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the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

okay i'm just gonna throw this out here but if you're interested and want a role just pm me or whatever
bc i've decided that apps are too much to bother with and if all the roles are taken i won't have to code an app go me!!
so yeah. pm me if you're interested bc i'm lame

still need
- world
- plot

steampunk / fantasy / war / action
inspiration: bartimaeus trilogy ;; tid ;; random snips and what not of wind up bird chronicle omfg ;; ph

something to do with a locket and a wind-up bird
lots of gears and s**t

gonna be a big project bc summer
more than one continent -- probably gonna be a war happenin
there's gonna be a tortured soul here someone who's been captured before, interrogated and refused to let out secrets he's bitter
also vigilantes / rebels / conspiracies



xeporia ( no gov't ) && unais ( invading )
anyways the government of the big continent is obviously corrupt
and basically they rule with an iron fist / fear / overwhelming control
there're spies / ears listening everywhere and its people are taught to fear the
song of the wind up bird -- it's all artificial and these birds are the gov't's ears and eyes
so the rebels have allied with the opposite continent in order to kill the head of state
and then, having accomplished that feat, the people were supposed to become democratic
and what not except the other continent kinda stabbed the rebels in the back (who are
a bunch of little kids to say that they can save the country??) so now the other continent
is marching on the now government-less country. everything is chaos.

and then there are the rebels, who don't forget s**t like that, having their leader openly killed like that.
they find four broken wind - up birds and discover their secrets. that they harbor great magical properties or whatever.
and that's basically how the gov't had become so powerful bc they control these entities. the rebels, unknowingly, released
these things and have hit up a contract with them. help them and they'll be free duh. so they want revenge and that's basically
the premise of this whole damn thing. war. conflict. conspiracy. gears and s**t. airships.

8 characters (5m 3f)
- 4 rebels, 4 from other continent i guess.

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█ ┊the 「 ↑verb 」 of the ◂*adjective ◢ ┄♚SPARROW
█ ┊the 「 ↑verb 」 of the ◂*adjective ◢ ┄♚CROW
█ ┊the 「 ↑verb 」 of the ◂*adjective ◢ ┄♚BLACKBIRD
█ ┊the 「 ↑verb 」 of the ◂*adjective ◢ ┄♚FINCH

█ ┊the 「 ↑verb 」 of the ◂*adjective ◢ ┄♔LARK
█ ┊the 「 ↑verb 」 of the ◂*adjective ◢ ┄♔SWALLOW
█ ┊the 「 ↑verb 」 of the ◂*adjective ◢ ┄♔CUCKOO
█ ┊the 「 ↑verb 」 of the ◂*adjective ◢ ┄♔HUMMINGBIRD

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

blurbs are roughly 100 words each with a short memory snippet
ok so apparently i really can't make happy characters oops

█ ┊the 「 ↑plea 」 of the ◂*exalted ◢ ┄♚SPARROW
female : 23 - 26 years : austere - passionate - forthright - righteous
- daughter of the murdered head of state, is all sorts of bitter because of that -- hates the rebels
- basically, she wants them destroyed and wants to reclaim her father's position
- " the enemy of my enemy is my friend " -- which is why she's siding with this side
- is a skilled mechanic / pilot of an airship, so she's actually really useful

Five years ago, ◢ ┄♚SPARROW had everything. As the daughter of the then head of state, ◢ ┄♚SPARROW held more power as a child than most grown men did. However, ◢ ┄♚SPARROW was content spending her time with airships, having become a skilled mechanic and pilot because of it. While she loved her father, ◢ ┄♚SPARROW disagreed with many of the ways that he chose to run things. ◢ ┄♚SPARROW believed that they needed to work together with their people, not against, and that was the cause she labored for. However, her efforts were cut short with the death of her father and the eventual downfall of her country at the hands of the rebels and Unais. ◢ ┄♚SPARROW wants to regain what she lost and she'll do it by any means possible. Even if it meant working with Unais to get revenge on the rebels.

█ ┊the 「 ↑warning 」 of the ◂*outcast ◢ ┄♚CROW
male : 25 - 30 years : disaffected - curious - cynical - eccentric
- enigmatic little thing who gets to see the future in snippets / holographic projections
- basically was thrown out of unais bc everyone thought he was lying when he said that " ---- "
- is a clockmaker and really more of a bystander than an active participant in this
- he is interested in how things will turn out though, see if it'll prove him right or wrong
- ◢ ┄♚CROW visited xeporia a few times and met with ◢ ┄♚LARK. thinks the lad is interesting

█ ┊the 「 ↑song 」 of the ◂*caged ◢ ┄♚BLACKBIRD - taken by kat
male : 19 - 24 years : cheery - determined - protective - dutiful
- captured / forced to comply ;; memories are gone ;; sent to the other country basically to his death
- either he loses his life winning this war for his enemies or he gets branded a traitor and is executed that way
- told that he had a sister, the ◢ ┄♚NIGHTINGALE, but doesn't know how she looks like, who she is, all that
- all he knows is that they have his sister and he has to listen to them or else
- really, his sister's been beside him this whole time, he just doesn't recognize her

