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Supreme Demigod

11,950 Points
  • Supreme Supporter 500
  • Married 100
  • Cool Cat 500










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Supreme Demigod

11,950 Points
  • Supreme Supporter 500
  • Married 100
  • Cool Cat 500

        α в c ם/∂/δ є ғ ɢ н ι נ к ℓ м и σ ρ q я s т υ v ω x ץ/ч z
        ⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟ ⒠ ⒡ ⒢ ⒣ ⒤ ⒥ ⒦ ⒧ ⒨ ⒩ ⒪ ⒫ ⒬ ⒭ ⒮ ⒯ ⒰ ⒱ ⒲ ⒳ ⒴ ⒵
        Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ Ⓕ Ⓖ Ⓗ Ⓘ Ⓙ Ⓚ Ⓛ Ⓜ Ⓝ Ⓞ Ⓟ Ⓠ Ⓡ Ⓢ Ⓣ Ⓤ Ⓥ Ⓦ Ⓧ Ⓨ Ⓩ
        ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ
        Ȁ Ȃ Ȧ Ӓ Ӑ Ʌ Ⱥ Ά Α Λ Ѧ Д ᾈ ᾉ ᾊ ᾋ ᾌ ᾍ ᾎ ᾏ • ȁ ȃ ɑ ɒ ɐ ȧ α ά Δ д ӓ ӑ ᾀ ᾁ ᾂ ᾃ ᾄ ᾅ ᾆ ᾇ ᾰ ᾱ ᾲ ᾳ ᾴ ᾶ ᾷ
        Ƀ β Ѣ • Ђ Ъ Ь ъ ь Ϧ ɓ ʙ ϐ ѣ б в Ҍ ҍ
        Ȼ ʗ Ͻ Ͼ Ͽ Ϲ Ѽ Ҁ Ҫ • ɔ ȼ ς ϲ ѽ ҁ ҫ
        ɖ ɗ ȡ ʠ δ
        Ȅ Ȇ Ӗ Ɇ Ѐ Ȩ Ȝ Έ Ё Ε Ξ Σ ξ Є Э Ӭ З Ѯ Ҿ Ҽ Ӛ Ә Ӟ Ҙ ә • ə ε έ з є э е ϵ ϶ ȅ ɘ ȇ ɇ ȩ ѐ ё ѯ ҿ ҽ ӛ ӟ ҙ ӗ ӭ
        Ϝ Ғ Ӻ • ϝ ɟ ʄ ӻ ғ
        Ѡ Ѿ • ɠ ɡ ʛ ɢ ɞ ʚ ɕ
        Ȟ Ή Η Ң Ҥ Һ Ӈ Ӊ Ҕ ᾘ ᾙ ᾚ ᾛ ᾜ ᾝ ᾞ ᾟ • ʜ ɦ ћ ʮ ʯ ɧ ȟ ɥ ђ Ћ н ӈ ӊ ң ҕ ҥ
        Ȉ Ȋ Ί Ϊ Ῐ Ῑ Ὶ Ί • ȉ ɨ ɩ ɪ ȋ ϊ ΐ ῐ ῑ ῒ ΐ ῖ ῗ
        Ɉ Ј • ɉ ȷ ʝ ϳ
        Ќ Қ Ҟ Ҝ Ҟ Ӄ • ʞ ɮ κ ќ қ ҝ ҟ ҡ ӄ
        Ƚ ζ • ʟ ɫ ɬ ʅ ɭ ȴ ʃ ʄ ʆ
        Ϻ Ӎ • ɯ ɰ ɱ ϻ ӎ
        Ƞ Ν Π Ѝ Ҋ Ӣ Ӥ Ώ Ω Л Й • ȵ ɲ ɳ ɴ ή π η и й ѝ л ҋ ӣ ӥ ᾐ ᾑ ᾒ ᾓ ᾔ ᾕ ᾖ ᾗ ὴ ή ὴ ή
        Ȍ Ӧ Ȏ Ȭ Ȫ Ȯ Ȱ ʘ Ό θ Ѻ ϴ Ӫ Θ Ѳ Ю ф Ὸ Ό • ȫ ȭ ȍ ȏ ȯ ȱ ɵ ɸ σ ϕ ό Φ ѻ ѳ ӧ ӫ
        Ρ Ҏ Ῥ • ρ ϼ Ϸ ϸ φ ҏ ῤ ῥ
        Ɋ Ϙ • ϙ ɋ Ϥ ϥ ϱ
        Ȑ Ȓ Ɍ Я Г Ѓ Ӷ Ґ • я ɹ ɺ ɻ ɼ ɽ ɾ ɿ ȑ ȓ ɍ ʀ ʁ г ѓ ґ ӷ
        Ș Ϩ ϩ Ϛ • ϛ ɛ ɜ ɝ ʂ ȿ ș
        Ț Ⱦ Ҭ • τ Ϯ ϯ ȶ ʇ ʈ ț т ҭ
        Ȕ Ʉ Ȗ Ώ Ω ц • ȕ ȗ ʮ ʯ ʉ ʊ υ μ ϑ ϋ ύ ΰ
        Ʌ Ѵ Ѷ • ɣ ʋ ʌ ѵ ѷ ῠ ῡ ῢ ΰ ῦ ῧ
        Ϣ Ш Щ • ϣ ш щ ѿ ѡ ʍ ώ ψ Ψ ω ϖ ᾠ ᾡ ᾢ ᾣ ᾤ ᾥ ᾦ ᾧ ῲ ῳ ῴ ῶ ῷ ὼ ώ
        Ϫ Ж Җ χ Ӽ Ҳ Ӿ Ӂ Ӝ • ж ϰ ϗ ӽ ӿ ҳ ӂ ӝ җ
        Ȳ Ɏ ϒ ϓ ϔ Ύ Ϋ Υ Ў У ц Ѱ Ӱ Ӯ Ӳ Ӵ Ҷ Ҹ Ӌ Ῠ Ῡ Ὺ Ύ • Ч џ ў ү ұ ɣ ɏ ȳ ʎ ʏ ɤ Ϟ λ ϫ ӯ ӱ ӳ ӵ ҷ ҹ ӌ
        Ȥ • ɀ ʐ ʑ ȥ ʒ ʓ ȝ
        ? Ɂ ɂ ʡ ʢ ʔ ʕ ʖ ˀ ˁ
        Ȣ ȣ ȸ ȹ ʣ ʤ ʥ ʦ ʧ ʨ ʩ ɶ ы ʪ ʫ Ӹ ӹ
        љ њ Ѹ ѹ Ѫ Ѭ Ѥ ѥ ѧ Ѩ ѩ ѫ ѭ ѱ
        ҈ ҉
        ҈ ҉
        ʬ ʭ ɚ ɷ ҂ ҃ ҄ ҅ ҆
        ʰ ʱʲ ʳ ʴ ʵ ʶ ʷ ʸ ͤ ͥ ͦ ͧ ͨ ͩ ͪ ͫ ͬ ͭ ͮ ͯ ʹ ʺ ʻ ʼ ʽ ʾ ʿ ˌ ˎ ˏ ˑ ˒ ˓ ˔ ˕ ˖ ˗
        ˂ ˃ ˄ ˅ ˆ ː ˇ ˈ ˉ ˊ ˋ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˝ ˞ ˟ ˍˍ

