive. "Which first, breakfast or packing?" She needed food if she was going to sober up at all. There was a voice in her head (which sounded a lot like Selena) telling her not to be a slutty drunk and to sober up before she made an a** of herself and ruined any chance she had at dating a good guy. But then again, Toni knew her well enough, he'd seen her make an a** of herself multiple times and yet he'd still asked her out. What to do, what to do...

((Ok, so I feel like a horrible person only replying to Jet, but I am sooo tired and I had to force this piece of crap out. I wanted to get it out so that Jet might have the chance to wrap it up tomorrow if she thinks she won't be able to post while she's gone. I promise, I'll post with Nathan tomorrow, I'm just so tired. Nighty night guys heart heart ))

Billie's outfit.
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                                          Jason was just getting out of the car when he saw Connor beeline towards the bushes. He thought Connor was headed towards the house, but he was wrong. It then became clear as to why the bushes seemed like such a priority. As soon as Connor pulled the two paparazzi out of their hiding place, a new wave of anger overtook Jason. Did they not rest? Did they not have anything better to do than wait outside their houses? How Connor was even able to spot them took Jason by surprise. It made him wonder how many times he missed people hiding in his yard. For a long time he had been thinking of getting a dog to guard the house, and maybe now that he was home for a while he could have the time to train it. A big tough guard dog would be perfect for keeping those pesky media people away from his house.

                                          That is, if his dog wasn’t like Eric’s. A few years ago Eric got a dog to help keep the paparazzi away from his house. When he bought the Great Dane puppy, he thought he was getting a good guard dog. He had seen how big they can get and he had read that they could be good guard dogs. But to Eric’s surprise, Fang is the farthest thing from a guard dog there is. Big, goofy, and a lot like Eric, the mighty Fang is a scaredy-cat. He jumps at his own shadow and hides when he hears strange noises. So much for having a guard dog. Instead of scaring off intruders, he is the first one to greet them and he loves getting attention. He may look tough on the outside, but on the inside he is just a big sweetheart. But what’s good about Fang is he loves the beach. He loves to run in the sand and swim in the water. So in the end, Fang and Eric end up being a perfect match for each other.

                                          Jason would have stepped in to help Connor with the two pests, but it seemed like he had it completely covered. “And stay the ******** away!” he called after them as they ran off. But of course they had to snap a few pictures of the tirade before leaving. Between the pictures the girl took and the ones the paparazzi just took, Russell was going to have a field day tomorrow. Once they went inside, both Jason and Eric followed Nathan into the music room. Though Eric has been here plenty of times, it still amazed him how nice the house was. Instead of having one really nice house, Eric had two rather modest houses. The house he had here in town was nice, but not nearly as large as either Connor or Jason’s were. His other house was down in San Diego. It was right on the beach and a lot nicer than the one he had nearby. Some might think it is strange to have two houses in the same state, but Eric didn’t care. He loved where his beach house was and it made it easier to travel between the two. To him, there is nothing worse than having a house that you visit only once a year. Eric wanted to be able to travel down to his beach house whenever he wished.

                                          When Connor came back with the drinks and the joint, Jason was glad. His original plan wasn’t to get totally hammered, but after everything that had just happened, he could take a few more. “I’ll gladly take a beer,” he said as he grabbed one and took a drink from it. It wasn’t the strongest, but it worked for him. As Connor expected, Jason turned down the joint. Years ago he would have accepted it, but after seeing what it had done to Connor, he refused to let himself get addicted. Eric on the other hand, gladly accepted the offer. “Yeah man, I’ll take a hit.” Eric refused to grow up, so he didn’t think like Jason did. He didn’t think of the consequences, he just sort of did whatever he felt like. After handing the joint back to Connor, he sat down and listened to Nathan’s song. It didn’t take long though before he was back up on his feet dancing around to Nathan’s song. He took one of the pillows off the couch and began dancing around with it. Sure he might be making a fool of himself, but that’s just how he was. When the song was over, Eric ran over to the piano where Nathan was. “Dude that was awesome!” he said as he play-punched Nathan’s arm.

                                          Jason, who was also listening to Nathan’s song, was starting to calm down. Between the beer, the song, and Eric’s crazy antics, his anger was starting to dissipate. Unlike Eric who danced around, Jason listened to the melodies of the song and really digested it. Doing that got his mind off of Russell and the problems that would be awaiting him the next morning. Surely the media will come around tomorrow to get answers to Russell’s stories and to just spread more gossip. But for now he didn’t want to worry about it. After Eric gave Nathan his approval, Jason went over to him and slapped him on the back. “That was great man, I like it. I think it should be on the new album. What do ya think?” Eric showed his agreement by bouncing around again and saying “Yes, yes, yes!” Jason shook his head and grinned. Boy that kid has got a lot of energy.

