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Wheezing Fatcat

6,800 Points
  • Contributor 150
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Grunny Grabber 50




██▓▒░ lightgoldenrodyellow ██▓▒░ lightyellow ██▓▒░ lightcyan ██▓▒░ paleturquoise ██▓▒░ lavender

██▓▒░ lightgrey ██▓▒░ silver ██▓▒░ slategrey ██▓▒░ gray ██▓▒░ grey ██▓▒░ dimgrey ██▓▒░ dimgrey ██▓▒░ darkslategrey

██▓▒░ pink ██▓▒░ lightpink ██▓▒░ lightcoral ██▓▒░ palevioletred ██▓▒░ hotpink ██▓▒░ mediumvioletred ██▓▒░ deeppink ██▓▒░ magenta ██▓▒░ fuchsia

██▓▒░ crimson ██▓▒░ red ██▓▒░ darkred ██▓▒░ firebrick ██▓▒░ indianred ██▓▒░ tomato ██▓▒░ lightcoral ██▓▒░ darksalmon ██▓▒░ salmon ██▓▒░ orangered

██▓▒░ lightsalmon ██▓▒░ sandybrown ██▓▒░ goldenrod ██▓▒░ coral ██▓▒░ orange ██▓▒░ darkorange

██▓▒░ gold ██▓▒░ khaki ██▓▒░ palegoldenrod ██▓▒░ lightgoldenrodyellow ██▓▒░ lightyellow ██▓▒░ yellow

██▓▒░ greenyellow ██▓▒░ chartreuse ██▓▒░ palegreen ██▓▒░ lightgreen ██▓▒░ lawngreen ██▓▒░ lime
██▓▒░ limegreen ██▓▒░ seagreen ██▓▒░ forestgreen ██▓▒░ green ██▓▒░ darkgreen ██▓▒░ yellowgreen ██▓▒░ olivedrab ██▓▒░ olive ██▓▒░ darkolivegreen

██▓▒░ springgreen ██▓▒░ aquamarine██▓▒░ mediumspringgreen ██▓▒░ darkseagreen ██▓▒░ mediumseagreen ██▓▒░ teal

██▓▒░ lightseagreen ██▓▒░ darkcyan ██▓▒░ cadetblue ██▓▒░ darkturquoise ██▓▒░ mediumturquoise ██▓▒░ turquoise ██▓▒░ aqua ██▓▒░ cyan

██▓▒░ lightskyblue ██▓▒░ powderblue ██▓▒░ skyblue ██▓▒░ cornflowerblue ██▓▒░ deepskyblue ██▓▒░ dodgerblue

██▓▒░ royalblue ██▓▒░ blue ██▓▒░ mediumblue ██▓▒░ darkblue ██▓▒░ darkslateblue

██▓▒░ slateblue ██▓▒░ mediumslateblue ██▓▒░ lightslateblue ██▓▒░ blueviolet ██▓▒░ mediumpurple ██▓▒░ darkviolet ██▓▒░ darkorchid

