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                Donovan had been pretty damn sure that Melissa would believe him when he said the book was magic. So sure, in fact, that he didn’t know what to say or do when she said she didn’t believe in magic at all. She would much rather believe it was a prank than real magic, it turned out, and while Donovan would have liked to think so too, he knew magic when he saw it. But he was stupid to be sure she would recognize magic too, because he had only just remembered he was from a completely different world from the one they lived in now. She could be completely oblivious to magic or other worlds entirely!

                Besides, the both of them were scientists. They believed in provable facts and theories, and any other phenomenon was just something science hadn’t caught up to yet. That’s what he used to believe anyways, and maybe it was still true. Magic might be explainable if they studied it enough. But Donovan wasn’t about to start up that kind of research now, especially since it still scared the bajeesus out of him like an incoming squall.

                Melissa didn't spend much time debating herself about it, and eventually firmly stated that she didn't believe in magic. Donovan bit his lip to keep from arguing like some crazy person. She went on anyways, launching into a story about her lost memories.

                Donovan listened quietly, his face growing more disbelieving the longer she went on. It couldn't be. She had lost five years, just like him. She'd struggled to find a new place without knowing who she was before, just like him. So...did that mean she too came from somewhere else...just like him?

                Finally, she used her memory loss to discount the idea of magic entirely, and as much as Van wanted to shout that she was wrong, he couldn't do that without proof. But now that he knew there was a chance she was like him, he could find some. He could find out who she was and help her recover the memories, just like he planned to do for Colette! The only problem was where to start.

                Donovan was still silently contemplating everything when Melissa threw in an embarrassed apology. He put on a not very convincing smile and shook his head. "No, I'm glad you told me. It sounds...lonely," he said, smile already fading as he looked back through the windshield. He knew exactly what she was talking about, he'd gone through the same thing, and yet he couldn't console her the way he wanted to. He'd be able to tell her soon, when he figured everything out. When he figured out how to figure everything out. "And you're probably right, just someone playing a prank,"

                They finally arrived, and Donovan pulled up to the parking lot full of expensive cars. Melissa practically jumped out of the car when they stopped, yet Donovan still took a moment as he tried to compose himself. Yes, his life was getting more complicated by the hour, but he still had to get through this party. "Okay, Donovan-Eric, pull it together," he muttered, grabbing the golden embossed mask from the backseat and following Melissa out of the car.

                “The dean must be waiting for us," she chimed, leaving behind any conversation of magic and memory loss.

                "Yeah, considering the man is practically an hour early for everything," Donovan chuckled, trying to recover some of his usual cheer before they got in the door. He offered an elbow to Melissa once again, prepared to escort her to the masquerade like a gentleman. "I'm counting on you to make me look good, Lisa. You owe me, since you never asked me out in university," he joked with a slightly devious grin. Yeah, even with everything going on he'd definitely heard her admit she'd had a crush in school. He had had one too, but he wanted to tease her about it a bit before revealing that tidbit. "You could have been making me look way better all these years and yet you've deprived me."

                With a disapproving click of his tongue, Donovan proceeded to lead Melissa inside, where the party was already in full swing. Everything and everyone was so glitzy that Donovan was suddenly glad he was forced into a costume that was a little more regal. After a quick scan of the room, Donovan had pinpointed the dean standing next to a middle aged couple. "There, I see the Dean," Donovan pointed out to Melissa before leading her that way.

                The dean then greeted the two of them as he saw their approach. "Ah, wonderful! Mr. Everett, you have perfect timing!" he said heartily, introducing the couple next to him as the parents of his new charge. He shook their hands with a smile.

                "Dean, you remember Melissa, of course," Donovan introduced, not forgetting his manners. That is, until he noticed the creepy magical book on the floor next to his "date". "Fuu--uuuhaaa great, everyone's all caught up, now where's this Alice of yours I'm supposed to meet I'm so excited to meet her." And get the ******** away from that book.


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                As it turned out, Ms. Li was surprisingly easy to aggravate. To defend herself from his accusations, she gave a long, boring speech full of religious nuttery and some words that were apparently meant to convince him she was morally unimpeachable. As false as it was - because Kato could prove anyone had skeletons in their closet when his grubby little fingers started digging around - he did very much like that she so adamantly defended herself. it was fun, just like her obvious objections to his costumes, carefully picked out in preparation for this very meeting.

                It was too bad he couldn't tease her about these things anymore than he already had. She was already riled up enough to satisfy his hunger for conflict, and he feared if he continued to antagonize her without showing any of his cards she'd leave. The proof that he offered was enough to hold her there for now, but her disdain for him was quickly becoming a factor against him. Genevieve would be unhappy if he chose to test Ms. Li's patience rather than make use of her gift, and though he didn't care much for making others happy, he did care a great deal about keeping his connections alive. Genevieve was a connection that was just too good to risk.

                "Aah, what is it they say? Patience is a virtue, darling," he purred with a charming smile. Not that any amount of charm would work the slightest on Ms. Li, especially following such a condescending statement. He finished his champagne, set the glass on the tray of a passing server, then reached his slim fingers into his breast pocket to snag the photo still safely tucked away there.