For someone captured and forced against his will to carry out the enemy faction's will, ◢ ┄♚BLACKBIRD is a lot calmer than he could be. But that's because he doesn't remember anything. Somewhere during the skirmish when he got captured, ◢ ┄♚BLACKBIRD hit his head and lost his memory; he doesn't remember hating Unais, doesn't remember fighting for Xeporia, doesn't remember risking his life in enemy territory. ◢ ┄♚BLACKBIRD doesn't even remember his sister, ◢ ┄♚NIGHTINGALE. Everything he knows was told to him by his captors, who ◢ ┄♚BLACKBIRD believes is holding his sister captive. Who knows what'll happen to her if he doesn't comply? Of course, that's only what ◢ ┄♚BLACKBIRD believes. Little does he know that his sister has been beside him this whole time, tagging along on a suicide mission to the destroyed Xeporia: either ◢ ┄♚BLACKBIRD loses his life winning this war for his enemies or he gets branded a traitor and is executed in his homeland.

█ ┊the 「 ↑cry 」 of the ◂*forgotten ◢ ┄♚NIGHTINGALE - numi???
female : 23 - 26 years : altruistic - demure - sincere - trusting
- sister of ◢ ┄♚BLACKBIRD, is utterly heartbroken that he doesn't remember her
- so she just kinda tags along because that's where her brother is
- she can't bring up the courage to tell him because she thinks that he'll be disappointed
- partly because she's siding with the enemy -- ◢ ┄♚NIGHTINGALE believes that this country can establish democracy or some s**t

█ ┊the 「 ↑locket 」 of the ◂*broken ◢ ┄♔LARK - taken by ponbb
male : 21 - 27 years : guarded - charismatic - fierce - idealistic
- basically survived torture / whatever by the government bc captured rebel and he didn't break, back then
- is the leader of their little group of ragtag survivors but is the mental strain really okay to keep ignoring?
- has met with ◢ ┄♚CROW and almost befriended him multiple times, but each time ◢ ┄♔LARK tries to
- convince the other to join their cause, ◢ ┄♚CROW disappears
- his contract is really taking a toll on him but he's gotta tough it out

█ ┊the 「 ↑necklace 」 of the ◂*graceless ◢ ┄♔SWALLOW - taken by me
male : 24 - 29 years : forlorn - vengeful - compassionate - pessimistic
- previous lover, ◢ ┄♔KESTREL, was the leader of the rebellion who was killed so lots of hate going on here
- doesn't think that ◢ ┄♔LARK has what it takes to be leading this " he lacks conviction "
- but goes along with it because, with ◢ ┄♔KESTREL's death, ◢ ┄♔SWALLOW doesn't believe in their cause anymore
- but the lure of revenge is too sweet to pass up so he's along for the ride wheeee

█ ┊the 「 ↑crown 」 of the ◂*mad ◢ ┄♔CUCKOO
male : 18 - 26 years : skittish - earnest - confused - temperamental
- friends with ◢ ┄♚LARK but used to work for the government ( yeah he's young )
- therefore, he's also friends with ◢ ┄♚SPARROW, may have a little crush on her
- thinks she's dead though, because how does someone survive a flaming mansion?
- contracted ◢ ┄♔HUMMINGBIRD totally by accident, but thinks she's a cool toy to play with
- not too sure about the whole rebels thing but when does he listen enough to know what's going on?

█ ┊the 「 ↑bell 」 of the ◂*false ◢ ┄♔HUMMINGBIRD - taken by havo
female : xx - xx years : deceitful - perceptive - spirited - clingy
- is actually a contracted wind-up bird in human form
- think pinocchio
- is partners with ◢ ┄♔CUCKOO, but hell if she cares, he's beyond saving
- doesn't mind being used as long as she gets to stay on this world
- no one else knows that she's not actually human and that's how she'll keep it tyvm, hell she's not even sure if her contractor knows this

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

lolno i lied. i'm so done with coding.


NAME ;;;; this is where you write your nickname/username/whatever you want us to call you.
PLEDGE ;;;; this is where you pledge your soul to me and promise me commitment.
        CHARACTER ;;;; this is where you interpret your character for me.
        this is where you write two hundred words on your character's lowest point.

[size=9][b]NAME[/b] ;;;;[/size] this is where you write your nickname/username/whatever you want us to call you.
[size=9][b]PLEDGE[/b] ;;;;[/size] this is where you pledge your soul to me and promise me commitment.
[list][list][list][size=9][b]CHARACTER[/b] ;;;;[/size] this is where you interpret your character for me.
[/list][/list][/list][size=9][b]SAMPLE[/b] ;;;;[/size]
[list][list][list]this is where you write two hundred words on your character's lowest point.[/size]

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

User Image


INSPIRATION ;; bartimaeus trilogy ▴ pandora hearts ▴ wind - up bird chronicles ▴ the infernal devices

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

              User ImageUser Image

                                                          __________________________________________ TO WIN THE HONOR OF COMING BACK HOME AGAIN
                                                          __my *dediction to»⋮ all that i've sworn to ˣprotect


                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖XX38, MAY 21 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              Today, they introduced the birds.