██▓▒░ purple ██▓▒░ darkmagenta ██▓▒░ mediumorchid

[ RED ]
I n d i a n R e d L i g h t C o r a l S a l m o n D a r k S a l m o n L i g h t S a l m o n C r i m s o n R e d F i r e B r i c k M a r o o n C o r a l T o m a t o O r a n g e R e d D a r k O r a n g e O r a n g e D a r k R e d
[ PINK ]
L a v e n d e r B l u s h P i n k L i g h t P i n k H o t P i n k D e e p P i n k F u c h s i a M e d i u m V i o l e t R e d P a l e V i o l e t R e d D a r k M a g e n t a
L e m o n C h i f f o n T a n
G o l d A n t i q u e W h i t e B e i g e B i s q u e Y e l l o w L i g h t Y e l l o w L e m o n C h i f f o n L i g h t G o l d e n R o d Y e l l o w P a p a y a W h i p M o c c a s i n P e a c h P u f f P a l e G o l d e n R o d K h a k i D a r k K h a K i D a r k G o l d e n R o d G o l d e n R o d B l a n c h e d A l m o n d B r o w n B u r l y W o o d C h o c o l a t e C o r a l
T h i s t l e P l u m V i o l e t O r c h i d M e d i u m O r c h i d M e d i u m P u r p l e D a r k O r c h i d B l u e V i o l e t D a r k V i o l e t D a r k M a g e n t a P u r p l e M e d i u m P u r p l e I n d i g o S l a t e B l u e D a r k S l a t e B l u e M e d i u m S l a t e B l u e L a v e n d e r I n d i g o
[ BLUE ]
L i g h t B l u e B l u e C o r n F l o w e r B l u e N a v y A q u a A q u a m a r i n A z u r e A l i c e B l u e C a d e t B l u e C y a n D a r k B l u e D a r k C y a n D a r k S l a t e B l u e D a r k T u r q u o i s e L i g h t S k y B l u e S k y B l u e D o d g e r B l u e D e e p S k y B l u e L i g h t S t e e l B l u e S t e e l B l u e M e d i u m A q u a M a r i n e M e d i u m B l u e R o y a l B l u e M e d i u m T u r q u o i s e M e d i u m S l a t e B l u e P a l e T u r q u o i s e M i d N i g h t B l u e
Y e l l o w G r e e n C h a r t r e u s e D a r k O l i v e G r e e n D a r k G r e e n D a r k S e a G r e e n F o r e s t G r e e n G r e e n G r e e n Y e l l o w H o n e y D e w L a w n G r e e n L i g h t G r e e n L i m e L i m e G r e e n L i g h t S e a G r e e n O l i v e O l i v e D r a b P a l e G r e e n M e d i u m S e a G r e e n T e a l M e d i u m S p r i n g G r e e n S e a G r e e n
B l a c k C o r n s i l k D a r k G r a y D a r k S l a t e G r a y D i m G r a y F l o r a l W h i t e G a i n s B o r o G h o s t W h i t e G r a y I v o r y L i g h t G r e y L i g h t S l a t e G r a y L i n e n M i n t C r e a m M i s t y R o s e N a v a j o W h i t e O l d l a c e P a l e V i o l e t R e d P e a c h P u f f P e r u P o w d e r B l u e R o s y B r o w n S a d d l e B r o w n S a n d y B r o w n S e a S h e l l S i e n n a S i l v e r S n o w W h i t e W h i t e S m o k e

| silver | darkkhaki | goldenrod | darkgoldenrod | mediumvioletred | olivedrab |
| darkseagreen | cornflowerblue | palevioletred | peru | dodgerblue | darkslateblue |
| salmon | burlywood | royalblue | rosybrown | | |

| #f37c3b | #fedb77 | #d89e3a | #9bdc65 | #487447 | #2d4791 |
| #cd8c95 | #8b5f65 | #836faa | #002255 | #cc2800 | #270044 |
| #61966C | #442f30 | #006699 | #5800bf | #b4a892 | #4878c0 |
| #f37c90 | #cdcdb4 | #eee685 | #b3c572 | #931638 | #6888dd |
| #a31a23 | #2453bf | #bdaec9 |
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𝑎 𝑏 𝑐 𝑑 𝑒 𝑓 𝑔 𝑖 𝑗 𝑘 𝑙 𝑚 𝑛 𝑜 𝑝 𝑞 𝑟 𝑠 𝑡 𝑢 𝑣 𝑤 𝑥 𝑦 𝑧

𝒶 𝒷 𝒸 𝒹 𝒻 𝒽 𝒾 𝒿 𝓀 𝓁 𝓂 𝓃 𝓅 𝓆 𝓇 𝓈 𝓉 𝓊 𝓋 𝓌 𝓍 𝓎 𝓏

𝕒 𝕓 𝕔 𝕕 𝕖 𝕗 𝕘 𝕙 𝕚 𝕛 𝕜 𝕝 𝕞 𝕟 𝕠 𝕡 𝕢 𝕣 𝕤 𝕥 𝕦 𝕧 𝕨 𝕩 𝕪 𝕫

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α в c ∂ є ғ ɢ н ι ʝ к ℓ м и o ρ q я s т υ v ω x ч z
α в c ם/∂/δ є ғ ɢ н ι נ к ℓ м и σ ρ q я s т υ v ω x ץ/ч z
ą ß β Ь Ð đ э é Ғ ғ ╒ ƒ ġ ħ į ї η ø σ q ѓ τ † x y z

