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                        no doubt you're one of a kindxxxxxxxno doubt you're one of a kindxxxxxxxno doubt you're one of a kindxxxxxxxno doubt you're one of a kind
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                        no doubt you're one of a kindxxxxxxxno doubt you're one of a kindxxxxxxxno doubt you're one of a kindxxxxxxxno doubt you're one of a kind
                        no doubt you're one of a kindxxxxxxxno doubt you're one of a kindxxxxxxxno doubt you're one of a kindxxxxxxxno doubt you're one of a kind
                            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIF ONLY ONE REMEMBERS TO TURN ON THE LIGHT...

This is a private roleplay between
winterling42, darkargo,
gingerprincessannie, and myself.
Do not post but feel free to browse.
                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTHE STORY SO FAR...

The Triwizard Tournament is a magical contest held between the three largest wizarding schools of Europe: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and it has been that way since the first tournament held in 1294. Judged by the Headmasters/mistresses of each competing school the tournament is held in order to test the skills of a student body as a whole. Two champions are chosen to represent the school as well as to work with one another to bring fame and glory to their fellow classmates. Students must be brave, intelligent, and have a strong comprehension of magic and overall skill.

Champions whom are selected must be in their fifth year or beyond and have a recommendation from a professor who then puts in their name. This is to ensue that only the most qualified students are allowed to enter the tournament. The Goblet of Fire then decides which three students would be the most successful in representing the school as well as the most skilled for the tasks they will face. Champions have been known to die in the past and all students must have that knowledge fully disclosed before entering. When a student is chosen by the Goblet of Fire they are bound to see the tournament through to the very end. However, the game takes on a new twist when each group of students is switched so that a student from each school would be placed on each team. This feature was added to the game in order to create community in the magical world. The team with the most points at the end of the third task will enter a forth and final task where each student will successfully face their former teammates to win the glory for their school.

Our scene takes place in the year 2033, thirty-five years after the defeat of Lord Voldemort and fifteen years after the rise of a new and possibly more powerful dark wizard. Rumors of time travel magic being expanded as well as magic powerful enough to rip the fabric of the world have swept over the nations. Many countries have fallen to the sway of the darkness and yet the Triwizard Tournament still presses on in hopes to keep the alliance between magical regions strong.

Three things are for certain: there will be love, there will be laughter, and there will be tragedy.


There had been just a few too many students to fit comfortably on the Durmstrang ship that'd come to fetch them for the Triwizard Tournament. Karl had been fine with it; small spaces never bothered him anyway. The fifth year had managed to keep his admiration for some of the Gryffindors (well, one in particular, but he wasn't going into specifics) out of view.
Despite this success, it was a relief to be able to step out into the (cold) fresh air and stretch properly. The Hogwarts students gathered uncertainly on the deck, watching Durmstrang come into view around a mountain.

Daela shivered at the cold. It had already started snowing here; though the sky was clear for now. The sunlight was pale (a more cynical person might call it sickly) and the mountains seemed far too dark for midafternoon. She had managed to procure a place at the front railing of the ship, so she was a bit crowded by other Hogwarts students trying to cram in to see the other school. Durmstrang kept their location so secret it was hard to even get descriptions of the place in textbooks. This was the first time the school had allowed so many visitors in hundreds of years, according to some Ravenclaw she didn't know the name of.

Julian had followed the crowd upstairs reluctantly, just as tired of being stuck in the ship but less willing to push his way to the front. One finger marking his page in a book, the Ravenclaw surveyed their surroundings with a somewhat bored expression. The excitement of the others might be intoxicating, but that didn't mean he had to jump up and down with no provocation.

Amelia and the rest of the Beauxbaton students had arrived a day earlier then the Hogwarts students in order to ensure they would have enough room aboard the Durmstrang ship. Naturally Ceath had pushed his way to the front of the crowd and greeted her with an over the top pick up and twirl that was more embarrassing then anything. His hands had felt familiar on her hips and, though it was outlandish and bold of him, a small smile fell from her lips. Some Durmstrang students demanded the ginger prince’s attention but he had shooed them off. The two friends had chatted about a multitude of things and the dark haired girl was more then glad she had the chance to catch up with him before the Hogwarts students arrived. All the excitement would have surely taken away from their reunion. In the end it seemed almost certain that Ceath was happy at the school and that was what mattered.

Now they stood next to each other in anticipation as the large ship was beginning to poor out students. Ceath’s face was beaming. A bright smile and wide excited eyes began to scan the Hogwarts students as they approached. His foot began to tap wildly as he couldn’t control his excitement. He remembered the Triwizard tournament that had taken place five years ago and how he had desperately wanted to go to Hogwarts to experience it. He turned to Amelia briefly and said,

“Do you think we’ll get to glimpse at any of the Potters?”

