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Omnipresent Raider

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xx l i b e l l e
Wondering if you could make me something?
                                        Hello! If you want to know I am The Murderous Melody.
                                        Here is some basic info:
                                        |✖|Name: Zachariah Jones
                                        |✖|Nicknames: Zach
                                        |✖|Personality: Friendly, independent, inquisitive, manipulative, surreptitious
                                        |✖|Looks: [x] [x] [x] [x] If you need more, the model is William Eustace.
                                        |✖|Extra: n/a
                                        |✖|Lyric/Quote: n/a
                                        |✖|Color: #AACCB1 #C3DBB4 #87BDB1
                                        Whenever convenient
                                        is when I need this done! Thank you.

Desirable Lover

                                x if i had your heart i`d just be the winner of life

                                User ImageUser Image
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                                User Image

                                  xxUser Image
                                  xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e -- cristaux de l`eau

                                  xx l i b e l l e xx ONLINE xx l i b e l l e xx thank`s for summoning me
                                  xx l i b e l l e xx c h l o e all i have to say is . . .

                                          ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ @ : x The Murderous Melody

                                                  i accept this order. gonna work on it soon. c :

4,950 Points
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Wondering if you could make me something?
                                        Hello! If you want to know I am [mentally challenged emu]
                                        Here is some basic info:
                                        |✖|Name: Avatar Korra
                                        |✖|Nicknames: Just Korra. for now, at least.
                                        |✖|Personality: headstrong, independent, pugnacious, proud
                                        |✖|Looks: (aka: what the character looks like) korra
                                        |✖|Extra: I`d really like a chatroom layout for her, if you`d be so kind. Or just a nice graphic and some coding and I can do the rest? Whatever you'd like.
                                        |✖|Lyric/Quote: anything you`d like from this.
                                        |✖|Color: any shades of dark blue.
                                        whenever you finish! No rush.

Desirable Lover

                                x if i had your heart i`d just be the winner of life

                                User ImageUser Image
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                                User Image

                                  xxUser Image
                                  xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e -- cristaux de l`eau

                                  xx l i b e l l e xx ONLINE xx l i b e l l e xx thank`s for summoning me
                                  xx l i b e l l e xx c h l o e all i have to say is . . .

                                          ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ @ : x The Murderous Melody

                                                  okay, done. hope you like it.
                                                  strong color
                                                  soft color
                                                  as always, ask me to edit.
                                                  sorry, i can`t use the 4th pic because when it sent me to a downpage
                                                  when i clicked the 4th link.
                                                  psh ~ i love greeeeen < 3

                                                  The Murderous Melody

Omnipresent Raider

17,850 Points
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xx l i b e l l e

They're perfect! How much would you like for them?

l3onerific's Wife

Shirtless Businesswoman

Wondering if you could make me something?
                                        Hello! If you want to know I am goldfish_lovin.
                                        Here is some basic info:
                                        |✖|Name: Leah Rose Winters
                                        |✖|Nicknames: Leah
                                        |✖|Personality: Leah is confident. She's energetic, loud, and down right outrageous. You think you can stop her from doing what she wants? You'd better be ready for an earful of threats and ramblings. Despite her hot temper and stubborn personality, Leah's quite skilled at making friends. She's quick to weasel her way onto people's good sides, and once she's there, she's there to stay. Although she constantly disregards personal boundaries, Leah is quite likable. She adds pizzaz to parties and excitement to just regular hang outs.
                                        |✖|Looks: x | x | x | x
                                        |✖|Extra: Nothing too flashy. I like classy and simple styles :3
                                        |✖|Lyric/Quote: Ummm, I'm not sure. If you can think of something that fits, I'll be perfectly happy with whatever.
                                        |✖|Color: whatever you think will work best with the pics, just nothing too girly
                                        As soon as you could would be nice. I'm not in a gigantic rush, but I'll tip for speediness. Hell, I'll tip anyway... but yeah. xD
                                        Thank you.

Conservative Conversationalist

5,600 Points
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Mentally Challenged Emu

i've never done a chatroom layout, so this will be a
first. i will have xx l i b e l l e helping me on it. but
accepted none the less.

alright. it should be done tomorrow. getting some
posts done.

l3onerific's Wife

Shirtless Businesswoman


thanks so much!

Desirable Lover

                                x if i had your heart i`d just be the winner of life

                                User ImageUser Image
                                User Image
                                User Image

                                  xxUser Image
                                  xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e -- cristaux de l`eau

                                  xx l i b e l l e xx ONLINE xx l i b e l l e xx thank`s for summoning me
                                  xx l i b e l l e xx c h l o e all i have to say is . . .