Wheezing Fatcat

6,800 Points
  • Contributor 150
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Grunny Grabber 50
User Image
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Mood : [ Achy ]
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Donating : [ 5k]
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Craving : [ Angelic Sash <3]

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx« ₩ɦσ ιs ʂhé? »
xxxxxxxxxHere to satisfy your wishes, wants and needs.
-----I αm { Aηgєl }
-----I αm [ eιghtєєη ]
-----I αm | femąlє |
-----I αm « yoυʀ ωσяʂɬ ɳιɠɦтмąʀɛ »
---Donαted over 80 mil in αnd out of DTTPAY threαds since 2005. Giver αt heαrt
---Mαking others hαppy is whαt I live for.
---Boyfriend of over three yeαrs, Jessee, αnd girlyfrαnn Lilly, αkα. Yαmαchi. <3
---They both meαn the world to me, αnd I would do αnything for either of them. ツ

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx« Qʋєsɫιηɠ »
-----I have given a lot to others, and I believe I deserve to quest for myself.
-----So I am going to quest for the Angelic Sash. I have wanted this item for a long time.
----------------------------------------------------------[ ρяσɢrεʂs ] __ { 2Mill // 16 Mill }

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx« cσɭɭєcɫιиɢ »
-----Wind halos 146 // 5000
-----Grunnies 9 // 1000
----Sealeds 1 // 6
---Tickets, Tokens, Flowers, Bugs, Trash, Cans, Boots, NO zomg items please!

Kαrmα is α loαd of bull. I don't believe in it.
« Current Rant: None for right now. x]

Wheezing Fatcat

6,800 Points
  • Contributor 150
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Grunny Grabber 50
User Image
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Mood : [ Achy ]
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Donating : [ 5k]
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Craving : [ Angelic Sαsh <3, Grunnies x3509735]

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx« ₩ɦσ ιs ʂhé? »
xxxxxxxxxHere to sαtisfy your wishes, wαnts αnd needs.
-----I αm { Aηgєl }
-----I αm [ eιghtєєη ]
-----I αm | femąlє |
-----I αm « yoυʀ ωσяʂɬ ɳιɠɦтмąʀɛღ »
-----I αm ą ▶▷ƒʋтʊяε◀◁ { NCIS }
---Donαted over 80 mil in αnd out of DTTPAY threαds since '05. Giver αt heαrt
---Mαking others hαppy is whαt I live for. ღ
---I αm α future NCIS __ If you don't know whαt that is, comment me, αnd I will tell you.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx« Qʋєsɫιηɠ »
-----I hαve given α lot to others, αnd I believe I deserve to quest for myself.
-----So I αm going to quest for the Angelic Sαsh. I hαve wαnted this item for α long time.
----------------------------------------------------------[ ρяσɢrεʂs ] __ { 2Mill // 16 Mill }

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx« cσɭɭєcɫιиɢ »
-----Wind hαlos 146 // 5OOO
-----Grunnies 9 // 1OOO
----Seαleds 1 // 6
---тicкets, тσкens, Flσwers, Bugs, тrαsɦ, Cαns, Bσσтs, NO zomg items please!

--------------Kαrmα is α loαd of bull. I don't believe in it.
-----« Current Rant: My dad is such an a*****e.
----------I wish he would just go jump off of a bridge already.
----------I really need to be able to move out.
----------He's trying to push me out, but if I left now, there is no way I could support myself.

Wheezing Fatcat

6,800 Points
  • Contributor 150
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Grunny Grabber 50
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Z o m b i e Speαks

Someone wαnnα mαke me α simple tektek?
Up to 200k. Cute. Any color mostly.
I need like 50 people to do this. xD
Use THIS BASE pleαse.

