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I've finally done it, Gaians! I've requested an unprecedented two day vacation from work, stuffed my bags full of various types of jerky and a few calculators for good measure, and now I'm off on an epic quest to conquer a little wilderness! Mr. Bibbles has joined me as my trusty companion, of course, although he seems a little displeased to have been removed from his comfortable urban environment. I told him he may need to hunt his own tuna down for a change and the look he gave me would've curdled milk! Which he will also, somehow, have to procure on his own -- although I haven't told him that bit of information yet. Nonetheless, it's high time I polished off my old camping skills and made my way in the world. It's strange, though... All this exposure to the cool, open air seems to have weakened the seal on this month's Advance Chance!

    User Image What will the next CI be? Nobody is quite sure, but you’ll get the first crack at it with the November Advance Chance. On the day of the next CI release, you’ll be able to open your bundle and start reaping the rewards of your CIs hours before they’re released to the general public, so you can start listing items on the Marketplace when hardly anyone has their hands on them yet.

What mysteries does November's Advance Chance contain? Who knows! I can only hope that perhaps it has a sleeping bag, as I seem to have forgotten mine. Going to be a chilly few evenings! Still, isn't that the point of roughing it? I'll see you on the wild side Gaians, and don't forget to pick up a few Advance Chances before they go extinct!