                                                              Little clockwork things that did little good for the people. But lately there's been none of that, huh? When have they ever cared for us? We are nothing but dirt beneath their feet; we are nothing but tools used to further their own gains. But they're getting nervous; we're making them nervous. Because, without us, they are also nothing.

                                                              It is precisely why they've brought out the birds--let them fly free in this ruined city. The birds are their ears and eyes--a new way of gathering information and wiping away the growing dissension.

                                                              We'll have to be more careful now.

                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖XX42, JUNE 03 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              Their calls are annoying. Not natural. They could've tried harder to make them sound real. But like everything else, they find it hard to care. Besides, I'm sure that this is what they want: us on our nerves, glancing over our shoulders at every corner to see if those damn birds are singing in the tree.

                                                              And it's working.

                                                              People are on edge more than ever. Some keep quiet; others take this as a chance to make a statement. Those kinds of people don't last too long. But I know. To survive in this twisted, twisted state' you have to be smart. Be strategic. That's why we'll live, that's why we'll win.

                                                              The Unain government have already agreed to help us.

                                                              It's only a matter of time.

                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖XX42, NOVEMBER 05 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              They weren't expecting us, I could tell. Once the Unains met with us, we held the advantage. We had both numbers as well as the strength to use them as anything more than cannon fodder.

                                                              They had relied on their threats and their birds for too long, but when push came to shove, they fell, so so easily. It was almost laughable, how much people fear them.

                                                              This puppet government of ours, so full of corruption and greed.

                                                              On behalf of our little group of rebels, I've talked to the Unain representatives. They've agreed to let us run our own country, as we see fit.

                                                              We don't need a government.

                                                              Tomorrow, we'll build Xeporia up from its ruin.

                                                              And for the first time in decades, the streets will be quiet of the incessant tick, tick, tick of the birds.

                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖XX42, DECEMBER 28 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              Today was the first snowfall of the year. The sky was a flurry of white. It was the first time that the white looked so pure.

                                                              Today, the change will start.

                                                              The people of Xeporia have agreed to give it a chance, to try to govern themselves. They've agreed to meet us in the town square this afternoon so that we can work out a ruling council.

                                                              This change will be good--I know it will be. Too much blood has been shed for it not to be.

                                                              Xeporia will go to a better place, today.

                                                              ________ ━━━━ xx42, december 28, ◢ ┄♔KESTREL, the acting leader of the rebels,
                                                              _____________ was openly executed by the Unain representative. Her ideals were lost amidst the blood-red snow.
                                                              ___________It is war once again.

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

___________________________━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹙xxwhere have they gone?xx

__________________________________________♛ TO WIN THE HONOR OF COMING BACK HOME AGAIN
__◂ my ◢*dedic▴↓tion to»⋮ all that i've sworn to ˣ◞protect ▸
▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇


━━━━━━━ 「▖▖XX38, ⋮MAY 21 」

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

              User ImageUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

                                                          __________________________________________ TO WIN THE HONOR OF COMING BACK HOME AGAIN
                                                          __my *dediction to»⋮ all that i've sworn to ˣprotect


                                                              User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖XX45, DECEMBER 28 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
                                                                              Unais is holding a huge ball in order to welcome the new year, though that is only part of the reason why such a grand event is taking place. More than just a celebration, Unais wants it to be a simple to show its people that they are safe, that nothing will disrupt the tranquil happiness of its people's lives. For this purpose, Unais plans on executing a captive rebel in front of the gathered guests. They are currently holding him in a room on the higher levels of the mansion, waiting for midnight's twelve chimes.

                                                                              The rebels, on the other hand, are set on making a statement and recovering their comrade. The Unains have thought that they'd won for far too long—since ◢ ┄KESTREL's death—when really, the war's just starting. They've had to lie low for the past three years, had to be content with sending spies to Unais in order to gather information on ◢ ┄KESTREL's killer and on Unais' current strength. So far, this has proved more difficult than the rebels expected. Torn, divided and wavering, the rebels are barely holding up on their own despite knowing that they need a united front to stand even the slightest of chances on getting their revenge.

                                                                              For three long years, that salvation, that vengeance, was nothing but a far off notion.

                                                                              However, with LARK's discovery of the birds and the spirits trapped within them, they no longer need to hide.

                                                                              It's been three long years; there is no more waiting for the bloodshed.
                                                                                    - ◢ ┄BLACKBIRD is with ◢ ┄SPARROW and ◢ ┄NIGHTINGALE, guarding the captive
                                                                                    - ◢ ┄BLACKBIRD is quieter than usual, ever since he found a small mechanical bird outside his window
                                                                                    - ◢ ┄CROW is attending the festivities; he knows something will happen
                                                                                    - the rebels have snuck into the ball as guests, intent on causing chaos once they've
                                                                                    - recovered their comrade 2 groups: recovery & bomb team

                                                                                    - rebels: bomb the place, recover comrade
                                                                                    - unains: make sure everything runs smoothly
                                                                                    - crow: ?????????????

