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                                        ♛ ⋮ ███ I'VE TURNED INTO *A MONSTER
                                        see kobakas fly XXTHIS BURDEN CAME TO ME, MADE IT'S HOME INSIDE

                              • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec enim nisi, pharetra nec magna sit amet, congue dapibus odio. Quisque viverra neque eget ipsum pretium, vel pellentesque felis pretium. Proin ullamcorper nunc convallis dignissim condimentum. Pellentesque pharetra ullamcorper dapibus. Nunc dictum arcu sit amet risus luctus, id venenatis dui blandit. In eleifend ligula consectetur nulla dignissim, non rutrum sapien dignissim. Nulla eget sapien enim. Phasellus a lorem erat. Nullam ligula orci, pretium non magna sed, placerat tristique ligula.

                                Maecenas faucibus, metus condimentum pellentesque tristique, ligula ipsum lobortis magna, vitae luctus nisl leo vel velit. Nullam convallis tincidunt nulla, sed blandit ante venenatis non. c** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean at tellus nec ante rhoncus placerat. Sed hendrerit luctus metus vel bibendum. Quisque et metus non nulla dapibus iaculis sed sit amet felis. Fusce lacinia, felis non sollicitudin luctus, odio ante fringilla sapien, id vulputate nisi diam ac urna. Mauris non enim porta, luctus est sit amet, mattis nisl. Etiam elementum suscipit malesuada. In arcu enim, luctus eget nulla nec, posuere porttitor tortor. Maecenas ut justo id erat porta vehicula quis et urna. Vivamus dictum libero quis aliquam gravida. Phasellus in tortor orci.

                                Morbi fringilla ligula nec diam consectetur posuere. Proin varius, quam quis aliquet bibendum, lacus libero tincidunt felis, eu fringilla turpis arcu quis nulla. Pellentesque hendrerit, diam et sagittis sollicitudin, leo risus consectetur mauris, in elementum lorem nisi sed augue. Curabitur ornare adipiscing arcu eu pulvinar. Etiam sapien orci, cursus eu varius nec, interdum ac leo. Nulla at malesuada tellus. Maecenas consequat eros vitae convallis rhoncus. Donec tristique nibh id risus laoreet vulputate. Proin sit amet bibendum libero, ac convallis magna. Cras accumsan, enim at gravida euismod, metus diam accumsan eros, at bibendum lectus neque porta purus. Vivamus quam ligula, luctus ut justo in, sodales ullamcorper lorem. Praesent faucibus dignissim viverra. Pellentesque turpis augue, bibendum id risus nec, adipiscing suscipit diam. In rutrum pulvinar felis. Morbi dapibus, enim et iaculis sodales, justo metus convallis metus, et elementum diam augue in neque.Maecenas sapien orci, rutrum eu enim at, semper ultrices diam. Phasellus pellentesque leo vitae tortor hendrerit interdum. Integer eget turpis ipsum. Pellentesque non cursus dolor. Aenean a posuere sapien, sit amet tristique eros. Praesent rutrum lectus lorem, vel imperdiet nibh pretium sed. Nullam non pellentesque sapien. Aliquam ut venenatis dolor, ut blandit lorem.

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Halcyon is a popular prodigious painter whose heart is devoted
to the very canvases she paints upon. Despite normal first
impressions, Hal tends on the eccentric side. She generally
speaks the honest truth, no matter how harsh, which others
take offense to even though her intentions are good-willed.

Recently she's developed Synesthesia, a condition that affects
her perception. She associates numbers, letters, and faces with
different colors. Instead of seeing the number five, she sees the
color red. Nowadays, she's taken to calling people not by their
names, but by the colors that she associates them with.

