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Happy Tuesday, Gaians! Y'know, I feel like Tuesday is kind of overlooked in the grand scheme of things. Who celebrates a Tuesday? C'mon, guys. Give poor Tuesday a little credit. Sure, it gets overshadowed by Monday, and being stuck next to Wednesday is probably no walk in the park -- we all know Weds has got a HUGE ego -- but Tuesday always rolls around without a single complaint despite its lack of recognition. It's reliable! And I feel like we oughta celebrate Tuesday's special gung-ho nature with a little sale. Hey, it's just my way of giving back to the weekly community! Fall of the Evening Star, Little Law, and Parcel Post 2nd Gen. will all be available for purchase here in La Victoire, so let's take a look!

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See that, Tuesday? We're gonna make you the most fashionable day ever. All the other days of the week are gonna be so jealous! Especially that high and mighty Saturday -- if you ask me, that snob needs to be taken down a few pegs. So show your support for Tuesday and drop by La Victoire to try on our stylish new wares! But you gotta come in the next twenty-four hours if you're interested in picking up any of these particular items, 'cause I sure as heck am not celebrating Wednesday's achievements! See you there!