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

    User Image
___________________________________________ W E tab M A R C H E D tab A N D tab W E tab S A N G
__ ┊the 「 plea 」 of the *exalted ◢ ┄SPARROW
______________________× RIGHTEOUS. _____*PASSIONATE. _____*AUSTERE. _____*FORTHRIGHT. _____▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
      User Image

                Five years ago, ◢ ┄SPARROW had everything. As the daughter of the then head of state, ◢ ┄SPARROW held more power as a child than most grown men did their whole lives. However, ◢ ┄SPARROW was content spending her time with airships, having become a skilled mechanic and pilot because of it. While she loved her father, ◢ ┄SPARROW disagreed with many of the ways that he chose to run things. ◢ ┄SPARROW believed that they needed to work together with their people, not against, and that was the cause she labored for. However, her efforts were cut short with the death of her father and the eventual downfall of her country at the hands of the rebels and Unais. ◢ ┄SPARROW wants to regain what she lost and she'll do it by any means possible. Even if it meant working with Unais to get revenge on the rebels.

__________________________________________________TAKEN BY USERNAME ;;;;
_____________________██x( name 23 - 26 years female ⊱

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

              User ImageUser Image

                                                          __________________________________________ TO WIN THE HONOR OF COMING BACK HOME AGAIN
                                                          __my *dediction to»⋮ all that i've sworn to ˣprotect


                                                              _A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY SEE : A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY RECEIVE xxxx
                                                                User Image
                                                              ___________________________________________ W E tab M A R C H E D tab A N D tab W E tab S A N G
                                                              __ ┊the 「 plea 」 of the *exalted ◢ ┄SPARROW
                                                              ______________________× RIGHTEOUS. _____*PASSIONATE. _____*AUSTERE. _____*FORTHRIGHT. _____▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
                                                                  User Image

                                                                            Five years ago, ◢ ┄SPARROW had everything. As the daughter of the then head of state, ◢ ┄SPARROW held more power as a child than most grown men did their whole lives. However, ◢ ┄SPARROW was content spending her time with airships, having become a skilled mechanic and pilot because of it. While she loved her father, ◢ ┄SPARROW disagreed with many of the ways that he chose to run things. ◢ ┄SPARROW believed that they needed to work together with their people, not against, and that was the cause she labored for. However, her efforts were cut short with the death of her father and the eventual downfall of her country at the hands of the rebels and Unais. ◢ ┄SPARROW wants to regain what she lost and she'll do it by any means possible. Even if it meant working with Unais to get revenge on the rebels.

                                                              __________________________________________________TAKEN BY CIINDO. ;;;;
                                                              _____________________██x( name 23 - 26 years female ⊱

                                                              _A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY SEE : A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY RECEIVE xxxx
                                                                User Image
                                                              ___________________________________________ W E tab M A R C H E D tab A N D tab W E tab S A N G
                                                              __ ┊the 「 warning 」 of the *outcast ◢ ┄CROW
                                                              ______________________× DISAFFECTED. _____*CURIOUS. _____*ECCENTRIC. _____*FORTHRIGHT. _____▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
                                                                  User Image

                                                                            An enigmatic foreigner who seems to hail from neither Unais nor Xeporia, ◢ ┄CROW is a clockmaker with the rare ability to see snippets of the future. These visions come randomly and sporadically, but they oft carry the truth in their brief flashes. However, despite the usefulness of these visions, they were inevitably what got him thrown out of Unais, where he was accused a liar and a terrorist because of them. Unais failed to remember that it was ◢ ┄CROW who first suggested betraying ◢ ┄KESTREL, and that it was ◢ ┄CROW who carried out the assassination. However, time has given him time to reflect on his actions, to wonder if abiding by a future he only glimpsed at was worth the bloodshed he had caused. With news of war coming, ◢ ┄CROW couldn't help but be drawn back into Unais and Xeporia's struggle, one part curious and one part guilty. After having met ◢ ┄LARK on one of his many travels to Xeporia, ◢ ┄CROW is beginning to wonder whether it is okay to simply live by the future.

                                                              __________________________________________________TAKEN BY IPIZZAZZ ;;;;
                                                              _____________________██x( name 25 - 30 years male ⊱

                                                              _A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY SEE : A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY RECEIVE xxxx
                                                                User Image
                                                              ___________________________________________ W E tab M A R C H E D tab A N D tab W E tab S A N G
                                                              __ ┊the 「 song 」 of the *caged ◢ ┄BLACKBIRD
                                                              ______________________× DUTIFUL. _____*DETERMINED. _____*CHEERY. _____*PROTECTIVE. _____▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
                                                                  User Image

                                                                            For someone captured and forced against his will to carry out the enemy faction's will, ◢ ┄BLACKBIRD is a lot calmer than he could be. But that's because he doesn't remember anything. Somewhere during the skirmish when he got captured, ◢ ┄BLACKBIRD hit his head and lost his memory; he doesn't remember hating Unais, doesn't remember fighting for Xeporia, doesn't remember risking his life in enemy territory. ◢ ┄BLACKBIRD doesn't even remember his sister, ◢ ┄NIGHTINGALE. Everything he knows was told to him by his captors, who ◢ ┄BLACKBIRD believes is holding his sister captive. Who knows what'll happen to her if he doesn't comply? Of course, that's only what ◢ ┄BLACKBIRD believes. Little does he know that his sister has been beside him this whole time, tagging along on a suicide mission to the destroyed Xeporia: either ◢ ┄BLACKBIRD loses his life winning this war for his enemies or he gets branded a traitor and is executed in his homeland.

