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Benevolent Wolf

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                                      “One little, two little, three dead Romans. Five little, six little, seven dead Romans.” Her song was interrupted by the new voice that approached the group. She did not even have to look at the woman to realize that is was Maria speaking. She hated that woman with a passion and if she had the opportunity she would kill her right alongside Caelina. Two less Romans in the world would make the world a far better place. The world would be much better when every Roman was killed, no matter how old they were. The proof that Romans were rotten down to the core was when her eyes moved over to Octavia. Octavia was a rotten child and thankfully she did not have to deal with her. If she was ever given the opportunity she would toss the child into a basket and seal it. Of course she would not leave the child to bake in the hot sun no that would be far too cruel. If Octavia was in a basket she was certain that she would need something to drink, so it would only be far to push the basket into the nearest body of water or she could run something sharp through the basket to end the girl’s pain. Regardless killing the child would prove to be a blessing. As for the Roman women they deserved something far worse.

                                      It would be a great pleasure to watch as Maria was dismembered, a quick stab to the stomach would not be right, especially after all the pain that she had caused people. Caelina was another that deserved a painful death. Her tongue needed to be cut out, mostly because of all the lies it produced. As for what the others wanted to do with her, she did not care. She could be passed around the gladiators until they grew tired of her and then have her skull bashed in. It would be an amusing death and if she tried to bite people then she could have her teeth knocked out. She saw a Roman man once do that to a woman, so it was fair to have the same punishment brought upon the a Roman woman. As for the other Roman women they could be poisoned, have their skins sliced off, or whatever was deemed fit, just as long as they did not live. Allowing one Roman one to live would be like pissing on the graves of all the slaves that were wronged. Death was the only way to right the wrong of these people and a bloody death was the only way she saw fit.

                                      As the woman went on with their conversation, she found it hard to not roll her eyes. To keep from doing such she decided to simply talk about them in her head. “They are all worthless in my eyes. I am amazed that they are able to even tolerate each other. As much backstabbing as they do I am amazed that they have not killed each other.” She closed her eyes for a moment when Maria mentioned that the gladiators were for them to use. The gladiators were people as well and should have a say if they want to stand around and watch people all the time. If she had it her way she would lose her mind. No one wanted to be subjected to pointless chatter about men or the stupid war. She was sure that once enough liquor was inside of these women, they would try to the screw the closest thing walking. It was probably why they wanted to have so many men around.

                                      Her eyes moved away from the women and over towards the gladiators that were around. Well it looked like the Roman women managed to snatch two of them already and to think she had not even seen them around before. What was so fascinating about these men, was beyond her knowledge, but one thing was for sure the women could have picked some of the men that had been around longer. Unless of course, they had grown tired of screwing the same men, it could explain why she was starting to see new faces. To think so many people thought that the Romans were just interested in the blood spilled in the arena. The spilling of blood was just one guilty pleasure, sex was another. Unfaithful people and yet these people wanted to judge others. Her parents never slept with others and yet they were treated like animals. The thought alone caused her stomach to twist slightly and she as rather glad to see that the women were starting to move around. The faster they got to the festival the better things would be for her. She needed to get away from these crummy people and more than anything she was ready to taste some wine. It had been a while since she had some good wine and the gods knew that she needed it. The crap that they were given to drink tasted as if someone animal pissed it out.

                                      As Caelina moved away she followed a few paces behind her and waited to see if she was going to be given some kind of order. No order passed from the woman’s lips and she did not know how she was to take the matter. The woman simply acted as if she did not exist and it annoyed her. She could have at least told her to have fun or that she was to do what she wanted, but she did not. No she had gotten so wrapped up in her conversation with the others, that she simply ignored her. Well then, if Caelina wanted to just mingle with another Roman that was perfectly fine with her. There was no way she was going to follow after the carriage and she was not going to hunt her down just to be ordered around. No she would go with the assumption that she was not needed. This was a festival for the Romans and slaves, so it was best to have a little fun. It was not like she could run away since she was certain that some dumb guard would be following her around. Her mind started to wonder to Felix, but she quickly pushed him from her thoughts. As far as she knew Felix could already be screwing some slave or Roman woman. He meant nothing to her and it was a lie that she had told herself on numerous occasions. With that in mind she began to walk towards the festival.

                                      When she finally reached the grounds she noticed how decorated everything was. The Romans really knew how to throw a celebration. She did not care for any of it and decided to just go for the nearest place that sold wine. She did not have many coins, but what she did have she was going to use it wisely. If she wanted anything else, she would use her charms to get some fool to buy her what she needed. For the most part she was trying to down as much wine as she could get her hands on. There would have to be limits since she was still among the enemy, but none the less she would find a way to have a good time. The overturned cart was the first thing that caught her attention and she really did not care to check to see if anyone got hurt. If they were hurt it was because they were not fast enough. A quick glance in told her that it would be wise to find another place to drink, but just where. She did not want to go to a crappy place since she knew the prices would be high and the wine would not be as grand. For the moment she stood there and looked around to see just what she could do.

                                      My Mood: Content ___My Location: Festival___Speaking to; No one___Wearing: Festival___

                                      Out Of Cookies;

Benevolent Wolf

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                                                                The sooner she got to the festival, the better things would be. With Decius leaving so quickly she had not had the time to properly relax. She had to look after everything and it was not that bad, in fact she rather enjoyed it. At this moment her mind was not even on the gladiators, but she began to focus on the women in the house. Gathering them all up would be a slight pain since women loved to gossip and talk. She was certain that they would start moving once she mentioned that the festival would not wait for them. She would have gotten them moving sooner, had it not been for her brother stopping to talk to her. Aquilus was one of her weakness and she did not mind having him distract her. In fact he had given her the best kinds of gifts that no one could even compete with. Poison was one thing, but a person to sacrifice was even better. He had given her the option of turning her into a body slave, but she did not need another one of those. With Sabeen’s deception she was just not in the mood to train another person. There villa was in need of a blessing and it had been a while since she offered up a person, so it was time for to show the gods that she did respect them, just like any other Roman.

                                                                When she reached the group of women, she noticed that most of them were looking over the new gladiators. They had been a nice gift and it was good to see that the women already found favor in them. After she told the woman that the gladiators were theirs for the taking, her head turned toward Arista. As the woman spoke the first thing she noticed was the amount of makeup she had on. It was something that was hard to ignore, especially since there were times when she applied makeup to some of her slaves. No one needed to know what she was doing to her slaves and she needed to cover up some marks, especially when a guest requested a slave that had just been punished. The reason for Arista wearing that much makeup was none of her business and she really did not care how the woman got hurt. It was not one of her slaves or something in her home because if it was she was certain that Avitus would have voiced his concern. Regardless of the matter what happened to Arista was possibly her own fault or possibly the gods just did not like her. The best way to earn favors with the gods was to offer up a good sacrifice and a human was always the best way to go. It was a well-known fact that most like to offer up animals, and she would do that. Instead of stopping at animals she was going to throw in the girl for good measure, just to make sure the gods really heard what she had to say.

                                                                Her eyes moved away from Arista and over towards Calypso when she heard her comment. “It is a pleasure to meet you as well.” She was not going to call it an honor since she did not know much about the woman. The word honor was something she used one a few people that held a rather high status in her eyes. “No need to offer me any gifts. Whatever you were to spend on me, just use the coins instead on my daughter.” She loved to spoil her daughter and she was certain that even if she told Calypso what she liked, the woman may not pick out something that did her body any justice. It was a well-known fact that she could be rather picky. Decius was the only one that understood her choice in clothing and she loved him for that. He as the perfect person for her and she respected him highly for that. Her attention turned to Sylva when she began to speak. “I am glad that you will feel at ease. It is nice to know these things and I am sure that my husband would be happy to hear that comment.” Her eyes had moved away from Sylva and zoned in on Caelina and her body slave. The only thing she could do was hope that the girl would not make a fool of herself. She would possibly have to talk to someone to make sure they monitored just how much Caelina had to drink. If the girl decided to fall off a balcony again, she would make sure that there was no one around to save her.