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              xxxxxxx ⊰ ♛&HALCYON ❜
                    ◞♛ *⋮&name ━ Halcyon Bastien
                    ◞♛ *⋮&nickname ━ Hal
                    ◞♛ *⋮&powerpaint manipulation
                    ◞♛ *⋮&partner ━ Allan Hampton
                    ◞♛ *⋮&age ━ nineteen
                    ◞♛ *⋮&birthday ━ December 21st
                    ◞♛ *⋮&sex / gender ━ female
                    ◞♛ *⋮&sexuality ━ heterosexual

                    ◞♛ *⋮&likes
                    tab tab painting
                    tab tab caramel
                    tab tab odd trinkets
                    ◞♛ *⋮&dislikes
                    tab tab her synesthesia
                    tab tab damp weather
                    tab tab sour candy
                    ◞♛ *⋮&fears
                    tab tab death
                    tab tab solitude
                    tab tab small, enclosed spaces

                  ⊰ &*PERSONALITY ❜

                        Utterly eccentric, Hal is described by most to be "off her rockers."
                        She generally makes a good first impression solely due to the fact that she
                        does not associate much initially nor does she talk all that amply. However, when
                        she finds herself comfortable with the opposite party, Halcyon will talk plenty;
                        mostly about the birds and the bees, the color palette of a sunrise, and some such
                        other nonsense. Despite her bizarre behavior, she's customarily a gentle soul and
                        would ofttimes, seek to protect those she genuinely cares about.

                        Make no mistake however, even if she has a benign disposition, Halcyon tends to
                        speak her brutally honest mind. How the opposite party takes her honesty is entirely
                        up to the them. She'd rather skip sugar-coating things and tell them her candid opinion
                        even if it means severing the ties of friendship with said individual. Hal would rather
                        be upfront instead of being roundabout for it might cause something unfortunate if
                        she lied or if she "prettied" her words just for the sake of pleasing someone's ego.
                        It's simultaneously a positive and negative trait.

                  ⊰ &*HISTORY ❜

                        Halcyon is the second born child of the wealthy Bastien family, a twin to the first
                        born heir, Titus. Unlike her sickly twin brother, she was born a very healthy child. Halcyon's
                        parents showered her with gifts, cultivated the young girl with lessons fit for a child of her caliber,
                        while they shuffled away her twin to a hospital and feigned ignorance to the son they knew
                        didn't have long to live. Hal was oblivious to what her parents were doing that she received
                        their offerings gladly. She studied hard and even picked up painting when her parents
                        encouraged her. It didn't take long for her prodigious talent in the arts to shine. Soon, she
                        was displaying her art pieces in museums, gaining quick recognition for her wonderful skills as a
                        painter at a young age. Hal was ignorant to the treatment that her twin was getting, and she
                        didn't find out until years later. All she continued to do was bask in her new found glory, blind to
                        everything else.

                        By the time her brother was too sick to leave his hospital bed, Halcyon was finally able to
                        visit him, albeit a bit too late. She hadn't known that her brother was sick, as her parents told her
                        that he was living abroad. And when she managed to find the gall to come around his
                        hospital room, he was too ill to even lift his head and greet her. Despite having identical faces,
                        neither could recognize each other as they had gone on with their lives without ever having
                        spent time together ever since they were born. From that moment on, Hal decided to
                        compensate for lost time with her twin and withdrew from the limelight of the art world.
                        She often visits him with small gifts from the unfamiliar world outside his hospital room. And
                        she spends most times painting him things that he would request of her. Both of them know, deep
                        within their hearts that Titus doesn't have long to live. Yet she continues, everyday, to visit him
                        in spite of such an inevitability. She loves him far too much to let go, loves him far too much
                        that she'd rather give up her own life in place of his.

                  ⊰ &*ABILITIES ❜

                        Halcyon was granted the power to manipulate the physical substance of paint while also being able
                        to bring paintings to life. When given access to liquid paint substances, Hal is able to create
                        and animate anything with the paint palette given to her. She can even summon items or
                        monsters from any painting. Her ability also grants her the ability to enter paintings as a form
                        of escape. However, once a painting she inhabits is destroyed, she won't come out unscathed.
                        Most of the time, she paints upon small canvases in order animate what she has in mind. But
                        she doesn't need to rely on painting herself as long as she has other existing paintings/liquid
                        paint to manipulate.

                        Hal is quite adept at physical combat as she was taught fencing as a young child. Though the
                        weapon might vary, she applies fencing concepts to whatever weapon is handy at the moment.