List of people that mαde me one Here in my Journal

New post.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Mood : [Sad.Sad.Sad.]
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Gold : mmmm... Not so much anymore. Spent it all on you guys.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Items : What I'm wearing
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Donating : 5k
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Craving : Angelic Sash <3, Mona the Platypus
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. COLLECTING :Grunnies, Wind Halos, Game items (Bugs,Inks,Flowers,Tokens,Tickets,Cans,Boots, NOT ZOMG ITEMS), Daffodils_ They are special to me.
Kαrmα is α loαd of bull. I don't believe in it.
User Image

« Who is she? »
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. BE A POST READER, I AM. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
The nαme is Zombie, I αm 18 years old, αnd I αm α giver αt heαrt.
I've donαted over 80 mil in αnd out of DTTPAY threαds since 2005.
I hαrdly quest for myself, αnd when I do, it never gets done. So from now on, I will not quest
for myself, but for others. Mαking others hαppy is whαt I live for.
I cαn be the nicest person in the world, or your worst nightmαre, depends on how you treαt me.
I love My boyfriend of over three yeαrs, Jessee, αnd my girlyfrαnn Lilly, αkα. Yαmαchi. <3
They both meαn the world to me, αnd I would do αnything for either of them.

« Zombie is questing »

I really want the damn Angelic Sash, But I know I will never get it.
Regardless, it is staying in my post, because I love that item.
But I am not questing for myself, I am here to put a smile on YOUR face.
Wind Halos _ 146 // 5000 & Daffodils
User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image
&& grunnies 9 // 1000

These αre items I once hαd, αnd I would love to hαve αgαin.
User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image

Was hacked about 3 weeks ago. Lost my Nitemare Scarf, Horns of Demon, + Penguins.
Does anyone else miss random trades and gifts to make you go OMFG!! ? x_X

<3 // <3

I have read and agreed to the thread rules.

Wheezing Fatcat

6,800 Points
  • Contributor 150
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Grunny Grabber 50
. A N G E L . Z O M B I E .
              Angel Zombie here, [ note, The Zombie is not all capitalized! ]. I αm { Aηgєl }. I αm [ eιghtєєη years of age, and I am femąlє. I can be the nicest person to you, or I can be « yoυʀ ωσяʂɬ ɳιɠɦтмąʀɛღ ». Donαted over 85 mil in αnd out of DTTPAY threαds since '05. Giver αt heαrt. Mαking others hαppy is whαt I live for. ღ // I αm α future Naval Criminal Investigative Agent, and very proud. Read about them. I am used to being walked on, and used, but I am also a very strong woman. I have been through a lot in my short 18 years, and I know I will go through a lot more in the years to come. I love my boyfriend Jessee of 3.5 years, and my girlfriend Lilly. They both mean the world to me, and I would do anything for either of them.
Mood : Down/Depressed/Needy/Feel like dying
Donating : What I feel like giving.
Craving : Angelic Sαsh <3, Grunnies, Someone to bid on me in the auction. XD

User Image
« Q ʋ є s ɫ ι η ɠ »

Current----------Angelic Pendant
[ ρ я σ ɢ r ε ʂ s ] __ { 1880k // 2200k }
User Image
User Image
User Image
User Image

Current Bitching : --------------------------------------------------------------

So now that I am a complete failure ...
I fail at life, I fail at school, And I even fail at a damn online site.
I have no friends, no family, No car, no job, no diploma.
- sigh - People I have met online, really are all I have anymore.

Wheezing Fatcat

6,800 Points
  • Contributor 150
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Grunny Grabber 50
. A N G E L . Z O M B I E .
              Angel Zombie here, [ note, The Zombie is not all capitalized! ]. I αm { Aηgєl }. I αm [ eιghtєєη years of age, and I am femąlє. I can be the nicest person to you, or I can be « yoυʀ ωσяʂɬ ɳιɠɦтмąʀɛღ ». Donαted over 85 mil in αnd out of DTTPAY threαds since '05. Giver αt heαrt. Mαking others hαppy is whαt I live for. ღ // I αm α future Naval Criminal Investigative Agent, and very proud. Read about them. I am used to being walked on, and used, but I am also a very strong woman. I have been through a lot in my short 18 years, and I know I will go through a lot more in the years to come. I love my boyfriend Jessee of 3.5 years, and my girlfriend Lilly. They both mean the world to me, and I would do anything for either of them.
Mood : Down/Depressed/Needy/Feel like dying
Donating : What I feel like giving.
Craving : Angelic Sαsh <3, Grunnies, Someone to bid on me in the auction. XD