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        Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ Ⅻ Ⅼ Ⅽ Ⅾ Ⅿ
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        ← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↚ ↛ ↜ ↝ ↞ ↟
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        ⇠ ⇡ ⇢ ⇣ ⇤ ⇥ ⇦ ⇧ ⇨ ⇩ ⇪
        ℀ ℁ ℂ ℃ ℄ ℅ ℆ ℇ ℈ ℉ ℊ ℋ ℌ ℍ ℎ ℏ ℐ ℑ ℒ ℓ ℔ ℕ № ℗ ℘ ℙ ℚ ℛ ℜ ℝ ℞ ℟
        ℠ ℡ ™ ℣ ℤ ℥ Ω ℧ ℨ ℩ K Å ℬ ℭ ℮ ℯ ℰ ℱ Ⅎ ℳ ℴ ℵ ℶ ℷ ℸ ℻ ⅍ ⅎ ⅓ ⅔ ⅕ ⅖ ⅗ ⅘ ⅙ ⅚ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ ⅟

        ☽☾✗✘✓ ✔ ☐ ☑ ☒ ✕ ✖✚✪✣✤✥
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        More Courtesy of KuKu Zee c: Thanks KuKu!!!
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Supreme Demigod

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Ishtar's Heart Chart -

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User Image True Love:

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Supreme Demigod

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Harvest Moon: Valley of Eternity

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The Story

Supreme Demigod

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RP Samples

Sample Set 1:

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Nerissa Sirenae

Come out, come out wherever you are
So lost in your sea
Give in, give in for my touch
For my taste, for my lust
Ever dream of me

Nerissa had been resting in Max's backpack, she never liked traveling this way. How could she be properly admired stuffed in this thing? For the most part she had ignored the party, old useless dolls meant nothing to her, her master would never choose one of them over her. Boredom had finally caused her to let her thoughts wander. How she wished she could be human, having the desire to live but not being able to had become increasingly annoying to her. And Max...if she could have sighed, she would have. She was doing him little good in her current form, she could not touch him or offer him advice. And more so, she could not run off those cheap girls who did not understand that they were a meaningless distraction. Red glass eyes stared at the inside of his backpack, her perfect resin lips eternally formed in a sassy pout. Her master had suffered far more in his life than most humans, or at least she believed so. Her first memories of his was a little boy covered in blood and soot, crying over the deaths of his family. It had been the first time she had felt compassion in any form. From anyone else she would have found tears a weakness. But her master...Nerissa felt a flush of pride. He had proven that he was strong enough to survive.

The sounds of the party eventually faded and Nerissa began to pay slight attention to her surroundings again. Hopefully this meant that the stuffy event was over and perhaps they could go somewhere more fun. Stuffy parties just weren't her style at all. Wen the backpack began bouncing around, Nerissa felt baffled until a familiar feeling had swept over her. She had felt it once before at Max's Uncle's house. Broken...anger filled her, last time she had felt one, she had been unable to do anything but watch. She had sworn then that she would never allow that to happen again. As she gathered her strength, the darkness fueling her, Nerissa listened. She could hear another female and male near her master, neither of them seemed particularly useful though. "Pathetic..." She hated weakness and the panic in the other male's voice made her want to laugh in derision, she could. He was a doll, she could sense that, yet he was nearly panicking. The feeling of a strong Broken in the same room as her chosen was the last straw. A pulse of darkness emitted from the backpack, followed by another like slow heartbeats. Nerissa fell out of the backpack, rolling to lay in the corner. The pulses grew quicker and expanded, centered around he. Once the darkness covered her completely, Nerissa felt herself changing. Her body stretched and feeling slowly crept over her, it was the strangest thing the doll had ever experienced.

When the cocoon of darkness faded, red eyes the color of fresh spilled blood opened slowly. A young woman clad in a cropped red silk blouse and black pants slowly stood. Pale skin the color of cream stood out against the silky rich black of her long hair and her full lips were a deeply glossed peach now that she was human. An intricate rose tattoo graced her pale skin right above her pants. Nerissa looked down at herself in surprise even as her mind registered the smell of blood. It was the first time she had felt anything but the wonder of that quickly shifted back to her anger. Those crimson eyes practically glowed as she looked over toward the Broken who was on her master.

Stepping out of the shadows she held a ball of dark energy in her hands, her lips turned up in a smile that was as sexy as it was deadly. The lack of light only fueled her powers and she couldn't be more pleased with that. "So this is what the Broken have become? Voyeurs and pathetic little creatures like you? I am terribly disappointed." Her voice held a rich sensuality blended perfectly with utter disdain. As she walked forward, her hips moved with a provocative sway that was meant to catch the eye. Her eyes were cold though as she regarded the Broken, the ball in her hands pulsing with a darkness deeper than even the shadows. "Remove yourself from him and I might consent to giving you a quick death."