                        One drawback from her powers however, is synesthesia. The condition affects her perception.
                        Whenever viewing a number, a letter, or a face, she can only associate them with different
                        shades of color. She is unable to recognize them as they are and will only call them the
                        respective colors she sees.

                    ◞♛ *⋮&themeHalcyon by Ellie Goulding
                    ◞♛ *⋮&extra ━ Though it's rather obvious, she would wish for her brother's full recovery.
                    ◞♛ *⋮&username ━ kobacchi
♚ ❛ SWEET LIKE C⇡NNAMON* ◞temp gfx shop⋮uc

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                                        ♛ ⋮ ███ I WANT TO OPEN MY *TIGHTLY CLENCHED FISTS
                                        xxx xxxxxxx xxx XXBECAUSE IT'S TOO SOON FOR ALL THESE REGRETS I'M FEELING

                              • Orange-hued eyes flickered upwards at the sound of Hana's melodious voice, the corner of his lips tugging to form a crooked grin in greeting to the notion that she'd taken the time to entertain his acquaintance. Ofttimes Aki wondered why Hana even bothered to tolerate his unruly behavior, pondered thoughts as to why she took the time to become anything remotely close to being friends with him. When others sought to seek refuge away from the tiger, all the more reason she found herself closer.

                                As Akaihana reached towards him to pull away at his ebony hood, crimson strands ruffled into place, revealing the pale handsome features etched on his face. If not for his delinquency, his natural charm would've, without absolutely no doubt at all, drawn flocks of good people toward him. Even after all his volatile attacks, others (respectively of his same nature) found themselves drawn to him. However, he was a bad egg, and the only eggs he attracted were of his same filth.

                                However, Akaihana was the only exception. She was the only radiant sunlight in his life.

                                Jilted by her question, Akihito grunted offhandedly, orange orbs flickering elsewhere just so he could avoid the stare that she so concernedly gave him. "I was cornered," he stated simply, as if the explanation could suffice. "I punched one of them first, and I'd imagine you know the rest." A shrug followed thereafter, nonchalant, like he could care less even if he was at war with the entire human race. "Human", the word chilled him to the bone. Was he human? Yes, definitely, Sakisaka Akihito was as normal as the next human being. He had to be. Transforming into a tiger was just.. it was something strange but that didn't mean he had to be branded a freak.

                                "Speak for yourself," Aki retorted mildly, tugging at the collar of his jacket uncomfortably. It was hot and it wasn't entirely his ideal attire, but nowadays, he found himself sporting jackets that were more fit for concealing his identity from prying eyes than clothes fit for the weather. But he brushed aside her inquiry, like he usually feigned ignorance to most of her concerned questions about his secretive behavior as of late. "I didn't have anything else to wear so I wore this. Would you prefer I walked around shirtless?" Yes, Aki was implying that underneath the jacket, he wore nothing else but his bare skin. The lad snickered at the thought that she might slightly be repulsed but abandoned the humorous - clearly funny (to him anyway) - idea while he reached for the medical kit, slim fingers fumbling in an attempt to get the blasted thing open.

                                But to no avail. So he simply gave up on it, like the many things he gave up on. "I'm fine," he reassured, though it wasn't so convincing of a statement as he had hoped. In fact, he looked absolutely terrible, what with the injuries marking the parts of his body that were visible to the naked eye. Akihito sniffled, the back of his hand reaching up towards his nose, smearing away what little blood remained inside onto his cheek. He could feel his knuckles pulsing hotly, the corner of his busted lip swelling by the second. "Fine", he said. He looked worse than fine and he knew, no matter how much he denied it, that Hana could see right through his thinly-veiled lies.

oh s**t i'm so gomen for the quote
♚ ❛ BODY ELECTR⇡C* ◞uc

the hand that feeds you the apple will be the hand to lead you to your demise
feed from the hand that holds the apple and you will neither have a past, present, nor future
partake of the fruit of fate and it will only splinter your very heart

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                    "Heed my warnings, precious child. Do not partake of the fruit of fate for it will consume the very core of your heart, eating away at its purity like a fester. Do you see that hand over yonder, offering you the apple from the Garden of Eden? Do not take it my darling. If thy feeds from the hand which holds the apple, only inevitable demise awaits you. Turn thy other cheek away and refuse the forbidden fruit's temptation. You must never give in to love, for if you do, they will snatch you like vultures."

