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Kawaii Romance
Why ever be an advocate for just one select group of those fighting for their rights or recognition? A personal inclusion in that group? You think you can take this on by solving one problem at a time?

Most feminist not only want more equality between men and women, but also more equality with gays, trans* people, and people of colour. It isn't just women wanting to be equal to men. I, as well as the majority of my fellow feminists, see all of the inequality issues between men, women, gays, etc., and want them all to be equal.

The main reason as to why I am a feminist is because I am tired as being treated inferior or being overlooked in certain areas just because of my gender.

How many of you that do subscribe to feminism, is it because you have a legitimate belief that the inequalities of women are so much worse than those of men that it's not worth trying to solve both problems at once by tackling the root?

Since when was feminism about the inequalities of women being "so much worse than those of men?" Feminism is about making people see women as equal to men and pointing out the fact that there are many inequalities in order to back us up in our struggle to become equal. Plus, men (mainly white men) don't have many "inequalities" in society.

How I'd love that to be true how the majority of feminist are after equality for everyone like it should be but I hate to say that's not the case with the majority I see far more hate then love every time one proclaims to be a feminist. What's more is even the ones that don't hate oft times refuse to acknowledge that a man could have it rough like they do.

For instance do you know how hard it is for a man to be in the child care business? Do you know how easy it is for a women to? Often times a perfectly good caretaker is turned down because they are male and not female. There have been leaps and bounds the past years but it ends up quite hard to be taken seriously.

How about when it comes to sexual crimes? or something akin even mundane who's side do you think gets taken? Usually the woman's to be frank, and its not right.

It's been awhile since I brushed up on what's unfair these days but my view has been colored poorly by the pure hate that comes from so many people. Don't get me wrong I believe we should all be equal but feminism is far from the egalitarian movement it a portion of its members claim it to be. I'd really liken it closer to groups like peta then anything else (not implying that don't EVEN go there). I'm saying that there are a lot of good intentioned people in the group but a good portion of its bulk are made of people are are less open minded despite what they claim.

Truly though we are all just people and though we all have our pet peeves about different people we have yet to be able to separate the individual from the group because we all hearken back too strongly to when we were tribal and its them vs us.

I can truly see why these kinds of groups are needed everyone needs a group of people to fight for them. Like myself I'm part of the ECA its a group dedicated in America to keeping our Internet unrestricted (and games like god awful censors just find the group xD). And so long as requests are done sanely everything is fine its when you get people playing the victim role that things get out of wack.

--------Enter rant mode-----

All that said I'm still waiting for my male and white privilege to kick in ain't seen hide nor hair of it. I super dislike when people say that white males have some kind of ultra super power called privilege. They get things that are always hereto therefore undisclosed and I'm really starting to think they are basing it off just how many males are in high positions.(which is my opinion is ******** retarded). Being male never got me anything extra or is it supposedly something that gets taken away from EVERYONE else in the world that I still never got.

I don't know it always ticks me off when people say I'm privileged my low paying job that I just ******** got says otherwise. Like I still have to put in just as much effort as anyone else to get the same results. Hell I've been turned AWAY from jobs because of my freakin race/gender. How the hell can I control that? (something like needing diversity which is annoying because I needed a job too ofc they didn't say it but the evidence was pretty damming) Anyway that little rant aside, I hate that because I just so happen to be male and mostly white I automatically get scorned. (oh boo hoo valati that's what so many people have been complaining about and to that I say ******** duh).

It's just could we not burn the grass while attacking the house I'd appreciate it a lot. I know so many hard working people who don't give a rat's a** about who you are and just accept you. Why can the world not be more like that? Why do we have to literally be at each other's throats about pet peeves and constantly feel slighted over the dumbest things (seriously I've heard people complain about very modest cleavage on a gown before it was ******** stupid). That said I'm more then willing to fight for feminists so long as they don't burn me in the process........

-----end rant----

Sorry biggrin had to get that out...


1. My odds of being hired for a job, when competing against female applicants, are probably skewed in my favor. The more prestigious the job, the larger the odds are skewed.

That has only a grain of truth in it the real thing NOW? Is it matters less and less with each coming year I know that used to be a huge case but its not at least not anymore.

2. I can be confident that my co-workers won’t think I got my job because of my sex – even though that might be true.

That happens in big businesses more often then anywhere else and is a direct cause of women actually using their body like that. Blame your predecessors for that one, I'd say that about anyone male or female.