                                                              __________________________________________________TAKEN BY IKATSURA ;;;;
                                                              _____________________██x( name 19 - 23 years male ⊱

                                                              _A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY SEE : A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY RECEIVE xxxx
                                                                User Image
                                                              ___________________________________________ W E tab M A R C H E D tab A N D tab W E tab S A N G
                                                              __ ┊the 「 cry 」 of the *forgotten ◢ ┄NIGHTINGALE
                                                              ______________________× ALTRUISTIC. _____*DEMURE. _____*SINCERE. _____*TRUSTING. _____▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
                                                                  User Image

                                                                            ◢ ┄NIGHTINGALE believed wholeheartedly that Unais was the key to saving her homeland, Xeporia. However, that was only one of the reasons why she clung so desperately to the Unain envoy. Her main reason for being so vehement—although she'll tell no one of this—is that the Unains have her brother, ◢ ┄BLACKBIRD. If there was one thing ◢ ┄NIGHTINGALE regretted, it would've been the capture of her beloved brother. She wanted him to see with his own eyes that Unais would be their savior, but everything turned out wrong. ◢ ┄BLACKBIRD doesn't remember her, doesn't remember him; he's lost all memory of his life before he woke up in captivity. Utterly heartbroken, ◢ ┄NIGHTINGALE clings to the hope that somehow, her brother will remember her yet there is also that small part of her that's just too cowardly to bring it up herself. What if he's disappointed in her? She wouldn't be able to take it.

                                                              __________________________________________________TAKEN BY SOCHURI ;;;;
                                                              _____________________██x( name 25 - 30 years female ⊱

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

              User ImageUser Image

                                                          __________________________________________ TO WIN THE HONOR OF COMING BACK HOME AGAIN
                                                          __my *dediction to»⋮ all that i've sworn to ˣprotect


                                                              _A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY SEE : A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY RECEIVE xxxx
                                                                User Image
                                                              ___________________________________________ W E tab M A R C H E D tab A N D tab W E tab S A N G
                                                              __ ┊the 「 locket 」 of the *broken ◢ ┄LARK
                                                              ______________________× GUARDED. _____*FIERCE. _____*CHARISMATIC. _____*IDEALISTIC. _____▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
                                                                  User Image

                                                                            ◢ ┄LARK was one of the few survivors of the government's interrogation methods. Not Unais' government, but Xeporia's. He was branded a rebel and taken in for question, however no matter what torture he was put under, ◢ ┄LARK refused to say a word about Unais' and the rebels' alliance. After ◢ ┄KESTREL's death, ◢ ┄LARK became the leader of the surviving rebels and while he'd like to believe that he could handle it, the increasing mental strain isn't doing wonders for him. To add to that, his contract isn't exactly making it easy for ◢ ┄LARK. Not that he's told anyone. He knows that he has to stay strong in order for the rebels to prevail, but just how much can he bend until he snaps? In his desperation, ◢ ┄LARK tried to recruit as many people as he can, which lead him to ◢ ┄CROW, a quaint clockmaker on the outskirts of society. However, every time he broaches the subject, ◢ ┄CROW finds a way to evade him, leaving behind only a warning of ◢ ┄LARK's time running out.

                                                              __________________________________________________TAKEN BY EIEN PONKAN ;;;;
                                                              _____________________██x( name 21 - 27 years male ⊱

                                                              _A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY SEE : A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY RECEIVE xxxx
                                                                User Image
                                                              ___________________________________________ W E tab M A R C H E D tab A N D tab W E tab S A N G
                                                              __ ┊the 「 necklace 」 of the *graceless ◢ ┄SWALLOW
                                                              ______________________× FORLORN. _____*VENGEFUL. _____*COMPASSIONATE. _____*PESSIMISTIC. _____▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
                                                                  User Image

                                                                            As the lover of the former rebels leader, ◢ ┄SWALLOW took her death rather personally. He was never the most faithful in their cause, but he supported it because he loved ◢ ┄KESTREL and now that she's dead—murdered in coldblood by people she trusted—all ◢ ┄SWALLOW can feel is hatred towards Unais. Towards the government. Towards the incompetent fools who called themselves her comrades. ◢ ┄SWALLOW doesn't believe that the rebellion will succeed, now that ◢ ┄KESTREL is no longer with them, but he can't bring himself to abandon the cause that ◢ ┄KESTREL died for. The lure of revenge is also far too sweet for him to pass up, so he tags along in hopes of finding her killer and butting heads with ◢ ┄LARK whenever he can. For ◢ ┄KESTREL's successor, the boy was doing a piss poor job of it. ◢ ┄SWALLOW doesn't believe that ◢ ┄LARK has what it takes to live up to ◢ ┄KESTREL's legacy, and hell if he won't make that perfectly clear.