                    Once upon a time, in a period far in the future from our own, there was a city known as Eleusis. It was a city so technologically advanced, the level so far removed from other reputable cities that the esteemed men and women from Eleusis' council all decided it was the best course of action for them to seccede from the country they belonged in. The decision, no matter how absurd, could not be countered by any of the outside cities. Eleusis was quite a powerful city, you see, that other cities could only serve as onlookers no matter their course of action, else their city be squashed by Eleusis itself.

                    Having gone into independence, Eleusis flourished wonderfully. The economy became stable, so fullproof nothing could possibly bring it down. The citizens' behavior improved by a far mile and morale within the communities skyrocketed. The man who had been instated as the city's Prime Minister shaped Eleusis as the grand city it deserved to be. However, jealousy and hatred festered into the form of a man within the council. And it didn't take long for him to act upon his selfish desires. Before long, the lifeless body of the Prime Minister was discovered in bed, murdered in cold blood; crimson liquid seeping into the pristine sheets. The killer could not be found and evidence was all for naught, but the city had its suspicions on a man named Wilhem Bastien, who everybody knew, coveted the deceased Prime Minister's position. Wilhelm, a man of greed, pulled the necessary strings for the council to instate him as the new Prime Minister. From then on, hell descended upon the once glorious Eleusis.

                    Eleusis transformed into a cesspool of crime, loathing, and sin. Many things were outlawed by Wilhelm, and among the things he outlawed was physical contact. Because he thought it stupid, the tyrant whimsically decreed that it would become taboo. If caught, they were to be considered as criminals with punishments equal to crimes of murder and other first degree acts. Women were forced to turn to sperm donors and marriage no longer became a formality. Many tried to defect from Eleusis as a result, but from those he caught, Wilhelm ordered a public execution to serve as reminder that none were allowed to leave. Years passed and people had no choice but to settle with the physical contact ban. And eventually, the feeling of love never blossomed within the city's walls ever again.

                    Hug dealers tenderly embraced people in the dead of night and shady people held hands underneath the cover of dark streets. By the by, an individual gets arrested for accidentally grazing someone else's hand. It's merely a normal occurrence in Eleusis' streets and barely anyone bats an eyelash anymore. However, an uprising had been brewing in the depths of the underground. The very son of Wilhelm Bastien, who had been subjected to the lack of love and semblance of a normal family decided it was high time for him to seek the emotion of love his own father decided to eradicate. He dreamed of the day he could walk along the surface streets of Eleusis without fearing that he'll bump into or touch someone accidentally. The lad, inspired that one day he'll be able to achieve his dream, went underground and established a small organization with people that shared his ideals. They went on to perform operations that rebelled against Wilhelm's ban, all the while instigating acts that inspired Eleusis' people to showcase their love to one another publicly. This group, called the Amare (latin word for love) became so successful that they almost lifted the ban on physical contact. Alas however, a day came when the Amare group's leader had been caught by none other than his father, Wilhelm. And in order to quell the public's resistance, he took his own son and beheaded him in public. The Amares, unable to cope with their grief, disbanded.

                    It wasn't until years later that someone who had the same dreams as the deceased Amare leader decided that another generation should take up the torch to lead in the fight for love. Unfortunately, the new assembled group haven't been as successful as their predecessors.
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                                                            ❝ SHORT QUOTE HERE ⋟

                                                          tab ♛ *◞NAME: name here
                                                          tab ♛ *◞NICKNAME(S): nicknames here
                                                          tab ♛ *◞ROLE: role here
                                                          tab ♛ *◞AGE: ages between 17 - 26
                                                          tab ♛ *◞BIRTHDAY: birthday here
                                                          tab ♛ *◞GENDER: male or female

                                                          tab ♛ *◞WEIGHT: spell it out
                                                          tab ♛ *◞HEIGHT: spell it out
                                                          tab ♛ *◞EYE COLOR: eye color here
                                                          tab ♛ *◞HAIR COLOR: hair color here

                                                          tab PERSONALITY
                                                          A minimum of one paragraph. Bold three good traits and three bad traits.

