Welcome to Gaia! ::

((Bwahaha, Corrie does not know this information.))
((heyaaa!!!(: bwahaha, that was amazing biff! it excites me! but, i shall have to delay my reply for sometime, seeing as i am not supposed to be on at this moment(:

until we meet again!))
Isabella Heartford...It's Bella.
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"Nelson!" The voice rang out in the room, and Bella practically fell on her butt in surprise. It had just come out of nowhere, and she didn't recognize it. A female voice, laced with an underlaying trail of betrayl, and a covering of unconditional love. Turning to her sister, she furrowed her brow, "Did you hear that?" she asked, spinning around and looking at the ceiling. Then, Nelson's voice erupted from the sky, making her actually trip over and land on her back this time. Her eyes darted over to the couch, only to find that Nelson had apparently evaporated into oblivion, 'cause he wasn't there anymore, "Elise? What the heck is going on? Are we asleep or something?" Obviously, she was kidding, a nervous chuckle bubbling from her lips.

Ah, how wrong she was.

(eh, it gets the point across. short, but straightforward. excellent. bout to post as Sydney, waiting for Kane post. He better not be all hairflipping nonchalant in this one, or I will seriously pop a blood vessel.)

ŞУdήεУ ŁέČlέΰrέ
I know the secrets that you keep,
I know where you sleep...

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Sydney puckered her brow, staring down at Nelson. "Well...we'd have to leave right away. Once Aaron gets back in here, it'll only be minutes until Karuun gets his crew up here and my head gets chocked off." Closing her deep black eyes, Sydney imagined the fury on his face when Karuun and Dante arrived, seeing the hunter they had been counting on to be a leader of the overtaking, now a traitor. Suddnely an idea popped into her mind, "Wait! Nelson, could you get access to an L.A. hospital? Like, where they screw around with your brain and make you whoever they want? They....they could make me normal again! Of course, my features are irreversable. The tattoos are burned on, and I don't think they 'got a pigment reverser for onyx. But- I wouldn't have the urge to rip you to pieces anymore. A plus, if I might say so." She was hoping whatever 'friends' he planned to cart her off to weren't too light. If they were, she might just be upchucking the whole time, until her brain could be rewired.

Anilea strolled on in, and Sydney's body immediately turned rigid. She wasn't used to her smell yet. She spoke for a minute or too, the words blending together to mush in Syndey's brain, her only focus on staying calm and still.

This wasn't gonna be easy.


All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.

User ImageElise was still gaping at the spot where Nelson had disappeared. Was it her imagination, or had he been swallowed by a golden-white glow, the trademark aura of a Light Angel? Leaning closer to examine the area, her theory was confirmed. Little sparks still zinged before evaporating completely. Someone had pulled Nelson out of reality, which was impossible to do unless he gave his consent. So why had he disappeared so suddenly? He would have told them if he was leaving...

Unless it wasn't reality.

All this flashed through her mind faster than the speed of light, her Light Angel brain on red alert, her senses tingling. A woman's voice echoed in the room, screaming Nelson's name, returned by the man in question. What was going on?

Bella's nervous comment clicked something in her brain, and a recollection of the Dark Angel's favorite pastime bubbled up, taking over her body with dread. Asleep...Dream. "Bella, oh my goodness, that's it. The Dark Angels, the dreams, draining," She muttered to herself as she connected everything together. Kane wasn't really dead, of course not! Some Dark Angel, in the actual reality, was sucking their life from their bodies. The person's very essence would be fused with the Dark Angel's power, resulting in a boost of Dark Magic. The people in the dream would be grieving, so they wouldn't even notice the lack of strength, how empty they were becoming...

Jumping up from the couch, Elise examined the room with hawk eyes. There, and there. Chinks in the dream were appearing, spots of the room with the colors slightly off. The dream was wearing off, the Dark Angel distracted by something which destroyed their concentration. "Nelson!" She screamed, attempting to throw her voice through the chinks, like wormholes in space.

Alas, it was no use; she wasn't strong enough. Groaning, Elise pressed a cold hand to her aching forehead in despair. Her power was already too far gone. She couldn't do it. They would fade away in that nightmare.

Bella shifted nervously, not understanding what Elise did. Watching her with curious eyes, Elise grinned. Two combined are stronger, even if her blood was merely vampiric, not mixed with Light Angel's. "Bella, I need to do something. I can't explain it, but it'll be okay. You may feel...tired after, but it won't like, kill you or anything. I just need to use some of your...strength." What she didn't mention was that the strength she would be taking might shorten the time remaining in the dream before she faded completely. Without waiting for an answer, Elise crossed the room quickly, placing her hands on her sister's temples. Closing her eyes in concentration, she willed her way into her sister's head, their minds combining. Sorry, Bells. I'm not snooping, I swear. "Nelson," It came out as only a whisper, but he would be able to hear it. Their essences would be enough to force it through the weak spots. "Hurry and wake us already!" She didn't know how she knew Nelson was already awake, but that was her only hope. Light Angels were easier to wake, so hopefully that's what had happened.