Amelia looked over at him with a small frown. It was, of course, highly plausible that some of the Potters would attend the Triwizard tournament though she couldn’t understand why it would matter. The Potter family had been famous throughout all Europe without a doubt. Harry Potter was renowned as one of the greatest wizards of his time for his defeat of Lord Voldemort. But Amelia wasn’t much interested in meeting him, let alone his descendants. He was a man that books attempted to build up unrealistically and as far as she was concerned he was fictional. In her softest tone she reluctantly gave him a, “Yes Ceath. We might get to see a Potter or two.”

A dark skinned Durmstrang girl looked over her shoulder at them. Her coffee colored eyes glowered at them to shut up. Amelia and Ceath exchanged a quick but important look and then made it a point to talk louder until, finally, she turned around. With hands on her hips she said,

“Excuse me, I don’t know how it works at Beauxbaton but when someone tells you to shut up. You shut up.”

Ceath shrugged his shoulders and thoughtfully looked at his partner in crime. “Did you hear anyone tell us to shut up?”

Amelia barely bat an eyelash, “No. I didn’t hear anything.” Her blue eyes skimmed over the older girl in front of her and immediately she disliked her.

A dark, tall, handsome young fellow that was standing next to her turned slightly to look at them. An amused smile was playing on his lips. “Magnolia.” The woman turned around promptly before speaking again. He looked at Amelia and winked, turning around when Magnolia tugged on his hand. A short Indian boy standing on the other side of the Durmstrang girl did his best not to laugh.
Ceath’s face cracked into a bigger grin and he looked over at the blushing fifth year. He opened his mouth to speak but was given a look by the curly haired girl to shut up.


On the other side of the congregation of people stood a tall and pouty seventh year from Beauxbaton standing next to a short but equally pouty Beauxbaton sixth year. The brilliant young wizard let out a small sigh as he eyed the ship in the distance carefully. He turned to the ginger girl next to him and smiled softly, “Are you alright love?” Rain was trying to be as supportive as he could muster.

*if pink then french
*if orange then french
*if blue then french
* if blue then french
Kai leaned the mast, her arms folded across her chest. She was glad to be on deck. While it was still crowded, she didn't feel like a sardine in a can. The Hufflepuff could actually breathe air that wasn't tainted by body odor or perfume. Kai needed to find her friends. She already knew where Fabio was(He was kind of hard to ignore), but she didn't know where the rest of her crew was at. She stretched her arms toward the sky before wading through the knots of students. It didn't take her long to find one of her companions. "Hey, Daela," She chimed. "How are you? You 'enjoy' the trip?" Kai smiled. "I hope you weren't too bored on the ride, I was entertained by trying not to hit my head on the blasted ceiling." She massaged her slightly bruised forehead.

"My good man, what did I tell you?"
"...You've told me a lot of things, Fabio, over the past several hours. I don't have a clue what you are referring to."
Fabio threw his head back and laughed. "Ah, Faron, Faron, Faron, such a slow man, as usual." The younger student made a sweeping gesture with his arm. "I told you we would make it out alive. Aye, such a grand view it is. You don't see mountains like these anywhere..." Fabio proceeded to ramble on and on about the scenery and what not, when he spotted everyone's favorite wizard. "Julian! I didn't know you were coming along." He trotted over to the Ravenclaw, dragging Faron, the dead weight, with him. " Isn't this exciting, Julian? Aren't you thrilled?" He really needed to release some steam. Faron, on the other hand, groaned internally. He didn't like hanging around Julian. His cold, gold eyes spotted the book in Julian's hand. "I don't see why you keep reading, Julian. No amount of studying will make you a better wizard."
Fabio, who didn't like be interrupted, made a face at Faron. "Ugh, you really hate fun, don't you?" Faron, likewise, shrugged at Fabio's response before leaving.
"Don't worry about the basket case, Julian," Fabio rolled his eyes. "Anyway, my good man, I shall see you later." Now Fabio had to find his other good friend. He knew Karl was around somewhere on the ship. He cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted, "Karl! Where art thou? Karl!"
Daela smiled over at Kai, her hands tapping the rail. "Oh, I'm sure I had a better time of it than you. Sometimes it's good to be short." She turned to face the Hufflepuff student. "So...are you excited to be here?" The smaller girl's excitement was seeping through now, though she tried to play it down.

Julian looked over at the two with a cross between resignation and disinterest. "Well, as long as we're here I might as well learn something." He said with a shrug. "I mean, eternal glory and all that. I'm sure you're more excited about it than I am." Julian quirked one side of his mouth in a sympathetic grin.
He really didn't know Faron that well, and hadn't expected any response from the Slytherin. Faron's antagonism puzzled him more than anything. Fabio tugged his friend away before Julian could even begin to find a response, which Julian counted as a blessing. He didn't need to deal with anything like that nonsense.