                                                          tab ROLE DESCRIPTION
                                                          A minimum of one paragraph. Be creative, describe what your character does in the Amare's. Some goals your character has to fulfill as that role.
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                                                            ❝ SHORT QUOTE HERE ⋟

                                                          A minimum of two paragraphs. Include how and why you ended up joining the Amare's, and what you hope to achieve by being a part of the organization.

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                                                            ❝ SHORT QUOTE HERE ⋟

                                                          tab ♛ *◞LIKES:
                                                          tab tab tab ★ like here
                                                          tab tab tab ★ like here
                                                          tab tab tab ★ like here

                                                          tab ♛ *◞DISLIKES:
                                                          tab tab tab ★ dislike here
                                                          tab tab tab ★ dislike here
                                                          tab tab tab ★ dislike here

                                                          tab ♛ *◞FEARS:
                                                          tab tab tab ★ fear here
                                                          tab tab tab ★ fear here

                                                          tab ♛ *◞THEME SONG: link your character's theme song here
                                                          tab ♛ *◞VOICE: link your character's voice here

                                                          tab ANY LAST WORDS?
                                                          Write a small blurb here of anything extra that we haven't covered yet.
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                                                            ❝ SHORT QUOTE HERE ⋟

                                                          format this however you like

                                                          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut pharetra aliquam vulputate. Fusce ultrices dignissim est commodo rutrum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam vitae justo vel turpis adipiscing vehicula in vitae magna. Suspendisse vel augue at justo tincidunt dictum. Suspendisse viverra, augue et feugiat commodo, orci ante sollicitudin purus, non egestas mauris augue vel risus. Curabitur ornare rutrum erat sit amet imperdiet. Aliquam magna turpis, hendrerit vel eros ut, commodo tincidunt lacus. Phasellus suscipit nisl commodo, vestibulum erat ut, imperdiet libero. Nullam vitae aliquam sem, nec vehicula sapien. Sed auctor erat vel odio tincidunt, non sagittis arcu iaculis. Nam hendrerit eleifend erat. Nullam odio dolor, fermentum non euismod in, tincidunt ut sem. Sed tincidunt convallis odio vitae porttitor. Suspendisse lacus risus, sagittis ac turpis in, consectetur posuere lacus.
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                                                          • He had been awake for half an hour already, red-orange hues glued to the slumbering woman beside him, feminine figure wrapped in dingy blankets. He often found his fingers entwined with her luscious brown tresses, would hear her murmur in her sleep. And it made him yearn for her touch, exhilarated by the thrill of breaking the law. But that was only temporary, like the brief relief she gave him every night he visited her. When morning came, he knew the fun would be over and she would be attached to some other poor sap who desired the caresses of another human being. Untangling his legs from the sheets, Pierre slipped from the bed noiselessly, bright orbs searching for the clothes he'd strewn on the floor the night prior. When he'd finally gathered his bearings, slipping on his slightly wrinkled clothes, he departed from the small apartment as quietly as he could. She'd wake up in an empty bed just like every morning he left her, and the two would go on about their lives until Pierre would seek her company again another day. He felt no love for the woman, rather he craved the feeling of her skin against his, that was the sole reason why he kept coming back to knock upon her door and nothing more.

                                                            Pierre walked swiftly, head down, as he traversed the streets of the Underground. It was an early morning and there were scarcely anyone milling about, except for the select few who opened their stores at daybreak. He felt himself burrowing into his scarf, hugging the ebony coat he was wearing closer to his figure in order to prevent any cold wind from bleeding in. It was quite chilly, cold enough that whenever he exhaled, he could visibly see the mist that his breath created. He muttered a small "..oh" underneath his breath, watching as the same foggy haze reappeared again. The image reminded him of cigarette smokes, the urge to hit a dose of his daily nicotine fix crushing him so early in the morning. It was almost as if the cigarette pack tucked away in the back of his pants pocket were burning a hole through the fabric. Almost like his smoke addled lungs were burning within. But he disregarded the urge to indulge and instead, crammed his hands into the pockets of his coat, trudging slowly against concrete to his destination.

