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muirii's Husbando

Devoted Husband

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Yuan sat on a foldable chair, content as he watched the bobber from his fishing pole lightly lift with the movement of the waves. If he wasn't so focused, he would have fallen asleep from being so at peace. When he was fishing, he had all the time in the world to sit and think. But he didn't. He just allowed himself to breathe and find his center, waiting patiently for the moment the fishing line began to tighten just the slightest bit. Just wait for that teensy bit of adrenaline, that feeling of potential success just pulling at his line... waiting to be eaten. His tail flicked excitedly at the thought of freshly roasted fish. He could already smell it.

"I wonder where the little fox is~," Yuan mused to himself, settling back in his chair with pole in hand. He hadn't known Miko very long. Heck, she hadn't even been in town very long when he had invited her out fishing. But once he had found her out fishing on the docks one afternoon, he was happy enough to find another fisherman ━ er, woman?━ in their small town. Of course, he had to invite her out for a good fishing session and see what she was made of. Maybe he'd even be able to drag her away from T&T to work on his boat. Fish was always in high demand, after all. The more he could haul in, the more money he could get. And the thought of money was even more tempting than the thought of food.

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It wasn't long after that Miko arrived, carrying with her a large crate of wood and an oversized bag of... equipment? It looked like a lot, or rather like it weighed a whole lot. How was such a small girl carrying so much stuff??? Yuan couldn't understand it. Before he could even ask if she needed a hand, she had plopped the box of wood down on the sand and was making a grab for her fishing pole and tackle box. He couldn't help but gawk, a bit amazed she had made it all the way out here without any help or collapsing along the way. She was certainly a lot tougher than she looked.
“Sorry I’m late.”

Yuan grinned, patting the sand beneath him as he watched her take a seat beside him. "It's all good. I don't think the fishes will mind," he joked, watching as she prepped her hook before casting it out to sea. Usually, he fished alone or with men, so fishing with female company was a fresh change of pace. He wasn't sure what Miko thought of him, though he never really seemed to delve too much into what opinions others held of him. He didn't know enough of Miko to form an informed opinion of her, though she seemed the polite type. A little quiet but that could always be worked on. At least, that was Yuan's standpoint on things.

Looking out to sea, his ears perked up slightly as the other thanked him for inviting her out today. The corner of his lip tilted up in a small smile as he leaned back to glance at her. "Of course. I gotta see what you're made of after all. You seem like you know your stuff little fox," he stated with a grin, prodding her lightly with his elbow as he turned his gaze back to the sea.

Yuan listened as she began to make small talk about fishing, smiling slightly in understanding as she noted one could fall asleep right in the middle of it. There were many times he'd catch himself nodding off while waiting for a catch on a calm day, though he'd far more tempted to do so on his boat, where the wave often rocked him into a nice nap. He was lucky he hadn't lost a pole yet. "It's all good and fun until you miss out on a catch," he noted with a small chuckle, somewhat wondering how many bites he'd missed out on already.

As Miko offered up surfing as an example of hobbies you most certainly couldn't nap during, Yuan burst out in laughter, trying to imagine the thought of someone actually DOZING OFF, WHILE SURFING. The imagery was comical, having the tiger folded over in laughter. "PFT! That's hilarious. I mean. Not the dead part, because, well dead. But imagine some dude just falling asleep while on his board. Kekeke. You're pretty funny little fox," Yuan commented with a grin, hardly noticing as his fishing line started to tighten a bit. That was, until Miko was tugging at his sleeve pointing it out.

"Oh!" Looking out to the water, he watched and waited until the bobber sunk down, jerking his pole up and setting the hook into the fish. He knew he was successful as he felt a strong pull, his hand moving to reel her in. Reeling in firmly, he watched as the line drew closer and closer, watching as the fish came close to the shore, flapping fiercely and almost looking as if it washing in with the tide. Yuan grinned, reeling her in just a bit more before drawing the pole in towards a cooler he had propped in the sand just a few feet from their seats. "Looks like a decent-sized sea bass," he said with a grin, holding up the line to get a good look at it. "You'll be a good snack for later," he hummed, kneeling down to pop the cooler open. Taking a moment to remove the hook, he set the fish inside, keeping a firm grip till she had calmed, slipping her into the water once she had. Sighing happily, he turned to a much smaller cooler, filled with live bait. He fished out a sardine, hooking it on to his pole and returning back to his seat, casting out the line once more. "There's no high like the one after reeling one in, huh little fox?" he asked, turning to look at her with a grin.
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  • muirii's Husbando

    Devoted Husband

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                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo a nulla vitae semper. Nunc congue metus sem, ultrices vulputate eros suscipit id. Etiam nibh tellus, egestas id velit in, ullamcorper pulvinar libero. Vivamus sapien elit, venenatis at imperdiet et, dapibus sit amet ex. Aenean tellus turpis, egestas ut nibh id, rhoncus vulputate ipsum. Aliquam quis lacinia justo. Curabitur eu nisl bibendum, egestas sapien eu, consequat sapien. Aliquam pulvinar lorem ligula, id iaculis quam consectetur nec. Etiam ipsum magna, facilisis malesuada felis eget, vulputate pretium ligula. Vivamus facilisis vel urna in posuere. Mauris pretium, lacus eget lobortis tempus, turpis nisi congue velit, ut ultricies justo massa vel odio. Ut imperdiet mi nec ultrices commodo. Suspendisse diam tellus, condimentum et turpis tincidunt, dapibus volutpat arcu. Duis vitae eros placerat, consectetur est nec, volutpat turpis. Cras facilisis suscipit lorem, auctor fermentum erat. Mauris suscipit quam libero, eu cursus ligula sodales a.