                "I believe you'll recognize the individuals in this photo." Kato chuckled, flicking the thing up in front of his face so she could see it clearly, though he held it nowhere near her reach. How foolish would he be to simply hand over such a valuable piece of information? He didn't operate on charity."You office neighbor Mr. Caldwell has been spending some late nights at the office, has he not?"

                He lowered the photo, holding up the book still clutched in his other hand and slipping the image between the pages. "Ah, well...I suspect they'll both be...getting off easy, shall we say. Unless you choose to do something about it, Ms. Li," he chuckled. Hopefully it would be enough to hold her for now. But if it wasn't, she would have to leave without the proof and Kato couldn't imagine that knowing such information would sit right with her for long. kato hoped that the thought of a suspect in a murder case - or a murderer, if you asked Kato for his opinion - and a married lawyer getting a little wild in the elevator of Ms. Li's building would be enough to turn her stomach and force her into action.

                "I wonder if she pays him for his legal advice, or if Mr. Caldwell's lax with his fees because she finds others ways to repay him, " Kato speculated, playfully trying to implant other wrongs to escalate the situation. "Speaking of payments, though, I do hope you don't think I'm going to hand this over without a proper reward. Since you are so keen to put me in league with the devil for my silly costume, I think I should act like one. And devils make deals."



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                                ■ □ Name :: Kato Chesney

                                ■ □ Nickname(s) :: Kat

                                ■ □ Age :: Unknown

                                ■ □ Gender :: Male

                                ■ □ Sexual Orientation :: Unknown

                                ■ □ Occupation :: Actor/Interloper

                                ■ □ Home District :: Wonderland

                                ■ □ Object :: Porcelain teacup with decorative cats in pastel colours.

■ □ Appearance

      Height :: 5'8"
      Weight :: 140 lbs
      Hair :: Sometimes brown, sometimes blonde, sometimes white.
      Eyes :: Bright blue
      Extra :: Two piercings on his left earlobe.

Kato is surprisingly elegant and graceful for one of his social status. He carries himself like an aristocrat, always standing tall and confident, and always with a hint of judgement in his expression. He always smiles, from lopsided smirks to toothy grins, as though he knows something no one else does. His overall appearance may seem a bit disheveled, his hair long and clothing rumpled, but he's especially particular about hygiene and grooming. He likes colour, and changes his hair frequently from darker browns all the way up to platinum blonde depending on his whim.

■ □ Personality

      Alignment :: Neutral
      Fears :: Being attacked or eaten by wild animals, infectious diseases, servitude

Kato is complete mystery to most people, and a strange individual to those who claim to know him. He seems to be lacking in good traits - things like loyalty, kindness, empathy, or gratitude - that one would normally require in a friend or ally, and he takes great joy in the state of isolation this puts him in. The people who chance a relationship with him are exposed to all of his flaws almost instantly, for towards anyone Kato will smile even if he's spewing out insults, but especially those he likes. People think him cruel because he treats people with arrogant detachment, and enjoys seeing people get riled up. It's difficult to tell whether or not he's being serious, and often the things he says are purposefully obscure. He can only do this because of his high intelligence, but he's too lazy to do anything real with his mind. He's not interested in academics, getting a real job, or making money. He's simply interested in people and the interesting details of their lives.

If there is a task that can be done by someone else, Kato will convince them to do it for him. He'll deceive and lie to get out of anything he doesn't want to do, and he's become quite effective at it. For someone who doesn't like to get involved, though, Kato sure knows a lot about the people who are. He makes it his business to observe, collect information, and figure out everything about everyone. If there's one thing Kato will put effort into, it's ******** with people.

■ □ Likes
      Knitted sweaters
      Giving advice
      Knowing things
      Warm places - sunbeams, beds, etc
      Caffeinated beverages

■ □ Dislikes
      Smart people
      Humorless people
      Hard work

■ □ History

      Before ::

During the turbulent times under the rule of the Red Queen, the lives of every inhabitant of Wonderland changed except for that of the Cheshire Cat. While the atmosphere was much more relaxed before her violent rise, Cheshire found that even under the oppression of a dictator he was generally left to his own devices, just as he liked it. Perhaps it was because his abilities allowed him to avoid punishment even when he caused trouble, leaving the queen completely helpless in containing him.

Part of his freedom was owed to the fact that Cheshire stayed out of the conflict, remaining perfectly neutral. Though some considered him a friend, he didn't feel as though he owed allegiance to any being in Wonderland, and simply acted on his own accord in a way that best benefited himself. When he got bored, he played pranks. When he felt lonely, he sought a hand to stroke his head. And when he felt curious? Well, then he pawed around collecting information, nosing his way into the business of others until the conditions got too dangerous. Then he would flee, scampering back into the safety and comfort of his favourite napping spot in the Tulgey Woods.

Things changed when Alice appeared. Even the woods were buzzing with the news, so Cheshire, naturally, felt the need to engage with the little girl. She was small, blonde, and so very new to Wonderland's ways when he happened upon her, but Cheshire found her strangely endearing. Despite himself, he guided her, helped her, and got somewhat mildly involved in the politics he preferred to stay out of.