User Image
Nerissa Sirenae

Come out, come out wherever you are
So lost in your sea
Give in, give in for my touch
For my taste, for my lust
Ever dream of me

Nerissa watched the Broken move away from her master, her emotions concealed behind her mask of disdain. Glancing down, she realized that Max was not going to be strong enough at the moment to support a full use of her powers. Her crimson gaze took in the blood spilling from him with internal worry, she would need to get him help and soon, her magics were not based in healing. But first, she needed to deal with the Broken in front of her. Studying the other doll, she blinked, surprise crossing her face before a sultry smile crossed her lips. "So you wish to fix me?" Tilting her head, she let the darkness fade from her hands, seemingly willing to listen to the other man. In truth her dark magic was clearly draining her master too quickly, she would need to rely on a different approach. Staying a few feet from Max, she laughed softly, the sound a dark carress. "Well now... This is an interesting developement. He must be a fool to think I am like him. Ah well, Max wouldn't survive an all out fight right now." Nerissa crossed her arms beneath her breasts, allowing her midnight hued hair to slowly begin growing.

"Perhaps you have a point." Her most subtle power was now at work, her voice itself was a weapon. Focusing herself on the Broken, she laced her voice with a desire to trust her. It would make it nearly impossible for the Broken not to believe that Nerissa was seriously contemplating what he said. Not looking down, she allowed a section of her now twelve foot long hair to drag Max's backpack to her. The shadows were thickest at her back and she had a plan. The rest of her hair slipped forward to wrap around Max and slowly pull him to her. Her eyes remained cool and she had a smirk on her lips. "I will deal with my humanity myself, I have no need for your help." Drawing Max back into the shadows with her, she then dropped to her knees, her hair dragging him back to rest against her. Crimson eyes watched the Broken as she pulled her Master's head back to rest on her shoulder, one arm wrapping around his waist and the other hand lightly carressing his throat. The backpack was firmly caught by her hair and rested beside them.

If the situation had been better, Nerissa would be enjoying holding her master for the first time, as it was, she didn't like how cold he felt. The pose made it look as though she planned to strangle Max, as did the smirk still on her lips. Everything she had been doing required little of her powers, reducing the stress on Max as much as she could. Leaning forward, she whispered in Max's ear, "Hold on, I will get us out of here but it will drain you a bit." Looking up, her eyes flashed bright red as all the light in the room vanished for a few moments and she teleported them out of the room through the shadows. Once they were gone, the light returned to the room, highlighting the fact they were gone.

Down one of the hallways, two forms materialized in the shadows, Nerissa still holding Max against her, his backpack still held by her hair. Glancing around, the hall seemed empty and Nerissa slowly laid Max down on the floor. Her hair abruptly shortened again to its normal length. Worry now showed in her eyes and she leaned down to check his wounds. "Max..." Shaking her head, she could tell the wounds were as bad as she had feared. Footsteps sounded in the hall and Nerissa stiffened. The shadows wrapped around them and as she watched, She heard the same female voice from earlier. When the other doll and a pink haired female appeared, Nerissa let the shadows drop, revealing herself and her master. Standing, she moved between him and the approaching two. Confidently, she watched them approach, her expression slightly distant again. She didn't care for asking for help from the two that had run off and left her master but it was a necessity. "Do either of you know healing? My master requires immediate assistance." Her presence was darkly compelling as she stood protectively in front of her master, crimson eyes watching them both as though measuring them.

Sample Set 2:

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Ishtar Xirena Verrine
Dark Princess of the South

"Dreams are like stars...you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”

Ishtar rested her hand on his arm, saying nothing as he led her back to the castle. When he left her, she sighed softly. He had seemed to misunderstood what she had meant by liking his blush. When the guards offered to show her to her room, Ishtar came out of her thoughts and shook her head. "No thank you, I can find my own way." Before she had been sent here, she had been given a map on her invitation that showed the way to her room. Ishtar walked through the halls, her heels clicked softly on the floor as she listened to the sounds of the party fading behind her. Reaching the door to the room that was hers, she opened the door and walked in. Looking around, she found the room a bit closed in by her standards, she was used to a much larger and open layout. "Well. I guess it is to be expected...this kingdom is not as warm as mine so the rooms are likely more insulated,"

Taking off her clothing and jewelry, she walked into the bathroom and sank into the tub of hot water the servants had left for her. The steam rising from the water was lightly scented with rose and delicate spices as well a a touch of exotic jasmine. Ishtar stared out through the window at the moon as she soaked in the bath. Honestly she couldn't tell if her fiance had liked her or not...it was strange. She was used to getting stronger responses from men...even if the attention itself had been destined to go no where. Breathing in the subtle scents from the water, she flicked her fingers over the surface of the bath, watching the water ripple in the candlelight. "He is so...calm. It is a bit discomfiting at times." Silvio had been the perfect gentleman prince...in a way a bit too perfect really. It was why she had liked his blush, it had made him seem less perfect and more real. The truth was she dreamed of passion and romance..not just comfortable companionship. Finally, cleaning up and finishing her bath, Ishtar got out and dried off. Returning to the bedroom, she sorted through her clothing for something to wear. A smile crossed her lips. "Well, if he plans to marry me, then perhaps I should dress for him as I would at home." Pulling out her white and pink outfit she slipped the lightweight fabric on, adjusting the large bow in the back and slipping on the silver bracelets her mother had given her as an early wedding gift.

Taking a breath, she brushed out her long hair before looking in the mirror. The truth of the matter was her father wanted her to be his spy in her fiance's kingdom. After all, very few knew of her dream abilities and as Silvio's wife she would have unquestioned access to the Light Court. If she went through with tonight, Silvio would probably be able to guess her real ability to take information from sleeping minds. He would know the reason why her father always knew so much. She stole information from any Light Kingdom spy in the castle and the envoys who occasionally showed up. "I don't agree with my father...but I wonder if the truth will make Silvio hate me." Making her decision, she slipped silently from her room. It was easy to sneak silently down the hall, her bare feet making no sound on the cold floor.