3. If I am never promoted, it’s not because of my sex.

Actually.......yeah I guess that could be a thing only slightly. But that's part of a victim complex to there are a lot who just aren't good at their job.......and call it for their gender cause their bitter. That's what a lot of this stuff does to a person causes them to see themselves as the victims in every situation.

4. If I fail in my job or career, I can feel sure this won’t be seen as a black mark against my entire sex’s capabilities.

Errrrrrrrnn wrong answer the same kind of people that say that about women have female equivalents and say that about guys so no. As I have personally experienced this one no just no.

5. I am far less likely to face sexual harassment at work than my female co-workers are.

So far the only true one but it still fails to take into account good ol male on male ribbing or gay bashing so yeah each point has a counter point for how ******** up people are. (btw both happen WAY too much.)

6. If I do the same task as a woman, and if the measurement is at all subjective, chances are people will think I did a better job.

I am not actually sure about this one its not something I have experienced. I could see it but I don't know how accurate that is.

7. If I’m a teen or adult, and if I can stay out of prison, my odds of being raped are relatively low.

Yeah......this one......As I am one of those "odds" because I was raped I don't even wanna comment on it.

8. On average, I am taught to fear walking alone after dark in average public spaces much less than my female counterparts are.

On average a man is taught to not show fear even if he is just as afraid. This point is stupid.

9. If I choose not to have children, my masculinity will not be called into question.

Yeah it will, ALL the time if you never have children you will be viewed as impotent or a creep. Think about it? a 70 year old man who never had children but always wanted them? Seems lonely kinda creepy but sad.

10. If I have children but do not provide primary care for them, my masculinity will not be called into question.

It also will but if you don't provide primary care for them your a dead beat even if you actually WANT to provide primary care for them. If the mother doesn't want you to her say always goes unless she is literally so horrible a parent. If the mother is even a half decent parent the father is going to be a dead beat father even if he wants to see his kids. Its a double standard.

11. If I have children and provide primary care for them, I’ll be praised for extraordinary parenting if I’m even marginally competent.

That's actually true of both sexes, and was true before only because women were atypically taught how to take care of things from a young age. Its just how it was.

12. If I have children and a career, no one will think I’m selfish for not staying at home.

Who...? Who has ever said someone was selfish for trying to provide for their family? If you have idk spend all your time on your job then your selfish. Male or female dur.

13. If I seek political office, my relationship with my children, or who I hire to take care of them, will probably not be scrutinized by the press.

It's that probably not that makes this ******** up, but given I don't follow politics I can't really comment on this.

14. My elected representatives are mostly people of my own sex. The more prestigious and powerful the elected position, the more this is true.

idk if this is sexism or not I don't wanna file it under a privilege cause I'm not sure it is one.

15. When I ask to see “the person in charge,” odds are I will face a person of my own sex. The higher-up in the organization the person is, the surer I can be.

All my bosses from pretty high up are female sooooo yeah no. In general? Idk its not something I could comment on.

16. As a child, chances are I was encouraged to be more active and outgoing than my sisters.

I was encouraged to be stronger body and mind, not more outgoing my little cousin got encouraged to be outgoing but also strong. My upbringing was prolly unique

17. As a child, I could choose from an almost infinite variety of children’s media featuring positive, active, non-stereotyped heroes of my own sex. I never had to look for it; male protagonists were (and are) the default.

Non-stereotyped? are you ******** kidding me every male hero is a god dam stereotype makes every ******** one of them superman capable of doing any god dam thing with no effort. THAT'S A GOOD THING?!?!? Are you kidding me that is not an appropriate thing to compare most of the Children's media I grew up with was gender neutral. I think its retarded that that's even a thing males and females look up to male and female heros regardless of gender cause they are kids.

18. As a child, chances are I got more teacher attention than girls who raised their hands just as often.


19. If my day, week or year is going badly, I need not ask of each negative episode or situation whether or not it has sexist overtones.

That's your own fault and your own line of thinking don't pin it on an entire other sex.

20. I can turn on the television or glance at the front page of the newspaper and see people of my own sex widely represented.


21. If I’m careless with my financial affairs it won’t be attributed to my sex.

No it wouldn't be in the first place unless the person attributing it hadn't encountered multiple people that fit the bill...........So it happens with both sexes.

22. If I’m careless with my driving it won’t be attributed to my sex.

I never have heard it come from anyone but old men.

23. I can speak in public to a large group without putting my sex on trial.


24. Even if I sleep with a lot of women, there is no chance that I will be seriously labeled a “slut,” nor is there any male counterpart to “slut-bashing.” (More).