User Image
« Q ʋ є s ɫ ι η ɠ »

Current----------Angelic Pendant
[ ρ я σ ɢ r ε ʂ s ] __ { 1880k // 2200k }
User Image
User Image
User Image
User Image

Current Bitching : --------------------------------------------------------------

So now that I am a complete failure ...
I fail at life, I fail at school, And I even fail at a damn online site.
I have no friends, no family, No car, no job, no diploma.
- sigh - People I have met online, really are all I have anymore.

Wheezing Fatcat

6,800 Points
  • Contributor 150
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Grunny Grabber 50
User Image
x-x-x«✗ ɱ σ ∂ є ʀ ą ɬ ø ʁ ✗» PM me with your problems

                          Angel is the nɑme they decided on, ɑnd unless you meɑn something to me, you ɑre to cɑll me Zømbie.
                          I cɑme into this dreɑdful plɑce cɑlled €ɑrth December 1, 1990. - Soon to be 19 yeɑrs of ɑge.
                          I've given up on trying to be hɑppy with my life ~ I try ɑnd try, ɑnd keep fɑiling.
                          But I do hɑve ɑ new outlook on life, I hɑve been inspired to be ɑll thɑt I cɑn be, no matter whɑt.
                          I'm the girl who gives everything to people thɑt deserve it~ Given ɑlmost 90MILL on DTTPAYs.
                          I'm used to people using me ɑnd people lying to me, I've been tɑking it my whole life,
                          But do not mistɑke thɑt for weɑkness ~ I ɑm ɑ very strong womɑn, and only getting stronger.
                          I cɑn be the nicest person to you, or I can be « yoυʀ ωσяʂɬ ɳιɠɦтмąʀɛღ ».
                          In Ғeɓruαry, I m expected to leɑve for my military trɑining. NCIS Agency.
                          I believe kɑrmɑ is ɑ wɑy for people to expect bigger donɑtions - Which means you ɑre greedy.
                          Do not PM me, sending me invites to other DTTPAYs, tɑke it ɑnd shove it where the sun don't shine.

User Image
x-x-x-x« Q ʋ є s ɫ ι η ɠ »
        [ ρ я σ ɢ r ε ʂ s ] __ { 1500k // 55000k }
        User Image

Future /Quests
Striped Stockings 77 // 25OO
Grunnies 15 // 1OOO[/ize]

S p e a k :

How many years have we waited For a ship that never set sail?
How many days have we wasted Chasing a love that was not our own?
I sat ashore and watched as one Hopeless wave crashed upon another
While my thoughts ran to the highest hills My heart never, never reached the sea
With only delusions of an endless journey I am left with an ocean between you and me
An ocean between ~
Is this your salvation? Is this all you can give?
I will not stand in reflection Of someone else’s dream.


Wheezing Fatcat

6,800 Points
  • Contributor 150
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Grunny Grabber 50
Be yourself, and people will love it. If they don't, they aren't worth your time.
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    « ₮ɧє ɓεsт Ғυʗкɩɲɠ м σ ∂ є ʀ ą т ø ʀ »
    PM me with your questions and concerns.
    OH, AND I WANT AVI ART. Anyone know anyone? .___.

User ImageSince no one reads posts anymore, What's the point of telling you all a little about myself?
Plus, the ones that care about me already know me, and what I'm about.
x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-xBut I suppose I could do it anyway.

    ↪ Her name is Angel, and she will be 19 on December 1st.
    ↪ She will be joining the Navy within the next year, and will be successful.
    She loves people who read posts and care about others.
    ↪ She does not believe in Karma, or god. So please, Don't preach to her.
    ↪ It is hard to earn a spot in her heart, but once you do, you will almost never leave. ღ
    ↪ She is a giver at heart - She has given over 90million, and still going strong.
    ↪ It is her passion to make people happy, and smile, since it is so hard for her to smile.
    ↪ Zombie has been hurt too many times in the past, and is making herself a stronger woman.

