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Vineuse's Princess

Trash Unicorn

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                                    Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                    Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                    Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

                                    Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

Vineuse's Princess

Trash Unicorn

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                                    Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                    Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                    Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

                                    Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

Vineuse's Princess

Trash Unicorn

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                                          "Do you not hear them outside!? Atlanta has fallen, it's over! Do you not see my face! This is, this is your fault!"

                                          She didn't ask for much in her lifetime. At least she didn't think that she did. She didn't ask for more than what any other girl her age during her time period asked. She wanted a nice boy who would love her. She wanted to get married and have a beautiful wedding. She wanted children who would grow up and take care of her when she and her lover grew older. All she wanted in life was happiness and to live a normal life. Maybe she was asking for too much? She never thought that though. She never wanted much. She was so satisfied with him. She loved him and she gave up everything because of a stupid thought. Maybe he could bring her what she wanted and needed more anything in the world. She lost her family through a war. Betrayed her country to follow a man who only would end up leading her into ruin. And what for? In the end was it all worth it?

                                          "J-Joey! Please get a hold of yourself!"

                                          She honestly didn't know the answer. Would she give up her country again? Yes, of course. Would she leave her family to follow a boy she only knew for a few months? Without a doubt. She loved Joseph Blake Fowler. She loved him for almost one hundred and fifty years. She would continue to love him until the end of whatever kept them into existence. She would love him forever. He was the first love in her life. Sometimes she wondered if he'd be the only person that she would love. Or even if she was capable of love anymore. She would do almost everything the same as she did last time. Maybe if the circumstances were different she would have even followed Joey in death just because she loved him and couldn't bear to live without him. But no Anna hadn't killed herself over the loss of the a lover much like her former lover would believe.

                                          "You need to listen! I'm begging you just l-listen! G-God dammit Joseph I'm pregn-"

                                          But not even for the love of her live and immortal life would she have given up her first born child. She'd give up Joey in a heart beat if she could only just for a single moment tell her little angel who was now in heaven without her, that she loved them so much. She would apologize to the baby and hope that one day maybe she'd be forgiven. But Anna knew this wasn't the case. Her chance at Heaven had been lost. With it would be the only chance she'd ever of seeing her child again. So she stopped asking for so little and began demanding for more. It was never enough. Nothing was enough to fill her need and desire until a deal cam into play.

                                          All she would need to do be is be a good little vessel for Beezlebub. She would host the demon, the prince of hell, help him feed not only her hunger but his never-ending hunger as well. And one day when they were able to tear down the walls of Heaven itself her child would be saved from whatever demonic plan was in store and she would save them. Although Anna would never say the words aloud, she wouldn't even dare think them, it would be a win-win situation for her. Her baby was saved if Hell should have won (which she doubted but fought anyways) or would have been protected by Heaven until they fell. She could live with this. She just couldn't live without every other desire that tingled through her body.

                                          And while she did not have her child she was at least reunited with her dearest Joey. He had no recollection of what he did and the damaged he caused. Anna had remembered a fury growing in her that could have rivaled Wrath's own anger. It took a while but Anna slowly found herself forgiving Joey, craving him again, and loving(? or maybe it was simply lusting) after the beautiful man. She also found she began to develop a taste for alcohol that could compare to his. And alcohol and smoking turned into a deeper lover for harder drugs which would soothe her and bring a numbness that she would often crave. The best part? It wouldn't kill her. She could use as much as she wanted and be happy.

                                          It was so easy to forget she sold her soul. She felt happy with the drugs to numb out the bad times and Joey to be there the rest of the times. Maybe her and Joey really were meant for each other and deserved each other. Anna knew that she was one of the only people in the world Joey respected (or almost respected) and Joey knew Anna better than most, though her servant Daisy as a close competition. However Anna knew Joey just as well and would tell him off without fear of consequence. She knew Joey wouldn't hurt her because she knew that he knew whatever he did to her she would dish out just as bad if not worse. Joey might beat her in many things but Joey knew the girl would no longer deal with his abusive crap. She did once and it not only cost her own life but the life of her baby.

                                          Believe it or not, Anna did enjoy the modern era. She didn't find herself to be old fashioned. Maybe it was the sin in her but she loved the luxuries that came with the new age. Getting places were much easier with cars and airplanes. Maybe if airplanes had existed back then she wouldn't have left her family in the first place like she did originally. A lot of the reason she did leave was the lack of communication. But regardless Anna found herself adapting quite well to the new age. Her favorite always had and always will be New York City. It was a joy to sit and just watch the city change into something beautiful, something breath-taking. Something she would always carry with her no matter what. Sometimes a walk in the city would clear her mind.