Reaching his room, she pushed the door open and slipped in before shutting the door fully behind her. Entering his room, she glanced around, noticing the glass with the last drops of liquid still in it. Walking to the bed, she watched Silvio for a few minutes, her eyes quietly contemplating. "I hope you understand what I am giving you." Laying down on the bed beside him, she rested one hand one his forehead, the only physical contact between them. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to drift into a state more like meditation than sleep. Within moments, she was no longer aware of laying on the bed, her conscious was transferred into Silvio's mind. She could feel the link back to her own body but now she was standing on a high sun bathed balcony. Instinct almost made her wince at the sudden light, but instead she willed herself to alter the dream, making herself visible. She could tell she had just missed a conversation between Silvio and the other prince so she merely altered the dream a bit more so she was now alone with her silver haired prince though standing where he would not immediately see her. "So this is the Western Light Kingdom, Silvio? She asked her question quietly so as not to startle him too much. Like this she appeared dressed exactly as she knew her physical self to be clothed. A small smile, halfway between nervous and mischievous rested on her lips as she sat on the balcony railing.

User Image
Ishtar Xirena Verrine
Crown Princess of Lorelais - Dark Kingdom of the South

"Dreams are like stars...you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”

She could tell he was going to kiss her again and she felt her heart beating faster. "Is this always like this?" Her mind whispered the question even as she wanted to hold him close to her. He was proving fascinating to her, he had so many facets to his personality and she loved that fact. That he could be possessive...well so could she. From him it made her feel desired and special. And those shadowed looks he got in his eyes...she wanted to understand.

That sudden commotion she had dismissed seemed to have upset him and Silvio dropped his head to rest on her neck. Instinctively she held him for just a moment. Shivering slightly at the feeling of his breath on her skin. Inwardly she gave a few select mental curses...she really should have remembered to lock that door. Her mental scolding would likely not have matched her elegant appearance....she really did have a fire and temper beneath her normally good nature. When he moved away from her, she didn't try to stop him, obviously this person had not been a maid and needed to be dealt with.

Quietly she watched him as he moved around the room. Despite the annoyance at the interruption, she smiled slightly, barely even enough to be noticed. The room was still partially in the dark, the fire having burned low. When he pulled out a shirt, she watched as the clothing suddenly caught fire in his hands as he studied it. A few blinks later it finally occurred to her what must have happened. "His magic is really unstable... That must be difficult for him." The thought of her darkness out of control made her shiver, then again, without him beside her the room felt more chilled than she was used to. The shirt he chose seemed to have something stitched on the back, but she wasn't sure what it was at first. "A crest maybe?" When he looked at her and said he needed to take care of it, she sighed but nodded. "I understand." Just before he left, she spoke again. "There is something we need to talk about...soon."

Waiting until he left the room, she then stood and let her feet touch the cool floor, that at least, she was used to. Floors were almost universally cold it seemed. Moving to his mirror, she ran her fingers through her hair, straightening the tousled aqua locks as best she could. With the length of her hair, a brush would be required to fully smooth it. Lowering her hands, she smoothed the thin, silky fabric of her dress. The style was technically not something she would wear out in public, though it could be. Silent as her shadows, Ishtar slipped over to the door and listened to the conversation...not that is was hard to hear the girl. She was highly agitated. Still, it took her a bit of doing to understand the language they kept speaking. Her life had been deeply involved with tutors and trainers, she could understand some of the other languages though she only really spoke Lorelaian and Common. She could tell enough to understand the girl was angry about finding Ishtar in Silvio's room. She was honestly not sure whether to be offended at being called a whore or laughing at the girl's misconception. Then she bit her lip, the girl had mentioned the name of another woman... "Is that where the shadows came from when we kissed?"

Feeling the sudden urge to keep her hands busy she concentrated and created a little bit of darkness in her hands. Pure inky black settled easily onto her palms and she began using her mind to shape it into a perfect replica of a rosebud. Slowly she added more power, causing the rose to bloom then close, Most of her attention focused on making the flower perfect she leaned against the wall near the door. It wasn't like she could leave anyway with them right outside the door. She did wonder who the girl was, she could pinpoint a country but she had missed her name. Still playing with her creation of the rose, she debated the value of stepping out into the hall and clarifying her identity. "Hmm...no, I think I will see how Silvio deals with this...though I am sorely tempted." The look on the girl's face would likely be priceless but studying her fiance's reactions would likely be more useful. A small smirk touched her soft pink lips where she stood off to one side, intentionally out of sight of the female.

Supreme Demigod

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RP Samples Continued

Most Recent Samples:

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"So he wouldn't get the ability to speak?" Ishtar considered this new information thoughtfully. It was a bit surprising, but then again her assumption that he would regain his voice could easily have had some flaws. She had suspected that the Spirit of Sound would restore his voice as a reverse effect to the normal side effect of a vessel losing his or her voice. Now that she thought about it again, the Spirit likely could not change any existing damage to vocal cords...so it could give sound but not "voice" in the truest sense. That realization embarressed her rather badly and she hoped she hadn't upset Miles with her comment. Still, perhaps he could gain something similar to a voice. It would be interesting to find out and she hoped that whatever happened, it would make his life easier. And quite honestly it would also make it easier for her to communicate with him, though generally she didn't have too hard of a time with that.

When she spoke, Miles was obviously listening intently. Ishtar had always liked that fact about him, she could tell he was really paying attention to her. Even her own family tended to lose focus when she spoke with them and that had always left her feeling frusterated. Once she was done, she watched as he pulled a sharp rock out of the stream. The look on her face was between amusement and wincing, the gardeners were going to be annoyed. Slowly she leaned forward and trailed her fingers in the cool water as she watched him write. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she read his message before she seemed to go into thought for a moment. Slowly she nodded her head with a small smile. "You're probably right on that. Only fools hope blindly without having a plan in place. I want to believe everything will turn out alright but I know I can't rely on that. There are just too many variables for garuanteed sucess." Ishtar wasn't sure if the others saw her as a leader though she felt she could do it if need be. Her specialty, however, was strategy and she tended to prefer that over trying to lead a group.

