Welcome to Gaia! ::

Roaming Kitten

14,675 Points
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Welcome to Hope Academy to both new and returning students. This establishment was designed with education and care in mind for those with "disabilities" of both physical and psychological nature. Staffed with well-trained educators, doctors and therapists to ensure that the environment benefits students. There's also on campus housing in the form of dorms. Of course there are still plenty of clubs and events to keep things fun and lively! So, are you ready for this coming year?

Roaming Kitten

14,675 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Miasmal Lake Roamer 50
  • Forum Explorer 100
-Academy Rules-

1.) Although intimacy is allowed, there shall be no 18+ activity. That should remain in the imaginations of the players and time skips utilized.

2.)Please try to keep characters with in regular human limits and if there is physical altercations between characters, please leave character reaction to hits to the other player unless they otherwise permit you(and inform me) that you are allowed to 'puppet' their character.

3.)If you can no longer participate or are no longer interested in participating in the role-play, please contact me and let me know. Use Out-Of-Character/profile topic posts, PMs, whatever, so long as I can take care of your character's possible removal and keep the student roster clean and up to date.

4.) Posts should at least be three sentences minimum. Max should be within your comfort zone though let's avoid novellas worth of post text. Be concise without falling to one sentence spam. You can opt out of posting when you have 's block, so long as you don't just vanish into the ether.

5.)One person per dorm room (a list of available dorm rooms will be provided) and students should be in a dorm room during the evening hour unless otherwise authorized to be out by academy staff and accompanied by at least one staff member.

6.) Send your student application [ character profile ] via private message with the subject "I've come to Hope Academy" for those new, for those who were involved with the previous version of this role-play [I am Different, not Disabled!] and are returning with their previous RPC, use the subject "I'm returning to Hope Academy". Please use gaia_crown within the bottom of your message to show you at least skimmed the rules.

~ Have fun and be kind to your fellow role-players here, and there will be no problems

Roaming Kitten

14,675 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Miasmal Lake Roamer 50
  • Forum Explorer 100
-Student Application Form-

I was named this when I was born: (characters name)
I am currently this many years old: (Characters age)
I am in this grade: (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
My chosen club: (feel free to just use N/A for this)
Assigned Dorm: (list to be added soon on OOC page)
Here's a picture of me : (character's picture or description for reference so I can try drawing them; pictures should avoid realistic images/photographs)
Personal Psyche: (quick summary of personality)
What I've Done Up Til Now: (background information prior or possibly during time at the academy)
Personal Belongings: (anything particular to your character, must be realistic for a teenager to be in possession of)
Known 'Friends': (other characters who agree to be your friend)
Known 'Rivals' : (Must have some reasonable grounding to it)
Known Romantic interest(s) : (It is preferred you don't start with one, but agreed upon pairings will be accepted [meaning the two main parties involved must both submit to me notice that it's an agreed upon relationship and should be noted in characters' background] )
The Guardian to contact is: (your username here yes please)

Roaming Kitten

14,675 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Miasmal Lake Roamer 50
  • Forum Explorer 100
For further information on the other basic information on the school, student roster or personal commons, please go here: Redirect to the rest of the improved Office [ Profiles and OutOfCharacter page ]

Roaming Kitten

14,675 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Miasmal Lake Roamer 50
  • Forum Explorer 100
The Academy gates are opening..! All will be underway shortly!

Roaming Kitten

14,675 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Miasmal Lake Roamer 50
  • Forum Explorer 100
Daily Notice
Weather: Sunny with a slight wind chill
Season: Fall
Date: September 1st
Time: 5:50 AM
Current Events: First Day Orientation~!
Upcoming Events: Club Recruitment Fair

Roaming Kitten

14,675 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Miasmal Lake Roamer 50
  • Forum Explorer 100
♫Human, behave yourself, you have burst at the seams
Let it all fall out, open your mouth
Often I lie wide awake, think of things I can make
But I don't seem to have the parts to build them♫

Lilty awoke in her bed and rubbed her eyes. She sat up and threw the covers off before swinging her leg and a half off the edge of the bed and fumbling to grab her prosthetic. She managed to get it then slid it on and in place on the end of her leg stump. She did a few quick flex tests before standing up and completing her test of it. Then she headed to the small connected bathroom. She removed what little garments she had on then removed her prosthetic again and used the railings along the walls to get into the shower and stay standing while she adjusted the water. Then she switched it from faucet to sprayer and went about her usual morning bathing routine.

