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Eloquent Muse

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                                              Valentine's eyes narrowed as he sensed other riders approaching, "Up." He said curtly to Daelvir who immediately knew what he meant. Taking cover in the upper clouds, it was to their advantage that Daelvir was white as he was able to easily blend in with the surrounding clouds. Any rider who looked up wouldn't notice him easily. Scanning the skies below, Valentine spotted a silver-gold dragon and smiled. Not connecting the colour to that of Fynnel's dragon, Vette, he jumped off of Daelvir, drawing his sword in the process. "Wai-" Daelvir tried to stop him but was a tad late.

                                              Falling through the air, Valentine loved the thrill and adrenaline it gave him. Landing lithely behind the rider, Valentine yanked the man's head back, placing the blade on his throat and stopped. Blinking, he realized who it was...Fynnel. Crap...big mistake...he had just attacked his general...oops...? Tsking, Valentine sheathed his sword and pulled Fynnel's head back more, revealing the small cut he had made on the man's neck.

                                              Leaning forward, he licked the blood off the older man's throat before smirking, "Sorry Fynnel...Although, you don't taste half bad...," and laughed before jumping off of Vette, doing a couple flips in the air before he landed back on Daelvir's back who then rose to Vette's level so the two riders were side by side, "How goes it Fynnel?" Valentine loved calling his general by his first name to spite him. He never bothered to use the respectful title he was supposed to...at least while he was in his massacring state...otherwise, he was rather respectful...

                                              Glancing behind him, Valentine noticed Rhydden and Siva in the distance, Siva slightly farther behind. Chuckling he added, "Hurrah, the whole gang's here," Valentine smiled sadistically, "This is gonna be a fun day~"

                                              By now, the blood had already dried on his face, hands and clothes. Irritated, he started rubbing and scratching the blood off his face, not liking the weird feeling it left. Huffing, he pulled some water and a cloth out of his satchel that hung from the strap on Daelvir's side and wiped his face, neck and hands before making a face. Valentine liked blood when it was fresh...but not after it had dried and turned that gross brownish red colour...it looked disgusting...and felt disgusting too...

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Eloquent Muse

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[[ooc: it's long....and boring...sry bout that X9]]


                                                                    Drip...drip....drip...Her eyelids fluttered as she felt drops of water hit her face. Frowning, the silver haired girl slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times to adjust her vision. Sitting upright she realized she was shackled to the bed, a large iron manacle enclosed her small wrist. There was a medium length of chain attached that allowed for movement around the cell but not far enough to reach the door. Frowning she wondered what was going on. Where am I? Who...am I...? Suddenly, the metal slat the covered an opening in the large metal door slid open as a bulky man peered in, his eyes widening at the sight of the girl. Slamming it shut, she could hear him yell to his colleagues, "She's up! She's up! Prisoner 385, Angel Lenoire is up!"

                                                                    Angel....Lenoire...? Is that my name? Angel wondered a split second before reality hit her and everything came rushing back. The voices, the dreams, that horrible man....and most of all, the destruction. She gave a small gasp and went into a fetal position on the bed, suddenly feeling sick. It's okay, it's okay, calm down, it's not your fault. Angel repeated that to herself, in an attempt to calm down. After several moments, her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of keys rattling and the door being pulled open. Squinting at the sudden rush of light into the dim room, Angel shielded her eyes as she tried to see who was entering, relaxing when the door shut again. Blinking, before her stood a tall man wearing a white suit. He gave off an aura that clearly sent Angel the message that he didn't give a damn about this or her, or anyone else here. Glaring, she tried to look menacing and attempted to stare him down. Sighing, the man walked over and before she could react, he whipped her across the face with a....riding crop?! Angel's eyes widened as she felt the sharp sting against her cheek, her eyes instinctively tearing up from the pain. Biting her lip, she refused to submit and give him the pleasure of seeing her cry. Turning back to face him, she glared again.

                                                                    "We can do this the easy way, or you can be insolent, and I'll just keep punishing you," the man pulled a chair over and sat down in a relaxed manner. Without warning, he flicked his wrist again whipping Angel across the same cheek as he smiled like some sort of Saint. Angry, hurt, grieving and scared, Angel lunged forward, her hands aimed for his neck. Just as her fingers came into contact with his neck, she felt an electric current travel up her arm and to the rest of her body, causing her to collapse in front of him. What the-? Angel could hear the man as he tsked her lightly before yanking the chain attached to her arm, pulling her up so she dangled helplessly in front of him at eye level. "I'll come back when you decide to be obedient, you dirty piece of s**t," he let go of the chain before punching Angel in the stomach so that she flew off the bed, hitting the cold ground with a thump. Getting up, the man exited the room, kicking the chair over in the process. Laying on the ground, Angel was marveling at something, not focused on the pain at all. She had heard it, much more clearly this time. Every thing. Every little thought the man had, every emotion, sight, smell, taste, and touch, Angel knew it all. Getting up, she smiled, not a happy, joyous one...no. It was twisted, because now, she had a weapon to use against him. Now, he was going to pay.

                                                                    *********************************Two weeks later**********************************

                                                                    Angel was lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. After the first week, they had finally just left her alone, telling her she had a life sentence in this hell-hole. Not that she cared, because today, she was going to leave. Angel put together her dreams from the past week that showed her where to go to find the guild. But no...she didn't want to go there yet...First, she was going to go to Malvega. Stupid? Yes. But Angel wanted to see what she and the rest of the Guild and the Arcadians were up against. Closing her eyes, she thought of Malvega and disappeared, reappearing in a lush forest, abundant with the most beautiful flora as far as the eye could see. Angel's eyes widened in surprise, this, she did not expect at all...Wandering around, she inhaled deeply, smiling at the light, sweet scent the flowers gave off. But she was looking for a river or stream that she could clean up in...since she felt filthy and had dried blood on her clothes. Walking a bit further, she found a sparkling stream and ran straight at it, her senses on high alert for signs of Reapers. Making it to the stream, she took a few sips of water before she started to clean herself off.

Eloquent Muse

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In the shade of the trees, the west side of Eden, Raine sat with his back against a large, ancient tree, cradled in its roots that spread out in every direction. The trees here were as old as time, their trunks were enormous and knotted. Raine loved it here. It was quiet and cool, with nothing to disturb him except the rustling of leaves and the sounds of the nearby animals. He had been here since morning and recently, Raine had decided to take a nap. He had been lightly dozing for nearly an hour now but was woken up when some birds landed on his legs and shoulders and began chirping to him. Slowly opening his eyes, Raine smiled and slowly extended his hand towards one of the birds. He liked hearing news from them about human cities in faraway lands. However, the news that he often received was not very pleasant. Humans, slaughtering each other for gold, territory, and resources. Everyday, thousands of acres of trees cut down to make room for new buildings and castles. Raine's expression became sad, why do they live if only to cause destruction? He wondered. It wasn't that he felt hate towards them, but more like pity. Why do they fight over things, wanting to claim ownership when they could just share it? Even though Raine knew the answer, he still was too young and naive to understand human greed.