Most importantly - because all of that overthrowing the queen business was just a happy coincidence - he had plenty of fun during the adventure, and collected a wealth of new information. Once it had passed, his taste for everyone dwindled, and he fully planned on returning to his personal playground in the Tulgey Woods. Yet, the trees were unsettled and the winds blew stories of unrest in other lands to his ears. Some ominous power pressed in on Wonderland, seeping into the relaxed air that had returned to them. Curiosity won over his tiredness, and so Cheshire ventured outside of Wonderland to seek answers.

He found them in a distant place, though disappointingly, it was all messy politics and raging wars. For the most part he watched silently as castles burned and great magic swept across entire kingdoms, creating havoc and chaos. Now, the red queen may not have had a significant impact on his life, but surely something of this caliber would ruin his perfectly happy existence. In order to save at least himself, Cheshire attempted to strike a deal with the evil force, and yet found no compromise could be made. With that failure, he next went to the council of good forces, convening to discuss a way to deal with the threat. As he prowled silently in the background, he became privy to the plan of the council though could do nothing to stop them.

They were going to interrupt his life and the life of everyone to save themselves.

How troublesome.

      After ::

Kato woke up in a garbage bin, covered in bulky plastic bags, discarded with last night's dinner. He was surrounded by the sounds of blaring horns, yelling people, and mewing stray cats, picking at the scraps left behind by human beings. Kato crawled out of the garbage, only to find himself surrounded by unfamiliar things on every side. He was disoriented, confused, and didn't know...anything. He suffered a panic attack right there on the street.

No one gave him a second look, until the authorities came to pick him up. They debated whether to take him to an orphanage, a hospital, or a mental institution, for his behavior was erratic and he spouted sentences that could only be interpreted as madness. Eventually he calmed, yet he could still give them no answers about his parentage, his home, or even his name. Deciding it to be the best course of action, they dropped him off at a medical clinic.

There, Kato was accompanied the entire time by a kind nurse, who talked to him, eventually making him feel comfortable enough to ask questions about everything. The woman either liked him, or pitied him, but eventually decided to foster him until his family came for him. He took up residence in her apartment, a humble place in 'Wonderland', close to clinics and help homes for the homeless and addicts. Though his nurse tried to teach him about empathy and helping those less fortunate, Kato simply didn't care. Rather, in the time he was forced to spend with those unfortunate souls, he pried into their lives until he knew absolutely everything there was to know, then when he became bored, proceeded to badger and tease ruthlessly. Otherwise, he wandered, he observed, he made connections, and though he regained none of the memories he'd lost, he forged a place for himself on the sidelines.

Eventually he thought it prudent to seek some sort of income, which seemed to be the blood of the city. At least from what he'd gathered, it was those in Gold's Square that held the power and promise, and everyone from that district had that one thing in common: they were filthy, stinkin' rich. Still, endeavoring to get to that position would require far too much work, and so he became an actor instead. After all, deception was easy for him, and mixed with his eccentric nature and lust for drama it seemed to be the perfect fit. He easily secured a few jobs at a live theater in Central City, though they often complained - and still do complain - of his unreliability. On the side, however, Kato can still be seen slinking around every and all manner of places, expanding his understanding of the people around him, and learning how to control people in just the right way to get what he wants without the need for monetary wealth.

■ □ Relationships

      Knoll ::

      Bellamy :: Wet dog smell.

      Malachi :: Would look good in animal print.

      Mila :: Ominous. Reminds me of someone.

      Kizzy :: Tricksy minx.

      Finn ::

      Guan Yin :: Pretty office, ugly woman.

      Nick ::

      Colette ::

      Donovan :: Makes me hungry.

      Veronica ::

      Ivy ::

      Adelaide :: Charming. Wonderful mind.

      Percy :: Growing boy, you don't fool me. You don't even fool yourself.

      Tink :: Can you figure out what I broke?

      Leopold ::


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                                                          ❃═━┈_Thane Kingston
                                                          ❃═━┈_Twenty One
                                                          ❃═━┈_The Shrewd Prince's Advisor
                                                          ❃═━┈_Girl Chosen: Ava Eliza Fairfax

                                                          Thane was always a clever boy, and his charismatic manipulations and aptitude earned him his role at royal court. As the second son to an aristocratic family, he had endless time to cultivate his strong intellect and play with the people around him like chess pieces in order to hone his charm. He is arrogant, vain, and sometimes insensitive, as he was always raised under the belief that nobles born at such a high status as he were entitled to much better treatment than common folk. However, despite his many shortcomings, he is pleasant and charming to the people he believes are worthy, and this earned him many friendships at the top of the hierarchy. As friend and adviser to the prince, he naturally wanted to seek out the best match for the prince when the king brought forth his request, and so felt wary when the idea of a bet arose. However, his pride couldn't let him turn down such a competition, and he agreed with full confidence that he would come out the winner of their high stakes game.