Meina was already dressed and in the cafeteria. She had decidedly settled at a table with a cup of tea. It wasn't quite time for breakfast to be available and at least two hours before orientation to start. She was 'reading' a novel while taking the occasional sip of tea, cautious not to spill any on her book. She found it pleasant o read a book while she waited for others to rise and prepare for the rest of the day.

Mariska was still soundly curled in her bed. At least, until she rolled off and hit the floor with a heavy thud followed by moaning and mutterings before she rose up and yawned. She rubbed her back and then headed to her bathroom. She quickly washed her face in the sink, then brushed her hair and re-braided her signature side braid so it was once more neat and straight.

She quickly did her other preening tasks before leaving the bathroom and putting on her uniform. She knew she didn't really need to but it felt right. She turned on her notebook and it greeted her with the usual robotic voice. Then it reminded her it was orientation day and that she had two hours before orientation. She double checked her room for anything important before leaving the dorm. The notebook automatically reminded her to lock up and remember her key. She did as it said before heading down the hall and out of the dorm.

Noah was also already up and running laps around the track. He'd always gotten up at five to run. His arm and stump moving in rhythm with his strides as he finished his sixth lap. He wasn't quite winded but he would be in about four more laps. He had to admit he was surprised no one else seemed to be out and exercising even at such an early hour. He figured at least Lilty might show up. She had on several occasions joined him for morning training, though she was neither real cheery nor friendly. It was still nice to have another person to run with..

Current Location [color coded for convenience] :
Her dorm's bathroom ; Cafeteria. ; Dorm hallway. ; The track.
Current company [color coded for convenience] : No one ; No one. ; No one. ; No one.
Current activity [color coded for convenience] : Showering ; Reading and sipping tea. ; Heading off to somewhere... ; Running laps.

♫Human, I wonder why you're a better make
Than I could ever build or create, you know not love or hate
I am so scared of what will kill me in the end
For I am not prepared, I hope I will get the chance
To be someone, to be human ♫

Fuzzy Businessman

4,300 Points
  • Profitable 100
  • Entrepreneur 150
  • Gaian 50
♫There are no accidents
Nothing is invisible
There are just consequences
Against time♫

Leo was up and working away on last minute bits for the orientation ceremony. He sent a slew of signs to Toma in between fumbling with decorations and double checking the spelling on the signs that were being painted last minute. He had to be sure everything was perfect for another year at Hope Academy.

Toma was also rushing around, occasionally translating Leo's signs into verbal directions to the other students who were helping with the last minute prep work. Hopefully they could finish up quickly and have at least close to an hour to relax.

Current Location [color coded for convenience] :
Auditorium ; Auditorium.
Current company [color coded for convenience] : Toma ; Leo
Current activity [color coded for convenience] : Doing last minute prep for orientation ; Doing last minute prep for orientation.

♫The lonely
Are the loneliest
Between nighttime and the dawn
The focused are the loveliest
In the calm before the storm♫

Roaming Kitten

14,675 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Miasmal Lake Roamer 50
  • Forum Explorer 100
♫Human, behave yourself, you have burst at the seams
Let it all fall out, open your mouth
Often I lie wide awake, think of things I can make
But I don't seem to have the parts to build them♫

Lilty finished her shower and carefully navigated out of the bathtub and settled on the toilet to get her towel and dry her stump side before wrapping it around herself. She once more slide on her prosthetic and adjusted it until it was settled just right. She walked out of the bathroom and finished drying off before putting on her undergarments and then her school uniform. It wasn't as if she had many other options. She made sure she was completely together before leaving her dorm, locking her door behind her. She knew the only others with access would be teachers and prefects.
She headed down the hall and straight down stairs. She intended to head straight to the gym to get some early basketball practice in before it was time for orientation. Plus, the gym was heated so less risk of getting chilly and possibly ending up sick.