Sighing, Raine stood up and stretched, his neck stiff from his sleeping position. Looking around him, he saw nature as far as the eye could see, trees and flowers, with a beautiful sunset encompassing it all. This is all Raine has known since he had never traveled to where the humans were. He loved Eden, and if something was threatening his home, Raine would not stand by to let it happen. Turning to the East, Raine had heard the call from the earth itself, just like all the other elementals had. Gracefully, and swiftly, Raine sank into the shadow of the tree and re-emerged outside the palace. Home. Looking up, he smiled as he did every time he saw it. For it was breathtaking. Starting forward, Raine took his time walking through the outer courtyard, running his hands through the fountain as he passed, saddened that it no longer was as vibrant as it used to be. The influence that the humans had on the elementals was shocking. The balance of power had been severely thrown off.

Raine could feel it.

The change in the earth, it's pleas for help. This time, the humans had gone too far. Every passing day, Raine could feel his power growing stronger as humans constructed bigger, taller, more magnificent buildings that cast such vast shadows across the land. When the sun set and rose, these shadows would be drawn out, making the land look ominous and dark. Shadows were cast in alleyways, homes, streets, every where. Anywhere Raine wanted to go or access, he could, because thanks to the humans, they had cast their lands to the shadows. But he was not pleased. Raine knew the strains that would be placed on other elementals because of this. The air and water had become polluted with human waste, the ground that was once fertile, now drained of its nutrients from over farming, mountains crumbling and falling from being over mined. Why...why did humans need things in such excess? Sighing softly, Raine made his way inside, stopping at his favourite room as he did, the observatory. Raine loved coming here at night to watch the stars and moon. When he was lucky, he could spot some planets as well as comets brighten the night sky. Walking over to the massive window that stretched from the ground all the way up to the domed ceiling, Raine placed his hand on the glass and looked out at the sunset. It was beautiful. The way the reds, blues, and purples danced across the sky and how it reflected off the water to make it look like a sparkling crystal never ceased to calm Raine. How much longer would he have to enjoy this before the humans decided to invade? Slowly, his hand clenched into a fist, and he turned away, walking briskly out of the room. No, he wouldn't think of it, the elementals would never let it happen.

Continuing down the hall, he turned and walked into the solarium and hoped he wasn't the last one here. But Raine knew he wasn't, for the shadows told him so. Walking past the trees, their shadows trailed after him as all shadows did. Once they touched him, everything they had seen was transferred directly to his mind. Raine was curious as to who was here already, and so, the shadows told him. Loki has already arrived, they whispered to him. Loki...Raine liked him, he was always so caring and strong. Raine smiled at this thought as he continued through the solarium, touching the shadows to find where Loki had gone. Following in the older man's footsteps, Raine found himself outside on the central patio. Looking up, he saw Loki, with Siam in his arms. He waved silently, Raine's own way of greeting the others as he rarely talked.

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Eloquent Muse

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Raine turned as Aurica emerged from the trees, Andras right behind her. He gave a small smile and waved to her as he did to Loki, and retreated a bit behind a tree. He really did like Aurica, she was very nice, but Raine had been used to peace and quiet for so long since he hadn't seen her so her enthusiasm was a bit too much for him at the moment. He'd adjust to it in a couple days...probably...Upon listening to what she said, he looked down and nodded. Yes, there had been too many shadows as of late. He would know after all...Looking back up at Aurica, he spoke for the first time in his soft voice, "Sorry," he smiled sadly. His voice was soft enough that it would be easily missed if the person wasn't trying to listen for it.

Looking back down, Raine began to play with the shadows, making them twist and curl around his feet like a work of art. Doing this always took his mind off of things and he enjoyed it. He was so absorbed in it that he didn't even notice Miki sneak up behind him and jumping onto his back. His eyes widened in surprised and for a moment, he thought it was an enemy and immediately sent up spikes from the shadows before realizing it was Miki. Panicking, he quickly grabbed her, swinging her off his back and into his arms, trying to shield her with his body as the spikes stabbed into the air where the girl had been. Raine grimaced as he felt one of the spikes graze off his arm causing a few droplets of blood to splatter the ground before they retreated back into his shadow. Exhaling in relief, he checked Miki for signs of injury, content that he found none.

Raine gave Miki a gentle hug before setting her down, "How are you?" He asked quietly. Looking at her, Raine frowned a bit upon seeing a red mark on her forehead. He instinctively reached out and carefully touched it, making sure that he didn't cause her pain. She bumped into something...Raine thought as he withdrew his hand. Pulling out a small bottle of ointment, he put some on his finger and reached out again, dabbing it onto her forehead. Raine had made the ointment himself and hoped that Miki liked the smell of sweet pea, since he thought it smelled nice and made the ointment into that scent. Once he finished, he put the bottle back into his pocket and gave Miki a little smile. Raine really liked children and for some reason, when Raine first met Miki, she was the only child who wasn't afraid of his quiet, gloominess and that made him happy...even though he wasn't able to show her very well.

Raine felt a chill run up his spine and turned towards the doorway, just as Marjorie walked in. The two were complete opposites. Shadow and light, black and white. Truthfully, Raine didn't feel any dislike towards her but she didn't feel the same way. The moment she caught sight of him, she glared, and he looked away. Raine hated any kind of confrontation with Marjorie, he really did. Even though he could understand why she hated him so, it didn't lessen the hurt he felt. He sighed and pushed those thoughts out of his mind for the time being, as there were more important things to deal with.

Looking back up at the sky through the domed, glass ceiling, Raine noticed that it was almost nightfall, a few bright stars had already begun to twinkle and the sun had almost completely disappeared over the horizon. Looking back to the elementals present, he could only hope that the others would be here soon. Each moment the sun set a little further, Raine could feel his power grow stronger and stronger. After all, night time was when the world was shrouded in shadows. Normally, at night would be when he was strongest and at high noon would be when he was weakest. Now however...it wasn't so, and all because of the humans. More than ever now, Raine had to keep his emotions in check, or risk causing chaos. He sighed and walked away from the group wanting to find somewhere to be alone, even if for a bit. He walked left from the patio around the solarium until he came upon another fountain. Sitting on the rim, he placed his fingertips in and swirled them around, smiling at the cool sensation of the water on his fingers. Looking up, he could make out some constellations now, Ursa Major, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Cepheus, and Draco. Casting a glance in the direction of the solarium, Raine wondered if he should go back. He left because he needed a bit of time alone but also because he knew that Marjorie wanted him gone. Around the others, she was more cheerful and kind, he had seen it before. His gaze became saddened at the thought.

