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Lonely Gekko

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Phoebe Noel Pierre
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Taylor Parks
- Tickle Meh Giggles -

Lonely Gekko

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                    Aleta Vanderblit

      .║ ▓▓░░ [ ] ░░▓▓ ║.

                              "The goose shouted to the nearest cow that Wilbur was free.." Aleta was reading Charlotte's Web. Her favorite book to read in the morning before getting up. She reads a chapter every morning and every night. "The horses, in their stalls in the barn, pricked up their ears when they heard the goose hol-er-ing, hollering." She said, pronouncing the word. Her mom use to read this book to her when she was younger but now she is reading it to herself. She misses her parents and knows that her dad is died. Two days ago a Social woman came and told her and her siblings about her dad. All she knows is that he is died. She didnt tell him how he died. And she doesn't know that she will have to be separated from her siblings and put in foster care. When she was done reading, she placed her book on her bed and got up. Aleta walked over to her dresser and got dressed for the day. She had on a stripped sweater with a white shirt and some jeans with writing on it from when her family signed her pants. Aleta brushed her hair and opened the door. She looked in the rooms with people inside. Theres new people living in her house and she has no idea who they are. One of them has a baby that is the room right next to her. She is happy she shares her room with her siblings.

                              Aleta opened the door to her little brothers and sisters to find them awake. She heard people talking down stairs in a different kind of English. she entered their room and smiled. "Morning Nat and Ally. You guys sleep okay?" She ask. Aleta looked at Ally. All dressed for the day. Dress with jeans underneath. "I think they are making some food downstairs if you wants some. I'm gonna go check on Momo." Aleta said, looking at both. She exited the room and went to her big sisters room. She knocked on the door while opening it. She doesn't like waiting for someone to open it so she always knocks and opens it for them. She wasn't there. "Momo?" She said out loud. Since her dad died, she clung to Monica more then she use to. Aleta looked in her room. Not here. She went out and looked in the other rooms. No where to be found. Did Momo go away like mommy? Aleta kept repeating that in her head as she looked upstairs. She headed downstairs to see strangers. All of them talking funny. La-La went to the window to see Momo outside. She let out a sigh of relief and went outside without putting anything on. She ran to Monica and cuddled with her. "I couldn't find you. I thought you left. She said, looking up at her.

            .║ ▓▓░░ [ ] ░░▓▓ ║.

Lonely Gekko

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                            IndentAlyssa was laying in her cribe, awake. She looked up at the ceiling till someone picked her up. She wasnt one to start whining to be held. Unless she sees her mommy up, then she whines. Something wasnt right. She turned so she was now on her stomach and used her arms to pul herself up and look around. This wasnt her home. Nothing looked the same. Alyssa saw her mommy sleeping in the big bed. "Mam" Alyssa said, looking at her. "Mam" A smile came across her face when she saw her mom getting up out of bed. Alyssa let herself down and rolled over back on her back when her mom came to get her. Kylie wasnt her birth mom. Her birth parents gave her up when she was born. They didnt want a child and they couldnt have an abortion. But Alyssa knows that Kylie is her real mom. She was the one who was there for her. When her mom picked her up, she let out a giggle and started to make noise with her lips.

                            Indent Mommy took Alyssa downstairs and she saw her whole family up. Then she saw people she didnt know. She held on to her mommys shirt as she made a bottle. "Mam" She said, looking at her dad. Her three sisters and brother was up. She is learning how to say their names but the only thing that comes out is 'Mam'. Alyssa grabbed the bottle when her mom gave it to her and started to drink it by herself. Her mom walked over to her dad. Alyssa let go of her bottle. It was half way done. Yep. She was hungry. She looked at her mommy as she held the bottle. Alyssa then started to squirm. She wanted to crawl around. The whining started to kick in. She let go of her mom shirt and reached for the floor.

