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Magic Bunny

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                                    ➔➔➔ ᴇᶍᴛʀᴀ ᴄᴏᴆᴇ ⇉ ⇛ →
                                          One Hundred Pages

                    Acacia = #bd7ba8Trian = #464ba3
                    Looks like we've got some spare code flying about, and all sorts of strange things are happening!

                    In celebration of hitting 100 pages in the 'In Character' thread, there's going to be a little extra rule bending (within reason) kind of like a 'Wish' except that everyone only gets one and of course, no wishing for more wishes. ;D

                    You May Choose One of the Following:

                    Adding a Character from a Japanese Anime
                    Adding a Character that is a Game Personification (eg: Companion Cube)
                    Adding an Television Show Character (My Little Pony and Bobobobo, etc... withheld but Marvel/DC/etc... are clear.)
                    Adding a Practically Original Character (Dragon Age, Mass Effect, etc...)
                    Adding an Original Character (Either from an original world or native to Nugascen)
                    Adding a Character from a Game not Published in the United States
                    Adding a Character from a Game not yet Released (Basically an Original Character, Can Update or Not When Game Comes Out)

                    Add an Additional Skill to Character
                    Add an Additional Power to Character
                    Give Character the ability to Develop Skills/Powers (eg: Normally Powerless Characters)
                    Alter Profile (Changing Canon Point/Sexuality/Age/etc...)
                    Giving a Character an Item in Character (Weapon, Money, etc...)
                    Permanently Change Age of a Character

In a relationship with KingChiropteranHaji

Mythical Demigod

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                                                              Without granting innocenceSTRIFEL o c a t i o n AssyriaSTRIFE
                                                              ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
                                                              STRIFES t a t u s Injured: WorriedSTRIFELay down a list of what is wrong

                                                              Cecil knew once Rosa got that look on her face there was no stopping her. It was really his fault, he knew he took protecting her to a rather high level, in fact he'd been so worried about Rosa and Rydia both he'd forbidden them from going to the Moon to fight Zemus, but they hadn't listened then either... he'd been married to her for a bit now, and known her practically his entire life, so he shouldn't have been surprised when she put him first and was determined to ease his injuries.

                                                              It was true, it was easier to cure him of a smaller, half healed wound now then having to heal something worse in battle, and with his range of motion impaired, he had no doubt that he could get seriously hurt if he didn't get that returned. Besides, fighting with her about it would just cause her stress to go up, which was part of the reason he had told her in the first place. That night, went they went to bed, there would be no hiding it, and it would just make her angry, and she would make herself uneasy...

                                                              The silver haired king blew out a sigh and he didn't fight her, it was useless anyway, and a waste of magic. He also couldn't deny that he rather liked the fact she was touching him so forcefully in public... not that it was improper touching at all, but they had to be so precise when at court, everything was a rule, clear to how he had to escort her... this was closer to their time with their friends, when they were adventurers and fugitives... where she could do as she pleased, and she could frown and show her displeasure... it was cute actually...

                                                              Once she was done he smiled a little at her, reaching out to gently touch her cheek as a husband, not worrying about court rules or anything... he was simply a knight, and she was simply a healer. "Very well, I leave your health to you, but if you make yourself overtired, then I will say something... just as you are allowed to say something to me if I'm pushing myself injured. That fight was not an easy one... perhaps we should find a room here and rest awhile. You to regain your lost spells, and so I can regain my strength."

                                                              He remembered the girl, but if she was with her friends, the most likely she would remain there, and they could part ways. He was in no condition to try and fight so quickly, and he wasn't sure if those imposters were still around... he knew it was best to travel in a group, but if his plans for some rest did not coincide with what Miku's friends wanted, then they could say 'until we meet again' and they could rest. He knew it was growing into the later hours of the afternoon, it might not be a bad idea to have someplace safe as they got closer to dark.

                                                              L o v e Rosa HarveySTRIFEThe things you've told him all alongSTRIFE
                                                              ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
                                                                              And pray to God he hears youSTRIFEW e a p o n s Ragnarok
                                                                              And pray to God he hears youSTRIFEE q u i p m e n t Diamond Armor
                                                                              And pray to God he hears youSTRIFEI t e m s Several potions
                                                                              And pray to God he hears youSTRIFEP a r t y Rosa, Miku

                      User ImageAphroditeUser ImageAphroditeUser ImageAphroditeUser Image

                      ASK i n g STRIFE o f STRIFE B a r o n AS

In a relationship with KingChiropteranHaji

Mythical Demigod

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                                                              Why'd you have to wait?STRIFEL o c a t i o n NergalSTRIFE
                                                              ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
                                                              STRIFES t a t u s Normal: WorriedSTRIFEWhere were you? Where were you?

                                                              Squall relaxed a bit more, but not as much as Rinoa it seemed... but that was pretty normal really. He didn't normally relax completely, unless he was somewhere where he was pretty sure there wouldn't be an attack, and he was around people that accepted him and he felt comfortable with. It was a short list, with his girlfriend at the top, but being here with her just made him that much more protective. If he was alone, it wouldn't have been a big deal, since he knew he could handle whatever was thrown at him, but with Rinoa close, and knowing she was who she was... it made him worried that whomever kidnapped them did it to get to her, and had Squall had no intention of letting his love go. He didn't trust easily, and love came even harder for him, so once he had it, he was much like his namesake, and he couldn't help but keep his muscles tightly coiled for the strike.

                                                              At least he didn't have his gunblade out, so he didn't look as intimidating as he normally did. With his hand in the chipper girl next to him, some teenaged girls giggled a little, seemingly understanding why he'd been so quick to draw... other then that he didn't pay attention to anyone, nor did he feel bad about being worried that something could attack them. He'd rather look threatening then lose Rinoa... it seemed like a no-brainer to him.

                                                              She took the lead and he sighed a little, just letting her pull him along, away from the people he'd scared. Deep in his heart he actually did feel a little bad for that, but he'd never admit to it, at least not out loud, and certainly not to another person... He rolled his eyes at Rinoa's little jab at him, grimacing a little, but in a way that told her that he didn't actually mean anything bad by it. He just felt like, in this place, he had to go back to the cool, aloof guy or people might try and harm them, or take advantage... no one was touching his girl, not on his watch. She knew him well enough to not be bothered by his little shows of bravado to cover his rather introverted and quiet personality.

                                                              They went into a little store, and an old, matronly woman stood behind the counter. He looked at her long enough to size up if she was a thread, or if she had a readily accessible weapon, which neither seemed to be the case, then he looked for other people in the shop. They were the only ones there for the moment, and when the woman seemed to be jovial and helpful, he actually turned his head back to pay attention. From the short exchange he gathered they were not the only people to be kidnapped here, since they even had a pamphlet for it. This lead him to suspect that walking through the door when it looked strange, as well as the color fading from their world wasn't magic trying to kidnap them, but perhaps some sort of phenomenon the people here had no control over...

                                                              When Rinoa came back with her information, he looked down at the little booklet with the information, and he shared a very small smile with her, his gloved hand came out to take it and look at it for himself. "Yeah, great job Rinoa..." He knew they whole 'attracting more flies with honey' thing, but he just wasn't that kind of guy... well he could be for her, when they were alone... he could be anything for her... so well earned praise from him was rare, but whenever he gave it, it was always sincere. He looked over the information and found that his supposition had been a little off, but basically correct. If that was the case, then the people here were just innocents, and what they needed to do was not find a 'who' but a 'how.' How did they get home? At least they were together, thank whomever was listening for that small miracle.

                                                              L o v e Rinoa HeartillySTRIFEJust a little lateSTRIFE
                                                              ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
                                                                              You found meSTRIFEW e a p o n s Lionheart, Cerberus, Pandemona, Bahamut
                                                                              You found meSTRIFEE q u i p m e n t Ribbon
                                                                              You found meSTRIFEI t e m s Hi-potions, Firagax10, Curagax10
                                                                              You found meSTRIFEP a r t y Rinoa

                      User ImageAphroditeUser ImageAphroditeUser ImageAphroditeUser Image

                      AS S e e D STRIFE M e r c e n a r y AS

Magic Bunny

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                                          xxxxO P E N I N G xxx F I L ExxxxUser Image
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                                          ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                          detecting target ▸ ▸ ▸ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                          ▸▸▸ ZION // outside inn xxxxxxxxx
                                          xx SHADOW xxx HEARTS
                                          xxxxxxɅᴌᵻᴄᴇ Σᴌᴌᵻᴏᴛxxxxxxxxx
                                                I’ll never forget taking this ( j o u r n e y ) with you and meeting you. B.e.i.n.g with you.
                                                I’ll never forget taking this ( j o u r n e y ) with you and meeting you. B.e.i.n.g with you.
                                                I’ll never forget taking this ( j o u r n e y ) with you and meeting you. B.e.i.n.g with you.