                                                                Now that everyone had been told that it was time to leave, Maria took her leave and headed towards the carriage. She was not in need of a body guard and was not going to allow a slave to watch after her or her daughter. Just as she was about to step into the carriage she realized that she forget the sacrifice. She quickly motioned for a slave to approach her, “When the girl is cleaned, I want her dressed in the finest outfit and her hair to look perfect. She is to be brought to the temple immediately, do not have me waiting or you will find yourself next to Sabeen.” With that she motioned for the slave to get out of her sight. It seemed her words sparked a fire in the slave, because he had moved quicker than before. Her attention turned back to her daughter and she climbed into the carriage and just watched her. Her daughter knew how to place a smile on her face and she looked rather proper on the ride to the festival grounds. “Don’t worry you will not have to stay by my side all night. I know how much you like going off on your own so when everything is done you can go off and have a little fun.” Of course she was going to have someone follow her daughter. With all the slaves running around she was not going to allow anything to happen to Octavia.

                                                                The carriage stopped outside of the temple and Maria helped her daughter out. Her eyes moved around the city and she took in the wonderful decorations. They had really done a wonderful job this time around, it was far better than the last festival. As they walked up the temple steps, she glanced down at her daughter. “What animal did you chose to offer up to the gods.” She had allowed her daughter to pick her own animal since she wanted her to gain the full experience of worshipping their gods. Maria had decided to offer up an ox to Jupiter, it was a shame that it was not a white ox, but it would have to do. The ox was rather large and she was certain that Jupiter would be pleased with such an offer. With the ox she was going to pray for something wonderful to happen to her villa as well as to her husband. If the gods were to allow Decius to rise more, than it would benefit their family greatly. The gods had not let her down before and she could only hope that they would not let her down now. Once they got into the temple a bit of her wondered if she should wait around for the other women to arrive. There was no telling what they were going to do. The only reason she did not approach a priest was because she was waiting on the girl to arrive. She wanted to get this all over with and saw no point in making two trips. While she waited she looked back to Octavia, “What do you want to do after we are done praying to the gods?” There was a lot of things that she wanted to do, but she loved to hear what was on her daughter’s mind from time to time.

                                                                My Mood: Content ___My Location: Ludus-> Temple ___Speaking to; Sylva, Octavia, Caelina, Arista, Calypso-> Octavia ___Wearing: Festival___

                                                                Kaede Hime22


                                                                Anela Vesir

                                                                Out Of Cookies;

Benevolent Wolf

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                                      Why had he not thought of this idea earlier? His mind had been so wrapped up in getting revenge that he did not even think about the best way to properly kill her. This female gladiator had disrespected him in one of the worse way possible and yet for some reason he brain could only process wanting to get revenge. This revenge was far better than anything he could think of. To kill her on the sands would be an honorable death and to kill her in the alley would not be something that could benefit him fully. No he needed to do this in a way, so that even in death she would still be of some value to him. The best kind of way to do that was to give her blood to the woman of Rome. He had heard that woman loved gladiator blood and on a day like this, it would be a perfect gift for some of the women in this villa. His revenge would not stop there, no he needed to do more to this woman. As he thought more on the matter he remembered that her liver could be used to help people with epilepsy. Her body was going to be put to get use and in turn it would help him rise in the people’s eyes. More votes were always good and he would make sure that favor smiled upon Decius as well for giving him this gladiator.

                                      A smile was making its way onto his face when he heard his name being called. He had wanted to be alone, but when he saw who it was his thoughts changed. Drusus was a respectable Roman and he enjoyed his company. He was clever and brave where some were not. His father was not that bad either and thus the family found favor in his eyes. Upon hearing what Drusus was asking he did his best to keep a content face. Last night’s fight was something he did not want to remember at all. The fact that the woman was still alive upset him greatly. She had been beaten and forced to walk in her poor condition and yet she managed to stay alive. It was a slap in the face and what made things worse was the fact that Gratiana had purchased this woman. Nothing could be said that would make him appear content or happy in any kind of way. He would be happy on the day that the woman got just what she deserved. Hopefully her times on the sands would not be long and when she died he would out her body to use just like he was going to do the other gladiator.

                                      “I have not seen her, but I am sure she is off enjoying the festival with the other women.” He did not want to think any more on the matter and wished to think about other things. Hearing Drusus next statement caught him a bit off guard. His main goal for the day was to get things in motion and upon looking over Drusus he came to realize that he still could do just that. It was a privilege to see what he was going to do and he would only extend the offer once. Of course he would not speak of his plans until he was out of this villa, there was no need for anyone to overhear their conversation. “You are rather wise for your age and I would not mind accompanying you to the festival. I am sure the women have good reason for taking the slaves. During time like these women love to see who have the better slaves. It says a lot when one household is spoken of the most.” Women were mysterious creatures and he was not really trying to understand their ways. He only mentioned that part because his first wife had told him that. She was possibly only joking with him, but it was rather hard to tell. Some of the things she joked about were not really jokes. When it came to slaves he was certain that some Roman women did compare their slaves to others. Upon finding that they did not have the best slaves, they nagged their husbands until they were given what they wanted.

                                      When they finally got outside of the villa and he was certain that no slave or other person was around he decided to speak what was on his mind. “As I stated before, I do not view you as a child. You are rather wise for your age and I am certain that your father would be proud of you. Now I only say that to tell you that I am not going to directly to the festival. I have other plans and I will enlighten you just so you know what decision will be placed in front of you.” He stopped walking and turned his attention fully towards Drusus. From this point on he was going to be judging every aspect of Drusus and was going to play close attention to Drusus facial expressions. If he saw the slightest falter or any doubt in Drusus’s eyes then he was not going to allow him to accompany him any further. In fact he doubted if he would even talk to Drusus. “I am sure that you know that my patience has been tested each time that I step foot in a villa. I had to deal with men boasting about different things only to find that time and time again they are mere fools. One nearly cost me my life while the other had minor faults. The woman was supposed to have died and yet Gratiana made the decision to purchase her. Her purchase would have looked rather stupid if the rebel would have died and it would have been a lesson for both of them.” He had been kind when he decided to go along with Gratiana’s idea, but next time he would nice be so kind.

                                      “It would have been a well learned lesson if the gladiator that this place boast about would have been any good. Was I disappointed that the fool got himself killed, by no means. The gods have a proper way of getting rid of the weak, even if it goes against what we hoped for. In no way am I mad at Decius nor am I angry with your cousin. By no means will I accept in money that the rebel produces, her living serves as no honor to me. Even though I am not mad at your cousin one should never look proud especially when dealing with a person that has been disappointed.” He was sure that this was probably her first big purchase and yet he could not be fully happy with her. Maybe if the rebel was someone he captured during the war, then he would be proud of her. The fact that the rebel had tried to kill him and lived was something he could not let go of. “Before the battle I had prayed to Nemesis for revenge.” If Drusus thought that he was about to complain about his goddess then he was wrong. To make sure he paused and watched his facial expression.

                                      When he was certain that things were fine he went on with what he had to say. “A fool would think that the goddess turned their back on them and that is what makes them a fool. My revenge was not intended to be on that woman, but towards a gladiatrix that disrespected me. Decius is an honorable Roman and it is because of him, that I am allowed to gain revenge in the best way possible.” He motioned for Drusus to follow him because he had grown tired of staying in one spot. “I am certain that Nemesis will allow me to have revenge against that rebel at a later time, but for now it is my duty to focus on this gladiatrix. For a while I struggled to think of what to do with her and I am certain that it was a goddess that placed this idea in my head. We both know that their bodies can be put to good use and what better way than to have her drained of her blood and have her liver taken from her to better our people. As you know today is a day to honor women and even though I have been disrespected I am allowing the woman to enjoy herself. If I was to kill her this morning, I would be stooping to her level and we are better than her.” He would never want to be compared to a slave and his actions showed just why the gods favored them over any other race.