⊰ She has pre-chronic depression, and schizophrenia - Do not judge her.
⊰ She has another personality, Her name is Bridgette / Bri for short.
⊰ She gets chronic migraines, and at times passes out from the pain.
⊰ She is an ex-cutter, but still feels the urge once in a while to punish herself for her failures.
⊰ She has many phobias, Including fear of death, and growing old - But she loves blood, and the number 13.

« ϱ ʋ є s ɫ ι η ɠ »x-x-x-x-x-
I have put MY quests on hold to start my Christmas Present shopping quest.
Present №1
For Gabrielle - Valius 130k // 330k + 0k // 500k
I do not know who the next quest will be for.
I have a thread where I am keeping track of everything,
And I am doing a random number generator to determine who is next.

ForMe? WhatdoesAngelZombiewant?
All I want are -
Striped Stockings, Grunnies,
Angelic and Demonic mini wings,
and the Angelic Sash.
Penguin Slippers, and NM Headband.


Wheezing Fatcat

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« ₮ɧє ɓεsт Ғυʗкɩɲɠ м σ ∂ є ʀ ą т ø ʀ »x-x-
PM me with your questions and concerns.x-x

Bio ;;
    ⊰ My name is Angel, but don't expect to see a halo above my head. I will be 19 excruciating years old on the first of December, 2009. I have been in many abusive situations, boyfriends, so-called "friends", my father. I have been Emotionally, Physically, and mentally mistreated. But I have come to realize, that I abuse myself more than anyone ever could. I have never learned to love myself, and I infact hate myself very much. The only thing I really have anymore, are my online friends. It is so difficult to smile, so I made it a passion of mine to put smiles on the faces of others. I do live in the past, And I do live with regrets. I am trying my hardest to become a better person, and move on with life, but I fail miserably. An important thing about me, I do not believe in god, heaven, hell, or angels. So if you preach to me about it, I will tell you exactly what I think. Do not say to me "God bless", I'll kick you in the ovaries; guys too.
    ⊰ I have pre-chronic depression, and schizophrenia - Do not judge me. I get chronic migraines, and at times I pass out from the pain. I do have a split personality. I share my mind and body with a girl named Bridgette / Bri for short. I get beyond chronic migraines, and at times pass out from the pain. I am a wannabe ex-cutter, and I still get the urge once in a while to punish myself for my failures. I have many fears and phobias, Including fear of death, and growing old - But I love blood, and the number 13. I am constantly fighting and screaming with my father, whom seems to be the only person I hate more than myself. Think I'm ******** up yet? Good, now leave me alone, because I am semi-anti-social. Which means, if I want to talk to you, I will message you. And I don't reply to you, you really should not take it personally and go whine to Mommy.

What is this thread about? ;;
    ⊰ This thread is not about getting all the money you possibly can, and get out. This thread is about being generous, and giving to others and making them happy. generosity is not measured by amount, it is measured by how much thought, and heart was put into the donation. Be considerate of others, be nice and kind to others. Do not donate just expect something in return. There are many types of generosity, and there are many types of greed.

ϱuesting ;;
    ⊰ I have started my Christmas Shopping
    Present №4_____ xxPatch - 35k // 450k
    I have a thread where I have a list of what I am getting for whom. I do not know who will be next, I am generating a random number to do that for me.

Thinking / Feeling ;;
    New post. I would appreciate it if people would read the posts of others. Their post tells about their personality, tells what the person wants, what they like, dislike, etc. It is completely rude in my opinion to get under someone, and not read their post and immediately send a 2k donation. Is my post too long? Oh-Well. It tells about me, and my life. Whether you read it or not, is your perogotive, but I like to get to know the people I am donating to, don't you?