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Eloquent Muse

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Raine frowned as he listened to Loki but didn't comply. He was more concerned with how tired and pale Loki looked than what was coming out of his mouth...At the moment, Raine weighed Loki's well being higher than returning. Getting up, he walked through the forest, navigating his way from memory as he always did until he reached a clearing. There, white, luminescent flowers lit up the darkness of the night. Heaven's treasure, that was the name of the flowers. They had five petals each with a bud of petals in the middle. Inside the multiple petals was a tear drop shaped sac that looked like a purplish-pink crystal, no bigger than a small grape. Raine had spent his entire life on Eden, so it was only natural that he knew every plant and their uses. He also knew that this flower in particular was rather painful to touch. Each petal was razor sharp and contained millions of microscopic needles, each infused in a neuro-toxin that would cause numbness at the site of the injury. However, the reward was that the small, crystalline sac in the middle would help to balance energies within one's body. Raine was thinking of Loki, Zephrinus, and Azurina in particular. They should be able to help with restoring a bit of inner balance at the very least, he thought. That way, they wouldn't be as effected as they were now. At least, not for a while...Each elemental would need at least three sacs for it to be effective, and the effects should last about two weeks, Raine mentally calculated.

Carefully walking over to the nearest ones, Raine knelt down and pulled out a small pouch. He had about ten minutes before the toxin took effect, then his hands would probably be useless. Normally, he would have used his shadow to do this kind of thing, but for some reason, it wasn't able to touch the flower at all...so, he had to use his hands. Sighing softly, he reached out and began to peel away layers of the petals as quickly as he could, wincing as he felt them cut into his fingers. After a few seconds, he plucked the crystalline sac from the middle and moved to the next flower, repeating the process. Soon, his blood began to stain the white luminescent petals a brilliant red. Frowning, he tried to work quicker as his hands had begun to tremble. Three more...he thought as he reached for another flower. He tried to focus on something else so he wouldn't feel the pain as much, cut upon cut made the wounds worse...the flower he was currently working on had been completely stained red. Raine bit his cheeks and continued until he had finally gathered nine, purplish-pink sacs. Smiling, he was happy that he had managed to get them within the time limit. Looking down at his trembling hands, he blinked in surprise at the bloody mess that he saw. His fingers were completely cut up and were bleeding profusely...yet Raine only shrugged. It wasn't that big of a price to pay. Using his shadow, he pocketed the pouch and stood back up, slowly making his way back to his previous spot, between the tree roots, and sat down before closing his eyes again to listen in on the conversation back in the Solarium.

Raine listened as the others put forth their opinions. To fight, or to negotiate? If they fought then Raine would just do his best not to cause the humans too much pain when he killed them...maybe crush their skulls? Or just stab them through the heart with his shadows...if they negotiated....well...he would probably let the elemental he was paired up with do most of the talking. He continued to listen as they leaned towards the negotiations. Go with our counterparts? He though incredulously. Even more so since Marjorie seemed to agree. Was she trying to kill Raine off? That seemed unlikely though, since it would throw the balance off even more. Maybe she wants to try getting along...he half-heartedly hoped.

Suddenly, Raine's thoughts were interrupted when someone lightly kicked him. His eyes flew open in alarm only to find it was Aidan. Instinctively, Raine hid his bloody hands by pulling his sleeves down and smiled at the older male who decided to sit down beside him. He was definitely happy to see Aidan again and despite the fact that they were opposite personalities, they managed to get along well. Aidan had also been the first person Raine had met after coming out from his dark confines for the first time when he was seventeen. He had taught Raine how to speak and converse with others. For some reason, out of all the other elementals, Aidan always seemed to understand what Raine was trying to get across even when he didn't say it. He liked that about his friend. Leaning over, Raine gave a show of affection that none of the others had ever seen, he hugged Aidan-still being careful to hide his hands-with a very happy expression on his face. Sure he had hugged Miki before but it was different for some reason...it was more affectionate, plus, no one had ever seen Raine this happy, only Aidan. Still hugging the older male, Raine replied, "I'm staying out of Marjorie's way." He nodded yes to Aidan's second comment before replying again only more softly, "Why? If I argue, won't it make it worse? It's not that bad, I'm used to it." Raine then asked a question of his own, "How are you, Aidan? I missed you." He hoped Aidan would understand everything he was trying to get across in these few words.

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Eloquent Muse

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Raine pouted a bit when Aidan pushed him away, although he was used to this by now. Especially what came next. Aidan yelling in frustration at Raine, telling him to stand up for himself. He simply just sat there and listened as Aidan got it off his chest, not saying a thing. Raine winced a little when Aidan suddenly reached over and stretched his cheeks out telling him to stop having a pity party, "But I'm not pitying myself Aidan," he said quietly, although it sounded a bit weird with his cheeks stretched out. "I just don't like fighting with people." He just stared up at the older male wondering if he would understand. "I'm trying to express myself better..." Raine mumbled sadly, knowing his attempts at self expression were pretty pathetic.

After a bit, Raine smiled, the pattern of Aidan's temper always went like this. He would have a big outburst before calming down, and now, he had just finished with his rant. Raine laughed a bit upon hearing that Aidan felt better and continued to listen as the older male continued, "Okay..." Raine hesitated a bit before continuing, hoping Aidan would be able to help him out, "Aidan...what does it feel like to get angry? What about hating someone? Or loving someone? What's that like?" Raine was genuinely curious and if anyone could tell him about anger, it would be Aidan. Although it might be a bit of a long shot to ask him about love...but nevertheless, it was worth a try.

Waiting for Aidan's response, Raine was surprised when he heard a hiss, followed by the appearance of a giant, black basilisk. His eyes widened in amazement, he's beautiful, was Raine's first thought. Raine had seen a lot of animals on the island, but this was the first time he had seen a basilisk. What surprised Raine even more was when Aidan threatened Raine not to tell anyone else. So they're friends? Raine thought. If he doesn't want me to tell...it must be important...Raine just nodded, "You know I wouldn't Aidan..." his eyes were downcast as he said this, wondering if the older male had put so little trust in him that he had to resort to threats. He turned back to the basilisk, Angra? Is that his name? Raine wondered curiously. He really wanted to go and pet the snake but decided that he would probably get blood on him.