                    Ut accumsan, diam at posuere tempor, purus velit convallis ante, a feugiat dui est nec tortor. Integer volutpat pulvinar mauris, nec ullamcorper urna congue non. Nunc placerat sapien quis libero ornare accumsan. Pellentesque efficitur nunc et sem tristique, non viverra felis lobortis. Proin volutpat, neque nec pharetra sollicitudin, ipsum sem ullamcorper massa, in laoreet arcu elit vel justo. Integer ullamcorper lorem leo, feugiat laoreet urna condimentum sit amet. Maecenas est nulla, gravida non ultricies non, eleifend et eros. Curabitur eget auctor diam. In in erat a ligula condimentum accumsan in id ligula. Donec efficitur arcu id volutpat sollicitudin. Sed id arcu id leo convallis blandit id in ipsum. Nullam ac sem lacinia, tincidunt massa ac, cursus dolor. Pellentesque faucibus facilisis felis, ac feugiat enim placerat in. c** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce hendrerit ipsum sed metus ultrices bibendum. Nullam lacus nunc, bibendum ut vulputate nec, molestie id mauris.

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                    Ut accumsan, diam at posuere tempor, purus velit convallis ante, a feugiat dui est nec tortor. Integer volutpat pulvinar mauris, nec ullamcorper urna congue non. Nunc placerat sapien quis libero ornare accumsan. Pellentesque efficitur nunc et sem tristique, non viverra felis lobortis. Proin volutpat, neque nec pharetra sollicitudin, ipsum sem ullamcorper massa, in laoreet arcu elit vel justo. Integer ullamcorper lorem leo, feugiat laoreet urna condimentum sit amet. Maecenas est nulla, gravida non ultricies non, eleifend et eros. Curabitur eget auctor diam. In in erat a ligula condimentum accumsan in id ligula. Donec efficitur arcu id volutpat sollicitudin. Sed id arcu id leo convallis blandit id in ipsum. Nullam ac sem lacinia, tincidunt massa ac, cursus dolor. Pellentesque faucibus facilisis felis, ac feugiat enim placerat in. c** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce hendrerit ipsum sed metus ultrices bibendum. Nullam lacus nunc, bibendum ut vulputate nec, molestie id mauris.

                    Ut dictum sapien mi, sit amet rhoncus mi luctus volutpat. Morbi non posuere justo, ut varius erat. Cras accumsan est eget eleifend bibendum. Vivamus bibendum dictum hendrerit. Pellentesque mollis convallis rutrum. Ut purus purus, convallis semper tortor et, dictum rhoncus lectus. Nullam imperdiet aliquam ipsum, et imperdiet orci sodales et. Sed nulla eros, luctus ut arcu eu, vestibulum viverra nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras auctor sit amet ligula eu aliquam. Pellentesque consectetur sapien est, id vestibulum turpis sodales sed. Vestibulum posuere ornare justo sed imperdiet. Nam in ornare sapien. Etiam egestas dolor ut imperdiet tempor.

                    Fusce sed ligula ac neque tristique ultricies nec et magna. Suspendisse egestas orci leo, ut rutrum diam iaculis ut. Morbi vitae ex id tellus tincidunt pulvinar eget at eros. Aenean quis tristique diam. Duis egestas viverra sapien, in pellentesque lorem ullamcorper at. Etiam vel varius arcu. Phasellus eget molestie arcu. Sed ullamcorper, orci non imperdiet tempor, dolor nibh tristique ex, sed sollicitudin felis magna in dui. Etiam dignissim risus in ultricies tincidunt. Fusce arcu purus, sodales finibus laoreet sit amet, dapibus sit amet diam.

    muirii's Husbando

    Devoted Husband

    14,965 Points
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                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo a nulla vitae semper. Nunc congue metus sem, ultrices vulputate eros suscipit id. Etiam nibh tellus, egestas id velit in, ullamcorper pulvinar libero. Vivamus sapien elit, venenatis at imperdiet et, dapibus sit amet ex. Aenean tellus turpis, egestas ut nibh id, rhoncus vulputate ipsum. Aliquam quis lacinia justo. Curabitur eu nisl bibendum, egestas sapien eu, consequat sapien. Aliquam pulvinar lorem ligula, id iaculis quam consectetur nec. Etiam ipsum magna, facilisis malesuada felis eget, vulputate pretium ligula. Vivamus facilisis vel urna in posuere. Mauris pretium, lacus eget lobortis tempus, turpis nisi congue velit, ut ultricies justo massa vel odio. Ut imperdiet mi nec ultrices commodo. Suspendisse diam tellus, condimentum et turpis tincidunt, dapibus volutpat arcu. Duis vitae eros placerat, consectetur est nec, volutpat turpis. Cras facilisis suscipit lorem, auctor fermentum erat. Mauris suscipit quam libero, eu cursus ligula sodales a.

                    Ut accumsan, diam at posuere tempor, purus velit convallis ante, a feugiat dui est nec tortor. Integer volutpat pulvinar mauris, nec ullamcorper urna congue non. Nunc placerat sapien quis libero ornare accumsan. Pellentesque efficitur nunc et sem tristique, non viverra felis lobortis. Proin volutpat, neque nec pharetra sollicitudin, ipsum sem ullamcorper massa, in laoreet arcu elit vel justo. Integer ullamcorper lorem leo, feugiat laoreet urna condimentum sit amet. Maecenas est nulla, gravida non ultricies non, eleifend et eros. Curabitur eget auctor diam. In in erat a ligula condimentum accumsan in id ligula. Donec efficitur arcu id volutpat sollicitudin. Sed id arcu id leo convallis blandit id in ipsum. Nullam ac sem lacinia, tincidunt massa ac, cursus dolor. Pellentesque faucibus facilisis felis, ac feugiat enim placerat in. c** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce hendrerit ipsum sed metus ultrices bibendum. Nullam lacus nunc, bibendum ut vulputate nec, molestie id mauris.

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                    Ut accumsan, diam at posuere tempor, purus velit convallis ante, a feugiat dui est nec tortor. Integer volutpat pulvinar mauris, nec ullamcorper urna congue non. Nunc placerat sapien quis libero ornare accumsan. Pellentesque efficitur nunc et sem tristique, non viverra felis lobortis. Proin volutpat, neque nec pharetra sollicitudin, ipsum sem ullamcorper massa, in laoreet arcu elit vel justo. Integer ullamcorper lorem leo, feugiat laoreet urna condimentum sit amet. Maecenas est nulla, gravida non ultricies non, eleifend et eros. Curabitur eget auctor diam. In in erat a ligula condimentum accumsan in id ligula. Donec efficitur arcu id volutpat sollicitudin. Sed id arcu id leo convallis blandit id in ipsum. Nullam ac sem lacinia, tincidunt massa ac, cursus dolor. Pellentesque faucibus facilisis felis, ac feugiat enim placerat in. c** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce hendrerit ipsum sed metus ultrices bibendum. Nullam lacus nunc, bibendum ut vulputate nec, molestie id mauris.