                                      “In time this gladiatrix will be snatched up and brought to a special location. I have told you this because I am going to extend this special offer to you alone. It is time that you do something that is more favorable than your cousin’s actions.” If Drusus went along with him then he would give him some of the gladiatrix blood and Drusus was free to give it to whoever he wanted. It was bound to make him look good in the person’s eyes. Not only that, but by having Drusus by his side then when the voting came around he could use Drusus to discredit any rumor that came about concerning this matter. He knew that some Romans enjoyed making people look bad. The more people he had on his side the better things would be. “You are welcome to accompany me to see this fine event or you may take your leave and go join the other Roman men who would be better off if they stayed at home and sucked on their mother’s breast.” In a sense he was not really giving Drusus an option, but that was just part of his nature. He never did like people that turned down any of his offers and that was something that would never change. “What will you do?” He needed to get his plan in motion because he wanted the blood to be ready before the night was over. The liver would be easy to get rid of, but the blood would take some time, especially since he wanted to buy the jars that they would go in. Seeing that it was a gift, the jars had to look nice.

                                      My Mood: Content ___My Location: Near the Festival Grounds___Speaking to; Drusus ___Wearing: Bow Down___


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☩ With: Vistalia, Herta
☩ Mood: Relaxed, Content

Dago took a huge gulp from his drink as Herta mentioned the new recruits would actually give the Roman women "joy". "Perhaps. But that's an entirely different bet." He found some way to get another refill on his drink. Maybe this day wasn't so bad after all. Then Herta went on about Nonus and how he would be missed. He merely listened. It was no doubt of a possibility that Herta, and maybe even Vistalia, had a closer relationship, or rivalry, with Nonus despite his annoyance. They've known him longer, and in all fairness to them, Dago didn't even give much time to know him in his tenure in the ludus. He accepted her answer with no debate nor comment on it. Especially when the subject of Sabeen came up. It was definitely tragic as far as human cruelty went. He hardly saw how she would deserve such a fight. But just like Nonus' death, it is what it is. She mentioned the drink one more time and Dago nodded with a small grin in agreement. "Indeed. I am not opposed to sneaking some back to the ludus under our sheets."

Then the subject of "messing around" came up when Herta asked if anyone caught his eye. Even Vistalia quipped, making jokes of the wine lowering his guard and opening up. He grinned again as he looked around and examined women they've passed. Some even looking in his direction...or maybe even Herta and Vistalia's directions. "So many women. So little time." He replied simply. "We'll see how the day goes." Then the subject of Leon came up. If he had a choice between he and Nonus to take with him to the Underworld to battle Hades, he would not hesitate to pick Leon. "Hm. A 'Dead King' fighting for Decius' house. His rival owners would have to worry." Dago quipped, adding to Vistalia's notion.

His attention then averted to a carriage of chickens that Vistalia pointed out. Then she slapped the horse's arse, startling it and running amuck to where the chickens spilled out and wreaked havoc on men, women, and wine alike. Dago drank at the sight, amused at the pathetic Romans' reactions. He looked over at Vistalia as she began to sneak away. He followed suit. "Well and it seems you had no intention of waiting to see such a sight." He replied to her desire of always wanting to see "exploding chickens".



Hardcore Punk

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                                                    ll Who am I with: Maria, Octavia, others and then Ved. ll
                                                    ll How do I feel: Calm, excited. ll
                                                    ll Where am I: Zoro Villa ll Clothes:X ll Learn something: Quilll

                                                    Aquilus had a love for his sister and niece that showed no bounds, and why not? They were the most important to him after all and this was their day to shine, though every day was their day in his honest opinion. His sister had smiled brightly as him as he made approach and the sound of delight that escaped Octavia was music to his ears. He had given his niece her gifts and chuckled as the young one threw her arms around him in a hug before he stood offering his sister that slight of hand along with the comb for her hair. The slave girl would make a decent sacrifice and he’d nodded softly. “She is far from perfect, but most pale in comparison to my sister and niece.” The words were spoken and he’d not take them back… a glance around the area showed that there were many women about, some pretty enough for him to take between the sheets but most were probably married or spoken for and there was nothing worse than a woman whom had the shackles of marriage, unhappy or not holding her in place. Still… it did not stop his eyes from wandering or lingering upon any of them.

                                                    He had asked where Vedius was then and had received his answer though Maria cautioned him to be careful as they had senators visiting the ludus currently. Avitus and Livius. Aquilus simply gave his sister a bright smile. “I would never dishonor my beautiful sisters house.” He would be polite and careful, all he would do would be within proper reasoning… at least while there were prying eyes about! He had offered her a kiss to each of her cheeks before winking at her and excusing himself from the area. He had a young Zoroastres to visit at that moment.

                                                    Approach had been made to Ved’s room and he’d about knock on the door when it was pulled open suddenly and a rather haggard looking Vedius appeared before him, ah Vedius. He was someone that Quil had run about with as a youthful boy, though to be honest Quil hadn’t been the nicest. It had always been easier to pick on Ved as he was younger and small than Quil had been growing up. He seemed to have filled out nicely though and brow knit slightly as he caught himself from looking at what should have been his nephew if not by blood than at least in marriage. He’d decided to think of other things then, “Yes a drink.” Ved had spoken of already having enough cups to last a lifetime and Quil simply laughed with a shake of his head. “No such thing Vedius.” A woman approached then, to chastise Vedius and Quil could only laugh heartily though… Marriage? Ah, Quil hadn’t been told.

                                                    The two spoke back and forth for a few moments and Quil was polite enough not to interfere, choosing only to listen. After all you could learn much if you lent an ear to a conversation and chose not to interrupt with your voice. The woman had moved off and towards who knew where and Quil’s attention was drawn to Vedius and his slave girl then an exchange of words heard once more and Quil had watched as she walked away, his head tilting slightly as he followed the sway of her hips with each step. “You’ve surrounded yourself with lovelies.” A murmur. “I heard about Camilla. Such a shame, she was a beautiful woman.” He wondered how horrific she looked now, once beauty was stolen from a woman it was hard to reclaim it, especially when the scars were visible.

                                                    He’d apologized for his… “Your sister?” Venus had surely blessed this house with the amount of beauty that was oozing from it. The wine offer then and a smile touched Quil’s lips as he nodded. “Of course, we shall drink only the best tonight, after all we have a betrothal to celebrate it seems?” He was walking aside Vedius and towards the exit then his a** beat? A laugh “Rebels. I fear most of them are saturated with women. Though the men…” He was frowning then, mouth pursed as he thought about it. “The things they have done to our people. They leave none unscathed. Women and children murdered and bloodied, raped and scarred. It appears that the rebels have no discerning eye and simply leave a path of chaos and blood in their wake. Matters not to them if one has ever owned slaves or not. They are ruthless.” Quil had never been one to force himself upon a child much less murder one. If one ever touched his niece he would flay their flesh from their bodies slowly and lash them to a cross for the world to see, after he separated c**k from body and stuffed it down his throat.

                                                    The conversation had gone to Octavia then. “She is a vision, much like her mother. She is a fine roman woman. Already her beauty surpasses most.” A chuckle then as Ved spoke of the young one needing gladiators to beat men off of her “If our dear Octavia is anything like her mother men will honor, fear and respect her. She won’t need the protection of others.” She would be a strong roman woman. She would make their house proud.


                                                    Kaede Hime22


Hardcore Punk

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ll Who am I with? Everyone ll Where am I? Ludus ll How do I feel? Passive ll What do I wear? Festive ll Learn Something: Calypso ll

                                    She’d felt a little better as she left Avitus, having been able to properly thank him for his kindness during the mourning period of her son and husband. Oh when she found those responsible for their death she would finally have peace. Filthy, rotten rebellious slaves. How dare they take all that had ever mattered to her. Avitus had offered her his complete support in the manner though and for that she was appreciative. She had nodded politely at his man at arms, Felix before she’d excused herself to join the women upon the sands and she couldn’t help but think it was such an awkward place for all of them to meet though she realized a moment later that it was simply other women moving to shop for gladiators to protect them during the evenings celebration.

