I swear, no wretched here. Dedicated to and inspired by a friend of mine, who always says the best things when no one is expected to hear them.

Such noble thoughts within the soul do lie,
Yet smothered by fear, and crushed by anger die,
To seek sunlight alone in corner lost,
Hidden from those who for their blessings thirst.

Why in darkest rooms such beings store?
Why stifle heart behind this shuttered door
Of bound and tethered will, of haunted peace,
Of surety of ever-lost relief?

The calls of monsters draw the heart away,
Yet truth is found in words it dare not say.
In scratches left upon the bitter Earth,
Are treasures far beyond her treasures’ worth.

The act belies the often spoken thought,
Of worthless self and Carton soul of rot,
For with the peeling off of the uncouth,
‘Tis found: the deeper essence and the truth.