                                          As the fight came to an end, the blond exorcist waited in the wings for a sign that things were clear. Travis was the first that spoke, looking over at her and gesturing towards her to come near now that it seemed like the fight had been concluded. She glanced around the outside streets once more just in case and see nothing too out of the ordinary. It seemed like everything was getting back to whatever was considered normal here. Everyone was cautiously coming out of their houses, and it seemed like everything would be all right. She nodded and went to join the three combatants.

                                          She could not help but notice that Travis was carrying Shinobu. Admittedly, she did not expect to see such a powerful fighter like she had noticed Shinobu to be to be carried in such a demure fashion. Therefore, she expected Shinobu to make remarks and acted forcefully like Margaret and escape the clutches of her holder. However, she remained as if comfortable and enjoying it. It was not her place to judge the actions of people, but it was quite clear even to Alice that Shinobu held a great affection for Travis that went beyond that of friendship. Whether Travis reciprocated was something she could not tell simply because he was one of those that erred on the side of cruder.

                                          Travis must have asked about X, but she didn’t hear the question. She heard a string of words about something that sounded mysteriously like a blueberry not that that made much sense to her. What she did make out was Yuri’s explanation about his disappearance being comparable to Vincent. The remark about him walking off like a pansy cause Alice to scrunch her face a bit with a scowl. Shinobu did not help much. She clarified a bit loftily, “If we’re referring to X, he didn’t walk or run off. He did disappear… like Vincent, but I’m not sure if it was the same or not.” The loftiness of her tone faded as she spoke, becoming curiouser.

                                          She sighed, feeling like she was trying to swim against the current that was a culmination of Travis, Shinobu, and Yuri. This was not a fight she was going to win, but she wasn’t going to let herself get carried along with them. She would just stand as a rock, firm and defiant but likely not making any headway towards trying make them at least a little more respectful. It was their choice to use the language they did, and she now knew better than to try and change someone if they did not want to. It was not her job to make someone change, but what she would do was simply like as an example. She found that action and proof worked better than trying to chastise or warn.

                                          However, when Shinobu approached her (now released from Travis’s grasp it seemed), she could not help but smile at the remark. A little chuckle escaped her lips at how fitting the question seemed. She nodded and offered Shinobu her hand back. “Should I… do you need to me try and…” She was not sure how to phrase the question of wondering whether or not she needed to heal Shinobu in order to reattach her arm. But her question seemed to be answered as Shinobu began to reattach her arm by some other means… little strings or something that seemed to allow Shinobu to use her hand again. It was very interesting. And just like a real hand, the digits began to move smoothly as if it were her real hand. Amazing really.

                                          Just as Shinobu completed this act, the girl looked alarm. Alice followed suit, looking around and seeing that Travis was already walking away back towards the inn and leaving the rest of them there. Shinobu ran after him, leaving Alice and Yuri briefly. She sighed, slightly smiling at the changes Shinobu elicited between ferocity and such sweetness when it came to Travis. It was endearing really.

                                          Her eyes drew to Yuri once more when he asked if she was all right. She gave him a strange look and replied with a reassuring smile, “Aside from a bit of dust, I’m perfectly fine. Thank you for asking. What about you? You were in the middle of the fray.” She brushed off her petticoats a bit, not thinking that she had been in any danger at all compared to him. She always felt very safe with Yuri, and especially in this case because there were so many other combatants, none of the enemies thought twice about her so she was able to escape practically all injury. But Yuri would have known that. He was always far more perceptive in battle ironically than out of battle.

                                          Alice found herself laughing at Yuri’s question about Shinobu’s hand. What exactly did he think the hand would do? Harm her? She shook her head, trying to calmly speak with him, “Her hand was perfectly docile.” Her laugh faded into a bit of a scowl when he suggested that they should act like parental chaperones. “You are quite the expert on things we shouldn’t do.” She said, words laced with a bit humor and a bit of guilt because there were things she herself did that Yuri in his right mind likely would not have approved of like her deal with the four masks. Alice was human and had impulsive moments of passion, too, although she did not allow them to control her life.

                                          She raised an eyebrow at Yuri’s suggestive words. Alice did not think anything strange of Shinobu calling Travis ‘master’ aside from thinking that Travis might have been a bit young to be master of anything. After all, she referred to Zhushen as Master Zhushen since he was her senior as an exorcist and a good teacher. However, she did not doubt that Yuri meant something else once again. Still scowling and shaking her head, she walked back towards the inn to follow the others while casually changing subject, “Travis left in quite a rush. Perhaps something is wrong.

                                                xxcurrent status ▸▸▸
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ HEALTH // healthy
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ MENTAL // exasperated && concerned

                                                xxfound objects ▸▸▸
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ EQUIPMENT // Holy-Flesh Book
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ USABLE ITEM // 1 x mana extract, 2 x faerie sigh
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ KEY ITEM // none?
                                          locating vulnerability ▸▸▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                          ▸▸▸ ERROR DISCOVEREDxxxxxxxxx

                                          ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

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                                          xxxxL O A D I N G xxx C O M P L E T E !

Magic Bunny

User Image
                                          xxxxO P E N I N G xxx F I L ExxxxUser Image
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                                          ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                          detecting target ▸ ▸ ▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                          ▸▸▸ QUESTING // junglexxxxxxxxx
                                          xx FINAL xxx FANTASY xxx IV
                                          xxKᴀᵻᴎ Ħᵻɢʜᴡᵻᴎᴅxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                                I DON'T expect you to f o r g i v e me, ( after ) all I've done.
                                                I DON'T expect you to f o r g i v e me, ( after ) all I've done.
                                                I DON'T expect you to f o r g i v e me, ( after ) all I've done.

                                          The bandits were not a big deal. They were humans weak in both mind and body because they thought to prey upon those that came by, thinking they might be easy. This was a moment of karmic retribution for these folks, and he believed that it was about time for them to learn their lesson about thinking they were big and bad. They had no purpose behind them other than to take from those that had worked hard and earned their place in society. It was unfortunate for them, and they were going to have to learn this lesson the hard way.

                                          Other than not killing them, he was not going to show them any mercy. He would be quick and efficient. This was not a time to toy with them as if they had a fighting chance. No, the fight would be quick, and they would be overpowered so that they knew that they had no chance and that their choice in life was what earned them this sort of defeat. They were lucky that he was showing them some kindness in this way because their end would be practically painless after he knocked them out, and they were also lucky in the way that he was not the sort to kill someone unless there was need.

                                          He brought his spear around to knock them out. They hardly saw him coming beyond their first moments of catching sight of the trio. That would be their last vision. When finished swiftly, he looked up at Lightning and Hope. He was not worried about Lightning. She was powerful, and their views on life seemed similar enough. However, for some reason she was using her fist. Perhaps she was being far more generous to these people because her bladed weapon was likely to kill them or harm them beyond what was necessary. Still after the few punches that Kain had taken from Lightning, he knew that they would more than suffice.

                                          His lips curved lightly upwards at her acts to knock out the men with her bear strength. He had never been so amused to see bandits that had absolutely no chance of survival or even a fighting chance against a woman of Lightning’s stature. He thought he should feel embarrassed for them, but at the same time, having practically lost to Lightning in hand-to-hand combat, he felt a bit better that these men could little hold a candle. He waited in silence, trying not remember both his loss and the way she pinned at the end like he himself had absolutely no chance for victory against Lightning herself.

                                          Kain watched her with great interest, cocking his eyebrow a bit when she began to chastise the bandits. That was not something he would have done himself. He glanced at Hope and found that his surprise was not the only one. This was not necessarily something Lightning would have done but perhaps Hope was as mesmerized as Kain was in Lightning’s fighting technique. He remained quiet as Lightning seemed to defend herself a bit. He wasn’t sure if it was for him to hear or for Hope to hear before she turned and walked on.

