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User ImageThe still nameless man stroked his scruffy chin for a moment. He wanted to do something, really he did, but he could only ever see things from a negative perspective. Why fight against the inevitable? Why be cheery when there was so little to be happy about? These thoughts plagued him from his waking moments. And yet, the will to survive is what made him continue on every day. Why not apply it to this as well? What good would years of running and cowering be were it not to ensure his life? "We'd need a plan. It'll have to be a damn good one if we hope to do something more than throw pebbles at the other dragon." He looked from Satsuki to Algidus. "You said the Dragon Knights managed to seal Ferven, right? Who were they, and how did they do it?"

User ImageThe dragon shifted his sitting position a bit. "The Dragon Knights were a once mighty order. The bravest and strongest of warriors were chosen by Bahamut, Lord of the Dragons, to receive his blessing. With his gift, the knights were shielded from a great deal of magic, and permitted to draw upon a dragon familiar's power. It was after making this selection that Bahamut departed from this world, searching for planes unknown where he would be needed.

Of the Common Dragons, Ferven's might was unmatched. With Bahamut gone, she desired to rule over our species. She believed that power should dictate us, not the laws that had been established. Regardless of her struggles, Leviathan was chosen to be our next leader. Ferven's rage became uncontainable. She managed to slay Leviathan and consumed his spirit, which in turn linked her to the leader of the Dragon Knights. She poisoned the grand leader's thoughts and brought about chaos within the order. When we came to realize what had happened, it was far too late. The knights had been slain, and with their pacts, their dragons grew weak. Ferven herself would kill a great number of our species. None were left with the strength to oppose her. It was I that found a way to cease her rampage, however. I too made a pact with the remaining knight, her knight, to cleanse his thoughts and make his mind his own once again. Together we performed a ritual to suspend her. This ritual claimed the knight's life, and a great deal of both mine and Ferven's power. Leviathan's spirit, in his attempt to ensure the safety of this world, burned out as he transported Ferven to this world's core."

Algidus stopped for a moment. His head hung slightly low. "But now, with no one of the Dragon Knight's bloodline left, and Ferven having taken the role of our leader, I am unsure what else can be done. Were Leviathan still with us, even in a small form, perhaps a new order of Dragon Knights could be created to fight against Ferven."


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Dandy as it was, a room in itself could only provide awe for so long. There was an entire academy to still see, after all, and he had caught nothing more than a glimpse. He exited from his joyous abode to stretch his legs, take in the sights, and perhaps get to know 'neighbors.' A much more preferable alternative to this dingy loneliness he was immersed in. Shoes on, key in pocket, and off he went!

The boy walked with a casual stride, being in no hurry to get where he was going. Where was he going? Not a clue! Where ever fate or fortune thought it best for him to be. As he rounded the corner, hands in his dark brown pants pockets, he spotted another person in the hallway that appeared to be struggling a tad with her luggage. She was a petite lady in what appeared to be a black-and-white outfit. He had to admit, though, she had a certain air of intimidation. It was rather surprising. A commanding presence, perhaps? He removed his hands from his pockets as he took a few steps nearer.
"Pardon my imposition on you and your destination young miss, but it would appear to me that you are in a state of mild discomfort, which I deduce to stem from what seems to be a cumbersome amount of baggage. A certain sense of duty and willingness to assist drives me to ask the following question, that being, need a hand?" Will asked in the most overly-elaborate manner he could. He said so naturally, one would think he spoke in such a manner all the time. In truth, he was just having fun with the situation.


Word count: 401

To call him a ghost was almost insulting. They were far too visible as far as the assassin was concerned. Sitting within the umbra of the rafters, the killer watched as his target paid respects to the duchess sitting upon her throne. He was bowing low to the ground, face almost touching the floor. A fitting spot for it, given the snake that he was. The nobleman of the Western lands came to talk of alliance and trade, but the Shadow above knew far better. This ruse's only purpose was to gain funding for the army amassing in the East. With their combined strength this fortress would fall, and in turn would cause a rebellion that could very well destroy the entirety of all the kingdom states. And for what? More money? Supposed power? The assassin's armed hand ached for the man's flesh. A slow breath passed through his masked mouth. He had to be patient. Striking too soon would cause just as much harm. The duchess' guard captain was on his way already. When he brought the news of the nobleman's treachery, and the noble attempted his own bit of murder, then the assassin would attack. Thousands of lives would be spared, but more importantly, the Shadow's thirst for revenge would have its slim indulgence.

