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Feral Kitten

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Feral Kitten

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Feral Kitten

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Poor Eli. I wish I could help her.

==== ☠ ====

Atreyu started towards the bathroom where his litter box was. IT wasn't like he needed to use it, he just wanted to sift through the sand. As he got in, he let out a cat sigh. He wished, more than anything, his human could be happy. He stared awkwardly at the sink as it began to shrink. Then he saw his reflection.

Long black hair, deep orange colored eyes. He had skin, not fur. Why was he already wearing clothes? Did all cats wear clothes under their fur when they become human? Human?! He was a human? This news excited him and he wanted to go tell Eli w=right away.

"Eli, Eli look," he exclaimed as he ran out to where the girl was. He only hoped she would be as happy for him. This meant they could actually talk nw. He could actually talk!

❝Nya, nyan~❞

Feral Kitten

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I'm a midnight Toker

XX XXMichiko looked at the lion pacing the room before her. It was beautiful, majestic, and regal. The lion opened it's jaws to roar. Briiiiiing! Then Static. White noise, then another loud ringing of a bell. The lion began to dissolve into her room walls. Michiko blinked, confused. What was going on?

Michiko bolted upright, her palm slamming down on her alarm. "Are you Serious?"
The clock read seven-thirty; Her brain read way-too-damn-early. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she stood up and carefully shuffled towards her bathroom. Mornings made Michiko feel like an old woman. An old woman who slept in Sailor Moon Pajamas--and looked eighteen.

Face to face with her tired reflection in the mirror, Michiko turned on her music. Melody filling the bathroom, her morning routine began. It was the same thing every day. Wake up, turn on the first song on her cd--which she hadn't changed in a year, brush her teeth, shower, get dressed. That was the only thing that ever changed, what she decided to wear.

From there it was back to routine. Go downstairs, fix her usual bowl of Trix, and then--her favorite part of the day. Feed her cat. She could never explain the love she felt for her feline companion. No matter how many compliments she received, stray whistles, or party invitations that fell into her hands, no one could replace her cat. A smile graced her lips.
I wish he were real. That would so awesome....

Michiko exhaled, looking down at her army boots. Indulging in such fantasies was not smart. In fact, it was the opposite and made her weird. If he were human he would no longer be a cat--thusly making him no longer himself. Right? The idea sat on her brain like a dead weight. With a more light-hearted shrug then she felt the idea deserved, she let it go. Headphones and I-pod in hand, she set her dirty dishes in the sink and took off into the bright world. She couldn't remember if she locked the door. On her way to the music store--she neeeded to stock up--she passed a beautiful black cat, pacing in rather eccentic circles. She followed him for a while--fascinated. Eventually, she approached him. He stared at her with large orange eyes and she was hesitant. The cat began to warm up to her though she she stroked him under the chin. His purring made her content and she smiled. Cats were meant to be cats. Still, she wondered....

First Song of My morning-- again.

Feral Kitten

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Dreams come true

Kamiya was rather despondent as the group around her grew in number. Large crowds didn't make her feel comfortable, especially with the overwhelming number of Fae. She chewed nervously on the end of her scarf. She tried to mind her mind and not listen too hard, but with them standing so close by it was difficult. As the Fae she had been watching originally, arrived she stopped chewing her scarf.

He was Ugly Duckling? B-but why? H-he's so, so, handsome?! Kamiya's mind began to wander as he offered his help on her escort. It was the only thing she had heard clearly through her jumble of thoughts and scenarios. As the blonde turned it down, however, her heart sank. She understood they were busy and that she was wasting their time, but she really would have loved the escort home. Just being in his presence was a joy she never imagined obtainable. Excitement in the mystery, she supposed.