                                          (OOC: Both Eric and Jason in one)

Tipsy Hunter

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User ImagexxxConnor saw the little shifty eye Nathan gave him and chuckled. "Oi, don't look at me like that." He looked at Jason and then Nathan, talking to both of them. "You know I can handle the weed. It was the coke and booze that ******** me." Yeah, it was a little clichéd, the rock star doing coke and drinking booze, but he was over it. He'd fallen for Collet and gone to rehab. Now he sticks with weed on a regular basis and alcohol like a normal human being, not like he was trying to pickle his insides.

xxxConnor flopped onto the couch, trying to let the weed take effect. When Nathan started playing his song that helped and by the end, after watching Nathan play and Eric bounce around the room like a toddler, Connor was grinning again. He gave Nathan a thumbs up. "That was brilliant, mate." When Jason said it should be on the album and Eric freaked out Connor laughed. "Definitely." He sat up, getting a little more serious. This was why Connor was still doing weed, it didn't make him an idiot, it leveled him out. "I think we should write all the songs ourselves this time. We've all grown, I've been writing and producing, Jason's held a tour by himself. Nathan, I really doubt you stopped writing, you're too much like me. And Eric you were always good at figuring out the best harmonies, when your head isn't full of sand." He grinned, clearly joking. "We should make this album really ours, you know?" Connor was grinning hugely now, getting seriously excited for something for the first time in too damn long.

Connor's outfit.
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"Hey there Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all"

Nathan stepped away from the piano and went to sit on the couch. He was actually a little tired. "I need to get back into shape." He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. When Nathan came back in drinking the water, Jason mentioned that the song should be on the album, then Eric started jumping up and down like a two year old. Even Connor gave his approval. A little boyish grin spread across Nathan's face. He was glad the three of them liked it. Nathan sat back down on the couch and listened to Connor. "Definately dude, its addicting, i can't stop writing. Makes me tired in the morning and then i have a headache and little monsters to deal with but, i can't stop." That reminded him, he had to teach tomorrow. Nathan looked over to the boys with an almost devilish grin. "So does this mean I can quit my job?" Okay, so maybe there was a little bit too much enthusiasm in that question, but he couldn't wait to get out of the classroom and back on stage.

"Oh it's what you do to me. "

What Nathan's Wearing

Blessed Codger

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             S O P H I A T H A Y E R
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                                                          Sophia chuckled as Jack pulled her into his lap. She smiled, feeling his lips against her neck briefly, followed by a soft kiss on her lips. She returned it and leaned comfortably against her boyfriend.  "That's it, just two days?" She asked, clearly impressed. Jack had a knack for this kind of stuff though, a talent she greatly admired about him. Probably what even attracted her to him in some way. 

                                                          She smiled softly as Jack rested against her arm. Hr eyes caught Billie and Toni leaving together. Sophia kept her thoughts n the matter to herself though - they were to independent people after all and if they let her date Jack, shed let them (mostly) do what they wanted. She was about to suggest they leave now since everyone was basically gone already.

                                                          But that's when Riland came back around and she waved to him again. "Hmm...I don't mind. The party's basically over anyway..." She mused as Riland offered if her and Jack wanted to do something. Sophia shifted in Jack's lap to look at him better.  "Do you want to take his offer up?" She asked the boy on who's lap she sat. She looked back to Riland and directed a question to her childhood friend again, "What'd you have in mind, Ri?"

                                                          (( Wow, finally posted. I apologize for my neglect u___u ))
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                                            Eric narrowed his eyes at Connor’s comment about his head being full of sand. But in the next second, he was smiling and laughing at the joke. He knew Connor was joking and that he didn’t really mean anything by it. Truth be told, Eric’s head probably was full sand, both literally and figuratively. He was never known to be the smart one; and washing that sand out of his hair was no easy task. But since he was such a laid back person, it took a lot to piss him off, unlike Jason. Not that Jason couldn’t take a joke, it was just that Eric tended not to fret over the little things. What he did take seriously was Connor’s compliment. He really was pretty good at the harmonies. The solitude of the beach and his ear for music really helped. When Connor mentioned making this new album really theirs, Eric nodded in agreement.

                                            This would be their first album that was totally theirs. Before they were like puppets on a string. They would be given songs to memorize, dances to learn, and were just told what to do and when to do it. They had little say in what songs were going to make it on the album and what image they were going to have. As they started to grow they gained more control, but not as much as what they were planning now. This would be something all new to them. But Eric knew they could handle it. They were all grown now and have a lot of experience under their belt. Unlike when they were younger and needed direction on where to go, they would be able to hold their own now. Not that Eric minded being told what to do when they were younger. After all, it was how they became so famous. Without that direction, they wouldn’t be where they were today.