                                    She had approached Caelina with a smile upon her face and a happy greeting. Kisses were of course exchanged along with compliments on appearance. Calypso understood her friends and their reserves and as Sylva had mentioned singing and dancing Calypso smiled knowingly. “The apple does not fall far from the tree, their aunt mastered many instruments and had the ability to sing a tune that would make the gods themselves weep. Caelina is well on the same path.” Caelina had always been the odd one out in the family, perhaps it was due to growing up without her parents and being forced to live in a home that was not truly her own, to be judged constantly by those that were family yet… not truly your family had to be difficult. As difficult for Adrastia surely, though Decius was her father she had been sent away to be taught properness. That hadn’t been afforded to Caelina though. She wondered how it caused the young women’s relationships to form between one another. She knew that there were some fractures between the two but… it was well hidden, constrained even. At times Calypso wondered if it had been a well planned rivalry between family members. She never understood any of the way that the girls had been raised or how one child was banished to live elsewhere while the other was not.

                                    Divine was what Caelina had called her, pulling her from those odd thoughts she was having and Calypso’s laugh was low as she shook her head slightly. She simply did not feel as if the gods were blessing her. Not with the time she’d been having lately. It was difficult to even look at other couples and see them in a happiness that she had once had. Things were different now. Calypso was colder perhaps. The talk had moved to Camilla and Calypso’s brows drew together in thought. “A flower wilts without the proper care, thankfully you have been a constant at her side and she has shown improvement.”

                                    Her words had died out as Maria approached and she’d spoken to her, her tones polite and gracious as she was grateful for the opportunity to come and see her dearest friends. She’d felt badly for not having a proper personal gift for the woman and her child and had stated the fact only for Maria to try to soothe her mind with her words. Her daughter… there was a pang of pain in those eyes as a child was mentioned. Calypso knew of Octavia but had never met her and at that moment she found it difficult to even breathe. Thankfully Octavia was a young roman girl and not a boy. Calypso’s heart might have truly stopped if such were the case. “I will dote upon her as if she were my own when picking out silks and precious gems.” As if she’d had her own daughter. A mother always understood that aspect of things and being a mother was something Calypso would never forget… yet she wondered if one day she would experience it again…

                                    Caelina was suddenly pulling Calypso along with her and the woman followed slowly a small smile upon her face as she walked aside the other woman. “Fantastic is a perfect word for how the evening shall go.” Calypso wouldn’t allow anyone to ruin her friend’s day. It was a day of women, a day of mothers and young brides… a day that Calypso would have passed over if it weren’t that she thought her adored ones needed her. Caelina wanted to know all that Calypso had been up to and the other woman smiled a bit mysteriously “Everything might take a life time my dearest..” They had slipped into the carriage then she had leaned into the cushions, maybe tonight she would share her sorrow with Caelina. Calypso hadn’t really expressed anything but rage as of late. Grief, mourning… they would come after she felt avenged.

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                                  ”Kaede Hime22”



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                            Returning gratitude Livius he smiled in the firm handshake, "Be it as so, the Gods hold no bound to me. The war has sent me home, for your eyes seek my wound. The beasts my army took on got away with marring my flesh." his tone was not well. Caius's rage was well saved for battle, only slipping slightly to express his feelings. "I would not pass the honor of sharing wine with you my friend." his charming smile returned to his features once more. The Zoroastres villa, Caius thought of the time he last spent there, ages ago. "I wish to join your company if one has time to share of travels to this city." he mused as he pivoted slightly to offer Livius lead to their next destination.

                            "You tell of your wife, whom I have not been greeted with in some time." he walked with the other in pride through the busy crowd of people. "Ah she may try, but it has been long since I have seen heart from breast in protection of another." he jested of love seeking no part in it. Livius mentioned purchase of jewelry for Sylva, he nodded, "She's still as strong as an agile serpent, in all due respect of her cunning and honor." he gave respect to her being so strong as her husband who stood before him. Caius thought of a wife at his side once, he met a woman of Rome years prior through his father, she was a beautiful and honoring woman. He lost her to illness that swept Rome, for they were only companions yet to be wed in future turns.

                            Caius adjusted his sling momentarily as he walked, his wound grave but not enough to send him to Pluto's grasp. Weaving through the crowd he eyed many women of wealth as well as slaves accompanying them. Looking to Livius he grinned, "Well yes of course, I am merely enjoying the day. I have no means of business here, but to later meet Crassus of updates to the war in the morning. For now, we shall drink and enjoy company to share tales of battle and past events." he spoke whole heartedly with a smile, it soon faded as they pressed onward toward the merchants.


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                            Location: Rome: Festival | Company: Livius & Dulius | occ: had extreme writers block as well as school, back in the swing of things.


                            ...that I am proud to hunt...

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                                                    Felix regarded the scene with a smile and nodded. Yes this was an entertaining night that was for sure. His smile widened as Duilius mentioned Ostia. Oh, now that was a fun night indeed. "Men and women both bring different things to the table." He paused to take a drink. "And I like variety." He laughed then and rolled his shoulders. After battle he loved to unwind by taking someone to bed. Well, okay, he liked that all the time, but after a battle it felt well earned.

                                                    He regarded Duilius out of the corner of his eye as he took another drink. The two had been drawn close by shedding blood of the enemies and Felix learned a lot about the man over time. He enjoyed the man's company, which was saying a lot considering he never really let anyone get too close....

                                                    Laughing again Felix remembered what Duilius was talking about. Sure he'd felt a little bad the way the boy screamed bloody murder after the severed head landed in his arms but the sight had been just too funny. "Ah yes, I believe he pissed his pants too at the same time. Poor boy, you were just cruel to him." The tone in his voice didn't sound at all reprimanding but jovial. If he had to be honest he probably would have done something similar. But the kid was long dead now, just like many others. That's what this world entailed. Death.

                                                    "Black jam...black jam...." Felix's brow knitted together as he tried to remember the woman's name. He was so bad with names, never really bothering to remember someone who was only with him for one night. Oh but the time that one woman showed up on his doorstep proclaiming love. He chuckled at the memory. She had been livid when he couldn't even remember who she was. To this day her name and face still escape him. "Ah yes, Fausta! Lovely chest indeed." He wiggled his eyebrows at his friend and then glanced around the place again. He just spotted the lady he was supposed to be watching, so that was good. She was alright. And she probably had a trusty gladiator with her as well. His eyes raked the crowds, and his eyes finally came to rest on someone very familiar. Her dark hair, skin like light chocolate and those lovely eyes. Felix smirked, he'd been wondering when he'd find her. He suddenly realized that Duilius was speaking to him and he forced himself to remember what he had asked.

                                                    "The night is still young Duilius, and I am just getting warmed up." He winked over at the female gladiators. They might have been intimidating to some, but Felix liked it when a woman was strong and capable of defending herself. His thoughts went back that mysterious woman and he laughed loudly. "And deny everyone else of my beautiful face and love? Come now, that'll never happen!" He laughed again and downed his wine in one swift drink. That was one reason for sure, but there were other reasons he didn't want anyone to get too close with him. And marrying someone, only to have the possibility of losing them was too painful to consider.

                                                    Standing Felix rolled his shoulders again and winked at some passing ladies who giggled and whispered to themselves. He knew women were eyeing him, and he loved their attention. Someone as handsome as he? How could they not? He grinned down at his friend and tipped the glass in salute. "Well as great as it was to catch up my friend, there is someone else I need to see before the night is up." Well not really need to see, so much as want to. He smiled but leaned down close to his friends ear. With the music and laughter spinning around them, he wasn't worried about someone overhearing them. "Also we need to discuss some matters of important business." Still he didn't dare say the word rebellion. He had some information to relay and he wasn't sure who else to tell except for his friend. Straightening up his smile returned. "And since we are both staying at the Zoroastres villa we will encounter each other again soon." Then he parted ways with Duilius and headed in the direction he spotted Tilda. He grabbed two cups of wine and moved towards the woman.