                                          The dragoon waited for Hope to go next since Kain was taking up the back. However, Hope didn’t immediately catch up. Instead, Hope began to speak softly to Kain aside… words that were clearly not for Lightning’s ears. The boy was worried about his mentor with regards to some sort of news. Kain wasn’t clear on it, but Hope seemed to think that Kain would have a better chance speaking with her as a neutral party despite the fact that Hope was closer to the situation. He could understand that… It was easier for Kain to speak of Rosa and Cecil to Lightning than to his best friends-Rosa and Cecil themselves… It simply was not comfortable.

                                          Kain took Hope’s words to heart, nodding and curtly saying, “If you are so concerned, I will try. Perhaps you should take point for now. You seem very capable, and with what magic I saw you wield… if all ahead are like these bandits, they should not be able to match you.” He clapped the silver-haired male lightly on his shoulders even if Hope was practically as tall as he was.

                                          Uncertain of how to strike up a conversation with Lightning, he decided to stumble upon something neutral before cutting to the point of things. He waited until Hope had begun walking along side-the three breaking up their original party formation. He offhandedly said, “Lightning, I believe Hope wishes to take point. After all, it seemed like you did not want him to partake against those bandits.” He lowered his voice in jest, “Perhaps he has something to prove.” It was a bit of a lie and a bit of truth. He couldn’t say for sure what Hope wanted to do truly, but such a story might be legitimate because a man’s pride was oft very sensitive.

                                          Very casually, he commented, “You are quite a caretaker aren’t you? A mentor to Hope and also to your sister and even a teacher to these bandits not that they deserved such words.” For better or worse, it was the best he could come up with easing into this sort of conversation.

                                                xxcurrent status ▸▸▸
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ HEALTH // wary (4/5s-ish)
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ MENTAL // thoughtful && calm

                                                xxfound objects ▸▸▸
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ EQUIPMENT // Abel's Lance
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ USABLE ITEM // 6 x hi-potion, 3 x remedy, 2 x star veil, pack
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ KEY ITEM // none
                                          locating vulnerability ▸▸▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                          ▸▸▸ ERROR DISCOVEREDxxxxxxxxx

                                          ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                          User ImagexxUser ImagexxUser ImagexxUser Imagexxx
                                          xxxxL O A D I N G xxx C O M P L E T E !

Magic Bunny

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                                          xxxxO P E N I N G xxx F I L ExxxxUser Image
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                                          ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                          detecting target ▸ ▸ ▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                          ▸▸▸ ASSYRIA // innxxxxxxxxx
                                          xx FINAL xxx FANTASY xxx III
                                                TOADS! I hate toads! You're not turning m e into [ one ]!
                                                TOADS! I hate toads! You're not turning m e into [ one ]!
                                                TOADS! I hate toads! You're not turning m e into [ one ]!

                                          Refia could feel her hair being moved around. Then she felt the bunch slide against her cheek, and she smiled. “Thank you.” Larsa might never know how infinitely grateful she was for that single act. The strands of hair were messing with the sensitive skin there and causing it to tingle and itch when she knew better than to move because it hurt and to itch it would be to rip open the skin there or weaken it as it healed. She shifted her head a bit, tilting it so she could look up at Larsa’s face. She could see the concern and worry etched in his features. She joked lightly, “That terrible, hm?” She couldn’t see it, but she imagined to his eyes, it was horrifying.

                                          She shook her head the best she could manage even if it was just a bit of pushing into the bed and relaxing out when he suggested that he was a fright. She was trying to maintain her sense of humor so he didn’t worry more than the wrinkles between his brow could take, “No, you are not. Compared to what is written across your face, I doubt that you look worse than I do.” She dared not add that she must have looked so bad that he feared to leave her, which was a great indication that her condition was less than ideal.

                                          She wished there were some way to reassure him that everything would be all right. However, there was nothing she could do because the only way to solve her problem was to simply rest and let time do its own healing. She could cast healing spells, and she probably would before she slept tonight. However, healing was not something that would restore a loss of energy and the body’s natural ability to restore itself.

                                          A warm smile lifted her features when their hands were joined together. She vaguely glanced at it, unable to stop herself from staring at their entwined fingers. It was nice, and she really enjoyed both looking at their hands as well as the feeling of his smooth hand in her own. She felt herself relax with his actions alone. Eventually he seemed to give in to the fact that they both needed to become clean. He would take the first shower time. She nodded and encouraged him to go, “Okay. Don’t worry. If I need anything, you’ll be the first to know.” She did not necessarily wish him to go but worrying about wasn’t going to make her feel better any faster.

                                          With a dull look, she watched him as far as she could before he was beyond her range of moving her head and her gaze. She sighed, closing her eyes and allowing herself into the warm tendrils of rest. She could not be sure if she fell asleep or not. However, she knew that it was easy to close her eyes and allow her body to rest completely. She did hear the shower turn on in the distance, knowing that Larsa was showering. He probably wouldn’t mind if she napped while he was away.

                                          She remained quietly snoozing until he returned and spoke. Her gaze fluttered open a bit to see him as he spoke. She couldn’t see him at first, but then her vision focused. She would have blushed had she felt up to it. Instead, she was very languid about the fact that wore only his undershirt. She didn’t see anything she was uncomfortable with per se. After all, Luneth had convinced Arc and Ingus on more than one occasion to go jump into the nearest river for a bit of a swim. They undressed to their knickers and swam about for hours. She didn’t follow suit usually, but if she did, she wore all of her clothing or used thieves attire.

                                          Refia just smiled at him reassuringly. He was about as pale as Arc might have been, and his skin looked impeccable, clear, smooth, and even. She shook her head and said, “Don’t worry. It is fine. You are still mostly clothed. I should probably get cleaned up.” Her words were slow, and it was clear that she had fallen asleep while he was gone. Just as the words left her mouth, she began to push down on the bed so that she could rise. Her muscles felt a bit sore, but she knew it was better to be clean and the injuries clean overall. After this, she could lay back down again and rest.

                                          However, after a short time, her arms gave out a bit. She fell forward a bit. She requested softly and rather embarrassedly, “Larsa… Could you help me get to the bathroom? I think that once I’m there and on my feet, I should be all right.” It seemed rather stupid and silly of her to be such an invalid. However, her body was ragged with her own attacks because she’d practically fought herself. Still, she would have rather been able to get up and walk to the bathroom herself simply so that Larsa would not worry so much.

                                          However, she also knew that if she pushed herself and fell because she was being stubborn, she might never hear the end of it. Just the thought of having him worry all the more and potentially cause herself more harm, she thought it was better to just suck it up and ask for help just in case things ended up being for the worst. She was going to err on the side of caution even if she was pretty sure if she pushed herself, she might end up being all right.

                                                xxcurrent status ▸▸▸
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ JOB CLASS // devout
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ HEALTH // burned, 1/2s-ish
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ MENTAL // tired

                                                xxfound objects ▸▸▸
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ EQUIPMENT // holy wand & elder staff
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ USABLE ITEM // 2 x elixir, 3 x angel's sigh
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ KEY ITEM // barrette
                                          locating vulnerability ▸▸▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                          ▸▸▸ ERROR DISCOVEREDxxxxxxxxx

                                          ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                          User ImagexxUser ImagexxUser ImagexxUser Imagexxx
                                          xxxxL O A D I N G xxx C O M P L E T E !

Magic Bunny

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                                              xxxxO P E N I N G xxx F I L ExxxxUser Image
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                                              ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                              detecting target ▸ ▸ ▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                              ▸▸▸ QUESTING // outside arcadiaxxxxxxxxx
                                              xxxx STAR x OCEAN x TILL x THE x END x OF x TIME
                                              xxxxxxSᴏᴘʜᵻᴧ Ɇᵴᴛᴇᴇᴆxxxxxxxxxx
                                                    You just have to believe what you ( f e e l ) in your heart.
                                                    You just have to believe what you ( f e e l ) in your heart.
                                                    You just have to believe what you ( f e e l ) in your heart.

                                              In her mind, Faize was the expert on symbology even though she was quite skilled in symbology herself. She was confident enough in herself to believe that if she tried hard enough to cast a symbol, she could do it. However, that did not make her the best caster. She was just determined to learn and accomplish in order to help her friends. She also was well aware that her genetic modification form birth was also something that gave her a leg up on being able to use and manipulate symbology. She was also fairly sure that any 4-D being was more apt than her. A lot of her symbological learning was instinctive… almost automatic.

