Fallen Dagger is the name of the book I will most likely write sooner of later. This is somthing I wrote to remind me that I was going to write a book in case I never do, and I will write it then... I confused myself, whatever. I'll just post it here, keep in mind that I have a bad short term memory and those may not be all the races in the story and it's not all fineshed, you'll have to wait for Vampires, Slayers, and Demons. (Demons are unique...)

Fallen Dagger races overview:
Before I go into anything, there are these races: Human, Dragon, Fairly human (they have purple and blue hair, I'll call them muman), Vampires, Slayers, Genetic experiments, Demi-human (75/25), Demons. I think thats about it.
I'll start with humans, they evolved at pretty much the same rate as the ones on earth, however, their mental progression was stalled by the mumans. Being blessed with greater strength, mumans could overcome wildlife much more easily and therefore had time to develop curiosity for the things around them, their mental progression therefore went at a much higher rate than than the humans. soon, the Mumans were at a higher level than the humans, and wanted to stay the object of fear and respect. When the humans finaly started to develop communities, The mumans charged on harkback (harks are like horses, only canine) and with their sharpened blades, destroyed settlement after settlement, however adding none to the causualty list. The humans saw this as a challenge and reproduced at an extremely rapid rate until their numbers were massive, all hunted and all were fed, only those under the age of 10 were excluded from the hunt. Humans became very powerful in their numbers, and a small group of about 200 completely destroyed a Muman settlement, taking everything of value and kiling every living thing. Others were baffled by their treasures, and soon the humans were making swords, spears, and bows. The Mumans, seing the humans as a new growing threat prepared for battle, for they still had and advantage, they were the only ones who knew how to tame the vicious hark. The Mumans now decided to start destroying human settlements, this time, killing many, and also, being killed. soon, war begain, and after hundreds of years, the humans were victorious.
Thousands of years later, the humans' and mumans' recolection of the first war slipped away, and the two civilazations slowly merged. Still, there were those who remembered and completely hated the muman, the Gox (I suck with names, please.). Soon, the many continents slowly lost communication of each other and left each other to be forgotten. Only the Gox still knew of the other continents' existance. soon the gox begain to get irrational in their hate of the muman and started to build a massive army. Continents were attacked and taken, still though, none on the other islands remained in contact so no one but the Gox and their victems knew that they were being attacked. In desperation, three men, around age 20 each set off across the Leviathan river to find land that was free, they did find an island, one of the most advanced islands on the planet, the leader, Aka, agreed to help defeat the Gox and ordered boats to be sent across to other continents to see who was taken and who was free, and if the free islands would help destroy the Gox menace. Soon, Aka's country was under seige, and they were fighting a losing battle until reinforcements came from many different continents and completly destroyed the threat on the island. The reas war had begun. Many continents were taken and many were liberated, until they had finaly found the Gox's base of operation, the squadron was led by a female Muman to take it. Battle waged as the Attackers were slowly winning against the Gox, until Gox reinforcements came from the rear, The squadron was utterly crushed, however, The commander and several of her troops made it out. One of her troops, who had seemingly gone insane snatched a dead Gox body and lead it astray, the muman, knowing that bringing and insane would be dangerous to her troops, left him behind. The soldier, dressed in the Gox's uniform, had made it into the base, and not knowing the Gox's language merely grunted when he was spoken to and pointed to a gash he had given himself on the neck. The soldiers always directed him into the infirmiry but he always waved his hands around as if it was only a scratch and he could take it, a soldier in a higher position reccomended this brave troop for a higher position, and he was taken to the leader, He was awarded with the rank of sergent and worked his way up from there, and soon, by setting up many disturbances, destroyed the Gox empire from the inside, the Gox army was soon crushed and 10 years later is preset day.
Demi-humans are 75% human and 25% animal, they were thought to be cursed and were hated since before the first war and even today. Meeker people ones usualy edge away from them, more pompous ones and drunks ones brandish the popular insult "mum got a little lonely, eh?". They are only respected by Vampires and Dragons.
Dragons are extremely rare (verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry rare) but usualy famous, Aka was a Dragon. Dragons take mostly any form they please, but usualy stick to the forms they created for themselves and humans with crystals on their hands and back. The first Dragons formed the planet and mostly dont like each other. They eack have a residence in entirely unfindable favorable conditions. An extremely little known fact (known by three or four families on the planet) is that dragons only show themselves to those who are different in some way or another (Aka was geneticly created to be fit for being a dragon). Dragons have one person each to change into a dragon and there is not a dragon for every element. The elements of magic are earth, wind, fire, light, water, dark, lightning, cold, heat, and a few others (you can decide!). The known dragons are fire, water, and dark it is known that there is no light, heat, or cold dragon.
There are Very few genetic experiments, only four in fact are known. They are made different to fill a certain quality. The ones made include, one that can be a fire dragon, one that can utterly master light, one that is nigh undefeatable at far range fighting, and one that fixes many of the flaws of humans and also has an extremely high I.Q. (he developed his own sword fighting style in a month, and mastered it in two years) the fire dragon is dead, the light has been given his freedom, the long range combat one was seemingly killed and had taken his freedom under their noses, The high I.Q. one escaped and fights to keep it. Gato designed all except the high I.Q. one, of whom had been developed in his family for generations. It is rumored that Gato had poisoned himself to be able to design the genetic creations in his lifetime, but lives a shorter and more painful life.