                                                              __________________________________________________TAKEN BY USERNAME ;;;;
                                                              _____________________██x( name 24 - 31 years male ⊱

                                                              _A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY SEE : A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY RECEIVE xxxx
                                                                User Image
                                                              ___________________________________________ W E tab M A R C H E D tab A N D tab W E tab S A N G
                                                              __ ┊the 「 crown 」 of the *mad ◢ ┄CUCKOO
                                                              ______________________× SKITTISH. _____*EARNEST. _____*TEMPERAMENTAL. _____*CONFUSED. _____▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
                                                                  User Image

                                                                            ◢ ┄CUCKOO was ◢ ┄LARK's best friend, once upon a time. However, after getting a job in the government, their friendship was strained so much that it was pratically nonexistant. ◢ ┄CUCKOO was in a dark place at that time, wanting and yet knowing that he couldn't have both ◢ ┄LARK's friendship as well as good status and standing. In his period of indecision, he may have unwittingly led the government to ◢ ┄LARK, which resulted in his capture. ◢ ┄CUCKOO tried to tell himself it was the right thing to do, and for a while, it worked, with him finding solace in ◢ ┄SPARROW's company. But even that was taken away from him, when the rebels overthrew the government. There was no way anyone could survive a blazing fire, right? In the haze that came after, ◢ ┄CUCKOO contracted ◢ ┄HUMMINGBIRD by accident and while he isn't sure where exactly he wants to stand in this whole thing, he does know that ◢ ┄HUMMINGBIRD is fun to play with and appears all too real sometimes.

                                                              __________________________________________________TAKEN BY USERNAME ;;;;
                                                              _____________________██x( name 18 - 24 years male ⊱

                                                              _A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY SEE : A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY RECEIVE xxxx
                                                                User Image
                                                              ___________________________________________ W E tab M A R C H E D tab A N D tab W E tab S A N G
                                                              __ ┊the 「 bell 」 of the *false ◢ ┄HUMMINGBIRD
                                                              ______________________× RIGHTEOUS. _____*PASSIONATE. _____*AUSTERE. _____*FORTHRIGHT. _____▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
                                                                  User Image

                                                                            ◢ ┄HUMMINGBIRD is actualy a contracted wind-up bird in human form. Through some breach of contract, she managed to sustain herself in the physical world without her contractor, ◢ ┄CUCKOO knowing. And now that she's been human, she doesn't want to leave, so she'll do anything so long as she can stay in this world. Even if that means ◢ ┄HUMMINGBIRD will lose her affinity for magic. Even if it means she'll be scorned by her fellow spirits. Even if that means being used by ◢ ┄CUCKOO. ◢ ┄HUMMINGBIRD will just let him do whatever he wanted; he was beyond giving thought and worry to, anyways. Too far gone. Besides, once he dies, she'll be free to roam this world as she pleased. As far as she knows, no one else is aware of her identity as a spirit, not even ◢ ┄CUCKOO by the looks of it, and that's the way she'd like to keep it.

                                                              __________________________________________________TAKEN BY HAVOCKER ;;;;
                                                              _____________________██x( name xx - xx years female ⊱

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

              User ImageUser Image

                                                          __________________________________________ TO WIN THE HONOR OF COMING BACK HOME AGAIN
                                                          __my *dediction to»⋮ all that i've sworn to ˣprotect


                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖XXO1, GENERAL 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              ;; *♔ Don't be a douchebag. Follow Gaia's ToS. Listen to the Golden Rule.
                                                              ;; *♔ Don't come in here to stir s**t up. I won't deal with it. No drama out of character.
                                                              ;; *♔ Basic courtesy and respect to your fellow human beings.

                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖XXO2, LITERACY 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              ;; *♔ Advanced literate basically means that you have to know how to put together a sentence and make it sound good.
                                                              ;; *♔ I want to read beautiful posts, guys. Posts full of description, action, suspense, dialogue, all that. The whole package.
                                                              ;; *♔ So while fluff is completely okay, the emphasis is on quality. Like always.

                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖XXO3, DEDICATION 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              ;; *♔ This roleplay isn't going to be the fastest thing out there. However, I do expect weekly posts. They don't have to be long.
                                                              ;; *♔ Posts can be 400 words for all I care. As long as it keeps the plot going, you're good to go.
                                                              ;; *♔ Basically, I'm expecting commitment. If you're going to drop after sending in an app, don't even bother with the app.
                                                              ;; *♔ I really wanna stress this point. Lack of dedication is why roleplays don't live. I don't want that to happen with this one.
                                                              ;; *♔ If you're going to be away, expect your character to be moved. Also, don't disappear without a word.
                                                              ;; *♔ How long does it take to get a message to the rest of us? Not long. So I expect one, if you're going to be gone.

                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖XXO4, CHARACTERS 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              ;; *♔ I don't care how good a person you are, or how well I know you, if you can't make proper characters, I don't want you here.
                                                              ;; *♔ The outlines that I have for them are vague and extremely lackluster. I want you to make them come alive, okay?
                                                              ;; *♔ Characters need flaws. That's what everyone says. Contrary to that, characters also need strengths, virtues, heroic traits.
                                                              ;; *♔ For the remaining spots, it will be competition based on apps.
                                                              ;; *♔ I will be accepting apps until all slots are app'd for. Then I will choose.
                                                              ;; *♔ Reserves are to be posted in the OOC. Quote me.