                    Ut dictum sapien mi, sit amet rhoncus mi luctus volutpat. Morbi non posuere justo, ut varius erat. Cras accumsan est eget eleifend bibendum. Vivamus bibendum dictum hendrerit. Pellentesque mollis convallis rutrum. Ut purus purus, convallis semper tortor et, dictum rhoncus lectus. Nullam imperdiet aliquam ipsum, et imperdiet orci sodales et. Sed nulla eros, luctus ut arcu eu, vestibulum viverra nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras auctor sit amet ligula eu aliquam. Pellentesque consectetur sapien est, id vestibulum turpis sodales sed. Vestibulum posuere ornare justo sed imperdiet. Nam in ornare sapien. Etiam egestas dolor ut imperdiet tempor.

                    Fusce sed ligula ac neque tristique ultricies nec et magna. Suspendisse egestas orci leo, ut rutrum diam iaculis ut. Morbi vitae ex id tellus tincidunt pulvinar eget at eros. Aenean quis tristique diam. Duis egestas viverra sapien, in pellentesque lorem ullamcorper at. Etiam vel varius arcu. Phasellus eget molestie arcu. Sed ullamcorper, orci non imperdiet tempor, dolor nibh tristique ex, sed sollicitudin felis magna in dui. Etiam dignissim risus in ultricies tincidunt. Fusce arcu purus, sodales finibus laoreet sit amet, dapibus sit amet diam.

    muirii's Husbando

    Devoted Husband

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                    After chatting with a bit with Ichigo and getting to know him better, the pair had parted ways,
                    Ichigo leaving to go chat with his friends while Momiji returned to the main path to explore some
                    more. He returned to the area filled with shops, passing by the charm shop along the way. Peeking
                    in for a moment, he noticed a couple of students had begun to crowd the area a bit, searching for
                    the perfect charms for their respective needs. Momiji decided he'd come back later, wanting his
                    own for study and... romantic reasons.

                    A few shops down, Momiji found a cute souvenir shop, stopping his explorations to do some light
                    shopping. Entering, Momiji looked around, wondering what sort of things he should buy. He wasn't
                    very good at giving gifts, though he was rather talented at knowing what he wanted for himself.
                    Finding the snacks, he began to browse, drawn to the sweeter choices the shop had to offer. He
                    found different flavored manju's, varieties of bread, and packaged taiyaki's. Licking his lips, he
                    began to pluck several from the shelf, planning to share with his roommates or some of his friends
                    later in the day.

                    Finding a shopping basket, he dropped his picks into it, lifting it up and carrying it with him as he
                    continued to move through the shop. He stopped to admire the inari-inspired section of the shop.
                    Keychains.. shaped breads.. masks with inari faces. He smiled as he looked over them. As he
                    turned to look at some cute stuffed keychains, another figure in the shop captured his attention.

                    He recognized the dark-haired boy, a fellow student from his class who seemed to be doing some
                    shopping as well. “Ah! Min-chan~,” he called, in a bit of an unfamiliar tone. “Are you buying
                    something? For your friends? Family?”
                    he asked with a grin, approaching the other with
                    a light skip. “They have a bunch of sweets here. Don't they look yummy?” He held up the
                    basket, a cheerful expression on his face as he showed them off. “I was hoping to share them
                    with my roommates. I hope they like sweets,”
                    he hummed, looking up at the boy. “Do you
                    have a favorite sweet? I have a lot but I think strawberry mochi is delicious~”
                    chattered, smiling at the thought of it. “Ah! Do you even like sweets...? I should have
                    asked that first, hm? I can get something else for you if you want,”
                    he suggested,
                    fidgeting slightly, not wanting to get something for the other that they wouldn't like.

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    muirii's Husbando

    Devoted Husband

    14,965 Points
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                  xxxvisang ji-yeon. !!!
                  xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx THEY LOOK UP x AND AGAIN LOOK BACK DOWN x AND THEY LAMENT x BECAUSE THEY ARE UNABLE x TO FIND THAT BLUE SKY
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                  xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx THEYxx ONCExx SAWxx INxx THExx PASTxx SWITCHINGxx BETWEEN xxBEING xxFREE xxAND
                  xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx BEING xxSELFISH xxWE xxHAVE xxTHISxx FAR xxUNDER xxTHIS xxNIGHTxx SKY
                  x▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❝ without *even ▴ a single˟ ! star ★◟
                  xxx xxx xii❛ ░█ : !company. xxxviii ❛ ░█ : !location. xxxviii ❛ ░█ : !mood or thoughts. xxxviii ❛ ░█ : !outfit.
                  xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxviiiU N A B L E xx T O xx S E E xx M Y xx D E S T I N A T I O N , xx I xx S I M P L Y xx W A N D E R xx A B O U T

                              "Sang Ji-yeon..."
                              Ji-yeon's manager's deep voice brought him out of his thoughts, the singer's gaze moving from the van's window to the driver's
                              seat where his manager sat. "You... I know you're a quiet kid, but this show can be important to your future, so try to
                              do well, okay? If you fall into the background, it can look bad for the group."
                              Ji-yeon nodded in understanding,
                              straightening up in his seat a bit as he looked to the other through the rearview mirror above the dashboard. "Mm. I
                              understand. I... want to do well too. Besides, Jae-suk will scold me if I act boring on camera,"
                              Ji-yeon joked lightly,
                              referring to his fellow group member, who often acted as a leader to the group. Ji-yeon could see the corner of their lips turn up
                              the slightest bit at this comment, amused. Their manager could be a bit strict and overbearing at times, but he always seemed
                              to have their best interest at heart. He wanted them to do well just as much as they wanted to. Ji-yeon counted his group
                              lucky, he supposed, to have been graced with a manager that wasn't constantly critical of them. They could have had much
                              worse... They could have had a manager who would have drawn all the life out of them just to have a group that was the top
                              of the industry.

