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[Status stuff here and all that other kind of jazz]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec molestie arcu. Aliquam non maximus turpis, quis lobortis lectus. Suspendisse tempus dui sit amet tempus porta. Nunc eu mattis nisl, nec venenatis elit. Duis vel tempus felis. Nam at pretium nulla. Fusce dolor nisi, dignissim a nibh quis, ultrices fermentum arcu. Aliquam sagittis purus ex, varius tempus est semper eu. Suspendisse potenti.

Cras auctor sollicitudin enim, in consequat sem pretium in. Integer ac nibh porta, fermentum urna quis, pharetra elit. Phasellus lacinia, quam ac ullamcorper rutrum, purus diam aliquet leo, id finibus dolor eros vitae urna. Curabitur vel sem sem. Morbi bibendum odio ante, efficitur imperdiet arcu vestibulum vel. Sed lacinia magna at ligula rutrum, in scelerisque nulla euismod. Vivamus convallis, dui vitae volutpat semper, mauris magna facilisis justo, sed suscipit risus lacus et lectus. Duis egestas ac orci nec fringilla. Nulla metus leo, porttitor sed hendrerit vel, rhoncus a nisi. Vivamus sit amet orci lectus. Vestibulum vitae enim laoreet, scelerisque dui eget, placerat metus. Maecenas condimentum, turpis tempor fermentum vestibulum, massa justo accumsan nunc, pulvinar viverra orci tellus sit amet nibh. Pellentesque varius quam sed felis mattis, et facilisis nisl cursus.

Nulla hendrerit massa sed iaculis finibus. Nunc eget diam pellentesque, pellentesque erat vitae, commodo turpis. Vestibulum felis nisl, finibus vitae ullamcorper ac, mattis id lorem. Pellentesque neque odio, dapibus eget ullamcorper nec, commodo at ligula. Nam suscipit felis at mauris ornare consectetur. In tempus metus ligula, ut blandit lectus fermentum eu. Quisque finibus mauris mi, in lacinia lorem scelerisque quis. Donec vitae tempor magna. Donec consequat faucibus arcu, in dignissim nulla efficitur vel.



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Kiss&Tell❝ If it can't be fixed, that means I haven't tried yet. ❞

              PERSONAL DATA

              ▐┊NAME: Elika Ascheran
              ▐┊NIC-NAME: Ell, Gearhead
              ▐┊AGE: 18
              ▐┊GENDER: Female
              ▐┊RACE: Humes
              ▐┊HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 5'3", 120 lbs.
              ▐┊SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
              ▐┊HOMELAND: Bhujerba, Dorstonis

              BATTLE DATA

              ▐┊WEAPONS & TOOLS:
                - Lever-action rifle, a upgraded gun of her own design, permitting faster loading and firing. Requires specially designed bullets, thus she needs a workshop to create more.
                - Stun grenades, nonlethal explosives made to blind, deafen, and disorient targets
              ▐┊JOBS: Machinist
              ▐┊MAGIC: Vanishga, Hastega, and Slowga.
              ▐┊WEAKNESS: Little to no melee capabilities. Fears undead creatures.


              ▐┊Elika is a compassionate and meek girl, but has an unrivaled understanding and passion for machinery. She has little interest in politics and other issues that the world faces, with her only real desire being to research and create new technology, particularly in underappreciated fields that would benefit from it. She considers herself a follower more than a leader, only taking charge in situations where something needs to be repaired.


              ▐┊VOICE: -
              ▐┊THEME SONG: Splendide Dreams



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The Arcadian Academy of Tactics and Warfare is an elite institute for training the most capable knights in the kingdom. Whether lowborn or mere steps away from the throne, this school accepts the most determined and exemplary individuals, with the ultimate goal to prepare future leaders for the defense and well-being of Arcadia, both from rivaling powers and the endless onslaught of daemonic threats. If you believe yourself worthy of the title of an Arcadian Knight, then come forth and prove yourself. The gates are open and waiting.


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Hello, thanks for stopping by! This is a medieval fantasy RP that centers on the exploits of the students of Arcadia Academy, as they master the age-old art of combat to take on various evils. While the campus will tend to be the center of action, you're free to explore and interact with the entirety of the capital city - I like seeing people taking initiative and pushing the story forward. c:

I'll list the most critical information here, by that I mean the stuff you should know before joining, and I'll dump the rest of the world building stuff in a document (NPCs, religion, etc.) that you can glance over as it becomes relevant to you.

  • The minimum age of acceptance to the academy is 16, or 15 with a letter of recommendation. Applicants must pass a written and physical test for entry. Students do not stay for a set amount of years, but instead train and study as long as they need to take the qualification exam. On average, students take about 3-5 years to reach that level of mastery.

