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Owlicorn's Partner

Bucktoothed Bunny


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Owlicorn's Partner

Bucktoothed Bunny

Owlicorn's Partner

Bucktoothed Bunny

Owlicorn's Partner

Bucktoothed Bunny

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                                                        Blank Mcblank was a bad man. He'd prowled the dark corners of parking lots, lingered too long in the shadows of playgrounds, and lurked in the alleys behind bars at lady's night... Blank Mcblank considered himself a predator. He never knew he was prey. Blank Mcblank was a bad man... But a good meal.

                                                        Let's look at the food chain. Oh, what a wondrous drawing. I see there's a little man at the very top, and- how considerate, to have the diversity of a man with large chest circles next to it. Gender inclusion at it's finest. You, er, I meant, we humans are so quaint. Almost... Self important. Ha, look at that! The tiger, a crocodile, a shark: all below yo-us. Separate chains, perhaps, but still below... Isn't it nice to be at the pinnacle? I have a different version of this at home, though. Would you like to come over and see it? It's quiet a bit older, ancient, in fact. Teehee, I do love my antiques. Surely as a fellow academic you'd like to see the variation...

                                                        ▶ Welcome to the city of Umbra, now repack your moving truck an get the ******** out while you still can. Most places have an underside, a dark secret, but Umbra's is positively monstrous.

                                                        In other words, this rp is about the daily lives and rivalries of wolves among sheep. Or rather, maneaters among humans. Whether it's merely their dreams being feasted on by the fae of the 'unseelie court', their blood by the 'covenant' of vampiric creatures, or their flesh by the ghouls of the 'black market', Umbra is their capital.

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Owlicorn's Partner

Bucktoothed Bunny

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                    ✭⇢⇢⇢⇢THE ❝FAE
                    ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀
                    ✿ ⇢⇢⇢ bow down to the unseelie court

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                            The subtle threat, a smooth poison next to the knife or grinder. The Fae have been around for centuries: interlopers from beyond the "veil"- another world. They slipped in through the cracks and into human folklore, with tales of capricious and inscrutable behaviors, beasts and beauties, and love and fear. Humans trust in the sciences that disprove them, never realizing that the more compassionate and visible seelie court trickled out of the world, leaving the darker unseelie court to go hide in plain sight and continue their feeding unabated. What do these creatures, in a city of maneaters, feast on? It isn't the physical they crave, it's concepts, essence, dreams. They can slither into dreams and walk freely: choosing nightly meals to steal. The person will remember only the parts not devoured. If desiring a snack, the fae can feed on strong feelings or energy just by being nearby. To many, this seems like a soft option, especially compared to the others. However, to ask a human to function for a long time without those things is generally too much to bear. If a person's dreams are particularly tasty, long time feeding will sap them of all their desires and interest in life. Like poison, the fae don't leave a mark. Many cases of depression and suicide are correlated with their greedy touches.

                            ✿⇢⇢ the fae are a varied species, nearly anything you'd find in the folklore and more counts (ask if uncertain, you can make your own if you run their concept by me, and you can also add your own spins to established creatures as long as they're not already made here) no demons/angels/religiousfigures from specific religions. you can have have creatures called demons/devils though, like alps)

                            ✿⇢⇢ all fae feed on dreams and emotional energy, and they can not eat or drink things made outside their own realm (including humans). they'd get bogged down, and upon trying to enter a dream the thing will tear a hole in their guts like something heavy or wet through the bottom of a paper bag. throwing up may save them, but it's risky.

                            ✿⇢⇢ though varied as non-humans, in their human forms they all have similarities. Fae are shorter than other races and usually thin, but their most discernible trait for those in the know are their glass like eyes with pupils that slit when excited or hungry.

                            ✿⇢⇢ all fae are weak to pure iron, and contact burns and injures them. prolonged or heavy contact can kill them in a moment of agony, causing them to fade away and leave no corpse. Dogs also seem to sense them and act aggressive, while cats uncharacteristically love and follow them.