Karl popped up next to Fabio with an elaborate hand wave. "You summoned me?" He said, grinning. It was difficult to tell, for a second or two, whether or not there'd been any magic involved in his appearance.
Aneira glanced up at Rain, her face still firmly in a pout. She wished silently that she had stayed inside where it was warm. Seeing the Hogwarts students disembark from the ship wasn't worth freezing to death, at least, not to her. She nodded. “Yes, I’m fine.” Her voice was quiet in comparison to the loud conversations surrounding them.

Italics is French
Kai smiled and dusted some of the snow off of Daela's head. "I suppose you can say I am excited to be here. It's not often one gets to go to another country nor to a school such as Durmstrang." Her brow creased, "However, I'm not too sure how I feel about the Darkarts being taught here. But if that's the only part of culture shock that is going to affect me, than I guess I can manage." The Hufflepuff sat on the rail, her breath clouding around her face. "So why did you decide to come?" She chuckled. "I bet you didn't come for the weather."

Fabio beamed at his companion. As much as he liked hanging out with Faron, Karl knew how to have fun. "Ah, my illustrious partner has appeared. Pray tell me, old chap, how was your journey? I hope your's was a bit more comfortable than mine." He pointed with his thumb over his shoulder to Faron, who was distracted by something. "Sore company with a sore seat isn't a stellar combination. Anywho, you must be pumped for Durmstrang." Fabio nodded his head ecstatically, "A place shrouded by mystery, hidden in the shadows, sounds like your natural habitat, Karl."
Daela shook her head, dislodging the last few snowflakes. "Definitely not. Snow is not my best friend." She blew out a sigh. "I mean, who could resist something like this? I'll have time for my academics when I get back. This is a chance at real magic, you know? No holds barred."

Karl shrugged elaborately. "Don't know what you're talking about." He said, mocking the accent Fabio'd put on. "I couldn't be more at home in sunshine and puppies." After another second he laughed and answered more 'seriously', "This place does sound like it's very...traditional. I'm going to enjoy seeing how much we can mess with them."

Rain gave the girl a small, tight smile. He wasn't particularly surprised that she had bothered to lie to him; in fact, he was more then used to it. However, the simple idea that she would bother wasting both of their time attempting to lie was rather irritating to the young man. Wasting time wasn't something he had ever looked at fondly as suggested by the golden time turner he kept in his left pocket. If the dark haired boy wanted anything, it was more time. Aneira, however, was proving to be considerably good at wasting time. A part of him hoped that it was just a phase and with age she would manage their moments better. If not…he was willing to do what was needed.

But the young man knew better then to address it. She would get upset and pout; perhaps even cry, and Rain hated making people cry. Especially pretty little girls. She was fragile in his dark eyes and there was something about the fragility that made him soften, if only a bit. Aneira was of a not so rare breed of women whom wanted nothing more then to be accepted. To not be alone. He knew her and well. As children they had ran in the same circles; pure bloods (or self proclaimed pure bloods) who didn't bother themselves with anyone 'unfitting' of their social status. In his sixth year the two had found a mild sort of comfort within one another. The relationship wasn't closed by any means of course; they were both free to do what they wanted, when they wanted. But it was nice knowing that there was something stable.

”I’m glad.” was all he bothered to remark. Knowing that there was something more he needed to say the willowy boy turned to face the rather small girl. Her powder blue uniform stood out amongst the sea of red and he wondered why she hadn't worn thicker robes. ”If you’d like to go in, we can.” He offered. His eyes caught the sight of an older golden skinned woman smiling at him coyly from the back of the crowd and Rain quickly decided that going anywhere toward her would be more then a bad idea.

(please forgive me for my awful writing)

*if pink then french
*if orange then french
*if blue then french
* if blue then french
Aneira looked up at the boy and then back at the ship, which was still approaching the shore. She shivered and silently wished she had worn thicker robes. The warmth of the castle was like a siren call and she looked up at Rain. Her green eyes held only a small apology. “Going inside sounds good,” she admitted. Her arms crossed her body as she held herself tightly to block out the cold. “I’m just freezing and honestly it’s just a ship docking. I think I can live my life out happily without having seen it, Potters or not. We’ll see them eventually.
She wasn’t looking at Rain anymore. Instead, Aneira was looking at the ship and her pout, which had disappeared briefly when she asked to go inside, had returned. She didn’t want to see Rain's reaction to her words, so she used her long red hair as a shield that fell over her shoulder in thick silky waves.

Italics = French
T I M E S K I P ↓↓
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxccxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoctober twenty eighth -- the night of the fire

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