                              The drive from Seoul to Busan wasn't an especially long one, a little less than five hours from when they had set out. It had
                              caused them to run a bit late, however, quite a few of the cast members having already arrived by the time Ji-yeon's van had
                              pulled up to the property. Ji-yeon swallowed, feeling a bit of anxiety. He wasn't used to taking opportunities like this without
                              the rest of his group members, usually always having at least one of them with him to help him feel more comfortable. This
                              time, he would be alone, and maybe it was for the best. He couldn't have a future as a soloist if he was constantly depending
                              on others to be beside him.

                              Ji-yeon's manager exited the van, opening the door for the idol to get out himself. Ji-yeon stepped out as his manager made
                              their way to the back of the vehicle, grabbing Ji-yeon's suitcase. As he did so, Ji-yeon admired the luxurious home he'd be
                              spending the next couple of months in. It reeked of expensive taste. A home that, as a child, Ji-yeon could have only ever
                              dreamed of living in. Ji-Yeon's manager handed him his suitcase, leaving a moment to greet the staff outside the property and
                              announce the idol's arrival. Meanwhile, a staff member approached him, Ji-yeon removing his coat and lifting his shirt so they
                              could mic him up before entering the home. Slipping his coat back on once they had finished, Ji-yeon grabbed his suitcase by
                              the handle. Waiting for his manager to return before then saying his goodbyes. The other patted him on the shoulder, wishing
                              him good luck before entering the van and pulling out of the driveway.

                              Sighing lightly to himself, Ji-yeon looked once more to the house, feeling a bit nervous as swallowed hard and took a step
                              forward. Approaching the home, he opened the door with a bit of a shaky hand, passing by other members of the home
                              still lingering outside, wanting to make introductions upon entering the house. As he stepped inside, he observed the
                              interior of the home, still a bit in awe. "Daebak..." he whispered to himself, doing his best to ignore the several cameras
                              staring at him in the face. He hesitated in the doorway, knowing he'd have to introduce himself to quite a few personalities
                              probably far more interesting than himself. Scratching his cheek lightly with his index finger, he stepped forward, only for a
                              figure to slam into his backside. Stumbling, he managed to catch himself a bit from outwardly falling onto the floor, though...
                              the hand around his waist had helped. Whoever it was that had crash-landed into him, they'd managed to catch hold of him
                              and support him.

                              Standing up, Ji-yeon turned to look at them, finding a man not much taller than himself and... rather beautiful. Was that strange
                              to say about a man..? A bit speechless, Ji-yeon cleared his throat after a moment, bowing respectfully to the other though he
                              wasn't familiar with him. "Are you alright? Sorry. I was blocking the doorway." He stood straight, separating from the other
                              as he straightened himself out and bowed apologetically once more. "Sang Ji-Yeon from Given. I'm sorry... I'm not very
                              familiar with you... Are you a fan? Or a performer?"
                              he asked, a bit embarrassed that he wasn't sure.

    muirii's Husbando

    Devoted Husband

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                            Yui closed her eyes as the breeze brushed along her skin, releasing a content sigh. The cool breeze was a
                            welcome relief considering the summer heat that was plaguing the small coastal town today. Her fingers
                            ran through her long curled hair, her ash blonde locks having been pulled up into a ponytail earlier in the
                            day. If she'd kept it down, lord only knows the heat might have definitely gotten to her. A pressure was felt
                            on her shoulder and Yui opened her eyes, looking up to find a familiar face. Her brother stood over her,
                            having finished up what work he needed to wrap up before their walk to the ice cream shop. “Finished?”
                            she asked, adjusting the purse strap that hung from her shoulders as she stood up from the bench she'd
                            been waiting on. “It took you long enough,” she teased, a small smile on her lips that was reserved for
                            few people; her brother being one of them.

                            Earlier, her mood had been a rather foul one, having become irritated after yet another of her brother's
                            lectures. This one had been spurred on by Yui's lack of interest in working at the onsen; or rather,
                            working at all. Since arriving in Umezawa about four months ago, Yui hadn't actively searched for a job.
                            She'd help out Yohei every now and then at the onsen, wanting to feel useful, though she wasn't a regular
                            worker like some of the part-timers. Instead, she'd fill in between breaks and whenever someone couldn't
                            make it in for a shift. Even then, her interest wasn't in it. Whenever there were no customers, she'd attend
                            to her phone rather than pick up a broom to clean. It was quite clear working at the onsen wasn't of much
                            interest to her. At this point, however, she'd rather work at the onsen's front desk then go back to school.

                            After getting a chance to blow off some steam after snapping at Yohei for lecturing her like their parents,
                            it began to set in that she wasn't much help to her brother, who was still quite new to running a business
                            on his own. However, she couldn't help her disinterest when it came to the job, nor her disinterest in doing
                            much else. She'd rather lie in bed all day or sit and watch the sea. She didn't think Yohei could understand
                            how difficult it was for her to do much else. After holing up in her room for quite a bit earlier that day, Yui
                            resolved to make more effort going forward; or, at the least, look for another job. Sometime after their spat,
                            Yohei had come to her room, offering to take her out for ice cream. Yui could tell he'd felt bad about getting
                            on her case, and she'd felt just as bad for responding how she had. She'd found difficulty admitting as much,
                            though she knew Yohei could read her just as well as she could read him.

                            Now, as the pair walked together in unison toward the ice cream shop, she wondered how she could be more
                            vocal about her feelings and her desires to make up for her recent disinterest. As always, however, her mouth
                            felt thick, hardly able to move as the thoughts of what she could say began to clutter her mind. So much to say
                            and hardly any idea of how to say it was usually her downfall, causing her to settle for either wording things
                            incorrectly or not saying much at all. Instead, she tried to fill the silence on the way to the ice cream shop with
                            trivial conversation until she could get her thoughts all lined up properly.

                            “Otou-san and okaa-san... Have you talked to them recently? They've been bothering me a lot
                            lately... about going back to school,”
                            she began with an annoyed sigh, the fingers of one hand fidgeting
                            with the straps of her purse. “It's gotten so annoying I've started ignoring their phone calls... You
                            don't think they'll make me go back right...?”
                            She asked, a bit distressed at the thought of being forced
                            back home. She couldn't go back to that town... She couldn't face all those people... face her parents again.
                            She just wanted her parents to leave her be... After what'd happen during her senior year, Yui had thought more
                            than anyone that they'd be against her returning to school.