"Ah..." Raine didn't have enough time to react before Aidan yanked his sleeve up, revealing the multiple cuts on his hand. Oh...he's going to be mad now...Raine sighed looking up, he immediately saw Aidan's I'm going to kill you if you tell me you've gone and done something stupid look. Attempting to pull his hand back, Raine frowned at the strength of Aidan's grip before giving up on that attempt. Turning back to the older male, Raine said, "Loki, Azurina, and Zephrinus don't look well." Using his shadow, Raine pulled out the pouch and opened it to show Aidan what was inside, "It's for them," he said quietly before returning the pouch to his pocket and returning his gaze to Aidan, waiting for his reaction.

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Eloquent Muse

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Raine was completely astounded with Enphora, the noise, the smell, the sights of everything around him. He was in awe. Then again, it wasn't surprising since he had always lived such a sheltered life in Eden. Looking at the humans, they didn't look so different from the elementals...which Raine found a bit surprising. He always thought that humans were a bad sort of race and that their physical appearance would reflect as such. Wandering off, Raine looked at the vendors and their goods, many of which he had never seen before. Colourful fruits and vegetables of a variety of shapes adorned tables and baskets. Tinkling jewelry that caught and reflected light stole Raine's attention away from the food. They were so pretty the way they sparkled in the sunlight. But that wasn't all, the bustle and noise really confused Raine, causing him to become momentarily dazed at it all. Walking along, he turned to look at the sky and frowned at what he saw. Smog. It blocked out the blue, in turn showing a brownish yellow blanket that covered the sky, sunlight penetrated through but it wasn't pure. It was restrained.

Looking around he realized he saw children huddled in alleyways, pickpockets running a muck, and citizens turning a blind eye. Is this what it means to be a human? He watched as a child was knocked aside as if she was just another pest, turning, he saw a boy run past an adult, snitching his wallet as he did. Is this how humans live? Walking over to the girl, he knelt down and bandaged her knee, surprised that when he finished, she didn't thank him at all, instead, she glared and ran away, pushing him as she did. Raine's eyes widened slightly as he got back up, wondering if he had done something wrong. He shrugged it off and kept walking, his shadows keeping guard against pickpockets.

As he walked, he felt gazes boring into his back, but when he turned, no one was looking. Was he imagining things? Raine looked down at his attire, and looked up at the people walking by. They were completely different, not to mention Raine looked like a lost puppy wandering the streets, probably the perfect target for pickpockets. He was right. At that moment, his shadows picked up the presence of a boy running towards him. Quickly and un-noticeably, his shadow raised up a bit to trip the boy. Turning, in a swift motion, Raine caught his arm and spun him around and back into a standing position, only facing the opposite direction. Leaning down, he whispered, "Stealing is no good, you shouldn't do it." He frowned a bit as the boy bit his hand and ran away, all the while swearing at him. Rubbing his hand he wondered what was wrong with these people.

Raine continued through the marketplace, finally realizing that he had lost sight of Aidan. Not good. Sending out a small shadow that quickly darted between places, he tried to locate Aidan, finding him near what appeared to be a forgery? Distracted, he walked towards that direction, not aware of the people around him. So much so that he ran into a large man in armor. A guard. Looking up, he quickly gave an apology and tried to walk around the man but a meaty hand reached out and grabbed his arm, yanking him back, "You little s**t, what the hell was that for? Do you know who I am?" He puffed up as if to show his importance. Blinking, Raine slowly shook his head, completely unaware of the situation he was in. "I'm a palace guard, you hear? Now give me all your money and maybe I'll let you leave alive," He leaned down, sticking his face near Raine's, and grinned to reveal two rows of yellow, uneven teeth. Looking the man in the eye, and then back down at his arm, Raine was confused yet again. He wanted the man to let go of his arm but he wouldn't unless Raine gave him money. But Raine didn't have any money. What do I do...? Raine began to panic, wishing Aidan was here. Frowning, Raine said softly, "I don't have any money." and tried to yank his arm from the man's grip with no avail. "No money?" the man laughed before lifting Raine up and throwing him into a nearby stall, "Don't lie to me you little s**t!" Raine cushioned his fall with his shadow, quickly retracting it when the dust cleared so the man didn't see.

Getting up, he needed to get out of this situation quickly, before it escalated. Sighing wondered if he should kill the man...Raine dusted himself off and decided it would only cause more trouble. Walking towards the man, Raine ran through the different ways to incapacitate him. Before disappearing and reappearing behind the guard and gave him a swift blow to the back of his neck, rendering him unconscious. Once he was dealt with, Raine disappeared into the crowd before more people arrived, drawn to the commotion.

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Eloquent Muse

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxYuki Sakuraixxx

                                                            Just like every other morning, Yuki's eyes flew open at four am and he sat up, running his hands through his raven hair. Stifling a yawn, he rubbed his eyes as he swung his legs over the side of his bed and stood up, stretching in the process. In a few seconds, the sleep had left his eyes and he was fully alert and functional. Glancing at the schedule on the table by his bed, Yuki memorized the day's schedule and proceeded to make his way to the washroom. Washing his face and such, Yuki couldn't help but wonder what these 'redesigners' were trying to do. He had never met them and had only heard whispers about what they were trying to do. Sighing, he decided that for now, they weren't a serious threat, but if they did become one, well, the only think Yuki would and could do was to dispose of them. Exiting the washroom he walked to his closet to select something suitable to wear for the day.

                                                            Purple hues scanned through the various suits and landed on a midnight black Ermenegildo Zegna Itallian suit by Lastrucci. A bit fancy but he liked it nonetheless. Grabbing it, he pulled it on, tucking in several throwing knives and daggers as he did. Without some sort of weapon, Yuki couldn't help but feel naked and he smiled slightly at the thought. Buttoning the cuffs, Yuki was practically a walking weapon. Knives, poisons, and the like lined the inside of his suit. Still feeling like he was under prepared, Yuki walked over to his dresser and pulled open the first drawer to reveal rows of guns and rifles. Trailing his fingers over them happily, he selected a Beretta 92 along with it's silencer and stored it in one of his inner suit pockets that he had added in for his own use. To finish it all off, he grabbed his tachi and fastened it to his waist, not caring that it was in plain sight. Doing a final check to ensure that everything was how it should be, Yuki was finally satisfied.