He waited. And he waited. And he waited some more. By gods, could that guard ride any slower? The gut wrenching smile on that man's face was driving the assassin closer to ending him with each passing minute. Even after years of doing this, and all the training he underwent, controlling his rage still proved to be a challenge. All the while, the lady in her seat ate up every facade she was being fed as though it were a verbal feast. At long last, the doors of the keep burst open. The Shadow didn't even have to listen to what the armored man had to say, he knew all too well as the noble's face twisted in anger. He turned to the duchess, drew his dagger, and charged the plump lady. She screeched and the guard captain drew his sword. Now it was time for a bit of fate to intervene.

The dive was quick and graceful. The assassin's trajectory was perfectly in sync with the enraged nobleman's steps. The last thing he would ever see was a looming darkness overhead, and a pair of unholy red eyes.


Word count: 622

That night, the boy wept like he had never done so before. It was so much agony to endure. The man who was to be his savior lay dead. The boy himself had butchered two people. The most painful of all, though, was that the one man truly responsible for every ounce of this grief was gone. Ripped unfairly from the boy's revenge hungry hands. The slave trader, Jeral, now lay as a corpse in a chair with merely a small slit in his neck. His body should have been torn apart, organs and bones spread about the room, blood painting the floor and walls. That was the death he deserved. Not a silent, peaceful descent into darkness, but unimaginable fear. Why did she have to kill him first? Why couldn't he have just controlled himself and be finished with those bodyguards even a few seconds sooner? He had no way of knowing what would happen, sure, but it was rather evident that all his unleashed fury was more of a hindrance than a help. It only worsened how he felt right now.

"If you don't shut up I'm going to break your jaw." A commanding voice boomed from beyond a heavy wooden door. The boy's weeps were stifled. His poorly kept teeth clenched his trembling bottom lip. "Just go to sleep already, damn." The voice, a feminine one, finished. The albino boy was tempted to ignore her order, but he bit down on his flesh until the pain distracted him from his emotional suffering. She would, literally, kill him if he kept sobbing. Already he was operating under terms like a guillotine: By morning he had to decide if he would join her, or else she would kill him. For many it should be a simple decision. Tonight, though, it really was a hard decision to make. He had nothing left in his life now, only an unquenchable rage. And what of this enlistment? Would he just become a puppet once more, like he was for Jeral for so long? As the night carried on, sleep would eventually come to strip him of his sorrows and offer him a brief bit of peace.

"So what will it be, kid?" The woman asked as she stood in the doorway, dagger at the ready. "I have no problem with stabbing you right here and now. Keep that in mind as you answer." The boy met her gaze for an instant, but returned to the floor beneath their feet. He had to decide now, and was silent as he did so. To live, or not to live. To live with this boiling hatred, or seek the eternal embrace. The woman was rather patient, but saw that the boy was having a hard time deciding. "Listen to me. I'm not going to repeat myself. Death is not something anyone should be begging for. If you think about every possibility that can come with it, your odds are pretty shitty that one of them is going to be good. But right here, right now, you've got something that you can feel and know. This is as real and true as it gets. If you want to give that up on a gamble, fine, I'll make it quick. But you'd best be damn sure." She said nothing more after that, merely flipped the knife around and readied it. The boy gazed at her. He gazed with those sad, enraged, but innocent red eyes. He thought of what she had said. He thought of his now dead friend. He thought of where ever Jeral resided right now. Tears leaked out, but he shut his eyes and tried to fight them back as he spoke. "I don't want to die."


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Kol Dynart / Zeles Quris
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                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eleifend enim sit amet semper pellentesque. Mauris semper pharetra pellentesque. Ut mattis ligula vitae dapibus vehicula. Maecenas vehicula orci turpis, dignissim semper nunc iaculis sed. Duis facilisis turpis non ligula consectetur, vitae porta elit luctus. Aliquam libero dolor, ullamcorper id luctus sit amet, fringilla in lorem. Nunc pulvinar ante at nisl finibus, sed porta est porta. Vestibulum quis sagittis orci.