((sorry, it's kind of gay and really long, but i don't feel like writing it better(: ))
Isabella Heartford...It's Bella.
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Bella watched Elise strangely, unaware of what her sister was doing. Suddenly, she screamed Nelson's name loudly, making Bella flinch back automatically, "Wha-?" she started to question, then silenced herself, Elise approaching her and grabbing her head. Sputtering useless protests, Bella tried to tug away from her sisters grasp, but suddenly she felt extremely weak. Her vision blurred slightly, and the world seemed to melt like a popsicle on an extremely hot day. "No...no Elise, get..off...." she managed to murmer, struggling to keep her eyes open. Her brain felt mushy and gross, and she suddenly realized how drained she was from the stress of the day.

Or was it from something else?
Farren Blake...Professional...Waffle Maker..?

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(I don't remember where Farren was, X.X So, im just gonna make him wandering about in the woods,)

Farren stumbled over the twigs and leaves shroding the natural floor of the woods. For the past hour or so, he had been aimlessly rambling around in the forest, unaware of where he was going or what he was planning to find when he got there. Suddenly, his head started throbbing, and he reached up to hold it in his grasp. Walking a little farther, he breathed in a few breaths of sweet, cold air, focusing on making the pain cease. Dawn was arriving, and the dim light cast odd shadows on the ground. Any other day he would have missed it. Probably any other second he wouldn't have seen it. At the base of a large sweetgum tree was a small black hole that looked warped and out of place. Crouching, Farren slowly rose his fingers to the opening, and he jerked them back, a tingling sensation shuddering through his body. With more careful percision, he realized it wasn't just a shallow hole in the bark, it was deep. Furrowing his eyebrows together, he closed his eyes, and thrust his arm through it, the rest of his body being sucked in by some invisible force.

Pop! Opening his eyes, Farren frowned. He was back in the living room of the mansion, except Bella and Elise were gone. And Kane, the supposed dead guy (teehee), was standing against the wall, a confused expression playing across his features. Nelson was there, a gigantic woman sitting beside him, a sad look on her frighteningly beautiful features. Another girl was there, rather short and black haired, looking like she was irritated. Farren stood in the middle of it all, his lanky body covered only by boxer shorts. Confused and slightly disoriented, he mumbled, "Well. Isn't this awkward?"

(I love Farren.xD)

Tarpoljin's Bae

Friendly Shapeshifter

Kane thought he'd had a perfect opening, with the Dark Angel's attention focused on the Light Angel--he never got her name, actually. Anyway, she was clearly irritated by the D.A.'s height comment, and he seemed to be focused on her, so he thought his timing was perfect. Right. After he went for the D.A., the last thing he remembered was seeing a pitch black wall coming up infront of him before he was fired back, slamming into a desk and shattering it. He laid there for a moment, disoriented and trying to figure out just what happened, voices swirling around the room for a moment, then, quiet. And then, Nelson's voice picked up, then another feminine voice. Kane half listened, the thoughts of what was actually happening in the mansion finally sinking in. He sat up a little, but instead of hanging out in the room, he faded into his and Bella's room. Instead of appearing on the bed like he'd hoped, he was on the floor. Grumbling, he stood, wavering a little. His hand went to the back of his head, finding blood. Great. I probably have a concussion or something. His eyes narrowed at the blood.

He waited a moment for his vision to stop spinning before he walked over to Bella, who was sound asleep, or rather, in a trance, as the Light Angel had said. Letting out a sigh, he sat down beside her on the edge of the bed, watching her. Her breathing was shallow, but he put it off as a part of the trance, though it did sort of bother him. He brushed her hair back out of her face, letting his hand linger there. How was he going to get rid of this trance? The Light Angel said she could do it and not to worry, but how was he not supposed to worry when everybody he knew was in some La-La-Land? And why was he awake? She didn't know that. Was there a particular reason? All he really knew was it was the Dark Angels' fault.

Who was Nelson talking to before he faded out of that room? Now that he thought about it, that conversation they were having was a bit odd. He shook his head a bit, standing and giving Bella one last glance. I'll be back. Hopefully, you'll be awake. He faded again, this time winding up in the living room. Nelson and one of the Dark Angels were there, the female. And so was the Light Angel that he first ran into. His eyes locked onto the Dark Angel, and he didn't even noticed when somehow, Farren popped up out of no where, wearing nothing but his boxers. He suddenly had the Dark Angel by the throat, slamming her so hard into the wall behind her, it nearly left a hole. "Take the trance off." He ordered dangerously. His grip around her throat tightened unconsciously and he pressed her deeper into the wall, some of it crumpling off.