                                          It brought a smile to her face. She could relax in the park and read a book. It brought her such peace. It brought her happiness. It gave her a sense of -

                                          "Hello? Anna, your boss has come calling and would like to grace you with his presence!"

                                          Oh great.

                                          Her lips pulled downwards into a dissatisfied frown. Of course she had grown close with Joey over the years ago. But did he really have the right to come barging into her area like he own the damned place? Then again in his mind he probably did think he owned everything she did. Why? He probably thought that he owned her. After all he had gone and immediately referred to himself as her boss, even if it was an inside joke between the two. Anna would have to get back at him later for sure for just coming into her room. She might have been indecent- well... no she couldn't say that. Joey wouldn't have cared and the scene might have led to some rather explicit future scenes.

                                          She stretched from her position on her bed letting her back tingle from the movement. "In the bedroom 'boss.' Though I'm quite sure you know where that is." She called back the frown quickly turning into a smirk. She might as well make the most of Joey being there and get some form of entertainment from the sin. Whether that entertainment would be sexual or otherwise she would have to find out. Honestly Anna wasn't in the mood for sex. Maybe she could convince him to take her out to eat. Nothing like getting a free meal from the guy who screwed you over!

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Vineuse's Princess

Trash Unicorn

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                                          Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                          Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                          Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

                                          Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

Vineuse's Princess

Trash Unicorn

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                                          If one were to ask her she would have never called herself a serious person. Then again Kyra wouldn't call herself much of anything, except maybe loud as her brothers had often described her during their younger years. She tended not to take too much of what they said to heart. Especially after they called her a bully (even if it wasn't far off from the truth). However for the past several days she had been more serious and on edge about her job than she had ever been. This had been unfortunate news for any underling who crossed her path. She was a volatile creature as it was but with all the extra stress added on, well, let's just say the infirmary had been seeing more and more soldiers after practice than the normal quota. The rest under her command who had yet to be injured seemed to steer clear of her accept when necessary and always tended to scurry out as fast as they could.

                                          There was no telling what she would do when in these moods.

                                          It wasn't that she was a bad person. Well for the most part she wasn't. Of course she didn't make it as far as she did by playing nice. She had a cruel side which could make the toughest of soldiers cower, and she had used it on those exact soldiers. Sometimes she couldn't help but to wonder though if perhaps she had succeeded a little too much. She was only twenty-five. Most of her men were older than she was. Of course she could always seek advice from her father who was a well seasoned soldier himself if she really found herself in trouble but most times her pride would stop her. She refused to let herself ever be a damsel in distress or any sort of feminine pansy. Not that there was anything wrong with that (if you want to be weak that is).

                                          The job however gave her a fair amount of stress and idiots to deal with. Neither of the two were good for the health of herself or her soldiers. Normally she could keep her anger in check for the most part and not cause too much damage but this was different. There were strangers in Gnosis. They were savages in her eyes. They ran about with their heathen ways and their heathen gods doing Lady only knows what type of sacrifices. Many would say don't be quick to judge but she would laugh at those people. Those were the sort of people who would trust the foreigners in their kingdom. The people who would end up with sword, arrow, or whatever weapon they used, going right through them. But she wouldn't outright say anything to the foreigners yet. The first lesson after all was to keep your allies close and your enemies much, much, much closer.

                                          But she could feel in her bones that these people who entered her kingdom, a place she worked so hard to protect. It was a gut instinct and intuition she had built over the years. She had to gain one of those living with brothers who were out to get you. She had to properly get them back. It served her well in her time in service and it would serve her well now. She didn't talk enough to the heathens to know exactly which ones could not be trusted if not all of them (but then again all of them were the lowest of low in her personal opinion). And those who weren't trusted that set foot in what she considered her domain they would need to be guarded and watched at all times, even if they didn't necessarily know it.

                                          Sadly there were rules and diplomacy that needed to be followed. She liked rules, don't get the wrong idea. She wasn't rogue by any sense of the word. She enjoyed rules and regiments. However she really just did not like dealing with people. And unfortunately these rules were about being hospitable. The royal family was trying to show these heathens that Gnosis could be hospitable when they wanted to be. Kyra wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe it had to do with the fact that being raised in a house full of boys and soldiers diplomacy came in the form of whoever was the strongest made the rules and whoever lost had to deal with it. This is how she saw all things in life even when common sense told her otherwise. If the heathens wanted to think that they could do defeat Gnosis let them try. Kyra would sooner die at the blade then let Gnosis defeated.