His next written comment was one she hadn't thought about and after reading it, her gaze rose to his. "He has a good point. The villagers probably still don't trust him." Ishtar hadn't really had any problems with acceptance, her family was wealthy and well respected. But for someone with Miles' background, she could see where a problem might lie. As she thought, her gaze dropped to the water that swirled around and between her fingers. She trusted Miles, but then again, she had known him for years now. At first even she had been a bit wary but eventually she simply accepted his past as doing what one must to survive. Shifting her gaze back to his, she pulled her fingers from the water and wiped them absently on her robe. "I can see where you might feel that way. Human nature tends to be judgemental and sometimes slow to forget. I don't think all the villagers will feel that you are still "just a thief"." A slight shrug moved her shoulders. "I don't think of you that way. I prefer to view it as you have a unique set of skills that could one day be irreplaceable." A slight laugh escaped her lips. "After all, you are the stealthiest of us. And you know I am still terrible at picking locks." Ishtar was known for sometimes locking herself out of places and having to climb in windows or go find someone else to help her.

"I guess the only advice I can give is to say not to worry about what the more narrow-minded of the villagers think. There will always be those who can't accept you or have to find fault for one reason or another. But not everyone is that way. Usually the ones who are just make their opinions known most loudly." Ishtar slowly stood and dusted off her robe, she had decided that she wanted to wear the tiara her parents had sent her and needed to go get it from her room. Stopping beside Miles, she rested one hand on his shoulder. "I trust you, and you know I don't trust easily." After saying that, she left the garden as quietly as she had entered it, her footsteps soft on the temple floors.

Her talk with Miles had left her thinking and she returned to her room in a contemplative state. Unlocking the door, she stepped into her room and looked at the box still sitting on her bed. Moving to it, she sat and opened the box. When she lifted the tiara from the silk, she smiled and slipped it onto her forehead. The clear, blue sheened moonstone settled right between her eyes and the saphires on either side of the main stone reflected the water-like colors. The swirling twists of the metal were cool against her skin and she slipped on the matching wrist cuff but left off the necklace. Feeling somehow better, she closed the box and took a deep breath. Soon...soon it would be time....

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A few beams of early morning sunlight had found their way into one of the temple's bedrooms. The light picked out the soft shades of blues and purples that decorated the pillows and curtains before landing on a rumpled bed. The occupant had been up well before the sun and was currently sitting in front of a small dressing table, running a brush through her snow colored hair as she hummed to herself. Slim hands pulled the hair forward in sections as she worked the knots out of her hair before studying her reflection. Large, light violet eyes gazed back at her and the girl in the mirror seemed solemn, as if she already knew some great secret. Ishtar shook her head at her own fancy and picked up the red ribbons that had been left for her. Twining the crimson silk between her fingers, she soon became lost in thought.

Last night had been eventful and not precisely in the best of ways. What should have been a peaceful time had become something of a fiasco. Ultimately two of the boys had seen her naked and she wasn't likely to forget that anytime soon. And she definitely owed Miles for being the one who had swiped her towel. If he hadn't done that Ishtar would have found the whole affair childish but ultimately a bit amusing. After the other girls had left, she had found herself a towel and went back inside to put her clothes on before leaving the hot springs. However, she hadn't gone straight back to the temple but rather had left the village to go sit by the river for a while. She had wanted some time to herself, away from the other vessels. Being one of the eldest of this generation's candidates, Ishtar had been one of the first to join the temple and sometimes missed those quieter days before all the others had arrived. Miles had been there with her but they had never spent that much time together. Looking back, she wished she had taken a bit more time to try to get to know him. Then slowly the other vessels had arrived. Some Ishtar liked better than others, Mamimi, for instance. While they might not have talked all the time, Ishtar rather liked the other girl and had often thought they might be friends if they tried. Nicolette though, Ishtar didn't have anything personal against the younger female, but her attitude was very annoying at times. She was so immature and easily angered that it often left the white haired girl with the start of a headache after prolonged dealings.

Of the boys, Ishtar had to say she was probably closest to Ravynn. That thought brought an amused smile to her lips, with the way they argued most people would likely think they hated each other. In truth she had never hated Ravynn, even if the best they could usually manage was to agree to disagree. The other boys, well, Ishtar wasn't prone to seeking out others unless she had a reason so she probably didn't know them as well as she could. Kearo seemed nice overall and Sylis...well she was never quite sure what she made of him. He seemed to have something that weighed on him though she had no idea what. However, she had also never been one of his lovers... Ishtar laughed before setting down the hair brush and gathering her hair back into a high ponytail. Leaving one section loose, she began braiding it into smaller sections, weaving the red ribbons into the braids. Wrapping the braids around the base of the ponytail, she then picked up the gift her parents had given her last night. They had told her not to open it until this morning so she studied the rather large but plain box curiously.

Curious, she opened the lid slowly before gasping at what was inside. Resting on a bed of aqua colored silk was a tiara, cuff bracelet and choker style necklace. Platinum was woven delicately with moonstones and tanzinite to create a simple yet flowing design that seemed to mimic the flow of waves. It was clearly her parents' work and she knew it must have cost them dearly. No doubt they had been planning this for years. Pulling out the tiara, she set it on her forehead, the moonstone resting perfectly between her eyes, a smaller tanzinite on either side of the main gem. The choker and cuff were of a similar pattern and she put those on as well. Walking over to the bed, she slipped on the white robe and over it she tied a light blue sash at her waist. Facing the mirror, she nodded once to her reflection before taking off the jewelry and carefully putting it back in the case. She didn't want to risk damaging it if she should have to fight tonight. Her left hand fisted at her side, Ishtar hated that the villagers would have to risk themselves tonight but the logical part of her knew it was nessecary.