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Thane Kingston
The Shrewd Prince's Advisor

tab tab tab Twenty One tab tab tab December 9th tab tab tab Male tab tab tab 5'10" tab tab tab 160 lbs tab tab tab Prince's Advisor

tab tab tab Girl tab Chosen
        Ava Eliza Fairfax


tab tab tab Personality

        Proud, manipulative, charismatic, intelligent, cunning, pleasant, charming, arrogant, insensitive, vain, competitive.

tab tab tab Biography

        Second son, entitled family, magnanimous older brother, lots of free time, studied, became adviser because of aptitude.


tab tab tab Likes

        tab Feel Free to Add More

tab tab tab Dislikes

        tab Feel Free to Add More

tab tab tab Fears

        tab Feel Free to Add More


tab tab tab Additional tab Information



tab tab tab Puppet tab Master




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                                ■ □ Name :: Donovan Luca Everett

                                ■ □ Nickname(s) :: Van

                                ■ □ Age :: Twenty Five

                                ■ □ Gender :: Male

                                ■ □ Sexual Orientation :: Heterosexual

                                ■ □ Occupation :: Aquarist at the local aquarium

                                ■ □ Home District :: Mermaid's Wharf

                                ■ □ Object :: Anchor shaped cuff links

■ □ Appearance

      Height :: 6'0"
      Weight :: 175 lbs
      Hair :: Dark brown
      Eyes :: Medium brown
      Extra :: Nah.

Donovan is tall, toned, and tanned. He spends what time he can outside on the docks or beaches, and the bronzed colour of his skin reflects this. He's constantly active, whether in his spare time or at work, so his body is slim and toned. Small scars mark his skin in various places from little accidents, like getting nipped by fish or battered around with equipment. His dark hair is always slightly tousled, and he prefers to keep a small amount of scruff on his face. As for his clothing, he prefers fabrics that are light and comfortable, with bright or pastel colours. He's very comfortable in his own skin. Let's face it, when you spend a lot of time in a skin-tight scuba suit, you get used to people seeing your curves and crevices.

■ □ Personality

      Alignment :: Good.
      Fears :: Storms, fire, fainting.

Donovan is a good-natured and down to earth person. He's easy going and relaxed, and spends much of his time doing the things that he loves. When he finds a goal, he'll work hard as long as there is some pleasure in it for him, but is not hesitant to give up in favor of something that offers a new, more promising reward. Still, he's very moral and honorable, so it would be difficult to convince him to do anything outside the bounds of what he considers right. He certainly has a sense of heroism and chivalry, and he idolizes the traditional traits of brave, courageous men who rescue damsels in distress though he doesn't exactly possess all the qualities of a hero himself.

Donovan can be a bit spacey. He's an intelligent person, at least when it comes to the things he loves, but he gets lost in daydreams and fantasies that break his focus. He believes in grand, romantic gestures, timeless relationships, and big adventures. When it comes to meeting other people though, and really putting himself out there, he can shy away a bit despite all of his grand notions. He interacts well with animals - fish and marine life in particular - but when it comes to human contact he can get quite bashful. This is in part because he doesn't see his own compassion and good nature very clearly, and instead sees himself as a clumsy, awkward sort of person.

■ □ Likes
      Sunny days
      Sailing, surfing, and water sports
      Fish and marine animals
      Slushy drinks
      Bright colours
      Salty snacks
      Romantic sunsets
      Beautiful singing

■ □ Dislikes
      Being trapped inside
      Red meats
      Octopi and squid
      Aggressive personalities

■ □ History

      Before ::

As a prince, there were many expectations placed on Donovan in regards to his life and his choices. In a seaside country, he was of course to get to know the waters that surrounded their kingdom, and the way that the people used their environment to earn a good living. As a boy he learned about fishing, sailing, and shipping, as well as the myths and tales that were passed among those who worked in the trades. Donovan always found the story of Atlantica to be more intriguing than the rest, and the very idea that mer-people lived in the depths was simply fascinating. After all, he had become a bit of an enthusiast for the marine life that surrounded them, memorizing the names of species and collecting a few to bring back to the palace as pets.

As he grew older, the expectations surrounding him changed. He was less able to be a part of the bustle and action of seafaring life, and was instead instructed in leadership and politics. Most importantly of all, he was groomed for marriage and set off to find a woman that would be his bride and queen. Not wanting to be a disappointment to his parents, Donovan did exactly as he was told, but in his spare time he couldn't be kept from the call of the sea and the enjoyment he found in being near or in the water.

Several years passed since he began his search for a wife, and though many girls were beautiful, witty, and intelligent, he knew that there was someone out there more perfectly suited to him than they. The perfect woman. Unfortunately it took a great tragedy for him to discover her.

On his twentieth birthday, Donovan set out on a boat trip to celebrate with his friends. It was a time of merriment and fun, especially for Donovan who felt cooped up for too long and hopeless in his marriage prospects. However, once they had gotten far out to sea, a great storm rolled in over the waves, crashing against the boat and pelting them with heavy rain. Lightning stuck the waters around them, getting steadily closer until it hit the stern of the ship, cracking off bits and pieces and setting the rest alight with flames. A jolly party turned into a nightmare, where the seafarers rushed to save who and what they could just to make it out of the storm alive. Donovan helped his friends get to the lifeboats, but in the process was thrown overboard and knocked unconscious by pieces of falling debris.