Yeah there is he is a creep, a player, a ********, a douchebag, a tool, an a*****e. Even if he isn't at all even if he is just unlucky. No it doesn't translate into outright slut bashing the opposite is more subtle and hurts just as much thank you very much. People avoid you people hurt you and don't even know it because the opposite is done in back rooms with gossip and other subtlety's.

25. I do not have to worry about the message my wardrobe sends about my sexual availability. (More).

Yeaaaah....you do.....lots of guys........don't though......like they don't worry about it even if they are suppose to. I mean sure guys don't have to worry about sending the message about being promiscuous because its automatically ASSUMED that a guy will get it on at any time. That's what makes this a bad point because while your clothing sometimes sends that message our everything sends that message for some reason so shush you.

26. My clothing is typically less expensive and better-constructed than women’s clothing for the same social status. While I have fewer options, my clothes will probably fit better than a woman’s without tailoring. (More).

None of my clothes fit properly they fit kinda alright which is something most guys just deal with. Noone's clothes fit awesome if you want something that FITS you, you have to have it custom made. I'm a slightly above average male at 6'1" and I can't find a single piece of clothing that isn't too big or too small in a bunch of areas.

27. The grooming regimen expected of me is relatively cheap and consumes little time.

Depends on the person my hair is always an option and if I wanted wonderful hair I'd spend more time on it. My body hair I shave so that takes time I shave my face (less often then most guy's) so that takes time. Really about the only comparison here is make up and its pretty optional all of this comes down to how good you want to look.

28. If I buy a new car, chances are I’ll be offered a better price than a woman buying the same car. (More).

Wouldn't know never bought one.

29. If I’m not conventionally attractive, the disadvantages are relatively small and easy to ignore.

Really? I'd love to see examples of this.

30. I can be loud with no fear of being called a shrew. I can be aggressive with no fear of being called a b***h.

I can be loud but I'd be a d**k I can be aggressive but I'd permanently have a mark of being an a*****e and that would follow me forever and if anyone EVER caught wind of it I'd be remarked. So thanks biggrin

31. I can ask for legal protection from violence that happens mostly to men without being seen as a selfish special interest, since that kind of violence is called “crime” and is a general social concern. (Violence that happens mostly to women is usually called “domestic violence” or “acquaintance rape,” and is seen as a special interest issue.)

Yeah but I can't ask without having my masculinity questioned and henceforth labeled weak in the minds of both men AND WOMEN. Domestic violence is called that cause it happens between people like housemates and not strangers.

32. I can be confident that the ordinary language of day-to-day existence will always include my sex. “All men are created equal,” mailman, chairman, freshman, he.

We come from a patriarchal society that developed our language get over it and make new words. It's not my fault my gender is called man and everything just so happens to have suffixes of male or man. That isn't a privilege its a curse

33. My ability to make important decisions and my capability in general will never be questioned depending on what time of the month it is.

Er well perhaps if you know what there is no arguing it because you know how some of you get I don't need to tell you. By that merit all people get like that when in pain so there yah go.

34. I will never be expected to change my name upon marriage or questioned if I don’t change my name.

No just considered dumb if you do change your name upon marriage and questioned if you don't keep it the same.

35. The decision to hire me will not be based on assumptions about whether or not I might choose to have a family sometime soon.

Well yeah men don't get pregnant......maternity leave is being more common for both genders but it's still almost a given for a woman.

36. Every major religion in the world is led primarily by people of my own sex. Even God, in most major religions, is pictured as male.

Noone said you had to worship em, besides god is whoever you want them to be.

37. Most major religions argue that I should be the head of my household, while my wife and children should be subservient to me.

Lots of them also include slaves but guess what we don't do anymore?

38. If I have a wife or live-in girlfriend, chances are we’ll divide up household chores so that she does most of the labor, and in particular the most repetitive and unrewarding tasks. (More).

Bring THAT up with your SO not the entire male sex. There are so many other things I could say on that......

39. If I have children with my girlfriend or wife, I can expect her to do most of the basic childcare such as changing diapers and feeding.

Not if you ever want to be around her razz

40. If I have children with my wife or girlfriend, and it turns out that one of us needs to make career sacrifices to raise the kids, chances are we’ll both assume the career sacrificed should be hers.

In what world? Situations are different everywhere don't assume just cause its stereotypical means its correct.

41. Assuming I am heterosexual, magazines, billboards, television, movies, pornography, and virtually all of media is filled with images of scantily-clad women intended to appeal to me sexually. Such images of men exist, but are rarer.