Tonight she would become the vessel of the Water Goddess in reality. It didn't scare her exactly, she had spent the last nine years preparing for it. Though she had to admit a part of her had sort of wished she could have something like a mermaid tail. When she had been a little girl that had always been a secret fantasy of hers. Now though...well, she couldn't say the idea wasn't still an interesting one but hardly practical. No, her gift would be knowledge and the power of water in all its forms. Ishtar would admit to herself it made her a bit nervous. "Can a human mind even handle that much information?" She wondered that to herself as she slipped out of her room. Unhurried footsteps carried toward the courtyard. The morning had slipped away while she had been lost in her thoughts. Distantly she could hear someone running through the halls but it didn't concern her. Bypassing the courtyard at the last moment, she made her way to a small garden with a bamboo fountain in the center. Careful, she sat on one of the rocks and just allowed her gaze to follow the water's movement, lulling herself into a semi-meditative state.

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With: Alone
Location: The shrine - in a small garden
Wearing: A white robe, aqua colored sash and red ribbons in her hair

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With: Faust and Valentin
Location: Dulces de Amore

                                        User Image The water was almost cold this far below the surface but Marina didn't really notice. She was used to being deep in the ocean since she had spent most of her young life far from the sun. At the moment though, her attention was on the wreck she had found earlier today. Carefully, she swam around the wooden mast, and then down through one of the open deck hatches. The old ship was delicate after being under the water for so long but Marina had gotten good at this in the last year or so. Kai swam at her side, his bright colors almost invisible in the dark. Marina finally stopped and let out a singing call, a few moments later several bioluminescent fish swam into the wreck. Marina smiled and sang a few notes to them, requesting their help in seeing where she was going. The small school seemed to agree and Marina let them lead the way. Humans very much seemed to value gold and gems so Marina knew she needed to find some more if she wanted to pass among them. The old ship was a bit creepy, or at least the hold was, full of broken crates and boards. Not finding anything, she and her fish went to a higher deck and finally to the captain's quarters. There Marina found what she was looking for. A chest full of gold coins and a few gems in an old bag. Stashing them in the bag she was carrying over her shoulder, Marina then left the still and silent wreck. Her little school of fish soon swam away and Marina headed toward the surface with Kai.

                                        As she neared the surface, Marina could see the fading light of the sun against the water. Since she was quite a ways from Dahlia, Marina let her head come up out of the water without hesitation. The air was cool tonight and unlike the water the bite of the wind always got her at first. Brushing her wet bangs from her face, Marina looked around curiously. The sky was a bit cloudy tonight, she noticed. "I hope the festival isn't cancelled tomorrow." She said that as she looked down at Kai. The lionfish swam around Marina, and she laughed as she ran her fingertips lightly over him. Marina was always careful of the spines since it hurt to get pricked by one though she had found that she was immune to Kai's venom. "I suppose we should head back to the beach soon. I really want to get something to eat. Maybe from the bakery." Marina knew the shop might be closed by the time she reached Dahlia but she was addicted to baked goods. There had been nothing like fresh , hot bread or sweet frosted cakes at her father's manor. Marina could feel her mouth watering and she made a quick surface dive, her aqua colored tail breaking the surface as she disappeared below the surface.

                                        Marina made excellent time, she was a naturally strong swimmer in her true form, her fin giving her an easy advantage. As she swam, Marina couldn't help but smile, she was actually enjoying her time here in Dahlia. It was nothing like the home she had left behind and she was often lonely but the things she was learning here were amazing. People on land were strange and Marina often didn't understand what they were thinking but they did create some amazing things. Nearing Dahlia at last, she could feel a disturbance in the water and she stilled, looking up toward the surface. Overhead she could see the outline of a boat on the water. That would likely be the fisherman then...Marina sometimes wondered if he had followed her here. She had seen him once before Dahlia, her search for her brother had led her to an island. Unfortunately it seemed every resident of that particular island had been involved in fishing, or at least it felt that way to Marina. She hadn't dared stay too long and doubted her brother had either. For a moment she debated taking a little peek to make sure it was the same person. Caution warred with curiosity and finally Marina headed on toward the shore. She needed to drop off her bag soon, even in the water it was beginning to grow heavy. However, just for the fun of it, she allowed her fin to break the water just ahead of the boat. She loved teasing and pranking the poor guy, since he was aware of her it made his reactions all the better.

                                        Reaching the waters near Dahlia, she could feel the difference in the currents and she dove toward the sandy bottom. Marina navigated around the rocks and other underwater obstacles before reaching the cave entrance she wanted. Swimming in, she angled herself upward and followed the tunnel till she broke the surface of a pool hidden deep in one of the caves along the coastline. This was Marina's current "home" an so far only one person had ever found it. The mayor knew she was here but no one else had managed to find her. Marina set the bag on the sandy area near the edge of her pool and pulled herself out of the water. Resting on the sandy she allowed her tail to dry while she separated some of the coins into a smaller bag. She had watched the humans enough to mostly understand their money system after all. Once her tail had dried, she allowed herself to change, her fin becoming legs and her form taking on that of a basic human. Standing, Marina caught herself against the wall when she wobbled at first. She hated how clumsy she always felt in this form. "How do humans do this all the time?" She asked Kai, who was swimming in the pool. Carefully she reached up and pulled one of the outfits she had bought recently. Human clothing was complicated but she had to admit she liked the look of it. Lastly she brushed her long hair up into twin tails that fell nearly to the floor and put on a headband.

                                        Now dressed, she carried the shoes as she slipped out of the small side entrance onto the beach. Walking up to the edge of the town, she brushed off her feet and put on the shoes. I was late but she started walking toward the bakery. If it was closed she might try going to the bar, she had heard the townspeople talking about the pace. Reaching the bakery, she peeked in the window, hopeful that she wasn't too late. Seeing Faust and another man inside, Marina opened the door and stepped inside. The warm, sweet smells of the bakery wrapped around her and Marina smiled happily, her eyes and hair their normal shade of light aqua today. "Hello, I hope I'm not too late today." Her voice was sweet and matched her petite build rather well. Glancing at the man she had never met before, she gave him a slightly shy smile. "Good evening." She greeted him as well.

