Happy New Year everyone!!!

Hope that you all had a great holiday season, and get to hang out with loved ones. Today is the first day of a new year, and a day where we get to set a new year's resolution and bring forth new goals and aspirations. As the clock strikes 12, I wished that I can give my to bring new life back to Gaia, and discover new ways to entertain all of you. And I hope that many more Gaians will get to experience what's to come, and enjoy new surprises, plus new experiences to share.

Much like most new year resolutions, it'll take a lot of time, effort, and maybe a bit of luck to make all my wishes happen. So please stick around as we transition away from old management, get organized, and set ourselves to high gear. I'm excited to eventually share with you our plans moving forward, and so should you!

Thank you so much for being a Gaian and calling this place a home!
