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Hail Great God Of Terror ::::::: I Miss Your Kisses
G R A Y S O N .::. H A R R I S
𝔅 𝔅 𝔅 don't ever tell me I'm Falling apart 𝔅𝔢𝔠𝔬
i wont tell you xxx-xxxx i wont tell you
𝔅 𝔅 𝔅 𝔅 𝔅 don't ever tell me I will not Survive𝔅𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔦
how can i tell you xxx-xxxx you're falling apart
𝔅 𝔅 𝔅 𝔅 𝔅 Don't ever tell me this Love is a lie𝔅𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔦
open your eyes xxx-xxxx if you wanna survive
𝔅 𝔅 𝔅 𝔅 𝔅 'Cause I am the Lie𝔅𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔦
i can't admit that xxx-xxxx i know what i know

        XXXXTap. Tap. Tap. The harsh click of each step echoed off the bricked walls of the abandoned alley. The dead end a heavy cement wall laughing at the owner of these footsteps. Telling him that he'd once again missed a turn or gone left instead of right. The blue-black haired male was lithe and tall. Simplistic enough in appearance to make the gloomy outward appearance seem flattering. Both eyes became hidden beneath the veil of hair as he tilted his head towards the ground. He was tired of getting lost within these dark alleyways. Tired of walking with only flickering lights and the stink of mold. The dampness had lost it's charm to him already.

        XXXXTwo steps further and he'd run straight into the wall. He turned and walked ten steps back the way he came before turning and dashing forward. He should have crashed into the solid cement with a resounding smack, instead there was only the sound of air passing by, rushing up the wall and hitting the ground. The lithe form appeared on the other side, kneeling with one hand pressed upon the ground. He rose to his feet with a lanky and slow formed motion. Dusting his hands off on his jeans he walked out into the light of the mainstreet.

        XXXXFinding himself within another alley he slouched his shoulders. Tilting his head up to the rain his hair fell off one of his eyes. He inhaled sharply and watched the water droplets fall from the dark gray sky. He was surprisingly not as wet as he should have been for how long he'd been walking. The cool water hit his skin and was absorbed almost immediately. It caused a small twitch at the edge of his lips before he continued walking. He felt like a warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate and something sweet to go with it.

        XXXXIt took him another ten minutes before he finally came to a main street, or what might be called a main street in this part of town. He was still in the shadey side of town. His footsteps stopped and he looked from one side to the next. It wasn't a coffee shop, but there was a tavern of sorts. A bar and inn. The Dark Dream. It was a meeting place most of the time, or a hiring station. There were always dirty jobs to be done, they just advertised them. Grayson knew for a fact that it served hot chocolate and meat pies.

        XXXXHe didn't have to open the door, it flew open as a body was flung out of it. The attacker of the poor soul stood in the doorway and nearly dropped his jaw when he laid eyes upon the youngman. "Uh, sorry Gray I was jus' tak'en out the trash." The man held the door for him and watched as he moved to an empty table near one of the boarded up windows. A young waitress came up to him with a smirk on her lips. "You back again? I thought you were lookin' for someone? Well nevermind that. I'll be back with your usual in just a flick of my tail." Her fox tail flicked back and forth a moment before she skittered off to get his order.
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How does it feel when Tℨaℜs freeze
↓↓ When you ℂrӌ?
The [̲̅b̲̅][̲̅l̲̅][̲̅o̲̅][̲̅o̲̅][̲̅d̲̅] in your veins is below.

Sitting in this room ℙlayιиɢ Russian roulette
Finger on the trigger to my Deaℜ Juliet
Out from the window see her back drop sillhouette
This [̲̅b̲̅][̲̅l̲̅][̲̅o̲̅][̲̅o̲̅][̲̅d̲̅] on my ℍɑɳɗsis something I cannot forget

              Something cαииσт [̲̅f̲̅] [̲̅o̲̅] [̲̅r̲̅] [̲̅g̲̅] [̲̅e̲̅] [̲̅t̲̅]

                                    The basement of a set of flats was normally used as a storage area. However it had been converted into an extra flat upon special request. While it still looked like a basement it was much more then that. There were hundreds of painted canvas around, and a wall of unused cavas. Currently Jace was finishing a charcoal sketch as he sat on the stool infront of the easel. He wasn't sure how long he'd been down there, when the last time he ate was, or even what day it was that day. He didn't mind that really, after all he was doing what was in his nature. He finished the sketch and reached over into the paint bin to grab the colors he needed. Only to find that he was out of white pain and gray. That meant he couldn't very well make gray. He needed it, this was a special request painting and without the paint he wouldn't get it done in time.

                                    Jace walked over to a dresser and moved the large canvas that was in front of it. He grabbed a black blindfold that was on top of it. Closing his bright swirling eyes he wrapped it over them. It was a safety measure that's all. He could see fine, but his eyes were dangerous to others. So he kept them blindfolded. He couldn't see through it, but he didn't have to be able to. He was just going to go to the art store and then come back. Well he might stop and pick up some take out on the way home. He figured it would probably be a good idea to eat sometime.

                                    He left his flat in the perfect time to see his neighbor being yelled at by someone. If there was one thing Jace couldn't stand, it was a woman being picked on. "Excuse me sir..." He patted the man on the shoulder. "...I believe your car is rolling down the hill." The man scoffed and turned to look, just in time to see his car about to crash into a police car. "s**t!"

                                    Jace crouched down to look at the woman who was sitting on the ground. "Are you hurt?" He extended a hand to her. The golden retriever pressed it's nose into his hand and licked his wrist. Jace pat her and ruffled her fur. "Please take more care in the future." He stood and the dog began following him. Jace didn't mind at all. He even walked next to her and spoke to her while they went.