                                        Wearing: This full outfit
                                        Journal Link: My diary

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                                        User ImageUser ImageKaden Raphael Locke
                                        The Bartender at Poppa Topp's

                                        Weighed down by this single pain,
                                        I took off into the night, as if to run away
                                        The lock fastening my memories has gone.
                                        Tell me, can I still dream?

                                            Kaden felt his temper rising as Rowan inadvertently admitted Marcel had indeed caused the scar. His hand fell from his friend's hair as he stared over his shoulder at the wall for a moment. Even through his fury he could hear Rowan trying to calm him down. At first it didn't work, but after a few minutes Kaden slowly looked back to his friend. It had been the use of his name "Tenshi" that caught Kaden's full attention that and Rowan's obvious gesture of no threat. Magenta eyes were still narrowed but the look in them was fractionally less murderous now. Slowly, Kaden took a step back, realizing he was standing far to close to the other man. "You are right. I still want to hear your reasons for being here." He admitted that in a voice that was still low and holding traces of anger. "And as to damage, I would say he did more than enough." Rowan could almost hear the implied, "enough for me to kill him" that Kaden didn't say. Still, it might be a good thing that Kaden was calming, he didn't want to scare anyone here in Dahlia. Taking a deep breath, he had closed his eyes and leaned back against the opposite wall of the alley. His muscles were still tensed and Kaden could feel the anger right there, beneath the surface.

                                            His eyes still closed, Kaden forcibly reined himself back in. His father had always told him never to act in the heat of his anger, that was when mistakes happened. For now, he resolved not to deal with Marcel but to focus on the fact something had brought Rowan here. And if he was here that meant his friend had been tracking him. Kaden slowly opened his eyes and regarded Rowan. Outside of the scar, the other man looked to be in fairly good health and relatively unharmed. That was good... However, something seemed off about this little scenario and Kaden tried to put his finger on what was wrong. Finally he realized exactly what was bothering him and his eyes widened a bit. The alley was far too dark, much more so than when he had pulled Rowan in here. Shifting his gaze upward, he groaned and ran one hand through his hair. It was already evening...meaning he was probably late to work. Kaden hated being late and he gave his friend a slight glare.

                                            "I hope you know you have missed work." He stated rather blandly. "And now I am late to my job." Kaden rather quickly set about straightening his own clothing and hair back into place. He didn't want to leave Jewel alone with the customers too long, no telling what would happen if one got her too upset. Also, he made a point to be on time or early most days to make sure he had his glasses and such prepared ahead of time. Hopefully Valentin wouldn't be overly annoyed with him this one time. Glancing back at Rowan, he sighed and shook his head. "How is it you always make me late?" That question technically cut both ways this time, at least Kaden still had time to get to work. "Come on, we can talk at the bar. After all, just like old times, eh?" Unceremoniously, Kaden grabbed Rowan and practically dragged him toward the bar. Letting go after a few moments, he figured the other man was following him as he spoke again. "Let me give you a few words of warning though." Kaden glanced over at Rowan, no doubt from his earlier comments Rowan was as big a flirt as ever. "The artist who hangs out at the bar is still mourning the loss of he husband and Jewel, the waitress doesn't handle too much teasing very well." Kaden figured he would give his friend a heads up before they got there.

                                            Once the bar came in sight, Kaden took a breath and opened the door. Instantly the sounds and smells of the bar reached out to him and Kaden felt himself relaxing the rest of the way. Leading the way inside, he walked quickly to the bar and stepped behind it. For the next few minutes, he looked over the various alcohols and made sure all his glasses and equipment were clean and ready to go. Settling into his spot behind the bar, he looked for Valentin but didn't see him or Jewel yet. He did however see Arianna sitting at her usual spot. Part of his attention stayed on the rest of the room, listening for anyone else to arrive. Since it was early though, he guessed that the crowd hadn't begun trickling in yet order. Glancing toward the door, he wondered who would be the next to arrive.

                                        With: Rowan & Arianna
                                        Location: Poppa Topp's Bar
                                        Wearing: This outfit
                                        Journal Link: Kaden's Journal

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x(xx)|xLayla | Xirena | Williamsonx|(xx)x

xThe b a s i c sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        xxLayla Xirena Williamson
        xxLayla, Xia, Siren
        xxFebruary 14
        xxMiddle Williamson Daughter
        xx The Eldest Chutelle Son

xS k i n deepxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xAbout m exxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        xxLayla has grown up as the second eldest in her family, As one of two middle children, she has spent most of her life in the shadow of her elder sister. As a child that bothered her and Layla responded by trying to be as different from her sister as possible. Quiet and slightly shy, Layla never made friends easily in school, a fact that both seemed to bother her and not, depending on the day. It was at that young age she discovered books. Reading became a passion for her and she would often escape for hours in the pages of a book. By the time she was ten, Layla noticed that her younger brother Rafe was almost ignored by thier parents. For some reason that bothered her and Layla began allowing her younger brother to spend time with her while she read or played on the computer. It was obvious after awhile that Layla was closer to Raphael than her other siblings as she tended to allow him to find her and would actually put down her book when he spoke to her...sometimes.

        By the time she reached highschool, Layla had a reputation as a bit of a loner and a computer geek. Despite the fact that she was cute, Layla didn't pay much attention to fashion and her appearance. Years of living with her sister had made her used to not being "the pretty one." Socially awkward, Layla soon learned to avoid dances, parties and other functions that involved trying to fit in. Eventually she began to make a few friends online, several of whom were hackers. Curious, she let them teach her what they knew, finding the realm of computer programming a fascinating cypher. At first it was just an amusing game to her, Layla had always been good with computers. In her junior year of highschool though, things changed. She found out the one guy she had dared to like was using her to get a chance to date her sister. Using her skills as a hacker, she got revenge on him. After that, she grew more bold, hacking anything from gaming servers to private records. Her skills continued to grow and eventually her father noticed her skills at creating programs and protecting his databases from hacking. Oddly, the man never connected his daughter to her online hacker identity "Chaos Siren."

