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R e d
F i r e B r i c k
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C o r a l
T o m a t o
O r a n g e R e d
D a r k O r a n g e
O r a n g e
D a r k R e d
T a n
G o l d
B i s q u e
Y e l l o w
M o c c a s i n
P e a c h P u f f
P a l e G o l d e n R o d
K h a k i
D a r k K h a K i
Y e l l o w G r e e n
D a r k O l i v e G r e e n
D a r k G r e e n
D a r k S e a G r e e n
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G r e e n
L i g h t G r e e n
L i m e G r e e n
L i g h t S e a G r e e n
O l i v e
O l i v e D r a b
P a l e G r e e n
M e d i u m S e a G r e e n
T e a l
M e d i u m S p r i n g G r e e n
S e a G r e e n
L i g h t B l u e
B l u e
C o r n F l o w e r B l u e
N a v y
C a d e t B l u e
D a r k B l u e
D a r k C y a n
D a r k S l a t e B l u e
D a r k T u r q u o i s e
L i g h t S k y B l u e
S k y B l u e
D o d g e r B l u e
P o w d e r B l u e
D e e p S k y B l u e
L i g h t S t e e l B l u e
S t e e l B l u e
S l a t e B l u e
D a r k S l a t e B l u e
M e d i u m S l a t e B l u e
M e d i u m A q u a M a r i n e
M e d i u m B l u e
R o y a l B l u e
M e d i u m T u r q u o i s e
M e d i u m S l a t e B l u e
P a l e T u r q u o i s e
M i d N i g h t B l u e
T h i s t l e
P l u m
V i o l e t
O r c h i d
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D a r k O r c h i d
B l u e V i o l e t
D a r k V i o l e t
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P u r p l e
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P i n k
L i g h t P i n k
H o t P i n k
D e e p P i n k
F u c h s i a
M e d i u m V i o l e t R e d
P a l e V i o l e t R e d
D a r k M a g e n t a
B l a c k
D a r k G r a y
D a r k S l a t e G r a y
D i m G r a y
G a i n s B o r o
G r a y
L i g h t G r e y
S i l v e r
N a v a j o W h i t e[/color
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R o s y B r o w n
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Shy Member

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Random Icons of people XD

Andy Sixx ✦Cameron Ugh ✦ Paul Griffiths ✦ Kaizel Blackout ✦ Christofer Drew ✦ Matthew Lush ✦ Danny Worsnop ✦ Alessandro De Marco ✦
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James Jumpsuit ✦ Alexander Vincent ✦ Joshua Estrella ✦ Cassadee Pope ✦ Hannah Beth ✦ Kevin Flamme ✦ Adam Gallagher ✦ Victoria Justice ✦
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Jesse McCartney ✦ John Amedori ✦ Teddy Geiger ✦ Robbie Amell ✦ Albert Reed ✦ Becky Lou ✦ Charlie Hunnam ✦ William Moseley
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Justin McDaniel ✦ Susan Coffey ✦

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Dorothy Lynn Evans
"Well Hi I'm Dory"

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[size=18][color=slateblue]Dorothy[/color] [color=blue]Lynn[/color] [color=darkblue]Evans[/color][/size]
[align=center]"[size=18]Well Hi I'm[/size] [size=24][u]Dory[/u][/size]"[/align]
[imgleft]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/015.jpg[/imgleft]


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Edward antwan Panic & Edwin antun Pain

I'm walking and walking and walking "I'm talking and talking and talking" I'm walking and walking and walking. I'm walking and walking and walking 'Thinking THINKING!' I'm walking and walking and walking. I'm walking and walking and walking "I'm talking and talking and talking" I'm walking and walking and walking. I'm walking and walking and walking 'Thinking THINKING!' I'm walking and walking and walking.I'm walking and walking and walking "I'm talking and talking and talking" I'm walking and walking and walking. I'm walking and walking and walking 'Thinking THINKING!' I'm walking and walking and walking.I'm walking and walking and walking "I'm talking and talking and talking" I'm walking and walking and walking. I'm walking and walking and walking 'Thinking THINKING!' I'm walking and walking and walking.

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[imgleft]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Real guy photos/dark.jpg[/imgleft][imgright]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Real guy photos/afbf.jpg[/imgright]
[/align][align=center][size=18][color=deepskyblue]Edward antwan Panic[/color] & [color=red]Edwin antun Pain[/color][/size][/align]


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Christian Allen Cheshire

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[imgright]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/purple-emo-boy.jpg[/imgright]

[size=24][align=center]Christian Allen Cheshire[/align][/size]

[align=center][img]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/Cheshire_Icon_by_Xanriicopy.jpg[/img][img]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a191/Mingan_Ghost/Icon things/cheshire_cat.gif[/img][img]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k236/hippie_from_the_hood/Icons/Disney Icons/Alice in Wonderland/thcrazy.jpg[/img][img]http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e21/FyreThief/Icons - Disney/CanYouStandOnYourHeadAnimated.gif[/img][/align]

