Ohmigosh. Have you guys noticed that we've got TONS of adorable critters running around these days? I can't handle it! They're all so cute! I'm locked in this perpetual feedback loop of squealing over them! I can't stop it! SQUEEEE lookit that one. He's got such little ears! And she's got such a fluffy tail! Oh my goodness. But you wanna know the best part? Rufus came up with the idea of making Monthly Collectibles available to our little furry friends, and I was like... THAT'S THE BEST IDEA EVER! He's so smart for a cat, even if he won't let me put pants on him! So from now on, Monthly Collectibles are going to have three items: two for humans, and one for critters! I'M SO EXCITED! Why can't my letter open noooooowwwwww?

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