                  Nam lacinia, sem eget pellentesque scelerisque, elit sem gravida lacus, eu mattis lacus dui at augue. Etiam eu quam tortor. Proin maximus quis massa a dignissim. Sed neque nunc, suscipit in mi in, tincidunt volutpat nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque eu euismod est. Vestibulum luctus et ipsum in cursus. Phasellus venenatis lectus non dignissim laoreet. Suspendisse luctus nisl at libero iaculis feugiat. In nibh lacus, auctor eu orci non, scelerisque vestibulum ipsum. Proin at nisi bibendum, vulputate enim eget, sagittis turpis.

                  Mauris ut vehicula nibh, non lobortis justo. Nunc tincidunt turpis sed libero tristique porttitor. Etiam bibendum dignissim nibh quis egestas. Suspendisse tincidunt metus diam, nec condimentum dolor viverra quis. Nulla a imperdiet ex, et interdum lorem. Proin iaculis est urna, in auctor nulla euismod in. Sed fermentum egestas maximus. Aenean tincidunt efficitur rutrum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus at ullamcorper libero. Maecenas sit amet neque at leo hendrerit condimentum. In finibus eros a purus sollicitudin, vel pellentesque mauris gravida.

                  Aliquam risus augue, consectetur a egestas vitae, porttitor sed augue. In a euismod ligula, eget fringilla turpis. Curabitur ut est non metus malesuada commodo a ut est. Mauris vel gravida sem. Proin interdum, mauris sit amet dignissim varius, enim tellus convallis odio, a tempor ligula nisi eu ante. Suspendisse vel molestie sem, vel varius tellus. Maecenas ac dui sed diam faucibus pretium in at elit. Curabitur massa dui, auctor vel sollicitudin sed, scelerisque nec nibh. Ut posuere enim vitae dignissim malesuada. Phasellus dictum elit tellus, nec tempor libero imperdiet eget. Nullam eget sagittis risus, et iaculis dolor. Curabitur at felis non est feugiat venenatis. Donec rhoncus fermentum nisi, interdum ullamcorper sem tristique non. Vivamus eleifend sodales sapien, ac finibus nulla auctor eget. Vestibulum sollicitudin nulla et massa porttitor fringilla.

                  Duis vulputate mauris non purus hendrerit, luctus elementum odio feugiat. Praesent nec odio porta arcu lobortis convallis ut ut libero. Vestibulum non risus et nibh consectetur mattis. Donec eleifend sit amet leo et cursus. Maecenas ornare, ipsum id fringilla dapibus, dolor lectus malesuada diam, ut facilisis urna dui sed felis. Nunc turpis nulla, varius vitae scelerisque vel, dignissim eu lectus. Nunc lacinia est eu hendrerit feugiat. Pellentesque ultricies quam a justo ultricies, et finibus risus ullamcorper. Donec condimentum dolor urna, in viverra felis facilisis sit amet. Nam rutrum ante id dolor venenatis, vel malesuada metus tincidunt. Suspendisse sit amet fermentum massa. Curabitur id dui tristique ligula viverra fringilla sit amet at tortor. Nullam neque lorem, suscipit in pulvinar nec, accumsan sit amet turpis. Duis vestibulum rutrum nisi, vel consequat elit ullamcorper quis.


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    Keiyo ██████████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
    _________________250 / 250 | LV: 1

Test of some text over here.


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__________Kreiva Ruskilitzer_________

Test text


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T H E _ D E M O N _ S L A Y E R


"This isn't the end. I will return, and the Black Mage will suffer for what he's done!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"This is a test of some text."


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━━━━━━━━━━TEAM TRIGGER HAPPY BUNNIES= 'TANK'━━━━━━━━━━
║▌Kazuki Hasekura [JustDis]

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          tab BASIC INFO.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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        [Nickname]: Kazu, "Grump"
        [Gender]: Male
        [Age]: 21
        [Birthday]: October 17th
        [Nationality]: Japanese
        [Sexuality]: Heterosexual
        [Height]: 5'6"
        [Weight]: 125 lbs.
        [Eye Colour]: Brown
        [Hair Colour]: Umber Brown
        [Markings/Tattoos]: None of note.

        x Music (particularly Korean rock/J-rock)
        x Rainy days
        x Fairy tales

        x Politics
        x Receiving gifts
        x Traveling

          Personality-wise, Kazuki is quiet, serious, contemplative, honest, kind, and loyal.