Lonely Gekko

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◀ ◁ Δяια ▷ ▶

IndentAria woken up in seaweed. "Today's the day.." She said to herself. Today was the day she will be asked for her hand in marriage by this prince called Vinny. Aria hated him. He was cute but not the right personality she's looking for. Aria herself was a princess but all her friends doesn't know anything. That another reason why she can't marry Vinny. Aria got the seaweed off her light blue tail and swam up. "Morning daddy." She said, swimming out of her room and to the dining room. Her dad was king Neptune. King of the seven seas. "Morning Aria dear." Aria smiled and grabbed a seaweed wrap amd swam off.

Indent Aria caught up with one of her friends Amanda. Amanda has a pink tail with a green bra. "Going up. Please don't tell anyone." She said, heading straight to the surface. Her father hates it when she's on land. But she loves the way the sun hits her. Aria swam up and jumped out of the water and back in. She stuck her head out of the water and saw a ship. There was a mermaid painted on he sides. Mermaid hunters. Aria swam closer to it and heard them singing. Just then, Amanda came up and grabbed her fin. "Are you crazy?!" Aria Splashes her and listened to the men. She then peaked threw a hole on the side and saw the humans. "Aria! Come on." Aria looked at her and rolled her eyes. "Fine." Aria and Amanda splashed in the water and swam to the rocks. The rocks is where all the Mer-people hang out. "Hey people." Aria jumped out of the water and onto a rock.


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Lonely Gekko

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                                              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer blandit congue metus, eu bibendum erat porttitor nec. Donec ut auctor libero. Proin diam urna, sodales et porta id, porttitor vel massa. In consectetur tristique placerat. Integer condimentum, dui a faucibus dictum, leo diam feugiat nibh, id sodales quam lorem vitae nisl. Nulla imperdiet suscipit tempus.Sed ac augue id tortor tempor pharetra sit amet non mauris. Praesent vehicula imperdiet elit vel ultricies. Vestibulum tristique ligula sit amet libero scelerisque mollis commodo turpis iaculis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam convallis enim scelerisque magna dictum molestie. Sed vitae scelerisque urna. In pharetra eros nec ipsum pretium non ultrices elit condimentum.

                                              Cras mollis ligula nec eros pellentesque imperdiet. Integer vel sem at lectus porttitor tristique. Sed ipsum justo, feugiat vel malesuada ut, accumsan sed nibh. Sed sollicitudin, dolor at adipiscing pellentesque, neque augue sagittis nisl, et hendrerit turpis nulla mattis justo. Phasellus at nisl a lorem mollis sollicitudin vitae quis ligula. Donec libero lectus, posuere sed feugiat sit amet, vestibulum eget ante. Donec eu sapien sed libero dignissim fringilla nec quis sapien. Proin pulvinar feugiat justo id cursus. Donec luctus quam nec sem hendrerit posuere. Morbi dictum iaculis convallis. Etiam ullamcorper, nisi eget pretium consectetur, ligula arcu consectetur libero, a rhoncus nunc elit et justo. Ut ultrices, sem non dapibus varius, risus velit condimentum nisi, ac sollicitudin orci dui ut arcu. Vestibulum posuere, neque at lacinia eleifend, sapien dolor tincidunt tortor, quis fringilla justo nibh vel metus.

                                              Mauris a porttitor quam. Suspendisse nec massa ut neque egestas pellentesque. Nam sit amet arcu erat, at scelerisque nisl. Cras lobortis dui augue. Etiam pharetra fringilla molestie. Praesent ut sodales velit. Sed et elit ut mauris ultrices consequat. Nullam vel augue nunc, non fringilla nibh. Duis placerat viverra lorem, non iaculis felis rutrum sit amet. Duis sed mi tellus. Pellentesque pharetra, ligula sed rutrum elementum, libero justo semper nisi, auctor lacinia purus orci in purus. Integer non nulla vel tortor blandit imperdiet.

                                              Etiam fringilla posuere rhoncus. Nunc vitae massa leo, nec laoreet arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec ligula nunc, porta et adipiscing ac, laoreet vitae ante. Ut id quam sem, eu tincidunt nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce fringilla dui ut ipsum suscipit non tempor ante ullamcorper. Praesent sit amet arcu ac nisi fringilla congue. Cras bibendum elementum sodales. In enim dui, sagittis a lobortis non, hendrerit vitae lectus.