                                                            Humming, Yuki was used to this sort of life and actually enjoyed it. Killing people wasn't such a bad thing when you were helping someone achieve their dream right? After all, in this sort of world, it was survival of the fittest. Glancing into the mirror, Yuki fixed his tie before leaving the room. Heading down to the dining room, he checked his watch. Four thirty. Walking in, he knew the boss wouldn't be up for another hour or so, depending on how tired he was. Yuki never ate breakfast. He didn't know why, but his stomach just didn't agree with it. Lunch and dinner were fine, but just not breakfast. Fluids were fine though...Grabbing a cup, he made himself a cup of Orange Pekoe tea and smiled contentedly as he stared out the window. His smile faded when he saw the clouds. Oh dear...Yuki himself loved the rain, but he wasn't so sure that it would go well with a helicopter flight. Sighing, he finished the rest of his tea and dropped the cup off before standing walking over to the entrance, considering whether or not he should go wake Kyouzai up. The moment he reached the dining hall entrance, Kyouzai walked in and past him and sat down at the table. Turning on his heel, Yuki followed the man back inside and stood by his chair until he had finished eating.

                                                            They proceeded out to the foyer and Yuki pulled his coat on and grabbed an umbrella while Kyouzai put on his fedora and cream topcoat. Stepping outside, Yuki opened up the umbrella to shield the boss from the downpour of rain until they reached the helicopter. Even though he was slightly worried about the weather conditions, Kyouzai didn't seem to think that it was a big deal as he slipped inside. Closing the umbrella, Yuki followed suit and stepped inside after him, pulling the door shut as he did. Sitting down, Yuki turned to look at Kyouzai when he heard his name being called. Smiling at the 'grand little protectorate' part, he said cheerfully, "It seems like a good day actually. The rain is rather beautiful..." Staring out the window, Yuki's eyes seemed to lose focus for a moment as a wave of nostalgia swept over him along with the feeling of familiarity. But despite racking his brain, he couldn't remember what was so familiar about this and decided to drop it. Recently, he kept having these weird feelings of deja vu but simply passed them off as things he had seen or experienced from before he had been taken in by Kyouzai's father. It doesn't really matter anyways....he thought finally, even though he couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that he had. Turning back to Kyouzai, he asked, "So how are you this morning?"

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                                                      Seraphina stared happily out the carriage window, taking in the sun, the clouds, and the land. Instinctively, she took out her camera and began taking pictures. The sun looks so nice today...surrounded by all those clouds. Must be nice~ She smiled as she snapped a shot of the sun and then began blinking rapidly. Ouch...note to self, don't look at the sun next time. Giggling softly, she changed the filter and snapped a couple more pictures before she was satisfied. At least for the moment. Tucking her camera safely into her pastel purple bag, Seraphina felt a bit nervous. Not only was no one talking, but the other team seemed to not even care about Scorpii and herself. Fiddling with her hair, Seraphina looked at the two who sat across from her.

                                                      Aiko and Minoru. Or, as Sera liked to call them, Ai-chan and Mi-kun. Although they seemed to hate it whenever she did, but she couldn't help it, the names just stuck! Plus, Sera thought they were cute names anyways. Her eyes rested on Ai-chan again and a smile slipped itself onto her face. Ah~ She's so adorable! Seraphina thought beaming like a child. Everything about her is just so...ELEGANT! From the way she sat to the way she presented herself, Ai-chan was such a perfect lady. Being from a rich family herself, Seraphina remembered a time where she had to act like that, and shuddered. Not something I need to remember, she reminded herself. Nowadays, she acted as normal as she could, not wanting anyone to know which family she had come from. I just wanna be me~ she thought before something from outside caught her attention again. HORSES! Whipping out her camera yet again, Seraphina started snapping several shots of the beautiful creatures as they ran, stood, even when they were drinking water.

                                                      Once the horses had passed, Seraphina placed her camera back in her bag and exhaled, content again. Returning to her earlier train of thought, her eyes flickered over to Mi-kun. So handsome~ she thought and giggled quietly to herself. Her eyes were especially drawn to his beautiful blue hair. I can't believe it's natural...I want hair like that, she thought, a tad jealous. Sera knew that Minoru probably hated her due to her carefree and relaxed attitude, but she didn't hate him at all. In fact, she really wanted to be friends with him, although, being herself, Sera wanted to be friends with the whole school population...or at least good terms...Such a stupid ideal some would say. Another thing was that she had always wanted to touch Mi-kun's hair. She wasn't sure why, but the one time she tried, he had almost exploded on her. Well...I guess I wanna touch it cuz I can't. Grinning, she had made it her personal goal to one day be able to touch Mi-kun's hair whenever she felt like it. Meaning she would need his approval...This is gonna be a hard goal to achieve she silently mused.

                                                      Turning her mind back to the mission, Sera started feeling queasy. She hated royals or people of high society, it reminded her too much of her parents and family situation. Groaning to herself, she knew she was being immature but it was just something that wouldn't go away. Things she didn't want to remember started resurfacing, things that she had locked away. For a split second, her wavelength fluctuated wildly before she felt a hand atop of hers. Scorpii. Just like that, everything faded away again, and Seraphina was back to her usual self with her wavelength stabilized. Sighing in relief, she cast a glance at her partner and silently thanked him. He was always so nice to her, to everyone for that matter. She was so glad that he was her partner even though at times, Seraphina felt that she didn't deserve him. A fleeting smile tugged at her lips before she felt his hand leave. Placing her hands in her lap, Seraphina looked at what she was wearing. One of her old dresses...from that house. When she had left, she had taken everything with her but today was the first time she had worn one in two years. I guess there was never an occasion...she shrugged. In her trunk, she carried other dresses as well, formal ones, casual ones, you get the idea. Currently she was wearing a black dress with a few frills and an under layer of white. She believed that it was appropriate since it was simple, yet it fit the occasion.

                                                      A whisper pulled her from her thoughts and she turned to Scorpii in time to catch the end of what he was saying. Other half lives? Huh...? Following his gaze out the window, Seraphina realized what he meant. There stood a magnificent castle that practically blocked out the sky as they neared, it towered over them and gave off a foreboding aura. Oh...dear...A bit preoccupied with the building, Seraphina almost forgot to take some pictures and managed to get one shot before the carriage stopped. Glancing at Scorpii and the others, Sera returned her meister's smile before the door opened. Blinking a few times to adjust her eyes, she turned to the others, "Shall we?" before stepping out, all her previous training came rushing back to her and she began her act as a 'perfect' lady. Accepting a helping hand as she stepped out, Seraphina kept her back straight and her head held high, giving the man a small nod of acknowledgement for his help. Taking a few steps away from the carriage, Sera stopped and turned, waiting for the others.