          Originally born in Japan, Kazuki was the single child of Ichiro and Chiyo Hasekura. His father was a defense attorney, and his mother an artist. The family relocated to South Korea when Kazuki was nine, after Ichiro's firm closed and he was offered a new position by an old friend. The transition for the boy was difficult, being old enough to have settled into a lifestyle and having some friends, but young enough to have the malleable expectations that children are often burdened with. Coupled with an unfamiliar country and language barrier, Kazuki found it difficult to connect with others and ultimately became reserved and reclusive.

          Kazuki was fairly set in his ways by the time that he reached middle school. He kept to himself and ignored others, and earned a reputation for being cold and uncooperative. With no intent to try and change that image of himself, he simply went along with it and simply focused on trying to get through his mandatory education without hitting too many bumps along the road. However, as fate would have it, he hit a particularly large bump by the name of Yoosung. Fun-loving, optimistic, and persistent, the other boy saw beyond Kazuki's tough exterior and reached out to him, despite Kazuki's initial dismissal toward Yoosung. Eventually, Kazuki came to appreciate the other boy's simple, forthright ways, as Yoosung seemed to never concern himself with drama, challenges, or anything at all for that matter. Throughout the rest of middle school and high school, Kazuki regarded the happy-go-lucky boy as being the only person he could tolerate. The brunette treated Yoosung's best friend, Jihyo, mostly as an acquaintance, but offered her a polite respect

          After Kazuki finished his schooling, his father took a very active interest in his future. Ichiro pushed the boy very hard toward applying for prestigious universities, trying to establish contacts within the post secondary institutes and set up meetings, doing whatever he could to try and get Kazuki's feet in every door imaginable. With Kazuki already being uncertain about his future, and having never been on very good terms with his father to begin with, he took the sudden one-eighty in Ichiro's personality as an affront. After numerous fights and disagreements, the boy became fed up and simply left home. While he remained in contact with his mother, he has never spoken to his father again since.

          The rocky road from adolescence to adulthood left Kazuki disenchanted with the world as a whole. Having little to no ambition for anything in real life, he found solace in gaming. Not only was it preferable to any kind of education, he was surprisingly good at it as well, if only because his obsessive studying habits transferred well into the medium. At Yoosung's invitation, he eventually went on to play Honor Online. The rest, as they say, is history.

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          tab GAME STATS.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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        [Username]: JustDis
        [Race]: Human
        [Class]: Knight
        [Height]: 5'6"
        [Weight]: 140
        [Eye Color]: Sky Blue
        [Hair Color]: Blonde
        [Markings/Tattoos]: A pair of glyphs on his forearms, purely cosmetic and removable, from a quest.

        [Weapon]: The Azure Soul. Originally known as 'Nature Soul', the weapon was an otherwise unremarkable quest reward, only meant to serve as a bridge to the next tier of content and equipment. JustDis was rather attached to the item's lore, however, and pushed the weapon as far as the game would allow through refinements and enchantments. Some time later, he discovered a string of quests that seemed to continue the story line. Upon completing them, with the Nature Soul still in hand, the weapon was upgraded to its current state.

          Being neither the strongest nor fastest player around often means JustDis doesn't stand out on the battlefield. Being a tank, a Knight in particular, simply means taking the damage for others, after all. In acknowledgement of his role and class' shortcomings, JustDis has invested a great deal of time simply perfecting his shield use and swordplay. Taking hits is an inevitable reality for a melee character, but for him, rarely is there ever a clean hit. With blocks, counters, and deflections, he minimizes every strike, and even if it only saves him single digits worth of hit points, it all adds up during a lengthy bout. In furthering his efforts, JustDis has spent an obscene amount of time memorizing other class' skill animations and practicing against their movements. Coupled with an attentive eye for body language, he can counter long-winded assaults as though he were reading the opponent's mind.