                                                              [size=10][size=9][b]NAME[/b] ;;;;[/size] this is where you write your nickname/username/whatever you want us to call you.
                                                              [size=9][b]PLEDGE[/b] ;;;;[/size] this is where you pledge your soul to me and promise me commitment.
                                                              [list][list][list][size=9][b]CHARACTER[/b] ;;;;[/size] this is where you interpret your character for me.
                                                              [/list][/list][/list][size=9][b]SAMPLE[/b] ;;;;[/size]
                                                              [list][list][list]this is where you write two hundred words on your character's lowest point.[/size]

                                                              [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][imgleft]http://i850.photobucket.com/albums/ab67/Cindochaa/cop.png[/imgleft][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=2][color=white]this is blank space[/color][/size]
                                                              [size=22][b][color=white]xx[/color][color=COLOR1]S[i][color=COLOR2]OO[/color][/i]N I W[i]I[/i]LL M[color=white][strike][color=COLOR2][i]E[/i]LT INT[i]O[/i][/color][/strike][/color] TIME▸▸ [i]A[/i]LL AL[i][color=COLOR2]O[/color][/i]N[i]E[/i].[/color][/b] [/size]
                                                              [size=10][color=COLOR3] ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████[/color][/size]
                                                              [size=2][color=white]this is blank space[/color][/size]
                                                              [size=18][color=white]hi this is a profile code[/color][color=COLOR2]⊰₁: [color=COLOR1]character title here[/color] :tab: ♂♀[/color][/size]
                                                              [size=10.5][color=white]don't[/color] [color=COLOR2]❶↑[color=white]x[/color][i]([/i] [b][color=COLOR1]TRAIT HERE.[/color][/b] [i])[/i] :tab: ❷↑[color=white]x[/color][i]([/i] [b][color=COLOR3]TRAIT HERE.[/color][/b] [i])[/i] :tab: ❸↑[color=white]x[/color][i]([/i] [b][color=COLOR1]TRAIT HERE.[/color][/b] [i])[/i] :tab: ❹↑[color=white]x[/color][i]([/i] [b][color=COLOR3]TRAIT HERE.[/color][/b] [i])[/i] [/color][/size]
                                                              [size=2][color=white]blank space[/color][/size]
                                                              [list][list][list][list][list][size=9]a cute little intro will go here about whatever the hell you want. just write whatever. la la la spaceee
                                                              total of five lines. lines stop where these lines stop. think of it as a sneak peek of your character lol idk.
                                                              anyways. lines lines lines wow i ran out of things to say. okay, but you can put their name, their likes/dislikes
                                                              their age (might be good bc i didn't put that anywhere else lolol), a song about their cat, a poem about
                                                              their fish. i don't really care. just. cute little intro. first or third person. HELL. it could even be second.[/size][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]
                                                              [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=10]i want three pieces full of feels. they don't have to be long. they don't even have to be 300 words. as long as there are feels associated with them, i don't care.[/size][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]
                                                              [size=8][color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][b][color=COLOR3]LET THIS [color=COLOR2]FRAGMENT[/color] :tab: REVIVE [color=COLOR2]MY[/color] CHILDHOOD DAYS[/color][/b][/size]
                                                              [size=24][color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=COLOR2]×[color=COLOR3]×[/color]❛ [/color][color=COLOR3]「 [color=COLOR1]your username here ok[/color] 」[/color][/size]

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

              User ImageUser Image

                                                          __________________________________________ TO WIN THE HONOR OF COMING BACK HOME AGAIN
                                                          __my *dediction to»⋮ all that i've sworn to ˣprotect


                                                              There was no forgiving. No forgetting.

                                                              Not for the rebels who had staked everything on their leader and her ideals. There was no going back, not for them. After all the blood they'd shed, after all the lives they've lost, after all the wrongs they'd done in the hopes of a better world, there was nothing except revenge. They were too proud to simply disappear without another word. Not with ◢ ┄KESTREL being murdered so openly like that.

                                                              But revenge was easier said than done.

                                                              With no leader and less than half of their numbers left, the rebels could do nothing against Unais without it being a suicidal, last-ditch effort. They wouldn't let it end like that. So they bid their time, waiting for their opportunity. Waiting for a time where they could grow strong. Waiting for a time where Unais could grow weak.

                                                              The rebels had waited five years to overthrow their government.

                                                              Vengence could wait a few more.

                                                              Their opportunity came in the form of the wind up birds they hated so much. While the streets of Xeporia had been void of the birds' clockwork songs since the ruin of the government, there were the odd ones that still worked. Functioned in a way. Their cries were distorted, some sounding achingly like the pained pleas of a human child. The birds, with their wings crushed and their gears barely turning, could only sing their songs waiting for someone, anyone, to find them.

                                                              ◢ ┄LARK was the first one to stumble upon one.

