(Sometimes, forcing myself to write produces funny results.)


Great wings of midnight-hued leather
Stretched, pulled taut and bellowed in the wind.
Ruby eyes glittered in their ebon settings
And giant pearl teeth flashed as he grinned.
Muscles and sinews coiled as he sprang
From rocky ledge to the turbulent sea;
Soaring high above the waves,
He spotted a ship and laughed with glee.
A tremulous roar broke from the cave of his mouth,
And down from the azure skies he came -
Breathing fire into those massive sails
While frightened sailors cried out his name,
"Bahl'zaroth!" and the monster did smile,
Curling his razored talons in fists
To knock the giant mast from the boat,
And dodging a cannon ball, turned and hissed -
"You fools!" he cried, with bellows of flame,
While smoke escaped between his teeth,
"I warned you before - leave these shores alone!"
And he landed on board to sink the ship beneath
The rolling waves, which swallowed her whole
Whilst Bahl'zaroth pulled himself back to the sky.
He wasn't much of a monster, really...
He just couldn't stand to see mermaids cry.

Natalie Paquette
July 8th, 2004