Donovan awoke to a sweet sound, a woman's voice singing and revitalizing his very soul. He never truly saw her, spoke to her, or discovered any detail, but he just knew that the one who had sung so sweetly to him was the woman he'd been searching for. From then he began a wild search, a desperate search to find his perfect bride. In that time he rescued a little stray of his own, an auburn-haired mute who had washed up one the shore. He knew nothing about this strange girl, who seemed foreign to the ways of his land, yet curious about every small thing. Every small quirk made him ever more interested in getting to know her, until he found himself beginning to lose track of the woman he'd thought was his soul mate.

When a great evil rose up, with war and terror spreading ever closer to their peaceful, ocean-side kingdom, Donovan no longer had time for the conflicting feelings that developed within him. His father ventured to a kingdom to the west to attend a council where monarchs from across distant lands all gathered to discuss a solution for this unspeakable evil, while Donovan was left to tend to the kingdom and defend their home. The kingdom was locked down, armed and prepared to defend, and yet, the onset of violence overwhelmed them. A magic unlike anything Donovan could have ever imagined soon surrounded them, enveloped them, and finally...there was nothing.

      After ::

Donovan awoke in a warm bed, with light creeping in partially shaded windows and the smell of food wafting through the room. He couldn't place where he was, nor who he was or had been. An older couple approached him quite soon, and he was told they had found him washed up on the shores of Mermaid's Wharf, looking battered and in need of help. Donovan didn't wish to inconvenience them further, but under their insistence, he stayed in their care for several weeks. They had their own children, grown up and gone, who rarely visited or paid their own parents much attention, and so they gladly accepted Donovan into their home to fill the gap of loneliness.

The woman, as it turned out, worked at the city aquarium, and began to bring Donovan to accompany her during her work. This sparked a keen interest from him, one that the woman nurtured by letting him take up a simple job there. With funds in his pocket, Donovan soon had enough to attend classes at the university to learn about aquaculture and marine sciences and work towards a degree that would let him become a full time employee.

Over four years he earned the degree he wanted, allowing him a real job at the aquarium. He moved out on his own and began trying to create a life for himself. After the first year without regaining his memories, he knew it was unrealistic to expect them to return, and so he decided it would be better if he simply moved on and started to find a joy in the fresh start he had been granted.

■ □ Relationships

      Knoll Moreau :: xxxxxxx

      Bellamy Walsh :: xxxxxxx

      Tesla Katze :: xxxxxxx

      Kizzy Grey :: xxxxxxx

      Josephine de Beaumont :: xxxxxxx

      Finnigan Hader :: xxxxxxx

      Noelle O' Reilly :: xxxxxxx

      Sciola Tar'ea :: xxxxxxx

      Colette Lovelle :: xxxxxxx

      Tobias Greene :: xxxxxxx

      Zylix Rinari :: xxxxxxx

      Percival Penn :: xxxxxxx

      Tracy Blaire :: xxxxxxx

      Erikson Darling :: xxxxxxx


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                            PRINCE ERIC

                            Donovan Everett Twenty Five Heterosexual
                            Confident Heroic Romantic Friendly Accident prone
                            Gold Square Samples: (Put a URL for your samples here.)



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    ___"Wanna play a game with me?"_____ToppyTippers
    ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ♕ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
    ____________███_THE TEDDY BEAR ▬▬ sugihara, masato first year sixteen
          "As an eternal optimist, it's rare to see you without a smile on your face and a hop in your step. You're always playing games or asking questions, like a child who needs to be constantly occupied. It's a good thing there are plenty of people around to entertain you! You're most comfortable around others anyways, and are certainly not shy to show a little bit of affection."


    User Image
            SUGIHARA, MASATO░░░░ ♕♔ ░░

        THE TEDDY BEAR )__▬▬__ 5' 4" __ 130 LBS __ SIXTEEN __ MALE __ HE/HIM ________________ ToppyTippers


        Masato is an all-around cheery boy and he’s singularly interested in having fun. As an optimist, it’s hard to get him down about anything, so he is rarely seen without a warm smile. He’s outgoing, chatty, and most at ease when he’s surrounded by other people, so he makes friends quickly and easily. Emotionally he is trusting and gets attached to others very quickly, which leaves him open to great friendships, but also great disappointments when the feeling is not reciprocated. With those he likes, he openly shows his affection through frequent physical contact and praise.

        Masato lacks focus and discipline to do well in his studies, but he’s actually fairly clever. He’s especially good at things that satisfy his boundless curiosity and need to be constantly entertained. He likes puzzles, riddles, and games, though nothing that takes extensive time and makes him lose interest. When he gets bored, he can get a bit crafty and mischievous in finding ways to gain attention because he doesn’t like to be alone for too long. Alongside his need for constant attention comes a vanity from being given extensive amounts of praise on his looks throughout his life. Now he continues to seek the validation he’s always received to fuel his ego.

              _"Wanna play a game with me?"