Because it plays on the sexist idea that mean always want sex and therefore all things should include them to get them to pay attention to it. Women exploit this so there is no complaining. That's not privilege that sexist on every account.

42. In general, I am under much less pressure to be thin than my female counterparts are. (More). If I am fat, I probably suffer fewer social and economic consequences for being fat than fat women do. (More).

Nah men have their own vices have you ever talked to a guy about how ripped they are? Or aren't? Why do you think you get so many guys showing off their muscles the same way women show off how thin they are.........

43. If I am heterosexual, it’s incredibly unlikely that I’ll ever be beaten up by a spouse or lover.

This stat is another true one but its not unlikely just improbable. Given the focus on getting stronger with guys it happens less because they are trying to be more powerful...... just saying.

44. Complete strangers generally do not walk up to me on the street and tell me to “smile.”

Smiling means your friendly, frowning means your sad if your scowling at someone why the hell is it odd for them to tell you to smile?

45. Sexual harassment on the street virtually never happens to me. I do not need to plot my movements through public space in order to avoid being sexually harassed, or to mitigate sexual harassment.

Nope that couldn't possible have another male equivalent definitely not, completely not possible......

45. On average, I am not interrupted by women as often as women are interrupted by men.

What? no.....I'm interrupted by rude people man or woman doesn't matter.

46. I have the privilege of being unaware of my male privilege.

You have the privilege of being unaware its not rosy on the other side of the field. And treating men like s**t for being unaware of their "privilege". And for ignoring all the things you get to do as a woman that men can't do. Your Woman's Privilege for instance....

So yeah you know I've seen this list before and it's 95% bullshit and there is why. THAT'S why I don't like male privilege

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Feminism is so distorted anymore, I don't know what it's supposed to be these days.

It used to be just equal rights for both men and women.

Distinct Genius

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is equalist even a thing
feminism vs glamorized feminism
sigh what the world has come to...
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Astral Fairy

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I suppose that entirely depends on the way you define it, they way I see feminism is the idea that women and men are equal.

But don't listen to me I'm crazy.
I've always found feminism amusing

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nextjune's King

Romantic Paradox

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There are certainly those who give feminist a bad name.

Super Cat

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For the sake of discussion,
I think you should define what "equalist" and "humanist" are,
as I don't think they're particularly common
(at least I've rarely heard them,
and I think I've only heard of "humanist"
in terms of psychology and religion).

You should also define what you think "feminist" means,
as I think different people have different definitions of it.
I've seen a lot of misunderstandings about what it means.

My understanding is that feminism
is the belief that men and women
(or more generally, all genders, if we wanna include transgender individuals)
should be treated equally and should be free to choose which gender norms they wish to subscribe to or deviate from.

With that definition in mind,
there's no assumption that men are better off
or that one should be a female to be a feminist.

It does, however, all a person to be racist or some other kind of bigot.
But I see race and gender as separate issues,
so I don't see why I need a word to combine them,
even if I'm in support of equality for both types of groups.
I'll mention my feminism when the topic of conversation is gender,
and I'll mention my belief in equal (/nonexistent) races when the topic is racism.
And likewise for whatever other types of groups I think deserve equal treatment.

I don't think ALL humans deserve equal treatment,
so I'm not sure what kind of term could be applied.
You're trying to simplify things, but it makes it more complicated in my mind.
For instance, how do convey that we don't expect equal treatment of children and adults
(e.g. in terms of legal treatment)
if we try to use a very generic term?
Most feminists I know fight for equality of everyone, no matter gender, race or sexuality.

Or at least, most feminists that I associate with.

Feminisms is about believe in equality, that nobody is inherently better than someone else due to things like gender, race, sexuality, etc.

Yeah, there are a lot of feminists that don't subscribe to those ideas, but there are a lot of christians who don't act like christians, a lot of people who claim to be something but don't follow what that means.
I don't think you should let those people turn you off feminism.

Lavish Strawberry


copied straight out of Webster's dictionary::

fem·i·nism noun ˈfe-mə-ˌni-zəm
: the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities

it's not favoring women. it's not hating men. it's advocating complete equality. wtf is the problem here?

or to put it more clearly:



7,650 Points
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Originally, feminism was adopted so that both genders could be equal.

Now it's turned into some idiotic "women are better than men we need more" thing.

As a female, it's quite irritating.

Desirable Raider

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It's amusing how people blame everyone else for their underachievements. "Oh no I'm being treated as a woman wat I do". You do what you want to. Don't give you the job? Make them give you the job. Make sexual jokes about you? Put them back in place. Oh no they apply force? Hit them back. Is it that hard?