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                                                      Seraphina nodded in awe and disgust. She loved castles and how majestic they looked, but at the same time, they reminded her of things best left forgotten. Scrunching up her face momentarily, Seraphina was about to ask Scorpii what was up with the immensely creepy aura but as she opened her mouth, she promptly shut it again when a weird woman came towards them. Weird clothes, crazy hair, freakish face. Just wonderful. She had to bite the insides of her cheeks to keep herself from laughing out loud. Oh god she looks ridiculous. What is this place, a circus? Pfft! And her name! JINSHIN?! Almost sounds like Kishin...Seraphina frowned for a split second before she smiled like an angel and nodded obediently, following after the freakish lady. Casting a last glance at the east tower, Seraphina felt a shiver pass through her and she swore she saw a figure disappear from the window...Her grip on her bag tightened before she tore her eyes away from it and hastily followed after the group, not wanting to fall behind.

                                                      Walking behind Scorpii, Seraphina held onto the hem of his shirt with two fingers, just because she felt nervous and didn't want to end up lost. Since she was walking close to him, the action was concealed so it wouldn't cause them to look unprofessional. The atmosphere inside the castle was stifling and almost as if it was trying to kill them off before they managed to uncover anything. Her eyes darted warily around the hall as they walked behind Jinshin. Sera didn't want to be distracted by the beautiful architecture of the building, lest she miss something important...Memorizing their route, Seraphina took notes of many doors adorned with heavy locks, some doors were even blocked by statues and the like. How odd...she thought curiously. Her interest had been piqued now and she eagerly wanted to explore the locked rooms to see what they concealed. Her eyes especially lingered on a set of pure white doors that stood out against the dark walls of that particular hallway. She almost stopped but since she was still holding onto Scorpii's shirt, Sera was unwillingly pulled along with him. Completely absorbed in the quirky little details that they passed, Seraphina bumped into Scorpii's back when they came to a stop inside a luxurious room.

                                                      Blinking in surprise, she was about to ask why they stopped when Jinshin explained that this was to be their room for the duration of their stay. Taking in the four large beds and the exquisite decor, Seraphina felt a sense of nostalgia from the room and felt her heart drop a bit. It was to be expected of a large castle to have such refined rooms though, so Seraphina kept her discomfort to herself, lest their 'guide' catch on to her unease and cause suspicion to be raised. Nodding once again, Seraphina kept an innocent look on her face until Jinshin left. Exhaling, Seraphina walked over to the door and locked it before turning to Scorpii, "No kidding!" she giggled. "It's like she's from a different planet or something," she added quietly, not wanting to be overheard by the staff of the house. Or worse, Jinshin herself. Even though the woman was probably far away by now, Sera wouldn't take her chances. Scanning the beds, Seraphina skipped over to the one by the window and plopped down on it, claiming it for herself.

                                                      In response to Scorpii's second comment, she nodded, "Yea, did you guys see the figure in the window? There was some creepy guy watching us." Following her meister with her sky blue hues, she stared out of the window after him, following his gaze and she stared in surprise at the sight of Jinshin, "Hey hey Scorpii? How'd she get down there so fast...? It took us a while to get here..." Frowning she hesitated a bit before adding lightly, "Wonder what's behind all those locked doors..."

Eloquent Muse

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                                                                    Ring, ring, ring! Seraphina sat straight up and looked around hazily. Hmm...? Phone...Where's my phone...? Scrambling around, she threw her clothes and possessions around in search of her cell, dumping things upside down and making a bigger mess out of the already messy room. Gah! There you are. Retrieving the phone from underneath the bed, she answered, "Hello...? Huh? No, of course I haven't forgotten," Jumping up, she scrambled around the room once more, trying to locate her work clothes. The lady was chattering in French but Seraphina was still half asleep and replied in English, "No, no, I was just heading out the door right now, yup, I'll see you in ten!" Hanging up, Seraphina ran around the house in an attempt to multitask. Gotta make breakfast, brush my teeth, get changed! Hopping around with one leg in her pants, she got to the washroom fully dressed and quickly got ready before bolting downstairs and grabbing some bread before running out the door. Why you no go off alarm?! She huffed to herself. Halfway down the street she realized she had forgotten her gloves and ran back home, grabbing the black leather pair that sat on a table near the foyer. Pulling them on, she locked the door again and ran as quickly as she could straight to where she was supposed to meet her client.

                                                                    Turning a few corners, she was so glad that the place wasn't far from her apartment. A cafe situated on the corner of the block only a five minutes walk from her place. Pushing the door open, she spotted her client sitting by the far window while unhappily sipping her coffee, "I'm here!" she called out of breath as she made her way over. Sitting down, she apologized for making her wait before she procured several designs for a wedding dress from her bag. "Je considérais les aspects que vous avez voulu moi d'intégrer Mademoiselle Debeauvoir." Handing the woman the designs Seraphina felt a bit guilty for making the lady wait so long. "Oui. Hmm, j'aime le premier dessin. C'est très magnifique! Particulièrement des fleurs, c'est parfait! Merci Mademoiselle Lenoire, je ne suis pas déçu." Seraphina smiled brightly, "Vous êtes trop gentilles Madam. J'espère que vous avez un mariage merveilleux." "Merci," Ms. Debeauvoir stood up and handed Seraphina an envelope before departing, "Au revoir Mademoiselle Lenoire." Nodding, Seraphina waved goodbye before placing the envelope into her bag. Sighing happily, she ordered a generous slice of cake and a cup on Earl Grey tea.

                                                                    Ah...so good, she thought upon exiting the cafe. What to do with the rest of my day? Checking her phone, she saw a new message. I want my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend to suffer! He broke up with me because he was cheating with my best friend! Ooooh boy...she thought and giggled softly. Included were two pictures of the ex and the best friend. He's not bad on the eyes...she thought lightly before reading the rest of the message. Today, they're going to be at the River Rise park. I over heard them planning their date at school. Stalker much? Seraphina thought raising an eyebrow. Texting back she asked, how much are you willing to pay? Seraphina had two accounts. Her main one, and then one for businesses like this. Pocketing her phone, she walked along the sidewalk humming quietly to herself. Finding herself a nice park bench, she sat down and simple watched people go too and fro. People with pets walked by and she would occasionally pet one of them if they seemed to like her. Feeling her phone vibrate once again, she sighed and read the text, Two hundred. One hundred for each of them. Not bad I guess...she thought before replying, K. Wire half the amount to my account and the other half when I'm done. Standing up Seraphina stretched, time to work I guess...?