                                              Because he was a symbologist and someone far in the past, she was sure that he knew more about the history and its basics than she did. He could probably tell a number of stories about what symbology’s origins at least from the perspective of the Eldarian. She knew the true origins of symbology, but she refused to believed that the 4-D beings had basically controlled their entire life… and symbology was the code that made up their universe according to them… It was all very crazy and made her head hurt when she tried to think about code inside code inside code. Fayt and Maria and the others were better off considering its philosophies.

                                              And really, it wasn’t her idea to be able to use symbols like this. She was borrowing the skeleton of the ideas that the Aquarians had, and they were medieval Earth-level in terms of technology. They had managed all sorts of things because they had symbology where Earth did not actually have contact with it until their first meeting with the Eldarians because they had it. Even though some humans could use it, no one really did because there was no real way to harness it practically speaking.

                                              Obviously in quite a few years, that had changed. She was an apt user, and many knew how to wield it if they had talent for it. It was like growing up to be six feet tall, you either did or you didn’t. Having genetic modifications from birth helped her so whether or not she was naturally good at it or if it was because her parents basically cheated to give her the skill, no one would ever know. Who knows what Earth would have done or had if they had been able to harness symbology practically from the medieval ages.

                                              Sophia took the tri-emblem out of his hands that he offered. It was an accessory that conferred certain bonuses she noticed upon holding and studying the item. Her cheeks turned a bit pink from embarrassment when he complimented her without holding back. Her sage green eyes flashed a bit as she looked down at her feet, only glancing up when he called her Miss Sophia. She shook her head and corrected immediately, “No-no. Just Sophia is fine, really. Please call me Sophia.

                                              She added quickly, “And it’s not really all that great, really… It wasn’t really my idea. I just saw someone do something similar. I’m not inventing the symbol, but I’m just taking and manipulating a few of the symbols to create a new effect.” It was basically coding. In the fourth dimension, she would probably be a skilled computer hacker, but that was something they would never really find out because she would never do that… That and she would rather be baking cookies to be honest.

                                              Quickly she began to etch some of the symbols around the emblem to give it the properties of bright light. She also thought to give it a proper activation word so that it wouldn’t always glow because that would be bad if they were trying to hide or to sleep. She spoke softly while she did this, “If you want to learn how to do this, it isn’t hard. I’ll be happy to try and teach you sometimes. I’m not sure how good I am at teaching, but I’ll definitely try.

                                              After a few seconds, she declared, “Tada! I’m done… I think… Shine.” With the words spoke, the emblem began to glow, although it was difficult to see in the light. After a few more moments, she said, “Dim.” The light faded and turned off. She presented the Tri-Emblem back to Faize. “Here you are. That’s all it takes.

                                              Her gaze lifted up to Faize’s face to try and gauge to see if he approved or not. His face seemed a bit red. Perhaps he was feverish. She tilted her head to the side with concern, “Faize? Are you feeling all right? You’re not coming down with a cold are you? Perhaps we should stop and rest?” She reached up to touch his cheeks and forehead, feeling that he was sufficiently warm and a bit moist like a fever or flu.

                                                    xxcurrent status ▸▸▸
                                                    xxxxx▸▸▸ HEALTH // full
                                                    xxxxx▸▸▸ MENTAL // sincere

                                                    xxfound objects ▸▸▸
                                                    xxxxx▸▸▸ EQUIPMENT // sacred ether
                                                    xxxxx▸▸▸ ACCESSORY // anti-silence amulet
                                                    xxxxx▸▸▸ USABLE ITEMS // mental enhancer (3x)
                                                    xxxxx▸▸▸ KEY ITEMS // backpack
                                              locating vulnerability ▸▸▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                              ▸▸▸ ERROR DISCOVEREDxxxxxxxxx

                                              ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

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                                              xxxxL O A D I N G xxx C O M P L E T E !

Magic Bunny

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                                        xxxxO P E N I N G xxx F I L ExxxxUser Image
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                                        ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                        detecting target ▸ ▸ ▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                        ▸▸▸ QUESTING // outside arcadiaxxxxxxxxx
                                        xx FINAL xxx FANTASY xxx IV
                                              You're not the ONLY one who's lost l o v e d ones!
                                              You're not the ONLY one who's lost l o v e d ones!
                                              You're not the ONLY one who's lost l o v e d ones!

                                        At first Rydia was a bit concerned that they might be out of luck. After all, a healer-white mage might not have the ability to cast some sort of fire spell since that was a black magic domain. Only those that were black mages or dabbled in both like sages could do so. Or if one was very young with a talent for magic could they do both. That was her when she was a child, before she had chosen either black magic or white magic. She was still able to cast both. But in the end, she found black magic more useful especially because it gave her a stronger link with her summons that had elemental basis.

                                        However, Sophia seemed to be very innovative. She was coming up with something, and she seemed to be able to help Faize with his inability to cast light based spells. They did seem to get along quite well. She could not deny that she could see an instant friendship bloom between them. Between Faize feeling a bit out of place last night and this morning as well as Sophia a newcomer with nothing and no one familiar, it seemed natural that they latched together as the things closest to what they both knew.

                                        She sighed and decided that she really shouldn’t worry so much. She was going to turn herself into Rosa and Cecil at this rate. That was not a job that she was ready for at all. How did the blonds put up with fussing over and leading everything? It was beginning to stress herself out considerably when really everything was fine. Sophia was fitting in well at least with Faize. Edge was being ever the gentleman and not giving him the time of day. She was just making assumptions about how she often knew him to be.

                                        Her eyes closed momentarily as she bit back her pride and spoke softly, “I’m sorry. I’m just a little on edge, I guess.” The light slip amongst her words went amiss as she apologized to the ninja. He was just trying to be kind to her, and she really did not have to push herself on Sophia or try and become a good leader for everyone or something. She wasn’t a leader. She was really best at tagging at the heels of others, being there when someone needed her rather than trying to keep people together.

                                        She shook her head, imagining that Edge would cause Bahamut quite a stomachache should he be consumed. She flashed her gaze at Sophia and Faize, who were really hitting it off. Edge had suggested earlier that all Faize needed was a girl. Rydia didn’t believe it at first simply because Edge had a habit of thinking that girls were the solutions to most problems. However, she could see that Edge was right. There was something there, whether or not it was seeds of love, she couldn’t tell. However, she could agree that there were seeds of something blossoming, friendship, companionship, or otherwise.

                                        However, judging from the way Sophia fussed… It nearly reminded her of Rosa for a moment. She could see it in that way that Sophia acted that it was not unlike the white mage that she was with frequently. There was care and gentleness in the way she acted. When she touched Faize’s cheek, it was like when Rosa did so with Cecil sometimes. She sighed and thought that it was really romantic actually… They were so natural somehow. Yet, she could not figure out for the life of her how they managed it even though the two had only briefly met while she and Edge had been traveling for so long.

                                        Perhaps it was the fact that she had been living with eidolons this entire time. They had no concept of human romanticism, and therefore she really didn’t have any role models… Maybe it was simply too late for her to be as cute as Sophia and Faize looked somehow. It was really a shame. She conceded softly, “Maybe there’s something there.” She wouldn’t refuse him this time, but she couldn’t wholly agree despite how good the two did look from her perspective.

                                        Before she could think too much on it, they had arrived at the mouth of the cave. She hesitated, waiting for Faize and Sophia only to feel the earth move beneath her feet. She looked up towards the cave, and she saw that there must have been something big coming to cause the land to shake like it did. She moved her hand to take up arms, namely her whip. She unlatched and flicked it once to free it, waiting to see what was coming. Edge was already prepared, having quickly drawn his weapon.

                                        Then the cave worm appeared, sliding out and bearing its corrosive-acidic fangs that would like burn and melt through their skin. It spit at her. She prepared for the onslaught of the attack, but fortunately Edge was keeping an eye on her to which she should have been thankful of. They were pulled out of range of the beast. She glanced to the others. Sophia had pulled her staff off her back, readying herself and calling out, “Angel Feather!” She waved her staff a total of four times each in turn to cast it on each of them.

                                        For its duration, Rydia felt a great strength course through her like she was being empowered somehow. Sophia was a surprising one. She felt a bit more confident now, thinking that if she remembered correctly… there was a good reason Cave Worms lived in the ground and away from the light… They didn’t like fire. To test that three, she cast Fira on it, causing it to hiss and back away a bit.