                                              Proin quis nunc quis nunc laoreet sagittis. Integer nisl sapien, facilisis sit amet vestibulum in, malesuada ut nisl. Donec bibendum tortor eu lectus sollicitudin at eleifend nunc tempus. Vivamus feugiat tincidunt facilisis. Nullam molestie lacinia leo, a consectetur quam vestibulum at. Mauris sit amet bibendum sapien. Sed gravida volutpat quam sit amet tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi scelerisque adipiscing augue, eleifend malesuada lectus interdum accumsan.

Tickle Meh Giggle

Lonely Gekko

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                                              While she was waiting for one of her family members to come down and make her food, she was listening to her Ipod, not noticing someone coming down and saying good morning to her. "Im faim. Où est ma sœur merveilleuse pour me faire un peu de nourriture." She whined. She went back into the fridge and took out some apple juice. Something she can do. Make herself a drink. She searched around for a cup. Looking threw all the cabinets. "Où sont les tasses damn!" Of course its the last cabinet she looks in. Phoebe smiled and grabbed a cup and placed it on the counter, pouring herself some apple juice. All that hard work for a cup of juice. Yes. It was worth it. Just then, her prayers were heard. Her sister came down the stairs. "J'ai été en attente pour vous de faire quelque chose." Phoebe said, picking up the eggs and handing them to her. "J'ai bien dormi. Maine Cuire. Cest drôle. Vous avez de la chance j'ai pris les œufs." Phoebe said with a smirk. Back in France, the only time she would go into the kitchen is to get herself a drink or place her stuff in the sink or garbage.

                                              "Qui semble délicieux... Oh matin, Trowa. Bien sûr vous pouvez. ce n'est pas tout pour moi." Phoebe said with a smile. Suddenly she felt a chill go up her spine. She looked around and saw a window was open. "Qui laisserait une fenêtre Ouverte quand il neige?" Phoebe said, walking over to close the window. Just then, her dad came in the house. Why would he be outside when it's freezing out. Well, to Phoebe it was. She was use to the 65-80°F. Not 40-50°F here. "Papa matin. Je n'ai pas I'air maman depuis hier. Peut-être d'escalier avec Alyssa." Phoebe said, turning around to face her family. She was the oldest of the her siblings by three minutes. Then it was Lilou, Jade and then Trowa. Alyssa was somewhat new to the family; she was adopted. Phoebe heard someone coming down the stairs. It was mom with Alyssa. "maman matin, Alyssa." She said, watching her mom make a bottle for the baby.

                                              Translation :: Im faim. Où est ma sœur merveilleuse pour me faire un peu de nourriture. - I'm hungry. Where is my wonderful sister to make me some food.
                                              Translation :: Où sont les tasses damn! - Where are the damn cups!
                                              Translation :: J'ai été en attente pour vous de faire quelque chose. - I've been waiting for you to make me something.
                                              Translation :: J'ai bien dormi. Maine Cuire. Cest drôle. Vous avez de la chance j'ai pris les œufs. - I slept okay. Me. Cook. Thats funny. You're lucky I took out the eggs.
                                              Translation :: Qui semble délicieux... Oh matin, Trowa. Bien sûr vous pouvez. ce n'est pas tout pour moi. - that sonds yummy. Oh morning Trowa. Of course you can. It's not all for me.
                                              Translation :: Qui laisserait une fenêtre Ouverte quand il neige? - Who would leave a window open when it's snowing.
                                              Translation :: Papa matin. Je n'ai pas I'air maman depuis hier. Peut-être d'escalier avec Alyssa. - morning daddy. I haven't seen mom since yesterday. Maybe upstairs with Alyssa.
                                              Translation :: Maman matin, Alyssa - morning mom, Alyssa
                                              Translation ::