Kamiya cleared her throat, as Red began to walk away. It was cold and a glob of phlegm settled uneasily in her windpipe. As she turned towards the direction of her home, she coughed the substance up and spit it into a bush. A heavy exhale escaped her lips. She wandered towards her home, staring at the stars. All in all, she wasn't upset, she got what she wanted. A chance to see him close as she walked along the sidewalk, her mind was on him. Recreating his image in her head so that she could ponder the mysterious attraction she felt without having him actually around. Sadly, it did him no justice and she sighed.

As Kamiya arrived home, she shed her dirty clothes and drew up a hot bath. IT was time to unwind for the night. Tomorrow was a new day and as she learned early on, a new day was always a new adventure. She sank into the water and could feel her tension easing. Her mind strayed back to will, but only for a moment, as she closed her eyes.

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Feral Kitten

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A . R. I. A
Bride of Bearlisa
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Castle Entrance


XXXAria smiled.. Giving Prince Kiernan a tour of her home could be quite the evening. Walking the base of the moutain, starlight and moonbeams dancing on the surface of the pristine waters. She was tempted to swirl in her spot and hug herself, bit didn't. Instead he took her okay and lit the cigarette between her fingers.

XXXI know it's a bad habit, she sighed. She placed the previously lit match in the box and placed that back in her pocket. "But you know, it's really hard to stop. And they can be so calming." She fiddled her fingers. Cigarettes were a pale replacemnt for what she preferred to smoke, but that was neither here nor there. In fact, that was her business. No one had to know.

XXXThe idea of going inside was brought up, and her attention shifted. The idea of seeing the inside of a castle had Aria excited. A big grin graced her features. "I would love to follow you in, she exclaimed. "But only under the condition that you give me the grand tour of your home. It sounded liek a reasonable request in her head.

XXXInstead of assuming he would agree, she waited. Glancing at the other two, she wondered if they would follow? They seemed like they were perfect at home in the heat so she wondered. Glancing around, she spotted a thrid woman she had not seen before. She was deathly quite so Aria began contemplating. Perhaps she was a mute? IT didn't really matter. She just wanted to get out of the sun. She was dark enough already.

Feral Kitten

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XXXThe room was dark. The sun had barely begun to rise, but Tzrenia sat there on her bed, eyes focused. She had been sleeping, but that seemed liek hours ago. There was a feel to the world that was not the same. Yesterday she woke up and her biggest problem was deciding what to wear, this morning at four 'o clock precisely, she was jolted awake by feelings of dread and hopelessness. She looked down at her clock and sighed. Four-fifteen.

XXXThis left her five minutes. Five minutes to find the shredded green herb stashed in her room somewhere, pack it into a bowl, and find one of her lighters. She wouldn't doubt her ability to do it on a normal basis but for some reason this morning she couldn't move. It was like if she even tried to go about her day normaly, she would fall through a rip in space and time. Not that she believed it would happen, she was just cautious.

XXXFinally, with two minutes to spare, she jumped to her feet and began to scramble about her room. She had to find the pipe she stashed in her drawer, the shredded plant she kept in an old alcohol tube--one of her best recycled items ever, and the lighter on her floor. She lit her bowl just as her digital clock read '4: 20'. Her inhale, pushed the smoke deep into her lungs and she plugged her nose as the smoke floated about inside her, coating her lungs in THC. Tzrenia released her breath and a wisp of smoke escaped her lips.

XXXAfter a good hour of repeating the cycle of light, smoke, exhale, she took a lazy glance at her clock. It was still a couple of hours before she had to get up for school so she turned to her closet. The colors therein were pretty narrow. She had pinks, purples, and blacks. That was the bulk of her wardrobe. A few white or blue items lined the top rack but they were more for accent then anything else. She grabbed her favorite hoodie. a pink tank top and black skirt, and some dark leggings.