                                                            It didn't take long for him to reach headquarters despite his relaxed pace. And even when he made it inside the establishment, the second exerted no effort in finding his colleagues and instead beelined towards the meeting room. As usual, he was the first one present and the first one to make himself comfortable in one of the seats, crossing his arms against his chest habitually. Despite popular belief that Pierre was regularly angry, that wasn't always the case. Today, he felt slightly better than yesterday, maybe even enough to carry him through the day without having to snap unnecessarily at someone and them having to retaliate. Maybe today was the day that he didn't have to become infuriated.

                                                            The door jostled open with a creaking sigh and all of Pie's reassurances went to hell. As the door gave way to whomever was on the opposite side, Pierre instinctively glowered in greeting even though he honestly wanted to start the day with a smile. Fantastic job Pierre, A++ for effort.
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                                                            Exhaustion was evident in the red head's bright orbs as soon as the meeting drew to a close.
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                              • There was one thing - among the multitude of things that Loriette had said, most she didn't even care about - that Hal became certain of, '..She's lying.' Loriette insisted that she spare no details as to what she was doing in Victor's office, and at first Hal had been obliged to listen to the first half of her detailed spiel. But she had caught the lie about reporting to Inigo as they obviously both saw him moments prior bursting out of Chora, and she no longer had any interest in what the other woman had to say. Loriette was far too calculated in her speech, far too convincing that Hal knew, in the back of her head, that something was up. Yusu, having been far too absorbed in her thoughts, did not even flinch when the strawberry-blondie drew her weapon at her, dark blue eyes staring directly at the barrel. She wouldn't shoot, she knew that. And despite Loriette's many explanations (boring as they were), and many attempts at mocking her (which mind you, barely even made a dent on Hal), Hal couldn't shake the feeling that she had been lying the entire time. Even with Loriette's final farewell dawning at her like a new age, Hal remained transfixed at the spot she'd been standing on for minutes. It wasn't until Victor had come bounding up that she broke from her thoughts, murmuring a more than quiet "..hmm," at his instructions. Booted out of the office, she remained in the hall for quite some time, running her fingers through her purple tresses, cupping her ears every now and then, trying hard to filter only the sounds she needed to hear and the thoughts she had to mull over.

                                But there was nothing to think about. Her mind refused to process both conflicting thoughts; that Loriette was both comrade and possible traitor..? The purple head heaved a sigh before burrowing her face into the palm of her hands, too consumed with her own problems to notice Inigo had gone past her and into the office and that the bosses were professing their love to each other like a bunch of schoolgirls, had barely paid heed when the Beanie Guy from downstairs found his way up to the hall and found his way down as quickly as he'd come. Barely gave Eckhart the time of day when he walked right past her. There was only one thing that remained, emotional turmoil. Should she tell someone? She should tell someone.. shouldn't she? But what if her suspicions were wrong and she was just blindly accusing Loriette? ..But then, what if she was right?

                                Hal pushed herself off the wall of the hall ohh that rhymed and trudged back down the steps towards the first floor, eerily quiet. Halfway down, she overheard the instructions Eckhart had been given Gwen in concern to a piece of napkin the man from earlier had left on the table. But again, she paid no heed and was just about to grab a seat when her ears caught wind of a familiar pleasant voice, greeting the people in the room with an equally pleasant "Morning." Hal whirled around in her heel, purple strands whipping around (rather dangerously), to face the individual whose voice she'd heard belonged to. And there, standing with all his (old aged) glory, was Arwel Hane. "G'morning Arwel!" she piped up cheerfully, practically bouncing off her feet. She hadn't seen the old man since her juvenile years, running amok the streets of the Grey District, where he made it his habit to always catch her in her criminal acts. He'd always gently but sternly warn her about the wrong things she had been doing, and the wrong path she was taking. Maybe it was partly his scoldings that she ended up with a job at all.