                                                              Unwittingly, he unleashed the secret of the wind-up birds. Within the bird's metal exterior hid a great magical entity, a spirit, that the government had trapped. These spirits were the ones that had empowered the government; these spirits gave the government the audacity to set their sights on dominance and power. With these otherworldly spirits, the government could've done anything.

                                                              And now ◢ ┄LARK had the same power.

                                                              There were four of them.

                                                              The rebels released the spirits trapped within and made a deal with them. If the spirits lent them their power, they would be free. As soon as their vengeance was had and Unais lay in ruins.

                                                              The spirits had no qualms with this preposition, especially since their contractors were mere kids. Time did not mean as much to the immortal spirits as it did to humans, whose lifetimes were all too short. But a blink to a spirit. However, trapped in their clockwork cage, time became a prison and immortality, a burden. They were only too happy to help.

                                                              The rebels had their chance. They had power.

                                                              They would get their vengeance.

                                                              There was no forgetting, no forgiving. Only the sweet lure of revenge found in war and conflict and bloodshed.

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

              User ImageUser Image

                                                          __________________________________________ TO WIN THE HONOR OF COMING BACK HOME AGAIN
                                                          __my *dediction to»⋮ all that i've sworn to ˣprotect


                                                              User Image

                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖ YOREN 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              Yoren is the world that this roleplay takes place in. It is comprised of eight continents surrounded by the vastness of sea. The water is so pure that it is almost corrosive to those who touch it, which makes for an effective border between continents. Each of the continents are named 1st through 8th, each with their own capital city and culture. The majority of intercontinental traveling is done on airships of varying sizes.

                                                              Great currents of wind run in interconnected webs above the land. Navigators have long since learned how these winds work, and it is this that the airships are run on. There are channels of wind called " ways " where minimal steering is required due to the still air that runs between two walls of fierce wind. The vacuum that is created runs in a single path. Cities such as Xeporia and Unais were built to be at the end of these ways, in order to ease the pain of traveling.

                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖XEPORIA 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              Once a rich port city, it is akin to 16th century London. With a population of roughly 500 000 people, it is the largest city on the 5th continent. There is no monarchy there, as the city has long since established its independence and democracy. However, over the past decade, the government has slowly exerted its influence over various matters. It started with the governing of the city's trade routes; there were strict taxes on all those who wished to import goods and wide encouragement of buying local. Before long, the government controlled many aspects of its citizens' lives. It enforced curfew and began to construct a large wall surrounding Xeporia. The wall was finished in XX35, completely isolating it from its surroundings. Its people had long since forgotten what it was like to roam freely in their home and it was only until the rebellion in XX42 that the government was finally overturned. With ◢ ┄KESTREL's death however, the city was thrown once more into chaos, with nothing but a proxy government—small and insufficient in power—to establish its rule.

                                                              Tall buildings are Xeporia's main residency, with all the streets eventually leading to the town square, where a large statue of ◢ ┄SPARROW's father was erected near the beginning of his rule. The statue now lay in rubble, used as nothing but a spot of elevation for its people to see the distance on.

                                                              _________━━━━━━━ 「▖▖UNAIS 」 ━━━━━━━
                                                              A city on the largest island of the 2nd continent, Unais is under the rule of a Queen. However, the Queen is but a figurehead, with the Unain government taking over most of her administrative work. Some wonder if their Queen is even alive. The lives of those in Unais are vastly different than in Xeporia. There is a dominating caste system, but the people are not unhappy. The strong help the weak and when that isn't enough, the government makes sure that everyone outlives the winter. When Xeporia started closing itself off, Unais grew worried. It was this that prompted them to form a pact with the rebels and offer its aid to them. If the Xeporian government was allowed to expand and rule, then who's to say that they wouldn't set their sights on Unais? After the successful overthrowing of the government, Unais, under their Queen's supposed order, betrayed the rebels. (◢ ┄CROW also helped with this decision.) A group of kids could not be allowed to pose a threat to Unais and their utilitarian way of life.

the fatal drop's Compadre

Mysterious Beau

              User ImageUser Image

                                                          __________________________________________ TO WIN THE HONOR OF COMING BACK HOME AGAIN
                                                          __my *dediction to»⋮ all that i've sworn to ˣprotect


                                                              _A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY SEE : A HERO OF WAR IS WHAT THEY RECEIVE xxxx
                                                                User Image
                                                              ___________________________________________ W E tab M A R C H E D tab A N D tab W E tab S A N G
                                                              __ ┊the 「 key 」 of the *forsaken ◢ ┄KESTREL
                                                              ______________________× STUBBORN. _____*BRUSQUE. _____*DEFIANT. _____*KIND. _____▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱▱
                                                                  User Image

                                                                            - the former leader of the rebels, ◢ ┄KESTREL was the one who first started this whole thing
                                                                            - her and ◢ ┄SWALLOW were childhood friends, and then lovers
                                                                            - wanted a life without oppression; people should not need to live in fear
                                                                            - skeptical of Unais and their willingness to lend them aid, but there was no other choice
                                                                            - killed by ◢ ┄CROW on the day that she believed everything would change for the better

                                                              __________________________________________________TAKEN BY NOT AVAILABLE ;;;;
                                                              _____________________██x( elise surmon 27 years female ⊱

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