Tickle Meh Giggle

Lonely Gekko

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                                              "Phoebe! Phoebe! Wake up!". Miss Phoebe Pierre was being waken up by her little sister, Alyssa.. Like always. "You said we can go shopping and go to the beach today when you wake up.." Phoebe sat up and looked at her. "Yea. When I get up. Not when you wake me up. Well, now that I am up. Let me get ready. Go eat breakfast." Phoebes parents were in France and asked Phoebe if she can take care of Alyssa. She couldnt say no to it so she is now watching her for the whole summer. "I'll be right down" Alyssa nodded her head and headed downstairs. Phoebe sighed and got out of bed. She got her phone and texted her friend, Addison. Tonight was the bonfire. She loves going. Almost everyone there knows her. Phoebe walked over to her dresser that was full of swimwear. "Mmm. What color.." She asked herself. Phoebe picked out a bikini and her favorite shorts and got changed. She grabbed her phone and headed down stairs. "Alyssa boo. You ready?" She said, going to the kitchen to get some ice coffee. Alyssa came from the living room with her little swimsuit. "Im ready. Lets go shopping!" Phoebe smiled, grabbed some money from on top of the fridge and headed outside. They lived on the beach and dont need to pay anything since her parents owned about 800 hotels all over the US, and now they are trying in France. Phoebe got in her car and drove to the nearest mall.

                                              About 2 hours gone by as they were shopping. They had about 10 bags each but thats what bulters are for. She looked at the time. 2:00. "Come on Alyssa, you have that play date with Holly in fifteen minutes." Alyssa nodded as she got in the car with Phoebe. Phoebe drove to Hollys house to let Alyssa out. "Call Walter when you wanna come home. I'll be busy." Walter was their 'uncle'. He was a very close family friend. Once Alyssa was inside, she went back home. "Aidyn, can you take these up in my room and Alyssa's?" She asked the butler. "Sure thing." Phoebe smiled and went in the house and out the back door, onto the beach. Beach was crowded today. At least she gets on for free and not to by one of those stupid beach passes. As she walked on the beach, she saw familiar faces from school. Phoebe went to her garage and called for Aidyn..again. "Can you bring the beach chair, umbrella, my pink flower towel, and the cooler onto the beach. Oh and dont forget the ice coffee to put in the cooler." She said, pointing to each item she said. Phoebe watched him grab the chairs. She walked on the beach and looked for a good spot. She pointed to a spot and Aidyn set them down. "Thank you. Now, I will need everything else." She said, setting the umbrella up and opening the chair. Phoebe took her shorts off and placed them in her bag and sat on the chair.

                                              To : Addi
                                              From : Pheebs
                                              Morning Chicka.
                                              I'm taking Alyssa to the mall.
                                              Going to the beach around 2:30. See you there?

Tickle Meh Giggle

Lonely Gekko

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Phoebe Pierre | Eighteen | Telekinetic Orbing
- Tickle Meh Giggles -

If you don't know what it is, you can click here.

Lonely Gekko

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Phoebe Pierre

Nicknames: Pheebs,

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Female

Gift: Telekinetic Orbing

Family/History: Phoebe was born to the richest parents. Alyssa and Milo Pierre. Her mother owned about 800 hotels in the USA and her father owned about 300 companies world wide. Phoebe loved her life until she was 15. A bunch of people burned down her house because they didnt like her parents. Everything. Gone. Even her parents. Phoebe wasnt home at the time. She found out the next morning that her parents are died. Her grandma and grandpa took her in when she had nowhere to go. Ever since then, Phoebe changed. She started to orb stuff. She would say a object and it would appear in her hands or in front of her. Her grandma sent her to a special school she heard about for gifted children and sent her. It is now her last year here and she somewhat has her powers in control.

• Sports
• Partying
• Gymnastics

• Hospitals
• Sight of blood
• Fire

Lonely Gekko

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                                              Phoebe has been up since five. She was outside on the deck with her guitar, singing The Story. Her favorite song to sing. "Phoebe! Come on, You gotta get going." Phoebe turned around and looked at her grandma and nodded. It will be her last year at this school. Well, thats if she controls her gift. Phoebe picked up her guitar and went inside. "Whats for breakfast?" She said, placing her guitar in its case so she can bring it with. "Waffles for you and some coffee for me." Her grandmother told her. she looked at the waffles and back at her grandma. "If I eat those, Im gonna be late. But I would gladly take the coffee for to-go." She said, orbing the coffe to her hand. Her grandma smiled and shook her head. "Fine. Have the coffee. Just be ready in 10. I gotta go wake up Grandpa." She said, heading up the stairs. Phoebe nodded and got her shoes and makeup on. She picked up her guitar and headed out the door and waited in the car.

