Fashionable Star

20,275 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Bookworm 100
  • Hellraiser 500
Quixotic Quidam

Then the real question becomes "Where the hell is Gaia's motivation to publicly help others if the users are just going to mock any good they try to do by calling it self-serving or insincere?" The best way to make people feel like it's not worth it to try is to turn your nose at them when they actually go for it. If they don't do any more open charity events it's probably because the users have demonstrated that they don't want to be helpful in those cases and persist in thinking that Gaia is only doing it for it's own benefit.

Ok let me set the record straight. I adore the founders, office workers, coders, admin, coffee run guys and other normal employees that work for Gaiaonline, I do not however take much of a shining to the business heads and I honestly do feel that the only reason they do anything at all is for publicity or net profit. Before the head management title changed hands I knew that every charity they did was because they cared deep down from the ceo to the normal workers but now I am not so trusting. I am sorry if the escalated decay of the site due to constant cash item and gold generator releases has blurred my judgement to be slightly embittered, but to me any recent approvals from higher ups to do community or charity benefits is just a game much like certain wealthy members of the world population that only give so that they get a nice tax write off and seem like good people.

I never "turned my nose" at them I was providing a personal opinion about how I am not pleased with the way they are handling things. Primarily, as I had already stated in the title and my initial post, I was disheartened by the fact they took and re-released a new edition of a rig that had an original intention of being a charity theme.

Thank you for completely ignoring (apparently) every other post I made in this topic and the title of it. Also did you not notice all the other posts saying how "they do not have to" do charity work and just blowing it off entirely. I am deeply offended by you jumping the gun and ranting at me basically and telling me how I am a snob that gives all charity a bad name, if you had decided to discuss this in a mature way I would not have had to spend so much time typing this out, conversation I am open to personal attacks I am not.


A very annoyed 05' member that has bought nearly every single donation item and charity item released out of love for this site and community.

As I've just said in another thread, it's late and I'm getting somewhat peckish from not going to bed... but would it be alright with you if I posted a response tomorrow clarifying just how this very annoyed member who has been here longer than you did not, in fact, ignore every post or point in the topic? If I try to expand on anything right now I'm just going to get snappish and frankly, you deserve better than that...