                    ✭⇢⇢⇢⇢THE ❝VAMPIRICS
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                    ☤ ⇢⇢⇢ bid your respects to the covenant

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                            As delicate as a needle or as violent as a dagger, the word 'vampire' brings up generally the same image for most: give or take some sparkles or smolder. However, though not as varied as the fae and ghouls, there are a good amount of creatures that fall outside of the norm. To be considered part of the covenant is to be a being who lives entirely by drinking blood alone: that is the only requirement. It's true that most who belong are general vampires, beautiful humanoids that seem to lack good circulation, yet there are also things like chubacabra or yasha skulking around at the bottom of the covenant totem pole. No one is certain when or how the first vampire was made, but they've been shadowing humans for as far back as anyone can remember. Their numbers are, and always have been low, due to the immense difficulty of reproducing or creating more. They make up for this by being very long-lived, and creating a network of connections to help them through life. Like reptiles, they can go long periods of time between feeding, though most will eat for pleasure more often. Their saliva contains a numbing coagulant, and a strange venom that causes instant weakness and confusion. Because they only need around a cup of blood, most of the time the human survives without remembering how he ended up injured and alone somewhere after. However, if very hungry, very into the taste of a particular person, or even just because they want to- violent attacks to drain a victim completely also occur.

                            ☤⇢⇢ 85% of the covenant are beings that could be considered general vampires, and they exclusively make up the higher ranks. feel free to make up a vampiric species as long as you run it past me to make sure it's okay (no demons/angels/religiousfigures from specific religions (and no angels at all). you can have have creatures called demons/devils though)

                            ☤⇢⇢ vampiric creatures feed on... blood. shocker, right? any blood will do. in general, animal blood is bitter and unpalatable, human is filling and delicious, fae is intoxicating but dangerous in larger doses, and ghoul is hearty yet somewhat offputting.

                            ☤⇢⇢ vampires generally don't need glamours to pass as human, and they vary as much as their prey do skin and hair color wise. they are, however, always cold to the touch with no heartbeat. the pupils of their eyes slit when feeding, and their canines grow into fangs upon flushes of hunger or aggression.

                            ☤⇢⇢ vampires are weak to sunlight and, somehow, purified water. direct sunlight exposure will kill them after only a few minutes, and even things such as uv enhanced light are uncomfortable to bare skin. crosses and garlic do absolutely nothing.

                    ✭⇢⇢⇢⇢THE ❝GHOULS
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                    ☠ ⇢⇢⇢ trudge carefully through the black market

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                            And here is the moment in which we part from deadly sophistication and simply keep the deadly. In comparison with the other two types of maneaters in CITY, they can be considered crass. It's hard to avoid the connotation when you eat flesh and crunch bone. Arranged in many loosely connected gangs or tribes, the variety in appearance, outlooks, and dispositions found inside this race is staggering. Many consider this group an offshoot of ancient fae who crossed through the veil and became corrupted, though the theory is viciously denied by the fae. Even if the theory is true (debatable), walking through delectable dreams is beyond their reach. If they want to survive and thrive, they need meat: including human at least once a month. However, unlike the others, they can eat and hold down nearly everything: even trash. Many scavenge in graveyards or in their so called 'black market' (a name for their collective, and also a literal market for bits and pieces of tasty scavenged and...butchered things), thus the origin of their name "ghoul".

                            ☠ ⇢⇢ this is the race most prime for making your own kinda monster up if you run them by me, though there are plenty of flesh eating creatures from lore to choose from as well. yes, weres and similar are considered in this group. no demons/angels/religiousfigures from specific religions (and no angels at all). you can have have creatures called demons/devils though, like the jersey devil)

                            ☠ ⇢⇢ ghouls generally can eat and digest nearly anything physical, even things that are poisoned or considered inedible (like license plates...) however, the longer they go without meat, the easier it is for them to surge up into a feeding frenzy. though meat other than a human/oids will get them by at about half a tank, if they are to grow and thrive they need to eat human meat at least once a month.

                            ☠ ⇢⇢ there is no set way for a ghoul to look, either on their own or when taking human form. their tell, however, is that their eyes will always give off a glow in darkness: and it grows stronger when the ghoul is excited or hunting.