                                                    She was standing by herself, and was as beautiful as he remembered. He ignored the chaos around him, he probably should help but at the moment he was focused on one thing. He closed the gap between them in a matter of minutes. Felix and Tilda had had a fling and while he'd admit that it was a great fling, he saw that it was slowly becoming more and more serious. And like always, Felix ended it. Too much of one good thing wasn't good at all. She didn't have any feelings for him though either. Right?

                                                    "Hello Tilda," he said with his charming grin. He held out one of the cups for her to take. "Having a good evening?" He had been surprised to learn that she had been stationed in the villa too, as a slave to the niece of Decius. He knew of her hatred for the Romans so figured it was taking every ounce of her power to stop from killing every one of them. He liked her feistiness. One of the reasons she caught his attention in the first place.

                                                    ooc: // with: Duilius > Tilda // where: festival // wearing



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                                                    ooc .: with Maria .: where festival .: wearing

                                                    Finally her mother was coming to the carriage. Octavia leaned forward so she could see her mother, and watched as she paused and ordered for someone to fetch the sacrifice. Oh right, she had almost forgotten about that too. Sacrifices always made the girl a little uncomfortable. She knew it was the right thing to do, to please the gods, but watching an animal die broke her heart. It couldn't be a traitor or one of the rebels, but an animal. Oh well, such was life. The first sacrifice she had seen made her cry and her mother immediately told her not to shed tears for it was going to be for the gods to enjoy. They were bred for such things and it was a glorious death for them. And that it was a quick, painless death. After that Octavia did her best not to shed anymore tears, though every time her heart hurt for the animal. But a human? Octavia was a little more hardened when it came to the humans, especially slaves and traitors.

                                                    At long last her mother was in the carriage and they were leaving the villa. Octavia's gaze wandered out at their surroundings, though there really wasn't much to see. It was darker now, so only the silhouettes of trees, shrubs, even some animals, could be seen. She knew her mother was watching her so she made sure to keep her little back straight and her chin jutted out just enough that she was poised. Her little eyes lit up when she was told she didn't have to be around her mother all night. "Really? Oh thank-you!" Her grin widened. It wasn't that she didn't like spending time with her mother, but she really was an independent child and liked going off on her own. And the fact that her mother trusted her enough to allow it was a wonderful thing. No doubt though someone would be following her around, just like at the market place the day before, but it didn't bother her. Truth be told Octavia loved going off on her own but having someone close at hand - someone trustworthy that is - was a comfort.

                                                    They pulled into the festival which was already full of people, celebrating to their hearts content. Most of them were women but there were a few men around as well, no doubt as chaperones. They came to a stop at the temple where Octavia hopped out of the carriage, holding her mother's hand. The place was decorated and came alive. Octavia tried to take it all in but there was just so much! Her mother asked her what animal she chose for a sacrifice and Octavia paused only slightly. She knew it was a big deal to be able to choose the perfect sacrifice because she had to honour the gods. She had considered a goat at first, but in the end chose a pig. A pig would be an abundance of food and was sure to make the gods proud.

                                                    She grinned up at her mother. "A really fat pig." She giggled at the words. She would pray to the gods for good crop growth and to keep her family safe. She would pray that her father came home safely and that the bothersome rebels were defeated.

                                                    Once inside the temple, Octavia's mother stopped, Octavia a couple feet behind. She looked about, trying to capture all the sights, even though she knew she'd be able to see them all after the sacrifice. But what her mother was waiting for she wasn't sure. They stood there for a while, Octavia bouncing on her feet anxiously. When asked what she wanted to do after the sacrifice her lips puckered and she tapped her chin thoughtfully. There was so much to do, where to start? "Oh I know! Let's go see performers!"

                                                    She loved watching the performers. Some made utter fools of themselves, others were spectacular. And some made her laugh until she was in tears. And she also wanted to find games to play. Normally Octavia didn't play with those of lower status than herself, she was far too proper for such things, but on a night like tonight she wanted to play with anyone! But she knew her mother wouldn't be interested in that so when she went off on her own then she would seek out some games. But for now they had to wait for some reason. The priest was there, but he was busy, maybe that's why. Or they were waiting for someone? She shrugged her shoulders to her own thoughts and hummed something under her breath to give her something to do. She glanced up at her mother, unable to control her curiosity much longer. "What are we waiting for?" It didn't come out demanding, rather innocently. Then it dawned on her. That's right, her mother asked for that girl to be brought here. "It's for that sacrifice right?"


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ooc - Nied, Etta, - villa - slave attire

                                                    Nied grinned when Cassander agreed to drinks, and the latter watched as Nied left the room to go fetch something. He was starting to see how tense everything was, ever since Sabeen's and the gladiator's death. Things were becoming dangerous, and Cassander got the feeling it was just the beginning.

                                                    He rest his head against the wooden planks he lay on, wishing for someone to take him away from all this. He wasn't one to pray to the gods - after all, why would they have done this to him in the first place? But he had been turning to them a lot in the past couple of days. It provided a little bit of comfort he realized. Maybe, just maybe they would actually respond to him one of these days. It was really quiet in the villa, so quiet that it permeated into the medical wing. All the women had gone into town, and probably some of the men too. Gladiators as well if they'd been asked to escort the women. Cassander knew he would still be here at the villa, tending to Vedius while Antonia went off to the celebrations. He wondered who was taking care of the boy now, but rolled his eyes at the thought. The boy could look after himself for one night surely. Antonia was always so patient and good to the boy, while Cassander lacked a bit of sympathy. True he was lucky to have such a kind master, but he couldn't bring himself to caring for him. Sighing, he pushed those thoughts out of his head and tried to think of something else.

                                                    He only left the villa a handful of times, but those times were the best. He'd been tempted once to run, to just leave Rome and find his way back to Greece, but it was too dangerous. Eyes and ears everywhere, and slaves were always watched, even in town. Cassander would wait for his chance, for the right moment to make his escape....

                                                    The door opened again and in walked Nied carrying a couple glasses and a jug of wine. Cassander glanced up at Nied and replaced his frown with a small smile. Nied must have seen the look though because he asked if he was still in pain. The pain still lingered and movement was restricted but at least the burning sensation had died down slightly. But the other slave had been so good to him already, and Cassander was strong enough to endure it.

                                                    It was awkward drinking while lying on his stomach, but Cassander managed. And how good the wine tasted on his on tongue. The sweet and bitter mix lingered on his tongue after he swallowed and he took another swift drink. Nied spoke of a purple plant that relaxed a person, and then some other plants he listed so easily before trailing off. Cassander smiled and chuckled slightly. The gesture made his back throb and he resisted the urge to wince. "I'm fine. Your knowledge of plants and their uses is a great skill to have." He had no idea what all the plants were or what they were used for but he was pleased to see Nied was so passionate about them. He shrugged off the apology and took another sip of his wine.

                                                    Nied's question made him pause and he set the cup down. Did he remember his homeland? He couldn't even remember his family or where he came from. But he did remember something.... "The beautiful green scenery. And mountains. But I also remember rain, lots of rain."

                                                    He paused. It had been raining the day of the accident. He had been found by slave traders, wandering soaked in the rain like a lost puppy. But try as he might, he couldn't remember anything else. Where he came from, what the cities were like. Some of the other Greek slaves told him about places like Athens and Sparta once but they all felt like stories to him. Though when someone had mentioned Athens, there had been the slightest tug at his memory. "That's all I can remember. But...." He bit his tongue, wondering he should say anything at all. He knew Nied was a good person, kind and loyal, but Antonia's warning about not trusting anyone lingered in his mind. He decided he would tell him anyway. Not that it would do much harm. "I remembered my mother. When I was...whipped.... I remember how she looked, and she was beautiful. Like the goddess Aphrodite. She had the sweetest smile and a warm voice. And I saw a little girl, with the same colour of hair as me though I don't know who she is."