                            xxx xxx xii▐*★ : !yohei. xxxviii▐*★ : !on the way to ice cream shop. xxxviii▐*★ : !anxious. xxxviii▐*★ : !outfit.

    muirii's Husbando

    Devoted Husband

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              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo a nulla vitae semper. Nunc congue metus sem, ultrices vulputate eros suscipit id. Etiam nibh tellus, egestas id velit in, ullamcorper pulvinar libero. Vivamus sapien elit, venenatis at imperdiet et, dapibus sit amet ex. Aenean tellus turpis, egestas ut nibh id, rhoncus vulputate ipsum. Aliquam quis lacinia justo. Curabitur eu nisl bibendum, egestas sapien eu, consequat sapien. Aliquam pulvinar lorem ligula, id iaculis quam consectetur nec. Etiam ipsum magna, facilisis malesuada felis eget, vulputate pretium ligula. Vivamus facilisis vel urna in posuere. Mauris pretium, lacus eget lobortis tempus, turpis nisi congue velit, ut ultricies justo massa vel odio. Ut imperdiet mi nec ultrices commodo. Suspendisse diam tellus, condimentum et turpis tincidunt, dapibus volutpat arcu. Duis vitae eros placerat, consectetur est nec, volutpat turpis. Cras facilisis suscipit lorem, auctor fermentum erat. Mauris suscipit quam libero, eu cursus ligula sodales a.

              Ut accumsan, diam at posuere tempor, purus velit convallis ante, a feugiat dui est nec tortor. Integer volutpat pulvinar mauris, nec ullamcorper urna congue non. Nunc placerat sapien quis libero ornare accumsan. Pellentesque efficitur nunc et sem tristique, non viverra felis lobortis. Proin volutpat, neque nec pharetra sollicitudin, ipsum sem ullamcorper massa, in laoreet arcu elit vel justo. Integer ullamcorper lorem leo, feugiat laoreet urna condimentum sit amet. Maecenas est nulla, gravida non ultricies non, eleifend et eros. Curabitur eget auctor diam. In in erat a ligula condimentum accumsan in id ligula. Donec efficitur arcu id volutpat sollicitudin. Sed id arcu id leo convallis blandit id in ipsum. Nullam ac sem lacinia, tincidunt massa ac, cursus dolor. Pellentesque faucibus facilisis felis, ac feugiat enim placerat in. c** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce hendrerit ipsum sed metus ultrices bibendum. Nullam lacus nunc, bibendum ut vulputate nec, molestie id mauris.

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              Ut accumsan, diam at posuere tempor, purus velit convallis ante, a feugiat dui est nec tortor. Integer volutpat pulvinar mauris, nec ullamcorper urna congue non. Nunc placerat sapien quis libero ornare accumsan. Pellentesque efficitur nunc et sem tristique, non viverra felis lobortis. Proin volutpat, neque nec pharetra sollicitudin, ipsum sem ullamcorper massa, in laoreet arcu elit vel justo. Integer ullamcorper lorem leo, feugiat laoreet urna condimentum sit amet. Maecenas est nulla, gravida non ultricies non, eleifend et eros. Curabitur eget auctor diam. In in erat a ligula condimentum accumsan in id ligula. Donec efficitur arcu id volutpat sollicitudin. Sed id arcu id leo convallis blandit id in ipsum. Nullam ac sem lacinia, tincidunt massa ac, cursus dolor. Pellentesque faucibus facilisis felis, ac feugiat enim placerat in. c** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce hendrerit ipsum sed metus ultrices bibendum. Nullam lacus nunc, bibendum ut vulputate nec, molestie id mauris.

              Ut dictum sapien mi, sit amet rhoncus mi luctus volutpat. Morbi non posuere justo, ut varius erat. Cras accumsan est eget eleifend bibendum. Vivamus bibendum dictum hendrerit. Pellentesque mollis convallis rutrum. Ut purus purus, convallis semper tortor et, dictum rhoncus lectus. Nullam imperdiet aliquam ipsum, et imperdiet orci sodales et. Sed nulla eros, luctus ut arcu eu, vestibulum viverra nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras auctor sit amet ligula eu aliquam. Pellentesque consectetur sapien est, id vestibulum turpis sodales sed. Vestibulum posuere ornare justo sed imperdiet. Nam in ornare sapien. Etiam egestas dolor ut imperdiet tempor.

              Fusce sed ligula ac neque tristique ultricies nec et magna. Suspendisse egestas orci leo, ut rutrum diam iaculis ut. Morbi vitae ex id tellus tincidunt pulvinar eget at eros. Aenean quis tristique diam. Duis egestas viverra sapien, in pellentesque lorem ullamcorper at. Etiam vel varius arcu. Phasellus eget molestie arcu. Sed ullamcorper, orci non imperdiet tempor, dolor nibh tristique ex, sed sollicitudin felis magna in dui. Etiam dignissim risus in ultricies tincidunt. Fusce arcu purus, sodales finibus laoreet sit amet, dapibus sit amet diam.

              Ut dictum sapien mi, sit amet rhoncus mi luctus volutpat. Morbi non posuere justo, ut varius erat. Cras accumsan est eget eleifend bibendum. Vivamus bibendum dictum hendrerit. Pellentesque mollis convallis rutrum. Ut purus purus, convallis semper tortor et, dictum rhoncus lectus. Nullam imperdiet aliquam ipsum, et imperdiet orci sodales et. Sed nulla eros, luctus ut arcu eu, vestibulum viverra nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras auctor sit amet ligula eu aliquam. Pellentesque consectetur sapien est, id vestibulum turpis sodales sed. Vestibulum posuere ornare justo sed imperdiet. Nam in ornare sapien. Etiam egestas dolor ut imperdiet tempor.