XXXCarrying her clothing into the bathroom, she set them on the counter, looking at her reflection. Tzrenia was pretty normal looking, except for her pink hair, but that was easily writeen off as hair dye-though it was her changing her DNA makeup. So other then her naturally pink hair, she was your average senior. She splashed cold water on her face before, flipping the switch to her Radio. Static. Slamming her fist down onto the radio, she glared. The static cut out, then back in. She turned the radio off entirely. Unreliable, piece of s**t. She put a cd in instead and began humming. The moment the music started, she facepalmed. Turning the somewhat annoyingly cheerful msuic off she sighed. It wasn't that she didn;t like the song, it was just far too earlier and far too happy.

XXXDubstep was the next song on the cd. More agreeable than the last, Tzrenia shed her nightclothes. After examinign her figure in the mirror, she began to dress for school. An hour alone was wasted preparing for the day and taking sneak hits from her pipe. The fact it was final's meant nothing to the girl who didn't need to take them. She thanked her stars for that. As high as Tzrenia was, she was surprised she could remember that she even had school.

XXX She grabbed her headphones--rasta colored--and her MP3 player. Her Sailor Moon Backpack-- she'd had it since elementary school--rested by the door, waiting for her to pick it up and be on her way. With a yawn, she pulled the cotton candy perfume from the front zipper and sprayed herself up and down. No one need know what her morining routine involved. "Well, that's much better. She grabbed her backpack and rolled her neck to the side, listening to the bones pop. Feeling a little bit better, she crossed the date off her calendar and opened her front door. The air smelled differently. Or maybe that was her pefume? But since when did perfume smell like sulfur?

XXXShe placed her headphones about her ears and began to let the music change her attention. Her mind began to wander as she walked towards her school. Things like demons and sulfur far from her thoughts, she sighed. It was the last day of school. Her last day to talk to snake and tell him how she felt. They rarely saw each other outside of school, but they may be because Tzrenia was a homebody. Strangers made her uncomfortable. Today she was determined to tell him and as she entered the school doors, she was almost positive she would. High, still in effect, she made her way to her locker. Yanking it open, she put her lock in her bag, along with her text books. If she had time, she'd turn those in before school actively started.

XXXA picture fell out of her locker, drifting to the ground. Picking it up, Tzrenia stared at it with a forlorn expression. Sadness washed over her as she looked at the best friend she missed. Why was he taken from her so young. Placing the picture also in her bag, she looked at her now empty locker. It was unimpressive and couldn't keep her attention. Instead she went to turn in her books and wander the halls until the school bell rang.

♯♩♪♫♬♭ I smoke to get high because the world is so low ♯♩♪♫♬♭

Feral Kitten

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"A b***h always smokes."
XXX"A b***h doesn't need anybody."
XXXXXX"She smokes to prove it."
XXXXXXXXX"I am a b***h."

==== ☣ ====

Navaraa opened her eyes lazily. Spitting out last night's cigarette butt, she plaved a fresh one between her lips. Careful not singe her fur, she lit it and exhaled her first nicotine cloud of the day. It wafted about lazily before dispersing. Somewhere above her, air conditioner flickered on. Sttretching her torso, she lifted onto her feet, eyes lazily scanning the room. She had no idea what time it was but hesitated to open the shades. What if it was bright outside?

Back on her feet, she meandered to the window, peeking around it slowly. The sun was out but giving off a strange hue. The day seemed blanketed in an ominous orange and burnt red. OR maybe it was just sunrise. The dead cigarette fell to her feet and she pouted. Not even five minutes into her day and she was on her second cigarrette. These things should last longer. I shouldn't have to light a new cigarette every couple of minutes. Proposterous, she thought.

She sntached her pistols up off the floor and tucked them into their holsters. Her image mocked her -- a reflection in broken glass. The results of another drunken rage no doubt. It didn't matter as she turned away, sniffing the air. A conflict was brewing, she could smell it. Her nose had a knack for finding adventure so she followed it.

Feral Kitten

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OOC: Out of Character goes here

Christalyn awoke with a headache. It wasn't the first time she'd woken up with a headache and she didn't expct it to be the last. A bmall ball of fur, nuzzled her foot as she stepped towards the bathroom. "What the, Shades? How did you get out of your pokeball? You can't be out of your pokeball here. They'll confiscate you." She picked up her umbreaon and held it close to her. Every moment she spent with her pokemon was precious, especially since she knew what she would do without them.