Aniela was just about to leave to finish Aaron off when Kane poofed into the room, followed by some weirdo in his boxers popping into the room. She sighed when Kane slammed Sydney into the wall and looked to Nelson. She figured he'd handle it and that Kane would cool off. Didn't she tell him she could handle the trance thing? Ugh, bloodsuckers. She rolled her eyes a bit then looked to the weirdo. "You could use some clothes, hon." She muttered, looking him up and down before chuckling and disappearing. She re-appeared in the woods, near the edge, where Aaron had walked off. "Alright, come on out instead of hiding." She grumbled, glancing around.


"You know what Connor, I've been drinking, and I'm starving, in more ways than one, I don't even know what month or day it is, hell, I don't even know what damn season it is in this drab town! I haven't been outside in months....years, Connor. All of the years that Bella and Elise and whoever were living with their true loves, I was sleeping it away, and I know that I shouldn't have done that, for your benefit if anyone's....I'm sorry, I really am..." Connor listened to her speech, watching her quietly while he contemplated the words. So she hadn't been doing that well while he was gone. Him leaving had messed her up. He managed to crack a smile though, hoping to lighten the mood.

"We're not in a town. We're in the middle of no where." He replied with a small chuckle, pulling her to him. "Alright, alright. I don't plan on leaving anymore, I didn't anyway. I promise I won't leave. I'm staying here, as long as your little family doesn't mind, that is." He said, pulling back again. "Oh, yea, I have something for you." He brought out a long, yet small box from one of his pockets, opening it to reveal a silver chained necklace with a heart pendant attached to it. He put it around her neck and latched it in the back, holding the silver heart pendant in his hand, examining it. "Kinda cheesy, but it does look good on you." He said with a smirk, letting it fall around her neck.

((Ok sorry for the wait and the short-ish post. My teachers are freaking me out and I'm sick, again, yay. But yea...Couldn't really think of anything for them to do...I NEED AARON POST! Oh, this is where my funky necklace plan starts. Sorta.
LOL. I originally had Kane say 'Take it off.' but after I posted it, I was like 'That sounds soooooooo wrong.' So I changed it reaalllyyy fast. XD))

ŞУdήεУ ŁέČlέΰrέ
I know the secrets that you keep,
I know where you sleep...

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A gasp of surprise ripped it's way up Sydney's throat as that silver haired idiot slammed her against the wall. His grip was slightly uncomfortable, but she wasn't in pain. What did he think she was, a human or something? She surpressed the round of giggles in her chest, her eyes flashing darkly at him, "Are you kidding me? What are you, like four? I'm sure we can handle this like adults can't we?" Displaying a grin, she raised her leg, placing her booted foot in the middle of his chest and shoving. His body flew away from hers, landing with a thunk on the floor.

Sydney dusted her hands off, brushing a piece of bleachy hair out of her eyes, "Now, if you'll get yourself under control, we can discuss this nicely. As she said the word, however, her tone did not match it, her expression accusing, "We all have jobs in this world, aye? Mine happens to be...what was it in the description? Oh yes. Make anyone and everyone as misreble and unhappy as possible or you will be silenced. Permanantly. Now see, little boy, I gotta do what I gotta do." Taking a few steps towards him, she splayed out her hands apologetically, "Now, Nelson over there kinda had me acting all nice and such, and I was actually thinking about not killing all of you. No matter how much I would enjoy it." There was a sneer in her words, "Somebody has to die here Kane. And I'm willing to bet that it ain't gonna be me." Jerking a thumb towards her chest, she shrugged, turning back to Nelson.

"I really wished that this could have worked out Nel'. But my instincts are just too strong... There was still the possibility of reversing the brain work she'd had done, but she could feel the presence of Darkness on the property, meaning Karuun and Dante were close by.

Someone was going to have to act pretty fast to salvage this day.
Farren Blake...Professional...Waffle Maker..?

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Farren watched in utter confusion at the scene playing out before him. The dark haired girl told him to go put some clothes on, and Kane didn't even acknowledge him. Glancing down at himself, Farren felt a wave of cold air pass over him. Strange..Before I got sucked into that tree it was really warm... Then he realized how completely idiotic that sounded, and decided to inquire on what the heck what going on. Turning to the small girl, who from her scent seemed to be a Light Angel, he said, "Uhhh...do you mind explaining to me what is going on here? See, I was walking around in the woods, and Kane was dead....anyway, and there was this black hole in this tree. So, I don't remember why, but I stuck my hand into it. And now...I'm here..."

He nodded, confirming the story that, at any other time would get him sent off to some hospital.
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Ααʀøɴ Dαмε
Your Dreams Are Not Your Own
I Have No Regrets.