        Now in college, Layla still spends most of her time with either her cat, Loki, or her brother, Raphael While not reclusive, Layla prefers doing things on her own terms. She is on her college fencing team though and enjoys practicing the sport. Online she is still a hacker for hire, a secret she guards carefully. Outwardly she is working on her degree in computer sciences with an eye toward creating programs and games.

        xxLayla is a unique person whose nature can seem a bit odd to some. She is normally rather quiet, often keeping her own company and avoiding group activities. Layla tends to observe those around her...when she isn't so absorbed in her book or computer work that she forgets you are there. She can be quite sarcastic in both her comments and humor, but also rather accurate. Intelligent and creative, she approaches work and problems with a sharp focus. However she is also a bit random and will sometimes "zone out" or say something completely random that makes sense only to her. Mostly even tempered, she can become annoyed easily enough but rarely fully loses her temper. When she does lose her temper though, she goes for the idea of revenge. A closet romantic, she likes the idea of love but prefers reading about it over chasing it. It doesn't help that she becomes uncomfortable around any guy she finds cute...unless she is related to him or too annoyed/distracted to notice.

xJust so you k n o wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        · Reading (almost anything including manga)
        · Her computer (she loves computer games)
        · Music (most music except rap and metal)
        · Cats
        · Fencing
        · Night time
        · Storms
        · Hot Weather
        · Avocados
        · Idiots
        · Lamb Dishes
        · Overly bright light
        · Being compared to her older sister

        · Spiders
        · Damage to her computer
        · Wasps
        · Her hacker identity being found out

xA few l a s t thingsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xW r a p p i n g it upxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        xxHoshi Astarte Tenshino

Supreme Demigod

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x(xx)|xDominic | Mikhail | Hendricksonx|(xx)x

xThe b a s i c sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        xxDominic Mikhail Hendrickson
        xxDom, Mikhail
        xxSeptember 30
        xxHendrickson Eldest Son
        xxWilliamson Eldest Daughter

xS k i n deepxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        xxDark Golden Blonde
        xxLight brown with natural gold highlights
        xxThe Wedding Band - An elegant golden band with six small diamonds.
        xxThe Tuxedo - A classic black tux with golden-tan accents.
        xxTwo piercings in each ear

xAbout m exxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        xxDominic was his father's first son and the man's pride and joy. Growing up, Dom often heard stories of war from his father, who always talked about being a great soldier. At first Dom didn't mind too much but as he grew older, the idea of taking orders all his life became less and less appealing. A natural athlete, Dominic excelled in hand to hand combat, a fact that had his father enrolling his son in both karate and kickboxing. While he enjoyed the martial arts classes, Dominic also found he loved other things as well. His mother had taken him to art galleries and museums as a child and he was fascinated by the paintings and photographs. When he was twelve, his mother bought him his first camera as a birthday gift. Dominic was fascinated and was soon taking pictures of everything...and everyone. No one was safe from his camera and more than once he managed to annoy his father. His mother saw a talent in this and encouraged him to keep trying.

        By the time he was seventeen, Dominic had already won several photo competitions and was drawing further from the idea of a military career. He loved his martial arts though and was rising steadily in rank, a fact that kept him from suffering the threat of bullies. If anything, Dominic found he preferred protecting to the thought of killing and embraced the disciplines of martial arts. It was at this time he also began wanting study photography seriously. Against his father's wishes, Dominic went to the college of his choice instead of West Point. In college he made a name for himself as a national champion in his martial arts division. He also began looking beyond the world he had grown up in. Upon his graduation, Dominic had two degrees, a major in photography and a minor in business. Instead of going into the military or assuming his spot in the family business, he began traveling the world, learning other cultures as he honed his skills in photography. He is now rather successful and has his own art gallery, along with several condos. Most recently he visited Japan again, where he met a young woman named Amaya and fell in love. In fact, he had just proposed to Amaya the day before his father called to inform him of the arranged marriage. Since finding out that his parents have arranged a marriage for him, he has come to the island, hoping to quickly end that idea and return to his beloved.

        xxDominic is a strong willed and open minded individual who follows his own path. While he prefers the Eastern disciplines of control and internal calm, he is not a pacifist. His refusal to use guns stems not from fear but rather a distaste for what he considers an impersonal and inelegant weapon. Bound by his own personal honor system, he believes in doing things for himself and taking his own chances. Dominic likes to learn the truth for himself and even when that truth is ugly, he won't shy away from it. A adventurous type, he loves both physical and mental challenge and loves traveling. While he can be serious he also has a sense of humor he shares with those closest to him. He tends to be reserved with those he dislikes or doesn't know well.

xJust so you k n o wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        · Snakes
        · Sunsets
        · Scuba Diving
        · Photography
        · Martial Arts
        · Eastern Philosphy
        · Travel

        · Taking Orders
        · Having his life planned for him
        · Guns
        · Over possessive/clingy lovers
        · This ridiculous arranged marriage
        · Selfish and self-centered people

        · Losing Amaya
        · Losing his freedom
        · Killing an innocent
        · Electric Eels

xA few l a s t thingsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xW r a p p i n g it upxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        xxHoshi Astarte Tenshino

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Layla Xirena Williamson
"The Pretty Hacker"

Even so, what can I possibly do?
What can I do to change this tiny box-garden reality?
I haven't even lived half of my life;
rebelling against, and embracing others
These experiences are being tattooed onto my subconscious.

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Layla Rosalind Verrine
"The Silver Fairy"

They'll try to hold you back
They will say you're wrong
But they will never understand
The journey that you're on
And you know
You must go
Where the dream takes you



Wearing: This otfit with a pair of ankle boots and the hair ribbons

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Dominic Mikhail Hendrickson
"The Independent Photographer"
± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±

Dare to believe you can survive
You hold the future in your hand
Dare to keep all of your dreams alive
It's time to take a stand
And you can win, if you dare

± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±

± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±


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With: no one
Mood: ambivilant
Thinking: Various
Location: Airship
Wearing: Performance outfit

Supreme Demigod

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With: no one
Mood: ambivilant
Thinking: Various
Location: Airship
Wearing: Performance outfit

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