                                              xxcurrent status ▸▸▸
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ HEALTH // angel feather much better
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ MENTAL // determined

                                              xxfound objects ▸▸▸
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ EQUIPMENT // Dragon's Whisker
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ USABLE ITEM // 2 x hi potion, 4 x ether
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ KEY ITEM // none?
                                        locating vulnerability ▸▸▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                        ▸▸▸ ERROR DISCOVEREDxxxxxxxxx

                                        ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

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                                        xxxxL O A D I N G xxx C O M P L E T E !
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Oerba Yun Fang

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"I'll tear down the sky if it'll save her."

"Now, don't you worry. I'll come and find you, no matter where you go."

"I've got a few screws loose, but I'm a l'Cie, same as you."

Location: Xion
Mood: Unease and happy
Game: Final Fantasy 13

                                                                          Fang was glad that Vanille took her jokes quite well, they were meant to laugh at after all. She then seemed to look up at where the bird was and then frown a bit. Not out of sadness but sorta out of frustration. Fang was no mother murderer , even if it was a animal because those little eggs needed her. Her green eyes trailed over to Vanille as she pointed it out only to see the expression on her fiancee's face. That also was another reason she couldn't harm the bird nor the eggs. This caused Fang to press her lips into a fine line as she started to think on how she was able to do this. After all there were only violent ways to get a bird from its nest. "Yeah, I see that...well no bird tonight. " That was Fang joking but yet being serious as she then seemed to get lost in deep thought. She needed a plan that was fool proof and not cause any sort of harm on anything.

                                                                          "Alright Vanille you--- huh? " Fang blinked a bit as it seemed her counterpart had come up with a fool proof plan. This caused Fang's stomach to turn as she didn't want to see Vanille risk her life in any fashion. After all the tanned Oerba felt as if she was the protector and not the protected like she is now. Fang was used to risking her life and health so this caused her to actually frown as she saw her lover already climbing. "Got it, be care Nil. " And if that bird caused harmed to Vanille there was no promise it would live, Fang would raise those damn eggs if need be. Considering how protective Fang was over Vanille that was a kinder route in the end. After all the sky wasn't even safe when it came to the other Oerba.

                                                                          As she saw Vanille climb up Fang started to wave her arms, whistling and calling out ,"Come 'ere ya stupid bird. Unless you are too chicken.~ Come on now! Look at me, fresh meat for yer lil' young to be! I promise I taste good! " She grinned a bit as she glanced over to Vanille, wondering what she thought of that last little bit. Though the bird didn't seem distracted which caused Fang to get a little pissed as if she didn't get its attention then Vanille would be in serious danger. It was then she reached down for a round-ish rock as well as a small pebble. She then tossed the pebble to hit it on the top of the head, to get its attention, and then craddled the roundish rock."Mmm, looks like Im'ma have scrambled bird eggs tonight.~ I better start cookin' this quick.~ " This seemed to get the birds attention, perhaps too well.

                                                                          Suddenly the bird flew down at Fang and screeched as Fang was now running around trying to dodge the berserked bird. She felt the talons scratch her skin, face, and arms but they were all rather superficial to be honest. "Awe, come on ! I will share with ya! " She joked with the bird but it didn't find it funny. Though Fang kept her eyes on Vanille the whole time to make sure that she got the plant so they could go cure the girl. After that then they could get their home maybe and meet up with ole Lightning and Kain. "Vanille! " She called out in hopes that the girl would notice that now would be the best time to strike, though the bird was also starting to notice that the rock was not one of her eggs, which could prove to be quite the issue. Though Fang was too caught up watching Vanille to notice the birds growing uninterested.

                                                                          "Get 'em! Shred 'em! Unleash Hell!"

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                                                                        Cordelia smirked a bit as she was handed the sword. Her eyes light up a bit as the weight of the blade was perfect, she even swung it around a bit and marveled at the sharpness and quality. Her lips tugged up into a smirk as she wondered how this man got such a prime example of perfect blacksmithry. After all if he got this he must be someone important and know how to use it. If he didn't that would be a damn shame. She then rested her hand on the blade, flat side of course considering she might be blond but she isn't a dumb b***h, and then looked at the polished steel. "Whoa...this s**t is for real... you got a damn good blade here Link, like Dad would s**t some bricks if he saw this. He taught us how to use ninja swords and s**t but nothin' like this....and----whoa! " She noticed Link was looking down the barrel as she reached over and clicked the safety on, something she rarely used considering she knew how to handle her baby. She sighed a bit as she saw the man turn it away from his face as he asked curiously on what it was, oh this boy was getting more and more interesting. Why couldn't Juliet date him, least he had legs after all. "Oh? Interested are ya? " She said as she seemed to rest his sword on her shoulder. "It's a L115A1 Long Range Rifle, basically a sniper rifle....or err s**t ya might not know what that is. Let me put it in more sword day terms. Think a bow and arrow that packs a kick of the biggest and strongest damn horse you will ever meet. " She then noticed that they were going to switch weapons back as she found it easier to show then tell. "Here, let me show ya somethin'. " She said as she got her rifle back and then grinned a bit, time to show her little baby off.

                                                                        Cordelia then unclipped the clip and then pushed a bullet out of it only to hold it up, "Think of this being my arrow, though this is a anti-material arrow that can make armor look like it was wet paper. Then what I do is... " She slipped the bullet back into the clip and attached the clip itself only to rest her gun as if she was going to fire. "Cover yer ears kiddos!!! " She said it loud enough for the elves around to get the hint and do the same. Though she waited to make sure Link did it before she fired. She looked down the scope and licked her lips a bit, oh how she missed this view. She then fired as a loud bang filled the area only for her to start to walk forward some with her hand out. "And that Link, is what this little puppy can do. Oh and... " She eventually caught a falling green apple only to turn around and offer it to her partner, "Here it matched your clothes and well, thought ya might like a bite to eat. " She tossed it at Link , this also showed how deadly accurate she was considering the apple had no harm done to it but the steam was clearly gone.

                                                                        The sniper seemed to arch her brow a bit as she noticed Link got confused over a lot of her saying well slang. This caused her to make a mental note and try her best to not use them as much as she knew language barriers when she saw them. Their perverted sensei was a Japanese man after all. Though Cordelia was never victim to his pantie fetish and skirt s**t. It was all leather pants and thong (if that) for her! Though her eyes settled on Link as the man seemed to frown a few times, when she mentioned his name and the next was when she also spoke of bad vibes in the area. Was this guy prone to frowning? Least he wasn't the next Swan and if Link started to paint his face like a emo clown then Cordelia would knock the stupid out of his a**. Though when he looked confused over her cell phone she seemed to make a mental note to s**t his little tail down and explain all her s**t to him so he wouldn't feel left out. For Cordelia to do such a thing would mean he had struck her interest which was kinda hard to do.

                                                                        Her eyes trailed to the map as Link tapped on it only to be tapping the arena which caused her eyebrows to raise and a wide smirk to appear on her face as she looked at Link with a 'really?' expression. "Oh? Someone wants to go have a little fun huh? Well you are a boy after my own heart. So one way ticket to arena? " She asked only to see him frown again, man he was a expressive sort wasn't he? Though his offer was sincere and honestly unexpected. "Huh? Ya will? Hey thanks man.... Juliet is a handful...and well wait no , thats Rosalind...she is just...well she is a special girl in my heart is all I gotta say about her. " Her lips smirked as she ran her hand through her hair and chuckled even, it was really nice to think of her little sisters, man how she missed them. "You are a good guy, ya know that? " She said as she seemed to offer something back, "Well the offer is reversed ya know that? If you got a hot babe we need to find or a little brother or sister. I will help ya. " She said with a wink, wanting him to know she really appreciated the offer.

                                                                        Though she chuckled a bit as the man seemed to trace his finger along the map, she then pulled her phone out and looked to the board as she leaned over his shoulder and took a picture only to show Link,"One map, over easy...oh s**t! " She then spun around and then wrapped one arm over Links shoulder and rested her head against his. This was where she held the phone up in front of them, only to wink at it and stick out her tongue,"Say ******** yeah!! " She had a feeling he wouldn't only for it to take the picture with a slight flash. She then turned it around for them to see as she couldn't help but laugh a bit, "Oh yeah, this s**t is going on Facebook. So on to the arena? Maybe that little job? " She slipped her phone back into her pocket and started to walk off only to take it out as a point of reference every now and then.

                                                                        When they got to the arena she seemed to cross her arms a bit and wonder on which to do, "Well there is one about divin' into the mainframe and the other is some sort of lookin' over your shoulder...which do ya think or do you just wanna go beat in some skulls for fun? " She asked as she looked over to Link, deciding it was best to let him decide as he was the strong and silent type and all.