                                                    His brow knotted in frustration and he took another deep drink of wine. His memories were so locked up tight he didn't think he would ever remember who he was or what happened to his family. Or maybe it was the gods way of protecting him from it. Whichever the case he wanted to remember everything. Maybe it could be the one shot he gets of freedom.

                                                    He shook his head and smiled apologetically at Nied. "Sorry. I let the lack of memories depress me. We're supposed to be drinking to Sabeen, who was lovely and kind. She didn't deserve the death brought upon her but may she finally be at peace." And may those who dealt her death be punished for their own crimes. Cassander left that out though, for he didn't want anyone overhearing their conversation and get Nied into trouble as well. He raised his cup the best he could and took another sip for Sabeen.

                                                    Then he glanced back at Nied. "Tell me about your country. I imagine its beautiful if there are purple flowers growing everywhere." He chuckled again and this time couldn't hide the wince. Before Nied could ask he waved him off. "I'm fine...."


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                                                  " Did I smile?" He asked Sascha, thrown a bit back from his brothers words. Still he kept on his smug expression, not wanting to show any sign of doubt within this moment. The Romans had eyes everywhere, guards hiding in the shadows and women who held ears for listening to such gossip. One word and they could see themselves dead on the sands. "Share us all? You speak as if I am not going to give you a wench who appears as a duck and me one of a swan! " He said with a laugh escaping him, only to pat the man shoulder with his left hand. His laugh was suddenly stopped though as the eldest of his brother spoke up. Lothar's voice was something that could shake the heavens and cause anyone to shake from pure fear. Even with his comical words, there was always something about the mans voice that demanded all those around them to listen carefully. "Aye brother, we are too watch Romans and protect them from the evil rebels that cause fear to their children in the dead of night, " He explained with a light shrug of his shoulders. In truth he had only notice one child thus far in the villa however he suspected there was more hiding, maybe fearing the big bad gladiators. At least he hoped so. ' Family such as this probably has hundreds of bastards running around,' He mused as his eyes glanced around as new faces appeared.

                                                  He listened to his brothers speak, however his eyes were still on the Roman faces. There was two males who he spotted, one who was of age and another with hair of him and his brothers. ' Golden Romans? Have the Gods f-cked over my race so?' He thought while raising his eyebrows in mild surprise. It was a rare sight to see them, although the dark blond haired Romans were far more common. Those who shared golden hair as his brothers though,...Not as common. This villa also had girls with fire kissed hair, boys with hair as dark as the night and some with the color of the earth. ' Definitely bastards running around here. No family could share all those faces.' Thinking this as his gaze turned two new males who were young in years, walking close as he would his own brothers. They held nothing close to refashions though, not even their skin was of the same shade. One held eyes of a blue that was as deep as the ocean and the other a green that reminded him of moss growing on the trees of their home land. ' All boys weak in the body too. Definitely Gaul bastards,..Or Celt shits. Thinking this as a light laugh escaped his lips.

                                                  "If you use all your coins then don't bother asking us for more, " He said while fallowing after his brothers, finally picking up their conversation. He shouldn't have thought so much about the Romans here for it forced time away from his blood." Love holds no bounds for you brother but wine and women are things I shall not share with you," He explained with a grin reappearing on his face. " Maybe on your last day on this f-king lands but I fear that wont come very soon. " His eyes left Sascha's face and back towards Lothar's, watching the oldest with mild interest. The man appeared to be serious on this matter while himself and Sascha found more humor in it. In day could with all of them losing their life's,..He knew it well however he just couldn't find it in his heart to take this matter seriously. " Lothar," He said while walking behind the eldest. " Did the Gods speak of anything that shall hold importance tonight? " He asked with mild interest. The Gods never spoke to him, however Lothar appeared to hold a gift in his beliefs. Their words to him never brought him wrong information yet their silence always gave him worry.

                                                  When Gretel was brought up, he couldn't help but to pause with mild interest. He had almost forgotten that she was not by their side. The woman was always fallowing after Sascha, silent in her words but held as a giant in the sands of the arena. Most men would have over looked her for she held an innocence about her that only the Gods could give. The woman was also thin in appearance, yet a beauty that most could never find. In the past he may have stolen glances at her, but those days have longed passed. Once he fought by her side then his thoughts of her body left and turned towards more of a respect. ' Woman could probably kill us all if she wished too, yet she stands by our side as trusted sister,' Thinking this as he tilted his head. "Hm? " Lothar asked him a strange question, one of the women of his ludus. "This Ludus may be blessed by our own Goddesses,.. I have laid eyes on soft skin of milk and some of the earth it's self. Some hold golden hair of our mother, while others with fire and more with black as the dead of night. I saw eyes of the sky and some that hold a darkness that only the afterlife can hold dear. " He explained as he started to pause, trying to figure out if these females were as lovely as the ones in their old ludus. " They forge their own path in beauty and I would see them in our beds by the break of dawn to truly know if we shall miss the old ludus. "

                                                  "I hold doubts that we shall, but we shall truly know soon. " He said while glancing over towards the carriages, noticing that they were already starting to head out." I fear that we may have to find Gretel later, ...Romans are not known to show joy with missing guards, especially when they appear as us. A lesson that was well learned from the past suns." Aldrik took pause as he started to take a few steps away from Lothar and Sascha. "I shall save wine for you both if you choice to linger, " He explained with a small laugh, only to turn around and fallow after a few other gladiators and slaves.

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                                                  Gladiator XXXXXXX Location: ; The Ludus XXXXXXX Wearing: Training .


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                                                  " It is wise to remember it, " Cato said with a simple nod of his head. The information was easy to come by any house slave that worked in the villa however wanted to test out this new man. It was true that he helped him in some regard, standing up for him threw words towards the mans own brothers on the sands. However trust was not something that Cato would ever give easily to anyone. Only a fool or a love sick woman would do such actions and he held none of those in regards. ' Let us see what he shall do with such information,' Thinking this as his eyes glanced over towards the Roman women. He should have pointed out who was who to the man however this Agro man appeared to be smart enough to figure it out over time. At least he hoped so. Much to Cato's own surprise though, he was given information on the men who graced their ludus. The two who harassed himself were known as Sascha and Aldrik, however it seemed that the two held another brother to heart. The man went by the name of Lothar and seems to hold affection towards their own Gods. He had heard of their Gods before, the people who lived beyond the Rhine had strange Gods who's stories were told in the pits often. Their Gods hold a love for battle, and from what he understood they only held warriors to heart.

                                                  He also remembered that the men often spoke of monsters in the stories, and women who held magic of some sorts. It was close to the stories of his Gods in some way, at least as far at the strange lure mystical. "Not many hold the Gods to such meaning anymore," Cato mused as he tilted his head forward. "However there are slaves who speak as such voice to those men's Gods. Maybe with same purpose there shall be more of a alliance then ill sited heart. " He muttered as his eyes glanced up towards the sky. He never spoke a word to the German who spoke to the Gods but maybe it would help his situation. If anything he would be able to gain advantage and restore his honor from the words they spoke to him. An insult was keenly felt as any physical damage,..And he would see such slights taken before him as such. 'I shall have to ask Leon of him when I am sharing cell with that s**t.' Thinking this as his eyes quickly glanced over towards the villa. " Gratitude for such information. I shall not forget it. " He said as his eyes re-landed on the man named Agro.

                                                  He suspected that he was going to be given more information however words quickly fell from the other mans lips and soon were replaced with silence. It took Cato a moment to realize why, however when seeing his Domina he knew why. Adrastia said that she would have him by her side on this strange day. " Dominia, " He answered with a nod of his head. He would soon fallow after after her, however she would be riding with the rest of the woman, while he would be walking with the rest of the slaves. It was an honor to be requested as such, no matter what the other gladiators or slaves thought of it. He would never leave her side if she asked such. He watched for a brief moment as his Domina walked ahead, only to take pause and glance towards Agro once more. There was now a woman near them, causing him to stare for a second. She was a young slave, more so a child from what he could see. There was a brightness in her eyes which spoke volumes of herself. He had witnessed her before in the hallways, walking quickly by her Domina's side. If he recalled correctly then she was a slave under the woman who went by Sylva. He could not recall the girls name though,...