                          ▬▬ *BIOGRAPHY
                      Masato is the youngest of three boys born to a busy couple. He received most of his laid back traits from his father, a simple tax accountant. Is mother, on the other hand, is high strung, intelligent, and often strict, putting Masato at odds with her high expectations. As the youngest of his siblings, Masato received a lot of attention in his childhood for his looks and his sharp ability with problem solving. However, as he grew older he was often compared to his brothers in every way, especially in intellect, of which both of his brothers excelled. It soon became clear that Masato didn’t have the same aptitude for studying that the other two had, and that he took after his less driven and determined father instead. Masato’s mother devoted more of her attention to her successful, older sons, leaving Masato feeling like a disappointment.

                      With a world of differences between Masato’s mother and father, it came as no surprise when they announced their intentions to get divorced in Masato’s last year of middle school. Masato came to live with his more accepting and caring father, while his two brothers stayed with their mother in the family home. Despite the constant competition forced on him and his siblings, there wasn't, and still isn’t, a rift between them. They managed every thing for him, leaving Masato completely dependent on them for the majority of his life. Masato’s older brothers had always taken care of him, and continued to look out for him during the painful time of conflict between their parents. There was no resentment when he chose to leave with their father, unlike how his mother took it as a sign of his preference. This choice caused an even bigger strain between him and his mother, but Masato still felt the stress far less living with just his father. No longer compared to his brothers, Masato carried on with a new goal of being himself, having fun, and enjoying his school life while he could.

                      With a new outlook going into high school, it was an easy and obvious decision to join the host club. Without his brothers constantly around him, he sought attention and a new surrogate family to replace the two who used to take care of him. Even though he is needy, he tries to make up for his flaws by offering his bubbly personality to make everyone around him happier.

        their likes
        ( puzzles and games __ sweets __ talking __ cuddling __ compliments __ adventures )
        their dislikes
        ( being alone __ being bored __ being ignored __ coffee __ sudden, loud noises __ dark colours )


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    ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ♕ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░




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                                                      Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff. Masato does some cute stuff.

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      ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ▃ ▃ ▃
              WHITE, ELIJAH

    User Image
                                H E R E x A R E x T H E x B A S I C Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                Gender: Male
                                Age: Twenty-two
                                Sexuality: Heterosexual so far
                                Species: Werewolf
                                Song: Alone Together

                                T O x F I N D x M E x I N x A x C R O W Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                Hair Color: Dark brown
                                Eye Color: Chocolate
                                Height: 5'11"
                                Weight: 160 lbs

        I T ' S x T H E x I N S I D E x T H A T x C O U N T Sxxxxxxx

        Proficiencies & Drawbacks:
        Lige has a proclivity for solitary, detail oriented activities. He's very good at working with his hands, and chooses to use this ability towards gardening, sewing, and drawing. True, they aren't the most traditionally masculine of pass times, but he's never been one to be bothered by stereotypes. Not that anyone could accuse him of being less than a man anyways, because he's also very athletic and fit. With tons of energy to burn, he spends the rest of his time running, working out, camping, or any other activity that will tire him out so he can get a good night's sleep. On the other hand, he's not exactly the friendly sort, and he feels uncomfortable with situations where he has to get along with other people. If he's under pressure to be social, his words come out brusque and minimal, and he wears his frustration in his expression. Lige also fails when it comes to thinking critically, and despite his lack of social graces, he can be very dependent on other people.

        Lige is an unusually isolated werewolf, but only due to his social shortcomings. As a first impression he is quiet, distant, and uncaring, and his spoken replies are very little. Still, Lige rarely dislikes anyone though he may act like it, and he never quite shows just what he thinks to others. Usually, in his silence, he watches and observes other people with great curiosity, and he can pick up on small details easily.

        When he does get to know other people however, or if someone was willing to spend the time with him, he is a romantic, idealistic sort of person. In the end, as much as people confound him, he can see the good in a person quite easily, and once he has, he becomes quite devoted to them.

        Elijah grew up in a big, wealthy family. With two busy, well off parents and three siblings - two brothers and a sister - he was rarely alone, and as the youngest he was raised to follow. His eldest brother was the star of his family, with brains and brawn and everything good that Lige looked up to and envied. Second to garner the attention of the family was his only sister, who was beautiful with a magnetic personality and a vivid future ahead of her. Generally,Elijah simply grew into the understanding that he would be secondary to others all his life, and that he was nothing worth noticing. It's because of this that people used him to get close to his magnificent, older siblings, and as he got older, Lige just continued to step farther into the background.

        That is, until he met a pretty, little thing called Henrietta. He'd long dreamed that one day people might appreciate him for his own worth, so when someone finally appeared to care, he became swept up in his first love. As one who had been overlooked for all his life, at the time it seemed like a thrilling romance, and he became quickly devoted to her. Until, one day he came home early from some school activity, and caught her with his brother.

        Lige withdrew into the background again after that, while his brother and his now ex-girlfriend began a steady relationship. Months later when he could no longer bear it, he dropped out of school and left his hometown to get away from it, choosing a small town where he could just blend in to a simple life. Unfortunately, that's not exactly what happened.