                                                                        Location: Hades with Link

                                                                        User Image

Magic Bunny

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                                            xxxxO P E N I N G xxx F I L ExxxxUser Image
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                                            ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                            detecting target ▸ ▸ ▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                            ▸▸▸ OPETTER // streets xxxxxxxxx
                                            xxxxxxx FINAL xxx FANTASY xxx XIII-2
                                            xxxxxxSᴇᴙᴀʜ Fᴀᴙᴙᴏᴎxxxxxxxxxx
                                                  I have people I .c.a.n. count on. I'll make it ( t h r o u g h ).
                                                  I have people I .c.a.n. count on. I'll make it ( t h r o u g h ).
                                                  I have people I .c.a.n. count on. I'll make it ( t h r o u g h ).

                                            It was almost nostalgic how natural it was just to be there with Snow. It had been quite a long time since she had spent any time with him at all… just the two of them, although Mog was still here in this case. However, Mog seemed rather fascinated by the strange world than by her. Seeing by how Mog wasn’t reacting to anything there, there weren’t any thing that was misplaced in time. Everything was very uniform. Mog seemed totally at peace, not even saying more than a few words to her. What was this place? Opetter, she seemed to figure that out, but where was that amongst all the worlds and places in time she had visited?

                                            They swept by locations by locations, and that was how she had learned the name of the city. Several locations had Opetter in the title. There were a variety of stores, a regular town from what she gathered. A little bit of everything both normal and strange so she could make heads or tails about the specific of this place other than it was very square-oriented. It wasn’t until Snow pointed out a specific location that she paid any head towards it… It was a place selling apartments or at least for newcomers.

                                            That was out of place. She supposed it meant that newcomers came in often if they had signs for them especially specials. How did people recognize newcomers from non-newcomers? And did they really expect people to stay? She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to stay or go really. She needed to get back eventually to help Lightning and Noel fight against Caius. However, there were no signs of any odd displacements in time or any gates that would take her out of there. This could have been another dream… It wasn’t unlike the one she’d had before. However, they had tried harder to appeal to her, give her less to worry about and did not allow her to think about what she truly needed to go… gave her the ability to forget.

                                            She wasn’t entirely sure finding an apartment to stay in was the best, but they could look into long-term renting of somewhere because paying for hotels night by night was going to be expensive as he said. Snow was always watching out for that sort of thing, trying to keep money in line. She remembered being surprised at his frugality with money when she met him. She supposed it came with not having much of it so trying to keep and use all of it to the best of their ability. That was the same way at her house except Lightning kept tabs on all the money to make sure that they always had enough to pay the bills and eat well enough.

                                            There was no telling how long they were going to stay overall so if they needed to be there for awhile, they should try and thin their expenses for as much as possible. After all, it didn’t seem like Mog had any answers. And what was wrong with wanting to spend some time with Snow? She had missed him quite a bit, but still there was the looming fight… She decided to go with the diplomatic answer, “How about we go check it out after we go shopping a bit? I don’t think a hotel will have much of a kitchen anyways.” That was the real kicker. Hotels and inns didn’t have kitchens for her to give Snow a real home cooked meal.

                                            Eventually, they did find a market. The two beautiful female ice eidolons were dismissed. She waved at them in an act of farewell, not sure if she was supposed but not thinking there was any harm in doing so. She looked around when Snow asked about where they should start. She wasn’t sure how long they would be there but maybe something for a few meals so they wouldn’t have to come back for a bit. She pointed out the grocer’s first, “Why don’t we pick out some vegetables? Then we can look at some fruit… We also need to visit a butcher… And we might look into picking out some snacks… How does that sound?

                                            She was currently thinking about all the meals she remembered Snow liking, which was pretty much all of them. His taste was fairly broad. She thought about some meatloaf, pastas, casseroles, fish-based, things… And then she remembered that Snow was a fan of steak. It was expensive so it wasn’t something he had, but she knew it might be right up his alley. She brought him to the grocer’s picking out vegetables that she remembered that he didn’t mind. Then again, if she saute’d everything, it would be all right.

                                            If you have an inkling for anything, just tell so we remember to pick something up for it.” She said. Since she was the cook, she had no plans on making anything that she really hated. However, all the things she liked, he liked as well so it wasn’t ever really problematic. She placed the vegetables in the cart and proceeded to look at fruit followed by seasonings… And at that thought, breads and rices would also be good to go look at. Snow was a hearty eater so she made she to get reasonable portions for the two of them. She was also careful with price versus quality before paying for the items to ensure that the deal was good enough.

                                                  xxcurrent status ▸▸▸
                                                  xxxxx▸▸▸ ROLE // MEDic
                                                  xxxxx▸▸▸ HEALTH // mostly full, but a bit tired
                                                  xxxxx▸▸▸ MENTAL // sincere

                                                  xxfound objects ▸▸▸
                                                  xxxxx▸▸▸ EQUIPMENT // izanami bowsword
                                                  xxxxx▸▸▸ USABLE ITEMS // 2 x potion, 2 x phoenix blood
                                                  xxxxx▸▸▸ KEY ITEMS // engagement necklace x 2, mog
                                                  xxxxx▸▸▸ CRYSTAL // none
                                            locating vulnerability ▸▸▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                            ▸▸▸ ERROR DISCOVEREDxxxxxxxxx

                                            ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                            User ImagexxUser ImagexxUser ImagexxUser Imagexxx
                                            xxxxL O A D I N G xxx C O M P L E T E !

Magic Bunny

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                                        xxxxO P E N I N G xxx F I L ExxxxUser Image
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                                        ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                        detecting target ▸ ▸ ▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                        ▸▸▸ Crysis // innxxxxxxxxx
                                        xx FINAL xxx FANTASY xxx VII
                                        xxϒᴜϝϝᵻᴇ Кᵻᵴᴀᴙᴀԍᵻxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                              I know you're all ( d y i n g ' ) to TALK to a babe -l-i-k-e- me!
                                              I know you're all ( d y i n g ' ) to TALK to a babe -l-i-k-e- me!
                                              I know you're all ( d y i n g ' ) to TALK to a babe -l-i-k-e- me!

                                        It was a low blow to say the least. In her defense, Vincent started it. Okay-no, she started it. She tried to get him to get on the bed so she could knock him with one of the pillows. But she hadn’t touched him except to playfully fight with him. She thought it could be fun. She didn’t expect to win, but she was going to try. To say that she got a victory over Vincent Valentine even in a game of pillow fights regardless of the handicap he would give her was one of his goals in life. She was probably going to start as many fights with him as she could, although none of them would be serious. She might just turn everything into a competition. That seemed far more her style.

                                        However, things got hot and began to burn very quickly. What could she say? She was just hot-stuff. That and it was actually quite cold outside. That cold temperature was fighting to get inside so there was a benefit in keeping things hot and humid. She herself had forgotten there was a blizzard encroaching upon them and about to come down on the world because she herself was very… very warm. She had every intention on driving the temperature up between herself and Vincent just to push the limits of the two of them.

                                        And about that pillow fight they had started? That seemed long forgotten in lieu of higher and better stakes. She was by no means a master of seduction, but apparently she wasn’t half bad at it because Vincent seemed prone against her “attacks.” Despite the fact that she had a death grip on his body, legs wrapped around his hips and arms wrap around his shoulders, her kisses were light and feathery. They were gentle, wispy to the extent that she did her ninja heritage proud. However, her original intention was simply to tease Vincent, get him to relax his hold on her and “let down his guard”-so to speak.

                                        That original intention no longer seemed to matter. She seemed more intent upon making Vince gasp and writhe because of her. He had done the same to her a number of times. He could cause her to melt into a puddle, languid, thoughtless, and breathless. She thought it only fitting that she should try to commit him to the same end. She thought it would be an accomplishment to whittle away the discipline that Vincent Valentine was so known for and know that perhaps it would only be her that got to drive Vincent to such a state because he was a treasure that she coveted and loved. To be able to love him and bring him to a state of relaxation and disarray… it was something she was more than glad to do.

                                        Yuffie was forced to stop and look at him. She gazed into his serious eyes that seemed quite hooded if she was judging from the way his body currently responded to her… something that seemed to cause them both to swell with pride, one more figuratively and the other more literally. She smiled at him, cupping his face like he nearly did hers. Her legs held fast around his hips, holding herself up. It was made easier by the fact that she was so closed to the wall. She felt herself grinning at his words, “Done… but!” She had a condition. She couldn’t help but add one. She leaned forward and whispered, “How about pillows instead of snow?