                                                  As he took a few steps forward, he could hear the girls question however he did not understand such an odd request. Agro seemed to be of no help to the girl though, as he was newer then most that stood here. He spoke in truth though. "He speaks the truth as Leon has not left from this word today. The man stood in a fever that hit him last night and in a dark mind he started screaming and punching the air as if it stood his enemy. Last I saw of him was in the cell,... Nied is still working on Caasander so I doubt he knows of Leon yet. " He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice, not bothering to tell anyone that it was Leon who punched him and gave him the wound which lay on his flesh. "My eyes saw sweat on flesh and fever still on him as the sun set in the sky. He did not wish to join his brothers to this celebration ,.. " He did not care for the man nor would he ever see such feelings of brotherhood. However he would not make this girls task any harder then it needed to be. " A few moments I saw a woman of fire in her hair walk inside the cell area,...Maybe she knows where he holds himself?" He said, never being able to forget a girl with fire in her hair. A lovely thing.

                                                  "Apologies that we hold no help other then that, " Cato said with a simple nod of his head towards the young female, only to turn his back and walk towards the carriages. They were all heading out now and if he wished to gain any favor or information then he needed to stay close to his Domina and her friends. The walk took time however he was blessed by the sun falling from the sky and the night breeze slowly running threw the air. His shoulders would not burn nor would he thirst for water in the night. As they grew closer he would hear the sounds of celebration echoing threw the village, and soon he would see fires being lit. This was far from his first celebration in a Roman village, however he admitted that it was a poor showing compared to the one on Rome. This city may have called its self a sister city however it compared little in size. Still the people who were in mid celebration appeared to be as joyous as any Roman his eyes laid on so he suppose he would not judge it so harshly.

                                                  Gladiator in training XXXXXXX Location: Heading towards the celebration XXXXXXX Wearing: Training .


                                                  Kaede Hime22


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                                                    Vedius couldn't help but to raise his eyebrow at Quil's expression, watching his reaction to the news of his dearest sister. In some small way it disturbed him on levels he could say. "Yes, she is blood of my blood." He muttered while eyeing Quil. "She is to marry though so do not think to try anything. Not that she would ever lay eyes on you. I fear she hates men just as any woman does in this house, " He said with a hint of jest in his voice. It was some what true though as the women within these walls tended to stay far from their husband sides, and even their lovers. They all seemed to keep to them self's, hiding in intimate conversation of such strange things. He did not understand in why rumors of other wife's of the Roman court mattered but in their world it did. He never would ask such things though as no man ever should. ' Father always said no man should dare stop them in their gossip, words I take to heart.' He thought while walking along side of Quil. " Then again I would rather see her in your grasp then that s**t she is to call a husband. I swear to the Gods I will die if they bare child together." Grumbled this as he narrowed his eyes slightly. He tried to hold his his hatred for Drusus but even the Gods could not stop it.

                                                    Their conversation moved to the Rebels, causing him to perk up with interest. He would rather talk of such enemies of Rome then enemies of this villa as they held far more interest." I understand war with the republic but to harm innocent women and children?" He asked as he felt his fist clench. This news had caused him to want to join the army, fight these rebel scum and make them pay with blood. They were running threw the country side, slaying villages and villa's of proper Romans but this...He had hoped that at least innocent children would be spared their life's. 'It is war though and no one survives it.' He thought while tilting his head forward. Rome had done such killings as well, but that was what conquering nations did. This however was nothing but pure vengeance over a dead loved one. "I am sure that Crassus shall see this Rebel king dead soon, as he is the finest man in all of the republic. Certainly the riches anyways, " Vedius was no fool. He knew that wars were costly, and the powers that be were running low on coin. Without coin the army would hold no weapons, food in their stomachs nor hold a will power to fight. Crassus was the only Roman in the land who could afford this war. " May the Gods reward him and the army with victory and coin." He said with a simple nod of his head.

                                                    The conversation had turned to something of more pleasant, one that bonded both of these two boys together. He may have hated his step mother, finding her in poor company, however she gave birth to Octavia. For that he suppose he could learn to enjoy her company. At least for a moment. "True, I fear Venus herself shall see her beauty and curse her in to a monster, " He said with a light chuckle. "She shall make this family proud, I am sure of it. Her heart beats as strong as any man I know and her will is known to all. I fear she shall bring powerful men down to their knees, " He joked as they walked out of the front gate. For a brief moment he had noticed the gladiators in the side line, seeing stranger faces. There was a few faces who were unknown to him, causing a pain in his chest. Already one day gone from his world and everything had changes. ' Men of the Rhine if eyes see correctly,' He thought while narrowing his eyes slightly. ' Dorix will not find them pleasing and they shall cause insults to the men. What foolish idiot had decided to shove c-ck in a** and burden this house with s**t and piss?!' Thinking this as he quickly turned his head away from them. He would find out how this came to be in due time and would see the person who held such action punished. Threw his will or another.

                                                    " Have you attended to the Games since you graced our lands?" He asked while glancing towards Quil." They have gotten better, much better, despite what fear the people say. " He then paused, trying to decide on his words. The wrong thing to say could turn this conversation sour depending on Quil's mind set towards the Gladiators. Still Quil was someone who he would call brother, someone who had been in his life since he could remember. As a child he hated him, mostly because Quil was stronger then anyone he knew. He use to think that Quil was stronger then the titans of the area. In some regard he still did,..Holding that respect to heart yet never allow it voice. "I,..I have been holding swords with them ,..The Gladiators I mean." He then paused to see Quil's expression, wincing a bit at it, however a small laugh seemed to escape him. "Your sister disapproves as well,..You two appear as twins right now. " He grumbled, not caring if he gave a small hint towards his annoyance towards his step mother. He had told Quil hundreds of times of his feelings towards the woman as a child. Paid the price of getting his face kicked in for it any times.

                                                    "I nurse dreams of being a fighter one day, " He said explaining why he would fight with slaves. " Of taking sword and placing it threw a mans chest for the glory of Rome. What better way then to wound the enemy then by learning their strength in battle? " He asked while glancing down at the ground. For a moment he started to count the cracks in the sand. " If you wish too,...You should join me on the sands? Leon has been teaching me since I was a child yet I am sure he would be honored to teach you,..." In truth he would also love too beat Quil in to the Sands. More for fun truly. " Apologies, I do not mean to sound as if Romans should learn from slaves," He said quickly. He did think that there was some things that Gladiators held,..They were far beyond the skill of mortal men. Still he would never speak such words out loud for he would soon find himself a enemy of the republic if word got out of this thoughts.

                                                    Once they arrived at the festival, he couldn't help but to pause and glance up with minor interest. He had been to this festival many times in his past however it was always a boring affair. In the past he was not allowed to join with the women, as only they were permitted in to temple. Often he would just sit alone in the ludus and train with the gladiators. This time though he was to be with someone his own age and of his own blood. ' Maybe I have been spending too much time with the slaves,..' He thought while grabbing a case of wine, placed a coin in the hand of the seller, before taking a hold of two glasses of wine. He handed over one of the cups to Quil before pouring some of the wine into his cup. Once he was done he poured his own before taking a sip. It was strong wine, although not as strong nor as tasty as the one at home. " Let us find seat and drink until we gain interest of more deserving conversation," He said with a grin on his face, only to walk over towards a seating area. He took a seat on one of the stools before taking another sip of the wine. He swore that time it burned his throat.

                                                    " Pray tell, what do people find amusing about this?" He asked while peering up from his cup only to watch people dancing and drinking. There was even people coupling. In the middle of the street. He turned his eyes back towards the wine, wanting to drink more but knew he would have to nurse it. Getting too drunk in public would not be a proper moment for a son of Rome. If this was his own villa then maybe but he was in higher standing then most of these people. An appearance had to be kept. "That woman is topless but wine is pouring on her dress.... " He said before forcing himself to take another sip of the wine. It still burnt. But he couldn't keep watching this.


