Beginning in August, we're going to be moving up the date of the Monthly Collectible launch. Traditionally, the items are released on the 15th of every month, but we'd like to start releasing them a little bit earlier, so people have a bit more time each month to enjoy their opened envelopes before a shiny new item comes along to distract them.

Also, it will keep Rina from getting too impatient.

Next month's Collectibles will be released on Friday, August 8th. Please mark your calendars! If you don't have a calendar, just write it backwards on your forehead so you'll see it in the mirror every day.

The 15th is almost like a little holiday that happens every month, so we know it's a little disconcerting to change it after all these years. But, hey, it's kinda like having Christmas early! If the 8th doesn't seem to work out well, we may continue to adjust the date until we find something that works well for everyone. We definitely want to try something before the 15th; in a poll a while back, we found that nearly three quarters of our members would prefer an earlier MC release, so here it is!

Buenas noches,

-The Gaia Team