                                            Jason also agreed with the others about making the album all their own. “I agree 100%. With the four of us together, we can make one kick a** album.” Now that they had the popularity and dedicated fans, it was time they got the respect for making their own album. Although writing songs wasn’t Jason’s strong suit, he was still excited for it. There were days when he came up with great ideas and lyrics, and others where everything got thrown into the trash can. But with both Nathan and Connor being amazingly talented at writing songs, there wouldn’t be a problem. Nathan’s comment about quitting his job made Jason grin. His eagerness to quit made Jason thankful he hasn’t had to have a job like that. Doing what he did wasn’t always easy work, but at the end of the day he loves what he does. “As disappointed as you sound, I think it’s for the best. We’re gonna need you more than those kids will,” Jason said to Nathan.

                                            He wondered if those kids knew how lucky they were to have Nathan as a teacher. Though it was quite possible, depending on their age, that they had no idea who he was. “They will find a replacement, don't you worry,” Eric piped in. Jason walked over to one of the plush chairs and flopped down onto it. Now that he actually had time to stop and rest, he was realizing just how tired he was. The day’s events have left him worn out. After all the bouncing around, Eric too was beginning to feel tired. He was like a little kid on a sugar high, and when he crashed, he crashed hard. He took the pillow he had in his hand and lay in the middle of the floor all sprawled out. Eric could sleep just about anywhere, so in a matter of minutes he would probably be asleep. Jason on the other hand, was different. It takes him a bit to be able to fall asleep. “Man, I’m bushed,” he said as his eyelids began to feel like they weighed ten pounds.

                                            (OOC: Both Eric and Jason in one)

Tipsy Hunter

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User ImagexxxConnor clapped once when everyone agreed with his sentiments/idea. "Perfect! Nathan you can call in the morning, it's a little late now." He had another idea for Nathan but decided there was just too much going on tonight to bring it up. Then Eric grabbed a pillow and sprawled out on Connor's floor. "Oi, don't be sleeping on my floor, ya bum. I have guest bedrooms." His house was a little bigger than Tink's, who only had three bedrooms, including hers and Collet's. Connor's had five if you included his. He stood up and nudged Eric with his foot. "Get up, let me show you twats the bedrooms." He leaned against the wall, waiting to see who'd follow and who'd pass out in his music room.

((Lame post is lame, sorry, I can't stop sneezing and it's really distracting.))

Connor's outfit.
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Partying Businessman

7,400 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Somebody Likes You 100
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
Sophia's boyfriend

& Alexander's 'partner in crime'


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So why do good girls like bad guys?
I've had this question for a real long time...

Jack nodded at Sophia. "Yep, normally I write songs in three or four days. But if it's about you it doesn't take long." Jack said, giving his love a childish grin. Once Ri came back he lifted his hand up in greeting, meaning "Hi" or "Hey". Looking up at Sophia he smiled. "Of course, there's not much to do here than fall for you all over again." Jack said sweetly to Sophia, kissing the top of her small smooth hand.

Now in the palm of his, he held it there, feeling his warm skin against her's. Ooo, did it give him the chills. Well, good ones anyway. Putting down Sophia, he got up, then picked her up again, bridal-style. Jack gave he a boyish smile and looked at Riland.
"Where to?" Jack asked, not in much of a hurry. Besides, Sophia really didn't weigh much to him. Sophia weighed like a school book or two, yes that is how light she was. Funny, because he's had stick thin (he seriously questions himself about his interests from before, wonders what the hell he was thinking) girlfriends and they actually weighed a ton. Sophia actually being thin and healthy, didn't weight much.

Location: Tink's House, outside

I've been a bad boy and it's plain to see.
So why do good girls fall in love with me?

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Out Of c**:
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                                          The next morning Jason awoke and for a moment, didn’t know where he was. He’d stayed at Connor’s a couple times before, but the guest bedroom was still unfamiliar to him. After sitting up and looking around, he remembered that he had spent the night at Connor’s place. He had the worst dream that night about him and his family. After a few moments, and a look at his phone, he realized it wasn’t a dream. The posts Russell made were true, his brother really did get arrested, and Collet really was pregnant. Did all of that really happen yesterday? When he looked down at his hand, he saw the stitches and remembered that he had put his hand through the glass door. Oh crap. The glass door that he had broken was most likely still broken. He had meant to call someone to repair it, but had totally forgotten about it. No wonder his mother was pissed. Jason had put a screen in front of the hole before leaving, but that was only to keep the bugs out. Any person could easily get in. Jason suddenly felt guilty for forgetting about the door.