                                        No, she was no talking about another pillow fight. Then again, she wasn’t thinking any more logically than Vincent at the moment. They were both presently governed by passion over anything sensible, although technically staying inside and away from the cold was actually quite sensible. Yuffie just thought that the more pillows that were involved, the closer to a bed they must have been and all the better the games that could be played. She was a sinful ninja, all the more sinful when she learned there such better sins than greed, although she was arguably still always very greedy.

                                        She leaned forward and said very directly, “Hm…The bed is all the way over there, Mr. Valentine.” She challenged with a wicked grin, “You think you can make it there?” With that, she leaned forward to crush her lips against his, mouth parted against his. Her delightfully terrible tongue slid out from between her lips to glide upon the bottom edge of his, tauntingly.

                                        Her legs loosened over time, threatening to cause her body to slide down and inching downwards very slowly and purposefully before she feigned that she had gone too far and tightened her grip and pulled herself back up. Now she was purposefully teasing him now, trying to make life was difficult for him as possible. That seemed to be her favorite game after all. Just because they were together didn’t mean she was going to make things easy for him. When was she ever?

                                              xxcurrent status ▸▸▸
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ HEALTH // full
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ MENTAL // sneaky

                                              xxfound objects ▸▸▸
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ EQUIPMENT // Conformer, Minerva Band
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ MATERIA // ( Contain :: Added Effect ) ( Fire :: MP Absorb ) ( Poison :: Comet ) ( Odin :: Seal )
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ MATERIA // ( Leviathan :: Steal ) ( Restore :: Time ) ( Heal :: All )
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ USABLE ITEM // 2 x hi-potion, 4 x ether, 3 x remedy
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ KEY ITEM // cerberus relief, vinny's mother's ring, extra clothing
                                        locating vulnerability ▸▸▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                        ▸▸▸ ERROR DISCOVEREDxxxxxxxxx

                                        ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

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                                        xxxxL O A D I N G xxx C O M P L E T E !

Magic Bunny

User Image
                                        xxxxO P E N I N G xxx F I L ExxxxUser Image
                                        User ImagexxUser ImagexxUser ImagexxUser Imagexxx

                                        ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                        detecting target ▸ ▸ ▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                        ▸▸▸ ARCADIA // hotelxxxxxxxxx
                                        xx KINGDOM xxx HEARTS
                                              It's my f r i e n d s. I promised I'd be { there } FOR them.
                                              It's my f r i e n d s. I promised I'd be { there } FOR them.
                                              It's my f r i e n d s. I promised I'd be { there } FOR them.

                                        Whether or not she was aware of it, she danced along a very thin line of emotion, balanced very carefully. A part of her felt like she was ready to burst from the chest with her feelings, a raw passion. Another part of her was nervous, shy but very curious of her present situation… What would happen? How would this develop? Both parts had very strong and consistent feelings of deep affection, love, and attachment for Terra so regardless, she was content to stay where she was. She unconsciously surged forward like a wave heading toward the beach… a tide pulling in. She was going to crash in on that beach, but she simply could not reach or was it that there wasn’t enough momentum?

                                        Terra felt like both the beach that she wished so desperate to crash in upon and also the moon that controlled the tide. It was by his gravity, the one that held her so close to him that she did not fly away and also by his acts that she was allowed to move and dance at what was practically his command. She felt contained and free at the same time… draw tightly between both sides right at this very moment as she kissed him… tasted him. She was so close to him, but there was still a desperate aching to draw closer if possible because she simply wasn’t close enough…

                                        Perhaps it was all the clothes that still remained between them. It was the cherished barrier that gave them time but also the dreadful and irritatingly present wall that separated them from each other. She was torn between wanting to take down that wall or slowly climb over to the other side. She knew that despite the fact that it was by his power that she moved… to follow him wherever he went… trying to chase him down, she held quite a bit of the power to take down the wall between them. All she had to do was breathe the word so long as they were both ready to ease the barriers away.

                                        Only when she could not take it anymore did she pull apart because she needed air in her lungs. She gasped, breathless and surprised at herself for having kissed him like she did. She was doing a lot of surprising herself. Who knew she had it in her? She opened her eyes and met his lidded gaze and features flushed with emotion. She smiled at his words, hand sliding to cup his moist and warm cheek, thumb brushing his cheek absentmindedly. She tilted her head forward, resting her forehead against his as they both drew in much needed breath that both lacked. She spoke with deliberation, slow but sure with every word that fell from her mouth… a strong meaning behind every single one so that he would know she meant every bit of it, “I love you, too.

                                        But his next words swept all assurance from her, leaving her with the choice that she had been pondering. It wasn’t a ponder of if she would do it but a question of when and how long it would take before her inner modest resolve crumbled against the thunder or perhaps melted against the warmth that he provided. She could see the resolve in his eyes. He was preparing himself for any answer… or rather preparing for refusal in the moment that he clearly stated his desire… He was always very straightforward. She couldn’t shame him for that but respected his bold and honest words. Her heartbeat quickened, and she could feel her body heat up considerably both from nervousness but also anticipation of the possibility.

                                        He was allowing her to make the decision. He didn’t want her to regret anything. He stopped her just to see if she were all right with this. She could feel how warm he was… His heart thundered beneath her fingertips, and she knew that he was just as nervous as she was at that very moment. He respected her enough to hold and be completely honest with her. His words of wanting to be a prince to her were sweet, but not quite right. She pressed her fingers to his lips so that she could speak as plain as he had done for her, “Terra, I love you, but I don’t want you to be my prince. I don’t want to you to be anything that you don’t want to be… I just want you to be honest with yourself… be yourself because that is who I want.

                                        She slid back a bit, making a bit of space between them and taking her fingers off his mouth, which were sufficiently warm. She squashed her strangely suddenly desire to lick her fingers. “We’ve always push each other to the best that we can be, and I don’t want that to ever change.” Her gaze bore into his as she stood to her feet before him, eyes never leaving his, “We’ve always been strong…better together rather than apart… so I don’t think that should change now…” She nervously laughed, smiling a bit as she offered her hand for him to stand with her.

                                        Her cheeks brightened, and her heart sped up because she knew what the smart, although embarrassing thing to say next was, “I also think this means we have to go find some p-protection.” They were both brand new to this… She could admit that she probably was not making this easy on him, but that was simply because wanted this just as much as he did or else she would not have pushed so hard.

                                              xxcurrent status ▸▸▸
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ HEALTH // mostly all right
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ MENTAL // anxious

                                              xxfound objects ▸▸▸
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ EQUIPMENT // brightcrest
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ USABLE ITEM // 3 x ether
                                              xxxxx▸▸▸ KEY ITEM // terra's wayfinder
                                        locating vulnerability ▸▸▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                        ▸▸▸ ERROR DISCOVEREDxxxxxxxxx

                                        ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                        User ImagexxUser ImagexxUser ImagexxUser Imagexxx
                                        xxxxL O A D I N G xxx C O M P L E T E !
                                                                          User Image
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                                                                          Jeanne glared at Bayonetta a bit as she heard the woman speak, calling her stuffy? Oh she was far from stuffy! How could Bayonetta consider class stuffy. "Well I care not to be part of any little circle but my own. So if someone cannot handle my purity then their loss. " She said only to look away and rolled her eyes. " I will get right on that Cereza..." She was trying to hide the fact of the matter that Bayonetta's harassment was getting to her because swear to the inner circle of Umbran witches it was!

                                                                          Though all her anger fizzled out suddenly as Bayonetta said something that held a lot of truth. It would seem that the pure witch's words had revealed a lot more then she ever wanted to be revealed. This caused her mouth to fall slightly agape as well as her eyes widened in a dazed sort...like she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She really couldn't think of a good way out of this one, perhaps she could just....no...this caused the woman to just cross her arms only to see where Bayonetta's were ...under her breast?! Really?! This caused a red tint to enter Jeanne's cheeks as she pressed her lips into a fine line. She just muttered," Fine....I trust you Cereza.... I... no never mind. " She said as she cleared her throat a bit, it was always on the ropes on how far Jeanne trusted the other woman and she would do her best to keep it secret....lets just say Jeanne trusted Bayonetta to see a side of her she never showed anyone else and even with her life...but that was just a detail she was never able to fully explore due to their constant battling with those bothersome angels.