Meina continued silently reading as she heard the cooks began setting up breakfast for the possible coming mass of students. She considered leaving and seeking out Mariska, but decided to wait and see if she came to the cafeteria first.

Mariska leisurely walked the grounds. She breathed in fresh air and smiled softly. She would have to enter the main building soon, but that didn't mean she wouldn't enjoy the outdoors for as long as she can. The only notable sound besides her own footsteps were the low bleeping from her notebook, continually reminding her of the ticking time bomb that was the coming orientation ceremony.

Noah had run at least two more laps before slowing to a walk. He still had two more laps but the loneliness was really getting to him. He disliked being alone for too long, unless he was pissed. He did on more half lap before heading towards the main building at a light jog. He'd head to the boy's locker room and get a shower in before looking for a fellow student to pal around with until the orientation ceremony.

Current Location [color coded for convenience] :
Dorm hallway ; Cafeteria. ; Outside in the courtyard. ; The track.
Current company [color coded for convenience] : No one ; No one. ; No one. ; No one.
Current activity [color coded for convenience] : Heading off to the gym ; Reading and sipping tea. ; idly walking outside... ; Heading for the locker room to shower.

♫Human, I wonder why you're a better make
Than I could ever build or create, you know not love or hate
I am so scared of what will kill me in the end
For I am not prepared, I hope I will get the chance
To be someone, to be human ♫

Fuzzy Businessman

4,300 Points
  • Profitable 100
  • Entrepreneur 150
  • Gaian 50
♫There are no accidents
Nothing is invisible
There are just consequences
Against time♫

Leo smiled as they finally got all the prep work done and the dry signs hung. He looked to Toma and gave him a thumbs up before leaving the auditorium and heading towards the student council's headquarters. He had to do some more paperwork before he could enjoy a break. It was that supremely busy time of year again. They really needed more than two in the student council.

Toma quickly thanked all the helpers before following Leo out of the auditorium. He knew he'd need to continue helping Leo with all the workload. He really wished Leo wasn't so picky about who he'd let into the student council so they could have gotten members last year, but Leo was who he was and there was no fighting him and winning.

Current Location [color coded for convenience] :
Hallway ; Hallway.
Current company [color coded for convenience] : Toma ; Leo
Current activity [color coded for convenience] : Off to do paperwork! ; Going to help Leo.

♫The lonely
Are the loneliest
Between nighttime and the dawn
The focused are the loveliest
In the calm before the storm♫

Roaming Kitten

14,675 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Miasmal Lake Roamer 50
  • Forum Explorer 100
♫Human, behave yourself, you have burst at the seams
Let it all fall out, open your mouth
Often I lie wide awake, think of things I can make
But I don't seem to have the parts to build them♫

Lilty reached the main building and quietly entered. She walked down the halls, hoping to reach the gym without incident. She noticed the student council duo walking the same way just a few steps ahead. She carefully kept her eyes averted, hoping they'd head off to the council room before they noticed her.

She kept her gaze towards the floor being mindful of the floor itself and the pair walking ahead of her until they were no longer visible and there was no sign that she'd been noticed before she picked up pace. She reached the gym entrance and pushed it open just enough for her to slip inside. She crossed the gym and headed straight for the locker room, reached it, entered and quickly found a bench and her locker with her practice gear. She pulled off her uniform and swapped the articles for her practice clothes. Once they were all changed over, she pulled her athletic prosthetic from her bag and slipped her everyday one off. She did a quick stretch of the stump before putting the lighter athletic prosthetic on and adjusting it til it was properly secured and tested.

With all that done, she left the locker room and back out into the gym. She did some quick stretches before taking off at a jog to do some laps around the gym..

Mariska finally ambled to the main building and entered before sharply heading for the cafeteria. She figured it was about breakfast time and Meina was likely as not already there. She reached the doors and entered, sure enough spotting the elegant brunette sipping tea and reading. She approached, making her footsteps little noisier than usual. She still hadn't entirely adapted to Meina's lack of sight and extra sensory perception "M-Morning Meina, that a good book?" She asked as she settled in the seat beside her friend and tried to make casual conversation. At least talking to Meina would be nice until the ticking time bomb that awaited them was set off.

