
Eyes glistening with the hope of tomorrow
Green and full of light and love
A hope for something more than what is seen
A hope that the life won't crumble away.

But as these eyes open wide
Green and full of wonder
The edges turn to gray
A love once found starts to tear away

Eyes slowly close as they gray spreads
Hope slowly dies away
The numbness of disappointment sets in
Gray turns to black as hope has finally passed

Green eyes that can only see the dark
Eyes closed to hide the tears attempting to fall
A promise to never open them once again
To never get hurt once again.

Eyes that got used to the darkness
Ones that stayed closed awhile
Soon a light appears
Shining, bright and tall.

Eyes that didn't open.
Eyes that liked the pain
Soon started to open
Wanting to see the light once again

Eyes that knew pain
Ones that knew numbness
Ones that lost hope
That wanted to stay closed.

Heat radiated off the light
Tempting the eyes to open
Just a peak would be enough
Then the eyes could close again

Slowly the eyes start to open.
The blackness fading to gray
Gray fading to light
Green eyes once again open

The light stands tall and full of love
Eyes that once closed
Green eyes that opened wide
Full of love and hope once again

((I'm not a poet, or a writer, I just felt the need to write this. Anyways, have a good day! smile smile ))