Aaron scoffed as the Light Angel disappeared back inside, miffed that she hadn't followed him in like planned. He paced at the edges of the woods, hands on hips, muttering to himself, "Coward. Why does she not come? Such weaklings the Light Angels are," His English accent slipped back in, and the Olde English words replaced the modern sludge as they always did when he was angry. A storm of Black Magic was brewing; he could feel it.

Finally, Aaron could take it no longer. Shaking with rage, he dissolved the molecules of his body until he stood back in the room, where the oddest and most peculiar sight greeted him; Sydney was holding the dreadful, stinking Light Angel in her arms, tears rolling down both of their faces. The other, short Light Angel looked as shocked as he felt, which was pretty darn surprised. Aaron stood gaping, until the silver-haired vampire (who obviously had no brains) lunged at Sydney, both of them colliding with the wall. The scene cheered him considerably, and he watched with a pleased grin. As soon as Sydney finished her little speech, he cackled and stepped into the room.

"Hmm, this is all quite interesting. But Sydney, I must say, I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping you could hide your secrets a little longer...Just makes the chase all the more fun, yes?" He smirked, leaning in close so his acrid breath blew over her face. "Poor, dear Sydney. You don't really understand what I'm saying, do you? You have suspicions, but let me help you. I've...ah, gotten in trouble thanks to our little games. The Council isn't happy. So, the last time I checked in, they gave me a few terms. You, for my freedom. I'm a selfish person, dear. So you can guess which one I chose. Sorry, lovely. It's too late. You, Sydney LeCleure, are sentenced to an eternity of pain. You cannot escape your doom." Aaron felt a surge of smugness as he said the age-old words, binding around their victim and acting as a beacon to the Dark Angels who were now close, very close...


Tarpoljin's Bae

Friendly Shapeshifter

((Ani went back to the woods where Aaron was. @w@))
Lupus Lycaon
((Ani went back to the woods where Aaron was. @w@))

((go back in(: ))

ŞУdήεУ ŁέČlέΰrέ
I know the secrets that you keep,
I know where you sleep...

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The hairs on the back of her neck rose as Aaron entered the room. After his cold words slithered through her mind, processing over and over, she turned, a murderous expression like none other in Sydney's eyes, "Go. To. Hell, Aaron Dame." Her body shifted until she was facing him, and her eyes erupted in flames. A small, black orb was forming between her long fingers, slowly growing as the vibes coming off of her body grew angrier and thirstier for a fight.

A roar slipped through Sydney's clenched teeth, one of her arms pulled back and snapping forward. The swirl of Darkness flew at Aaron's face, hitting him like a nuclear bomb. He flew back, hitting the wall and slipping slowly towards the floor. Sydney heard a voice behind her ask what had happened to the 'dude's' eye, but she ignored it, too red hot mad to respond to anything. She stepped forward, her body towering over Aaron's wiggling one on the floor of they foyer. Reaching down, she grabbed one of his legs and aimlessly hurled it upward. A sickening grin spread across her demonic lips as he hit the glass ceiling, panes shattering and falling down onto the others. Shards of the glass sliced her face open, but she didn't notice the pain.

Trails of blood ran down her cheeks as she watched Aaron come back down and hit the floor. Of course, he probably wasn't even barely hurt. Dark Angels tolerence for injuries was very high. However, he was so blazing mad by now that he was going to attempt to rip her throut out.

But aye, Sydney LeCleure had a few more tricks up her sleeves.
Яїłεγ εłїżαвετн

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Riley was gleaming inside, her frozen heart was thawing, and she could feel it expanding through her chest and up through her throat. The necklace had a distinct metal chill to it, and when it touched her chest she shivered with joy. "It's beautiful, Connor!!! Thank you. So, so much." A shiver rumbled through her as a chilly north breeze stroked her bare arms. "Uh, let's go inside...It's freezing balls out here....." A wry smile twisted on her lips, as she displayed her new slang that she had overheard from Bella, and Elise, and maybe even others.

The cold steel rod rolled out of her hands and onto the linoleum floor with a clash. Blood spattered off of the small pole and onto the floor before thunking against the body on the floor. 'Her head is hemmorhaging...She's dead..I killed her, I killed her...' Riley thought repeatedly. Her fingers went numb, starting at the pads of her fingertips and running up through her arms, eventually getting to her heart. She could't feel her entire body, and she was looking upon the situation like she wasn't even there. What did they call those? Out of body experiences? yes, that must be right...

Riley's eyes came back to the current scene, and her eyes gaped open, and she was taken aback. Stumbling back a step, she got her bearings again by firmly grasping Connor's right shoulder. A faint gasp escaped her perfect lips and she felt her brain spining frantically inside her skull. "I...I....Have to go..."

Sprinting through the front door and into the kitchen, Riley attempted to clear her head. I need to eat. Seriously..


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