        No, instead he got bit while he was out for a late evening jog, bit by something that...changed him. His memory started to get patchy, escalating until he lost months at a time when the cold winter hit, and he was rightly confused and scared. That is, until he came to the cabin in the woods, and things became a lot more clear.

        Likes & Dislikes:
        Lige likes physical activity above all, whether it's sports, running, fighting, or anything in between. Secondary to that, though, he likes to spend time in nature or surrounded by plants. They're soothing, he finds, because not only are they beautiful and versatile, but they provide a silent companionship with little expectations. To keep up with his energy he likes to eat a lot, and he usually has a snack stashed somewhere. He like salty snack foods - like popcorn and chips - but also most fruits except pineapple. He hates all things bitter, however, and most especially coffee, even with milk and sugar added. He's quite a simple person, and so he dislikes things that are gaudy and unnecessary, and you'll never catch him wearing accessories or anything else flashy. Finally, he dislikes public speaking above all else.

        Played By:


    T H I S x I S x T H E x T A L E x O F
    T H I S x I S x T H E x T A L E x O F ELIJAH WHITE

    xxxxxxxxxxThe Exiled Lycanthrope

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    “It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill.”

                        The Basic Facts
                        Name Elijah Lee White
                        Age Looks twenty-four, but is actually somewhere around fifty.
                        Title The Exiled Lycanthrope
                        Nicknames Eli, Lige
                        Birthday October 13th.
                        Gender Male
                        Species Lycanthrope
                        Height 5'11"
                        Weight 160 lbs.
                        Distinguishing Marks Small scars mark his body from roughhousing with others of his kind. Specifically, his right shoulder has a deep scar from where the alpha attacked him after learning of his betrayel.
                        Style of Dress Elijahs's clothing is a more boyish style, and he's far less concerned about a sophisticated look than the typical Victorian gentleman. He'll often omit a jacket, and sometimes he'll wear casual caps that indicate his lack of refinement. He hates flashy accessories.

                        A Story Worth Telling
                        Elijah was always surrounded by family and friends, and was raised communally. He had three biological siblings, two brothers and a sister, though he really considers all the other children of his kind his brothers and sisters. As children Elijah and the others were instructed in all the traditional ways of mortal society, and encouraged to fit into their lives without drawing any attention to their true selves. The pack, his family, all lived like this under the rules of the patriarch - the alpha - who goverened them absolutely.

                        Even early on it was clear that Elijah was much weaker than many of the other males. He was destined never to have a future in leadership, unlike his oldest biological brother. Because of this, much more attention and pressure was directed towards his brother, while Elijah simply grew into the understanding that he would simply follow the orders of others. On the other hand, what he lacked in strength, he made up for with keen senses, making him an accurate tracker and hunter. This was his role in the family, his identifier, and his future.

                        That is, until he met a pretty, little thing called Henrietta. As an idealistic youth (being in his fourties at the time, he was considered extremely young in his immortality) with grand romantic notions, he was swept up in his first love with this beautiful mortal girl. Though they were encouraged to get along with mortals, they were not allowed to form romantic relationships, but Elijah was foolish and fell for all of her charms. As one who had been absolutely obedient for all his life, at the time it seemed like a thrilling, forbidden adventure. However, after spending more time with her, he knew that eventually his family would discover the affair, and so he told her of his true identity in order to decide whether she could accept him before completely shifting his loyalties away from his family.

                        She rejected him, horrified and scared. When she fled from him with the knowledge of what he really was, he had no choice but to tell the patriarch what he'd done. Unsurprisingly, the patriarch was angry. He ripped into Elijah, both verbally and physically, leaving the young lycanthrope devastated by his own bad choices and bleeding with a wound to shoulder. He was publically cast out of the family in a humiliating display, and his pack vowed to track down the girl who'd run off to protect their identity by any means. Cut off from everything else he knows, Elijah serves his exile at the warlock's mansion, hoping for some form of bond with other outcasts to replace the family he lost.

                        Evaluation Of The Mind
                        -- Lawful Neutral
                        -- Romantic and idealistic.
                        -- Protective and devoted.
                        -- Observant and watchful.
                        -- Good memory, physically strong, finding things, following orders.
                        -- Irritable and restless during a full moon, lacks forethought, gullible.
                        -- Heights, confinement, fire.
                        -- He is a bad liar and conversationalist. He's also terrible at being on his own without someone to order him around.
                        -- He'll usually stick to running, fighting, hunting or anything that burns energy. Secondary to that, though, he studies people or does memory games and puzzles. Finally, he's pretty good at making things and sewing. Following patterns and instructions makes him feel comfortable, and it keeps his hands busy when he's feeling fidgety or restless.
                        -- Music (it soothes the savage beast, after all), keeping busy, family and being around other people, eating, chasing small animals (his secret shame).
                        -- Accessories or metallic things, the full moon, green foods, constricting clothing.

                        Ability Assessment
                        Everyday Skills
                        -- Elijah is particuarly useful in the outdoors. Hunting is one of his specialties, and if he had no house to live in, he would still do well surviving off the land.
                        -- Sewing is a pass time to keep him busy, but over time he's gotten pretty good at it.
                        -- Growing up with a rough family helped him develop some skills in fighting, and though he isn't burly and intimidating, he's pretty scrappy.