              Fusce sed ligula ac neque tristique ultricies nec et magna. Suspendisse egestas orci leo, ut rutrum diam iaculis ut. Morbi vitae ex id tellus tincidunt pulvinar eget at eros. Aenean quis tristique diam. Duis egestas viverra sapien, in pellentesque lorem ullamcorper at. Etiam vel varius arcu. Phasellus eget molestie arcu. Sed ullamcorper, orci non imperdiet tempor, dolor nibh tristique ex, sed sollicitudin felis magna in dui. Etiam dignissim risus in ultricies tincidunt. Fusce arcu purus, sodales finibus laoreet sit amet, dapibus sit amet diam.

    muirii's Husbando

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        • The flower language
          Have you ever wondered why do Valentine’s Day roses look so different from wedding roses? Why are funeral flowers white and friendship flowers yellow?

          It is because flowers have a language. The concept of using flowers for communicating feelings began thousands of years ago. Love, admiration, and other sentiments have been attributed to different flowers and colors. The language or flowers or floriography has existed since the Victorian era. Flowers were then arranged in a particular way to send secret codes. Pink roses have been a part of this secret language for a long time. Cultures and traditions around the world have used floriography for centuries.

          Some Interesting facts about the pink rose
          Roses have a colorful past. The pink rose is not only among the prettiest flowers but also has an interesting past. A fossil of a pink rose found by the archaeologists is believed to date back 40 million years. Drawings of pink roses have also been illustrated in ancient artworks. In all probability, pink roses in their earliest known existence grew wild but their age-old subsistence makes them a classic! Rightfully, pink roses are considered to be ancestors of all roses. After all, the pink rose does not seem to be as fragile as it looks! Some ancient Hebrew texts mention that pink roses were the only blossoms that were allowed inside the holy city of Jerusalem. These flowers symbolized a journey towards perfection and were possibly the only variety of roses that existed in those days. Pink roses have found their mention in literature, artworks, wallpapers, songs, and even in color names. Roses were popular in China, Mediterranean countries, and Persia as early as 500Bc.

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          What do shades of pink roses and flower combinations symbolize
          Hybridization or roses have given birth to an array of pink roses. With the advent of various shades, different meanings were attributed to light, bright, and dark pink roses. When used in arrangement with flowers of other colors, the pink rose can indicate stronger feelings in an amazing way. However, even the flower language is going through evolution like everything else. It is always wise to include handwritten messages to avoid misunderstandings and to clarify what you mean to convey. Shades of pale pink roses stand for admiration or a budding love which is growing but has not attended to the stage of passion. It symbolizes the happiness derived from the relationship. Pale pink roses can also mean poise and grace and your admiration for those qualities. The bright pink roses like fuchsia and hot pink are appropriate for expressing appreciation and thankfulness. If it’s gratitude you want to convey, a bouquet of bright pink roses can be an excellent gift. It is also appropriate for weddings and joyful celebrations.
          Flower arrangements of pearly light pink roses combined with cream and white roses signify joy and happiness. They show transparency and pure intentions. The light pink rose can also be a suitable choice for sympathy or condolences.

          Dark pink roses are often gifted to mothers, wife, aunts, mentors to express gratitude and thanks. These can also be gifted to congratulate or to cheer up someone who is healing or grieving. These roses can be combined with pink hydrangea to fortify the expression.
          Blooming roses, budding roses, roses without thorn have different things to express. A pink rosebud signifies youth, an innocent heart, and beauty. Gifting pink rosebuds could mean appreciating innocence, purity, and a happy heart.
          When pink roses come without thorns, they indicate love for the recipient for a long time or love at first sight. The combination of pink and red roses may indicate happiness in a romantic relationship. An arrangement of pink and white roses, articulate appreciation of innocence and gentleness. Not only the color, but the number of roses can also indicate specific meanings. One pink rose says ‘I like you’, 2 pink roses signify mutual love and admiration, whereas, a dozen means ‘be mine’. 13 roses could mean either you have a secret admirer or friends forever but not in love. The language of flowers is not very simple. Over the centuries, they have been misinterpreted and developed into new meanings. Like any other language, the language of flowers is changing with time.

          Some popular and most beautiful varieties of pink roses
          Pink Mondial is a light pink variety of rose with ruffled petals. It is a popular, elegant, and long-lasting rose that can be seen in wedding arrangements.
          As the name suggests White O’hara has pale pink petals with a hint of blush at the center. These large roses are fragrant and make wonderful additions to wedding arrangements.
          The deep pink Grande Dame rose is a hybrid variety that produces big blooms all through the year.
          The peony shaped Rosalind is surely a rose for special events. The creamy pink bloom is packed with petals and blossoms with a fruity fragrance.
          The long-lasting Pink Majolica is a very popular pink rose variety. It has layered petals and that holds up for a long time.
          The bright pink, rich scented Yves Piaget is a rose with a large number of petals. It is a wonderful pink rose that goes well in bouquets and arrangements.

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          credit to nodosaurus for format, soulcorporation for gfx

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    [align=right][align=left][color=white][size=17][*][/size][/color][size=11][color=black][list][list][list][list][list][list][list]The flower language
    Have you ever wondered why do Valentine’s Day roses look so different from wedding roses? Why are funeral flowers white and friendship flowers yellow?

    It is because flowers have a language. The concept of using flowers for communicating feelings began thousands of years ago. Love, admiration, and other sentiments have been attributed to different flowers and colors. The language or flowers or floriography has existed since the Victorian era. Flowers were then arranged in a particular way to send secret codes. Pink roses have been a part of this secret language for a long time. Cultures and traditions around the world have used floriography for centuries.

    Some Interesting facts about the pink rose
    Roses have a colorful past. The pink rose is not only among the prettiest flowers but also has an interesting past. A fossil of a pink rose found by the archaeologists is believed to date back 40 million years. Drawings of pink roses have also been illustrated in ancient artworks. In all probability, pink roses in their earliest known existence grew wild but their age-old subsistence makes them a classic! Rightfully, pink roses are considered to be ancestors of all roses. After all, the pink rose does not seem to be as fragile as it looks!

    Some ancient Hebrew texts mention that pink roses were the only blossoms that were allowed inside the holy city of Jerusalem. These flowers symbolized a journey towards perfection and were possibly the only variety of roses that existed in those days.