  • Successful candidates receive a magic signet ring, set with a piece of aetherite, a prismatic ore. This ring summons a signet weapon, a powerful armament that can freely take on whatever weaponized form the user desires. While most users tend to find a weapon type they prefer, they are expected to master numerous types for varying situations and comfortably switch on the fly. Signet weapons can take on the form of ranged weapons like bows and crossbows, using magical ammunition, but still abide by their realistic counterparts for loading/aiming and whatnot.

  • Magic is plenty prevalent, and anyone can learn to use it, but it is difficult to master. In the capital city, perhaps 10% of the population has the mental fortitude to use it for more than simple parlor tricks.

  • The primary threat that the students train to combat are daemons, wicked creatures that are summoned, or forcibly enter, from the Void, a plane of destruction and chaos. Daemons take on countless forms, from small and mischievous imps, to gargantuan and disastrous titans.

  • There is a standardized uniform for students, and I presently have an artist commissioned to create a look for it. Until then, do what we do best - use your imagination.

    Here is the extra information document.


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1. Be polite to folks in the OOC. Disagreements and arguments are fine so long as they don't devolve into mudslinging or condescending. Feel free to have your characters be absolutely vile, though!

2. Be fair and reasonable with your characters' capabilities. They can be exceptionally strong, quick, smart, etc. but keep good story telling in mind. A character isn't interesting unless they are struggling and being challenged.

3. For posts, please keep these things in mind:
  • Use punctuation marks. Please. Commas and periods are not hard to figure out.
  • No bright colors in text, such as cyan, silver, yellow, pink, and so on.
  • On average, I don't want posts longer than two paragraphs (roughly 250 words). I say this because, as more people enter a scene, each posting round gets significantly longer and there are many more details to consider with each new round. Opening posts and the occasional descriptive post are fine to be a bit longer.
  • Plain text and post layouts are both permitted. Whatever floats your boat.
  • Mention where your character is and who they're with in your posts, either as a header or footer, please.

4. Make your activity levels known. If you're going to be away for a few days, or think your interest is fading and you're going to leave, just say so. You don't need to make some convenient in-character departing post, we'll work around it. I'll nudge you after three days of complete silence and then move on.

Overall, I'm a friendly and reasonable person. If you're having issues with any aspect of the RP, just talk to me. We'll figure something out. c:


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Send me your profiles with the title Arcadia. Remove the bits in parenthesis. Add a history if you really want to, but I don't need their life story in the profiles. I prefer letting the RP reveal that.

[b]Gaia Username:[/b]
[b]Character name/Nicknames:[/b]
[b]Race:[/b] (No divine races [angels/daemons]. People with any animal traits are collectively called Naturians.)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Drawn images or text are both fine. Please link to images with the [url][/url] tags.)
[b]Notes:[/b] (If any.)



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                                      Keiyo ██████████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
                                      _________________19,500 / 19,500 | LV: 100

                                      Floor 55, Grandzam City

                                      Keiyo had found a cheap inn to take a break in after and unsuccessful search through several blacksmith shops. He had hoped to find some better equipment, or someone that could upgrade his current gear, but nobody was willing, or their prices were impossible to meet. It left the swordsman feeling rather sour. He called on one of the NPC waiters to bring him some food and drink, then he simply sat there, brooding.

                                      It was no surprise, really. They were nearly at the end of the game. Once the 99th floor boss was defeated, there was just one more battle waiting for them until the game was cleared. No one was sure what was going to happen, but the competition was fierce. Because every guild or group of players wanted to make a name for themselves as the completionists of Sword Art Online, everyone had stopped sharing information. The amount of distrust and sabotage going around was insane - PKing was at an all time high in an attempt to drain other players of resources and keep information secret.

                                      The swordsman spread some butter across the bread he'd been given. Even if eating was pointless in the game, it was still nice. Being that Keiyo was hard up for cash in real life, he could simply eat whatever cheap, plain junk he could find, and then login to the game and have whatever delicacies he wanted. The young man glanced out the window at various people and NPCs milling about, and then swallowed. Sometimes, he wouldn't mind staying here forever. Things were so much simpler in Aincrad. He wished that life could always be like this. But only sometimes.



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                                Klyde Elzin
                                (Image source: blahblahblah)
                                Location: ?
                                Company: ?

                                Test of some text here


Adventures of Arkia

"Swords and sorcery, guns and gears, adventure and adversity. You want it? We got it."