                        Gifted Skills
                        Magic/Non-Human Abilities
                        -- Shape-shifting -- He can assume the form of a wolf at will.
                        -- Strength -- While Elijah is on the weak end of the spectrum for those of his kind, his strength is still far greater than the average human. He is still young, and his strength will grow with age and experience.
                        -- Tracking -- With a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing, Elijah is particularly good at finding things or people.
                        -- Rapid healing

                        Anything Else?
                        This section is for anything that I missed or for things you want to add.



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                                      Miraj Hajjar

                                      Nickname: Miraj
                                      Role: Foreign Prince
                                      Age: 21
                                      Miraj is an arrogant prince, preoccupied with beauty and sophistication. His own self worth is tied to his own looks, and so he judges others quickly by their appearance, bearing, and elegance of conversation. Once an opinion has formed, he isn't shy in making it known and can be rudely honest whether he thinks lowly or highly of an individual. He sticks to his opinions stubbornly and it takes a great deal to change his mind. This is also true of tasks he's set his mind to, and he cannot be persuaded to back down from something he's determined to do.

                                      He shows the same determination when it comes to people who have earned his good favour, though, and he is absolutely loyal. His first obligation is to his family and his country, and so when given the order to move to a new land and marry a foreign princess, he could not disobey no matter how much he disliked the idea.

                                      The basics:
                                      Miraj is the youngest of five sons of the King of the Persian Empire. He led a privileged and easy going life, never having the pressure of future ruler ship over his head nor any significant expectation for greatness within his family. He was, of course, raised as a royal and placed under the usual obligations of royal life - proper manners, dress, and company - but he was afforded a great deal more freedom.

                                      Miraj became known for two things as he grew older. The first was his more delicate features and bright green eyes, making him the most beautiful of his brothers and prolonged praise developed a significant sense of vanity. The second was his skill in delicate works in writing and art. With no skill for war or violence, nor the strength of belief to devote himself to religion, he chose instead to learn during his freedom. Not that he would be taking up anything so plebeian as a profession outside of lordship, but simply because he had time to kill and nothing better to do. By far his favourite pass time during his younger years was shadowing the scribe and learning the different symbols and signs that came to represent decrees issued by his father, the rituals and stories of the gods, and the significant events that came to pass. Eventually he learned the cuneiform himself.

                                      As their kingdom bordered Egypt, conflicts undoubtedly arose between the two great empires. With war a highlight of leadership, Miraj's finer points were overlooked and he became an increasing burden on the king. A prince who couldn't help in the wars had no worth. Thus, after a time, an opportunity arose to create a political bond with Egypt through marriage, and so the king eagerly offered his youngest son so the boy could be of some use.

                                      ● Accessories
                                      ● Beautiful people
                                      ● Compliments
                                      ● Writing and drawing
                                      ● Wealth

                                      ● Physical fighting
                                      ● Dull people
                                      ● Insults to his kingdom
                                      ● Beetles

                                      Anything else: Miraj stands at 5'10" and has a lithe, slim frame. He's paler than many because of extensive time spent in the palace or hidden from the sun. He has no tattoos nor scars - in his opinion it makes him flawless - and he likes to wear a lot of colour and shiny things to show his status.

                                      Strings: ToppyTippers


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                      • Yep, he'd totally made it weird.

                        She seemed on board with everything else he'd said, nodding quietly as though she was still adjusting to the idea of other werewolves in the world, but he'd kind of lost her after the awkward invitation. She skirted by the whole thing by introducing herself and giving him a small smile, and Elijah shifted on his feet afterwards not knowing exactly where to go from there. He should probably clarify that he hadn't extended the invitation for any creepy reasons, but telling a woman you weren't a serial killer did not necessarily mean she would believe you. Really, he only meant what he'd said, and that there was someone better to explain but...

                        Man, socializing was hard.

                        "Yeah, okay...Deepika," he said after her introduction, giving an awkward bow of his head to return her own overly polite gesture. She didn't seem too put out by him, and to his utter surprise she asked when he wanted her to stop by. His eyes flashed a bit wider in sudden shock - shocked, but glad - then returned to neutral as they fell back to his feet.

                        He hadn't really thought this whole thing through. Elijah recalled from when he'd left that Tony had been around, though if he was still around now, he didn't know. He didn't exactly keep track of schedules, really the only thing Elijah paid attention to was whether the guy was still human or not. It wasn't like Elijah was expecting to randomly find more werewolves hanging out around town and immediately need help acclimating them to the idea, although now maybe he'd have to rethink that. Apparently it was possible, as evidenced by the woman in front of him now. "Oh. Whenever," he shrugged. "Whenever you're free. After your dance thing maybe. I dunno. I'm going back there now...or...I was planning on it. I think Tony will probably be around? You know...the leader."

                        He glanced back up at her again briefly. "Sorry, I'm not usually this scattered. I think. This is just...unexpected."

                        Where // Outside Deepika's workshopxxxxWho // Deepika xxxxFeeling // Super awkward xxxx

    ◐ ||Shiver

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