                                          Jason then pulled out his phone and called someone to fix the door. It was Saturday, but he figured he could find someone who would do the job. Thankfully on his first call, he got someone who said they would be by the house later that afternoon to replace the door. After hanging up with the repairman, Jason went to his Twitter. He was afraid of what he might see, but his curiosity got to the better of him. Sure enough it seemed like a lot of people had read Russell’s articles, and they weren’t happy. Jason read through some of the tweets before throwing his phone onto the bed. There were mixed messages he was receiving. His fans, who were loyal to him and the band, were for the most part saying nice things and saying not to listen to what Russell had said, but of course there was everyone else who was saying that his family needed to stay out of Hollywood and that they needed to worry about keeping the kids in line rather than their fame. Jason groaned and ran a hand through his hair. He did not want to face this day.

                                          In the next bedroom over, Eric sat on the bed, wide awake. He had been awake for over an hour now. He hadn’t even remembered how he got into this bedroom. He remembered laying down on the floor in the music room and Connor telling him that he had rooms for them to sleep in, but that was it. He supposed he was half asleep as Connor showed him which room he was staying in. Unlike Jason, Eric slept soundly through the night. He always woke up early, so getting up at the time he did wasn’t unusual for him. He spent the last hour playing with his phone, looking around the room and out the window, waiting for someone else to wake up. That was the downside of being an early riser, there was nothing to do until someone else woke up. Of course, someone else could be awake and Eric didn’t know it. He hadn’t left the bedroom to find out. After a few more moments, Eric decided to get up and see if anyone else was awake. He got off the bed and left the room, walking down the hallway towards the stairs.

                                          The house was quiet, when all of a sudden Jason heard someone walk by his room. He didn’t know who it was, but if he was to guess, he would guess Eric. He opened the bedroom door, and sure enough there was Eric who had was creeping down the hall. “Hey Eric,” Jason said quietly. He didn’t know if anyone else was awake so he didn’t want to be loud. Eric, who was taken by surprise, yelled and jumped about two feet in the air. In Eric’s mind, he was pretending he was a ninja as he walked quietly through the house. He hadn’t heard Jason open his door and when he spoke, it scared the crap out of him. Jason couldn’t help but laugh at Eric’s reaction. “Chill man, it’s only me.” Eric turned around and glared at Jason. “s**t man, you scared the hell out of me." Well if anyone was still asleep, they would probably be awake now.

                                          (OOC: Both Eric and Jason in one.)
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                                              Alexander Ryan Thayer


                                            Alex woke up outside on his balcony. His guitar was still in his lap. Sighing he looked around and stood up. He couldn't remember getting home but he made it just like every other time. He walked over to his phone and looked down reading a couple text. Chris was leaving. Moving actually. He bit his lip thinking for a second. He wasn't sure if he was mad or not. She could have said bye but from what he remembered he was an a** hole last night. He tossed his phone on the bed and walked to his closet. He threw on some sweats and socks and walked downstairs. His first thought was coffee. Usually he had to call Chris but she wasn't around and he wasn't going to waste his time on a long distance relationship. Not when there were girls closer to home.

                                            He sighed turning on the coffee machine and walking to the freezer. He grabbed some waffles and tossed them in the toaster. The thought of food make him gag but he couldn't remember eating last night and alcohol wasn't the best dietary plan. He grabbed a coffee cup and poured a glass before tossing his waffles on a plate. He was surprised Jason wasn't here yelling already. He took a sip and a bite and looked around. From the sound of it no one was home. He liked that. An empty house.
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                                      Antonio Philip De Luca
                                      Call me Toni

                                      Toni sat up and stretched. Looking at his phone he bit his lip. His manager texted him saying the show was cancelled and he didn't have to go. That was a plus. Still groggy eyed he pushing his covers off of him, he stood up and managed to make it to the bathroom. He twisted the shower nozzle and stripped out of his clothes before stepping in. All washed up and finished he hopped out and wrapped his towel around his waist. Next came clothes. He sighed and bit his lip. Getting dressed was always a struggle for him. He never knew what to wear. Running his fingers through his hair and flipped through his clothes. He knew exactly what was in his closet so not knowing what to wear never made any sense but he liked to switch everything up.
                                      When he finally figured out what to wear, he tossed his clothes on and walked downstairs. He could already smell his mothers Frittata's cooking. "Buon giorno mamma." He smiled sitting down. His Dad was probably at work which was no surprise. He gave a smile when she set a plate infront of him along with a cup of orange juice. "Buongiorno Toni."

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