Equalism? Yea we all know where this one leads us.

Those kids don't want to be equal, they want freedom.

Tiny Citizen


How many of you that do subscribe to feminism, is it because you have a legitimate belief that the inequalities of women are so much worse than those of men that it's not worth trying to solve both problems at once by tackling the root? Are you recognition of them.
many feminists believe that the root of these problems is the patriarchy and since feminism is all about destroying our patriarchal system and getting rid of the gender roles and stereotypes that affect both men and women i guess it just kind of made sense to support feminism because ultimately it would also help men as well as women. not looking for a debate, just a possible reason as to why so many people back feminism. but you're right feminism is a movement for women and so obviously women are the priority and men's issues don't have much of a place in feminist discussion, that's why men's rights activism was started.

Bashful Bookworm

                Feminism is about equality of both male and females. Specifically for a lot of points where females fall short, such as sexism, paygrade, social rights, etc.
                Any feminist I know is all for mens equal rights as well and support the topic, but the scale tips more to men than it does women.

                There's a lot of people out there who claim to be feminist but they take the word as literal as most uneducated people and assume it means supporting females while degrading males, which is wrong.

                I don't know how the title came to be, but I highly suspect it's from women wanting and trying equal out that scale and the wrong people trying to belittle them for it. Then the ones who hate on men and proclaim to be feminists are the ones that gave it a bad name.

Professional Shapeshifter

Sighs. Brings out the quotes because I am hitting the end of my graveyard and I am not interested in typing out s**t myself right now.

You’ve all heard the rhetoric before: “Why be a feminist when you can be an egalitarian! You can’t have REAL equality unless you focus on everyone equally! Like, we’re all people!” Yeah. I’m here today to explain to you why I don’t buy into that.

My issues with Egalitarianism boil down into two delightfully alliterative issues: Effectiveness and Efficiency. The practical and the theoretical, if you will. Let me explain.

So, what IS Egalitarianism? One problem is that the word is VERY VERY broad, and there really isn’t a lot of actual activism happening under this label, so working definitions are hard to come by. The way MOST people seem to describe it through is this: it is a belief that ALL people, regardless of gender or race or anything else, are equal, and we should work on EVERYONES problems to make sure everyone gets to be equal.

So, why is this NOT effective?

Remember how I said that there isn’t a lot of activism happening under this label? Yeah, that’s our first problem. I’m not gunna sign up for an activism group that doesn’t really appear to be doing much, if any, activism. The tag here on Tumblr is nearly entirely “feminism sucks. Egalitarianism is better!” posts instead of, ya know, actual issues. And as an activist, I actually want to deal with issues.

But why is in not efficient?

This is the main issue at hand. Even if there WAS LOTS of activism working under this name, Egalitarianism is NOT informed and theoretically sound in the issues it claims to address, and thus is not equipped to actually deal with those issues.

When we, as intersectional feminists, look at a problem, we have to ask ourselves, what is the ROOT of these issues? We recognize that there are established social scaffoldings of oppression in place that favor male-ness, whiteness, straightness, cisness, thiness, and being able-bodied over everything else. These forces, such as Patriarchy and White Supremacy, influence people in a variety of ways based on their own identities.

Sometimes, even power groups take backlash from these systems of inequality. We know that the Patriarchy enforces increasingly strict and aggressive ideals of masculinity, which often works to silence male victims of abuse, for example.When we say that “Patriarchy hurts men too!” this is what we mean.

Because we understand these power relationships, we can work to dismantle the underlying power structures in our culture to help everyone.

Egalitarianism does not do this. The rhetoric at play here completely IGNORES these underlying causes and treats ALL gender equality problems as though they were unconnected and equally important. It buys into this strange notion that somehow MISANDRY is responsible for hyper-aggressive ideals of masculinity, or the silencing of male victims, or the draft. So they have to fight Misandry too! Or something?

And here’s the thing: If you don’t understand the ROOT of a problem, you’re never going to be able to fix it.

Egalitarianism sounds decent enough, and safe enough to not offend those in power. But revolutions need revolutionaries, yall. This weak-tea low-cal substitute doesn’t have the teeth to fight the battles it needs to fight. It is a neutered and de-clawed Feminism that can’t get things done, and doesn’t even try.

I understand the appeal. I do. But THIS is why I will never use that label, and roll my eyes in frustration when people try to paint it as the MORE EQUAL cousin of feminism. It isn’t. It’s Feminism’s daddy’s boy little brother who never gets his s**t taken care of while Big Sister starts the revolution.

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