                                                                          When it seemed their playful banter and discussion of manners and wine tasting , or so it was played off as, was continuing to be discussed it seemed that even Bayonetta was eluding to something more perverse. This conversation was getting quite good in all truth, after all if Bayonetta was getting the perverse side then that would mean that Jeanne's subtle goal would be achieved. She then tapped her cheek bone as she acted as if she was thinking over the matter. After all she wanted to do right now is recompose herself from the earlier conversation, considering she had to play all these cards just right. She then smirked a bit as she then decided it was best to keep it going. "Is that so Cereza, then what sort of fun things would you think I would want to do in private...or perhaps what would we do in private? After all if its simple wine manners then its only right we share a glass.... " She said as she seemed to have a coy look on her face, oh this was fun...now she could see why Bayonetta did all this. Though she was only getting joy from it due to it being Cereza.

                                                                          "Oh don't worry I shall. " She said to harden her own beliefs, resisting the urage of asking over who she might have shared a bed with so that Jeanne could make sure she could end them here and now. Just for the record Jeanne was not jealous or possessive of what she wanted or anything! She was just simply concerned for her fellow Umbran witch's safety...yes that seemed logical enough and easiest to pass off as the truth.

                                                                          Then it seemed that Bayonetta egged her on more and more claiming that swine could become Umbran Witches before she would wear anything skimpy. Oh this was the line for her. "Is that so Cereza? Well how about this! I will also wear something that shows off as much as you like if you win! I dare not let swine into the pure witch-hood... though if I wear such a thing, can it at least be behind closed doors? I will wear the dress in public though! " She said as she seemed to feel a burning in her stomach...did she just up the stakes there . Oh god, why did Bayonetta cause her competitive side to rise up so high? "Though! If you lose you must do the same! " Then Jeanne almost face palmed....there her boot now was in her mouth due to her just admitting somehow in someway of wanting to see Cereza in something skimpier and letting Bayonetta see herself in something not so pure.... She could feel herself getting sick or nervous, both felt the same. "Also I am not prude! It is class Cereza! " She had to reaffirm that just encase Bayonetta didn't get it.

                                                                          The whole lotion thing caused her body to feel as if it was on fire, that woman's hands...her skin...dear lord she had to fight back the urge to want to taste her skin. As she massaged the lotion into Bayonetta's skin her brow arched a bit over something...did Bayonetta just compliment her? This caused her heart to flutter only for the wings to fall off...a novice?! "Forgive me I have never touched a woman's body I----- " Then Cereza as she usually did added the sugar to the desert, claiming that someone could teach her to touch another's body. This caused Jeanne to look away from Bayonetta as she felt her heart beat faster. Was this....a ...offer? From Cereza...to teach her such things....her thoughts were very lewd to say the least. This caused her to lean forward and whisper in the other's ear. Her nervous tone hidden as best as she could ,"Well....if you find someone...willing to do so...then tel me, I am eager to learn Cereza... " Massaging right? Of course! Nothing lewd about that! Then Cereza had to say something about always being ready, dear lord she could feel her whole body heating up, thank god for the sun being a good excuse for the reaction.

                                                                          The race began as Jeanne got a late start due to her mind being elsewhere. She soon got into the race as she saw as fast as she could, her eyes looking to Bayonetta a few times only for it to finally happen. Bayonetta's wet body and the swimming motion , not to mention the swimsuit , caused the white haired Umbran witch to get a nosebleed. This caused her to fall back in the race a bit as she seemed to shake her head and tried to catch up to the other woman. Though as the shore came into view she realized she had lost only for the other woman to reach the shore before her. She then made her way to the shore and stood half way in, the water up to her knees as she sat there with her arms crossed, a very displeased look on her face. She lost the bet...upped the game...and even nose-bled over Bayonetta's body (something she hoped Cereza didn't see ) as she sat there waiting ."You got lucky... " Yep, that was her best comeback...because now she had to fill the bet to Cereza's desire, after all her pride wouldn't let her back down from a bet.

                                                                          Location: Arcadia with Bayonetta
                                                                          Mood: So flustered and frustrated its bothersome! Also due to her losing.

                                                                          User ImagexxUser ImagexxUser Image

Magic Bunny

User Image
                                          xxxxO P E N I N G xxx F I L ExxxxUser Image
                                          User ImagexxUser ImagexxUser ImagexxUser Imagexxx

                                          ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                          detecting target ▸ ▸ ▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                          ▸▸▸ ASSYRIA // tea shopxxxxxxxxx
                                          xx FINAL xxx FANTASY xxx IV
                                          xxRᴏᵴᴀ Jᴏᴀᴎᴎᴀ Ħᴀᴙᴠᴇʏxxxxxxxx
                                                Without me along, WHO will [ h e a l ] you when you're hurt?
                                                Without me along, WHO will [ h e a l ] you when you're hurt?
                                                Without me along, WHO will [ h e a l ] you when you're hurt?

                                          Rosa was relieved when he did not try to push her away or right her. She had a right to be worried about him. He was her husband, and he was going to try to protect her. She had every right to try and protect him the best she could. And she had already given her word to him that she would attempt to stay out of every fight for both her sake and the sake of the child of theirs that she was carrying. She understood the risks of fighting while carrying this child. She might lose the babe, and then where would they be?

                                          However, it was her opinion that she should not lose her husband if only that she might gain a child in his stead. She refused to think that she could only have one or the other. She was going to do her best to keep both. The babe needed a father, and she would have liked to keep her husband. Besides, what would Baron do without their King Cecil? She could attempt to lead, but it would not be the same. She would not allow the kingdom to fall into disarray under the rule of some foolish subject that wished for power and not the best for his people.

                                          Cecil seemed blind to how precious he was not only to her but to the child she carried and the people that he ruled. He was not just any knight, and even then when he was one of her more cherished friends, she would not let him fall. He had even more at stake and had become so much more than he was to the eyes of so many more. In her eyes, he had not changed. His value had not changed in the slightest. He was always the single most important love of her life, and he always would be. That was how she saw him now…

                                          Even if the people rioted against them… if she had a choice, she would side with him and support him in a heartbeat because she trusted him and his heart. He always made the right decisions in the end… they were whatever he believed was right. He knew what it was like to walk amongst the dark but also to change to see light. There were few that had walked both paths and understood their depths.

                                          Her blue eyes widened in surprise when he touched her cheek. She thought he might be a bit exasperated with her forcefulness that she had once against demonstrated… the same personality that did not always listen to him but followed his example nonetheless because he would have done the same if their situations were reversed. She leaned against his touch, hardly shying away although nodding and conceding. She playfully added as she bowed her head slightly, “Yes, your majesty.

                                          She looked up after a moment, cupping his hand in hers. He was right that the previous fight had been a difficult one. If they were to face that too oft, they might surely be in trouble. They could not fight themselves and their compatriots often. She breathed out and agreed especially if he was admitting his weakness, “Of course. We may rest here, although this seems to be just a tea shop. There might be another location in which we can find more comfortable arrangements.

                                          Her gaze strayed to Miku and the two others she went to visit with. Rosa did not want to leave without saying goodbye. She paused and suggested, “I am sure Miss Miku will return, and when she does, we can tell her of our plans. If she should wish to stay with her friends, we may part ways.” She found Miku to be quite an interesting girl, but sometimes their journeys took them on different paths. She was sure if Miku was with friends, and they did seem to be friends judging from how Miku seemed to be conversing with them.

                                          She concluded, “We can also ask one of the patrons here, that young woman behind the counter what locations are available where possible sleeping arrangements can be made. Perhaps there is something close to be found.” She did not wish to overtax herself or her husband at this point in time after all. Still, the city looked like a rather full one. There were likely several of different qualities.

                                                xxcurrent status ▸▸▸
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ HEALTH // a healthy pregnant
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ MENTAL // pleasant

                                                xxfound objects ▸▸▸
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ EQUIPMENT // Artemis Bow, Artemis's Arrows
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ USABLE ITEM // 3 x remedy, 2 x hi-ethers
                                                xxxxx▸▸▸ KEY ITEM // circlet
                                          locating vulnerability ▸▸▸ xxxxxxxxx
                                          ▸▸▸ ERROR DISCOVEREDxxxxxxxxx

                                          ║█ ║│█│║│███│║│██│║█│║█║│██║║││║│║█║║│ ║██││║█║│█│║││█

                                          User ImagexxUser ImagexxUser ImagexxUser Imagexxx
                                          xxxxL O A D I N G xxx C O M P L E T E !

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