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Jason Tito Mckee

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[imgleft]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Real guy photos/14535_100288409997459_1000004890048.jpg[/imgleft][imgright]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/14535_100363633323270_1000004890048.jpg[/imgright]
[align=center][size=24][color=orange]Jason[/color] [color=green]Tito[/color] [color=tan]Mckee[/color][/size][/align]



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╰☆╮ Krista Taylor Williams ╰☆╮

╰☆╮ The Miss Freak! ╰☆╮

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★ ✔ ☓ ✗ ☹ ☺ ☻ ☽ ☾ ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣ ♬✿.。.:*

[align=center][size=24][color=indigo]╰☆╮[/color][/size] [size=18]Krista[/size] [color=indigo]✲[/color] [size=18]Taylor[/size] [color=indigo]✲[/color] [size=18]Williams[/size] [size=24][color=indigo]╰☆╮[/color][/size][/align]

[align=center][size=24][color=indigo]╰☆╮[/color][/size] [size=18][color=purple]The Miss Freak![/color][/size] [size=24][color=indigo]╰☆╮[/color][/size][/align]



[align=center][size=24][color=indigo]★ ✔ ☓ ✗ ☹ ☺ ☻ ☽ ☾ ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣ ♬✿.。.:* [/color][/size][/align]

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Jacey Alion Owens

Call me Ali or Jacey

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[color=skyblue][size=24][align=center]Jacey Alion Owens[/align][/size][/color]

[color=slateblue][size=18][align=center]Call me Ali or Jacey[/align][/size][/color]


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[align=center][color=Darkblue][size=24]☪[/size][/color] [color=skyblue][size=18]Chase[/size][/color] ☆ [color=skyblue][size=18]Tyler[/size][/color] ★ [color=skyblue][size=18]Vixion[/size][/color] [color=darkblue][size=24]☽[/size][/color][/align]




[align=center][img]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/Blackwolf.jpg[/img][/align]

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Christian Kyler Carter

Swim outfit

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[align=center][img]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Real guy photos/GaspardUlliel4.jpg[/img][/align]

[color=Slateblue][size=24][align=center]Christian Kyler Carter[/align][/size][/color]

[size=9][strike][url=http://www.polyvore.com/christian_swim_outfit/set?id=23171039]Swim outfit[/url][/strike][/size]

[img]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Real guy photos/gaspard-ulliel-2.png[/img][img]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Real guy photos/SexyFace.jpg[/img][img]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Real guy photos/Gaspard_Ulliel___silence_by_KawaiiK.jpg[/img]

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Jacey Krista Owens


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[align=center][color=Purple][size=24]Jacey Krista Owens[/size][/color][/align]



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Jacey Emily Buroke

Also know as Miss Tomboy

Call me Jacey

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[IMGleft]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/Stewart.jpg[/IMGleft][IMGright]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/kristen-stewart-twilight_2.jpg[/IMGright]

[align=center][color=Purple][size=24][u]Jacey[/u] [u]Miriam[/u] [u]Carter[/u][/size][/color][/align]

[size=9]Also know as Miss [u]Tomboy[/u][/size]

[align=center][color=Purple][size=18]Call me [u]Jacey[/u][/size][/color][/align]

[align=center][IMG]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/kstewwod.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/KristenStewart9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/002-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/belle1.png[/IMG][/align]

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.....Joseph Allen Peek........

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║[/color][color=white].....[/color][color=slateblue]Joseph Allen Peek[/color][color=white]........[/color][color=slateblue]║

[imgleft]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/alex_pettyfer_1189961254.jpg[/imgleft][imgright]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/alex_pettyfer_3.jpg[/imgright]




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...Lucas Joseph Peterson.....

The Basketball Star

"But just call me Lucas or Joey"

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║[/color][color=white]...[/color][color=royalblue]Lucas Joseph Peterson[/color][color=white].....[/color][color=lightseagreen]║

[align=right][size=9][u][b]The Basketball Star[/b][/u][/size][/align]

[size=9][align=center]"But just call me [b][color=lightseagreen][u]Lucas[/u][/color][/b] or [b][color=lightseagreen][u]Joey[/u][/color][/b]"[/align][/size]

[imgleft]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/alex_pettyfer_1189961254.jpg[/imgleft][imgright]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/alex_pettyfer_3.jpg[/imgright]

[align=center][img]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/AlexPettyfer7.jpg[/img][img]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/AlexPettyfer17.jpg[/img][/align]

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Kevin Michal McKee

"Also know as Mr. New kid"

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[IMGleft]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/Jerm.jpg[/IMGleft]

[align=center][size=24][color=lightseagreen]Kevin[/color] [color=royalblue]Michal[/color] [color=lightseagreen]McKee[/color][/size][/align]

[size=9]"Also know as Mr. New kid"[/size]

[align=center][IMG]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/jeremysumpter.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/shine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/Seena_Minitokyo_29/Decorated images/smile.jpg[/IMG][/align]

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