Meina heard the all too obvious steps and a familiar voice and turned her face towards her friend. Her pale, vision-less eyes locked onto the other girl's face despite as she smiled and replied "Good morning Mariska. It is indeed a worthwhile read" Then she placed a hand on Mariska's shoulder "You really needn't be so nervous" She could feel boundless waves of nervousness spilling from the younger girl and it was making her uncomfortably anxious as well.

Noah reached the main building, catching a glimpse of a brunette entering just minutes before him. He entered and headed towards the gym, smiling. At least more people were out and about now. He reached the gym and entered. He was pleasantly surprised to see Lilty running laps around the gym. He gave her a wide berth as he made his way to the boys locker room. Once he reached it and slipped in, he went over to his locker and rummaged out the spare uniform he stored at the back. Then he stripped and headed to the shower area. He turned on the water and smiled as the warm water flowed over his face.

Current Location [color coded for convenience] :
Gym ; Cafeteria. ; Cafeteria. ; The boys locker room.
Current company [color coded for convenience] : No one ; Mariska ; Meina. ; No one.
Current activity [color coded for convenience] : Running laps in the gym ; Talking with Mariska. ; Talking with Meina ; Showering.

♫Human, I wonder why you're a better make
Than I could ever build or create, you know not love or hate
I am so scared of what will kill me in the end
For I am not prepared, I hope I will get the chance
To be someone, to be human ♫

Fuzzy Businessman

4,300 Points
  • Profitable 100
  • Entrepreneur 150
  • Gaian 50
♫There are no accidents
Nothing is invisible
There are just consequences
Against time♫

Leo entered and sat at his usual seat in the student council's headquarters. Stacks of early requests for club funds, reports to turn over to teachers, and other papers sat on ether side of his tiny niche in front of his seat. He picked a paper from the top and began the tedious work of looking it over and doing what needed to be done.

Toma followed Leo's lead, taking his seat and setting to work. He swore he saw a glimpse of Lilty going past the room. Then another person passed, one of Lilty's fellow seniors. Things seemed to be perking up now. He turned his attention back to work, taking occasional glances again to the doorway. He secretly hoped Lilty would pass by again.

Current Location [color coded for convenience] :
Student council room ; Student council room
Current company [color coded for convenience] : Toma ; Leo
Current activity [color coded for convenience] : Doing paperwork! ; Doing paperwork!.

♫The lonely
Are the loneliest
Between nighttime and the dawn
The focused are the loveliest
In the calm before the storm♫

Roaming Kitten

14,675 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Miasmal Lake Roamer 50
  • Forum Explorer 100
♫Human, behave yourself, you have burst at the seams
Let it all fall out, open your mouth
Often I lie wide awake, think of things I can make
But I don't seem to have the parts to build them♫

Lilty noticed Noah enter the gym and slip by to the other locker room. She was used to him showing up around this hour. She finished her last set lap and decided it was time for a couple rounds of dribbling. She went and retrieved a ball from the rack then started dribbling slowly away from the rack before picking her pace both with bouncing the ball and her footsteps as she steadily rushed to the other side of the gym. The rhythm of the basketball pounding against the gym floor with every bounce drown out all other sounds in Lilty's ears and her mind set solely on maintaining control. Always on maintaining control, never helpless again...

Mariska took a deep breath at the older girl's words and tried her hardest too relax but after a few minutes she still couldn't seem to calm down " I can't do it Meina! I'm so worried! so many new faces! Ohgodhowmanynewstudentswillgetfedupwithacruddyjuniorlikeme!" She inhaled deeply and laid her head down hard. She wasn't ready to deal with the incoming freshmen.

Meina sighed softly and patted the younger girl on the back "It will be fine. I'm sure there will be plenty of understanding freshmen who will respect you as you are" She carefully tried to console her friend and assuage her worries. She'd been doing this same routine every since she befriended Mariska. Sure, it could be a little tiresome, but sometimes that was just a facet of friendship. She coaxed the younger girl to raise her head, then offered her a sip of her tea. It was certainly one of the few things she knew to calm the younger girl outright.