                                          And of course Kyra would do anything to protect the order the order and of course the royal family on top of all those duties. She kept a close watch on the royal family normally however that was more of a personal pleasure than anything else. To be quite frank and honest the family simply fascinated her. Watching them she learned so much. Maybe that sounded a little creeperish but in order to protect them she needed to know how they would react in a situation and how she should move best to protect them. The more she watched them however the more interested she grew with them, and even talked with a few them. That ended in the most odd relationship Kyra had yet seeing as the royal she talked to the most was the princess.

                                          The Princess was at times a breath of fresh air. At other times she was the biggest pain in Kyra's a**. Don't be mistaken Kyra cared deeply for her princess, as much as any citizen should, and would gladly take a sword to the chest for the girl but Kyra simply did not get the girl's daydreaming obsession and romantic sentiments. The girls would have long debated about their life styles. Kyra would never understand how someone so girly could operate and Chloe would often question Kyra's own happiness with being such a tomboy. More than often the two would simply agree to disagree. Then there were the princes, Cassiel and Iduma. She was intrigued as to how two boys could be so polite and refined constantly. Especially the ever silent Iduma. When you spent a the majority of time with soldiers your perception of men did become skewed.

                                          Much like every other day however she was patrolling and enjoying the gardens of the palace when a loud screeched interrupted her and everyone in the gardens. One of the heathens, the Rymatorr crazed-priestess had burst from apparently a bush and was chasing after a feather eagle in a large hunt. Kyra could feel the massive headache pushing against her cranium. Her hands moved up and using her index finger and thumb massaged the bridge of her nose. "Do not get angry.... it is for a small amount of time. Things will go back to normal soon." She muttered to herself in reminder that patience was indeed a virtue that she needed greatly in such trying times.

Vineuse's Princess

Trash Unicorn

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                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit miim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                                  Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

Vineuse's Princess

Trash Unicorn

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  • Who to be today?

    It was the same question asked every morning. Most mornings would be said with the same answer of course. Today I'm going to be Lavi! Of course there had been the occasional mornings where she would decide that she would be Ravi. Those mornings tended to be more interesting and certainly ended with more violence and fights. Though she could have none of that today. She needed to be on her best behavior. It was an important day not only for her and her brother, but it was an important day for Damek, her dearest friend and leader. They would be meeting with the other agents from the different countries such as Rymatorr, Xiandiao, Shae Forest, and of course Aerandia. They were meeting in Gnosis for the first time in three years and everything had to be perfect. No doubt everyone in the city was on edge with the "heathens" so knowingly in Gnosis. Of course they weren't in just any place in Gnosis but the royal palace and were being hosted by the Royal family.

    A playful smirk couldn't help but play on Lavi's lips at the mere thought of it. Where better than to hide than in the protection of the Lion's den itself. To attack or harm any one of the guests would mean certain war from all the visiting countries. Of course she was sure all sides, including he own, wished to avoid that. All she wanted was for Damek's dream to come true. And what did Damek want? To watch the leaders of Gnosis fall just as bloody of a death as the people of Svahil did. And it was a rightful and justified want in Lavi's eyes, which is why she followed him in such a certain manner.

    Lavi forced herself to rise from the comfort and warmth of her bed and looked to where her brother, Ravi, was sleeping. "Ravi wake up! We need to meet with Damek today." However Lavi had never been a patient person. The allotted time she had allowed her brother to wake up had ended and Lavi pushed herself out of the the bed and walked over to Ravi giving him a firm push out of his own bed.The look of satisfaction was clear on her face and nothing her brother could say would wipe that look away from her face. This was a normal occurrence for her. She never had enough patience. At least not when it came to Damek. It would be the first time in what seemed like forever that Lavi would be able to see Damek again, even if it was for a meeting and she would need to share her time with Damek and Ravi with those people who would be attending. A little time would be better than no time at all after all. "Stop being so slow or I'm going to tell Damek you enjoy cross-dressing again. Not like you'd be able to stop me. By the time I'm already there you'll just be waking up at this rate." She said walking into the next room of their current living quarters to get changed.