The umbreon looked at her with blood red eyes and Christalyn knew it understood, more then could comprehend perhaps. Kissing it lightly behind the ears, she put Shades down and resumed her walk towards the bathroom. A quick morning wash up and two cups of coffee later, she felt ready to mingle with the world.

Pushing her door open, she stepped into the crowded halls of Team Rocket Headquarters. Pokeballs attached to her belt loop, her mentality was on the defensive. No one in Team Rocket could be trusted, she believed. There were a few people she didn't think were too bad, but even they were on her s**t list./color] "I wonder who they want me to antagonize today."

Feral Kitten

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Location: Studio
With: Myself
OOC: I'm sorry this is taking
so long you guys XD



NYAMortania looked at Volen. He was genuinely interested in her little bear. "He can only do it with glass, porcelain, and china. He turns paper and paper byproduct into a source fuel. Dirt would snuff the flame feeding his coals so I don't try to get him to clean that." A nervous laughter escaped her lips. She began to wring her hands nervously. Her mind had wandered off to the Captain woman. She had been so beautiful. How was Mortania expected to face Theodore now?

NYAShe could hear movement upstairs, there was a bunch os restling, then sounds of someone or someones descending a ladder. Mortania swallow a ball of air as her face flushed. She had gotten so distracted with her though, she had forgotten she was here. Quickly her hands smoothed the unnecessary wrinkles in her clothing, and she straightened her back, trying to remember the correct posture for a woman, She was almost certain her mother taught it to her, but it was amazingly lost underneath her memory of cogs, wheel, pipes, tubing, and steam.

NYAShe glanced at Volen.6lu9hfd5:20="663300]"Honestly, tell me the truth, mkay. Do I look okay?" Mortania frowned, tell him disregard her question. If even if she didn't, it was too late to leave now. Instead she exhaled, her head to falling one side.

Thomas Sigal


Feral Kitten

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Fighting Evil by.... What's that lyric again?





Oh yeah, moonlight.
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Feral Kitten

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ғєяяץи ⒜⒦⒜ Ϩɦʊʈʈεɽ

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Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.

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Ferryn turned over in her sleep, her hand falling from underneath her pillow onto the floor. Last night she had been so bust taking pictures of the night-life, she hadn't realized it was three in the morning by the time she got home. She only knew this because her phone died at precisely a 3:20, an hour before her special alarm. She tossed in her sleep again, seemingly dead to the world. A small grey cat scurried from under her bed, into the corner and back under again before she turned over again. Her phone buzzed slightly to alert her it was fully charged but she made no move to get it. Instead she pulled the black and purple blanket in her bedroom further over her head, mumbling in her sleep incoherently.

The smartphone on her bedside table went off. as a text message came in. The volume was all the way up, and the music, shocked Ferryn into an upright position, her heart pounding. She snatched it up, glancing at the message. It was from Flint, inviting her to one of his parties. Apparently a graduation party. She ran her hand through her hair, contemplating. She had planned to do another late night shoot, but a party sounded good too. Ferryn set her phone down for a minute, grabbing the partially smoked joint on her bedside table. She placed it at the edge of her lips, searching for her lighter. Once she was lit up, she plugged her MP3 player into the small portable speakers by her bedside lamp.

:Shutter: I wouldn't miss it for the world, dude.
I'll see if I can get into the alcohol
and bring some.... harder stuff than beer.
Not exactly sure what's gonna be easy to
take without being noticed. If not, I can get my older
brother to buy some. s**t, what do you want :>

She set her phone back done, taking a deep drag before putting the joint out too. It was weird not having school anymore. Ferryn forced herself out of bed, searching her closet for an outfit. The first question was what kinda of mood was she in? She shrugged, looking about her room. What sounded good, a little photography, or videogames? She closed the closet door and laid back on her bed. Honestly, she wanted to sleep more. Shutting her eyes, she held the pillow close to her, hoping sleep would welcome her back into it's arms. This was, of course, not the case. Her mind was racing so she opened her curtains. Light flooded the room. It was definitely a picture day. Ferryn finally decided to wear one of her more 90's inspired outfits.