Noah finished showering after a few minutes and grabbed a towel to dry off before stepping back into the main area of the locker room. He was thankful to be alone here, as he was still embarrassed about others seeing him exposed. He walked over to his pile of clothes, quickly dried and dressed before leaving the locker room. Sure enough, Lilty was thud, thudding away, dribble practice as usual. Noah settled for a spot out of her way and sat and watched the other blonde doing her daily routine. Her strides and passion blazing gorgeously with ever increase speed. An admirable sight to be sure.

Current Location [color coded for convenience] :
The gym ; Cafeteria. ; Cafeteria. ; The gym.
Current company [color coded for convenience] : Noah, more or less ; Mariska ; Meina. ; Lilty, in a sense
Current activity [color coded for convenience] : Practicing dribbling ; Calming Mariska. ; trying to calm down; talking with Meina ; Watching Lilty practice.

♫Human, I wonder why you're a better make
Than I could ever build or create, you know not love or hate
I am so scared of what will kill me in the end
For I am not prepared, I hope I will get the chance
To be someone, to be human ♫

Fuzzy Businessman

4,300 Points
  • Profitable 100
  • Entrepreneur 150
  • Gaian 50
♫There are no accidents
Nothing is invisible
There are just consequences
Against time♫

Leo continued to go through papers, eventually getting most of the budget reports filed and set aside. Now he was in the midst of compiling request forms that needed approved or returned to the club for re-submitting, with notes on what to correct. Tedious desk work. He paused noticing Toma's frequent 'eye breaks' and quickly signed to him "Something bothering you?".

Toma was almost engrossed in working through paperwork when the sound of Leo signing drew his attention and he quickly signed back Nothing Leo, just curious if we'll see more students roaming around soon He turned his attention back to the papers and tried to keep his eyes from wandering to the door again, lest he once more worry Leo.

Current Location [color coded for convenience] :
Student council room ; Student council room
Current company [color coded for convenience] : Toma ; Leo
Current activity [color coded for convenience] : Doing paperwork! ; Doing paperwork!.

♫The lonely
Are the loneliest
Between nighttime and the dawn
The focused are the loveliest
In the calm before the storm♫

Roaming Kitten

14,675 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Miasmal Lake Roamer 50
  • Forum Explorer 100
♫Human, behave yourself, you have burst at the seams
Let it all fall out, open your mouth
Often I lie wide awake, think of things I can make
But I don't seem to have the parts to build them♫

Lilty's pace had increased til she was running and still maintained her dribble. At least until her sneaker hit a weird spot on the gym floor, causing her to not only lose control of the ball, but also fall flat on her face. She pushed her self off the floor after a few seconds of stunned stillness. She managed to get into the sitting position and pulled her prosthetic leg forward to try and rise from a more or less half kneeling position. However as soon as she tried, she ended up nearly falling over..

Mariska politely took a sip from Meina's tea cup and finally relaxed as the warm tea went down her throat and filled her with a sense of relief "Thanks Meina..sorry for once again b-" She was cut off by the older girl's finger pressed to her lips

Meina smiled "Don't fret about anything, alright. I'm your friend afterall" Then she properly closed her book and rose from her seat, just as the chime for breakfast rang through the halls "Seems it would be fitting for us to get food now so we may not starve during the coming ceremony" with that she carefully made her way over to the counter and retrieved two simple breakfast platters, each with two sausage links, a portion of an omelet and a bagel with butter. She carefully returned and passed a platter to Mariska.

Noah watched Lilty's unfortunate wipe out and subsequent failed attempt to get up before walking over and offering her assistance. He watched the other blonde take pause for a moment before allowing him to help her up. He pulled her to her feet and nearly into himself. She made a few grumbles about it and he let out a small laugh before ruffling her hair "Nice run there, Lilty, though you should probably avoid falling, especially into me".

Current Location [color coded for convenience] :
Gym ; Cafeteria. ; Cafeteria. ; Gym.
Current company [color coded for convenience] : Noah ; Mariska. ; Meina. ; Lilty.
Current activity [color coded for convenience] : Dealing with Noah ; About to eat breakfast with Mariska. ; About to eat breakfast with Meina. ; Teasing Lilty.

♫Human, I wonder why you're a better make
Than I could ever build or create, you know not love or hate
I am so scared of what will kill me in the end
For I am not prepared, I hope I will get the chance
To be someone, to be human ♫

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