                                              When she got to school, she said bye to her grandma and got her guitar case. While walking, she was humming Locked out of Heaven. As she entered the building, she looked around. No one she knows yet. She headed up to her locker and placed her books in there. "I have time." Phoebe said to herself. She grabbed her guitar and walked back outside. She went to a bench that was empty and not many people were around. She took her instrument out and played some notes. She then started to sing Havent met you yet.

                                              Ooc :: Sorry its bad.

Tickle Meh Giggle

Lonely Gekko

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                                              While playing, she saw something in the corner of her eye. She knew someone was standing there. Just didnt know who. for all she knew, it could be a robber. She kept playing till she was done. When she was done, she tuned it for a different song. Phoebe decided to look up at the person who was watching. She smiled and waved. "Hello." Phoebe isnt the one to say hi to people but the girl was alone so she decided to. "You play?' Phoebe asked, even though she is a bit far. She smiled and looked at her. She put her guitar away back in the case. "Locker." She said. Her case went into orbs and disappeared. She walked over to the girl. She seen her around in school before but didnt know her name. "Im Phoebe." She said, looking at her. "And you are?" She asked with a smile. Anyone can get along with Phoebe very easily. She doesnt get mad and she almost always in the brightest mood. Even if its raining, she will always be in the best mood ever.

                                              Ooc :: Writers block. Hope its okay.

Tickle Meh Giggle

Lonely Gekko

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Lonely Gekko

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The names; Arisuno Serenity
I Prefer; Ari, Su-Su,
I blew out so many candles; 22
I'm The; Angel Serenity Girl
I just loveee; wondering around, sunny weather
Get it awayyyy!!; The dark, large bodies of water
Crush: (pm me to change the crush)
You know you want me; User Image
A voice inside my head? Yeah I have one of those; - Tickle Meh Giggels -

Lonely Gekko

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x x x x x x x x x x x x x xhere in my , memories linger- - -
x x x x x x x x x x x▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xi x h o l d x t h e m x s a c r e d, x s a f e x f r o m x a l l x o t h e r s
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x♔ - - - Miss. Angel


                                              Arisuno was wondering around the outside of this house they were suppose to live in. Dont like it. Ari then wondered if anyone was inside. What if they all stare? Or or I'm the only one here. Arisuno always make herself nervous for no reason. Why? To try and get out of stuff. But Su won't be getting out of this one. Arisuno somewhat flew up to the steps; or hovered over without touching the cold steps. She slowly opened the door of the place. It was huge. H-Hello? She said in a little whisper. Still hovering over the ground, she entered the house and closed the door behind her. She pulled her wings back and it looked like she had a tattoo of wings on her back. Anyone here? She said a little louder. Arisuno let herself down. Her bare feet touched the cold floor. When she did this, a chill went up her spine. She walked up the steps to see if anyone was here. Other then herself. Even though she is the second oldest, she is complety shy. As walking up, she saw a boy walk down. Arisuno decided not to make eye contact and continued to go upstairs. As she came, she went down one of the hallways and saw a boy on the ground and 3 of her 'sisters'. She was so happy that she wasn't the only one here. She hovered off the ground and went around the boy. What did you guys do to this one? She said, looking at the boy and poking him. Oh how Arisuno loves to poke things to see if they are okay.


:: ooc ::

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Lonely Gekko

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                        ; waiting for the end to come
                            wishing i had ( ( `STRENGTH ) ) to stand
                        this is not what i had ×planned
                            IT`S OUT OF MY◝CONTROL

                                    Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers Aidyn Zeyers
                                    Ooc-Outfit is his name.

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