          To no particular surprise, JustDis isn't a particularly offense-oriented character. Because of this, most of his skills are focused on mitigating damage and penalizing targets through various debuffs. For the few attack skills he does have and uses, they generally serve to distract and foes while his team has a chance to recuperate. Ultimately, JustDis' quiet efficiency usually works in his favor - because he doesn't initially come off as being the most threatening target, he's able to slowly debilitate opponents and chip away at their HP and tactics. By the time they realize what he's done, it's already too late.,


          • [ Bash ]: Strike an enemy with a shield out in front. Deals damage to whatever comes in contact with it. Can be used to create distance and interrupt attacks. Has a chance to cause side effects
          • [ Block ]: Block incoming attacks with a shield. The size and shield stats will reflect how effective it is. You only choose to protect from one of the following at a time: projectiles, magic, mid range or close range weapons.
          • [ Brandish ]: A taunt move which against mobs causes them to be drawn towards the user. In PVP, it applies a debuff on enemies who attack your teammates. Reducing the damage taken whilst increasing the chance for the enemy to hit you whilst channeled.
          • [ Deep Cover ]: Remain stationary protecting those behind you with the shield in front. Vulnerable to attacks from the sides and is best suited for dealing with heavy ranged and magic attacks
          • [ Oathguard ]: Creates a link between the user and one party member. While the party member is being attacked and the user is not, the user's damage and aggro steadily increase up to a certain limit. When the user is targeted, their damage/aggro rapidly returns to normal.
          • [ Discord ]: A debuff that affects all targets within a short range of the user. While active, the effects of buffs on the target(s) are slightly decreased.
          • [ Echoing Strikes ]: A buff solely for the user. For each normal attack the user performs in succession, their damage increases up to a certain limit. If the user activates another skill, their damage resets back to normal.
          • [ Armor Shroud ]: The user's defense is halved, and the other half of their defense is evenly spread among all party members.

        [Ultimate Skill]:

          [ NAME ]: Explanation of the skill ( for summoners, this is your fusion skill )

          tab EXTRAS.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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        x None for now.
        x -
        x -




A person's place in the world is often determined in simplistic, yet cruel, ways. Looks, intelligence, connections, and skill were the four factors that determined how successful a human being would be in any given field, and whether they deserved to live another day. One had to be born with appearance or smarts, that was simply the gods' way of playing dice. Connections were a bit more earthbound, controlled entirely by society, but were ultimately still dictated by chance. For the individuals that didn't win in such lotteries, their only option left was to develop skills. Day in and day out, the unfortunate final quarter had to slowly and painfully claw their way forward, inch by aggravating inch, in the feeble hope that all of their efforts might someday amount to something. However, unbeknownst to these dedicated workers, their raw talent that they carved from their sweat and blood was merely a game, one that was played and manipulated by the rest of society. If a person's skill didn't catch the eyes of the beautiful, brilliant, or brotherhoods, they inevitably would still lose.

This was something Shusaku had come to understand at the tender age of six, and in the seven years that followed, he had dedicated every waking moment not to playing the game, but working to rise above it.

That was why the young genin now lurked among the forest of bamboo plants, stalking Yusashi the lapdog. Among the Orochi clan, he was the veritable pinnacle of a skilled ninja, a flawless executioner in all of his fields. He sat at the heel of the thrones of power, almost close enough to reach out and seize them, but was chained by loyalty and held at the knife-point of servitude. This gave the controllers a sense of comfort, that their one true threat remained bound beneath their feet and performed only at their order. But if their strongest and swiftest slave were to be slain, if they had to walk the streets knowing that their own laughable 'strength' was their only source of value and protection, they would no longer be the player in this lifelong game of chess - they would be the pieces.

Shusaku nestled a triplicate of shuriken in each hand as he slithered among the flora. Killing the lapdog here and now was a monumental task, if not outright impossible - the boy knew this well. That was why his aim today was not to succeed, but to learn. To see how it was that the elite responded to threats large and small, to find the shortcomings in his own tools and techniques, and to learn the specifics of Yusashi's talents. All of these things and more formed the foundation of the young ninja's dream of freedom, and to that end, it was worth the risk and ire he would slowly accumulate the further he pursued this near-suicidal plan. Shusaku proceeded to erupt from his hiding place and dashed out into the open, tossed one handful of blades toward the elder ninja's flank, and then dove into the plant stalks once more. The boy still had a couple dozen more projectiles stowed away, and he intended to put each of them to use in this little sparring match.

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