                                                    Location: The festival XXX With: Aquila XXX Festival Wardrobe

                                                    Anela Vesir

Hardcore Punk

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                                                      ll Where am I: Zoroastres Ludus ll Who am I with: Sascha, Aldrik, Lothar, others. ll
                                                      ll How do I feel: Relaxed ll What do I wear: X ll
                                                      ll Learn something: Gretel

                                                      Gretel had spoken a little to the woman but their conversation had fallen flat after a few minutes and the blond woman was simply left to her own devices. The other women had been welcoming enough but she thought it was perhaps too late to be joining them now. She had wandered about a little in search of her brothers and was alarmed to find that they were gone. It was a moment of panic, that feeling of dread in a new place that held much uncertainty. It was time to find her brothers and move into the safety of the fold. Not that Gretel couldn’t handle herself, while diminutive in nature the girl was not really one to be trifled with as she had shown most who had tried that she could bring them down easily enough.

                                                      She’d bathed, cleaned up and redressed into something more suitable for the evening. She had rushed towards the sands only to find them empty. Everyone had left and Gretel couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated. She had perhaps wasted her time earlier and now she was to pay for it. She hadn’t thought that her brothers were to go to the festival but she figured that they had gotten roped in by some roman woman’s demands. She hoped to hurry up and meet them and was relieved to see the Sascha staring towards the ludus as if searching for her. Her arm had risen in a wave before she bolted towards him and literally jumped upwards and into his arms, a soft laugh escaping as she hugged him gently. She smelled good at least, not sweat soaked from the travel they had endured from one ludus to the next. He lifted her for a moment all of that innocence and gentleness exuding from the woman. For a moment she looked as vulnerable as any young maiden to those whom might not know her. Finally though Sascha set her back down and upon her feet and she fell into step aside her brothers her words low as she spoke “It appears that you do not even get a day to settle in before being pawed at” a small smile. Gretel had been fortunate to keep her honor, men simply did not tempt fate when it came to trying to pry her legs open for them. Luckily she was valuable enough with her fighting skills that she did not have to bed any man. That alone was a blessing.

                                                      She was silent for the most part as they moved behind the carriages but her eyes moved. She enjoyed looking at the other gladiators though if her brothers… Sascha in particular glanced her way she’d smile and avert those eyes. She was a bit excited and gently patted the small pouch at her hip that was heavy with coin… her brothers were talking about buying woman and she’d piped up suddenly “And perhaps I shall purchase a man for the evening” she was of course likely jesting as Gretel was as pure as they came when it came to matters of sex… still the look on Sascha’s face threatened death to any man whom might try to claim her heart let alone her body. Her vision had fallen upon the gladiator that Sascha and Aldrik had been picking on earlier and she’d offered him a friendly enough smile before turning her attention back to her brothers “You should make friends in this new place” she murmured softly. They were going to be in this place for a long time, it made no sense to piss off those they might call brother or sister.

                                                      Still… Gretel was young and perhaps naïve in thinking that everyone who lived in the ludus would get along. She was not foolish enough to think that any Roman would ever look upon them as equals and while Gretel would never say such things out loud she found Romans to be weak hearted, weak stomached and weak of mind. That they needed gladiators to prove their worth and to fight for them made them look pitiful in Gretel’s eyes. If you wanted something, if you wanted to win you needed to snatch the victory up with your own two hands or such things were hollow, unearned regardless of what ownership you claimed upon the person fighting. It was the difference between offering someone a gift that you personally crafted and poured your soul into as opposed to buying the trinket or item with coin. There was a difference and Gretel saw no honor in the way the Romans carried themselves. That she had those thoughts though… it was dangerous while she still lay shackled and manacled to the house of Zoroastres regardless of whether or not the chains were invisible. One day though… she would buy her freedom, hers and her brothers. She had been saving for years now, often frugal with her coin that she might scrimp and save to earn their right to leave the ludus and she had almost reached agreement with their prior Dominus only for him to die and them to be sold off once more.

                                                      Eyes searched between the three men she called blood and onto the others…

                                                      One day they would all be free….



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                                                    Phoibe felt the bigger man's eyes on her, his face void of all emotion and it unnerved her. She knew gladiators were tough and cold - after all their job was to kill another living person - but maybe he was right. It would have been better to go find a medic and talk to them, but these two were the first to catch her eye. Nodding, she was about to leave when he spoke up again and caught her attention. Still suffering? Well at least he wasn't dead.... At least if what this very unhelpful man was saying. He was very blunt if anything. But Phoibe was used to it. It was a hard life and things couldn't be sugar coated.

                                                    She offered a small smile in thanks, and watched as the other gladiator was hailed from his Domina and he moved to catch up with her. But he too offered some information. A little more useful, Phoibe thanked the man and watched as he left. So Leon was suffering from a fever. At least someone was there watching over him, which was good. Sylva wouldn't have to worry too much about him, and if she wanted Phoibe to deliver some herbs she would gladly do it. Anything to help break the man's fever.

                                                    "Thank-you. I'll let my Domina know." She turned from Agro and left quickly, careful not to move too quickly. Last thing she needed was for the gladiator to see just how much he unnerved her. But at least Leon was still alive. She would see if she could find any herbs while at the market anyway, just in case.

                                                    Glancing about, Phoibe spotted Sylva entering a carriage with two other women. She hurried to catch it before it left. She would sit with the driver which suited her just fine. She liked being in the driver seat. Now it was time to have fun and relax. She would make sure her Domina was taken care and didn't anything, and then perhaps could go off on her own. Phoibe had been to Roman holidays and celebrations before but was never really allowed to enjoy them. She was always to stick close to her Domina in case she needed something, and couldn't wander too far. Her previous Dominas never trusted her, thought all slaves were up to no good and needed to be under constant watch. Phoibe didn't think Sylva was like that at all, but trust was earned not given, so she had to prove it to her new Domina all the same.

                                                    She could hear the women talking the carriage, and smiled. Sylva was talking about how she wanted to have a drink with the gladiator women. While Phoibe found the male gladiators to be intimidating, the women were strong. If only she could be like them one day. They were brave and had to fight alongside men which was a big task, especially if they were out to kill each other. Phoibe wasn't much of a fighter - she was anything but - but maybe one day she could learn.

                                                    When they arrived in town, Phoibe helped her Domina out of the carriage, and then helped the driver put the horses in the stables and left him to guard the carriage. Her eyes took in the town. The place was packed full of bodies, mostly women, but there were a lot of men dotted about the place too. Presumably to keep on eye on their wives and daughters. Already a lot of people were drunk, which was surprising since most Romans were careful not to get too drunk. But this was a celebration she supposed.

                                                    Over the laughter and slurred words, Phoibe could hear music. Which meant there was dancing here. And she loved to dance. Women entered a templed to her left, preparing a sacrifice for their goddesses. That was one thing she wasn't going to be doing tonight. Her gods were not Roman, no matter how long she'd been enslaved by them. But she would partake in other of the festivities the town had to offer. She glanced over at Sylva, and decided that she wouldn't say anything about Leon for now. Let the woman have some fun and not worry over a gladiator. She would wait until later that evening when they were alone. If what the one gladiator said was true, someone was looking after him.

                                                    She gazed at all the people, and while she felt herself get caught up in all the fun, she knew she couldn't let it get to her completely. She would never be one of these people, never be equal to them, not even if Sylva treated her with respect. Sighing she glanced back at Sylva and the other women, and noticed that the gladiators had gone with them too. Sometimes Roman women did that: recruited the gladiators for protection. It was smart and probably a good thing since this crowd did seem a little rowdy.

                                                    ───── ───── ───── ─────

                                                    where : ludus > town with : Sylva, et. al. Phoibe's outfit



                                                    Anela Vesir

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