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(OOC | Discord)


Rules and Information

Hey there, thanks for stopping by. I'll try to make jumping into the RP as quick and painless as possible, so I'll segment this place into five sections: Rules, Need-to-know (these two sections you should read), Lore, Characters, and FAQ (these three are basically optional reads). If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, ask right here, or ask on the discord server (I have public DMs turned off if you wanted to message me in discord privately, so send me a friend request first). I hope to adventure alongside your characters!

--{ Rules }--

1. Be polite to others in an OOC sense, even to those you disagree with (being rude in-character is fine). If you do have a disagreement, no namecalling, mudslinging, nor holier-than-thou attitudes.

2. Be reasonable with your characters' capabilities (this is considered 'Anime-Fantasy' however, which I will elaborate on later). I encourage people to write about their characters in a way that shows them being challenged and growing in both their abilities and as a person. Basically, if your character can kill an ancient dragon in one attack, or is perfect in every way and never makes mistakes, they're boring and I don't want them here.

3. For posts, please keep these things in mind:

  • Most people struggle with grammar, myself included, but please use punctuation. Commas and periods at the very least. They help make posts more readable.
  • No bright colors in text, such as cyan, silver, yellow, pink, and so on.
  • Since this is a casual RP, let's keep posts relatively short. One or two paragraphs is absolutely fine. A little bit extra for scene setting, character introductions, etc. is acceptable. One-liners are okay occasionally if you don't have any good ideas and just want to more or less 'pass' on your turn.
  • Plain text and post layouts are both fine. Whatever floats your boat.
  • Mention where your character is and who they're with in your posts, either at the top or the bottom, please.

4. Because of the nature of walk-in RPs, if someone is waiting on you to post and your character is not listed in the roster, you have 24 hours to either give an OOC note or respond, otherwise your partner(s) are free to move on. Characters listed in the roster have 72 hours,

Overall, I'm a friendly and reasonable person. If you're having issues with any aspect of the RP, just talk to me. We'll figure something out. c:

--{ Need-to-know }--

This is all the information that you will want to keep in mind as you're writing. It may grow over time as stuff happens that I deem important.

  • All races are acceptable. For simplicity, animal people are collectively called 'Naturians'.
  • Magic is absolutely everywhere, ranging from mundane parlor tricks to earth-shattering spells. Anyone is capable of learning it through dedication. (Unless your character cannot for some reason!)
  • For technology levels, it's basically early steampunk. Guns, airships, and primitive robots (closer to golems) exist. Machinery is complex, expensive, and prone to failure, however, so things like swords and horses are by no means obsolete. Gun strength is essentially on-par with arrows, so heavy armor and shields can reasonably protect you.
  • Since this is 'Anime-fantasy', ridiculous-but-fun things are encouraged. Oversized weapons, child prodigies, running on walls, dueling while falling out of the sky, things like that.
  • The capital city of Arkia is called Aurora, a gigantic place with a healthy blend of traditional, magical, and technological districts. The reigning King and Queen reside here.

--{ Lore }--

This will be updated later (AKA when I'm not lazy)

--{ Characters }--

If you want your character listed here, then you can quote/PM me, but it is not required. The provided skeleton is just a basic one, you can expand it if you want.

Character skeleton

Character name:
Appearance: (both written and images are fine)
Sex: (basically preferred pronoun)
Personality: (not your history, just what kind of attitude they have)
Weapons & abilities:


Character name: Klyde Elzin
Appearance: The young man (source: Euden, Dragalia Lost) Stands at 5'4" and weighs about 120 pounds.
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Personality: Kind, courageous, easy-going, adventurous
Weapons & abilities: Primarily uses a longsword. Capable of a wide range of novice-level magic.
Other: Good friends with Charlotte and Cecil.

Character name: Charlotte Crissaegrim
Appearance: The little lady (source: Lu, Elsword) Stands at 4'10" and weighs about 110 pounds.
Age: "Stop asking me!" (several centuries)
Sex: Female
Race: Demon
Personality: Smug, short-tempered
Weapons & abilities: Highly proficient with ice magic.
Other: Younger sister to Cecil, and a good friend (perhaps a little more?) of Klyde.

Character name: Cecil Crissaegrim
Appearance: The faithful guardian (source: Ceil, Elsword) Stands at 6'1" and weighs about 150 pounds.
Age: "I stopped counting." (several centuries)
Sex: Male
Race: Demon
Personality: Calm, protective, calculating
Weapons & abilities: Proficient with a wide range of melee weapons, favoring rapiers and greatswords, and decently proficient with lightning magic.
Other: Older brother to Charlotte, and a good friend of Klyde.

--{ FAQ }--

None yet.


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                                              (Click for source site/larger image. Artist unknown.)
                                              [Location: ? | Company: ?]


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                                  (Click for full image. Artist unknown.)
                                  [Location: ? | Company: ? ]

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