                            ☠ ⇢⇢ weaknesses of ghouls vary, but most have a milder form of the combo of the iron and sunlight problem faced by the other two. animals in general get spooked by them.

                    ✭⇢⇢⇢⇢THE ❝HUMANS
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                    ✥ ⇢⇢⇢ marvel at the populous humanity

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                            Clever cattle. That's what this species is to the other three races hiding in the city. This modern age has made it very easy for the creatures to slide through human awareness: after all, no one believes in monsters anymore, right? So people disappear sometimes here. It's a huge city, it's bound to happen. The police do what they can... Right? Humans live on not knowing they're just sheep mixed in with prowling wolves. It's pretty shitty. Why are you reading this part, do you really want to make a poor human in this pit of monsters? Poor babbehs. The hunter association went extinct decades before the rp is set, so there isn't much they'd be able to do.

                            ✥ ⇢⇢ you still want to make a human? poor dear. please note as a warning: human characters are death enabled. not that people can just godmode them dead for no reason, but if they're doing something that would get them killed (finding out about the monsters and trying to expose them, attacking a huge feeding beast, ect), they probably will be. Of course, this applies to the other races too, but it's just much easier to get in those situation as a human here.

                            ✥ ⇢⇢ There are humans who are in on the whole monsters running around thing; particularly those in high power/money or involved in serious crime. There are also hunters, though four years ago the hunter's organization that had been set up in the city was attacked and massacred, leaving just tiny scraps. Now the only human hunters tend to be contract killers hired by monsters of one group (usually the coven) to kill those in another (usually the ghouls who attracted to much attention).

Owlicorn's Partner

Bucktoothed Bunny

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                                                                      ------⇢⇢first name, of the ❝SPECIESGROUP
                                                                      ✖✖✖ specific species ✖✖✖ occupation ✖✖✖ sexuality
                                                                      (bold general rp catagories desired and strike out not, for quick reference. delete this message. if you have specific plots/relations you want, I can add a link to the other section)general, friends, enemies, romance, other

                                                                      this is the part where you write a little blurb about your character. something not too long, or not too short. make it just right. channel Goldilocks. be Goldilocks. but maybe don't break into strange houses and try their food and furniture. also avoid bears. whatever, you know what I mean. just be concise here, but give us a nice little overview. you can be creative too, as long as it's not inscrutable. this is the part where you write a little blurb about your character. something not too long, or not too short. make it just right. channel Goldilocks. be Goldilocks. but maybe don't break into strange houses and try their food and furniture. also avoid bears. whatever, you know what I mean. just be concise here, but give us a nice little overview. you can be creative too, as long as it's not inscrutable.

                                                                  --------------------------------status & ooc name


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                                                                ------⇢⇢first name, of the ❝SPECIESGROUP
                                                                ✖✖✖ specific species ✖✖✖ occupation ✖✖✖ sexuality
                                                                general, friends, enemies, romance, other

                                                                this is the part where you write a little blurb about your character. something not too long, or not too short. make it just right. channel Goldilocks. be Goldilocks. but maybe don't break into strange houses and try their food and furniture. also avoid bears. whatever, you know what I mean. just be concise here, but give us a nice little overview. you can be creative too, as long as it's not inscrutable. this is the part where you write a little blurb about your character. something not too long, or not too short. make it just right. channel Goldilocks. be Goldilocks. but maybe don't break into strange houses and try their food and furniture. also avoid bears. whatever, you know what I mean. just be concise here, but give us a nice little overview. you can be creative too, as long as it's not inscrutable.

                                                            --------------------------------status & ooc name

Owlicorn's Partner

Bucktoothed Bunny

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This is just a simple little graphics shop! Mild/moderate prices for mild/moderate talent is the slogan. W-what do you mean it's a bad sales pitch? I'm just being honest, hehe. I just returned to Gaia after years of being away, and oh my goodness prices are so high! I want to get back into the swing of things, so I'm setting up this tiny place since I have a little free time and playing around on gimp editing is fun.

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