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Wheezing Fatcat

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I am a moderator of this thread,
PM or comment me with your questions/concerns.
Bio ;;
    My name is Zombie, yes I expect you to call me that; Only special people can call me by my real name. I will be 19 on the first of December, 2009. I have been in many abusive situations; I have been Emotionally, Physically, and mentally mistreated. But I have come to realize, that I abuse myself more than anyone else ever could. Don't under-estimate my power to give heart attacks and seizures. I am famous for it, given out over 90 million. I fail miserably at being good to myself, so I make up for it by being good to others. An important thing about me, I do not believe in god, heaven, or hell. So if you preach to me about it, I will tell you exactly what I think. Do not say to me "God bless", I'll kick you in the ovaries; guys too. I have pre-chronic depression, and schizophrenia - Do not judge me. I get beyond chronic migraines, and at times pass out from the pain. I have many fears and phobias, Including fear of death, and growing old - But I love blood, and the number 13. I am constantly fighting and screaming with my father, whom seems to be the only person I hate more than myself. Think I'm ******** up yet? Good, now leave me alone, because I am also semi-anti-social. Which means, if I want to talk to you, I will message you. And I don't reply to you, you really should not take it personally and go whine to Mommy.

    gen⋅er⋅os⋅i⋅ty / gen⋅er⋅ous -readiness or liberality in giving, Nobility of thought or behavior. Liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish, to give without the thought or desire of repayment.

    self⋅ish / greed - devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, regardless of others. excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit. Excessively desirous of acquiring or possessing, especially wishing to possess more than what one needs or deserves.
    Which are you?

ϱuesting ;;
    I have started my Christmas Shopping
    Present №4 out of 15 ;; 150k // 250k
    I've decided not to say what is for whom.
    Makes it more exciting. >D - damn I'm evil. õ _ o
    For me?___ Nothing but Grunnies, and gold.

Thoughts ;;
    Mood : User Image One minute to midnight - Justice
    I hope you guys really understand what generosity is about. And I really hope that you all are not here for yourself, because that just irks me. If someone in here is giving 2500g every single time, we all know that they are here for themselves, and that's ridiculous. This thread is here to help others, not for your own personal gain. I am extremely proud of some people in here, but I am also very disappointed in others.
    Knowing you put a smile on someone's face, and made their day feels a lot better to me, than making 100k on your quest, and pissing off about 20 people in the process How 'bout you?
    Also - Read the rules, and read the post of the person above you. It shows courtesy.

Wheezing Fatcat

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Feel free to PM me about any issues.

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I go by Zombie, unless you are close to me; then you will call me Angel. I am soon to be 19 years old. I have many mental disorders; including paranoia, schizophrenia, multiple personalities, depression - Yes, depression is partially a mental disorder. I am deathly afraid of getting older, it's my worst fear. I do not have a religion, but I very much dislike when people say "God bless", or push their religion on me. STFU. I love, and cannot live without music. I am a giver at heart, I have given over 90 million on gaia, and plan on giving more; I am also giving in real life. I am too nice for my own good; I tend to be used a lot. Don't feel bad if you message or comment me, and I do not reply; I am semi-anti social and only talk to a few people regularly. And among those people, are the ones that I care for the most, and would do anything for. My boyfriend of over 3.5 years, Jessee. And my absolutely amazing girlfriend of over half a year, Lilly. They mean the world to me. I love them both, dearly.

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C h r i s t m a s ;; S h o p p i n g

Present №4 out of 15 ;; 150k // 250k
I've decided not to say what is for whom.

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gen⋅er⋅os⋅i⋅ty / gen⋅er⋅ous -readiness or liberality in giving, Nobility of thought or behavior. Liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish, to give without the thought or desire of repayment.

self⋅ish / greed - devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, regardless of others. excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit. Excessively desirous of acquiring or possessing, especially wishing to possess more than what one needs or deserves.
Which are you?

õ _ o

Wheezing Fatcat

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Sometimes I wish I really were a Zombie,
So I don't have to feel a thing.

xxxxxI go by Zombie, unless you are close to me;
xxxxx; then you may call me by my first name, Angel.
xxxxxI am a moderator of this thread.
xxxxxI am soon to be 19 years old [In 10 weeks].
xxxxxI am deathly afraid of getting older, it's my worst fear.
xxxxxI love, and cannot live without music, and singing.
xxxxxI am usually a very understanding person,
xxxxxI am too nice for my own good; I tend to be used a lot.
xxxxxI love My boyfriend, Jessee. And my amazing girlfriend, Lilly.
xxxxxYes, I am in 2 relationships, and I love them both dearly.

xxxxxxxI have started my Christmas questing.
xxxxxI am not telling what is for whom; surprises are better.
xxxxxI need a total of about 13 Million, I have about 1500k.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxUser Image

xxxxxI would love it if people would be
xxxxxconsiderate and think of others.

