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OH MY GOSH!! Look how pretty these new Sealed Envelopes are! Maybe if I hold one over some steam, that seal will pop right off! It works just fine when I want to open my birthday presents early. Maybe we'll be able to see what's in these envelopes right now and not have to wait until the fifteenth! The water's already boiling, so let's give it a shot!

Oh, fudgesticks. It didn't work. All I can make out is a fuzzy outline of what's inside. Here, look for yourself:

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AHHH DON'T THEY LOOK SO AMAZING?! I'm so excited that I just can't stand it! There's nothing I won't do to get my hands on those amazing new Monthly Collectibles! I'll even wait until the gosh darned stupid fifteenth if I have to. Even if it takes forever. I mean, I know it's already the fourteenth today, but it's probably going to be the longest day of my entire life!

The January 2015 Sealed Letter and Sealed Letter Bundle for January 2015 are officially available in La Victoire, already licked, stamped, and ready to go! You just need to pick them up and wait until the fifteenth. Oooh, I hate waiting so much! But I guess the anticipation of what's inside only makes it more satisfying in the long run... Okay, everyone! Be sure to nab your letters, and don't forget to visit me at the Buttercup Cafe really soon!

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