Haunting Dreamer

Recently I finished some profile graphics, but coding it is pretty confusing. So I was wondering if someone could offer coding services, for a price of course. It should not be too complex, the idea is this:
[x] < background image that should fit any screen.
and a smaller profile background that should be layered on top of the one mentioned above [x]
this second image should be centered and is the layout of where to put what. Above is a contact bar, with 4 clickable buttons and when hovering shows images of these buttons:
[add] [message] [trade] [ignore]
Depending on the online status is the on/offline button centered in the same bar: [online] [offline]

The window on the left should contain the about me section. With vertical scroll-bar that fit the theme. The window in the middle is reserved for my avatar, the white oval is the platform the avi stands on. Underneath that, the 'comment' should be made clickable (no image). The window on the right should contain the comments, again vertical a vertical scroll-bar fitting the theme. The comments section should be without much decoration, just a horizontal 1px border separating the images is enough. What I want to see is the name of the person leaving a comment and the comment itself. That's it.
Is anyone up for this task? And how much do you ask for it?