Her camera was placed careful in its carrying bag, as she slipped her hpone into her pocket. she didn't know where to go people stalking or nature watching. Both had prosperous outcomes. Ferryn set her camera bag down and grabbed her phone again, going through her numbers. Unsure whose numbers she did or did not have, she sent a message to her entire contact list.

:Shutter: Hey guys, it's definitely a picture taking day. I'm going to grab some food at the coffee shop then I'm free. Anyone want to be my model? I need to build my portfolio of school. I'll buy you lunch biggrin

Ferryn grabbed her MP3 player and her headphones from the nightstand before picking up her camera and slipping out of her room. The house was quiet. Very quiet. She made her way downstairs, surprised neither parent was anywhere to be found. A fluorescent yellow sticky note in the kitchen answered all her questions. Her parents had gone to visit her aunt for a few days. How convenient. She tossed the note in the trash, pulling open the refrigerator; as she expected, nothing.

Her keys dangled loosely from their spot on the rack and she shoved them into one of her pockets, until she could lock the door behind herself. She surveyed the kitchen, laid out fresh food for her cat, and then headed out of the house. It was a great day for photographs. She began to hum along with her music as she made her way towards the coffee shop. It was about five minutes away if she walked fast. She focused on her feet as she walked, avoiding direct eye contact. Her eyes were probably still red, and she didn't want any questions directed at her before her coffee.

She was off in her own little world in the coffee shop. Ferryn did however notice Eren. It was odd how much their names rhymed because she developed a crush for him last year. Something about him, she liked. Now, Ferryn was aware he had a friend named Aussie and a lot of people speculated, but she couldn't help it. Maybe that was why he never acted on her feelings? Her thirst for coffee suddenly seemed insignificant. Ferryn a small caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream, deciding that should spark her creativity. Once her drink was handed to her, she wandered over in Eren's general direction.
"Hey Eren, nice day isn't it? Is that seat taken?"
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Feral Kitten

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Numestra never slept past eight in the morning, no matter how tired she was. One could imagine the unbelieving expression on her face as her tired mind registered it was noon and she was just getting out of bed. She blinked lazily, waiting for the clock to tell her the proper time. 12:01. The clock went up a minute and Numestra's eyes widened to the size of saucers. She threw her bedding aside, hurrying to the bathroom. She looked at the purple radio on her counter, and plugged it into the wall. Static assaulted her ears. She turned the volume dial down and changed it from radio to CD. IT took a minute before the music started, but once it did, Numestra felt like her morning, or afternoon in this case, could officially begin.

She looked her reflection over in the mirror. Something about her was different that yesterday. Numestra couldn't figure out what. Dismissing the though, she opened her medicine cabinet, tearing yesterday date off her mini calendar. August 18th ~ Birthday Numestra took a minute to register the information. It was her birthday? No wonder she felt that she looked different. She was one more year older. A woman of twenty-two. Finally. Or was it too soon? Just yesterday it seemed, she had her first drink. She closed the medicine cabinet and instead opened the sink cabinet. Way in the back, was a beautiful, purple, frosted glass water pipe. She set it gently on the counter beside her radio, looking for one of the empty water bottles lying around her bathroom. She found an empty one and filled it, before pouring it into the water pipe. Taking the bowl into her hand, she dipped it into a small container hidden beneath the sink.

Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Four hours. I can't believe I overslept by four hours. Good thing Ka had a big dinner. Poor Michiko is probably starving. As if on cue, a beautiful calico walked into the bathroom, mewing. It pressed its nose against Numestra's leg. It's eyes were wide as a cloud of smoke descended upon it's face. Content, it set at her feet, purring as the clouds settled upon her in waves. Numestra smiled at Michiko as she set the empty bowl aside for a moment, closing her eyes and listening to the music. What started out as a rushed morning, just became her day off. She still didn't understand how she forgot it was her birthday. This brought up another question, what was she doing for her birthday? She sent a few texts to her co-workers at the music store and another to her younger sister Xanthira. It was a wonder Xanthira and Numestra weren't teased horribly with the names they had. Then again, Numestra's childhood wasn't rainbows and sprinkles. Now was no time to dwell, however. Instead she decided she was going to take herself to the carnival and hopefully meet up with her friends and sister.

She waited for the smoke to dissipate from her bathroom before slowly nudging Michiko from her feet. The calico moved but glared at Numestra with bittersweet hatred. Michiko was mad she had to move, but happy because was about to be fed. Numestra left her bathroom, wandering to the bottom floor of the studio. The day was gorgeous and she could see the carnival near the seawall from her window. During sunset it was beautiful. Shaking the distractions from her head, she poured Michiko a bowl of food, before washing her hands and fixing herself a sandwich. It was roughly two o'clock now and she still hadn't gotten dressed. Numestra felt entirely too lazy to go back upstairs, but did so anyway, devouring the sandwich as she did so. Picking an outfit and taking a shower, she realized she whittled away most of her afternoon and her high. After a few more bowls, she have a great exhale, and snatched up car keys. She was finally ready to join society, though she wondered if society was ready to join her?

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Numestra's CD[playlist]

Feral Kitten

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They say that love is forever
Your forever is all that I need
Please stay as long as you need
Can't promise that things won't be broken
But I swear that I will never leave
Please stay forever with me

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Xanthira groaned, pulling the pillow down over her head. Another late night of scouting the town for buildings to burn ended with no fire--and now she was tired. Just as she settled into a somewhat peaceful state, her phone began to vibrate loudly on her floor. Xanthira groaned.. Begrudgingly, she stood to her feet, shuffling half-way across her room, to pick the phone out of her pocket. The phone stopped vibrating Xanthira checked her messages. She had one from her sister, mentioning celebrating her birthday at the carnival. Xanthira had almost forgotten!

She went through the motions of her early morning routines as if is wasn't noon. Her parents were not shocked to see her running from the house, duffle bag trailing behind her as she through it into the back of car. They were used to her rushing off to go "Study." Xanthira, looked both ways before pulling out of the driveway, heading for the mall. how could she forget to buy her best and only sister something, awesome. She considered parting with some of her lighters, but that idea was quickly shot down. No, no, lighters would never do. Xanthira sat at the stop light for a moment, chuckling. Xanthira was the only one who knew her sisters habit, and she wasn't telling anyone. Heaven forbid Numestra find out about her hobby and tell.

She twiddled her thumbs on her steering wheel, as her favorite brand of music caught her attention. She'd been so busy with Numestra, she hadn't even realized her own music. Today was definitely weird. A glass shop passed her peripheral and Xanthira paused. Turning into the parking lot, she parked just outside. Now, Numestra had several glass pieces, but one could always use more, right? She headed inside, scouting the store for anything that screamed Numestra. Once it was spotted, she paid for it and hurried back to her car. Epic gift acquired with time to spare. With two hours of time to herself, she headed deeper into the city, towards the carnival, watching the buildings no one frequented. Some were perfect for burning--but not accessible. That was the hard part, burning something no one would miss or burning something that would easily eat the evidence against her.

With a shrug, she accepted the fact that her hobby would have to wait until that evening. She headed towards the carnival once more, excited to see Numestra. It's had been a few days since her last visit home, so she was anxious to hear what's been happening with her. Even if it was nothing important. She arrived, just as Numestra was closing the drivers side door. "Numie, hey Numie!"

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