                                Unlike Eckhart, who took great care in being polite, despite his not so usual attire, Hal bounded right up beside Arwel, like an eager child to a parent. "H-How are you? Any new cases huh huh? What are ya doing here? Ohhh I haven't seen you in so long." Suddenly, she was just like a chatterbox, recovered from her previous conflicted mood. Taking another breath, she reached her arm to link with his, "Sorry sorry, you must be here for a case right? I doubt you wanted to visit little ol' me anyway, but that's alright!" Happy go lucky Hal back in full swing.

WHEREvictor's officexxWITHloriettexxFEELINGfurious and inquisitive
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  • There was one thing - among the multitude of things that Loriette had said, most she didn't even care about - that Hal became certain of, '..She's lying.' Loriette insisted that she spare no details as to what she was doing in Victor's office, and at first Hal had been obliged to listen to the first half of her detailed spiel. But she had caught the lie about reporting to Inigo as they obviously both saw him moments prior bursting out of Chora, and she no longer had any interest in what the other woman had to say. Loriette was far too calculated in her speech, far too convincing that Hal knew, in the back of her head, that something was up. Yusu, having been far too absorbed in her thoughts, did not even flinch when the strawberry-blondie drew her weapon at her, dark blue eyes staring directly at the barrel. She wouldn't shoot, she knew that. And despite Loriette's many explanations (boring as they were), and many attempts at mocking her (which mind you, barely even made a dent on Hal), Hal couldn't shake the feeling that she had been lying the entire time. Even with Loriette's final farewell dawning at her like a new age, Hal remained transfixed at the spot she'd been standing on for minutes. It wasn't until Victor had come bounding up that she broke from her thoughts, murmuring a more than quiet "..hmm," at his instructions. Booted out of the office, she remained in the hall for quite some time, running her fingers through her purple tresses, cupping her ears every now and then, trying hard to filter only the sounds she needed to hear and the thoughts she had to mull over.

    But there was nothing to think about. Her mind refused to process both conflicting thoughts; that Loriette was both comrade and possible traitor..? The purple head heaved a sigh before burrowing her face into the palm of her hands, too consumed with her own problems to notice Inigo had gone past her and into the office and that the bosses were professing their love to each other like a bunch of schoolgirls, had barely paid heed when the Beanie Guy from downstairs found his way up to the hall and found his way down as quickly as he'd come. Barely gave Eckhart the time of day when he walked right past her. There was only one thing that remained, emotional turmoil. Should she tell someone? She should tell someone.. shouldn't she? But what if her suspicions were wrong and she was just blindly accusing Loriette? ..But then, what if she was right?

    Hal pushed herself off the wall of the hall ohh that rhymed and trudged back down the steps towards the first floor, eerily quiet. Halfway down, she overheard the instructions Eckhart had given Gwen in concern to a piece of napkin the man from earlier had left on the table. But again, she paid no heed and was just about to grab a seat when her ears caught wind of a familiar pleasant voice, greeting the people in the room with an equally pleasant "Morning." Hal whirled around on her heel, purple strands whipping around (rather dangerously), to face the individual whose voice she'd heard belonged to. And there, standing with all his (old aged) glory, was Arwel Hane. "G'morning Arwel!" she piped up cheerfully, practically bouncing off her feet. She hadn't seen the old man since her juvenile years, running amok the streets of the Grey District, where he made it his habit to always catch her in her criminal acts. He'd always gently but sternly warn her about the wrong things she had been doing, and the wrong path she was taking. Maybe it was partly his scoldings that she ended up with a job at all.

    Unlike Eckhart, who took great care in being polite, despite his not so usual attire, Hal bounded right up beside Arwel, like an eager child to a parent. "H-How are you? Any new cases huh huh? What are ya doing here? Ohhh I haven't seen you in so long." Suddenly, she was just like a chatterbox, recovered from her previous conflicted mood. Taking another breath, she outstretched her arm to link with his, "Sorry sorry, you must be here for a case right? I doubt you wanted to visit little ol' me anyway, but that's alright!" Happy go lucky Hal back in full swing.