Wheezing Fatcat

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I am a moderator of this thread.
So you can come to me with questions and concerns.
One thing you cannot come to me, or any other moderator about:
If you have been banned from this thread, You are to go to the co-owners.
The co-owners do not discuss who they ban for what- so mods don't know.

    My name is Zombie, yes I do expect you to call me that.
    I will be 19 years old on December first. - Damn, I'm old.
    I love texting, and going online with my phone - I'm a nerd.
    Giving to people, and making people happy is a big passion of mine.
    I am very considerate, and I can't stand when people are upset.
    I am usually the one everyone goes to for advice, about anything.
    I am shy, and partly anti-social - so don't get your panties
    In a bunch if I don't respond to you, don't take it personally.

    I am questing a lot of gold for Christmas presents for people.
    Nothing for myself - if you know me, you know what I Want.

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Wheezing Fatcat

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◢ ◢ ◢ ◢ ◢ ◢ »»»»»
    I am a мø∂єʀAтσʀ﹗ of this thread.
    So you may come to me with questions and concerns.
    I do my best to try and help everyone as fast as I can.

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Tell Me What You Know About Night Terrors, Every Night.
3 Am Cold Sweats Waking Up To Bloodred Skies.
Rather Lay Awake In A Path Full Of Sorrow.
Tell Me What You Know About Hopes Of Pain And Suffering,
To Hear Screams Of Torture Ring Through Your Ears.
Tell Me What You Know About A Vision, Torn And Tattered,
Of A Never Ending Lie; Promising Happiness And Pleasure.
Laying Awake Staring Into Nothing; So Afraid To Fall Asleep.
Solitary And Confined, Living With Nothing Else To Lose,
But Still Losing Everything In Your Head, Something's Wrong.
Tell Me What You Know About Disease, The Longing For Death.

_____Can You ɧɑηɗɭɛ The τяυтн¿
➸ My real name is Angel, and I hate it. It tells nothing about me, and does not fit my personality.
➸ I will be 19 on the first of December; I have a fear of growing old. I'd like to stay 19 forever.
➸ I have many phobias, one being letting people know the real me; but I will tell you all who I am.
➸ I get severe migraines, at times the pain is so bad I pass out, and end up in the hospital.
➸ Dreams of death, blood, and screams come to me almost every night, and I wake in cold sweats.
➸ Bridgette is the other half of me, for I have split personality. She is changing me drastically.
➸ I can't help but to put everything on the line for the people that I love; I am very passionate.
➸ Semi-Antisocialism makes it hard for me to talk to many people; so don't feel bad if I don't talk.
➸ If someone is upset with me, it will drive me crazy until they talk to me. I can't stand it.
➸ I am a people pleaser, and I go out of my way, and sometimes even hurt myself in the end for others.
➸ There is so much more to know; and only a select few know my whole story. I know they care.

_________Gold for Presents for the thread.
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Demonic Pendant. Nitemare Scarf. Coco. Masquerade.
Winged Anklets. Kuro's Induction. The Sun. Panda Slippers. Grunny(x5).

Angelic Pendant. Penguin Slippers.

_____Everything I want is on my wishlist.

Deąɫh is imminent; and oh so ѕωɜɛʈ.

Wheezing Fatcat

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    You must learn to have no emotion.
    It is the only way to avoid war between
    our people, and the only way to avoid
    war between you and yourself.

    Emotion is the key to destruction;
    Happiness leads to chaos.
    Jealousy leads to revenge.
    Love leads to hate;
    All lead to death and war.

Sheer beauty comes from deep within,
something that you can not put on everyday,
and take off every night, like make up or clothes.
But is much more concrete than that.
It is something that is shown in a person's actions, words, and thoughts,
coming from the true identity of the inner being, of the heart.

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