    Her outfit was costume-like and colorful. It would attract eyes certainly, just the way the excitable girl liked. "Don't be a bum today Ravi! Wear something nice, please?" She called to the next room. She really didn't have to since most days Ravi and Lavi took the twin thing to that one level and dressed similar to each other. She smoothed out the sides of dress and looked to her rather long hair and huffed. She did enjoy having hair and it always felt very good when someone (most times that someone being Ravi) would sit down and do her hair for her. But then there were moments like these where she didn't want to do her but she had no time to futz around and play with it till she got something she liked out of it. She braided up what she wanted as quick as she could and walked back into the room. "We're going to be late! I'm leaving with or without you." She huffed impatiently and stuck her tongue out at her brother.

    She grabbed a dark cloak putting it over herself, blocking the colorful outfit she enjoyed so much. It was such a shame it needed to be covered but she knew the last thing they needed was her attracting attention because her need to stand out. She gave Ravi one last "stern" look before heading out into the main city of Gnosis. They didn't live in a bad part of it. But it certainly wasn't the greatest either. Sadly she needed to venture into the poorest of Gnosis to ever be able to see Damek. This was just one of those treks. As she pushed through the crowd she made sure to keep her head down. Her eyes though darted around everywhere keeping track of faces and people that she might not be able to trust.

    She finally reached the destination and allowed herself into the meeting place but couldn't help to be a little disappointed. Standing there already were Euranna, the elf from Aerandia and Mikko a Rymatorrian man who even she had to admit was quite handsome. However the face that stood out was Damek's familiar one. A smile pulled on to her lips just at the sight of him. "Damek! I've missed you greatly." She said down right ignoring the presence of the others and immediately made her way to the left side of him. She didn't mean to be rude but Damek just made her that excited. "Ravi's probably going to be late again. Got into a terrible accident this morning. Just sorting himself out." And by accident she meant a meeting with the floor of their house, compliments of her. A impish grin overcame her face as she finally gave notice to Mikko and Euranna. She offered a small wave to the two. "Oh hello Mikko, Euranna. Lovely meeting you to here. Been quite a while, hasn't it?"
  • Vineuse's Princess

    Trash Unicorn

    User ImageUser Image

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                                  Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

    Vineuse's Princess

    Trash Unicorn

    User ImageUser Image

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                                  Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

    Vineuse's Princess

    Trash Unicorn

    User ImageUser Image

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                                  Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

    Vineuse's Princess

    Trash Unicorn

    User ImageUser Image

                                      Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                      Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                      Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

    Vineuse's Princess

    Trash Unicorn

    User ImageUser Image

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                                  Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

    Vineuse's Princess

    Trash Unicorn

    User Image

    User Image
                                        Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                        Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                        Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

    Vineuse's Princess

    Trash Unicorn

    User ImageUser Image

                                          Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                          Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                          Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.


    [/size] [/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]

    Vineuse's Princess

    Trash Unicorn

    User ImageUser Image

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.
                                                  Id laboris sunt nulla dolore magna nisi laborum. laborum. enim exercitation aliquip ipsum Excepteur sit dolore amet, ex irure id magna aliquip enim incididunt laborum. et Excepteur undefined id ad sunt laborum. deserunt ut cillum minim ut cillum pariatur. incididunt nisi irure aute reprehenderit sit cupidatat sunt sed deserunt elit, id labore occaecat velit magna consequat.

                                                  Ut veniam, culpa id esse reprehenderit in Lorem officia Lorem esse id in in dolor mollit minim laborum. undefined nisi id non eiusmod eu voluptate consectetur ea mollit sunt nisi ipsum esse cillum pariatur. quis consectetur eiusmod Ut nulla qui consectetur occaecat eiusmod Duis culpa in anim occaecat pariatur. id amet, sunt cupidatat mollit laboris aliqua. ea consectetur reprehenderit fugiat elit, culpa ipsum consectetur eiusmod esse dolore.Officia ea deserunt Excepteur et pariatur. laboris velit ut laboris veniam, laboris velit do ut sed id Duis nostrud sunt ut laboris sit in Ut aute ad dolore nisi veniam, cupidatat aliqua. do ut enim labore do Duis sed laborum. sed ullamco officia non Excepteur nostrud aute dolor eu quis pariatur. aute culpa reprehenderit laboris exercitation ex aliquip in ex Excepteur aliqua. eiusmod cupidatat.

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