    Pink roses have found their mention in literature, artworks, wallpapers, songs, and even in color names. Roses were popular in China, Mediterranean countries, and Persia as early as 500Bc.

    In ancient times, gifting a pink rose symbolized the wish to present the prettiest flower available in nature as a gift of unselfishness and purity.

    What do pink roses represent?
    Roses come in all shades of pink. Hot pink, bubblegum pink, baby pink, coral; name a shade of pink and you will find a pink rose to match it. Pink roses are often spotted in bridal flower arrangements, baby shower bouquets (especially if it is a girl). Pink roses are considered to be the most delicate, gentle, and feminine of all roses. It is a color that’s extremely popular among young girls.

    Pink roses are gifted to express joy, admiration, sympathy, and gratitude. Subtle pinks and vibrant hues communicate differently. Every shade of pink rose symbolizes a different emotion. But, things aren’t easy to decipher always. You would surely like to understand the meaning of each shade before buying a bunch of pink roses for anyone. Well, if you are planning to gift someone pink roses, here is a handy guide to keep you updated about what different shades of pink mean.

    The good thing about pink roses is that they are suitable for giving without having to worry about misunderstandings. Pink roses do not symbolize romance but are more inclined towards the gesture of expressing gratefulness, sympathy, appreciation, and beauty.

    What do shades of pink roses and flower combinations symbolize
    Hybridization or roses have given birth to an array of pink roses. With the advent of various shades, different meanings were attributed to light, bright, and dark pink roses. When used in arrangement with flowers of other colors, the pink rose can indicate stronger feelings in an amazing way. However, even the flower language is going through evolution like everything else. It is always wise to include handwritten messages to avoid misunderstandings and to clarify what you mean to convey.

    Shades of pale pink roses stand for admiration or a budding love which is growing but has not attended to the stage of passion. It symbolizes the happiness derived from the relationship. Pale pink roses can also mean poise and grace and your admiration for those qualities.
    The bright pink roses like fuchsia and hot pink are appropriate for expressing appreciation and thankfulness. If it’s gratitude you want to convey, a bouquet of bright pink roses can be an excellent gift. It is also appropriate for weddings and joyful celebrations.
    Flower arrangements of pearly light pink roses combined with cream and white roses signify joy and happiness. They show transparency and pure intentions. The light pink rose can also be a suitable choice for sympathy or condolences.
    Dark pink roses are often gifted to mothers, wife, aunts, mentors to express gratitude and thanks. These can also be gifted to congratulate or to cheer up someone who is healing or grieving. These roses can be combined with pink hydrangea to fortify the expression.
    Blooming roses, budding roses, roses without thorn have different things to express. A pink rosebud signifies youth, an innocent heart, and beauty. Gifting pink rosebuds could mean appreciating innocence, purity, and a happy heart.
    When pink roses come without thorns, they indicate love for the recipient for a long time or love at first sight.
    The combination of pink and red roses may indicate happiness in a romantic relationship.
    An arrangement of pink and white roses, articulate appreciation of innocence and gentleness.
    Not only the color, but the number of roses can also indicate specific meanings. One pink rose says ‘I like you’, 2 pink roses signify mutual love and admiration, whereas, a dozen means ‘be mine’. 13 roses could mean either you have a secret admirer or friends forever but not in love.
    The language of flowers is not very simple. Over the centuries, they have been misinterpreted and developed into new meanings. Like any other language, the language of flowers is changing with time.

    What does the pink rose stand for today?
    Pink roses are the second most popular flower choice all around the world, after red roses. Pink roses spell elegance, style, and class. Florists around the globe choose to make arrangements with pink roses for its femininity, delicate appeal, gentleness, and grace. Pink roses create more excitement in relations as they are mysterious and can mean a variety of emotions.

    These fabulous flowers are often used for decoration simply for their grace and beauty rather than their associated meaning. Pink roses give any room a welcoming feel. These gorgeous blooms fit into any room in the house, office reception, or even a hotel lobby. Since pink roses are not associated with romantic love, they can be gifted freely to almost anyone.

    Scientific studies reveal pink roses can affect people’s mind and improve efficiency. When placed in an office, the pink rose can create a calming environment and assist in relaxation.

    Some popular and most beautiful varieties of pink roses
    Pink Mondial is a light pink variety of rose with ruffled petals. It is a popular, elegant, and long-lasting rose that can be seen in wedding arrangements.
    As the name suggests White O’hara has pale pink petals with a hint of blush at the center. These large roses are fragrant and make wonderful additions to wedding arrangements.
    The deep pink Grande Dame rose is a hybrid variety that produces big blooms all through the year.
    The peony shaped Rosalind is surely a rose for special events. The creamy pink bloom is packed with petals and blossoms with a fruity fragrance.
    The long-lasting Pink Majolica is a very popular pink rose variety. It has layered petals and that holds up for a long time.
    The bright pink, rich scented Yves Piaget is a rose with a large number of petals. It is a wonderful pink rose that goes well in bouquets and arrangements.

    [b][size=9][color=#c58bd9]WHEREABOUTS[/color][/size][/b] the stars :tab: [b][size=9][color=#c58bd9]COMPANY[/color][/size][/b] the stars :tab: [b][size=9][url=https://][color=white][u][color=#c58bd9]APPAREL[/color][/u][/color][/url][/size][/b]
    [size=11][color=white]credit to nodosaurus for format, soulcorporation for gfx[/color][/size][/color][/size][/list][/list][/list][/align][/align][/size][/color][/spoiler]

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    muirii's Husbando

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ac diam neque. Praesent ac ullamcorper dolor, a dignissim diam. Praesent pretium feugiat erat, sed scelerisque eros consequat at. Nulla tempus malesuada lorem. Quisque ut maximus mauris. Nulla tristique dui et velit tristique maximus. Etiam a elit ante. Aliquam pharetra velit nunc, quis venenatis dolor auctor dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut ut consequat urna, in placerat purus.