                                                                    River Rise park, not too many people here today since it's so windy...Walking along the paths, Seraphina slid her gloves off and pocketed them while glancing at every person who entered her field of vision. Nope...nope...um....hmm maybe. Walking over to a couple sitting underneath a tree, she got a better look at them before backing away, no...oops. Checking her phone again, she smiled upon seeing that a hundred dollars had been deposited into her account. Good girl, she thought before walking off again. After a few more minutes of watching and walking, Seraphina found the ex and his girlfriend. Ding ding, we have a winner~ she thought amused. They were holding hands and walking in the middle of the path. Easy targets~ she thought before setting off. Walking right down the middle, the couple let go of each other's hands as they walked around Seraphina. As inconspicuously as she could, she made sure that both of them brushed against her hands as they passed her. Upon contact, Seraphina felt a jolt of euphoria. Dang it's like getting high for a few seconds, she thought grinning. I better not get addicted...A soft giggle escaped her lips as she turned to see the damage done. A few bikers suddenly lost control and hit the both of them head on, resulting some sprains, bruises, cuts, and possibly a broken ankle or wrist. Snapping a picture of the scene, Seraphina sent the image to her client. Done~ she texted. Walking away from the scene, she slipped her gloves back on and stuck her hands into her pocket, waiting for a reply. A minute or two later, her phone vibrated again with the message, I've wired it to your account. Smiling, she briefly checked and was satisfied. In a whisper she said, "Good doing business with you~" before she continued on her walk.

                                                                    [[Translations: 1) I considered the aspects that you wanted me to incorporate Ms. Debeauvoir.
                                                                    2) Yes. I like the first design. It's magnificent! Especially the flowers, it's perfect! Thank you Ms. Lenoire, I'm not disappointed.
                                                                    3) You are too kind Ma'am. I hope you have a wonderful marriage.
                                                                    4) Thank you. Good bye Ms. Lenoire]]

Eloquent Muse

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                                                                    Seraphina's heels clicked against the hard pavement as she made her way along the winding path and away from the discord that she had caused only moments before. Smiling, she didn't want to look like she was happy about the accident otherwise she would be placed under suspicion. But trying to to laugh was proving to be a bit too hard for her and she quickly veered off of the pathway and onto the grass, weaving between trees and bushes to get away from the eyes of others. When she thought it was safe, Sera giggled a bit before it turned into laughter. After a moment or two, she finally managed to calm herself down. Ah...I never understand why I find it so funny when others fall into misfortune...Maybe I'm just a horrible person? Sighing, Seraphina combed her fingers through her golden curls before she continued walking, this time towards the path since she had managed to calm down enough to appear like a normal person.

                                                                    Walking curiously, Seraphina wondered where the path would lead and decided that just for today, she would relax and not worry about the government or any other sort of depressing thing. Looking around, Seraphina realized that she had ended up by a small pond that was enclosed by trees. In essence, a rather secluded spot. Smiling, she walked over to one of the benches and sat down. What a cute little spot, she thought happily. Taking in a couple deep breaths, she was suddenly aware of someone lurking nearby. In an instant, Sera's entire body tensed up and she slowly removed her gloves. Careful now...they might just be a citizen and not a government dog....Casually glancing around, she tried to pinpoint the person's location with no avail. Biting her lip, Seraphina was getting awfully worried now. If it had been a normal person, why hadn't they just come out? What reason would they have to lurk in the shadows of the trees? Her suspicions continued to escalate and her mind was dead set on the fact that it must be a government dog who was here to kill her.

                                                                    Her heartbeat increased rapidly and she swore that it was loud enough to be heard by others. Gracefully standing up, Seraphina had no idea where the person was, but she would make sure to find out. Walking back to the path, she kept a look out for anyone who tried to follow her. If someone did, she'd kill them. Or maybe just half kill them...and then question them...Listening carefully for another set of footsteps, Seraphina walked straight off the path, through a mess of trees and bushes until she couldn't be seen by anyone who decided to walk by. Standing there patiently, she wondered if the person had followed her, and if they had, she hoped they would show themselves soon. Exhaling quietly, she cleared her throat before saying, "What do you want? I know you're following me..." Well...actually, she didn't know if she was even being followed, but being the paranoid girl she was, this would be a good way to draw someone out. If she was just crazy and there hadn't been anyone following her, then no harm would be done except that her pride would be a little dented and Seraphina would feel a bit embarrassed for talking to herself. In that case, there wouldn't be anyone around to hear her at least...

Eloquent Muse

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                                                      Sighing, Seraphina watched Ai-chan and Mi-kun leave, clearly glad to be away from Scorpii and herself. Slightly dejected, she couldn't help but wonder what was so unlikable about them that caused the other pair to want to leave so badly...It's true that our personalities are so different but still...you could at least show some tolerance, she thought. The way those two acted reminded her so much of her parents...Scrunching up her face unhappily, she was curious as to why Shinigami-sama put them into a group together...Maybe he wants us to learn to accept each other? Tilting her head, Sera flopped backwards on the bed and rolled back and forth, her brain a big jumbled up mess of thoughts and feelings. Rolling too far, she ended up toppling off the bed and hit the floor with a thump, "Owowowowow!" Groaning, she got back up and rubbed her forehead. Good thing Ai-chan and Mi-kun weren't here to see that...they'd laugh at me, she thought in embarrassment.

                                                      Turning to her meister, she nodded eagerly, "Yeah~ There's so much to see here, and and and yea..." Seraphina became distracted as a couple butterflies flew by their window. So pretty, she thought enviously, before she realized that she had stopped in mid-sentence. Sheepishly, she continued, "I want to go see the gardens too if that's okay Scorpii?" Walking over to him, she flicked one of the ears that he wore on his head, "You're so silly~ What's up with the ears in a place like this?" she asked giggling. Glancing over her shoulder, Seraphina lowered her voice a bit, "Ne~ Scorpii, why do those two dislike us so much? I mean, it's not like we've done anything bad to them..." Seraphina was usually the type of person to brush off behavior like this since she was generally used to it, but they were on a mission right now, and she couldn't comprehend why they couldn't get along for the sake of successfully completing the gosh darn mission. Softly huffing, she pouted and placed her hands on her hips in a comical manner as she faced Scorpii, waiting for his answer.

                                                      "Wah!" Seraphina's hand went to her forehead and she took a step back when Scorpii tapped it. "Hai, hai~" she laughed and skipped after him, bumping into his back again when he suddenly stopped after he had opened the door. "Mmph...! Why'd you-" Her eyes suddenly narrowed as she realized there was a kishin in the doorway. Jumping back instinctively, Seraphina relaxed a bit when she realized that this was a low level one. Although, there was something majorly off about it...What was it...? "Scorpii-!" Her eyes widened in shock when he was pushed back into the dresser. Discarding her thoughts, she focused on the matter and hand and ran to her meister only to have the monster charge after her now. Stopping, she was about to transform her arm and attack when Scorpii came between her and it, and sent the creature flying backwards. Jumping, she transformed in mid-air and landing in his outstretched hand in weapon form. Now, as a long, completely white katana, Sera materialized her reflection in the sword's blade and she nodded, "Yokay Scorpii~ Have at it!" and laughed before disappearing.

