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Good morning Gaians! Take a look at what arrived this morning. I couldn't believe it when I saw it! It's a brand new limited bundle. How cool, right!? The Winter Cosplay Neighbor bundle contains TEN copies of Winter Cosplay and the exclusive new item My Autumn Neighbor!

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User Image It's time to put on your Winter Cosplay! Inside of every single one of these magical emergency sewing kits you'll find an item that you can use to make your outfit stand out in the crowd, like Tangy Day Zero, Royal Heart of the Sword, Sleepless Witch of Serenity, Cheerful Synchronous Moonlight, Corrupt Kohai, Not So Chill Today, or The Erlking's Starry Mantle!

Plus, if you happen to open up a particularly fancy sewing kit, you could even find one of a few fantastic user-designed recolors inside! Hidden among the needle and thread, you could find Yama no Astros by Mr Astros, Plat's Unforgiven Blade by little plats, Casual Clothes by eur, Squirt the Baby Elepant by Lithium Filth, Astherie Wings by Rie_lil_vamp, or Lujoso Headphones or Saintanic Run & Gun, both by Z4N! Since you're getting ten copies of Winter Cosplay in this bundle you have ten shots winning the rarest items from this chance item. Sweet!

Don't wait to get your hands on this bundle. It will only be available until January 20th, 2016 at 9:59AM PST or until the bundle sells out. See you soon!

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