                                          ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ @ : x The Murderous Melody

                                                  i never set price. c :
                                                  you decide.

                                                  The Murderous Melody

Dapper Autobiographer

xx l i b e l l e
Wondering if you could make me something?
                                        Hello! If you want to know I am Jaist Morgan.
                                        Here is some basic info:
                                        |✖|Name: James Ryan Gillart
                                        |✖|Nicknames: James
                                        |✖|Personality: James is rather quiet and reserved. He doesn't speak unless spoken to most of the time. He's the sort of person who would rather listen to a conversation than join it. He gets rather nervous around people, especially pretty girls. He's a very nice boy, and a good friend if you can get him to talk, but getting him to open up is difficult and most people just don't bother trying, so he tends to stay in the background.
                                        |✖|Looks: [1] [2] [3] [4]
                                        |✖|Extra: Whatever is up to your discretion. I'm not picky, but I think simple works for me.
                                        |✖|Lyric/Quote: There ain't no love like the love, I could give you babe
                                        There ain't no song like the, song I will sing you babe
                                        There ain't no power like the, power I need now babe
                                        You got the power, got the po -, I need you babe
                                        [Lyrics by Foxy Shazam. "I Wanna Be Yours" I feel like I should plug them whenever I get the chance.]
                                        |✖|Color: None in particular, though I'm partial to greens, myself.
                                        At your earliest convenience, please! No rush. And thank you!

Desirable Lover

                                x if i had your heart i`d just be the winner of life

                                User ImageUser Image
                                User Image
                                User Image

                                  xxUser Image
                                  xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e xx l i b e l l e -- cristaux de l`eau

                                  xx l i b e l l e xx ONLINE xx l i b e l l e xx thank`s for summoning me
                                  xx l i b e l l e xx c h l o e all i have to say is . . .

                                          ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ @ : x Jaist Morgan

                                                  i accept your order.
                                                  you`ll get your layout done asap. c :

4,950 Points
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Oh, fantastic.
Sorry if I`m a bother or anything. If you need any pointers, I`m always here too.
Would you prefer me to name a price or you?

On an off topic subject... You have a Teen Titans rp, right? o 3o I sent you a reserve for Cyborg's son twice now but never received a reply? Is the pm system screwing me over again? Or have you seen them but not had the time to respond just yet? If so, sorry for being a bother.

Generous Poster

7,950 Points
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xx l i b e l l e
Wondering if you could make me something?
                                        Hello! If you want to know I am HunniDalton.
                                        Here is some basic info:
                                        |✖|Name: Seraphina Fae Roan
                                        |✖|Nicknames: N/A
                                        |✖|Personality: She is a very calm young woman, logical and kind.
                                        |✖|Looks: Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3 and Picture 4.
                                        |✖|Extra: She's an elf and so is connected to nature. So if you could make it look all natural that would be great! I really like the 'XXLIBELLE everlasting love' graphic that you made. Page two, post eight on your '↘ B E A U T I F U L . d i s a s t e r' thread. If it could be similar to that, I would love it ^.^
                                        |✖|Lyric/Quote: None, I'm just after a graphic ^.^
                                        |✖|Color: Whatever you think will go best with the pictures provided
                                        As soon as you can please c:

Conservative Conversationalist

5,600 Points
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here ya go hun~
User Image

пσ мσяε шσяɔƨ, ıп мч мσυтн, пσтнıпɢ ʟεғт тσ ғıɢυяε συт
вυт ı ɔσп'т тнıпκ ; ı'ʟʟ ενεя вяεακ тняσυɢн
вυт ı ɔσп'т тнıпκ ; ı'ʟʟ ενεя вяεακ тняσυɢнтнε ɢнσƨт σғ чσυ

                                                    chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo

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l3onerific's Wife

Shirtless Businesswoman

here ya go hun~
User Image

пσ мσяε шσяɔƨ, ıп мч мσυтн, пσтнıпɢ ʟεғт тσ ғıɢυяε συт
вυт ı ɔσп'т тнıпκ ; ı'ʟʟ ενεя вяεακ тняσυɢн
вυт ı ɔσп'т тнıпκ ; ı'ʟʟ ενεя вяεακ тняσυɢнтнε ɢнσƨт σғ чσυ

                                                    chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo chocobo

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So pretty!!! Thanks a ton! I'll send a trade now heart

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