WHEREchora's first floorxxWITHarwel, eckhart, gwenxxFEELINGconflicted to jovial
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                                      • He had been awake for half an hour already, red-orange hues glued to the slumbering woman beside him, feminine figure wrapped in dingy blankets. He often found his fingers entwined with her luscious brown tresses, would hear her murmur in her sleep. And it made him yearn for her touch, exhilarated by the thrill of breaking the law. But that was only temporary, like the brief relief she gave him every night he visited her. When morning came, he knew the fun would be over and she would be attached to some other poor sap who desired the caresses of another human being. Untangling his legs from the sheets, Pierre slipped from the bed noiselessly, bright orbs searching for the clothes he'd strewn on the floor the night prior. When he'd finally gathered his bearings, slipping on his slightly wrinkled clothes, he departed from the small apartment as quietly as he could. She'd wake up in an empty bed just like every morning he left her, and the two would go on about their lives until Pierre would seek her company again another day. He felt no love for the woman, rather he craved the feeling of her skin against his, that was the sole reason why he kept coming back to knock upon her door and nothing more.

                                        Pierre walked swiftly, head down, as he traversed the streets of the Underground. It was an early morning and there were scarcely anyone milling about, except for the select few who opened their stores at daybreak. He felt himself burrowing into his scarf, hugging the ebony coat he was wearing closer to his figure in order to prevent any cold wind from bleeding in. It was quite chilly, cold enough that whenever he exhaled, he could visibly see the mist that his breath created. He muttered a small "..oh" underneath his breath, watching as the same foggy haze reappeared again. The image reminded him of cigarette smokes, the urge to hit a dose of his daily nicotine fix crushing him so early in the morning. It was almost as if the cigarette pack tucked away in the back of his pants pocket were burning a hole through the fabric. Almost like his smoke addled lungs were burning within. But he disregarded the urge to indulge and instead, crammed his hands into the pockets of his coat, trudging slowly against concrete to his destination.

                                        It didn't take long for him to reach headquarters despite his relaxed pace. And even when he made it inside the establishment, the second exerted no effort in finding his colleagues and instead beelined towards the meeting room. As usual, he was the first one present and the first one to make himself comfortable in one of the seats, crossing his arms against his chest habitually. Despite popular belief that Pierre was regularly angry, that wasn't always the case. Today, he felt slightly better than yesterday, maybe even enough to carry him through the day without having to snap unnecessarily at someone and them having to retaliate. Maybe today was the day that he didn't have to become infuriated.

                                        The door jostled open with a creaking sigh and all of Pie's reassurances went to hell. As the door gave way to whomever was on the opposite side, Pierre instinctively glowered in greeting even though he honestly wanted to start the day with a smile. Fantastic job Pierre, A++ for effort.

                                        ♕ ◞*TIMESKIP
                                        Exhaustion was evident in the red head's bright orbs as soon as the meeting drew to a close. His bright orbs fell to the thin glass screen sitting between his fingers, neatly compiled notes organizing themselves automatically to their designated folders. A part of his conscience scolded him for suggesting an infiltration mission so soon, though the latter half consequently agreed with his decision. What if he was being too hasty? The thought sent shivers down his spine. They couldn't afford hasty, it would just cost more lives, ones Pie didn't want to lose. God, what was he doing?

                                        Pie's thoughtful reverie shattered at the sound of Lucina's voice, crimson gaze flickering to the moving slender figure of the brunette. He was partially tempted to catch her attention and he rose a fraction off his seat to do so.. but sat back down promptly. Pierre would be the last man on earth Lucina would want to talk to right now. He was antagonistic, but not inconsiderate and so he watched silently as she and some of the other members filtered out of the conference room.

                                        Left to his own devices, the second in command groveled at himself before attending to the notes and intel he'd compiled during the entirety of the meeting from various members, all the while muttering incoherent curses underneath his breath.

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