                                                      Glancing back at the kishin, Sera realized what was so off about it. It wasn't a natural kishin...it was made, by someone or something. Shivering, she couldn't help but feel a bit of pity for it. I can't imagine being a mindless object...marching to my death without the slightest hesitation...That's just too horrible! Watching it a moment longer, she was a bit surprised that it was taking so long to recover from Scorpii's wavelength attack and realized they could use this to their advantage. Is this what Scorpii had in mind? Smiling, she was incredibly happy that Scorpii was her meister, he always has the funnest plans~ she thought contentedly. Materializing as a reflection again, Sera asked curiously, "So what do you have in mind?"

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                                                      When Scorpii took a hold of her in sword form, she couldn't help but smile. It was always amazing to watch how Scorpii's demeanor changed instantly from kind to serious and cold. When it came down to it, Seraphina would only ever let Scorpii wield her. After all, he was the best swordsman out of all the DWMA students. Heck, her last meister didn't know anything about handling a sword and ended up swinging her like some sort of crazed maniac. Improper use ended up with a lot of scratches, kinks and injuries for Sera, and she wasn't the least bit happy. Recovery took two months and she immediately started looking for another meister. Groaning, she recalled each and every meister she had been paired up with. Some were better than others, but ultimately, none of them were able to use Seraphina to her full abilities. That is, until she had met Scorpii. His wavelength just seemed to click with hers, both of them weren't the uptight sort of people and had more relaxed auras. It was a nice change...

                                                      She was jolted back to reality when her blade met the beast's claws. Ah! she would have jumped if she was still in her human form. Talk about being an airhead. Paying close attention, Seraphina touched Scorpii's mind, her reply flowing into his thoughts. Yeah...How is that even possible? Mhmm. Okay! Sounds like a plan Scorpii~ She couldn't help but giggle. Even in the midst of battle, Scorpii was thinking about the well being of the other party, going as far as to try to save the human from the kishin part even though it would be easier to kill the thing altogether. I'll distract him real good~ she promised. Whoa...best not to touch me silly kishin, she thought upon freezing any surface she came in contact with. Smiling to herself, she quickly substituted an ice clone with the real Scorpii when the chance arose and transferred her consciousness into it.

                                                      Going! she thought upon having her consciousness reaching the ice clone. Jumping to her feet, she aimed a high kick at the side of the kishin's head, knocking it into the wall. Almost as quickly, it rebounded back, aiming it's claws at her chest. Yikes! Ducking, she rolled to the side before sweeping her feet under it in hopes of knocking it off balance. Unlike the other weapons, Seraphina had to learn hand to hand combat since she could switch between a weapon and a clone version during battle. If she couldn't fight, her clone ability would be pretty useless aside from serving as a decoy...Even though the ice clone technically wasn't her body, she could still receive some damage if the blow was hard enough. Jumping to the side, she tsked lightly as his claws raked her shoulder. That's gonna leave a bruise later....she thought unhappily. Punching the kishin in the face, Seraphina sent him stumbling away from her, slightly dazed for a few moments. In this time, she took the opportunity to leap backwards, landing a few metres away.

                                                      Taking a breath, she assessed its condition before grinning. He's pretty worn out now...Casting a glance to where Scorpii was hidden, she thought, Now's a good time Scorpii. Just as she had finished her thought, the kishin charged at her, completely focused on ripping her head off. The moment he was within two metres of her, four ice shard embedded themselves into his back, earning the team a growl of pain. As the kishin turned to see what or who had attacked him, it allowed Sera to get into position on the other side of it. Once Scorpii was close enough, both of them attacked in perfect synchronization, freezing the kishin in an ice prison. Nodding, Seraphina left the ice clone and returned to the sword where she transformed back into her human form. The ice clone shattered when she left, leaving ice bits all over the garden. Rubbing her shoulder, she winced at the pain. Great...

                                                      Huffing lightly, she turned her attention back to Scorpii and watched him work, her eyes shining brightly with awe. It was always fun to see him work with his wavelength even though she had seen it so many time. Although she couldn't physically see what was going on, his healing wavelength always made her feel a sense of security and warmth. Once he was finished, she nodded and stepped forward, giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder as she passed. I hope he's okay....she thought worriedly. Casting one last glance over her shoulder at her meister, Sera turned back to the butler and coughed lightly as if to clear her throat before she started politely and blatantly, "Sir, I don't mean to sound abrupt or rude but you were just possessed by an evil spirit and I would appreciate it if you could tell me what is the last thing you remember?" The butler looked shocked when she asked him and it took several moments before he managed to compose himself, "W-well I suppose that I remember this morning....I was to prepare everything for the arrival of some guests...I presume it was you my Lady?" Nodding in confirmation, Seraphina waited for him to continue. "And then, when Jinshin went to go get you, I was to alert the master and mistress of your arrival. I was walking up to their chambers...and well..." The butler furrowed his eyebrows and sighed, "It became cold...and I felt rather hateful all of a sudden, as though I wanted to kill the master and the mistress," Shuddering, the butler looked around at the chaos that they had caused during the fight, "After that, I don't know...and then I woke up here...with the young sir's hand upon my chest," he finished and nodded towards Scorpii.

                                                      Frowning, Seraphina nodded slowly, her thoughts racing. Kishin shouldn't be able to do these sorts of things. Turning to Scorpii, she stared at him with concern before going over to his side. Encasing her hand with ice, she gently placed it atop of his shirt so it wouldn't be too cold and hoped it would help sooth his injured ribs. "Scorpii...I don't like this...If we got hurt fighting something that the real kishin was controlling, then how strong is the real one...?" Biting her lip, she didn't want to think about it. Most of the kishins they had fought weren't all that strong, most of them they managed to defeat unharmed. Yet this one...It was giving her a bad feeling. What if it's almost an Asura? Paling, she didn't want to spring the question on her partner yet, in case she was being irrational. Turning to the butler once more, she asked politely, "Could you prepare us another room? It seems our current one received quite a lot of damage..." The butler nodded and bowed solemnly, "Of course miss. You have my deepest apologies..." he said sadly, guilt lacing his word. Her eyes softened and she smiled, "Don't worry, it's not your fault. In fact, you can't even call it your fault since you didn't do anything wrong, it was an evil spirit," she said laughing. Even though she knew she was rambling and most likely telling a bunch of lies, she didn't think it was fair for the elderly man to have to carry the burden or the guilt of the event. Once the man had left, she turned back to her partner. Removing her hand from his chest, she asked softly, "What do you want to do now Scorpii?" Siting down beside him, she wrinkled her nose as a gentle breeze blew by. The scent of those flowers...they're sickeningly sweet...she thought in disgust. There's no way it's natural.

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