                                    He came across a pack of pups who were abandoned in the alley near the shop. He kneeled down and rubbed their small head. They were thin and obviously hungry. "Please be patient for a moment. I'll return. Mi'lady would you be so kind as to watch over them?" The golden retriever went and laid next to them to keep them warm. Jace went to a small bread store nearby and got a few sandwiches. He took them back to the dogs and tore them into pieces, putting them on a few plates.

                                    He was simply sitting with the pack of dogs when he heard the unmistakable sound of a drunk. He stood up and turned in the direction of the sound. The pack of drunks sounded familiar, most likely someone he'd had to teach a lesson to before. It only took a few moments before a fight broke out. Jace didn't attack them at all. He kept them away from the dogs and dodged their attacks. He wasn't one to fight.

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    Name:Jace Curiou Age: looks about 26 Race:Leane Sidhe / Lupen Sexuality: Bisexual
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seems I'm falling deeper

feels like I'm growing weaker
          Along the path to

      ℂ ℍ ℑ ℕ ℤ ℑ Macabre

✖ ☂ ✖ ✖ ☂ ✖ The streets were full of life at almost any time. There was always fights and the smell of blood filling every alley way or main street even. This town was choas, but it was also a nice sweet place. It was an eclectic place and perfect for the strange creatures that inhabit it. Diversity was not lacking in this city.

✖ ☂ ✖ ✖ ☂ ✖ Chinzi lived in one of the oldest homes in the city. She took pride in how well it was kept. Even if she was the only one living there anymore. Her family had passed away or moved, leaving her the home. She enjoyed taking care of it, but it was a very large house. She spent quite a while out of the building. Chinzi liked shopping, especially grocery shopping. She loved going to the outdoor market and then to the organic foods store. She often times got too much for one person, but that was never a problem. She had baffled the shop owners by putting all of her groceries into one bag. It wasn't bulding or breaking in any way.

✖ ☂ ✖ ✖ ☂ ✖ She walked everywhere and enjoyed it quite a bit. She looked around for trouble, not to avoid it, but rather to prevent it. If she saw it, she couldn't just walk away from it. And you could always find it.

✖ ☂ ✖ ✖ ☂ ✖ Today she stumbled upon a mugging. Some bully of a man had knocked out a woman and was stealing everything. Chinzi felt disgust towards him. She set her bag down and took a few steps forward. Her highheels clicking against the alley street. "How desperate you must be....how pitiful." The man whirled around and grinned. No doubt thinking he'd found a new target when he saw the fancy black ruffled dress and the jewelry that she wore. "You walked down the wrong alley, weren't you ever taught to stay out of the dark streets?" He pulled a small knife out.

"I don't fear the dark."

✖ ☂ ✖ ✖ ☂ ✖ She kneeled next to the knocked out girl. The man was now hanging from a wire that seemed attached to a balcony. His face was filled with horror and there were black hand prints covering most of his skin and clothing. Chinzi put the jewelry back on the woman and rolled up her coat making a pillow for her. She found the cellphone and dialed 911. "Hello, yes, I'd like to report a crime..."

✖ ☂ ✖ ✖ ☂ ✖ She left the alley before the cops could get there and picked up her groceries once more. Dusting off her dress she stood at the corner of the cross walk waiting for the light to turn to walk. Leaving the whimpering man in the alley. He began shouting for help, something about saving him from the devil. Chinzi ignored him.
Name: Chinzi Macabre the 3rd Age:87, but looks 19 Race: Shade Sexuality:Straight
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F O L L A N ✖ G E O R G E
          мє now

ιғ ӌou aℜe commit[̲̅c̲̅][̲̅r̲̅][̲̅i̲̅][̲̅m̲̅][̲̅e̲̅]
      мє now

ⓓⓞ яєαℓℓч like ɱʏ ⓈⒽⓄⓌ

            Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here. Testing the text that goes here.

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.is it love

.or just a curse

.do you feel good

.when I hurt

Daniel Johanson

                  Daniel was waiting for the train. She'd just gotten off of work at the cafe and was on her way home. She was planning on getting changed and then maybe going out to one of the dance clubs or something. She didn't have to work tomorrow and she didn't go to school anymore. Which meant she planned on having one hell of a night and then sleeping all day tomorrow. Or lazing about watching a movie. "Maybe I could catch a late night movie?" Though that seemed like it might be boring to go by herself. Her friends probably already had plans, most likely illegal ones. Daniel sighed lightly and shrugged. There was no reason to be depressed, she was going to have fun one way or another.

                  Speak of the devils and they will appear. Suddenly there was the sound of shouting. Daniel looked up and the crowd was parting like the red sea. A group of thugs in red coats and masks came running down hooping and hollaring. She shook her head and thought about stepping out of the way, but it was too late. "Oiy! Joe!" One of them ran up to her and firmly recieved a fist to the face. "I told you to never call me that again." She warned and put a boot on his chest. "I thought I'd told you guys to stop doing stupid things in public." The guy put his hands up and shook his head. "S-sorry! We were just having fun..." Daniel removed her shoe and walked around him.

                  She walked left them to their own devices and looked around. She couldn't see a clock from there. She tapped a red head guy on the shoulder. "Hey, do you know what time it is?" She asked politely. Daniel was acting like there wasn't a group of five gangster helping their friend up and then staring at her.

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Name: Daniel Johanson Race: Human Age: 19 Sexuality: Straight

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