    Curabitur vel lacus volutpat, elementum augue ac, consequat nisi. Cras nec tristique felis, id tincidunt lorem. "Sed enim neque, tincidunt vel ante a, convallis venenatis nibh. Aliquam in consectetur sapien." Donec sed orci magna. Vivamus consequat eros in tortor facilisis consectetur. Integer purus lacus, tempor in varius non, hendrerit sed libero. Mauris enim metus, mollis venenatis auctor posuere, tincidunt id leo. Sed lacinia gravida pharetra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris bibendum mi sem, nec dignissim quam viverra vitae. Sed suscipit dui sed imperdiet tincidunt.
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    Cras auctor nunc vel egestas dapibus. Vivamus sit amet arcu neque. Integer dignissim pharetra lectus. Donec sem erat, porttitor lacinia nisl vitae, ornare ornare leo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam purus orci, interdum ut sagittis eu, dapibus at enim. Vestibulum ante magna, mollis eu nisi maximus, dignissim tempus ipsum. Cras ac finibus tortor.

    Vivamus eu convallis sapien, nec euismod enim. In porta lectus eget mauris ultricies, ac porttitor felis faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus feugiat sem ac posuere condimentum. Ut auctor tellus sapien, id sollicitudin mi placerat ut. Aliquam viverra maximus erat, et pretium odio aliquam at. Sed semper varius pharetra. Curabitur lobortis tellus sed congue cursus. Nulla at sagittis turpis. Maecenas blandit ligula ligula, non pulvinar tellus consectetur vitae. Ut id malesuada erat, in bibendum orci. Curabitur quis nisl ac velit mattis iaculis nec ut tortor.

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    muirii's Husbando

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                  xxxvieveryone looks at the sky. !!!
                  xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx THEY LOOK UP x AND AGAIN LOOK BACK DOWN x AND THEY LAMENT x BECAUSE THEY ARE UNABLE x TO FIND THAT BLUE SKY
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                  xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx THEYxx ONCExx SAWxx INxx THExx PASTxx SWITCHINGxx BETWEEN xxBEING xxFREE xxAND
                  xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx BEING xxSELFISH xxWE xxHAVE xxTHISxx FAR xxUNDER xxTHIS xxNIGHTxx SKY
                  x▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❝ without *even ▴ a single˟ ! star ★◟
                  xxx xxx xii❛ ░█ : !w/ zelus. xxxviii ❛ ░█ : !otw to floating ruins. xxxviii ❛ ░█ : !friend? friend! xxxviii ❛ ░█ : !also bumped into ravaldr and vielle.
                  xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxviiiU N A B L E xx T O xx S E E xx M Y xx D E S T I N A T I O N , xx I xx S I M P L Y xx W A N D E R xx A B O U T

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                      Cassian's eyes widened slightly as he tracked the movement of the other's arm from the corner of his eye. His gaze shifted to the raised extra arm, able to fully take in the strangers extra limbs. Weird. He'd never thought he'd see something like this in such a... realistic setting. He had to keep reminding himself that he was in a video game world... this wasn't Seoul anymore... Cassian released the other's wrist, releasing a breath as he tried to ground himself. Looking at the the expression on the other's face after asking his question, Cassian couldn't easily read him. He was smiling sure, though he hadn't seemed as relieved as he was to find another human player.

                      Cassian's brows furrowed as the other revealed he was a developer, ready to harass the man for a way out of the game before he had quickly admitted after that he too was a beta tester. Cassian breathed a sigh of relief, a hand moving to his temple to lightly rub the area. He could almost feel a headache coming on. "Very weird... Can't even exit the game. I don't even know how we're supposed to contact them if we've got some sort of problem," he commented in an exasperated tone. He couldn't understand how the other tester was keeping his composure so well, as if what had happened to them was an everyday occurrence. Cassian, on the other hand, couldn't help but have some foreboding feeling about all of this. Then again, he wasn't all too familiar with testing phases like this, so maybe he was just overreacting...?

                      Whether he was overreacting or not, however, Cassian hated the fact that he didn't know what was happening to his body in the real world. He didn't like feeling he didn't have control over his situation in the real world, nor could he trusts the scientists to do as they should, especially with the way they'd handled the game launch....

                      The other tester suggested they proceed forward and Cassian nodded in agreement, though his stomach slightly lurched in reluctance. He raised an eyebrow to the stranger as they lightly pressed him forward, encouraging him to lead the way. He didn't argue though, continuing forward toward the ruins.

                      As they entered the area and the expanse of ruins loaded before them, Cassian found himself staring in awe. The breezy wind kissed his skin and he could almost feel the difference in elevation, though the way the wind swept through the overgrown paths leading to the ruin entrance said enough about how high in the sky these floating ruins were. "Guess they don't call them the floating ruins for nothing..." he commented aloud, leaning down for a moment to un his fingers along the tall grass. Real. It all felt so real. He could hear the stead stream of flowing water, his crimson eyes looking up to see water lapping from gaps in some of the stonework. It was a scene straight out of a fantasy film he would see on the tv screen, only it was here... right in front of him. "They really went all out..." he said to the other, so distracted with the scenery that likely wouldn't have noticed the others present at the dungeon entrance if his companion hadn't called out to them first.

                      "Hm?" Cassian looked forward, following the other towards two other players. His eyes focused in on them as he and his companion approached, first observing the larger of the two men, a human like himself with a masculine build covered in scars. He looked pretty badass, but it was the other with him that drew Cassian's attention. Tall and slender, with pointed ears. He was an elf, with dark hair and striking amber eyes. "Pretty," he thought to himself, a small smile spreading along his lips as he greeted the two. He was relived to find more players, hoping that maybe his position wasn't too bad after all. Hell, maybe his new party members would know more about playing these sorts of games than he did.

                      "Hey, happy to join," Cassian commented with a content smile, giving the two new strangers a small wave. "We've only just met but this guys the only other tester besides you two I've met so far... Didn't have the smoothest start after that launch...," he admitted, his fingers moving to sweep back his long, red locks.

                      Cassian looked around a moment, not noticing any other players nearby. "Seeing as how it looks like it's just us for now, we might as well introduce one another if we're gonna head in together, he suggested, his arms folding across his chest in a relaxed manner. "The name's I- er- Cassian." He corrected himself quickly with a rather innocent smile, almost having forgotten that they had to establish character names. "I'm a summoner I believe. Magic-based DPS. What about you guys?" he asked, his eyes settling on the pretty elf, wanting him to start first.


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