Fused Sex Symbol

Me and my friends have wanted to play D&D for some time, but there's a large hurdle you have to overcome in creating your character. We eventually managed to work through that and started our game, and then me and my one other companion had a falling out [I'll spare the details but he can't seperate OOC from IC.]

So the work that went into that game went to bunk. However, they had requested I be DM next time and I mulled about an idea or two and eventually got the idea from Dreamscape, as we're currently calling it. Then I realized what an enormous task it was and put it on ice for year. Yesterday I felt like picking it up and we had our Dungeon 0 and even part of a dungeon 1 because we picked up another player. The only way this differs from traditional D&D is some of the mechanics are a bit different.

So right now I'd just like some ideas from you guys so I can have some new content to put into it every week.

First let's start with the stats of this game:

HP: Hit points
Armor: Checks Vs fortitudes
Resistance: Checks Vs Mental fortitude
Physical Fortitude: After rolling against the opponent to see if a hit is landed, the physical fortitude is matched against the armor. If it is half of the armor's value, it does no damage, and if it is twice the armor's value, it does double.
Mental Fortitude: Same as physical but vs Resistance.

I suppose mental fortitude is a bit of a misnomer, as it applies to status ailments as well as elemental damage. I can always change the wording for that.

The players use Rift Crystals/Dream Shards/Rift fragments (We seriously keep using the terms interchangably. They're all the same thing, we just have the same image for all 3 of those terms) for just about everything. Leveling up, augmenting, currency, skill acquisition. RC runs the game and is the elementary force behind the world.

Now as the name suggests, the game takes place in a dreamworld. Or rather in the terminal between people's dreams. The players are simply thrusted upon this world with no idea how they arrived or what there's to do, though as dreams tend to go, you generally don't question such things until after the fact. And this is where one of the novelties of my game ensues:

On the second playthrough, players will have to make a Real world character sheet. Actions in the dreamworld will affect the real world. Slightly in most cases, but I plan for big events to occur from certain actions. That character sheet's skills will be limited to the sobering and bland abilities real world people have. Bad experiences in the real world can cause a debuff in the dream world, and good ones can give you a slight edge. Eventually, however, I plan to blur that border.

Anyway, where we're at now:

Cloud District (The name was, in fact, to make fun of that one NPC in Skyrim)

It's a land without rain. Clouds still precipitate however, they're hostile. Humans in this world have made a profession of capturing clouds and harvesting them for their seemingly inexhaustable amount of water. The land in general, however, is arid and dry save for those places the clouds congregate.

My players have lost to the clouds once, and nearly lost to a guard they provoked. My enemies are currently limited to 3 skills, with a roll of 4 being simply movement or nothing.

The ideas I'm working on now are-

1. What should the host of this dream be doing?
2. For a man dreaming of chasing clouds, what should be his nightmare?

Any other input you all may have would also be greatly appreciated.